Sources of help during the run up to exams and how to support your wellbeing

A stressed student facing their open laptop and biting a yellow pencil in frustration. A pot of coloured pencils and the corner of a notebook is on the desk beside them.

The build-up to exams can be a very stressful time. To help with this, the University has an ‘Exam Wellbeing’ webpage full of helpful tips and advice, and offers support to address any challenges you may face.

The webpage includes a range of workshops available from the University Counselling Service & supportive resources, such as Podcasts.

Want to talk to someone during this stressful period? Take a look at the University’s Welfare & Support webpage, for information on how to contact:

Try one of our Mindful Activities

The Wellbeing Corner in the SSL, with a range of mindful activities you can try.

Take a break from studying in the SSL and try one of our mindful activities. In our Wellbeing Corner (located behind our computer area) you will find:

  • Mindful colouring books and colouring pencils
  • Puzzle books
  • Origami material and instructions guides and books
  • Jigsaw puzzle

Feel free to remove items from this area to use in the library but please return them there after use.

Bodleian Libraries Wellbeing in Trinity Term Events

Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries Wellbeing in the Libraries webpage for other libraries offering mindful activities and events taking place this term.

Llamas and alpacas on the Radcliffe Camera lawn.

Photo copyright of Bodleian Libraries

Take regular breaks

There are plenty of places to get food and drink close to the library:

A cup on the floor, daylight and greenery are in the background.

Manor Road Café

Serves hot food and drink:

Mon – Fri, 8:30am to 3:30pm

Vending Machines & Microwave

Café closed? There are vending machines located at the back of the balcony on the First Floor. There is also a microwave available for you to use there.

Water Fountain

Located behind the main building Reception desk.

Missing Bean Cafe

Serves hot drinks, pizza, sandwiches, pastries and homemade cakes.

Level 2, St Cross Building

Mon – Fri, 8:30am to 5pm

Manor Road picnic benches

Picnic benches are located at the front of the building, if you wish to sit outside.

Want to eat & drink while you study?

Although food is not allowed in the library, you can bring in bottled water and also hot drinks (as long as they are in a reusable cup with a lid).

Pop-Up Book Displays

We currently have two pop-up book displays around the corner from our issue desk.

A pop-up book display in the SSL on the theme of the importance of getting outside for your mental health.

Our first display focuses on the importance of getting outdoors for our mental health. Find inspiration for local walks via books & flyers (some are directly from the SSL & some around Oxfordshire). There are also titles exploring how nature heals us.

A pop-up book display in the SSL on the theme of exam support and wellbeing.

Our second display focuses on Exam support and wellbeing.

All the books are library use only, so please return them to the display after browsing.

Take a break outside

Person stood outside on a path (with their back to us) surrounded by greenery.

There are plently of green spaces close to the SSL for you to take a break in. Pick one of the flyers below up from the library entrance area.

Mao of green spaces close to the SSL: University Parks, Marston Cyclepath, Music Meadow, Holywell Cemetery, Botanical Gardens and Magdalene College Deer Park.


Exam Support Book Display

Brightly coloured books on the topic of exam preparation are displayed around a sign about exam wellbeing

With Trinity term starting we have collected some resources to support during exams. The display covers topics from study skills, such as preparing for an exam and writing an essay, to exam related stress. There’s also information available about the University’s exam wellbeing programme.

Here are just some of the books on display

Books on Study Skills

The study skills handbook 

This is available as an eBook







The ultimate study skills handbook

This is available as an eBook

Books on Well being

How to handle your exam nerves








De-stress for exams 





Additional University and wider resources

The University has a wide variety of resources that are designed to support your wellbeing during exams.

This is includes orientation sessions and mock exams. These can give you an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the venue and ask any questions about the process.

There are also lots of wellbeing resources, designed to help you manage anxiety and stress. The counselling service have podcasts on a range of topics, from exam preparation and revision, to helping yourself to sleep.

Sources of help during the run up to Exams and how to cope with Exam pressure

A stressed student facing their open laptop and biting a yellow pencil in frustration. A pot of coloured pencils and the corner of a notebook is on the desk beside them.

