Entry number: A-439 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Quamvis secundum philosophum tertio Ethicorum . . .’
Item location: A1r [Title-page.] Item location: A2r Ars moriendi. Incipit: ‘[Q]vamuis secundum philosophum tercio Ethicorum omnium terribilium mors corporis sit terribilissima . . .’ Note on authorship: According to Bloomfield, the authorship has been attributed to Nikolaus von Dinkelsbühl, Eberhardus Mardach, Henricus de Langenstein, Johannes Gerson, Johannes Nider, etc. Sometimes it is attributed to Matthaeus de Cracovia or to Albertus Magnus and, in Italian editions, to Dominicus Capranica, Cardinal of Fermo; for discussion of authorship see O’Connor, Art of Dying, 48-60. For discussion of Nikolaus von Dinkelsbühl as possible author see Madre, Nikolaus von Dinkelsbühl, 292-5, and Dieter Mertens, Iacobus Carthusiensis, Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte, 50, Studien zur Germania Sacra, 13 (Göttingen, 1976), 181-2. For a full bibliography of the ‘Ars moriendi’ see Nigel F. Palmer, ‘Ars moriendi und Totentanz: Zur Verbildlichung des Todes im Spätmittelalter, mit einer Bibliographie zur “Ars Moriendi”0.6 mm’, Tod im Mittelalter, ed. Arno Borst and others, Konstanzer Bibliothek, 20 (Konstanz, 1993), 313-34. See Amaat F. Burssens, ‘De onderlinge Verhouding van Ars moriendi, dat Sterfboeck en dat Boeck van der Voirsienicheit Godes’, Boek, 14 (1925), 216-30. On Dutch versions of the ‘Ars moriendi’; see also Een scone leeringe om salich te sterven: Een Middelnederlandse ars moriendi, ed. by B. de Geus, J. van der Heijden, and others (Utrecht, 1985).
Place of imprint: [Leipzig: Melchior Lotter, after 1500?]. Format: 4°. A8 B6. Type: Sheppard notes that GW‘s description of type 1 with minuscule of type 4 is not correct.14 woodcuts. References: GW 2579;Goff A–1120;not in Pr;O’Connor, Art of Dying, 134; Sheppard 2151.
Copy Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century calf; on both covers two gold fillets forming a frame; gold-tooled spine, in each compartment a central floral tool and small rosettes in the corners; marbled pastedowns. Size: 215 × 153 × 9 mm. Size of leaf: 210 × 144 mm. Notes by Douce on a slip of paper attached to the endleaf. Decoration: Three- and four-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Capital strokes and underlining in red. Woodcuts coloured in red, yellow, and green. Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 75.
Entry number: A-440 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Quamvis secundum philosophum tertio Ethicorum . . .’ [Dutch] Sterfboek. Remark: Fragment.
Place of imprint: Zwolle: Peter van Os, 1488. Format: Folio. a–h8.6 i6 k8 l m6 n8. Woodcut initials on m2r-v and woodcut of two prophets from a block-book ‘Biblia pauperum’ on m2v: see Conway 195 ‘H.’ References: GW 2595;HC 1842;Pr 9132;Campbell 1620; Conway 195 ‘H’; CIBN A–609; HPT II 450, 501; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 147; Sheppard 7006.
Copy Imperfections: Two leaves only, m2 and n8. Binding: Nineteenth-century half maroon morocco. Size of fragment: m2: 251 × 173 mm; n8: 195 × 150 mm. Notes by Douce. Decoration: Two-line initial and paragraph marks supplied in red. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834). Bequeathed in 1834. Bodleian shelfmark: Douce Fragm. d.11.
Entry number: A-441 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Quamvis secundum philosophum tertio Ethicorum . . .’ [French] L’art de bien vivre et de bien mourir, et al.
Item location: a2r L’art de bien vivre. Incipit: ‘[N]ostre dieu imperateur et createur du ciel et de la terre au commancement du temps . . .’ Item location: k2r ‘Une tres deuote meditation de l’ame.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]ui sera mon loyal amy, mon teable secours a mon derrain . . .’ Item location: k4v [Prologue to l’art de bien mourir.] Incipit: ‘[C]ombien que tousiours penser a la mort ne soit pas utile . . . Quamuis secundum philosophorum tercio Ethiquorum . . .’ Item location: k5r L’art de bien mourir. [Translated by Guillaume Tardif.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uamuis secundum philosophun etc.(!) Selon que dit le philozophe ou tiers liure de ethiques . . .’ On the two versions of the ‘Ars moriendi’ see O’Connor, Art of Dying, 7-10. On the iconography see Alberto Tenenti, La vie et la mort à travers l’art du xve siècle, Cahiers des annales publiés avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 8 (Paris, 1952). Item location: n1r Aiguillon de crainte divine pour bien mourir. Incipit: ‘[P]our ce que nul homme viuant en ceste vie presente . . .’ Item location: t1r L’advenement de Antechrist. Incipit: ‘[D]euant que traictions des ioyes de paradis . . .’ Item location: cc7v [Colophon with list of contents.]
Place of imprint: Paris: [Antoine Vérard] for André Bocard, 12 Feb. ‘1453′ [i.e. 1493/94]. Format: Folio. a–d8 e6 f–h8 i10 k–r8 &longs;6 t–x8 y10 aa–cc8. 65 Woodcuts. References: GW 2587;C 681 = 680;Goff A–1123;BMC VIII 154;Pr 8155;O’Connor, Art of Dying, 150; Sheppard 6388.
Copy Imperfections: Wanting s6 and the blank leaf cc8. Binding: English gold-tooled red morocco, probably dating from 1766-72, with a panel of green into which centre and corner inlays have been let. By Richard Dymott of London (†1788/9); see Giles Barber, ‘Richard Dymott, Bookbinder’, Library, 5th ser., 19 (1964), 250-4, and pl. XXII. An outer border of a greek-key roll between rectangular gold dots and fillets (Barber pl. XXII nos 3 and 7), with an unusual star stamp (Barber pl. XXII no. 5) at each corner; an inner border of a ‘pleated’ roll (Barber pl. XXII no. 6), the rectangular gold dots and fillets (Barber pl. XXII no. 3), and a rosette stamp at each corner (Barber pl. XXII unnumbered). The panel so formed has a border of rectangular gold dots and the ‘pleated’ roll on green onlay, also four rosette stamps; in each angle, a fan in dentelle (Barber pl. XXII unnumbered) and a bird on a branch (Barber pl. XXII no. 4), on red; in the centre a wheel in dentelle on red (Barber pl. XXII unnumbered), with centre-piece on green. On the spine a foliate tool (Barber pl. XXII no. 8). Marbled pastedowns and gilt-edged leaves. Perhaps bound for Thomas Allen. Size: 279 × 204 × 35 mm. Size of leaf: 270 × 185 mm. Notes, perhaps in the hands of Thomas Baker and César de Missy. Sixteen pages of manuscript notes, probably in the hand of Thomas Allen, with additions by Francis Douce, discussing the illustrations. Decoration: Two- and three-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; occasional initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue. A unicorn in black ink on k1r. Provenance: Unread early inscription on a1r. ‘GP 7 Febr. 1625′ on a1r now legible under ultraviolet light only. Thomas Baker (1656-1740); name on a1r: see Korsten, pp. xi–xli, 9-10 no. 62: this copy not identified; sale (9 Nov. 1741). César de Missy (1703-1775); ex libris inscription on a2r; sale (25 Mar. 1776), lot 1469. Thomas Allen; sale (9 May 1795), lot 923. Purchased for £3. 9. 0 by Edward Knight (1734-1812); inscription in Douce’s hand on endleaf: ‘Mr. Knight bought this book at Allen’s sale in May 1795 for £3. 9. 0 and afterwards very liberally ceded it to me in exchange for other books’; see also Clarke Repertorium Bibliographicum, 393. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 169.
Entry number: A-442 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’
Item location: [a1r] Ars moriendi. Incipit: ‘[C]um de presentis exilii miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi imperitiam multis non solum laicis . . .’ See Bloomfield 1076.
Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, c.1475]. Format: Folio. [a8]. References: GW 2598;HC 4386 = H 4387;Goff A–1091;BMC I 72;Pr 295;BSB–Ink A–762; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 134; Sheppard 198-9.
