Bodleian iSkills workshops in Week 7

Bodleian iSkills workshops aim to develop your skills in information discovery and scholarly communications, covering a variety of resources across a wide range of disciplines. They are primarily aimed at University of Oxford students and staff. Some workshops take place face-to-face, whilst others are run online.

The workshops are FREE but online booking is essential. A list of the sessions taking place this term can be found on the iSkills Workshops webpage.

Bodleian iSkills image on a laptop surrounded by a notebook, phone and cup with saucer and spoon.

Monday 25th November 2024

14:00-15:00: Open Scholarship: Forum of Open Scholarship

During this forum speakers from Bodleian Open Scholarship Support and across Oxford will discuss current changes in the field of open scholarship. Including subjects like data, open access, open monographs, copyright and more. It is advised that attendees of the forum have previously attended the Fundamentals and Logistics courses to improve understanding.

Format: An online presentation with time to get answers to your questions.

Location: Microsoft Teams


Tuesday 26th November 2024

10:00-11:45: iSkills: Preparing for your literature review in the Social Sciences

Get ready to undertake your literature review using your own research questions to build a successful search and apply it to a range of library resources. By the end of the session, you will be able to:

  • Understand the literature review process
  • Be able to plan an effective and structured search on your dissertation or thesis topic
  • Know where to look for different types of information
  • Have considered different methods of searching
  • Know where to come for future help

Format: Online teacher-led presentations and live demonstrations (with opportunities for questions via the chat function and follow up one-to-one help).

Location: Microsoft Teams


12:00-13:00: iSkills: Confidential Print and Foreign Office files: Sources for 19th and 20th century studies

The British Foreign Office was the government department responsible for the conduct of British relations with nearly all foreign states. Confidential Print and Foreign Office files were intended for circulation internally within the Foreign Office and to the monarch, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, other government departments and diplomatic missions abroad. These files are now housed in The National Archives, UK, and have been digitised by Adam Matthew Digital on the Archives Direct cross-searchable platform.

The Archives Direct platform includes British government papers from the 19th and 20th centuries relating to Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, East Asia, Latin America and North America. It’s a crucial resource for the study of politics, international relations, peace and conflict studies, economics and trade, British history and global history. This session will introduce you to The National Archives and their Foreign Office and Confidential Print files, and show you how to search across them to discover sources for your studies and research. It will cover the following resources in the session:

  • Central Asia, Persia & Afghanistan 1834-1922
  • Confidential Print Africa 1834-1966
  • Confidential Print Latin America 1833-1969
  • Confidential Print Middle East 1839-1969
  • Confidential Print North America 1824-1961
  • Foreign Office Files for China Section 1919-1980
  • Foreign Office Files for India Pakistan and Afghanistan 1947-1980
  • Foreign Office Files for Japan 1946-1952
  • Foreign Office Files for the Middle East 1971-1981

Format: Live presentation with time to answer questions.

Location: Microsoft Teams


13:00-14:00: iSkills: Research metrics and citation analysis tools: Part 3 researcher metrics

This session will examine metrics for individual researchers. Using tools such as Web of Science, Google Scholar and Scopus you will learn about the researcher h-index and its limitations. You will be introduced to additional metrics tools such as author beamplots which help to contextualise a researcher’s output over time. By the end of the session, you will be familiar with:

  • Accessing citation data for specific researchers on Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar
  • Understanding how the h-index is calculated and its inherent limitations
  • Creating an ORCID number to help track all your own research outputs
  • The importance of research outputs beyond journal and conference papers when assessing a researcher’s impact

Format: Classroom-based. Presentation with practical exercises.

Location: Radcliffe Science Library, Seminar Room Parks Road, OX2 3QP.


Wednesday 27th November 2024

10:00-12:00: Referencing: EndNote

EndNote is a desktop-based reference management tool for Windows and Mac users, which helps you build libraries of references and insert them into your Word document as in-text citations or footnotes and automatically generate bibliographies. This online introduction to EndNote is open to all University of Oxford students, researchers and staff and teaches you how to use the software so that you can effectively manage your references. Please note that we also run a face-to-face EndNote workshop. Please check the iSkills course listing for availability. The workshop will cover:

  • What EndNote can do for you
  • Adding references to EndNote from a range of sources
  • Managing your references in an EndNote library
  • Adding in-text citations and/or footnotes to your essays and papers
  • Creating bibliographies

Format: Live interactive session with Q&A

Location: Microsoft Teams

Disability History Month 2024

Disability History Month Book Display in the Social Science Library

Disability History Month is being marked from 14th November to 20th December 2024. This year’s theme is Disability, livelihood and employment. The team at the SSL have put together a display of some books from our collection that tie in to the theme and we’ve also included some books that discuss the subject of Disability History more widely.

