LGBT+ History Month Book Display 2025

The month of February is LGBT+ History Month. Here at the SSL, we have put together a book display for the occasion.

A selection of books on LGBT+ history in the Social Science Library book display

The theme for this year’s history month is Activism and Social Change.

This display contains resources on the theme of Activism and Social Change, as well as on the topic of LGBT+ history more widely. This book display contains books from the Social Science Library collection as well as a selection of eBook resources.

Some of the physical books are loanable and some are for use in the library only. Each book contains a bookmark specifying the items status.

This book display can be found around the corner from the Issue Desk in the SSL and will be up for the entire month of February.

Poster for LGBT+ History Month in the Social Science Library. Includes LGBT+ history month logo from the organisation Schools Out and some of the featured eBooks

If you would like to learn more about LGBT+ History Month, the organisation, Schools Out! have a great deal of information on their website.

There has been a great deal of work done on the accumulation of LGBT+ history resources in recent years. The History Faculty Library held a LGBT+ history hackathon in November 2024 with the aim of crowdsourcing information and resources on LGBT+ history.

Do you have any suggestions on books that we might have missed? Do you have a recommendation of a book centred around LGBT+ history that is not currently in our collection? Please let us know by emailing

LGBT+ History Month

The whole month of February is LGBT+ History Month and this year’s theme is Medicine -#UnderTheScope

A pop up book display has been set -up which aims to highlight some of the titles that are already in the Social Science Library’s collection. All of the books are borrowable!

Seven books on the subject of LGBT plus history are arranged around a LGBT plus history month poster.

Some highlights from the display:


The end of innocence by Simon Garfield 

A neon green book cover with black text that reads The end of innocence; Britain in the time of Aids  

A re-issue of the original 1994 text investigating the AIDS crisis in Britain. This edition features both a brand new foreword by Russel T Davies, creator of the renowned series It’s a sin, and a new afterword by the author which explores what has changed since the book was originally published.



Bi: the hidden culture, history and science of bisexuality by Julia Shaw

A book cover on which two pink and blue circles intersect with the word Bi in the middle


Bisexuality, the world’s largest sexual minority, is explored in this book by psychological scientist Dr Julia Shaw.

This book is also available online




Before we were trans; a new history of gender by Kit Heyam

A book cover with an black and white photo of gender fluid individuals.


Kit Heyam provides a broad view of the history of gender fluidity with examples from around the world that go beyond the gender binary.





As well as the resources held by the Social Science Library there are wider Bodleian LGBT+ resources such as this Reading List which is regularly updated.

If you feel that there is a LGBT+ History Month title we should hold at the Social Science Library you can let us know by emailing or via the Bodleian’s Recommend a purchase page.

Learn more about LGBT+ History Month via their website

LGBT+ History Month at the SSL – Subject Recommendations

For February, we’ve put up a book display to celebrate LGBT+ History Month. It features selections from our subject librarians, as well as recommendations from readers in previous years. This will be the first of a series of blog posts highlighting aspects of our book display. This post covers the recommendations made for specific subjects at the SSL!

Development with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights and Development

The cover of Development with a Body, featuring a pink background with abstracted images of two people overlaid with brown skin, and red and blue clothing.

For Forced Migration, African and Commonwealth Sarah Rhodes has suggested: Development with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights and Development (eds. Cornwall, Corrêa & Jolly). Sarah Rhodes has said:

‘The shift towards a rights-based approach to development has brought the human rights dimensions of sexuality into clearer view, and consequently the need to address discriminatory laws and violations of the human rights of those whose sexual identity and practices diverge from dominant sexual orders/norms.

This book offers compelling insights into contemporary challenges and transformative possibilities of the struggle for sexual rights. As Arit Oku-Egbas, (African Regional Sexuality Resource Centre, Nigeria) highlights: ‘’We used to talk about development with a human face. We should be talking about development with a body’

An e-book is available at:,contains,development%20with%20a%20body&tab=local&search_scope=LSCOP_ALL&sortby=rank&vid=SOLO&facet=frbrgroupid,include,239740091&lang=en_US&offset=0


Russian Homophobia from Stalin to SochiThe Cover for Russian Homophobia, featuing a red background with a red and black image of Stalin's face, split by a rainbow pattern over which the title is displayed.

For Russian and Eastern-European Studies, the SSL recommends Russian Homophobia from Stalin to Sochi, by Dan Healey.

