Our Book of the Month for January

The SSL ‘Book of the Month’ feature highlights a book in our collection that has been chosen by one of our Subject Consultants. This may be a recent addition to our stock or an existing item that we would like to share with you.

Jo Gardner (Bodleian Social Science Librarian and Subject Consultant for Politics and International Relations) selecting a book from the SSL shelves.

January’s Book of the Month was selected by Jo Gardner Bodleian Social Science Librarian and Subject Consultant for Politics and International Relations.

The front cover of the book 'Geopolitics and Democracy' on top is a rosette which says 'SSL Book of the Month.'


Geopolitics and Democracy: The Western liberal order from foundation to fracture

Peter Trubowitz and Brian Burgoon

Oxford University Press, 2023

JC574.TRU 2023




It was chosen because it has been described as a ground-breaking study of Western-led liberal international order.

Book Overview

Combining a novel theoretical framework and empirical strategy, Trubowitz and Burgoon show that support for globalism has been receding for 30 years in Western parties and legislatures. They trace the anti-globalist backlash to foreign policy decisions that mainstream parties and party elites made after the end of the Cold War.


“Beautifully written and deeply researched, Geopolitics and Democracy chronicles the decades-in-the-making erosion of support for liberal internationalism in Western societies..”
G. John Ikenberry, Princeton University

“A notable contribution helping us understand our politics today.”
Kathleen R. McNamarra, Georgetown University

“A must-read for students of comparative welfare-state politics as well as international political economy and international relations.”
Jonas Pontusson, Université de Genève

How can I access it?

We have one lending copy of this book, which is currently located in our New Books Display Area (around the corner from our Issue Desk). Its shelfmark is JC574.TRU 2023. It is also available as an eBook. For the eBook, access it from a Bodleian Library computer or use it remotely, by logging on to SOLO with your SSO.

Image of an open book with the pages curled to form a love heartWhat would your SSL Book of the Month be? Do you have a favourite book in our collection? If so, we would love to know what it is. Add a comment below or email us.

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