What is Research Data Management?
It is simply the phrase used to describe how researchers create and control information produced during the course of a project. It is particularly linked to the strengths and weaknesses of working with digital media, where data may be easily copied but also easily lost. Every research project involves some form of data management and most funding bodies expect this to be done in a methodical and planned way as part of good research practice. As a result ‘data management plans’ and ‘metadata’ (descriptions of data) are routinely discussed in funding applications.
What are the benefits of RDM?
The benefits of RDM to you as a researcher are real and effective. It can help improve collection and analysis of data throughout the various stages of a research project. It can also play a major role in preserving data for future use by the original data creators or for sharing in such a way that adds depth to publications, informs wider academic debates and builds your own standing and career profile.
Where can you go to find out further information?
Visit the University of Oxford’s dedicated website for Research Data Management. It aims to support researchers by offering guidance on working with data, lists FAQs, has links to useful tools, and contact information for further assistance.
Contact the RDM Enquiries Team who will be happy to help you.
Find out about upcoming training sessions.
You can also keep up to date on the subject by subscribing to the Oxford Research Data Blog.