Oxford Forum of Open Scholarship: 3rd – 13th March 2025

Black and white photo of the Radcliffe Camera with orange open access padlock logo on top.

What in the world is going on with open access and open research?

Organised by the Bodleian Libraries the Oxford Forum of Open Scholarship (OxFOS) is a programme of talks, panels, workshops and events, which will take place on the 3rd – 13th March 2025.

It offers a valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of open access and open research, engage in thought-provoking discussions on key topics, and explore what the future holds.

Every event is free to attend and open to all. Events will be a combination of online and in person in Oxford. The full programme and registration links are available here.

Open Access publications policy amendment


View of a persons hands typing on a laptop keyboard.

The University of Oxford Open Access Publications Policy, and University Statute XVI which covers intellectual property rights, have now been updated to incorporate rights retention. This re-affirms the University’s preference for the green or self-archiving route to open access.

From 14 October 2024, by virtue of their employment and without requiring any action on their part, employees at the University provide the rights to make author accepted manuscript versions of their articles and conference proceedings available under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0) at the point of publication.

To utilise rights retention (https://openaccess.ox.ac.uk/rights-retention) authors can simply deposit the accepted manuscript of their work to ORA, the University repository, and the repository team will make it available once it has been published. Authors wishing to opt-out will be able to do so on a work-by-work basis when depositing their papers via Symplectic Elements.

Full news item can be found here: https://openaccess.web.ox.ac.uk/article/2024-07-03-university-oxford-open-access-publications-policy-amended-include-rights

Oxford Festival of Open Scholarship: Learn, Debate, Innovate

Black and white photo of the Radcliffe Camera with orange open access padlock logo on top.

What in the world is going on with open access and open research? Come along and hear from an array of exciting national and international speakers – and find out!

Organised by the Bodleian Libraries, OxFOS23 will cover a range of topical issues, including:

  • The tricky problem of open monographs
  • The future of peer review
  • The future of copyright

The events will take place over two weeks: 8-9th week, Hilary Term (6-17th March). Sessions range between half hour talks and two-hour workshops. All of the events are free to attend and most are open to everyone, but a few are restricted to Oxford university members for practical reasons (e.g. if the content is only relevant to Oxford university members, or if your SSO is required for a workshop). This is an opportunity to explore and debate issues, and jointly look for solutions.

This year most of the events are still online via Teams, but we do have some in-person events as well. Our flagship debate ‘The Future of Copyright’ will be hybrid (both online and in-person tickets available). You can also play the Publishing Trap Game, a board game designed by Chris Morrison (Copyright and Licensing Specialist for Bodleian Libraries) and Jane Secker (Senior Lecturer in Educational Development at City, University of London).

The festival begins with ‘The Fundamentals of Open Access‘ led by Sarah Humphreys. If you are completely new to the idea of open access, this session is a great introduction to the basics and breaks down the meanings of common OA jargon terms.

Visit the OxFOS webpage for the schedule information and to book sessions: https://openaccess.ox.ac.uk/oxfos-23/

Oxford Festival of Open Scholarship: 7 – 18 March 2022

The SSL supports the following Open Access event:

What in the world is going on with open access and open research?

Come along and hear from an array of exciting national and international speakers – and find out!

The inaugural Oxford Festival of Open Scholarship (OxFOS) is a reimagining of Oxford Open Access Week and is organised by the Bodleian Libraries.

Audience: Primarily aimed at researchers and academics but all Oxford staff and students are welcome.

Location: OxFOS22 is online and sessions range between half hour talks and two-hour workshops.

OxFOS will cover a range of topical issues, including:

  • The very latest updates on funder policy including Wellcome, ERC/EC, and UKRI
  • The tricky problem of open monographs
  • Sustainable publishing infrastructures
  • Defending the rights of authors

This is an opportunity to explore and debate issues, and jointly look for solutions. We hope to interest and inspire you!


The booking links below require a Oxford Single Sign-On (SSO). All of the events are online and free and you can choose to book on as many as you would like.

If you are an external researcher who wishes to attend these events please contact openscholarship@bodleian.ox.ac.uk to check if places are available (as priority is given to Oxford students and staff).

Week One

Monday 7th March

10:00-11:00 — Absolute open access basics. Event details. Book here.

Tuesday 8th March

14:00-15:30 — The Open Science Framework at Oxford. Event details. Book here.

Wednesday 9th March

10:00-11:00 — Open access at Oxford. Event details. Book here.

12:00-13:00 — Plan S, UKRI and Wellcome policies, and beyond: The past, present and future of open research funding. Event details. Book here.

13:30-15:00 — Carpentries taster session: R and Unix shell for beginners (Limited Capacity). Event details. Book here

Thursday 10th March

10:00-11:00 — ORCID’s and PID’s from scratch. Event details. Book here.

14:00-15:30 — Preserving the Internet: Web archives and DIY collecting. Event detailsBook here.

