What is Electronic Legal Deposit (eLD)?
At midnight on 5/6 April 2013, new legislation came into force allowing the Bodleian Libraries and the other Legal Deposit Libraries in the UK and Ireland, to access electronic books, articles, web pages and other electronic documents published in the UK. However, we will not have immediate access to all electronic publications! For practical purposes, the Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations 2013 will be implemented gradually over several years.
As part of this on-going implementation of new legal deposit legislation, the Legal Deposit Libraries have now agreed to accept journals via Electronic Legal Deposit (eLD) from several publishers including Sage, Wiley and Cambridge University Press.
What does this mean for the SSL with regard to print journals?
The SSL currently receives 417 journals via Legal Deposit. The number of current issues that the SSL receives in print will diminish as publishers make the transition from print deposit to electronic deposit.
The SSL eLD Journal Titles list (Excel, 19.3 KB), shows the titles for which issues may no longer be available within the SSL print journals collection from 2014 onwards. PLEASE NOTE that this list is a rough guide only and subject to change.
What alternatives are there?
Current issues of these journals are already available through our e-journal subscriptions, and you will find them listed in SOLO and OU e-Journals.
If you’re used to browsing the new issues of your favourite print journals in the SSL, take a look at the online service JournalTOCS, which delivers the table of contents of followed journals to your email as new issues are published.
For further information
Talk to our library staff
Watch the eLD video tutorial on the SOLO webpage
View the SSL and Bodleian Libraries’ eLD webpages