Logo for Disability History Month 2024 from the UKDHM website

Image copyright of

A reading list on ORLO has been created for you to peruse. This includes the physical and digital items that are on display this year as well as other useful resources and some titles from last years display.

There is also a reading list on understanding disability on ORLO which was created by a joint team of staff across the Bodleian Libraries, College Libraries and the Oxford Union Library. It covers a range of topics from ‘Disability and the Law’ to ‘Neurodivergence’.

The Disability History Resources LibGuide also contains a great deal of information. This guide was created by the 2022-23 History Faculty Library trainee as part of a year-long project. The resources within were crowdsourced during a Hackathon by 24 volunteer researchers in 2022.

The full Disability History Month Display in the Social Science Library. It includes a mixture of physical and digital books.

Our display contains both physical books and ebooks from both the Social Science Library’s vast collection as well as a few items from the Collections Storage Facility. The display can be found near the issue desk in the Social Science Library and it will be up for the duration of the month.

Book covers of some of the eBooks on the Disability History Month Display

If you would like more information about Disability History Month, UKDHM has a great deal of information about this year’s theme, as well as an archive of previous years. You can find out more on their website.

If you think we’re missing a relevant disability history title from our collections then let us know at

Bodleian iSkills workshops in Week 6

Bodleian iSkills workshops aim to develop your skills in information discovery and scholarly communications, covering a variety of resources across a wide range of disciplines. They are primarily aimed at University of Oxford students and staff. Some workshops take place face-to-face, whilst others are run online.

The workshops are FREE but online booking is essential. A list of the sessions taking place this term can be found on the iSkills Workshops webpage.

Tuesday 19th November 2024

10:00-11:30 Open Scholarship: Fundamentals of Open Access

Are you baffled by open, confused by embargoes? Does the mention of the colour gold or green catapult you into a realm of perplexed irritation? Come to this session, where we’ll break down open access and all its many jargon terms, confusing publishing structures and hint at the advantages you can reap by publishing open.

  • What is open access? Key terms – Gold, Green, Article Processing Charges
  • Where to get more information and help
  • Where to look for open access material
  • Useful tools to assist you in publishing open access

Format: Online presentation with time to get answers to your questions.

Location: Microsoft Teams

13:00-14:00 iSkills: Research metrics and citation analysis tools: Part 2 article metrics 

*waiting list available*

In this session we will examine article level metrics. We will discuss how citation counting can help identify influential papers in particular fields and how altmetrics provide a different perspective on research output. Using tools such as Web of Science, Google Scholar and Scopus you will learn how to locate different article metrics. The session will also allow you to appreciate the limitations of different metrics and the importance of their cautious interpretation. By the end of the session, you will be familiar with:

  • Using Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar to track and count citations to papers and individual researchers
  • Measuring impact using altmetrics
  • Understanding how to contextualise metrics against other, similar papers in a field
  • The limitations of different metrics

Format: Classroom-based. Presentation with practical exercises.

Location: Radcliffe Science Library, Seminar Room
Parks Road, OX2 3QP

15:00-16:00 Open Scholarship: Your thesis, copyright & ORA

Oxford DPhil students are required to deposit a copy of their thesis in the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA). This online session will focus on what ORA is and how to deposit one’s thesis in ORA, and how to access help with this process. It will also cover the relevant rights and permissions required and other issues that DPhil students need to take into account when preparing their thesis for upload to ORA. Topics include:

  • What ORA is and what you need to deposit
  • How to deposit your thesis in ORA
  • Observing relevant rights and permissions
  • Accessing help with depositing your thesis in ORA

Format: Live presentation followed by an interactive discussion and Q&A.

Location: Microsoft Teams.

Wednesday 20th November 2024

10:00-11:30 iSkills: Keeping up to date with research

An online introduction to using alerts to keep up to date with new research and save you time. A combination of presenter-led instruction and the opportunity for participants to set up email alerts to receive notifications for publications in their field of research. We invite you to send any questions you have in advance to for the instructors to cover in the session. There will also be opportunities to ask questions in the class. The workshop will cover:

  • How email alerts can help you
  • Setting up alerts on your favourite databases and other platforms for new content in your field
  • Managing your alerts

Format: Online presenter-led instruction with opportunity for participants to set up email alerts.

