What are the benefits of e-books?
- With remote access, e-books are there when you need them; not just in library opening hours
- Full text searching helps save you time when looking for relevant sections, passages and quotes
- Multiple e-books are easy to carry around when stored on your laptop, tablet or e-reader
How to find e-books
The library catalogue SOLO is the best place to find individual e-books. Simply search for the book you want and if an e-book is available it will appear along with the print version of the book. Click here for more information.
Using e-books
All e-books can be read online on the hosting platform without an additional apps. EBL, Ebrary and EBSCO allow you to download and read books offline.
Click here for information on how to use e-books offline and on mobile devices.
For further information see our new e-books LibGuide
Why not borrow on one of our e-readers
The SSL has 4 Nooks that can be borrowed for 7 days (with 2 renewals) by members of the University.
The SSL’s NOOks can be used to read downloaded e-books purchased by the Bodleian Libraries from the EBL, Ebrary and EBSCOhost e-book platforms.The NOOKs are also preloaded with public domain e-books relevant to Social Science taught courses.
To borrow one please ask staff at our issue desk.
Further information and guidance on how to use them is available here.