Not sure where to study in the SSL? We have a variety of study spaces/seating for you to choose from. We also have different volume levels assigned to our study spaces, so you can easily find a silent space or somewhere you can talk. Read on below to discover the different options and then all you have to do is decide what suits you best!
Prefer to study with your friends? Does being surrounded by other people studying help you get down to work?
Our open plan seating might be your best choice. We have two options available:
A large open plan seating area on the Manor Road side of the library. Floor to ceiling windows ensure lots of natural light. The desks are roomy which means you can spread out your study materials. Desks are equipped with devices to lock your laptops to and power sockets (either above or below the desks). This area of the library is designated a Silent Zone (silent study, no conversations)
Our second area of open plan seating is located on the river facing side of the library. These desks are partitioned, to allow for a degree of privacy. Again, there is plenty of natural light from the windows adjacent to the seating. Desks are equipped with power sockets. This area of the library is also designated a Silent Zone (silent study, no conversations)
Is being surrounded by others distracting for you? Do you prefer a space where you can be completely on your own or with only a few people nearby?
Our study carrels, individual partitioned seating or individual study desks will be your best choice:
We have ten study carrels. Two are double carrels and the rest are single. All are sound proofed, have power sockets and Wi-Fi. All have over head lighting and are equipped with desk lamps. The carrels designated for general use operate on a first-come, first served basis. See our guide to study carrel etiquette.
If the study carrels are all in use, there are individual desks situated on the side of the library facing the St Cross Building, overlooking the car park. These are also helpfully removed from distractions and noise (turn right at the end of the Issue Desk and then go left past the Discussion Rooms to reach this area). Note that these desks do not have power sockets. This area of the library is designated a Silent Zone (silent study, no conversations)
The alternative is the study area at the back of the library (running along from in front of the Quiet Study Room towards the Silent Study Room) this is a partitioned seating area for quiet individual study. Half of these seats have been designated a laptop free zone. We request that readers do not use a laptop or a device with an external keyboard at these seats. Tablets and other devices with silent keyboards may still be used. The seats in this area are clearly labelled. All desks in this area have power sockets. This area of the library is designated a Silent Zone (silent study, no conversations)
Looking for a space to have a discussion, give a presentation or engage in group work? Our Discussion Rooms will suit your needs.
The small room comfortably seats 8 and the larger room seats 16. Both rooms are equipped with whiteboards and projectors. Marker pens, board rubbers and remote controls for the projectors can be borrowed from the issue desk. Power sockets are also available. Both rooms are equipped with dimmer switches, so you can choose the light level you require. These rooms can be booked in advance by academics and students for academic-related purposes. If they are not booked, please feel free to go in and use them. These 2 rooms have been designated a Discussion Zone: Discussions, presentations, group work and conversations are permitted
Do you want plenty of desk space to spread out? Do you want to be away from the main open plan study areas? Our two Study Rooms at the back of the Library will be a good choice for you.
Our Quiet Study Room is equipped with whiteboards and all desks have power sockets. A Manor Road Building IT printer is also located in it (for use by students attached to Departments in the Manor Road building). The room contains two electronic and one manual height-adjustable desk. Windows along the back wall provide natural light. This room has been designated a Quiet Zone where brief, low volume conversations are permitted.
The Silent Study Room contains desks with partitioned seating and power sockets. The room contains a standing desk and an electronic height-adjustable desk. Windows on two sides provide natural light. This room has been designated a silent zone (silent study, no conversations).
An alternative space is the Q-Step Centre Teaching Lab (located at the back of the library, on the side facing the St Cross Building). This room is used for teaching Quantitative Methods to undergraduate students from 1pm – 6.15pm every weekday of the teaching term (Weeks 1 – 8). Outside these hours the room is accessible to all readers.
Forgotten your laptop or would prefer to work on a proper computer with desk space? Our computer area or Information Skills Training Room will be a good choice.
Our main computer area is equipped with 23 PCs, this includes a dedicated Data Area with PCs containing specialist software.
The Information Skills Training Room offers 20 PCs, LCD projector and screen. It is occasionally booked for training sessions but if it is free, you are welcome to use it. This area is normally less busy than our main computer area. All the monitors and keyboard are housed within the desk, so lift the covers of the desks to access them. This room is equipped with a dimmer switch, so you can choose the light level you require.
Prefer to be more relaxed and sit in individual comfy chairs? Our comfortable seating area will suit your needs.
There are 6 blue comfortable chairs on the side of the library facing the St Cross Building, behind our main computer area. There is plenty of natural daylight in this area. This are is designated a Silent Zone (silent study, no conversations)
We also have a range of ergonomic furniture for you to use:
The Library has 7 height-adjustable desks (5 electronic, 2 manual) and 6 fixed height standing desks in the following locations:
Electronic Height-Adjustable Desks
- 2 are behind the main computer area (also equipped with PCs)
- 2 in the study area on the river facing side of the Library
- 1 in the Silent Graduate Study Room
Fixed-Height Standing Desks
- 3 in the study area on the river facing side of the Library
- 1 at the end of the partitioned seating area outside the Silent Study Room
- 1 in the quiet study area by the windows facing the St Cross Building
- 1 in the Silent Study Room
Manual Height-Adjustable Desks
- 2 in the Quiet Study Room
Ergonomic Chairs
The Library also has 10 RH Logic ergonomic chairs located around the library. Please feel free to move them to where you would like to sit (or ask staff for assistance with doing this).
Standard adjustable chairs are available in the silent and quiet Study Rooms and at desks equipped with PCs. Library staff will fetch or move these on request.
Look out for signage indicating the volume level for a zone:
Silent Zone: Silent study, no conversations
Main seating areas & Silent Study Room
Information Skills Training Room & Q-Step Centre Training Lab (when not in use for teaching)
Quiet Zone: Brief, low volume conversations permitted.
Quiet Study Room
Discussion Zone: Discussions, presentations, group work and conversations are permitted
Large Discussion Room and Small Discussion Room