Access The Economist for free online via SOLO

Keep up to date with the latest economic, business, political and international news by reading The Economist.

This popular weekly newspaper is available for free online via SOLO with your SSO (Single Sign-On). The complete content from 1843 is available to view.

Four methods of access will display and the date ranges/content available for each one vary:

Full-Text Reproduction of Print Version (1992 to 2020)

Choose the 1st option (ABI/INFORM Global) to access a full-text reproduction of the print version of The Economist from 1992 to the latest issue. Note however that content may differ from the online version (2nd option ‘Economist Newspaper’)

Full-Text Plus Additional Online Content (1997 to 2020)

Choose the second option (Economist Newspaper) for full text access from 1997 to the latest issue, plus access to additional online only articles.

Once you have clicked on the above link and The Economist website has displayed, it will show tabs at the top of the screen to ‘Subscribe/Log in or register’ but you do not need to do this, as you have already logged in via SOLO with you SSO. Full text access will display when you click on the image of the issue you wish to read:

Images copyright of The Economist

Full-Text Historical Archive (1843 to 2015)

Choose the 3rd option (Gale Cengage Economist Historical Archive) to access the historical archive dating from 1843 up to and including 2015.

Full-Text (2001 to 2020)

Choose the 4th option (Westlaw International) to access a full-text reproduction of the print version from 2001 to 2020. If you are not a regular Westlaw user, you may find viewing the content easier via ABI/INFORM Global (first option listed above). This is because you cannot browse through the issues via Westlaw (as you can in ABI/INFORM Global). You have to instead enter “Economist” in the search box as the source you want to search and then search it as a database for individual articles.


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