Bodleian iSkills is a series of workshops designed for postgraduates and researchers, covering information discovery and searching for scholarly materials, keeping up to date with research, using reference management tools, research data management and open access publishing. For Michaelmas term, most of the workshops will continue to run online.
The workshops are FREE but online booking is essential. A list of the sessions taking place this term can be found on the iSkills Workshops webpage.
Coming up in 4th Week
Referencing: Zotero (Tue 2 Nov 10.00-11.00)
An online introduction to Zotero, a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and add citations and bibliographies to word processed documents using your chosen citation style.
Who is this session for? Students, researchers and staff needing to manage references and create bibliographies.
Finding stuff: Scholarly literature for your research (Wed 3 Nov 10.00-12.00)
An online introduction to searching for scholarly materials to support your research, covering a range of tools for finding books, journal articles, conference papers, theses and more from the University of Oxford and around the world.
Who is this session for? Postgraduate students, researchers and academics.
Bodleian iSkills: Getting started in Oxford Libraries (Thu 4 Nov 10.00-12.00)
An online introduction to getting started in Oxford libraries. This workshop will feature live demonstrations and hands on activities on how to use SOLO, the University’s resource discovery tool. We will search for a range of material and show you how to get hold of what you want to read. There will be regular breaks for questions.
Who is this session for? All Oxford Library users.
iSkills: Data sources for research – discovery, access and use (Fri 5 Nov 10.00-12.00)
This workshop will provide a grounding in the different ways quantitative and qualitative data is being made available to benefit researchers. Topics to be covered include: how to obtain macro and micro data via specific sources; qualitative and quantitative data resources; additional data services such as the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), Eurostat, Researchfish and the Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative’s online interactive databank and global Multidimensional Poverty Index; specialist sources for business and economic data subscribed to by Oxford University; the importance of data management and cybersecurity.
Who is this session for? DPhil students and research staff (particularly in Social Sciences). This workshop will be most beneficial to those researchers planning to use secondary data sources (quantitative, qualitative and mixed) as part of their research or who wish to learn more about the potential of open data platforms and data archives.