Professor Dan Healey is both a pioneering researcher of Soviet and Russian homosexuality, and a retired member of Oxford’s own History Faculty. In Russian Homophobia from Stalin to Sochi he explores the Stalinist roots of contemporary Russian homophobia, through a series of case studies.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has accorded a new relevance to Healey’s work: homophobia is key to the Putin administration’s justification of its war.

An e-book is available at,contains,dan%20healey%20russian%20homophobia&sortby=rank&facet=frbrgroupid,include,374131911&offset=0


Samoan Queer Lives

The Cover of Samoan Queer Lives, featuring a photograph of several fa`afafine in white dresses, with tiaras, sashes, and bouquets.

In the field of Anthropology, Helen Worrell recommends Samoan Queer Lives by Dan Taulapapa McMullin and Shigeyuki Kihara. Helen says:

‘This volume examines the unique lives of Samoan people who are ‘fa`afafine’ – broadly understood as persons who are of part of the LGBTIQA+ community.  As Kihara notes in her introduction, the book offers a counterpoint to the western centric and colonialist study of Samoan culture (often conducted by anthropologists) by giving fa`afafine the space to tell their own stories.’

‘This book, the first of its kind, is edited and written by fa`afafine. Here fa`afafine share their stories in their own words.  Featuring 14 autobiographical stories from fa`afafine and LGBTIQA+ Samoans based in Sāmoa, Amerika Sāmoa, Australia, Aotearoa NZ, Hawai`i and USA.

Samoan Queer Lives can be found on the book display. Its shelfmark is DU813.KIH 2018


When States Come Out: Europe’s Sexual Minorities and the Politics of VisibilityThe cover of When States Come Out, featuing a painting of various disconnected bodies, faces and hands. A fist with a gold beaded bracelet on the wrist is raised in the foreground.

Jo Gardner (Politics and International Relations Subject Consultant) has selected When States Come Out: Europe’s Sexual Minorities and the Politics of Visibility by Philip Ayoub.

‘This innovative book breaks new ground in the study of human rights, international relations, social movements, and identity politics. Phillip Ayoub provides a deep and rigorous multi-method analysis of a critical issue at the frontiers of the struggle for human dignity.’ Alison Brysk (Mellichamp Professor of Global   Governance, University of California)

‘This is an important contribution not only to the literature on LGBT politics, but also to that on comparative social movements and the politics of social change more broadly.’ Robert Singh (Birkbeck, University of London)

The e-book is available here:,contains,When%20States%20Come%20Out:%20Europe%E2%80%99s%20Sexual%20Minorities%20and%20the%20Politics%20of%20Visibility%20%20Philip%20Ayoub&sortby=rank&facet=frbrgroupid,include,433731689&offset=0


Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship: Towards a Politics of Difference

The Cover of Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship, featuring a photograph froma parade, where a person walking away from the camera is almost entirely obscured by a peacock-style feather tail, only their calves and heeled shoes are visible beneath.

Jo also suggested Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship: Towards a Politics of Difference by Sally Hines:

‘A wonderful, scholarly elaboration of a politics of difference, carefully argued and grounded in the claims and experiences of transgender people.’ Fiona Williams (Professor of Social Policy, University of Leeds)

‘In a nuanced and vivid account of trans people’s engagements with gender recognition law, Hines offers important new reflections on the politics of recognition and difference.’  Davina Cooper (Professor of Law & Political Theory, University of Kent)

Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship is available on the book display, and we have an additional copy under the shelfmark HQ77.9.HIN 2013


Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places: A Changing WorldThe Cover of Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places, featuring white text over a bright red abstract background.

Andy Kernot (Geography, Social Policy & Intervention, Public Policy, and Internet Studies Subject Consultant) has selected Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places (Eds. Blidon & Brunn).

“This book addresses LGBTQ issues in relation to (among others): law and policy, mobility and migration, children and family, social well-being and identity, visible and invisible landscapes, teaching and instruction, parades, arts and cartography and mapping. This extensive book stimulates future pioneering research ventures in rural and urban settings about existing and proposed LGBTQ policies, individual and group mapping, visible and invisible spaces, and the construction of public and private spaces. Through the various methodologies and rich bibliographies, this book provides a rich source for future comparative research of scholars working in social work, NGOs and public policy, and community networking and development.”

This title is only available as an ebook, and can be accessed here:,contains,lgbtq%20spaces%20and%20places&offset=0

Feel free to pop by and browse or borrow any of these titles, or suggest your own! We’ll be highlighting other resources, including those recommended by SSL readers, later in the month!