Location: Microsoft Teams

14:00-15:30 Open Scholarship: Preregistration and Registered Reports: What, Why, and How

How do you ensure that your research is credible, to yourself and others? Preregistration means specifying in advance your hypotheses, methods, and/or analyses for a study, in a time-stamped file that others can access. Many fields, including behavioural and medical sciences, are increasingly using preregistration or Registered Reports (where a journal accepts your study at preregistration phase, and guarantees to publish the results if you follow the registered plan). If you’ve never preregistered a study before (or even if you have!) it can be complicated and hard to do well. In this workshop, we will go over the ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how’ of preregistration, and after some practice exercises, you will start drafting your own preregistration. We will also discuss some of the common challenges of preregistration, and its limitations. After the course, you will be able to:

  • Describe what preregistration and Registered Reports are (and how they differ)
  • Explain the benefits (and drawbacks) of preregistration and Registered Reports
  • Identify what types of research are most suited for preregistration and Registered Reports
  • Recognise the common pitfalls in writing a preregistration
  • Identify the logistics of preregistering: which format and platform to use
  • Demonstrate the ability to write an effective preregistration, with an appropriate balance of specificity and concision

Format: Online presentation with interactive exercises and time for questions.

Location: Microsoft Teams

Thursday 21st November 2024

10:00-11:30 Open Scholarship: Logistics of Open Scholarship

The second in a duo of courses (attendees should attend the Fundamentals course prior to Logistics) that will cover the logistics of researching, publishing, and locating open scholarship resources and tools at the University of Oxford. Subjects include:

  • What is the Oxford University Research Archive
  • Depositing work into ORA via Symplectic Elements
  • Depositing data into ORA-data
  • Applying for one of Oxford’s APC block grants
  • Registering or connecting your ORCID
  • How to be included in the rights retention pilot
  • Locating and checking funder policies

Ideally the ‘Fundamentals of Open Access’ course will have been attended. If you’re not in a position to attend this course you can find similar information in our e-learning package to work through prior to attending Logistics.

Format: Online presentation with time to get answers to your questions.

Location: Microsoft Teams

12:00-13:00 iSkills: Presentation on the UN Archives Geneva Platform (League of Nations Archives)

The UN Archives Geneva platform gives access to the fonds and collections managed by the United Nations Library and Archives in Geneva, including the archives of the United Nations in Geneva, the League of Nations (1919-1946), international peace movements (from 1870), and private papers. It offers the possibility to search both the description of files or archival documents and in the full text of archival documents that have been digitised.

The presentation given by staff from UN Archives Geneva provides an overview on the archive categories they manage, with a focus on the League of Nations archival fonds and collections, including the LONTAD digitisation project. It explains the difference between archival and official documents, and describes the structure of the League of Nations archives. It also gives an introduction on how to use and perform searches on the UN Archives Geneva Platform. At the end of the session you will understand:

  • The five archives’ categories
  • The distinction between archival and official documents
  • The organisation of the League of Nations Archives
  • How to use the UN Archives Geneva platform

Format: Online presentation including a Q&A session.

Location: Microsoft Teams

14:00-15:00 Referencing: Zotero

Zotero is a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and add citations and bibliographies to word processed documents using your chosen citation style. This online introduction covers the main features of Zotero. The learning outcomes for this online session are to:

  • Add references to Zotero
  • Edit and organise your references in Zotero
  • Add in-text citations and/or footnotes to your papers
  • Create bibliographies

Format: Online teacher-led presentations and live demonstrations with opportunities for questions.

Location: Microsoft Teams

Bodleian iSkills workshops in Week 5

Bodleian iSkills workshops aim to develop your skills in information discovery and scholarly communications, covering a variety of resources across a wide range of disciplines. They are primarily aimed at University of Oxford students and staff. Some workshops take place face-to-face, whilst others are run online.

The workshops are FREE but online booking is essential. A list of the sessions taking place this term can be found on the iSkills Workshops webpage.

Tuesday 12 November

10:00-12:00 Scholarly literature for your research
In this online interactive workshop, you will learn how to create an effective search query and have the opportunity to try out a range of tools that you can use to search for scholarly materials to support your research. You will:

  • learn how to find books and other scholarly items in Oxford libraries using SOLO
  • search for journal articles using subject databases and scholarly search engines
  • be signposted towards learning materials you can use if you are interested in searching for conference proceedings, theses and dissertations.

Format: Interactive teacher-led online session.

