Formatting your text citations, footnotes and bibliography correctly for your essay or thesis can be a chore. Using reference management software makes it easier and saves you time.
There are a number of options to choose from:
- EndNote
- Mendeley
- RefWorks
- Zotero
To find out more about the different software available, how they work, and which will best suit your needs:

The Bodleian Libraries Reference Management Subject Guide, includes comprehensive information on different reference management software, including the pros and cons of using each one.

Attend one of the upcoming Bodleian iSkills Reference Management training sessions. Find out more and book your place via the links below.
Referencing: Choosing and using software for referencing
(In Person Course)
Wednesday 22 January, 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Referencing: EndNote
(In Person Course)
Monday 3 February, 9.30am – 12.30pm
Referencing: EndNote
(Online Course)
Wed 20 February, 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Referencing: RefWorks
Tuesday 11 February, 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Referencing: Zotero
(In Person Course)
Wednesday 19 February, 1.30am – 4.30pm
Referencing: Zotero
Thursday 6 March, 2.30pm – 4pm

Explore Cite Them Right, an online platform designed to advise students on how to reference correctly across eight referencing styles. Based on a best-selling book in its 12th edition, by Richard Pears and Graham Shields, this programme is trusted by institutions globally, and accessed by thousands of students daily.
Cite Them Right gives examples and generates citations from a choice of 7 referencing systems for print and electronic formats. The citations can be copied into your work or emailed. The referencing systems are Harvard (author-date), APA, MLA, MHRA, OSCOLA, Vancouver and Chicago. Citations can be created for a very diverse range of sources, including books, journals, digital resources and websites, audio-visual material, unpublished material (theses, manuscripts, etc.), financial & scientific reports, genealogical sources (wills, censuses, etc.), legal material, government and other official publications, and other forms of communication sources (email, social media, graffiti, etc.).
Where can you access the resource?
Cite Them Right can be accessed via SOLO.

You can also get advice on reference management from your Subject Consultant. Find out their contact information here.