When you book a study space via Space Finder, you have a number of options you can choose. One of them is for ‘Open Plan Desk Booking‘:

When you choose this option it basically means you can sit at any study space in the library that doesn’t have a PC at it or isn’t a Height Adjustable Desk (see photo below for an example of one of our Height Adjustable Desks):

The study spaces you can choose from are listed below:
The seating located around the corner, to the left of our issue desk.

The seating at the back of the library, opposite St Catherine’s College (except the Height Adjustable Desks located in this area).

The partitioned seating in front of the Central Graduate Study Room.

The seats in either of our Graduate Study Rooms (except the Height Adjustable Desks located in these rooms). At the moment these two rooms are open to anyone to use and not just Social Science Graduates.

If they are not booked by a group, you are welcome to use either of our Discussion Rooms.

photo (c) John Cairns
There are also some individual desks along the west side of the library, opposite the St Cross Building (though do note they don’t have power sockets).

You can also use our Study Carrels. Do note that occasionally some of these may be booked but this is clearly displayed on the door to each carrel.

Once you’ve chosen the area you want to sit, look out for the ticks in green boxes and red no-entry symbols.
Sit at a desk space with a tick in a green box.

Avoid the red ‘Desk not in use’ spaces. This ensures everyone is adequately spaced apart.

Finally clean your study space before you start work and also before you leave.
Cleaning stations are located close to all seating areas. Help yourself to the materials located there (returning after use) and do let library staff know if supplies are running low.