Learn something new in 2019: Find out more about the courses you can attend to aid your studies and research

The Bodleian Libraries and the Social Sciences Division are offering a wide variety of courses this Hilary Term. So if you are interested in improving your research skills or want to make more effective use of scholarly materials then read on below.

ToolskitThe Research Skills Toolkit is a free hands-on workshop for graduate research students. In a lively 2-hour session, you will try out a variety of tools and online services to support your research. Repeat sessions will be taking place this January:

  • Tues 15th Jan, 10:00 – 12:00
  • Thurs 17th Jan, 14:00 – 16:00
Sessions will take place at Oxford University IT Services, 13 Banbury Road

Click here for further information and to book your place.

The Social Sciences Division and its departments run a range of research and professional skills training for DPhil students.

Click here to see a full list of the courses available this Hilary Term, and for further information on how to book a session.

Brush up your knowledge of:

  • Information discovery and searching for scholarly materials
  • Endnote, RefWorks, Zotero and Mendeley for managing references and formatting footnotes and bibliographies
  • Keeping up to date with new research
  • Measuring research impact
  • Understanding copyright and looking after your intellectual property
  • Open Access publishing and complying with funder mandates for open access
  • Managing your research data

Attend a free Bodleian iSkills workshop in information discovery & scholarly communications.

Primarily aimed at Graduates, the programme is designed to help you to make effective use of scholarly materials.

For a full list of Hilary Term’s workshops click here.

Learn something new in 2018: find out more about courses you can attend to aid your studies and research

The Bodleian Libraries and the Social Sciences Division are offering a wide variety of courses this Hilary Term. So if you are interested in improving your research skills or want to make more effective use of scholarly materials then read on below.


The Research Skills Toolkit is a free hands-on workshop for graduate research students. In a lively 2-hour session, you will try out a variety of tools and online services to support your research. Repeat sessions will be taking place this January:

  • Tues 16th Jan, 10:00 – 12:00
  • Thurs 18th Jan, 14:00 – 16:00
Sessions will take place at Oxford University IT Services, 13 Banbury Road

Click here for further information and to book your place.

The Social Sciences Division and its departments run a range of research and professional skills training for DPhil students.

Click here to see a full list of the courses available this Hilary Term, and for further information on how to book a session.

Brush up your knowledge of:

  • Information discovery and searching for scholarly materials
  • Endnote, RefWorks, Zotero and Mendeley for managing references and formatting footnotes and bibliographies
  • Keeping up to date with new research
  • Measuring research impact
  • Understanding copyright and looking after your intellectual property
  • Open Access publishing and complying with funder mandates for open access
  • Managing your research data

Attend a free Bodleian iSkills workshop in information Discovery & Scholarly Communications.

Primarily aimed at Graduates, the programme is designed to help you to make effective use of scholarly materials.

For a full list of Hilary Term’s workshops click here.

Learn something new in 2017


The Bodleian Libraries and the Social Sciences Division are offering a wide variety of courses this Hilary Term. So if are interested in improving your research skills or want to make more effective use of scholarly materials then read on below.


The Research Skills Toolkit is a free hands-on workshop for graduate research students. In a lively 2-hour session, you will try out a variety of tools and online services to support your research. Repeat sessions will be taking place this January:

  • 16th Jan, 14.00 – 16.00
  • 19th Jan, 9.30 – 11.30
  • 20th Jan, 14.00 – 16.00
Sessions will take place at IT Services, 13 Banbury Road

Click here for further information and to book your place.

Research Skills

The Social Sciences Division and its departments run a range of research and professional skills training for DPhil students.

Click here to see a full list of the courses available this Hilary Term, and for further information on how to book a session.


Bodleian iSkills is a series of free workshops in information discovery and scholarly communications run by the Bodleian Libraries.

These workshops are open to all Oxford University members and with a few indicated exceptions they are also open to Bodleian Libraries readers.

Click here to see a full list of the courses available this Hilary Term, and for further information on how to book a session.

Advanced Research Computing For Social Scientists

Image of 1s and zeros

This Wednesday there will be a special session on Advanced Research Computing highlighting software of use for Social Scientists. The session will introduce the Advanced Research Computing service and highlight using STATA for social scientists.

Location: Lecture theatre, Manor Road Building, OX1 3UQ

Time: Wednesday 23rd November 2016 – Week 7 – 2pm to 3pm

The session is free buut your place must be booked online. Booking details here.

