Climate Change Book Display
Be inspired and informed by our selection of books on climate change and the social sciences, chosen by our Subject Consultants. Click on the title to read the online version (you may need to sign in to SOLO with your Oxford Single Sign-On) or pop in to the Social Science Library (SSL) to see the books on display next to our New Books.
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Climate change : a very short introduction / Mark Maslin. 4th ed. 2021.
SSL shelfmark: QC981.8.G56.MAS 2021
Oxford handbook of climate change and society / edited by John S. Dryzek, Richard B. Norgaard and David Schlosberg. 2011.
SSL shelfmark:QC903.OXF 2011
Routledge handbook of climate change and society / C. Lever-Tracy. 2010.
SSL shelfmark: GE149 ROU 2010
The climate demon : past, present, and future of climate prediction / R. Saravanan. 2022.
SSL shelfmark: QC995.46.SAR 2022
Surviving climate chaos : by strengthening communities and ecosystems / Julian Caldecott. 2021.
SSL shelfmark: QC903.CAL 2021
The great melt: accounts from the frontline of climate change / Alister Doyle. 2021. (Print only – not available as an ebook)
SSL shelfmark: QC981.8.G56.DOY 2021
Global warming: understanding the forecast / David Archer. 2007.
SSL shelfmark: QC981.8.C5 ARC 2007
Climate change : what everyone needs to know / Joseph Romm. 2nd ed. 2018.
SSL shelfmark: GE149 ROM 2016 (1st ed.)
Forced Migration and International Development
Climate change, disasters, and the refugee convention / Matthew Scott. 2020. (Temporary ebook access until 30 May 2022)
Environmental conflicts, migration and governance / Tim Krieger, Diana Panke, and Michael Pregernig. 2020.
Handling climate displacement / Khalid Hassine. 2019. (Temporary ebook access until 30 May 2022)
SSL shelfmark: K3585.5.HAS 2019
Linking gender to climate change impacts in the Global South / Shouraseni Sen Roy. 2018.
SSL shelfmark: QC903.SEN 2018
Climate change, and displacement: multi-disciplinary perspectives / Jane McAdam. 2010.
SSL shelfmark: JV6346.CLI 2010
Climate change and energy insecurity: the challenge for peace, security and development / Felix Dodds. 2009.
SSL shelfmark: GE149 CLI 2009
Politics and International Relations
European foreign policy in a decarbonising world : challenges and opportunities / Sebastian Oberthür, Dennis Tänzler, Gauri Khandekar, Emily Wright. 2021.
Introduction to modern climate change / Andrew E. Dessler. 3rd ed. 2021.
SSL shelfmark: QC981.8.C5 DES 2021
Climate of the middle : understanding climate change as a common challenge / edited by Arjen Siegmann. 2022.
Taming the Big Green Elephant / Ariel Macaspac Hernández. 2021.
Climate change and the future of democracy / R. S. Deese. 2019.
Political theory and global climate action : recasting the public sphere / Idil Boran. 2019.
NATO, climate change, and international security / Tyller Lippert. 2019.
Climate crisis and the democratic prospect : participatory governance in sustainable communities / Frank Fischer. 2017.
SSL shelfmark: GE170.FIS 2017
Power in a warming world : the global politics of climate change and the remaking of environmental inequality / David Ciplet et al. 2015.
SSL shelfmark: GE170 CIP 2015
Why are we waiting? : the logic, urgency, and promise of tackling climate change / Nicholas Stern. 2015.
SSL shelfmark: QC903.STE 2015
The politics of climate change / Anthony Giddens. 2nd ed. 2011. (Print only – not available as an ebook)
SSL shelfmark: QC903.GID 2011
The social construction of climate change : power, knowledge, norms, discourses / edited by Mary E. Pettenger. 2007.
SSL shelfmark: GE 149 SOC
Debating climate change : pathways through argument to agreement / Elizabeth L. Malone. 2009.
SSL shelfmark: GE149 MAL 2009
The economics and politics of climate change / edited by Dieter Helm and Cameron Hepburn. 2009.
SSL shelfmark: QC903.ECO 2009
Computer Modelling
A new science for future : climate impact modeling and the quest for digital openness / Simon David Hirsbrunner. 2021.