Bodleian Libraries Reader Survey: 27 January – 24 February

A pad of paper on top of some wooden floor boards. On the pad are drawn 5 faces which range from a sad face to a really happy face. A pencil is on top of the pad.

A little survey, a BIG result!

The Bodleian Libraries is inviting all members of the University of Oxford and all Bodleian Libraries cardholders to share their feedback about the Libraries by completing a short online Reader Survey.

The survey only takes about 10 minutes to complete and provides vital information that feeds into our decision making and helps improve our library services.

The survey is open from 27 January – 24 February 2025, and is for all readers who have used our online collections, services, or the physical libraries across Oxford. Readers are asked to share their views on areas such as the provision of information resources, the libraries as a space for study, how staff interact with readers, information skills and support, and their overall satisfaction with library support for research, teaching and learning.

Responses are confidential.

As a thank-you for taking part, participants can choose to enter a prize draw for a chance to win one of ten £50 Amazon or Blackwell’s vouchers. No identifying links between responses and the individual responding will be retained.

A spotlight with its beam aimed at the words 'Reader Survey.'

Complete the survey here.

If you have any questions about the survey please email:

Find out more and see the results from the 2022 survey here.

Have your say! Complete the Bodleian Libraries’ Reader Survey (17 Jan to 19 Feb)

A pad of paper on top of some wooden floor boards. On the pad are drawn 5 faces which range from a sad face to a really happy face. A pencil is on top of the pad.

The Bodleian Libraries is inviting all members of the University to share their feedback about the Libraries by completing a short online Reader Survey. The survey only takes about 10 minutes to complete but it provides vital information that feeds into decision making and helps improve library services. It is particularly valuable post-lockdown, as we work to establish which services implemented during government restrictions were most effective and therefore have long-term value beyond the pandemic crisis.

The survey will be open from 17 January – 19 February, and is for all students, academics, researchers, and staff who have used the online collections and/or services (e.g. Scan & Deliver) and/or any of the physical libraries. In addition to members of the University, feedback is welcome from external researchers who have a Bodleian Libraries card, including alumni and NHS staff.

Readers are asked to share their views on areas such as the provision of information resources, the libraries as a space for study, how staff treat readers, information skills and support, and their overall satisfaction with library support for research, teaching and learning. Responses are confidential.

As a thank you for taking part, participants can choose to enter a prize draw to win one of ten £50 Amazon/Blackwell’s vouchers. No identifying links between responses and the individual responding will be retained.

The Bodleian Libraries are continually seeking feedback from readers, and conduct a readership-wide survey every 3 years. Numerous changes and enhancements have been made to the library service in response to feedback received from the last Reader Survey, which took place in 2019. These range from increasing library opening hours to buying more e-books, from providing more comfortable furniture to developing a universal lending policy.

A spotlight with its beam aimed at the words 'Reader Survey.'


Complete the survey here.



If you have any questions about the survey please email: