Open Access Oxford Week (11th to 15th June): Events and Booking Information

The SSL supports these Open Access Oxford Week events.

Open Access Oxford Week (11-15 June), will round off the summer term with daily events across the university. It will be a chance to discuss developments in research dissemination and scholarly communication, policy and practice, all in the context of open access. There will be a mix of local and visiting speakers, including representatives from Research England, the National Institute for Health Research, JISC, Altmetric and the creators of ‘author copyright’ game The Publishing Trap.

There will also be a social science-focused day (but of interest to all disciplines) on 14 June entitled ‘Publishers, papers and peer review’, led by Professor Alis Oancea (Oxford University Department of Education) and exploring publication strategies, predatory journals, open practice and data, social science repositories, responsible research metrics, and OA policies. Speakers include leaders from academia, publishing, and preprint servers SocArxiv and SSRN.

Further information on the sessions and how to book can be found here.

Publishers, Papers and Peer Review: An Open Access Oxford Week event for the Social Sciences

The SSL supports this Open Access Oxford Week event.

Booking is now open for Publishers, papers and peer review, an Open Access Oxford Week event for the social sciences on Thursday 14th June 2018, 10.45-15.45 at the Manor Road Building (Seminar Room G).

The event will comprise of a series of short talks and discussion around open access and changing pathways to publication. Speakers include representatives from academia, publishing, repositories and the support teams for open access, data and the REF. Topics include publication strategies, avoiding ‘predatory’ journals, the role of social science preprint platforms, managing data, the new culture of responsible research metrics in impact assessment, and OA policies. The aims are to help researchers maximize the accessibility and impact of their work while retaining ownership, engage with the move towards open practice, address some of the challenges of publication, be aware of University requirements, and know where to go for help.

Click here to book a place. This free event (which includes tea/coffee & sandwich lunch) is open to all University members, especially academics, researchers and research students from the Social Sciences Division.


Open Access Oxford Week (11th to 15th June 2018)

The SSL supports these Open Access Oxford Week events.

Open Access Oxford Week, will round off the summer term with daily events across the university. It will be a chance to discuss developments in research dissemination and scholarly communication, policy and practice, all in the context of open access. There will be a mix of local and visiting speakers, including representatives from Research England, the National Institute for Health Research, JISC, Altmetric and the creators of ‘author copyright’ game The Publishing Trap.

There will also be a social science-focused day on 14 June entitled ‘Publishers, papers and peer review’, led by Professor Alis Oancea (Oxford University Department of Education) and exploring publication strategies, predatory journals, open practice and data, social science repositories, responsible research metrics, and OA policies. Speakers include leaders from academia, publishing, and preprint servers SocArxiv and SSRN.

Visit the Open Access Oxford Week programme page for latest details and booking. A full programme is also listed below.

All events are free and open to all University staff and students, especially academics and researchers, research students, research support staff and librarians.

Monday 11 June 2018

Implementing the REF policy for Open Access. Presenter: Claire Fraser (Higher Education Policy Adviser, Research England). The policymaker’s perspective on the implementation of open access publication requirements for REF 2021.  12.30-1.30pm, Weston Library Lecture Theatre. Book a place.

Help! I’m an author, get me out of here. Presenter: Sally Rumsey (Head of Scholarly Communication and Research Data Management, Bodleian Libraries). Calling Oxford authors to share views on evolving research dissemination at this repeat of Sally’s January presentation. 2-3pm, Weston Library Lecture Theatre.  Book a place.

Tuesday 12 June

Play the Publishing Trap game. Presenters: Jane Secker and Chris Morrison (both from UK Copyright Literacy). Come prepared to play this educational board game – aimed at early career researchers and academics – exploring the impact of scholarly communications choices, with its copyright expert creators. 11.30am-1pm, Radcliffe Science Library (Group Study Room). Book a place.

NIHR Open Access policy and progress. Presenter: Justin Riordan-Jones (Head of Systems and Information (Research), Department of Health & Social Care). An overview of OA policy and practicalities from the National Institute for Health Research, a major funder of research at Oxford.  2-3pm, Cairns Library (Beeson Room).  Book a place.

Wednesday 13 June

Openness and humanities. Presenter: Pip Willcox (Head of the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Bodleian Libraries). The long history of openness in humanities. 11.30-12.15, Weston Library Lecture Theatre. Book a place.

Digital theses and open access. Presenter: Sarah Barkla (Institutional Repository Librarian, Bodleian Libraries). The benefits of making your doctoral thesis available through ORA. 12.15-1.00pm, Weston Library Lecture Theatre. Book a place.

Latest developments in altmetrics. Presenter: Jean Liu (Head of Product Development, Altmetric). Introducing altmetrics and open access, recent developments and tips for using Altmetric data. 2-3pm, Weston Library Lecture Theatre. Book a place.

Thursday 14 June

Publishers, papers and peer review. A Social Sciences-focused event led by Professor Alis Oancea (Oxford University Department of Education). 10.45am-3.45pm, Manor Road Building (Seminar Room G). Programme and booking.

Friday 15 June

The EU and open access: OpenAire and Horizon 2020. Presenter: Frank Manista (European Open Science Manager, JISC). The new OpenAire project and its role in supporting European Union open access policy. 11am-12.00, Radcliffe Humanities Building (Seminar Room). Book a place.