Data Dialogue: When Research Crosses Border

Image of 1s and zerosThe Data Dialogue: When Research Crosses Border is a conference that will be held in the University of Oxford on September 29th from 9.30-17.00. The event is run in collaboration with UCL and concerns researchers and research managers experiences of collecting information in foreign territories. Issues to do with differing legal and ethical frameworks, collaborating on projects, managing data and common pressures on social science, and other, research will be discussed.

The event will be hosted in Jesus College and is completely free to attend. Those interested in attending should book through Eventbrite.

More information including the programme of events is available on the Science & Engineering South website.

Research and Skills Training Sessions in the Social Sciences: Week 7

DCT Logo

We have two interesting Research and Skills training sessions in the social sciences in week 7. You can book your place here. Further details below:

Getting started in Oxford’s libraries

Wednesday 2nd March 9:30 to 11:30

RSL Training Room

This 2 hour workshop will introduce new researchers to Oxford Libraries. A basic overview of the library catalogue and the online library resources will be provided via practical exercises in a computer room. Social Sciences literature databases will be explored and online tools specifically for researchers will be introduced. There will also be the opportunity for an optional guided tour of the Social Science Library on Manor Road with information also provided about the other Social Sciences Libraries within Oxford. The workshop will be useful for those not recently familiar with UK Higher Education Libraries.


Research impact – citation analysis tools 

Thursday 3 March 14:00 to 15:30

RSL Training Room

An introduction to citation tracking and bibliometrics, using a range of impact factor tools to find top journals and conferences, count citations and measure the impact of publications and researchers. We explain their strengths and weaknesses, and how to access them. We cover: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal Rank, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Essential Science Indicators, ORCID, and more.

Research and Skills Training Sessions in the Social Sciences: Getting information to come to you

DCT Logo

Fri 26th Feb 14:30 – 16:00

SSL IT Training Room

Next week the research and skills training session for DPhil students is on getting information to come to you. You can book your place here. Further details below:

This session will show you how to set up alerts to journals, databases and websites, so that you receive notifications when new content is added. Participants will have the opportunity to set up RSS feed readers and/or email notifications during the session.

Research and Skills Training Sessions in the Social Sciences: Finding Stuff, Scholarly Literature for Your Research

DCT Logo

Wednesday 10th February 9:15 to 12:15

SSL IT Training Room

Next week the research and skills training session for DPhil students is on how to find stuff for your research. You can book your place here. Further details below:

A practical introduction to searching for scholarly materials to support your research, covering a range of tools for finding monographs, journal articles, conference papers, theses and more. Key topics: Effective literature searching; Finding monographs and other scholarly items in Oxford Libraries using SOLO; Searching for journal articles using subject databases; Searching for journal articles using scholarly search engines; Searching for theses and dissertations from around the World using Proquest and eTHos; Searching for theses from Oxford University using SOLO and ORA; Searching for conference papers: Proquest, OCLC and more.

Research and Skills Training Sessions in the Social Sciences: Week 3

DCT Logo

There are 3 interesting Research and skills training sessions for  DPhil students running next week. You can book your place here. Details of the sessions are below.

Finding Stuff – Scholarly Literature for Your Research

Monday 1st February 14:00 – 17:00

RSL Training Room

A practical introduction to searching for scholarly materials to support your research, covering a range of tools for finding monographs, journal articles, conference papers, theses and more. Key topics: Effective literature searching; Finding monographs and other scholarly items in Oxford Libraries using SOLO; Searching for journal articles using subject databases; Searching for journal articles using scholarly search engines; Searching for theses and dissertations from around the World using Proquest and eTHos; Searching for theses from Oxford University using SOLO and ORA; Searching for conference papers: Proquest, OCLC and more.


Getting started in Oxford’s libraries

Tuesday 2nd February 10:00 to 12:00

RSL Training Room

This 2 hour workshop will introduce new researchers to Oxford Libraries. A basic overview of the library catalogue and the online library resources will be provided via practical exercises in a computer room. Social Sciences literature databases will be explored and online tools specifically for researchers will be introduced. There will also be the opportunity for an optional guided tour of the Social Science Library on Manor Road with information also provided about the other Social Sciences Libraries within Oxford. The workshop will be useful for those not recently familiar with UK Higher Education Libraries.

Phase 2 (3rd Week)

Your Thesis, Copyright and ORA

Wednesday 3rd February 14:00 -15:00

RSL Training Room

Digital theses are becoming increasingly common worldwide. Oxford DPhil students are required to deposit a copy of their thesis in ORA (Oxford University Research Archive). Find out how to deposit the digital copy of your thesis and what you need to know about rights and other issues.