The SSL supports these Open Access Oxford Week events.

10.00-11.00: Digital theses and open access. A celebration of e-theses for #ThesisThursday. Oxford’s open access repository, the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA), contains over 11,500 theses. Around 6,600 are available online full text, thanks to digitisation of past theses and deposits by recent doctoral students. Some of ORA’s top downloads are theses. Find out what they are, who’s using them and the benefits of putting your thesis online. (Clue: discoverability, preservation, citations, re-use.) A chance for Oxford DPhil students to meet members of the ORA team and find out about the practicalities and decisions. Who needs to deposit – what, when, how – how soon can it be made available, and what happens next. Book here.
11.00-12.00: Your thesis, copyright and ORA. Aimed at Oxford DPhil students, who are required to deposit a digital copy of their thesis in ORA as well as a printed copy in the Bodleian. Find out about the copyright and other issues you need to take into account when preparing your thesis for upload. Book here.
These events are part of Open Access Week 2018, which runs from 22-28 October and takes as its theme “designing equitable foundations for open knowledge.”
For a full programme of events and booking information, click here. All sessions are open to all members of Oxford University.
If you have any questions please email the OA Enquiry team