Did you know that the SSL houses the largest collection in the world of unpublished and semi-published ‘grey literature’ on refugee studies and forced migration?
Most of the materials have a geographical orientation, dealing with policy or practice in a particular region or country. Strengths include southern and East Africa, western Europe, the Middle East, and South and South East Asia. Reflecting the multi-disciplinary nature of the study of forced migration, subjects covered include psycho-social issues, human rights, refugee law, relief administration, anthropology, sociology, international affairs, education, health and nutrition. Date coverage is mostly from the mid-1980s to the present day.
You can search for refugee studies grey literature via SOLO where you will also find online versions of 3,000 of the documents along with a further 2,700 reports, articles and working papers from other organisations. These items were all originally digitised for the Forced Migration Online Digital Library.
For more information see our Libguide on Refugee and Forced Migration Studies.