The month of February is LGBT+ History Month. Here at the SSL, we have put together a book display for the occasion.

The theme for this year’s history month is Activism and Social Change.
This display contains resources on the theme of Activism and Social Change, as well as on the topic of LGBT+ history more widely. This book display contains books from the Social Science Library collection as well as a selection of eBook resources.
Some of the physical books are loanable and some are for use in the library only. Each book contains a bookmark specifying the items status.
This book display can be found around the corner from the Issue Desk in the SSL and will be up for the entire month of February.

If you would like to learn more about LGBT+ History Month, the organisation, Schools Out! have a great deal of information on their website.
There has been a great deal of work done on the accumulation of LGBT+ history resources in recent years. The History Faculty Library held a LGBT+ history hackathon in November 2024 with the aim of crowdsourcing information and resources on LGBT+ history.
Do you have any suggestions on books that we might have missed? Do you have a recommendation of a book centred around LGBT+ history that is not currently in our collection? Please let us know by emailing