1. Context: Social Science Library review of journal provision
On 20 February 2015 the SSL Library Committee (CLiPS) supported the recommendation that the SSL will review current print journal subscriptions when they come up for renewal, with a view to cancelling those that are available via existing electronic subscriptions or replacing with new electronic subscriptions. However, the SSL will first identify a ‘Core Collection’ of print titles for browsing in the library and print titles will only be cancelled where post-cancellation access to the electronic title is assured.
2. Identifying the Core Collection
An initial scoping exercise has revealed that 496 print journal titles have been used (i.e. reshelved) since May 2012. Only 38 titles have been used twenty times or more during the last three years. These titles are listed in the Journal High Use table (PDF, 85.9 KB), in descending order of usage. Current print subscriptions are indicated in bold font, and electronic access is indicated with a Y.
We propose that this list forms the basis for the Core Collection, and seek the views of library readers on which titles should be kept, added or removed. Please contact us with any feedback or suggestions you have.