New Years Resolutions Book Display 2025

Happy New Year from all of us here at the Social Science Library. With the new year and an approaching new academic term, we have created a pop-up book display to help you discover some new hobbies that you may like to try.

Books on a variety of hobbies

These books are on loan to us from the Collections Storage Facility (CSF). They are for use in the library only and cannot be borrowed. We have put together a selection of books on a wide variety of subjects such as yoga, running, knitting, crochet and learning a new language. This book display can be found around the corner from the issue desk in the Social Science Library.

The wellbeing corner in the Social Science Library

Balance between work and hobbies is important. Did you know that we have a Wellbeing Corner in the SSL? Located behind the reader PC area is a space where readers can take some time to relax while visiting the library. In our Wellbeing Corner you will find:

  • Mindful colouring books and colouring pencils
  • Puzzle books
  • Origami material and instructions guides and books
  • Jigsaw puzzle

Pride Month Book Display

It’s Pride Month and to celebrate the SSL has a pop up book display 

The book display features books that have been recommended by readers. Most of them can be borrowed from the library so you can read them at your leisure!

Here are some of the titles available in the display:


Allah made us : sexual outlaws in an Islamic African city
Rudolf Pell Gaudio.

“A rich and engrossing account of ‘sexual outlaws’ in the Hausa-speaking region of northern Nigeria, where Islamic law requires strict separation of the sexes and different rules of behavior for women and men in virtually every facet of life.”


Man-made woman: the dialectics of cross-dressing
Ciara Cremin

“On July 27th, 2015, Colin Cremin overcame a lifetime of fear and repression and came to work dressed as a woman called Ciara. This book charts her personal journey as a male-to-female cross-dresser in the ever-changing world of gender politics.”



 Gender trouble : feminism and the subversion of identity
Judith Butler

“Arguing that traditional feminism is wrong to look to a natural, ‘essential’ notion of the female, or indeed of sex or gender, Butler starts by questioning the category ‘woman’ and continues in this vein with examinations of ‘the masculine’ and ‘the feminine’. Best known however, but also most often misinterpreted, is Butler’s concept of gender as a reiterated social performance rather than the expression of a prior reality.”

This book is also available as an eBook

The SSL has lots of resources relating to LGBTQ+ studies, and a great place to start is our Quick Subject Guide available in the library.

If you would like to recommend a title to us you can email




General Election Book Display

The UK is holding a General Election on Thursday 4th July 2024.

Ten books about elections and voters are displayed around a sign about the upcoming UK General Election

We’ve collected some borrowable titles for our collection on the subject of elections, and the voters that participate in them. The display can be found just around the corner from the issue desk!

As well as the books on display there are a number of eBooks available:


Electoral pledges in Britain since 1918

The Politics of Promise







(Re-)Mobilizing voters in Britain and the United States







Underprivileged voters and electoral exclusion in contemporary Europe






A more general guide to resources relating to politics and international relations can be found on the Bodleian LibGuide for the subject. 



If you aren’t already enrolled to vote in the Election, the deadline to do  so is the 18th June. 





If there is a book on the subject that you think we should have please email or complete the online form.

Exam Support Book Display

Brightly coloured books on the topic of exam preparation are displayed around a sign about exam wellbeing

With Trinity term starting we have collected some resources to support during exams. The display covers topics from study skills, such as preparing for an exam and writing an essay, to exam related stress. There’s also information available about the University’s exam wellbeing programme.

Here are just some of the books on display

Books on Study Skills

The study skills handbook 

This is available as an eBook







The ultimate study skills handbook

This is available as an eBook

Books on Well being

How to handle your exam nerves








De-stress for exams 





Additional University and wider resources

The University has a wide variety of resources that are designed to support your wellbeing during exams.

This is includes orientation sessions and mock exams. These can give you an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the venue and ask any questions about the process.

There are also lots of wellbeing resources, designed to help you manage anxiety and stress. The counselling service have podcasts on a range of topics, from exam preparation and revision, to helping yourself to sleep.

Spring book display

Make the most of the spring weather by heading outside into nature.

We’ve collected a selection of seasonal titles that celebrate the wonder of walking in nature.

Learn about the benefits of forest-bathing with Walking in the woods or find out what’s hiding in the bushes with A natural history of the hedgerow. There’s Oxford’s hidden walls to guide you on lunchtime walks, or maybe you’d like to learn more about why trees make us happy?

We’ve also made available a guide to quick walks near the library so you can pop out in your lunch break.

You can find the pop-up display around the corner from the issue desk.

