Finishing your degree this Summer? Things to remember before you leave

Desk with a notebook on it with the words Library Checklist written on it. On the desk are the words Finishing your Degree this Summer.

Here are a number of library related things to keep in mind as you prepare to finish your degree and leave Oxford.

Return all your library books

Please, if possible, return your books to the library from which you originally borrowed them. Find out the SSL’s opening hours on our webpage.

Pay for any Lost Books

If you have lost an item borrowed from one of the Bodleian Libraries, contact the library from which the item was borrowed with the author’s name, the title of the book, the shelfmark (if possible) and your name and email address.

If the book is not found, you will usually be required to pay a lost book charge.

If you have already been invoiced for a book you have lost, please pay the amount before you leave.

Consider donating text books

We would be pleased to receive personal copies of social sciences text books that are in reasonable condition and cited on reading lists. We would add these to our lending stock so future students benefit from increased provision.

A collection box has been placed on our issue desk. If you would like us to add a book plate to your donation, please enclose a slip of paper in the book with your name.

In cases where we don’t have sufficient space to add donations to our collections, we send them on to Better World Books.

Use up your PCAS credit

PCAS logo. 3 rectangles, one yellow, one light blue and one dark blue with the word PCAS verticall next to them.

Any unused credit on your PCAS account cannot be refunded and so we urge you to use it before you leave Oxford. On request, credit can be transferred to another PCAS account. Please email PCAS Support for assistance.



Find out about Alumni Privileges

BODLEIAN Reader’s card

Person stood reading a book in the reading rooms of the Radcliffe Camera.

As a graduate of the University of Oxford you are entitled to apply for a Bodleian Reader’s Card (this is different to your ‘My Oxford’ Alumni card). This card will grant you reference access to the Bodleian Libraries. Details on how to apply are on the University of Oxford degree holders applying for a Bodleian Reader card webpage.

‘My Oxford’ Alumni Card

My Oxford Card. Blue background with an image of the Radcliffe Camera on it.







You can also register for ‘My Oxford’ Alumni card. This will provide you with a range of benefits and discounts.

Being an Oxford Alumni entitles you to remote access to selected electronic resources. More information can be found on the Bodleian Alumni Journals access webpage.

If you have a Bodleian readers card, you will also be able to access electronic resources in the Bodleian Libraries via reader PCs.

RefWorks Reference Manager

If you have a RefWorks account, you will be able to continue to use RefWorks once you have left the University. However, you need to ensure you sign in with a personal email address to continue using the service as alumni. If you currently use your single sign (SSO) to log in to RefWorks, please read this: converting your login credentials from your SSO account to email address.

Two photos on a desk with Graduates throwing their hats in the air. Under are the words The SSL staff wish you good luck for the future.

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