First copy Both Bodleian copies begin ‘Incipit tractatus . . .’ as BMC, not as GW. Binding: Nineteenth-century German mottled pasteboards. Size: 276 × 210 × 3 mm. Size of leaf: 272 × 204 mm. ‘Versus morales’ on [a1r] in an approximately contemporary hand: ‘Mors tua, mors Christi, fraus mundi, gloria c&ae;li &pipe; Et dolor inferni sunt meditanda tibi. &pipe; Omnia transibunt, sic ibimus, ibitis, ibunt &pipe; Et nihil in toto permanet orbe diu’: see Walther, Initia, 11275. Occasional marginal notes and chapter headings. Decoration: Two- and three-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Underlining and initial strokes in red. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; stamps on [a1r] and [a8v]; shelfmark ‘Inc.s.a.264n’ on pastedown of the upper cover; ‘254′ in pencil in the upper right-hand corner of the front endleaf. Purchased from the Fidelis Butsch catalogue (1858), no. 473 for £3. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1858), 75. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 3.12. Second copy Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian Library. Size: 305 × 216 × 7 mm. Size of leaf: 296 × 200 mm. Occasional marginal annotations. Decoration: Two- to five-line initials are supplied in red. Underlining and initial strokes in red. Provenance: Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 16. 6; see Books Purchased (1850), 4. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 5.38.
Entry number: A-443 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’
Item location: a1r Ars moriendi. Incipit: ‘Cum de presentis seculi miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi imperitiam multis non solum laicis . . .’ See Bloomfield 1076.
Place of imprint: Venice: Bernhard Maler (Pictor), Erhard Ratdolt, and Peter Löslein, 1478. Format: 4°. a b10. Woodcut border of oak leaves and acorns with wreath printed in red on a1r. References: GW 2601 (Anm.);HC *4392;Goff A–1093;BMC V 245;Pr 4371;BSB–Ink A–763; CIBN A–590; Essling 269; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 157; Redgrave 8; Sander 627; Sheppard 3537.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century half brown morocco for the Bodleian Library. Size: 217 × 154 × 8 mm. Size of leaf: 210 × 145 mm. Decoration: Some paragraph marks are supplied in red. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: ‘C R A O’, within the printed wreath in border on a1r. Purchased from Albert Cohn, Catalogue (1886), no. 178 for 60 Marks; see Library Bills 26 Oct. 1886. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.75.
Entry number: A-444 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’
Item location: A1r [Title-page.] Item location: A2r Ars moriendi. Incipit: ‘[C]um de presentis exilii miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi imperitiam multis non solum laicis . . .’ See Bloomfield 1076. Item location: C2r ‘Ad omnes angelos et precipue ad sanctum Michaelem.’ [Also known as Ad S. Michaelem carmen.] ‘[I]nclyte celigena Michael fulgoris amena &pipe; Alta colens regna plusquam dulcedine plena’; 9 strophes of 4 leonine hexameters each. AH 33, 158-9 no. 180. See Walther, Initia, 9233; Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 28177. Item location: C3r De meditatione mortis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uacunque impugnatione aut tentatione inpugnaris vel pigricia torpescis . . .’ Item location: C7v De meditatione mortis carmen. ‘[M]ortales dominus cunctos in luce creauit &pipe; Ut capiant meritis gaudia summa poli’; 7 distichs. See Walther, Initia, 11284; Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 29704. Note on authorship: Chevalier attributes authorship to Bruno Carthusiensis. Item location: C7v Item author: [Dionysius Carthusiensis(?)] Item text: Lex est ista mortis.’ Item title: [Iudicium mortis et eius casus &pipe; Elegia de iudicio mortis et variis casibus eius]. ‘[L]ex metuenda premit mortales omnibus vna &pipe; Mors cita sed dubia nec fugienda venit’; 28 distichs. Dionysius Cartusiensis, Opera omnia, 41 (Tournai, 1912), 597-8. See Opera selecta, ed. Kent Emery, IA, CCCM, 121 (Turnhoult, 1991), 144-8; 256 no. 199, Walther, Initia, 10280; Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 29153. Note on authorship: On authorship see ed. Emery, as above. Item location: C8v Item author: [Augustinus pseudo-;author Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: Speculum peccatoris. PL XL 983-92. See Bloomfield 4918. Note on authorship: Bloomfield attributes authorship to Pseudo-Augustinus, Pseudo-Bernardus ‘etc.’ Item location: D6r Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: De contemptu mundi. ‘O miranda vanitas, o diuitiarum amor &pipe; Lamentabilis, o virus amarum’; 56 lines of rhythmic verses. PL CLXXXIV 1313-16. See Bloomfield 3540; Walther, Initia, 12783; Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 13279. Note on authorship: Bloomfield attributes authorship to Pseudo-Bernardus Cluniacensis. In this edition, this and the following item are regarded as being one work. Item location: D7r Item author: [Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: Meditatio mortis. ‘Dic homo cur abuteris discretionis gratia &pipe; Cum vite viam deferis et tendis ad supplicia’; 25 lines of rhythmic verses. PL CLXXXIV 1315-16. See Bloomfield 1570; Walther, Initia, 4353; Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 4562. Item location: D7r Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis pseudo- Item title: De morte et iudicio.] ‘O Christi longanimitas et longa expectatio &pipe; O mira Christi bonitas, o quanta miseratio’; 52 lines of rhythmic verses. PL CLXXXIV 1315-18. See Bloomfield 3519; Walther, Initia, 12543; Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 12790. Item location: D8r [Colophon.] Item location: D8v [Valedictory notice.] Incipit: ‘Nos dicimus duplicem esse vitam . . .’ Item location: D8v [Verse.] ‘Non est quo possit melius caro viua domari &pipe; Mortua qualis erit, quod semper premeditari’; 2 hexameters. See Walther, Proverbia, 17706a.
Place of imprint: Paris: Guy Marchant, Apr. 1490. Format: 4°. A–D8. References: GW 2607;H 1844;Pr 7984;CIBN A–593; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 149; Sheppard 6206.
Bound with:
- Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, c.1495;
- Johannes Gerson, De cognitione castitatis. Cologne: Johann Guldenschaff, c.1480;
- Bernardus Claravallensis, Floretus. Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, c.1492;
- Bernardus Claravallensis, Epistola de gubernatione rei familiaris. [Paris]: Philippe Pigouchet, c.1498.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English half calf; marbled pastedowns, bound for Douce.
Size: 198 × 140 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 188 × 130 mm.
Early marginal annotations, possibly in French: the same ‘nota’ marks appear in one contemporary hand in items 1, 3, and 4, thus suggesting that these items travelled together before they were bound in the present binding; item 2 is of a different size.
Decoration: Two four-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue; other two-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 57(3).
Entry number: A-445 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’
Item location: A1r [Title-page.] Item location: A2r Ars moriendi. Incipit: ‘[C]um de presentis exilii miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi impericiam multis non solum laicis . . .’ See A–444. Item location: C8v ‘Ad omnes angelos et precipue ad Sanctum Michaelem.’ [Also known as Ad S. Michaelem carmen.] [I]nclyte celigena Michael fulgoris amena &pipe; Alta colens regna plusquam dulcedine plena’; 9 strophes of 4 leonine hexameters. See A–444. Item location: D3v De meditatione mortis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uacumque impugnatione aut temtatione inpugnaris vel pigricia torpescis . . .’ Item location: D7v De meditatione mortis carmen. ‘[M]ortales dominus cunctos in luce creauit &pipe; Ut capiant meritis gaudia summa poli’; 7 distichs. See A–444. Note on authorship: Chevalier attributes authorship to Bruno Carthusiensis. Item location: D8r Item author: [Dionysius Carthusiensis(?)] Item text: Lex est ista mortis.’ Item title: [Iudicium mortis et eius casus &pipe; Elegia de iudicio mortis et variis casibus eius]. ‘[L]ex metuenda premit mortales omnibus vna &pipe; Mors cita sed dubia nec fugienda venit’; 28 distichs. See A–444. Item location: E1r Item author: [Augustinus pseudo-;author Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: Speculum peccatoris. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam, fratres karissimi, in via huius seculi fugientis sumus . . .’ See A–444. Item location: E8v Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: De contemptu mundi. ‘O miranda vanitas, o diuiciarum amor &pipe; Lamentabilis, o virus amarum’; 56 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. In this edition, this and the following item are regarded as being one work. Item location: F2r Item author: [Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: Meditatio mortis. ‘Dic homo cur abuteris discretionis gratia &pipe; Cum vite viam deferis et tendis ad supplicia’; 25 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. Item location: F2v Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis pseudo- Item title: De morte et iudicio.] ‘O Christi longanimitas et longa expectatio &pipe; O mira Christi bonitas, o quanta miseratio’; 52 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. Item location: F3v [Valedictory notice.] Incipit: ‘Nos dicimus duplicem esse vitam . . .’ Item location: F3v [Verse.] ‘Non est quo possit melius caro viua domari &pipe; Mortua qualis erit, quod semper premeditari’; 2 hexameters. See A–444.
