Our collection of paintings, which date from the early eighteenth to mid-twentieth century, reflects the role that the Taylorian’s academics, librarians, and benefactors have played in the development of European language study at Oxford.
Thank you to Art UK for these photographs of our collection. To explore other Oxford collections which have been documented to date visit: https://artuk.org
Access to these paintings for research can be granted by contacting tay-enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.
Miller, William. Sir Robert Taylor (1714-1788). c.1740-1810. Oil on canvas. 150 x 100cm. Taylor Institution Library Collection, University of Oxford.
Northcote, James. Reverend Robert Poole Finch (1724-1803). 1791. Oil on canvas. 300 x 175cm. Taylor Institution Library Collection, University of Oxford.
Moore, Ernest. Joseph Wright MA. 1926. Oil on canvas. 150 x 100cm. Taylor Institution Library Collection, University of Oxford.
Sauter, Georg. H. G. Fiedler (1862-1945). 1914. Oil on canvas. 200 x 150cm. Taylor Institution Library Collection, University of Oxford.
Sauter, Georg. F. Max. Muller. 20th century. Oil on canvas. 150 x 100cm. Taylor Institution Library, University of Oxford.
Darwin, Robin. Theodore Besterman. 1970. Oil on canvas. 90 x 70cm. Taylor Institution Library Collection, University of Oxford.
Artist Unknown. Henry Wellesley (1791-1866). Date unknown. Oil on canvas. Taylor Institution Library Collection, University of Oxford.
van Houten, Georges. Interior of a Bar. Early 20th century. Oil on canvas. 56 x 69.5cm. Taylor Institution Library Collection, University of Oxford.
Neopolitan School. The Meeting of Venus and Adonis. c. 1700. Oil on canvas. 175 x 200 cm. Taylor Institution Library, University of Oxford.