If there is a spring title that you think should be added to the display let us know by emailing

Women’s History Month

A book display of nine books arranged around a sign for Women's History MonthWomen’s History Month runs from the 1st-31st March and is a celebration of phenomenal women throughout history.

To celebrate the Social Science Library has curated a pop-up book display.
We’ve chosen books that are either by, or about, women who have influenced how we see the world through their work.

A selection from the display

The front cover of Sister outsider by Audre Lorde


Sister outsider : essays and speeches
Aurdre Lorde





The front cover of Frida Kahlo by Francisco De La Mora


Frida Kahlo : her life, her work, her home
Francisco De La Mora




The front cover of It's a Don's life by Mary Beard


It’s a don’s life
Mary Beard





The front cover of Come tell me how you live by Agatha Christie Mallowan

Come, tell me how you live
Agatha Christie Mallowan






The front cover of of Undreamed shores by Frances Larson


Undreamed shores : the hidden heroines of British anthropology
Frances Larson





The Bodleian’s collection is full of Women’s history but if you think there is something missing or if you have a suggestion for our display please let us know at

World Book Day 2024

We’re celebrating World Book Day at the Social Science Library by highlighting the value of reading for pleasure.

As well as being a way of travelling through time, space, and perspectives, reading for pleasure has been proved to be a highly important factor in future academic success and mental health

We’ve curated a selection of past Booker, and International Booker, prize winners to provide a taste of some to the titles that are held by the Bodleian.

These are just some of the books on display around the corner from the issue desk.

If you’re inspired to read more you can find loanable fiction at your college library, and of course it is free to join the Oxfordshire County Library Service.









Green Action Week (19 to 23 February) Pop-up Book Display

The SSL are proud to support Green Action Week!

This week (19 to 23 March) the University’s Environmental Sustainability team is hosting the 2024 Green Action Week – a week full of exciting events that empower and celebrate environmental action.

The week aims to enhance networking and exchange of ideas, engage students and staff with research, promote environmental action, raise awareness, encourage wellbeing and celebrate with colleagues.

Green Action Week offers a full and exciting programme of environmental events and opportunities delivered by over 30 partners across the University. From departments and colleges to SU, students’ societies, volunteer groups and suppliers.

Want some tips on how to be Green?

Take a look at our pop-up book display around the corner from our Issue Desk.

Here are a few of the titles on display:

Go lightly : how to travel without hurting the planet / Nina Karnikowski. 2021






Things you can do : how to fight climate change and reduce waste / Eduardo Garcia. 2022




Living plantfully : your guide to growing, cooking and living a healthy, happy & sustainable plant-based lifeLindsey Harrad. 2022



Further reading from our collection:

No one is too small to make a difference / Greta Thunberg.  2019.  SSL shelfmark: GE195.7.THU 2019



How bad are bananas? : the carbon footprint of everything / Mike Berners-Lee. 2010.  SSL shelfmark: GE196.BER 2010



Less is more : how degrowth will save the world / Jason Hickel.  2020.  SSL shelfmark: HC79.E5.HIC 2020



Wilding : the return of nature to a British farm / Isabella Tree.  2019.  SSL shelfmark: QL83.4.TRE 2019



LGBT+ History Month

The whole month of February is LGBT+ History Month and this year’s theme is Medicine -#UnderTheScope

A pop up book display has been set -up which aims to highlight some of the titles that are already in the Social Science Library’s collection. All of the books are borrowable!

Seven books on the subject of LGBT plus history are arranged around a LGBT plus history month poster.

Some highlights from the display:


The end of innocence by Simon Garfield 

A neon green book cover with black text that reads The end of innocence; Britain in the time of Aids  

A re-issue of the original 1994 text investigating the AIDS crisis in Britain. This edition features both a brand new foreword by Russel T Davies, creator of the renowned series It’s a sin, and a new afterword by the author which explores what has changed since the book was originally published.



Bi: the hidden culture, history and science of bisexuality by Julia Shaw

A book cover on which two pink and blue circles intersect with the word Bi in the middle


Bisexuality, the world’s largest sexual minority, is explored in this book by psychological scientist Dr Julia Shaw.

This book is also available online




Before we were trans; a new history of gender by Kit Heyam

A book cover with an black and white photo of gender fluid individuals.


Kit Heyam provides a broad view of the history of gender fluidity with examples from around the world that go beyond the gender binary.





As well as the resources held by the Social Science Library there are wider Bodleian LGBT+ resources such as this Reading List which is regularly updated.

If you feel that there is a LGBT+ History Month title we should hold at the Social Science Library you can let us know by emailing or via the Bodleian’s Recommend a purchase page.

Learn more about LGBT+ History Month via their website