Our Resource of the Month for October

Each month, one of our Subject Librarians chooses an electronic resource which they feel will be of interest to you.

Helen Worrell (Subject Consultant for Anthropology) sat at a computer in the SSL.

October’s Resource of the Month has been selected by Helen Worrell, Subject Consultant for Anthropology.

Open laptop on a table with the words 'Anthropology Plus' on the screen. Next to it are a cup of coffee and a pad and pen.

Helen’s choice is Anthropology Plus. It was chosen because it is a key starting point to for those undertaking anthropological research. It brings together into one resource two key bibliographic databases for the subject: ‘Anthropological Literature’ from Harvard University and ‘Anthropological Index’ from the Royal Anthropological Institute from the UK.

It also offers worldwide indexing of all core periodical and lesser-known journals from the 18th century to today, providing pervasive indexing of thousands of sources, including journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works and obituaries.

Where can you access the resource

Anthropology Plus can be accessed via SOLO.

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