What’s on during International Open Access Week? (23rd-29th October 2017)

International Open Access Week this year runs from the 23rd – 29th October. The theme this year is “open in order to…” , and is “an invitation to answer the question of what concrete benefits can be realised by making scholarly outputs openly available.” Join the online discussion on the benefits of open research with the hashtag #OpenInOrder, and download the poster here.

To mark Open Access Week at Oxford, why not check out our new OA leaflet or come to a training session:

Open Access Oxford – What’s Happening

Our regular iSkills session on OA publishing, ‘Act on Acceptance’ at Oxford, and how ORA makes Oxford research open access. Plus funder mandates and HEFCE policy for post-2014 REF.

Date: Tuesday 24th October 2017, 12:00 – 13:00

Location: Radcliffe Science Library, IT Training Room.

Further details and booking here.


Altmetrics: Beyond Bibliometrics

Moving beyond the traditional bibliometrics of Journal Impact Factor and the author H Index, this 1 hour session discusses alternative metrics used to analyse and inform publishing researchers which draw on online social communication tools. Many scholarly papers are stored online in reference management software, or discussed online via mediums such as Twitter or blogs – learn how to mine this rich source of impact data for metrics on your papers and the papers of key researchers in your field. You will have spotted Altmetric information within our library catalogue, SOLO. We welcome Natalia Madjarevic, Head of Implementations and Support at for this fascinating update.

Date: Tuesday 24th October 2017, 14:00-15:00.

Location: Seminar Room E, Manor Road Building.

Book a place here. (The session is open to members of all divisions and will not just focus on Social Sciences.)


Open Access Drop-in

Judith Ames from the Open Access enquiry team will be in the Atrium to answer questions on Act on Acceptance, HEFCE policy for the next REF, and funder requirements for Open Access.

Date: Thursday 26th October 2017, 12:30-2pm

Location: Old Road Campus Research Building

Coming Soon. Bodleian iSkills: Open Access Oxford. What’s Happening? (Thu 20 April, 12.00 to 13.00)

A briefing on open access publishing and Oxford’s position including guidance on how to comply with the Open Access requirements for the REF and mandates from key funding bodies whilst respecting your publisher’s rights and policies.

Topics to include:

  • What is open access?
  • Key terms – Gold, Green, Article Processing Charges
  • How to find out about research council or funder requirements
  • How to find out what your publisher will allow
  • Green route – how to deposit in ORA
  • Gold route and how to claim for APCs
  • Where to get more information & help
  • Act on Acceptance and HEFCE OA policy for the post-2014 REF.

Intended Audience: Current Oxford researchers and academics, research support staff and librarians

When: Thu 20 April, 12.00 – 13.00

Where: Manor Road Building, Seminar Room E



5,000 reasons to celebrate Act on Acceptance at Oxford

5,000 Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAMs) have been deposited in the Oxford Research Archive (ORA) for Act on Acceptance since April 2016. If you are curious to know about the 5,000th item then find out more here.

In order to be eligible for the next REF, journal articles and conference proceedings (in publications with an ISSN) accepted since 1 April 2016 must be deposited in an open access repository within 3 months of acceptance.

For more information about depositing visit the Open Access website or contact the Open Access Team.

This week is Open Access Week (24th to 31st Oct): Find out more about the events taking place to mark it

This year International Open Access Week takes place this week: 24-31 October 2016. Its theme is Open in Action: everyone can ‘take concrete steps to make their own work more openly available and encourage others to do the same. From posting pre-prints in a repository to supporting colleagues in making their work more accessible.’ To celebrate the steps being taken at Oxford the following (free) sessions are being run:


To find out more about Open Access and to book a place on one of the Open Access Week events go to the Open Access Oxford website.

Keep up to date with Open Access news via Twitter.

Open Access Week: Authorea: a collaborative, data driven research writing tool (Monday 31 Oct, 14.00 to 15.00)


Authorea: a collaborative, data driven research writing tool

Authorea is one of the tools scholars can use to write, discuss and share research. Its mission is to make science more transparent and collaborative.

Researchers are invited to this demo by an Authorea representative who will explain how such tools can help with Open Science, scientific communication & research reproducibility. It is aimed at students writing their first paper, and more seasoned researchers seeking collaborative alternatives to Word, LaTeX, and Google Docs.

When: Monday 31st October 2016, 14.00-15.00, Radcliffe Science Library. Book a place.

Open Access Week: Authors, copyright and open access: making it work for you (Thursday 27 Oct, 14.00 to 15.00)


Authors, copyright and open access: making it work for you.

Open access is also about enabling authors to make informed decisions about their publishing options. Authors are often unsure what rights they retain when signing publisher agreements for journal articles. Your choices affect what you and others can do with your work. This re-run of our August workshop deciphers jargon and explains pitfalls, to help authors understand licensing issues and what they can deposit into ORA.

When: Thursday 27th October 2016, 14.00-15.00, Social Science Library. Book a place.

Open Access Week: Open Access Oxford: What’s Happening (Wednesday 26 Oct, 11.00 to 12.00)


Open Access Oxford – what’s happening.

Our regular iSkills session on OA publishing, ‘Act on Acceptance’ at Oxford, and how ORA makes Oxford research open access. Plus funder mandates and HECFE policy for post-2014 REF.

When: Wednesday 26th October 2016, 11.00-12.00, Radcliffe Science Library. Book a place.