SSL eReadings: save time by accessing essential course readings online, anywhere, anytime

The SSL has made studying easier, by scanning and uploading the book chapters and articles you need to WebLearn.

All you have to do is read them!

SSL eReadings is hosted on the SSL WebLearn site. Simply log on with your SSO (Single-Sign On).

Take a look at the selection of book chapters and articles available, sourced from reading lists that we support.

Take the SSL on Holiday

Whether you wear sunnies, shades, aviators or sunglasses the SSL has your summer reading sorted!

Vacation loans start during 8th week of Trinity term. For standard loans this will begin on Sunday 11th June and for short loan items it will begin on Thursday 15th June. Books will be due back on Tuesday 10th October (1st week of Michaelmas Term)

If you need to access library resources while you are away from Oxford, follow our tips below:

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO or OxLIP+ with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries LibGuides for further information.

SSL eReadings provides scans of selected articles and book chapters on reading lists that are not available in e-books or e-journals. SSL eReadings is hosted on WebLearn, log in with your Single Sign On (SSO)

Use the Scan & Deliver service if you need to get hold of a chapter or article from the Closed Stacks



Take the SSL on Holiday

Do you need to access library resources while you are away from Oxford this vacation?

Follow our tips below:

Vacation loans start during 8th week of Hilary term. For normal loans this will begin on Sunday 5th March and for short loan items it will begin on Thursday 9th March. Books will be due back on Tuesday 25th April (1st week of Trinity Term)

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO or OxLIP+ with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries LibGuides for further information.

SSL eReadings provides scans of selected articles and book chapters on reading lists that are not available in e-books or e-journals. SSL eReadings is hosted on WebLearn, log in with your Single Sign On (SSO)

Use the Scan & Deliver service if you need to get hold of a chapter or article from the Closed Stacks.

Over the Easter weekend we are open/closed as follows:

Take the SSL on holiday

Christmas stockings

Do you need access to library resources while you are away from Oxford this vacation?

Follow our tips below:

Vacation loans start during 8th week of Michaelmas term. For standard loans this will begin on Sunday 27th November and for short loan items it will begin on Thursday 1st December. Books will be due back on Tuesday 17th January (1st week of Hilary Term)

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO or OxLIP+ with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries LibGuides for further information.

SSL eReadings provides scans of selected articles and book chapters on reading lists that are not available in e-books or e-journals. SSL eReadings is hosted on WebLearn, log in with your Single Sign On (SSO)

Use the Scan & Deliver service if you need to get hold of a chapter or article from the Closed Stacks.

Take the SSL on holiday


Do you need to access library resources while you are away from Oxford this vacation?

Follow our tips below:

Vacation loans start during 8th week of Hilary term. For standard loans this will begin on Sunday 6th March and for short loan items it will begin on Thursday 10th March. Books will be due back on Tuesday 26th April (1st week of Hilary Term)

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO or OxLIP+ with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries LibGuides for further information.

SSL eReadings provides scans of selected articles and book chapters on reading lists that are not available in e-books or e-journals. SSL eReadings is hosted on WebLearn, log in with your Single Sign On (SSO)

Use the Scan & Deliver service if you need to get hold of a chapter or article from the Closed Stacks.

Take the SSL on Holiday

Christmas stockings

Do you need to access library resources while you are away from Oxford this vacation?

Follow our tips below:

Vacation loans start during 8th week of Michaelmas term. For standard loans this will begin on Sunday 29th November and for short loan items it will begin on Thursday 3rd December. Books will be due back on Tuesday 19th January (1st week of Hilary Term)

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO or OxLIP+ with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries LibGuides for further information.

SSL eReadings provides scans of selected articles and book chapters on reading lists that are not available in e-books or e-journals. SSL eReadings is hosted on WebLearn, log in with your Single Sign On (SSO)

Use the Scan & Deliver service if you need to get hold of a chapter or article from the Closed Stacks.

Take the SSL on holiday

suitcases 1

Do you need to access library resources while you are away from Oxford this vacation?

Follow our tips below:

Vacation loans start during 8th week of Trinity term. For standard loans this will begin on Sunday 14th June and for short loan items it will begin on Thursday 18th June. Books will be due back on Tuesday 13th October (1st week of Michaelmas Term)

Access e-books, e-journals and databases remotely by logging in to SOLO or OxLIP+ with your Single Sign On (SSO) Take a look at the Bodleian Libraries LibGuides for further information.

SSL eReadings provides scans of selected articles and book chapters on reading lists that are not available in e-books or e-journals. SSL eReadings is hosted on WebLearn, log in with your Single Sign On (SSO)

Use the Scan & Deliver service if you need to get hold of a chapter or article from the Closed Stacks.

SSL eReadings Survey Reminder (closes Fri 20th March)

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Have your say

The SSL wants your views on the SSL eReadings service.

SSL eReadings currently holds over 900 scans of core and required reading on Social Science reading lists supported by the SSL.

We want to know what you think of the service and what we can do to improve it.

To have your say on the SSL eReadings Service please complete our short online survey:

The survey closes at the end of Hilary Term (Friday 20th March)