Our Resource of the Month for January: Cite Them Right

Each month, one of our Subject Librarians chooses an electronic resource which they feel will be of interest to you.

Sarah Rhodes (Subject Consultant for International Development and Forced Migration) sat at a computer in the Social Science Library. Book shelves are in the background.

January’s Resource of the Month has been selected by Sarah Rhodes, Subject Consultant for International Development and Forced Migration.

An open laptop on a table with the words 'Cite Them Right' on the screen. Next to it is a cup of coffee and a pad and pen.

Sarah’s choice is Cite Them Right. It was chosen as a comprehensive yet easy to use tool which provides online support for students requiring assistance in referencing essay and dissertation sources correctly.


The Cite Them Right platform contains articles, tutorials and videos to guide students into common queries around referencing. Support includes choosing referencing styles; learning how to reference different formats including books, articles, digital, governmental and legal materials; and understanding why referencing is important. Students will also find sections on avoiding plagiarism; finding, evaluating and using source material; and the impact of Artificial Intelligence on academia.

Where can you access the resource

This resource is available to access via SOLO.

Single-Sign-On (SSO) is required this database remotely, as it is restricted to Oxford University students and staff members.

Our Book of the Month choice for January

The SSL ‘Book of the Month’ feature highlights a book in our collection that has been chosen by one of our Subject Consultants. This may be a recent addition to our stock or an existing item that we would like to share with you.

January’s Book of the Month was selected by Sarah Rhodes, Subject Consultant for International Development and Forced Migration

Authoritarian practices and humanitarian negotiations

Edited by Andrew J Cummingham

Routledge, 2024

JC480.AUT 2024

It was chosen to highlight the challenges faced by humanitarian organisations in negotiating access to people in authoritarian states.

Book Overview

Utilising a wide variety of perspectives and examining a range of contexts, this book considers how humanitarians assess and engage with authoritarian practices and negotiate access to populations in danger.


‘Delivering vital aid to crisis-affected people often hinges on complex humanitarian negotiations. By combining concrete operational examples with political theory, [this book] offers a deeper understanding and sharper analytical lens for aid practitioners and scholars grappling with these issues.’

Dr. Abby Stoddard, Founding partner of Humanitarian Outcomes.

How can I access it?

We have one lending copy of this book, which is located on our New Books Display Area (around the corner from our Issue Desk). Its shelfmark is JC480.AUT 2024. It is also available as an eBook which can be accessed from a Bodleian Library computer or use it remotely, by logging on to SOLO with your SSO.

Image of an open book with the pages curled to form a love heart

What would your SSL Book of the Month be? Do you have a favourite book in our collection? If so, we would love to know what it is. Add a comment below or email us.

Bodleian Offsite Storage Requests and Scan & Deliver Requests: Christmas Downtime Period

Cartoon drawing of a van with large books in the back of it.

Requests from Bodleian Offsite Storage

The last delivery for items requested from Bodleian Offsite Storage to the Social Science Library before our Christmas closure, will be the afternoon of Friday 20th December.

To ensure the items you require arrive in this delivery, requests should be placed before 10.30am on Friday 20th December.

Deliveries will recommence in the new year when we re-open (from Thursday 2nd January).

Requests can still be requested on SOLO during the library closure period, they just won’t be fetched and processed until we are open again in the New Year.

Staff member scanning a book

Scan & Deliver

Scan & Deliver is a free electronic document delivery service which enables you to obtain scans of book chapters or journal articles via email from the Bodleian Libraries’ print collections.

Please note that the Scan & Deliver request form on SOLO will close at 5pm on Tuesday 17th December. Please ensure you place any requests required before the Christmas closure period by this deadline. The request form will reopen at 9am on Thursday 2nd December.

A wooden floor with the words 'SSL Christmas Closure Period' on it. Below are parcels, stars, baubles, dried orange segments and greenery.

We will be closed from Tuesday 24th December 2024 to Wednesday 1st January 2025 (dates inclusive).

Note that the library will close at 5pm on Monday 23rd December and re-open at 9am on Thursday 2nd January.


Library PC upgrade: Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th December

An image of the main reader PC area in the Social Science Library

Between Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th December the library’s reader PCs will be replaced with newer models.

Due to low usage, the number of PCs in the main Reader PC area will be reduced to 16.

Some PCs will remain available throughout the work, either in the main Reader PC area, or in the Information Skills Training Room.

Please ask staff if you need any help finding an available PC.

Our Book of the month choice for December

The SSL ‘Book of the Month’ feature highlights a book in our collection. This may be a recent addition to our stock or an existing item that we would like to share with you.

December’s Book of the month is:

Front cover of the book 'Cryones: Збірка зовсім недитячих дитячих історій / A collection of not-at-all childish children’s stories' on top of it is a rosette with 'SSL Book of the Month' on it.

Cryones: Збірка зовсім недитячих дитячих історій / A collection of not-at-all childish children’s stories

The children involved in Gen.Ukrainian

Kyiv: Gen.Ukrainian, 2024

Shelfmark: HQ792.U38.CRY 2024

The Book of the Month for December will be distressing for some. It manifests the lived experience of war for children, in their own pictures, stories and words. Cryones came out of Gen.Ukrainian, a project to help Ukraine’s children heal through art. It presents pictures and stories from contemporary Ukrainian children.

Book Overview

The title ‘Cryones’ is a mixture of the English words ‘crayon’, and ‘cry ones’. It refers to Gen.Ukrainian’s rehabilitation of Ukrainian children who have suffered psychological trauma, through art therapy. Gen.Ukrainian is a non-governmental organisation that was set up in 2022: it strives to heal children who have experienced the horrors of the Russian invasion first-hand. Cryones was published as a testament both to the creativity of Ukrainian children, and the reality of their suffering. Oksana Lebedieva, one of the project’s leaders, emphasises that the book’s authors and artists are the children who came to Gen.Ukrainian: the adults only organised the material and production.

Cryones offers a series of stories in pictures, drawings, collages and texts, made by their child-authors. One of these authors is Katya, a talented gymnast from Maripol’, known to the father she lost as людина пружина, or ‘the little human spring’. Another is Luka, consoled by a new friendship with a dog called Red. The children tell profoundly tragic stories – and yet they finish the book with their visions of a bright, peaceful future. Ukrainian texts are translated into English, while the pictures speak for themselves.

How can I access it?

You can currently find this book around the corner from our Issue Desk, above our New Books display. This title is for library use only and its shelfmark is HQ792.U38.CRY 2024

Image of an open book with the pages curled to form a love heartWhat would your SSL Book of the Month be? Do you have a favourite book in our collection? If so, we would love to know what it is. Add a comment below or email us.

December Resource of the Month: Russian Military and Security Periodicals

Each month we choose an electronic resource which we feel will be of interest to you.

Our Resource of the Month for December is a database from East View, Russian Military and Security Periodicals. Use this database to read and cross-search dozens of Russian military journals, whether privately owned or government-sponsored. Some journal holdings contain issues from the 1990s, affording longitudinal analyses.

Resource Overview

Journals and newspapers on Russia’s military industries, sciences and infrastructures may not sound like appealing reading – but sadly the Russian Federation’s aggression in Ukraine makes them a source analysts cannot afford to ignore. Periodicals like Kryl’ia Rodiny [Wings of the motherland] and Voprosy Zashchity Informatsii [Questions of the Defence of Information] offer crucial insights into Russia’s extensive military establishments. Readers may find their content distressing and disturbing: please approach this database with caution and self-care.

Where can you access the resource

This resource can be accessed via SOLO. A Single-Sign-On (SSO) is required to access the titles remotely, as they are restricted to Oxford University students and staff members.



Vacation loans start on Monday 2nd December

A lamp turned on shining its beam on an open book which has the words vacation borrowing on it.The end of term is approaching and that means our vacation loans will shortly be starting.

Vacation loans will begin on Monday 2nd December  (Monday of 8th week of Michaelmas Term).

Any items borrowed on or after this date will be assigned a due date of Tuesday 21st January (Tuesday of 1st week of Hilary Term 2025)

Any questions on the above? Please do contact us.

Take the SSL home with you: ways to access library materials remotely

A snowy hillside, In the distance is a house with a snow covered roof and 2 trees next to it. Above the house are the words 'Take the SSL home with you'

If you are an Oxford University student or staff member and need to access library resources while you are away from Oxford, follow our tips below:

Open laptop with an open book on it.Remote access via SOLO

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries SOLO Guide for further information.

