New: Borrow High Demand Collection items overnight

Books from the SSL High Demand Collection may now be borrowed overnight by members of the University. Normally these items are available to borrow for 3 hours only, but if borrowed within 3 hours of the Library’s closing time, they may be taken out overnight. They should be returned to the Library within 1 hour of the Library’s opening time the following day. Fines of 50 pence per hour will apply on items returned late.

It is also now possible to place Holds on High Demand Collection items. You will receive an email notifying you when the book is available to collect from the library issue desk. Books will be held for one hour before activating the next Hold in the queue or being returned to the High Demand Collection shelves for others to use.

If you would like to recommend other titles for inclusion in the High Demand Collection, please let us know at

Find out more about our High Demand Collection: High Demand reading list texts for taught courses

Looking for a book on your reading list? Can’t find it on our main shelves?

Our High Demand Collection contains high demand reading list texts for taught courses.


Books are issued for 3 hours.

University members may take these books out of the library.

The collection is housed at our Library Issue Desk.



You can identify these items on SOLO from the following information:

Click here for an example of a record for a High Demand Collection book on SOLO. Select Social Science Library from the list of locations displayed.



Also look out for our shelf markers which highlight High Demand items.

Find out more about our High Demand Collection: high demand reading list texts for taught courses

Looking for a book on your reading list? Can’t find it on our main shelves?

Our High Demand Collection contains high-demand reading list texts for taught courses.


Books are issued for 3 hours.

University members may take these books out of the library.

The collection is housed at our Library Issue Desk.



You can identify the titles on SOLO by the following information:

See here for an example of the record for a High Demand Collection book on SOLO. Click on the ‘Find & Request’ tab for location information.



Also look out for our shelf markers which highlight items in the collection.