Disability History Month 2024

Disability History Month Book Display in the Social Science Library

Disability History Month is being marked from 14th November to 20th December 2024. This year’s theme is Disability, livelihood and employment. The team at the SSL have put together a display of some books from our collection that tie in to the theme and we’ve also included some books that discuss the subject of Disability History more widely.

Logo for Disability History Month 2024 from the UKDHM website

Image copyright of ukdhm.org

A reading list on ORLO has been created for you to peruse. This includes the physical and digital items that are on display this year as well as other useful resources and some titles from last years display.

There is also a reading list on understanding disability on ORLO which was created by a joint team of staff across the Bodleian Libraries, College Libraries and the Oxford Union Library. It covers a range of topics from ‘Disability and the Law’ to ‘Neurodivergence’.

The Disability History Resources LibGuide also contains a great deal of information. This guide was created by the 2022-23 History Faculty Library trainee as part of a year-long project. The resources within were crowdsourced during a Hackathon by 24 volunteer researchers in 2022.

The full Disability History Month Display in the Social Science Library. It includes a mixture of physical and digital books.

Our display contains both physical books and ebooks from both the Social Science Library’s vast collection as well as a few items from the Collections Storage Facility. The display can be found near the issue desk in the Social Science Library and it will be up for the duration of the month.

Book covers of some of the eBooks on the Disability History Month Display

If you would like more information about Disability History Month, UKDHM has a great deal of information about this year’s theme, as well as an archive of previous years. You can find out more on their website.

If you think we’re missing a relevant disability history title from our collections then let us know at ssl@bodleian.ox.ac.uk

Disability History Month (16th November- 16th December) Book Display and Resources.

A picture of three yellow coloured book covers.

This year’s UK Disability History Month is 16th November – 16th December 2023. The theme for 2023 is Disability, Children and Youth. UKDHM encourages engagement not only with the history of disabled children and young people but with what is needed for the future, with a heavy focus on a Social Model/Human rights approach.

To mark Disability History Month the Social Science Library has created a book display to highlight some of the many relevant books, both physical and electronic, we have in our collection. You can find the display around the corner from our issue desk.

A picture of three blue and yellow book covers.

The ORLO reading list of the titles on display, as well as other related titles we hold at the Social Science Library is only a small selection of Disability History related resources available.

A new LibGuide for Disability History resources has also just been launched. This fully accessible LibGuide was created by a Bodleian Library 2022-2023 Graduate Trainee with additional online resources sourced during a Hackathon!

There is also a reading list on understanding disability on ORLO which was created by a joint team of staff across the Bodleian Libraries, College Libraries and the Oxford Union Library. It covers a range of topics from ‘Disability and the Law’ to ‘Neurodivergence’.

If you think we’re missing a relevant disability history title from our collections then let us know at ssl@bodleian.ox.ac.uk

Disability History Month (22nd November – 22nd December) Book Display and Resources

To mark Disability History Month (22nd Nov – 22nd Dec) we’ve created a display of titles from our collection that explore the theme of disability. You can find the display around the corner from our issue desk.

A list of the titles on display, as well as other titles in our collection on this subject, can be found here. Click on the titles in the document to view shelfmark information.

The official theme for 2018’s UK Disability History Month is Disability & Music

The theme aims to explore the work of musicians and performers who have been disabled, and will showcase how people with every type and degree of impairment can creatively express themselves through music. The theme is explored from a social model point of view, and aims to encourage support and awareness for disabled people’s ongoing fight for equality.

We have highlighted some e-books in the Bodleian Libraries collection which relate to this year’s theme, take a look at a selection of articles and e-resources by clicking the image below!

Disability History Month (22nd Nov to 22nd Dec) Take a look at our Book Display

To mark Disability History Month (22nd Nov – 22nd Dec) we’ve created a display of titles from our collection that explore the theme of disability. You can find the display around the corner from our issue desk.

A list of the titles on display, as well as other titles in our collection on this subject, can be found here. Click on the titles in the document to view shelfmark information.

The official theme for 2017’s UK Disability History Month is Disability & Art.

The idea is to examine artists who have been disabled, artists who have featured disabled people through a social model lens but also to understand the attitudes existing at different times over history towards disabled people through their portrayal in art.