Image of the chat box for SOLO Live Chat

For help with finding and using items on SOLO, you can also get assistance via SOLO Live Chat.

This service is staffed from Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm (apart from during our Christmas closure period – see below)

Look for the chat box to the right of the SOLO webpage.

Screen shot of how the SOLO catalogue displays eBooks. Under the title is a green circle with the words 'Online access' next to it.


Our eBook Subject & Research Guide has lots of information on how to access and use Oxford University eBooks.

A photo from above of an open laptop on a desk, next to it are 2 books and a pair of glasses.

ORLO (Oxford Reading Lists Online)

Most postgraduate reading lists are available on Oxford Reading Lists Online ORLO and scans, online articles and e-books can be accessed there. Take a look at the ORLO reading lists webpage for further information.

Staff member scanning a book

Scan & Deliver

Scan & Deliver is a free electronic document delivery service which enables you to obtain scans of book chapters or journal articles via email from the Bodleian Libraries’ print collections.

Please note that the Scan and Deliver form will close at 5pm on 17th December 2024 and will re-open at 9am on 2nd January 2025.

Open laptop on a desk with the words Further Information on itFor more information on the above, and to find out about further resources available remotely, consult the Bodleian Libraries Online and Remote Access webpage.

Questions, need Help?

An image of a person holding an image of a speech bubble with a question mark inside.

Any questions, just get in touch with us!

Email: ssl@bodleian.ox.ac.uk

Telephone: 01865 271093

Michaelmas Term Vacation Opening Hours

A silver alarm clock sat on grass which is covered in snow. A wooden snowflake is in the background.

Our opening hours for the vacation (starting on Sunday 15th December) are on our website homepage.

A wooden floor with the words 'SSL Christmas Closure Period' on it. Below are parcels, stars, baubles, dried orange segments and greenery.

We will be closed from Tuesday 24th December 2024 to Wednesday 1st January 2025 (dates inclusive).

Note that the library will close at 5pm on Monday 23rd December and re-open at 9am on Thursday 2nd January.



Bodleian Libraries DPhil Welcome Event: Thursday 28 November

Image of 2 people talking. On the image are the words 'Bodleian Libraries, Graduate Welcome Event, Exclusively for DPhil Students, Thursday 28 November 2024, 6 - 8pm at Blackwell Hall, Weston Library. Register and book your free ticket by 22 November.

Come along to the Bodleian Libraries DPhil Welcome Evening on Thursday 28th November from 6pm – 8pm in Blackwell Hall at the Weston Library.

This is your chance to meet library staff who can help you with your research and learn all about the library services. It is also an opportunity to meet with other students over a glass of fizz! Come to see our special collections, have a go on our printing press, discover our 3D printing and conservation work, or just race your mates on a smoothie bike. There’s something for everyone!




Spread a little Christmas love to Ukraine at the Social Science Library

Close up of the hands of 2 people, both holding a wrapped parcel with a bow. They are both dressed in blue jumpers. In the back is a Christmas tree with twinkling yellow lights.

The Bodleian Libraries are collecting small gifts to send to Ukrainian children and families for Christmas.

You can drop off your donations at the Social Science Library from Monday 18th to Monday 25th November.

A collection box will be available to deposit gifts at our library issue desk or pass them on to a staff member.

Your gifts will be packed into gift-wrapped shoeboxes and comfort bags, to be sent to Ukrainian children and families in crisis. You might like to wrap a shoebox yourself, and fill it – instructions are provided by our partners, the Humanitarian Aid Fund, and Link to Hope. We can also provide instructions to anyone who would like to sew comfort bags.

We would be delighted to receive the following:

For children:

  • Small toys, dolls and teddies
  • Small colouring books
  • Colouring pencils and crayons
  • Hair accessories and jewellery

For adults:

  • Hot water bottles
  • Small torches
  • Small toiletries
  • Tealights
  • Pens and paper

For all:

  • Warm socks, gloves, hats or scarves
  • Non-perishable sweets
  • Small games and playing cards
  • Shoeboxes
  • Wrapping paper
  • Home-made comfort bags

Sadly we can’t accept anything perishable, or fragile.

Thanks very much! Your gifts will provide hope, help and light.