LGBT+ Database Trials: Let us know your views

Trialling of LGBT+ Databases

Throughout February and early March the Bodleian Libraries will be trialling a selection of LGBT+ related eResources and databases, which are listed below. All are accessible via SOLO, click on the resource names below to go directly to their SOLO record and gain online access (logging on with your SSO if required).

Archives of Sexuality and Gender: Gale Cengage (On trial until 4/3/20)
This resource spans the sixteenth to twentieth centuries and is the largest digital collection of historical primary source publications relating to the history and study of sex, sexuality, and gender research and gender studies research. Documentation covering disciplines such as social, political, health, and legal issues impacting LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) communities around the world are included, as well as rare and unique books on sex and sexuality from the sciences to the humanities to support research and education.

LGBT Magazine Archive:Proquest LLC (On trial until 2/3/20)
The resource archives of 26 leading but previously hard-to-find magazines are included in LGBT Magazine Archive, including many of the longest-running, most influential publications of this type.  The complete backfile of The Advocate is made available digitally for the first time.  As one of the very few LGBT titles to pre-date the 1969 Stonewall riots, it spans the history of the gay rights movement. LGBT Magazine Archive also includes the principal UK titles, notably Gay News and its successor publication Gay Times.

LGBT Life Full Text from EBSCO (On trial until 28/2/20)
LGBT Life with Full Text is a specialised database for LGBT studies. It provides scholarly and popular LGBT publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines and newspapers. It also includes a specialized LGBT thesaurus containing thousands of terms.  Content includes more than 140 full-text journals and nearly 160 full-text books and reference materials.  In addition, more than 260 abstracted and indexed journals and more than 350 abstracted and indexed books and reference works.

Please let us know what you think of these eResources, as this will help guide whether we should purchase any of them and extend their access. Send your views to Helen Worrell, the Archaeology and Tylor Anthropology Librarian and Vice-Chair, Oxford University LGBT+ Advisory Group.






February is LGBT+ History Month

The Bodleian Social Science Library is proud to support

Trialling of LGBT+ Databases

Throughout February the Bodleian Libraries will be trialling LGBT+ related eResources and databases. Click on the resource name below to gain access via SOLO (logging on with your SSO if required):

Archives of Sexuality and Gender: Gale Cengage (On trial until 4/3/20)
This resource spans the sixteenth to twentieth centuries and is the largest digital collection of historical primary source publications relating to the history and study of sex, sexuality, and gender research and gender studies research. Documentation covering disciplines such as social, political, health, and legal issues impacting LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) communities around the world are included, as well as rare and unique books on sex and sexuality from the sciences to the humanities to support research and education.

LGBT Magazine Archive:Proquest LLC (On trial until 2/3/20)
The resource archives of 26 leading but previously hard-to-find magazines are included in LGBT Magazine Archive, including many of the longest-running, most influential publications of this type.  The complete backfile of The Advocate is made available digitally for the first time.  As one of the very few LGBT titles to pre-date the 1969 Stonewall riots, it spans the history of the gay rights movement. LGBT Magazine Archive also includes the principal UK titles, notably Gay News and its successor publication Gay Times.

LGBT Life Full Text from EBSCO (On trial until 28/2/20)
LGBT Life with Full Text is a specialised database for LGBT studies. It provides scholarly and popular LGBT publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines and newspapers. It also includes a specialized LGBT thesaurus containing thousands of terms.  Content includes more than 140 full-text journals and nearly 160 full-text books and reference materials.  In addition, more than 260 abstracted and indexed journals and more than 350 abstracted and indexed books and reference works.

Please let us know what you think of these eResources, as this will help guide whether we should purchase any of them and extend their access. Send your views to Helen Worrell, the Archaeology and Tylor Anthropology Librarian and Vice-Chair, Oxford University LGBT+ Advisory Group.

SSL Book Display

Why not take a look at the SSL’s Book Display, showcasing some of our wide range of LGBT+ studies resources. Located past the Issue Desk next to the New Books, readers are welcome to browse the display, pick a book to read and even recommend a book to add!


The 2020 LGBT+ History Month Lecture is by Louise Wallwein MBE.

Click here to book your place.

Student and Staff Networks

There are a number of staff networks across the University. LGBT+ staff may wish to join, including:

LGBT+ Allies

LGBT+ Role Models

Oxford University LGBT+ Staff Network

Oxford Area Academic LGBT+ Staff Network

There are also networks for students including:

Oxford University LGBTQ+ Society