During August and September 2015, new lights are being fitted to the main stairway in the Manor Road Building. In order to complete this work, scaffolding will be erected on the stairway which will be out of use from 10 August until 20 August. Access to the upper floors of the building will be accessible via the lift next to the building reception desk.
On Saturday 8 August and Saturday 15 August, the scaffolding will be delivered to the building and stored in the main atrium of the building. For safety reasons, the main automatic door to the Social Science Library will not be in use on these two days. Entrance to the Library will be via the Fire Exit of the Q-Step Centre Teaching Lab (West Graduate Study Room) on the North Side of the building. Signs will be placed on the exterior of the building to direct library users to the temporary entrance on these two days.
The temporary entrance will be staffed by a member of the Manor Road Building Facilities team. Users of the Library should present their University/Bodleian Reader’s card when entering the library, and present their bags for inspection when leaving. Readers wishing to leave the library with books belonging to the Social Science Library, whether borrowed the same day or previously, should obtain a token from the library issue desk to indicate that the books in their possession have been checked by library staff. All normal library services will be available from the library issue desk.
From Monday 10 to Wednesday 12 August, the Social Science Library automatic doors will again be in operation, but users of the library may be asked by the contractors to wait briefly before entering the library if equipment is being carried through the atrium area.
The library should be accessible as normal from Thursday 13 August.
There will be some noise disruption on these days in particular, and in late August and early September while the scaffolding is erected and the new lights are installed. Free ear plugs will be available from the Library Issue Desk during this period.