Forgotten something? Find out more about the equipment we lend

A closed up of a hand holding a pad of stick it notes, with the words 'Forgotten Something?' on it.

If you’ve forgotten to bring some equipment with you, the SSL has a whole range of items available to borrow (for library use only), so it is always worth checking with us before you head back home. We have:

  • Android & Apple Charging Cables
  • Calculators
  • Headphones
  • Travel Adaptors
  • USB Mains Charger
  • USB Memory Sticks

A person sat on a chair reading a book.

We lend the following reading aids.

  • Book Snakes
  • Book Stands
  • Coloured Acetate Sheets
  • Desk Lamps
  • Foam Book Supports
  • Magnifiers

A person from the neck down, sat at a table in front of a laptop, taking notes with a pad and pen.

We lend computer equipment and peripherals:

  • Dell Mouse
  • Extension Lead
  • Ergonomic Keyboard
  • Laptop Locks
  • “Light-Touch” Keyboard
  • Mouse Mat

We have 14 monitors in the library that you can connect your devices to. These are located as follows:

  • 8 along the windows at the back of our main computer area
  • 2 in the Quiet Study Room
  • 2 in the Silent Study Room
  • 1 in each of our double Study Carrels

We can lend you HDMI or USB-C cables to use them if you don’t have one.

Whiteboard markers and eraser in a holder in front of a whiteboard on a yellow background

Photo by Pat Freling of Paint Strategies

We lend whiteboard pens for use with the whiteboards in our Discussion and Study Rooms.

A close up of a padlock and chain on a green wooden door.

Want to store things securely? We loan padlocks, for use with the lockers situated behind the main building reception desk. This is the only item of our equipment that you can take out of the library and borrow for longer than a day.

A person sat in the sunshine reading a book, with the words 'Want some indoor sunshine while you study?' above.

Lumie desk lamp.


We have a Lumie Daylight Desk Lamp you can borrow. Using this desk lamp will provide you with the bright light your body needs during the dark winter months. It can help boost your energy levels, put you in a better mood and make you feel more awake. It is particularly beneficial for those that suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).




We also have a prayer mat. Staff can advise on the best area in the library to go to use it.





Library Ergonomic Equipment and Assistive Technology

The Social Science Library has a range of ergonomic equipment, furniture and assistive technology, designed to help you work more comfortably and efficiently in our library.

Let’s take a look at what we have on offer:


The library has 7 height-adjustable desks (5 electronic, 2 manual).

A height adjustable desk in the open plan seating area in the SSL, facing the window.

Two are located in our open plan reading room area which you can reach by going around the corner from our Issue Desk and then turning right to go past the rows of bookshelves. They have recently been moved to face the windows, following reader feedback.

A height adjustable desk in the Silent Study Room in the SSL, facing the window.

Two are located in our Silent Study Room. One has recently been moved to face the windows, following reader feedback.

A height adjustable desk in the Quiet Study Room in the SSL.

One is located in our Quiet Study Room.

Two height adjustable desks behind the PC area in the SSL.

Two are located behind our main computer area and have computers on them.

An ergonomic chair in the Social Science Library

Standard adjustable chairs are available in our two Study Rooms and at desks equipped with PCs. Library staff are happy to fetch or move these on request for you. We also have ten ergonomic chairs available for your use, one of these is pictured above.

Assistive Equipment

The DaVinci Pro’ CCTV/OCR magnifier on a desk in the Social Science Library

The library has a ‘DaVinci Pro’ CCTV/OCR magnifier, which is kept in the south-west area of the library, near the microfilm reader and microfiche reader. This device can display high-definition enlarged images which can be of benefit to readers with low vision. It also has an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) mode which can take snapshots of written text and convert them to audio speech. Please ask library staff for assistance and guidance with the device. A full instruction manual can be obtained from the Issue Desk, and there is a video introducing the device’s main features.

A member of SSL staff sat at the SSL Issue Desk. On the front of the desk is a hearing loop sign.

A hearing induction loop is fitted in the middle of the issue desk, the position indicated by a sticker on the front of the desk.

A group photo of the SSL book rests, coloured acetate sheets, magnifier, Lumie desk lamp, desk lamp, ergnomic keyboard and light touch keyboard.

The following equipment is available to borrow from the issue desk for use in the library:

  • book rests
  • coloured acetate overlay sheets (red, green, orange, blue, yellow, rose & aqua)
  • desk lamps (including 2 Lumie daylight lamps)
  • ergonomic keyboard (recommended for readers with conditions such as RSI)
  • headphones
  • magnifiers (suspended hands-free)
  • slim ‘light touch’ keyboard

Ask Issue Desk if you would like help with locating or using any of these items. Also see our web page on the ‘Social Science Library for Disabled Readers.’

The SSL has a whole range of equipment you can borrow for library use: Just ask at our Issue Desk

A closed up of a hand holding a pad of stick it notes, with the words 'Forgotten Something?' on it.

If you’ve forgotten to bring some equipment with you, the SSL has a whole range of items available to borrow (for library use only), so it is always worth checking with us before you head back home. We have:

  • Android & Apple Charging Cables
  • Calculators
  • Headphones
  • Travel Adaptors
  • USB Mains Charger
  • USB Memory Sticks

A person sat on a chair reading a book.

We lend the following reading aids.