Location: Online using Microsoft Teams.

13:00-14:00 Research metrics and citation analysis tools: Part 1 journal metrics
*waiting list available*
In this session we will cover how to locate and interpret journal level metrics such as the Journal Impact Factor (JIF). We will examine the tools you can use to locate journal level metrics, such as Journal Citation Reports and Scopus Sources. We will also consider the uses, limitations and pitfalls inherent in these metrics and how they can be used responsibly. By the end of the session, you will be familiar with:

  • The major journal metrics and how these are calculated
  • Accessing journal citation data using Journal Citation Reports and Scopus Sources
  • Using JIF, CiteScore and SJR journal metrics to rank journals
  • Limitations of different metrics, including how journal metrics may be skewed or distorted

Format: Classroom-based. Presentation with practical exercises.

Location: Radcliffe Science Library, Seminar Room
Parks Road, OX2 3QP

14:00-15:30 Newspapers and other online news sources from the 17th-21st centuries
Newspapers are a valuable resource for researching not only news but also many other aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life. In this session we will introduce key online sources of news and how to make best use of them. The focus will be on historical and contemporary newspapers from the 17th century across most countries of the world. After the session participants will understand:
  • the value of newspapers in research;
  • the difficulties of using newspapers in research and effective search techniques, and will be able to use a range of sources for searching and reading:
    • historical newspapers
    • contemporary newspapers
    • historical audio-visual news sources
Format: Online teacher-led presentations and live demonstrations (with audience interaction and opportunities for questions via chat function and follow up one-to-one help).
Location: Microsoft Teams

Thursday 14 November

10:00-11:30 Discovering archives and modern manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries

This class will introduce participants to the key catalogues and finding aids for post-1800 archives and manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries. In particular the session will focus on Bodleian Archives and Manuscripts, the online catalogue for post-1800 archives and manuscripts. The session will also briefly introduce some of the major UK online gateways for discovering archives. The topics covered include:

  • How to use the Bodleian Archives & Manuscripts online catalogue
  • Other printed archive catalogues in the Bodleian Libraries
  • Major subject areas covered in Bodleian archives and modern manuscripts
  • National archive gateways

The workshop will include a question and answer session with Bodleian archivists.

This session does not cover:

  • Pre-1800 manuscripts (Medieval and Early Modern periods).
  • Manuscripts in Middle Eastern, Semitic, and Asian languages

Format: Classroom-based presentation with a question and answer session.

Location: Weston Library Lecture Theatre.
Weston Library, Broad Street, OX1 3BG

14:00-17:00 Referencing: EndNote
An introduction to EndNote, open to all, that teaches you how to use the software so that you can effectively manage your references. The workshop will cover:

  • what EndNote can do for you
  • adding references to EndNote from a range of sources
  • managing your references in an EndNote library
  • adding in-text citations and/or footnotes to your essays and papers
  • creating bibliographies.

FormatClassroom-based. Presentation with practical exercises.

Location: Thames Suite, IT Services
7-19 Banbury Road, Oxon, OX2 6NN

Bodleian iSkills workshops in Week 4

Bodleian iSkills workshops aim to develop your skills in information discovery and scholarly communications, covering a variety of resources across a wide range of disciplines. They are primarily aimed at University of Oxford students and staff. Some workshops take place face-to-face, whilst others are run online.

The workshops are FREE but online booking is essential. A list of the sessions taking place this term can be found on the iSkills Workshops webpage.

Tuesday 5th November 14:00-16:00

iSkills: Working with sensitive research data

A workshop outlining some of the key principles to bear in mind when working with sensitive or restricted research; whether collected yourself or obtained from a third-party source such as a data archive. Issues of confidentiality, informed consent, cybersecurity and data management will be covered. Examples of scenarios or concerns drawn from the research of participants are particularly welcome. The role of support services at Oxford will also be outlined and in particular the role of the Bodleian Data Librarian who will lead the session. Follow up consultations with the Data librarian or other subject consultants are also offered. Topics to be covered include:

  • Key best practice principles when working with sensitive or restricted research data
  • Issues around creating original data
  • Informed consent agreements
  • Maximising the usage potential of data during and after a project
  • Strengths and weaknesses of anonymisation, data blurring and similar techniques
  • Key strategies for protecting data including encryption, embargoes, future vetting and access restrictions
  • Obligation put on researchers by legislation and research partners

Format: Teacher-led presentation with opportunity for discussion.

