Bodleian iSkills workshops aim to develop your skills in information discovery and scholarly communications, covering a variety of resources across a wide range of disciplines. They are primarily aimed at University of Oxford students and staff. Some workshops take place face-to-face, whilst others are run online.
The workshops are FREE but online booking is essential. A list of the sessions taking place this term can be found on the iSkills Workshops webpage.
Workshops taking place in 5th Week:
iSkills: Keeping up to date with research (Tues 8th Nov 10:00-11:30)
An online introduction to using alerts to keep up to date with new research and save you time. A combination of presenter-led instruction and the opportunity for participants to set up email alerts to receive notifications for publications in their field of research. We invite you to send any questions you have in advance to for the instructors to cover in the session. There will also be opportunities to ask questions in the class.
Who is this session for? Postgraduates, researchers, academics and anyone interested in the topic.
Format: Online using Microsoft Teams.
iSkills: Working with sensitive research data in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Tues 8th Nov 14:00-16:00)
A workshop outlining some of the key principles to bear in mind when working with sensitive or restricted research; whether collected yourself or obtained from a third party source such as a data archive. Issues of confidentiality, informed consent, cybersecurity and data management will be covered. Examples of scenarios or concerns drawn from the research of participants are particularly welcome.
Who is this session for? All DPhil students and research staff in the Social Sciences and Humanities.
Format: Classroom-based.
iSkills: Getting started in Oxford Libraries (Thurs 10th Nov 14:00-16:00)
An online introduction to getting started in Oxford libraries. This workshop will feature live demonstrations and hands on activities on how to use SOLO, the University’s resource discovery tool. We will search for a range of material and show you how to get hold of what you want to read.
Who is this session for? All Oxford Library users.
Format: Online using Microsoft Teams.
*New* Open Scholarship: Fundamentals of Open Access (Thurs 10th Nov 14:30-15:30)
Are you baffled by open, confused by embargoes? Does the mention of the colour gold or green catapult you into a realm of perplexed irritation? Come to this session, where we’ll break down open access and all its many jargon terms, confusing publishing structures and hint at the advantages you can reap by publishing open.
Who is this session for? Academic staff, administrative staff, library staff, Oxford University Hospitals staff and all other Oxford staff.
Format: Online using Microsoft Teams.
Referencing: RefWorks (Fri 11th Nov 9:30-12:30)
RefWorks is a web based reference management tool for Windows and Macs which helps you to collect and manage references and insert them into your Word document as in-text citations or footnotes and generate bibliographies.
Who is this session for? Oxford students, researchers and other staff plus Oxford alumni.
Format: Classroom-based.