  • Book Snakes
  • Book Stands
  • Coloured Acetate Sheets
  • Desk Lamps
  • Foam Book Supports
  • Magnifiers

A person from the neck down, sat at a table in front of a laptop, taking notes with a pad and pen.

We lend computer equipment and peripherals:

  • Dell Mouse
  • Dell Standard Keyboard
  • Extension Lead
  • Ergonomic Keyboard
  • Laptop Locks
  • “Light-Touch” Keyboard
  • Mouse Mat
Whiteboard markers and eraser in a holder in front of a whiteboard on a yellow background

Photo by Pat Freling of Paint Strategies

We lend whiteboard pens for use with the whiteboards in our Discussion and Study Rooms.

A close up of a padlock and chain on a green wooden door.

Want to store things securely? We loan padlocks, for use with the lockers situated behind the main building reception desk. This is the only item of our equipment that you can take out of the library and borrow for longer than a day.

A person sat in the sunshine reading a book, with the words 'Want some indoor sunshine while you study?' above.

Lumie desk lamp.


We have a Lumie Daylight Desk Lamp you can borrow. Using this desk lamp will provide you with the bright light your body needs during the dark winter months. It can help boost your energy levels, put you in a better mood and make you feel more awake. It is particularly beneficial for those that suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).




We also have a prayer mat. Staff can advise on the best area in the library to go to use it.





Forgotten something? find out more about the equipment we lend and the stationery we sell

The SSL has a whole range of equipment you can borrow for library use only and stationery and equipment that you can purchase. Just ask staff at our Issue Desk for details.

Equipment to Borrow

All equipment is for library use only (apart from the padlocks which can be borrowed for use with the lockers behind the main building Reception desk). To borrow an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:


We recently added a Lumie Daylight Desk Lamp to the items that we lend. Using this desk lamp will provide you with the bright light your body needs during the dark winter months. It can help boost your energy levels, put you in a better mood and make you feel more awake. It is particularly beneficial for those that suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).




Items for Sale

We have a range of stationery and equipment that we sell at cost price. Where possible, we try and source environmentally friendly products. To buy an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

Forgotten Something? find out more about the equipment we lend and the stationery we sell

The SSL has a whole range of equipment you can borrow for library use only or stationery and equipment that you can purchase. Just ask staff at our Issue Desk for details.

Equipment to Borrow

All equipment is for library use only (apart from the padlocks which can be borrowed for use with the lockers behind the main building Reception desk). To borrow an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

We recently added 2 additional colours (rose and aquamarine) to our collection of coloured acetate sheets. For people with visual impairment, laying the sheets over text minimises glare and makes it much easier to read. They also help improve text readability for people with dyslexia.


Items for Sale

We have a range of stationery and equipment that we sell at cost price. Where possible, we try and source environmentally friendly products. To buy an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

Forgotten something? find out more about the equipment we lend and stationery we sell

Forgotten something? The SSL has a whole range of equipment you can borrow for library use only or stationery and equipment that you can purchase. Just ask staff at our Issue Desk.

Equipment to Borrow

All equipment is for library use only (apart from the padlocks which can be borrowed for use with the lockers behind the main building Reception desk). To borrow an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

Items for Sale

We have a range of stationery and equipment that we sell at cost price. Where possible, we try and source environmentally friendly products. To buy an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

Forgotten something? Find out more about the equipment we lend and stationery we sell

Forgotten something? The SSL has a whole range of equipment you can borrow for library use only or stationery and equipment that you can purchase. Just ask staff at our Issue Desk.

Equipment to Borrow

All equipment is for library use only (apart from the padlocks which can be borrowed for use with the lockers behind the main building Reception desk). To borrow an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

Items for Sale

We have a range of stationery and equipment that we sell at cost price. Where possible, we try and source environmentally friendly products. To buy an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

Forgotten something? The SSL has a range of equipment you can borrow and stationery for sale

Forgotten something? The SSL has a whole range of equipment you can borrow for library use only or stationery and equipment that you can purchase. Just ask staff at our Issue Desk.

Equipment to Borrow

All equipment is for library use only (apart from the padlocks which can be borrowed for use with the lockers behind the main building Reception desk). To borrow an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

Items for Sale

We have a range of stationery and equipment that we sell at cost price. Where possible, we try and source environmentally friendly products. To buy an item, ask a staff member at our Issue Desk. For more information and a full list of items, click on the image below:

Forgotten Something? Find out more about the equipment we can lend to you

Walked all the way to the library and realised you’ve forgotten your laptop lock? Need an adaptor to plug in your laptop? Want to have a go at trying out a Nook e-Reader to explore our vast collection of e-books? The SSL can help you with this and more:


We have a range of equipment that we are happy to lend to you. The majority of items are for same day use in the library but our Nook e-Readers can be taken home. For a full list of the equipment we stock click here.




Forgotten something? The SSL has a range of equipment you can borrow

Equipment for loan Nov 2012

The SSL stocks a range of equipment that you can borrow for use in the library. To see a full list of what’s available, take a look at the Equipment and Stationery page on our website.


Recent additions to our stock are are an Ergonomic and “Light-Touch” keyboard.

Apple Chargers 2 (Apr 16) Cropped

We also have a MacBook Pro compatible power adaptor and two Apple chargers.

Nook (Apr 16) Cropped

The 4 Nook e-Readers we have may be borrowed by University members for 7 days.

The padlocks we stock can be borrowed for 2 days, for use with the lockers in the room behind the building reception area.