Location: Social Science Library, Information Skills Training Room
Manor Road, OX1 3UQ

Wednesday 6th November 9:30-12:30

Open Scholarship: Copyright the Card Game

Join Chris Morrison (Copyright & Licensing Specialist) and Georgina Kiddy (Digital Services Librarian) to play Copyright the Card Game. This interactive, games-based session introduces you to the key concepts of copyright law and allows you to apply them in practice. No prior knowledge is required, and the session caters for all whatever their level of experience with copyright. At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Explore how copyright really works in practice
  • Interpret the legislation and apply the relevant legal concepts to their own work
  • Practice using the exceptions and licences in sector-specific examples
  • Discuss the role of risk management in making decisions about the ethical creation and use of copyright material

Format: The workshop is highly interactive with multiple opportunities for discussion about copyright, underpinned by a clear framework.

Location: Radcliffe Science Library, Seminar Room
Parks Road, OX2 3QP

Wednesday 6th November 14:00-16:00

iSkills: Getting started in Oxford libraries

If you are new to the University of Oxford and want to find out more about the University’s network of libraries or have been at the University a while and would like a refresher, join us for this online introduction to understanding and accessing the libraries, their services and resources. By the end of the session, you will:

  • Be familiar with the network of Oxford libraries
  • Know the logins needed to access Bodleian Libraries services
  • Be able to conduct a search in SOLO (the University’s resource discovery tool), filter results and access online and print resources
  • Know how to manage your library account including loans and requests

Format: Live online session with a mixture of PowerPoint presentation, live demonstration and practical exercises.

Location: Microsoft Teams

Thursday 7th November 10:00-11:30

Open Scholarship: Playing in the open: Getting familiar with Creative Commons Licences

Create content for your teaching or research with greater confidence by attending our session on Creative Commons (CC) licences. Learn how they work, how they interact with copyright and how to use them to best effect. The session will make special reference to images but is applicable to all media, including written works. The workshop is classroom-based. In this playful, interactive face-to-face session we will cover:

  • What Creative Commons Licences are
  • Where to find Creative Commons material
  • How to apply Creative Commons to your own work
  • How to reuse Creative Commons materials

And we’ll finish the session with a Creative Commons card game.

Format: Classroom-based with an interactive presentation and game elements to reinforce learning.

Location: Radcliffe Science Library, Seminar Room
Parks Road, OX2 3QP

Thursday 7th November 14:00-16:00

Referencing: RefWorks

Are you looking for a streamlined approach to gathering, managing and citing your references? Join us for this interactive online session in which we introduce RefWorks, a subscription reference management tool that University of Oxford members can use for free during their time at the university and as alumni. RefWorks is web-based and helps you to collect and manage references and insert them into your word-processed document as in-text citations or footnotes, and you can generate bibliographies. Being web-based, RefWorks can be used with any operating system and, to cite your references in a document, provides a plugin for Microsoft Word on Windows or Mac computers. By the end of the session, you will understand:

  • How RefWorks can help you
  • How to add references to RefWorks from a range of sources
  • How to manage your references
  • How to add in-text citations and/or footnotes to your documents
  • How to create bibliographies
  • Where to get help with RefWorks

Format: Live online session with a mixture of PowerPoint presentation, live demonstration and practical exercises.

Location: Microsoft Teams

Friday 8th November 14:00-17:00

Referencing: Zotero

Zotero is a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and add citations and bibliographies to word processed documents using your chosen citation style. This classroom-based introduction covers the main features of Zotero with the opportunity for practical exercises. Please note, we also run an online Zotero workshop. Please check the iSkills course listing for availability. The learning outcomes for this classroom-based session are to:

  • Create a Zotero library and add references to it
  • Edit and organise references in your Zotero library
  • Add in-text citations and/or footnotes to your word processed document
  • Create bibliographies
  • Understand how to sync your Zotero library across multiple computers
  • Understand how to share your Zotero library of references

Format: Classroom-based. Presentation with practical exercises.

Location: Thames Suite, IT Services
7-19 Banbury Road, Oxon, OX2 6NN

Bodleian iSkills Workshops in Week 3

Bodleian iSkills workshops aim to develop your skills in information discovery and scholarly communications, covering a variety of resources across a wide range of disciplines. They are primarily aimed at University of Oxford students and staff. Some workshops take place face-to-face, whilst others are run online.

The workshops are FREE but online booking is essential. A list of the sessions taking place this term can be found on the iSkills Workshops webpage.

