The Bodleian KeepCup is a specially designed reusable cup for hot or cold beverages.
After a successful trial at the SSL and Education Library, we are pleased to announce that the Bodleian KeepCup can now be used in selected Bodleian libraries permanently, including:
- Anthropology Library
- Bodleian Law Library (except in the Official Papers section)
- Bodleian Social Science Library
- Continuing Education Library
- Education Library
- Latin America Centre Library
- Radcliffe Science Library
- Said Business School Library
You can find them for sale at the SSL issue desk at a cost of £5.50.
The Bodleian KeepCups ….
- are approved for use in selected Bodleian Libraries
- are reusable and support the University’s green initiatives
- meet reader requests
- support the Bodleian Libraries’ Food and Drink policy which states that no food and drink can be consumed around special collection material and that within the libraries, there will still be no food or drinks allowed in other containers, except for bottled water
Please note that the Bodleian KeepCups should be used responsibly to minimise spillages. The cup should remain closed in between sips. Any leftover drinks should be emptied in the nearest available sink, not a bin.
We welcome your feedback. Please share your thoughts in person with staff at our issue desk or email us your comments.