RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, 24-26 January

The SSL supports the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch which will be taking place from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 January 2025.

Take a break and join the world’s largest garden wildlife survey to help build a picture of how UK garden birds are faring.

To take part, follow the simple steps below:

Three images with text.  The first one shows a calendar and stopwatch and says 'Choose an hour between 24 and 26 January'.  The second image is of birds on the ground and on bird feeders and says 'Only record the birds that land in your patch'.  The third image is of four blackbirds on one side then a clock saying 30 minutes later and two blackbirds on the other side with text saying 'Record the highest number of each bird species you see at any one time'.

To find out more go to the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch homepage.

To brush up your bird identification skills and find ways to attract birds to your garden, take a look at our book display just around the corner from the Issue Desk.

Feel free to take a book from the display to read in the library but please return it to the display after use.

Take part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch

The SSL supports the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch which will be taking place from Friday 26th to Monday 28th January 2024.

Join the world’s largest garden wildlife survey and help build a picture of how UK garden birds are faring.

To take part, follow the simple steps below:

An infographic of a calendar with the words 'Choose an hour between 26 and 28 January.' An infographic of birds feeding from bird feeders with the words 'Only record the birds that land in your patch' under it. An infographic of birds and a timer with the words 'Record the highest number of each bird species you see at any one time' under it.

To find out more go to the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch homepage.

An infographic of a robin. Next to the robin are the words 'RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Book Display'

To help you brush up on your bird spotting skills and learn how to encourage birds into your garden, we’ve created a book display. Find the display around the corner from our issue desk, on top of the new journals display area.

Feel free to take a book and read it in the library but please return to the display after use.

A photo of the SSL 'RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch' book display.