The build-up to exams can be a very stressful time. To help with this, the University has an ‘Exam Wellbeing’ webpage full of helpful tips and advice, and offers support to address any challenges you may face.

The webpage includes a range of workshops available from the University Counselling Service & supportive resources, such as Podcasts.

Want to talk to someone during this stressful period? Take a look at the University’s Welfare & Support webpage, for information on how to contact:

Try one of our Mindful Activities

Take a break from studying in the SSL and try one of our mindful activities:

  • We’ve got supplies for mindful colouring and origami on a table in our entrance area.
  • There is a jigsaw on the table in our comfy seating area (behind the library PCs). Stop for a break and put in a few pieces.

Bodleian Libraries Wellbeing in Trinity Term Events

Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries Wellbeing in Trinity Term webpage for other libraries offering mindful activities and events taking place this term.

Llamas and alpacas on the Radcliffe Camera lawn.

Photo copyright of Bodleian Libraries

Alpacas at the Radcliffe Camera, Wednesday 17 May, 1–4pm

As part of our initiative to support wellbeing across the University, the Bodleian Libraries will be hosting a small herd of alpacas (and a llama) on the Radcliffe Camera lawn, on the afternoon of Wednesday of Fourth Week (17 May). Go along and pet them, it’s a great way to de-stress and take a break from your desk!

Open to all Oxford University staff and students and Bodleian Reader cardholders – no need to book, just turn up.

A cup on the floor, daylight and greenery are in the background.

Take regular breaks

There are plenty of places to get food and drink close to the library:

Manor Road Café

Serves hot food and drink:

Mon – Fri, 8:30am to 3:30pm

Vending Machines & Microwave

Café closed? There are vending machines located at the back of the balcony on the First Floor. There is also a microwave available for you to use there.

Water Fountain

Located behind the main building Reception desk.

Missing Bean Cafe

Serves hot drinks, pizza, sandwiches, pastries and homemade cakes.

Level 2, St Cross Building

Mon – Fri, 8:30am to 5pm

Manor Road picnic benches

Picnic benches are located at the front of the building, if you wish to sit outside.

Want to eat & drink while you study?

Although food is not allowed in the library, you can bring in bottled water and also hot drinks (as long as they are in a reusable cup with a lid).

Pop-Up Book Display

Pop-up book display in the SSL. It features a cardboard tree with leaves on and leaflets for nearby walks.

We’ve also got a pop-up book display, around the corner from our issue desk. The display focusses on beating stress & encourages you to take a study break & get outdoors.

Find inspiration for local walks via books & flyers (some are directly from the SSL & some around Oxfordshire). There are also titles exploring how nature heals us.

All the books are library use only, so please return them to the display after browsing.

Take a break outside

Mao of green spaces close to the SSL: University Parks, Marston Cyclepath, Music Meadow, Holywell Cemetery, Botanical Gardens and Magdalene College Deer Park.

Above are some examples of green spaces close to the SSL. Want to take a trip out of Oxford for a walk? See below for some inspiration.

Person stood outside on a path (with their back to us) surrounded by greenery.

Woodland Walks close to Oxford

Two contrasting woods are a short bus journey away – with a single ticket fare of £2 on all buses until 30 June 2023:

  • Harcourt Arboretum – beautiful woodland glades, wildflowers, and peacocks.   
    (Free entrance with your University Card.)
    The TX39 and X40 buses both pass near to the Arboretum.  
    Ask for the Baldon Lane Bus Stop in Nuneham Courtenay.
    Cross the road with care as it can be very busy, and follow the footpath into the Arboretum. 

 Wytham Woods – 1000 acres, 500 species of plants, and great views across Oxford. 

  • (Free entrance, but you will need to apply for a Walking Permit first.)
    The ST2 bus goes to Wytham Village Hall.
    Turn back up the road the bus has travelled down, and walk into the village.
    Before you reach The White Hart Pub, turn right and then right again.
    Follow the private road up the hill until you reach the main entrance into the Woods.