Place of imprint: Paris: Guy Marchant, 31 July 1494. Format: 4°. A–E8 F4. Three woodcuts: on A1v and F4r two bearded male figures, wearing hats and cloaks, talking; on F4v the Virgin Mary seated below the Cross, with the crucified Christ lying across her lap, and, in the background, the city of Jerusalem, a tree and hills. References: GW 2609;HC 1845;Pr 7991;CIBN A–597; Hillard 192; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 149; Sheppard 6211-12.
First copy Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf. Size: 147 × 100 × 10 mm. Size of leaf: 142 × 94 mm. Occasional annotations in a seventeenth-century(?) hand. Provenance: Edward Pococke (1604-1691); ex libris inscription on A1r. Revd Charles Francis (1752-1821). Bequeathed in 1821. Former Bodleian shelfmark: 8&quo; E 10 BS. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.23.
Second copy
Bound with:
- Isidorus Hispalensis, Synonyma. Paris: Guy Marchant, 16 May 1494 (I–041(1)).
Imperfections: Wanting A1.
Binding: Brown pasteboards.
Size: 135 × 97 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 134 × 93 mm.
Pointing hand in black ink on E8r. Faces in pencil on C8r-v.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 1(1).
Entry number: A-446 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item text: Tractatus de arte bene viuendi beneque moriendi.’ Item location: a2r Ars moriendi. Incipit: ‘[C]um de presentis exilii miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi imperitiam multis non solum laicis . . .’ See A–444. Item location: d4v ‘Ad omnes angelos et precipue ad Sanctum Michaelem.’ [Also known as Ad S. Michaelem carmen.] ‘[I]nclyte celigena Michael fulgoris amena &pipe; Alta colens regna plusquam dulcedine plena’; 9 strophes of 4 leonine hexameters. See A–444. Item location: d5v De meditatione mortis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uacumque impugnatione aut temtatione inpugnaris vel pigricia torpescis . . .’ Item location: e5r De meditatione mortis carmen. ‘[M]ortales dominus cunctos in luce creauit &pipe; Ut capiant meritis gaudia summa poli’; 7 distichs. See A–444. Note on authorship: Chevalier attributes authorship to Bruno Carthusiensis. Item location: e5r Item author: [Dionysius Carthusiensis(?)] Item text: Lex est ista mortis.’ Item title: [Iudicium mortis et eius casus &pipe; Elegia de iudicio mortis et variis casibus eius]. ‘[L]ex metuenda premit mortales omnibus vna &pipe; Mors cita sed dubia nec fugienda venit’; 28 distichs. See A–444. Item location: e6v Item author: [Augustinus pseudo-;author Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: Speculum peccatoris. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam, fratres karissimi, in via huius seculi fugientis sumus . . .’ See A–444. Item location: f7v Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: De contemptu mundi. ‘O miranda vanitas, o diuitiarum amor &pipe; Lamentabilis, o virus amarum’; 56 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. In this edition, this and the following item are regarded as being one work. Item location: f8v Item author: [Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: Meditatio mortis. ‘Dic homo cur abuteris discretionis gratia &pipe; Cum vite viam deferis et tendis ad supplicia’; 25 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. Item location: g1v Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis pseudo- Item title: De morte et iudicio.] ‘O Christi longanimitas et longa expectatio &pipe; O mira Christi bonitas, o quanta miseratio’; 52 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. Item location: g2v [Valedictory notice.] Incipit: ‘Nos dicimus duplicem esse vitam . . .’ Item location: g2v [Verse.] ‘Non est quo possit melius caro viua domari &pipe; Mortua qualis erit, quod semper premeditari’; 2 hexameters. See A–444. Item location: g3r ‘Qui veult bien viure et bien mourir de cueur et de bouche s’il est possible en parlant a dieu cinq choses doit dire qui sensuiuent.’ Incipit: ‘[M]on dieu, mon createur, je congnois et confesse que tous les biens qui sont en moy je les ay euz de toy . . .’
Place of imprint: Paris: Félix Baligault, 10 Nov. 1496. Format: 8&quo;. a–f8 g4. References: GW 2611;HC 4393;BMC VIII 173;Pr 8256;O’Connor, Art of Dying, 149; Sheppard 6437.
Bound with:
- Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. Paris: Pierre Levet, c.1495;
- Innocentius III, Liber de contemptu mundi. Paris: Pierre Levet, 20 Apr. 1494 (I–011);
- Nicolaus de Hanapis, Exempla sacre scripture. Paris: Pierre Levet, c.1495.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; a frame of three gold fillets and a foliate roll border; marbled edges.
Size: 140 × 99 × 34 mm.
Size of leaf: 135 × 94 mm.
Provenance: Johannes Bill[ ] (sixteenth century); cancelled inscription on n8v of item 4: ‘Ad usum fratris Johannis Bill[ ] [ ] dom[ ] sancti Blasii a[ ]’. Johannes Hulpeau (fl. 1611); inscription on the same leaf: ‘Ad vsum fratris Joannis Hulpeau professi Guillelmitani 16011 [1611]’. Anthonius Bego[ ] (seventeenth century); inscription on the same leaf: ‘Datum est f. Anthonio Bego[ ]’. Sir Robert Alexander Chermside (1787-1860); armorial book-plate: see Howe, Book Plates, 5677. Purchased for £0. 19. 3 from Bertram Dobell; see Library Bills, 4 July 1885, ‘Tractatus.’
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.48(1).
Entry number: A-446A Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’
Item location: aa1r [Title-page.] Item location: aa1v Item author: Augustinus [pseudo- Item title: Note on penitence.] Incipit: ‘[S]i quis tum in extrema necessitate positus vult accipere . . .’expl.: tu illa relinquas Item location: aa2r Item author: Johannes de Brucella [pseudo-] Item title: Ars moriendi. Item text: Tractatus de modo bene moriendi cum multis orationibus.’ Incipit: ‘[C]um de presentis exilii miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi imperitiam multis non solum laicis . . .’expl.: qui cum patre et spiritu sancto, etc See A–444. Note on authorship: In this edition the authorship is attributed to ‘Jo. de Brucella’ in the colophon: on him see Pierre Debongnie, Jean Mombaer de Bruxelles abbé de Livry. Ses écrits et ses réformes, Université de Louvain Recueil de travaux publiés par les membres des conférences d’histoire et de philologie, 2nd ser., 11 (Louvain and Toulouse, 1928), with a discussion of this work and the attribution of authorship on 18. This edition is not recorded in O’Connor, Art of Dying. It contains a shorter version of the Orationes than other incunable editions.
Place of imprint: Brescia: Angelus Britannicus,YND 26 Oct. 1498.FRMAT 8&quo;. aa b8 c4. References: HR 3998 = H 3997;Goff M–375;Pr 6999A;Polain 974; Sheppard 5796.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) paper boards covered with Buntpapier. Size: 140 × 94 × 5 mm. Size of leaf: 137 × 92 mm. Irregular early manuscript foliation: 43[]-44. Provenance: Henry Cecil Sotheran; Catalogue 582 (11 Jan. 1899), A Catalogue of Second-hand Books in Literature . . ., no. 14. Purchased from Sotheran for £1. 2. 6; see Library Bills, 17 Jan. 1899, and stamp on aa1v and c4v, dated 20 Jan. 1899. Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. f. I22.1498.1.