Monday 28th October: 14:00-15:30

iSkills: Unlocking Critical Thinking and Research Skills for Undergraduates

Unlock the power of critical thinking and research skills in our engaging workshop designed for undergraduate students. Learn to question assumptions, analyse information critically, and develop information discovery and search strategies that will set you apart in your academic studies. By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Describe what critical thinking is
  • Understand a critical thinking model
  • Apply the model to your academic work
  • Explain the fundamentals of conducting research, including how to pinpoint key search terms and databases to search.

Format: An interactive teacher-led online session.

Location: Microsoft Teams

Tuesday 29th October: 14:00-16:00

iSkills: Managing research data and Data Management Planning (DMPs)

Good research data management is a vital component of academic practice. Part of this is the principle that the data used to develop the arguments and outcomes of your research should be effectively stored and managed during a project, preserved for the future and – where possible – shared with other academics. This session introduces the University’s research data policy and outlines the practical impact this will have on your work. The services available at Oxford to assist you will be outlined. This session is not only essential during your current studies but will be invaluable if you plan to continue in research as a career. Topics to be covered include:

  • Common dangers and pitfalls of digital data
  • Key principles of RDM and organising your data effectively
  • Producing a data management plan
  • Institutional, funder and publisher requirements
  • Issues around preserving data and cybersecurity
  • ORA-Data, GitHub and other preservation services
  • Sharing thoughts and insights about the potential of data management in your own field
  • Accessing Oxford based tools for research data management

Format: Classroom-based. Presentation with discussion.

Location: Social Science Library, Information Skills Training Room. Manor Road, OX1 3UQ.

Wednesday 30th October: 14:00-17:00

Referencing: Choosing and using software for referencing

Formatting your in text citations, footnotes and bibliography correctly for your thesis or publication is crucial. Reference management tools make this easier and save you time. This classroom-based session comprises a 30-minute presentation, which gives an overview of reference management tools. The rest of the session is dedicated to practical exercises at the computers, giving you the opportunity to try out three tools (RefWorks, EndNote and Zotero), so that you can work out which one is best for you. Library staff will be there to help and guide you, and answer any questions you might have. You can leave at any point once you have tried out the tools you want, and do not have to stay until the end. At the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Understand how reference management works
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of a range of reference management tools
  • Add, edit and organise references using a number of different tools
  • Add references to documents and create bibliographies using a number of different tools
  • Make an informed decision about which reference management tool works best for you

Format: 30-minute presentation followed by practical exercises.

Location: Thames Suite, IT Services 7-19 Banbury Road, Oxon, OX2 6NN

Bodleian iSkills workshops in 2nd Week

Bodleian iSkills workshops aim to develop your skills in information discovery and scholarly communications, covering a variety of resources across a wide range of disciplines. They are primarily aimed at University of Oxford students and staff. Some workshops take place face-to-face, whilst others are run online.

The workshops are FREE but online booking is essential. A list of the sessions taking place this term can be found on the iSkills Workshops webpage.

Tuesday 22nd October: 14:00-16:00

iSkills: Data sources for research – discovery, access and use
*waiting list available*
This workshop will provide a grounding in the different ways quantitative and qualitative data is being made available to benefit researchers. By the end of the session you will also have some insight into how your own future work could add to the process and become part of the research discourse. The course aims to provide an overview of macro and micro data sources available at the University of Oxford, including national data archives, subscription services, business data, and offers some pointers for further searching.
Format: Classroom-based (Social Science Library).

Wednesday 23rd October: 10:00-12:00 

*New* iSkills: Using AI for Research: Finding, Analysing, and Sharing Information Sources
Step into the future of research with our hands-on AI workshop, designed to empower you with the skills to find, analyse, and share information sources. Explore cutting-edge GenAI tools such as ChatGPT, Elicit, and Perplexity, and gain practical experience in using them, including learning best practices for referencing AI-generated content while avoiding plagiarism. This session offers a unique opportunity to enhance your research capabilities and stay ahead in the evolving academic landscape.
Format: Online using Microsoft Teams.

Friday 25th October: 09:30-12:30

Referencing: Choosing and using software for referencing
*waiting list available*
Formatting your in-text citations, footnotes and bibliography correctly for your thesis or publication is crucial. Reference management tools make this easier and save you time. This classroom-based session comprises a 30-minute presentation, which gives an overview of reference management tools. The rest of the session is dedicated to practical exercises, giving you the opportunity to try out three tools (RefWorks, EndNote and Zotero), so that you can work out which one is best for you.
Format: Classroom-based (Thames Suite, IT Services).