Forgotten something? The SSL has a range of equipment you can borrow

Equipment for loan Nov 2012

The SSL stocks a range of equipment that you can borrow for use in the library. To see a full list of what’s available, take a look at the Equipment and Stationery page on our website.


Recent additions to our stock are are an Ergonomic and “Light-Touch” keyboard.

Apple Chargers 2 (Apr 16) Cropped

We also have a MacBook Pro compatible power adaptor and two Apple chargers.

Nook (Apr 16) Cropped

The 4 Nook e-Readers we have may be borrowed by University members for 7 days.

The padlocks we stock can be borrowed for 2 days, for use with the lockers in the room behind the building reception area.

Discover our e-book collections

What are the benefits of e-books?

  • With remote access, e-books are there when you need them; not just in library opening hours
  • Full text searching helps save you time when looking for relevant sections, passages and quotes
  • Multiple e-books are easy to carry around when stored on your laptop, tablet or e-reader

How to find e-books

The library catalogue SOLO is the best place to find individual e-books. Simply search for the book you want and if an e-book is available it will appear along with the print version of the book. Click here for more information.

Using e-books

All e-books can be read online on the hosting platform without an additional apps. EBL, Ebrary and EBSCO allow you to download and read books offline.

e-book platformsClick here for information on how to use e-books offline and on mobile devices.

For further information see our new e-books LibGuide

Why not borrow on one of our e-readers


The SSL has 4 Nooks that can be borrowed for 7 days (with 2 renewals) by members of the University.

The SSL’s NOOks can be used to read downloaded e-books purchased by the Bodleian Libraries from the EBL, Ebrary and EBSCOhost e-book platforms.The NOOKs are also preloaded with public domain e-books relevant to Social Science taught courses.

To borrow one please ask staff at our issue desk.

Further information and guidance on how to use them is available here.