Entry number: A-447 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a2r Ars moriendi. Incipit: ‘[C]um de presentis exilii miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi impericiam multis non solum laicis . . .’ See A–444. Item location: c8v ‘Ad omnes angelos et precipue ad Sanctum Michaelem.’ [Also known as Ad S. Michaelem carmen.] ‘[I]nclyte celigena Michael fulgoris amena &pipe; Alta colens regna plusquam dulcedine plena’; 9 strophes of 4 leonine hexameters. See A–444. Item location: d1v De meditatione mortis. Incipit: ‘[Q]uacumque impugnatione aut tentatione inpugnaris vel pigricia torpescis . . .’ Item location: d7v De meditatione mortis carmen. ‘[M]ortales dominus cunctos in luce creauit &pipe; Ut capiant meritis gaudia summa poli’; 7 distichs. See A–444. Note on authorship: Chevalier attributes authorship to Bruno Carthusiensis. Item location: d8r Item author: [Dionysius Carthusiensis(?)] Item text: Lex est ista mortis.’ Item title: [Iudicium mortis et eius casus &pipe; Elegia de iudicio mortis et variis casibus eius.] ‘[L]ex metuenda premit mortales omnibus vna &pipe; Mors cita sed dubia nec fugienda venit’; 28 distichs. See A–444. Item location: e1r Item author: [Augustinus pseudo-;author Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: Speculum peccatoris. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam, fratres karissimi, in via huius seculi fugientis sumus . . .’ See A–444. Item location: e8v Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: De contemptu mundi. ‘O miranda vanitas, o diuiciarum amor &pipe; Lamentabilis, o virus amarum’; 56 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. In this edition, this and the following item are regarded as being one work. Item location: f2r Item author: [Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item title: Meditatio mortis. ‘Dic homo cur abuteris discretionis gratia &pipe; Cum vite viam deferis et tendis ad supplicia’; 25 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. Item location: f2v Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis pseudo- Item title: De morte et iudicio.] ‘O Christi longanimitas et longua expectatio &pipe; O mira Christi bonitas, o quanta miseratio’; 52 lines of rhythmic verses. See A–444. Item location: f3v [Valedictory notice.] Incipit: ‘Nos dicimus duplicem esse vitam . . .’ Item location: f3v [Verse.] ‘Non est quo possit melius caro viua domari &pipe; Mortua qualis erit, quod semper premeditari’; 2 hexameters. See A–444.
Place of imprint: Paris: Guy Marchant (in part) for Jean Petit, 23 Aug. 1499. Format: 8&quo;. a–e8 f4. Woodcut on a1v: Moses and the Israelites gathering manna; see BMC VIII 67. References: GW 2614;C 679 = 995;BMC VIII 67;Pr 8022;CIBN A–600; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 149; Sheppard 6237.
Bound with:
- Johannes Chrysostomus, De reparatione lapsi. Rouen: Martin Morin, 21 June 1495 (J–138);
- Werner Rolewinck, De venerabili sacramento et valore missarum. Paris: Guy Marchant, [for Jean Petit], 10 June 1499 (R–103(2)).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf f4.
Binding: Sprinkled calf; the arms of Michael Wodhull on the upper cover; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on the lower cover.
Size: 145 × 111 × 16 mm.
Size of leaf: 140 × 98 mm.
Marginal annotations in the same fifteenth/sixteenth-century hand in all three items. On f3v: ‘The cyrcumsycion for the Saturday &pipe; The agornye for the Soonday &pipe; The flagellacion for the Moonday &pipe; The coronasion for the Tewsday &pipe; The teryng for the Wedynsday &pipe; The nalyng for the Thursday &pipe; The stryk off the spere for the Fryday’, in a sixteenth-century(?) hand. On d7v: ‘Hic herebus: the depest place in hell &pipe; hec palus is a fen or marresse, and palus, i [ ] a stake’, in a sixteenth-century hand. On E10v of item 1, a verse, ‘Mors iusti subita si bona percedit vita &pipe; Non aufert merita si moriatur ita’ (cf. Walther, Proverbia, 15169); on the last sacrament, in prose, ‘Anselmus dicit quod infirmus la[ ]nes in extremis antequam . . .’; commemoration of three archbishops of York: ‘Junii felix octaua dies obierunt &pipe; Qua tres pontifices istius ecclesie &pipe; Sanctus Willelmus [St William Fitzherbert, Archbishop of York 1143-7, 1153-4, †1154], Richardus Scrope [Richard Scrope (c.1350-1405) Archbishop of York 1398-1405] quoque Newellus &pipe; Ecce Georgius [George Neville (1432-1476) Archbishop of York 1465-76] hoc sarcofago recubans &pipe; Sicut congaudens peperit tres Anna Marias &pipe; Sic parit [hos] trinos mater [h&ae;c] ecclesia’; part of the epitaph from George Neville’s tomb (location now unknown) in York Minster, and recorded in the brief life of Neville, attributed to William Melton, chancellor of York Minster, 1496-1528: see The Historians of the Church of York and its Archbishops, ed. James Raine, II (Rolls ser., 71b) (London, 1886), p. xxv and 437, and in Gillian Keir, ‘The Ecclesiastical Career of George Neville 1432-76′, unpublished B.Litt. thesis, University of Oxford, 1970, 182-3; also Alan Coates, ‘Epitaph for an Archbishop’, BLR 15,4 (1996), 323-5.
Provenance: Michael Wodhull (1740-1816); possibly purchased by Wodhull in 1798; a note: ‘Aug. 30th 1798′ on rear endleaf; see sale (3 Mar. 1801), lot 96. Purchased for £ 0. 14. 0; see Books Purchased (1827), 5; note on [A1r] of item 1.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 5.11.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.6(2).
Entry number: A-448 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’ with title: Speculum artis bene moriendi.
Item location: A1r [Title-page.] Item location: A2r ‘Speculum artis bene moriendi perutilis’. [Also known as Ars moriendi.] Incipit: ‘[C]um de presentis exilii miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi imperitiam multis non solum laicis . . .’ See A–444.
Place of imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1493]. Format: 4°. A6 B4 C6. Woodcut on A1r; see BMC I 270, woodcut A. References: GW 2608;H *14912;Goff A–1097;BMC I 282;Pr 1415;BSB–Ink A–765; CIBN A–596; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 134; Schramm VIII 21; Schreiber V 3670; Sheppard 1010; Voulliéme, Köln, 304.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled pasteboards, for the Bodleian Library. Size: 187 × 124 × 6 mm. Size of leaf: 182 × 120 mm. Some early underlining and note marks in faded black ink. Provenance: Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1849), 44. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.53.
Entry number: A-449 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’ with title: Speculum artis bene moriendi.
Item location: a2r ‘Speculum artis bene moriendi perutilis.’ [Also known as Ars moriendi.] Incipit: ‘[C]um de presentis exilii miseria mortis transitus propter moriendi imperitiam multis non solum laicis . . .’ See A–444.
Place of imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1495]. Format: 4°. a6 b4 c6. Woodcut on a1r; see BMC I 270, woodcut A. References: GW 2610;HC *14911;Goff A–1098;BMC I 294;Pr 1425;BSB–Ink A–766; CIBN A–598; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 134; Sack, Freiburg, 306; Schramm VIII 23; Schreiber V 3671; Sheppard 1051; Voulliéme, Köln, 305.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century German(?) mottled brown pasteboards. Size: 190 × 148 × 10 mm. Size of leaf: 185 × 132 mm. Marginal annotations in a seventeenth/eighteenth-century hand. Decoration: Three- to six-line initials are supplied in red. Capital strokes and some underlining in red. Provenance: Badly damaged armorial book-plate. Purchased on 4 May 1886 from Henry Cecil Sotheran for £0. 10. 0, with £0. 3. 0 postage; see Catalogue no. 255, Catalogue of Second-hand Books, Ancient and Modern, in All Classes of Literature . . ., 30 Apr. 1886, p. 3, and Library Bills (1886). Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.69.
Entry number: A-450 Ars MoriendiB Engl
Uniform title: The Art and craft to know well to die [English].
Item location: A1r ‘The arte and crafte to knowe well to dye’. [Also known as Ars moriendi.] Translated by William Caxton. G. R. Morgan, ‘A Critical Edition of Caxton’s The Art and craft to know well to die and Ars moriendi, together with the Antecedent Manuscript Material’, unpublished D. Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1972, 2 vols, II 69-97, with notes 148-75 and glossary 217-43.
