New Service: Closed Stack Request Email Renewal Reminders

Book van reduced size

On the 1st August the Bodleian Libraries introduced a policy of sending courtesy emails to alert readers that stack requests they placed via SOLO are about to lapse and be returned to the closed stacks. The aim is to avoid situations where material is returned to the stacks whilst still in use. We hope you will find this new service useful.

As this has now been introduced we at the SSL will no longer personally be emailing readers who have items that have lapsed to see if we should renew them for them.

This new service will run on a trial basis and be reviewed at the end of the forthcoming academic year.

Details of how to renew your stack requests can be found here

Stack Request Deliveries over the Christmas Vacation

Stack Req Van

The last stack request delivery before our Christmas closure period (Wed 24th Dec to Thurs 1st Jan (dates inclusive)) will be on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd December.

The library re-opens on Friday 2nd January but there will be no stack request delivery on this day.

The first delivery of the new year will take place on the morning of Monday 5th January. Items ordered over the library closure period will be delivered on this day or shortly afterwards.

Possible delays in book delivery service, July to September

Book van reduced sizeAs a result of the closure of part of the A420 road near Swindon for seven weeks from Wednesday 23 July for major improvement work, there may be delays in the delivery of Closed Stack requests from the Book Storage Facility.
Oxfordshire City Council has stated that the road closure is likely to cause severe delays with significant congestion on all alternative routes.
Books which currently take half a day to arrive may take up to a day although staff are working hard to minimise disruption as much as possible.

Limited retrieval service for Stack Requests ordered from the BSF on Thursday 3rd July

Stack Req VanOn Thursday 3rd July due to a staff training event there will be a limited retrieval service for stack requests ordered from the Book Storage Facility that day.

If you require new stack requests to be delivered on the morning of Friday 4th July please ensure you place your requests before 1pm on Thursday 3rd. Requests made after 1pm on Thursday 3rd will not be delivered until the afternoon of Friday 4th.


Stack request delivery delays for items requested over the weekend

Due to technical issues at the Bodleian Book Storage Facility, we are experiencing delays with the delivery of stack items requested over the weekend. Our colleagues in IT Services and BDLSS are working hard to find the solution. We hope that these items will be delivered tomorrow.


The software has been repaired and staff are working their way through the weekend’s requests which should be in tomorrow morning’s delivery.