December Resource of the Month: Russian Military and Security Periodicals

Each month we choose an electronic resource which we feel will be of interest to you.

Our Resource of the Month for December is a database from East View, Russian Military and Security Periodicals. Use this database to read and cross-search dozens of Russian military journals, whether privately owned or government-sponsored. Some journal holdings contain issues from the 1990s, affording longitudinal analyses.

Resource Overview

Journals and newspapers on Russia’s military industries, sciences and infrastructures may not sound like appealing reading – but sadly the Russian Federation’s aggression in Ukraine makes them a source analysts cannot afford to ignore. Periodicals like Kryl’ia Rodiny [Wings of the motherland] and Voprosy Zashchity Informatsii [Questions of the Defence of Information] offer crucial insights into Russia’s extensive military establishments. Readers may find their content distressing and disturbing: please approach this database with caution and self-care.

Where can you access the resource

This resource can be accessed via SOLO. A Single-Sign-On (SSO) is required to access the titles remotely, as they are restricted to Oxford University students and staff members.



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