Place of imprint: [Westminster: William Caxton, after 15 June 1490]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: For the dating see BMC. A8 B4 B32.Bibliographical notes: For the collation of the last two gatherings see BMC. References: GW 2615;HC 4404;BMC XI;Pr 9678;Blades, Caxton, 86 (93); Caxton, Exhibition, BL, 85 no. 90; Caxton, Exhibition, Bodley: listed in the checklist of original Caxton editions in the Bodleian Library; CIBN A–603; de Ricci, Caxton, 6; Duff 35; Needham, Pardoner, 90, no. Cx 98; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 164; Painter, Caxton, 214; Sheppard 7417; STC 789. Facsimile: English Experience, no. 221 (Amsterdam, 1970).
Bound with:
- Directorium sacerdotum ad usum Sarum., Westminster: William Caxton, c.1489.
Imperfections: Wanting the leaf incorrectly signed Biii and the last leaf, probably blank.
Binding: Seventeenth-century English parchment. Formerly chained; staple-marks of a hasp at head of the upper cover. Morgan I 226-7 suggests that both items may have been travelling together before they were rebound in the seventeenth century.
Size: 260 × 196 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 255 × 190 mm.
Some scribbles and pen-trials.
Provenance (of item 2 and probably also of item 1): Newport, church of S. Francis; notice of dedication added in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century hand to Kalendarium of item 2, for 4 Oct.: ‘Dedicatio ecclesie de Nuport sancti Francisci’; other manuscript additions to Kalendarium, in contemporary hands, containing references to feast of S. Oswald of Worcester (28 Feb.) [Worcester, York], S. Oswin (tr. 11 Mar., here recorded as 13) [Durham, St Albans, Tynemouth], S. Alphege of Winchester (12 Mar., here recorded as 14) [Winchester, St Albans], S. Patrick (17 Mar.) (Morgan I 226-7; see also Ordinale, ed. Wordsworth, II, 659-61). Richard Wilcox (fl. c.1500); signature on z10v of item 2: ‘Rychard Wylkoks.’ John Sergeant (sixteenth century); inscription on y1r of item 2: ‘Johannes Sergant senior et junior non resert[ ].’ John Selden (1584-1654): see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 4 and Needham, Pardoner, 77, Appendix B, no. 25. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: B 6. 14 Th. Seld.; AA 65 Th. Seld.; [Auct.] QQ sup. 1.7.
Bodleian shelfmark: S. Seld. d.11(1).
Entry number: A-451 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus’ [Italian] L’arte del ben morire.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a2r Item author: Capranica, Dominicus [pseudo- Item title: Preface.] Incipit: ‘[C]oncio sia cosa che della miseria del presente exilio intransito della morte . . .’ Note on authorship: See DBI XIV 147-52, s. v ‘Capranica, Domenico’, at 152. Item location: a2v Item author: Capranica, Dominicus [pseudo-] Item text: L’arte del ben morire. Cioè ingratia didio’. Item title: [Also known as Ars moriendi]. Incipit: ‘Concio sia cosa che di tutte le cose terribili . . .’ Item location: d7v [Colophon, ascribing authorship to the ‘Cardinale di Fermo’ and dating the composition to 1452.] Item location: d8r ‘Laude didio et della Vergine Maria.’ ‘Io sono la uita de Christiani fedeli &pipe; Che gli conduco a gli superni cieli’; 29 lines of rhythmic verse.
Place of imprint: Florence: Francesco di Dino, 8 Aug. 1487. Format: 4°. a–d8.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a3 is signed aii. References: GW 2624;Goff A–1106;not in Pr;O’Connor, Art of Dying, 157; Sheppard 5089.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century brown pasteboards. Size: 213 × 145 × 8 mm. Size of leaf: 208 × 134 mm. Provenance: Giuseppe Alberto Martini (1870-1944); armorial stamp on a1r and d8v; bought for Fr 50 from his Catalogue 8 (1901), no. 52; see Library Bills, 23 Jan. 1901 ‘Capranica.’ Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I9.1487.2.
Entry number: A-452 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus’ [Italian] L’arte del ben morire.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a2r Item author: Capranica, Dominicus [pseudo- Item title: Preface.] Incipit: ‘[C]oncio sia cosa che della miseria del presente exilio intransito della morte . . .’ Item location: a2v Item author: Capranica, Dominicus [pseudo-] Item text: L’arte del ben morire. Cioè ingratia didio’. Item title: [Also known as Ars moriendi.] Incipit: ‘[C]oncio sia cosa che di tucte le cose terribili . . .’ Item location: d7v [Colophon, ascribing authorship to the ‘Cardinale di Fermo’ and dating the composition to 1452.] Item location: d8r ‘Laude didio et della Vergine Maria.’ ‘Io sono la uita de Christiani fedeli &pipe; Che gli conduco a gli superni cieli’; 29 lines of rhythmic verse.
Place of imprint: Florence: Francesco di Dino, 6 Feb. 1488/9. Format: 4°. a–d8.Bibliographical notes: Leaves a2-4 are signed ai–iii respectively. References: GW 2626;HCR 4401; C 1442;Goff A–1108;BMC VI 634;Pr 6336;O’Connor, Art of Dying, 157; Sheppard 5090.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled blue morocco; on both covers a single gilt chain-like border, within which a frame of intersecting circles and quarter circles; concentrically with the circles, a Catherine wheel; marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 211 × 139 × 13 mm. Size of leaf: 202 × 131 mm. Provenance: Ludovico Peri (fl. after 1488, before 1496): ‘Questo libro e di Ludouicho di Bernardo di Marco Peri &pipe; A chi pervenissi in mana lo deba rendere a &pipe; llui o a suo rede e figluo sua.’ Piero Peri (fl. 1496). Matteo Cafferecci (fl. 1496); ‘Nota come quanto di xxiiii di Nouembre 1496 Piero di Lodovico di Bernardo Peri ha dato &pipe; e donato questo presente libro a me Matteo di P[e]ro di Matteo di magistri Giovanni Chafferecci’; on the relative, Giovanni, to whom Matteo refers; see DBI XVI 263-4. Sir Mark Masterman Sykes (1771-1823); armorial book-plate; purchased by him at Florence in 1819: inscription on endleaf; sale (11 May 1824), lot 1171. Purchased for £7. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1824), 6. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.32.
Entry number: A-453 Ars MoriendiB Span
Uniform title: Ars moriendi ‘Cum de praesentis exilii miseria mortis transitus . . .’ [Castilian] Arte del bien morir.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a1r ‘Prologo.’ Incipit: ‘[C]omo el passar de esta misera vida . . .’ Item location: a1r ‘Arte de bien morir.’ [Also known as Ars moriendi.] Incipit: ‘[H]aun que la muerte del cuerpo sea la mas espantosa cosa del mundo . . .’ Item location: f1r Item author: Ximenes, Franciscus Item title: Confessionale. Incipit: ‘El primero capitulo, qual deue ser el confessor . . . Primeramente deue ser el confessor dulce en corregir . . .’
Place of imprint: [Zaragoza: Johannes Hurus, c.1488-91]. Format: 4°. a–c8 d–g8.4. 11 woodcuts. References: GW 2633;Pr 9518;Haebler, Bibliografía ibérica (+ II) 37; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 162; Sheppard 7293; Vindel, Arte, 76; 24.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century tree calf, with the crest of a ram’s head above initials ‘H T’ (for Henri Ternaux-Compans) stamped in gold on both covers, and marbled pastedowns. Size: 210 × 150 × 18 mm. Size of leaf: 203 × 138 mm. Occasional notes and pen-trials. For this copy see Hispanic MSS and Books, 8 no. 22. Provenance: Henri Ternaux-Compans (1807-1864). Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 4. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.29.
Entry number: A-454 Ars Moriendi
Uniform title: Ars moriendi [English].
Item location: A1r ‘Ars moriendi that is to saye the craft for to dye.’ G. R. Morgan, ‘A Critical Edition of Caxton’s The Art and craft to know well to die and Ars moriendi, together with the Antecedent Manuscript Material’, unpublished D. Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1972, 2 vols, II 98-111, with notes 175-82 and glossary 244-55.