Friday 11th March

10:00-11:00 — Digital data sustainability: a one year retrospective. Event details. Book here.

Week Two

Monday 14th March

10:00-11:00 — Absolute open access basics. Event details. Book here.

14:00-15:30 — Data circus: Data (and software) in performance. Event Details. Book here.

Tuesday 15th March

10:00-11:00 — Wellcome open access policy briefing – One year on. Event details. Book here.

15:00-17:00 — Is the future an open book? – Long form research and open access. Event details. Book here.

Wednesday 16th March

10:00-11:00 — UKRI open access policy briefing. Event details. Book here.

14:00-15:00 — Plan S Rights Retention Strategy for open research. Event details. Book here.

Thursday 17th March

10:00-11:00 — The European Commission, Horizon, and open access. Event details. Book here.

14:00-15:30 — Open scholarship infrastructures and sustainability. Event details. Book here.

15:30-16:30 — OxFOS closing session – The future of open research at Oxford – Results of a survey into research practice. Event details. Book here.

If you have any questions relating to the event or Open Access in general, please direct them to the Bodleian Libraries Open Access Team.

Open Access Oxford Week (9th to 13th March): Events and Booking Information

The SSL supports these Open Access Oxford Week events.

Open Access Oxford Week (9 – 13 March), will round off the spring term with daily events across the university, to discuss developments in research dissemination and scholarly communication, policy and practice, all in the context of open access. It will be a chance to hear some excellent speakers from Oxford University and beyond.


Further information on the sessions and how to book can be found here.

International Open Access Week (21 to 27 October)

The SSL supports these International Open Access Week Oxford events.

This year’s International Open Access Week runs from 21-27 October and takes as its theme “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge.”

For a full programme of events and booking information, click here. All sessions are open to current students and staff members of Oxford University.

If you have any questions please email the OA Enquiry team

This week is Open Access Oxford Week (Mon 4 to Fri 8th March)

The SSL supports these Open Access Oxford Week events

Open Access Oxford Week (4 -8 March), will round off the spring term with daily events across the university. It will be a chance to discuss developments in research dissemination and scholarly communication, policy and practice, all in the context of open access. There will be speakers from around the university plus Wikimedia UK, Research England, Oxford University Press, UK Copyright Literacy and Universities UK.There will be a special event on Tuesday 5 March – ‘Open Access and Monographs: publishers, policies, practicalities’. Following on from the Oxford OA monographs seminar in November 2018, another chance to hear from practitioners about the latest developments in OA for academic books. Speakers will discuss open access to long-form works from their different perspectives. The aims are to provide updates on current developments, help researchers take informed decisions about publishing, and to know where to go for help. This event is aimed at Humanities Division academics, researchers & research students, but is open to all current University members.

Further information on the sessions and how to book can be found here.












A special event


Open Access Oxford Week (4th to 8th March): Events and Booking Information

The SSL supports these Open Access Oxford Week events.

Open Access Oxford Week (4 -8 March), will round off the spring term with daily events across the university. It will be a chance to discuss developments in research dissemination and scholarly communication, policy and practice, all in the context of open access. There will be speakers from around the university plus Wikimedia UK, Research England, Oxford University Press, UK Copyright Literacy and Universities UK.

Further information on the sessions and how to book can be found here.

Open Access Week: Thesis Thursday Events for DPhil Students

The SSL supports these Open Access Oxford Week events.

10.00-11.00: Digital theses and open access. A celebration of e-theses for #ThesisThursday. Oxford’s open access repository, the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA), contains over 11,500 theses. Around 6,600 are available online full text, thanks to digitisation of past theses and deposits by recent doctoral students. Some of ORA’s top downloads are theses. Find out what they are, who’s using them and the benefits of putting your thesis online. (Clue: discoverability, preservation, citations, re-use.) A chance for Oxford DPhil students to meet members of the ORA team and find out about the practicalities and decisions. Who needs to deposit – what, when, how – how soon can it be made available, and what happens next. Book here.

11.00-12.00: Your thesis, copyright and ORA. Aimed at Oxford DPhil students, who are required to deposit a digital copy of their thesis in ORA as well as a printed copy in the Bodleian. Find out about the copyright and other issues you need to take into account when preparing your thesis for upload. Book here.

These events are part of Open Access Week 2018, which runs from 22-28 October and takes as its theme “designing equitable foundations for open knowledge.”

For a full programme of events and booking information, click here. All sessions are open to all members of Oxford University.

If you have any questions please email the OA Enquiry team


Open Access Week (22 to 28 October)

The SSL supports these Open Access Oxford Week events.

This year’s International Open Access Week runs from 22-28 October and takes as its theme “designing equitable foundations for open knowledge.”

For a full programme of events and booking information, click here. All sessions are open to all members of Oxford University.

If you have any questions please email the OA Enquiry team