Place of imprint: [Westminster: William Caxton, c.1491]. Format: 4°. A8. References: GW 2634;C 671;Pr 9687;Ars moriendi, with introductory note by Edward W. B. Nicholson (London and Oxford, 1891); Ars moriendi, printed by William Caxton, with note by William Blades (N. pl., 1869); Blades, Caxton, (97); Caxton, Exhibition, BL, 86 no. 93; de Ricci, Caxton, 5; Duff 33; Needham, Pardoner, 91, no. Cx 109; O’Connor, Art of Dying, 164; Painter, Caxton, 214; Sheppard 7422; STC 786. Facsimile: English Experience, no. 639 (Amsterdam, 1974).
Until 1869 bound with Tanner 178 which until then contained:
- Johannes de Hildesheim, The most excellent treatise of the three kynges of Coleyne. Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [c.1496] (still Tanner 178; J–165(1));
- Bernardus Claravallensis, Meditationes de interiori homine. [English]. Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, 9 Mar. 1496 (still Tanner 178; B–201);
- Salomon et Marcolphus, Dialogus. [English]. Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, [between 27 July 1489 and 1492] (still Tanner 178; S–045);
- Ars moriendi. [English]. Westminster: William Caxton, c.1491;
- Governayle of helthe and Medicina stomachi. Westminster: William Caxton, 1489.
Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled green morocco; marbled pastedowns, by Hall of Oxford.
Size: 170 × 135 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 160 × 117 mm.
Cropped note on A8v, which Ars moriendi, with introductory note by Edward W. B. Nicholson (London and Oxford, 1891), 7, expands to read: ‘[The fi]ftene &pipe; [degree]s of &pipe; [charyte].’ For this copy see Caxton, Exhibition, Bodley, no. 21.
Provenance: Unread inscription at the head of A2r of item 1 of Tanner 178. On F6v of item 1, inscription ‘Liber iste pertinet Johanni Michell j[ ] teste(?) Roberto Ebeley(?) . . . cum multis aliis’ in a sixteenth-century hand. Thomas Tanner (1674-1735); see Needham, Pardoner, 78, Appendix B, no. 28. Bequeathed in 1735.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Auct. QQ sup. 1.27; Tanner 178 (part, until 1869, when it was removed); Arch. F f.6; Tanner 178*.
Bodleian shelfmark: Arch. G f.9.
Entry number: A-455 Ars Notariatus
Item location: A1r ‘Tabula.’ Siegfried Furtenbach, ‘Ars notariatus. Ein kurialer Notariatstraktat des 15. Jahrhunderts’, Österreichisches Archiv für Kirchenrecht, 30 (1979), 3-22 and 299-327, at 16-17, with some variations. Item location: A1v Ars notariatus. Furtenbach, ‘Ars notariatus’, 299-327, at 308-27, with variations. Note on authorship: On the authorship see Furtenbach, ‘Ars notariatus’, 303-4; this edition is among those discussed at 14-15.
Place of imprint: [Rome: Printer of the Ars notariatus, after 1500?]. Format: 4°. A6. References: GW 2661;R 40;Goff A–1134;Sheppard 3183.
Copy Binding: Half parchment over nineteenth-century pasteboards, with script in green, red, and faded black ink visible, possibly dating from the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries. Perhaps from a service book: script in green, rubrics(?), contains the word ‘Virgin.’ Size: 200 × 148 × 5 mm. Size of leaf: 194 × 140 mm. Early marginal annotations. On A6v notes on Roman legal phrases, with incipits: ‘Iustitie complementu[m] est cum quis habet potentes aduersarios . . .’; ‘Senator Capitolii cum suis [gap] collateralibus. Est autem capitolium locus largus et spatiosus in quo Romanorum Jud[ices] ius dicunt et reddunt . . .’; ‘Item nemo curialium Romana curiam sequentem [gap] iuris dictioni . . .’; ‘Item coram gubernatore vrbis conuocantur . . .’ Provenance: Acquisition history:Purchased at an anonymous sale (25 Feb. Mar. 1886), lot 896, for £0. 1. 0. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 7.38.
Entry number: A-456 Ars Oratoria
Item location: a2r Ars oratoria. Incipit: ‘Compositio elegantissima de omni dicendi genere . . .’ Note on authorship: In his edition of 1506, Jacobus de Breda ascribes the authorship to ‘Lucretius Bononiensis’, probably a pseudonym: see Gottfried Langer, ‘Von dem Tractatus de arte oratoria des Lucretius Bononiensis’, Quaerendo, 3 (1973), 32-8.
Place of imprint: [Deventer]: Jacobus de Breda, [1485-7]. Format: 4°. a b6. References: GW 2665;HC 1859;Pr 8976;Campbell 185; HPT II 411, 467; Sheppard 6934.
Bound with:
- Johannes Gerson, Opus tripartitum. [Strasbourg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer], 1482 (G–135).
Imperfections: Wanting gathering a.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf, bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 214 × 146 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 140 mm.
Provenance: Possibly Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); a reference to Panzer on b1r in his hand; not found in sale catalogue (1835). Item 1 was purchased for £0. 7. 6; see Books Purchased (1840), 15.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.1(2).
Entry number: A-457 Articella
Uniform title: Articella seu Opus artis medicinae.
Item location: a1v Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus Item title: Introductory letter.] Jon Arrizabalaga, Luis García-Ballester and José Luis Gil-Aristu, ‘Del manuscrito al primitivo impreso: la labor editora de Francesc Argilagues (fl. c.1470-1508) en el renacimento médico italiano’, Asclepio, 43 (1991), 3-49, at 37-41; Jon Arrizabalaga, The Articella in the Early Press c.1476-1534, Articella Studies, Texts and Interpretations in Medieval and Renaissance Medical Teaching, 2 (Cambridge, 1998), 67-70; see also Arrizabalaga and others, ‘Manuscrito’, 17-21; on Argilagues’s edition of the Articella see Arrizabalaga and others, ‘Manuscrito’, esp. 12-13, and Arrizabalaga, Articella, esp. 6-15, 24-7. Item location: a1v [List of contents.] Incipit: ‘Primo est liber Johannitii qui dicitur Isagoge in Greco . . .’ Note on authorship: On the Articella as a collection see Arrizabalaga, Articella, 5-6. Item location: a2r Item author: Johannitius Item title: Isagoge. [Translated by Constantinus Africanus.] Gregor Maurach, ‘Johannicius, Isagoge ad Techne Galieni’, Sudhoffs Archiv, 62 (1978), 148-74, at 151-74. See Thorndike–Kibre 856; Paul Oscar Kristeller, ‘Bartolomeo, Musandino, Mauro di Salerno e altri antichi commentatori dell‘“Articella”, con un elenco di testi e di manoscritti’, Studi sulla scuola medica salernitana, Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, 1 (Naples, 1986), 97-151, at 122 no. 1, and Danielle Jacquart, ‘A l’aube de la renaissance médicale des xie-xiie siècles: l’Isagoge Johannitii et son traducteur’, Bibliothèque de l’école des chartes, 144 (1986), 209-40; on the Articella in general see also Herbert Bloch, Monte Cassino in the Middle Ages, I (Rome, 1986), 107-8. Note on authorship: On the authorship of the various sections of the Articella, the commentaries, and translations, see Kristeller, ‘Articella’, passim, particularly 107-13 and the additional notes on 144-51. On the translation see Francis Newton, ‘Constantine the African and Monte Cassino: New Elements and the Text of the Isagoge’, Constantine the African and Alî ibn al-Abbâs al-Magûsî: The Pantegni and Related Texts</i>, ed. Charles Burnett and Danielle Jacquart, Studies in Ancient Medicine, 10 (Leiden, New York and Cologne, 1994), 16-47, with references, including those on the criticisms of Maurach's edition (p. 16, note 1).</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: a<sub>4</sub><sup>v</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Philaretus [pseudo-](?)</locus_author> Item title: De pulsibus.</locus_work> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘Intentionem habemus in presenti conscriptione de pulsuum negocio compendiosam exponere traditionem . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 764; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 122 no. 5.</locus_standardedition></locus> Item location: a<sub>5</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Theophilus Protospatharius</locus_author> Item title: De urinis.</locus_work> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘De vrinarum differentia negocium multi veterum medicorum aggressi sunt scribere . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 393; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 122 no. 4.</locus_standardedition></locus> Item location: a<sub>8</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus</locus_author> Item title: Introductory comment on contents.]</locus_work> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘[Q]uoniam ordo in scibilibus est . . .’</locus_incipit> Note on authorship: For the attribution of authorship see Arrizabalaga, <i>Articella</i>, 15.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: a<sub>8</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus</locus_author> Item title: Table of contents for Aphorismi.]</locus_work> Note on authorship: For the attribution of authorship see Arrizabalaga, <i>Articella</i>, 15.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: b<sub>1</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Constantinus Africanus</locus_author> Item text: Prefatio', addressed to</locus_txt> [dedicatee] Azo, his pupil.</locus_dedicatee> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘[L]icet petitionibus tuis continuis, fili mi Azo, mihi sepius diceres vt ex opusculis Galieni aliqua Latine lingue transducerem ex arabica lingua . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 828; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 123 unnumbered, and Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, III.A.4.</locus_standardedition> Note on authorship: For the dedicatee see Bloch 135-6, and Newton, ‘Constantine the African', 23-4.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: b<sub>1</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Hippocrates</locus_author> Item title: Aphorismi.</locus_work> <locus_translator>[Translated by Constantinus Africanus.]</locus_translator> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘Vita breuis, ars uero longa, tempus autem acutum, experimentum fallax . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 1704; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 122 no. 2. On the works of Hippocrates in the <i>Articella</i> see P. Kibre, ‘Hippocratic Writings in the Middle Ages', <i>Bulletin of the History of Medicine</i>, 18 (1945), 371-412; Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, III.A.4.</locus_standardedition> Note on authorship: On the translation see Kristeller, ‘Articella', 67.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: b<sub>1</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Galenus</locus_author> Item title: [Commentary on Aphorismi.</locus_work> <locus_translator>Translated by Constantinus Africanus.]</locus_translator> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘[P]lurimi interpretes huius libri in hoc maxime sunt concordati quod hic siue vnus sit aphorismus siue plures sint aphorismi totius esse quasi proemium subsequentis operis . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 1055; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 122-3 unnumbered, and Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, III.A.4; Richard J. Durling, ‘A Chronological Census of Renaissance Editions and Translations of Galen', <i>Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes</i>, 24 (1961), 230-305, at 294, no. 149a.</locus_standardedition> Note on authorship: On the authorship see Kristeller, ‘Articella', 67; Bloch 104 and 131 no. 10.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: f<sub>8</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus</locus_author> Item title: Table of contents for Hippocrates, <i>Prognostica, De regimine acutorum morborum, Epidemiae.</i>]</locus_work> Note on authorship: For the attribution of authorship see Arrizabalaga, <i>Articella</i>, 15.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: g<sub>1</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Hippocrates</locus_author> Item title: Prognostica.</locus_work> <locus_translator>[Translated by Constantinus Africanus or Gerardus Cremonensis, according to Kibre.]</locus_translator> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘Omnis qui medicine artis studio seu gloriam seu delectabilem amicorum consequi desiderat copiam . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 1002; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 122 no. 3; Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, XLV.A.2.</locus_standardedition></locus> Item location: g<sub>1</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: [Galenus</locus_author> Item title: Commentary on Prognostica.</locus_work> <locus_translator>Translated by Constantinus Africanus.]</locus_translator> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘[M]anifestum est quod Hypocrates non vtitur hac dictione . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 847; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 123 unnumbered, Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, XLV.A.2; Bloch 133 no. 19; Durling, ‘Chronological census', 295, no. 158a.</locus_standardedition> Note on authorship: On the authorship of the translation see Durling, ‘Chronological census', 295.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: k<sub>5</sub><sup>v</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Hippocrates</locus_author> Item title: De regimine acutorum morborum.</locus_work> <locus_translator>[Translated by Gerardus Cremonensis and Constantinus Africanus.]</locus_translator> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘Qui de egrotantium accidentibus in singulis egritudinibus tractantes pocius consensisse feruntur . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 1205; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 122 no. 7; Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, I.A.1.</locus_standardedition> Note on authorship: Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, 7, attributes the translation to both Gerardus and Constantinus.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: k<sub>5</sub><sup>v</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Galenus</locus_author> Item title: [Commentary on De regimine acutorum morborum.</locus_work> <locus_translator>Translated by Constantinus Africanus (and Gerardus Cremonensis?).]</locus_translator> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘[N]on solum cum scripserunt rememorationes . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 922; Kristeller, ‘Articella', 123 unnumbered, and Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, I.B.8; Durling, ‘Chronological census', 295, no. 160a.</locus_standardedition> Note on authorship: On the authorship of the translation see Durling, ‘Chronological census', 295; Thorndike–Kibre ascribe the translation to Gerardus Cremonensis.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: q<sub>1</sub><sup>v</sup></locus_locus> Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus(?)</locus_author> Item title: Introduction to Epidemiae.]</locus_work> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘Post hunc quartum librum regiminis acutarum egritudinum dignum duxi vt accederet his libris superioribus liber clarissimus Hippocratis . . .’</locus_incipit></locus> Item location: q<sub>2</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Hippocrates</locus_author> Item title: Epidemiae (book VI).</locus_work> <locus_translator>[Translated by Simon Januensis.]</locus_translator> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘Quibuscumque ex dissolutione circa matricem et tumorem in capitis grauedinem conuertuntur . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 1235; Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, XIX.A.1.</locus_standardedition> Note on authorship: For the ascription of the translation see Kibre, and Arrizabalaga, <i>Articella</i>, 14. For other ascriptions see also Hippocrates, <i>Epidemie libro sesto</i>, ed. Daniela Manetti and Amneris Roselli, Biblioteca di studi superiori, 66 (Florence, 1982), p. lxx.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: q<sub>2</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Johannes Alexandrinus</locus_author> Item title: [Commentary on Epidemiae (book VI).</locus_work> <locus_translator>Translated by Simon Januensis(?).]</locus_translator> <locus_standardedition line="bk">Johannes Alexandrinus, <i>Commentaria in sextum librum Hippocratis Epidemiarum</i>, ed. C. D. Pritchet (Leiden, 1975). See Thorndike–Kibre 1272; Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, XIX.A.1.</locus_standardedition> Note on authorship: Arrizabalaga, <i>Articella</i>, 14 seems to ascribe the translation to Simon Januensis; Thorndike–Kibre ascribes authorship to Galen and the translation to Johannes Alexandrinus; Pritchet p. vii ascribes the translation to Bartholomaeus de Messina; see ed. Manetti-Roselli pp. lxii–lxiii.</locus_authorship></locus> Item location: u<sub>4</sub><sup>v</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Hippocrates</locus_author> Item title: De natura foetus. ‘De natura puerorum'. ‘De natura embryonis.’</locus_work> <locus_translator>Translated by Bartholomaeus de Messina.</locus_translator> <locus_incipit><i>Incipit</i>: ‘Si sperma ab vtrisque permanserit in matrice mulieris . . .’</locus_incipit> <locus_standardedition line="bk">See Thorndike–Kibre 1465; Kibre, <i>Hippocrates latinus</i>, XL.A.</locus_standardedition></locus> Item location: v<sub>1</sub><sup>r</sup></locus_locus> Item author: Hali (
Al Ibn Riwn; Ab ‘L–asan ‘Al Ibn ‘Al Ibn Ja`Afar Al-mir‘) Item title: [Prologue to commentary on Liber Tegni.] Incipit: ‘Intendimus edere sermonem exponentem illud quod clausum est . . .’ See Thorndike–Kibre 757; Kristeller, ‘Articella’, 123 unnumbered. Item location: v1r Item author: Galenus Item title: Liber Tegni. [Translated by Constantinus Africanus(?).] Incipit: ‘Tres sunt omnes doctrine que ordine habentur . . .’ See Thorndike–Kibre 1585; Kristeller, ‘Articella’, 122 no. 6; Bloch 131-2, no. 11; Durling, ‘Chronological census’, 282, no. 8a. Note on authorship: This edition includes two translations: the translatio antiqua by an anonymous translator, and subsequently completed by Burgundio da Pisa (1110-1193), and the translatio ex Arabico by Gerardus Cremonensis; see Durling, ‘Chronological census’, 282, and Richard J. Durling, ‘Corrigenda et addenda to Diels’ Galenica’, Traditio, 23 (1967), 461-76, at 463. Item location: v1r Item author: Hali Item title: [Commentary on Liber Tegni.] Incipit: ‘[D]octrina est actio doctoris in discipulum . . .’ See Thorndike–Kibre 460; Kristeller, ‘Articella’, 123 unnumbered. Note on authorship: Thorndike–Kibre ascribe the translation to Gerardus Cremonensis, although this is rejected by Kristeller. Item location: D4r Item author: [Gentilis Fulginas] Item title: De divisione librorum Galeni. Incipit: ‘Testatur Galienus(!) in commentariis supra dicta Hippocratis se librum composuisse de ordine legendi suos libros . . .’ See Thorndike–Kibre 1568; see also Arrizabalaga, Articella, 14. Item location: D5r Item author: Hippocrates Item title: De lege. Incipit: ‘Medicina artium preclarissima et excellentissima propter indisciplinam vtentium . . .’ See Thorndike–Kibre 855; Kibre, Hippocrates latinus, XXXVI.A.3. Note on authorship: The incunable edition falsely attributes the translation to Arnoldus de Villa Nova: see Arrizabalaga, Articella, 15. Item location: D5r Item author: Hippocrates Item title: Iusiurandum. [Translated by Nicolaus Perottus.] Incipit: ‘Testor Apollinem et Esculapium Higiemque . . .’ See Thorndike–Kibre 1569; Kibre, Hippocrates latinus, XXXV.A.2. Note on authorship: The incunable edition falsely attributes the translation to Petrus Paulus Vergerius: see Arrizabalaga, Articella, 15. Item location: D5r [Colophon.] Item location: D5v Item author: Argilagues, Franciscus Item title: [Prologue dedicated to] [dedicatee] the readers. Arrizabalaga and others, ‘Manuscrito’, 29-32; Arrizabalaga, Articella, 63-5. See also Arrizabalaga and others, ‘Manuscrito’, 17-21. Item location: D6r Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus] Item text: Tabula super libros Tegni.’ Note on authorship: For the attribution of authorship see Arrizabalaga, Articella, 15.
Place of imprint: Venice: Hermannus Liechtenstein, 29 Mar. 1483. Format: Folio. a–d8 e6 f–s8 t u6 v–z8 A–C8 D6.Bibliographical notes: Collation includes letters u and v. References: GW 2679;H *1869;Goff A–1143;not in Pr;Arrizabalaga, Articella, 49, no. 2; BSB–Ink A–786; CIBN A–618; Durling, ‘Chronological census’, 250; Sack, Freiburg, 308; Sheppard 3930.
Copy Binding: Parchment, with ties. Size: 320 × 220 × 43 mm. Size of leaf: 310 × 196 mm. Copious early marginal annotations and pointing hands. Decoration: On b1r an eleven-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in gold within a red square, bordered in black, and with gold vine-stem scrolling. Some six- to twelve-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue; other two-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Ruling in faded red ink. Provenance: Defaced armorial book-plate; crest: pheon. Oxford, Radcliffe Library; acquired in 1840-1; manuscript addition to Radcliffe Catalogue (1835) for 1840-1: listed as ‘Articella nuperrime impressa’, with shelfmark 21.D.4.11. Acquisition history: Transferred between 1861 and 1893. Former Radcliffe shelfmarks: 21.D.4.11; e.161.K.5; FF.E4. Bodleian shelfmark: RR.x.192 [RSL].
Entry number: A-458 Articella
Uniform title: Articella seu Opus artis medicinae.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a1v Item author: Gregorius a Vulpe Vincentinus Item title: [Letter of dedication addressed to] [dedicatee] Marinus Georgius. Arrizabalaga, Articella, 71. On this edition see Arrizabalaga, Articella, 6-7, 11-15. Item location: a1v [Table of contents.] Item location: a2r Item author: Johannitius Item title: Isagoge. [Translated by Constantinus Africanus(?).] See A–457. Item location: a4v Item author: Philaretus pseudo- Item title: De pulsibus. Incipit: ‘Intentionem habemus in presenti conscriptione de pulsuum negocio compendiosam exponere traditionem . . .’ See A–457. Item location: a5r Item author: Theophilus Protospatharius Item title: De urinis. Incipit: ‘De urinarum differentia negocium multi veterum medicorum aggressi sunt scribere . . .’ See A–457. Item location: a7v Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus Item title: Introductory comment on contents.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam ordo in scibilibus est . . .’ See A–457. Item location: a8r Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus] Item text: Tabula Aphorismorum.’ See A–457. Item location: 2a1r Item author: Constantinus Africanus Item text: Prefatio’ addressed to [dedicatee] Azo. Incipit: ‘[L]icet petitionibus tuis continuis, fili mi Azo, mihi sepius diceres vt ex opusculis Galieni aliqua Latine lingue transducerem ex Arabica lingua . . .’ See A–457. Item location: 2a1r Item author: Hippocrates Item title: Aphorismi. Translated by Constantinus Africanus. Incipit: ‘Vita breuis, ars vero longa, tempus autem acutum experimentum fallax . . .’ See A–457. Item location: 2a1r Item author: Galenus Item title: [Commentary on Aphorismi.] Translated by Constantinus Africanus. Incipit: ‘[P]lurimi interpretes huius libri in hoc maxime sunt concordati hic siue unus sit aphorismus siue plures sint aphorismi totius esse quasi proemium subsequentis operis . . .’ See A–457. Note on authorship: The commentary surrounds the text. Item location: e7r Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus] Item text: Tabula super libros Hippocratis.’ Note on authorship: See A–457. Item location: e8r Item author: Hippocrates Item title: Prognostica. [Translated by Constantinus Africanus or Gerardus Cremonensis.] Incipit: ‘Omnis qui medicine artis studio seu gloriam seu delectabilem amicorum consequi desiderat copiam . . .’ See A–457. Item location: e8r Item author: [Galenus Item title: Commentary on Prognostica.] Translated by Constantinus Africanus.] Incipit: ‘[M]anifestum est quod Hypocrates non vtitur hac dictione . . .’ See A–457. Note on authorship: Commentary surrounds the text. Item location: i2r Item author: Hippocrates Item title: De regimine acutorum morborum. [Translated by Gerardus Cremonensis and Constantinus Africanus.] Incipit: ‘Qui de egrotantium accidentibus in singulis egritudinibus tractantes potius consensisse feruntur . . .’ See A–457. Item location: i2r Item author: Galenus Item title: [Commentary on De regimine acutorum morborum. Translated by Constantinus Africanus (Gerardus Cremonensis?)]. Incipit: ‘[N]on solum cum scripserunt rememorationes . . .’ See A–457. Item location: o1r Item author: Hippocrates Item title: Epidemiae (book VI). [Translated by Simon Januensis.] Incipit: ‘Quibuscumque ex dissolutione circa matricem et tumorem in capitis grauedinem conuertuntur . . .’ See A–457. Item location: o1r Item author: Johannes Alexandrinus Item title: [Commentary on Epidemiae (book VI). Translated by Simon Januensis(?).] See A–457. Commentary surrounds the text. Item location: r6v Item author: Hippocrates Item title: De natura foetus. ‘De natura puerorum’. ‘De natura embryonis.’ Translated by Bartholomaeus de Messina. Incipit: ‘Si sperma ab utrisque permanserit in matrice mulieris . . .’ See A–457. Item location: A1r Item author: Hali Item title: [Prologue to commentary on Liber Tegni.] Incipit: ‘Intendimus edere sermonem exponentem illud quod clausum est . . .’ See A–457. Item location: A1r Item author: Galenus Item title: Liber Tegni. Incipit: ‘Tres sunt omnes doctrine que ordine habentur . . .’ See A–457. Item location: A1r Item author: Hali Item title: [Commentary on Liber Tegni.] Incipit: ‘[D]octrina est actio doctoris in discipulum . . .’ See A–457. Item location: G3r Item author: [Gentilis Fulginas] Item title: De divisione librorum Galeni. Incipit: ‘Testatur Galienus in commentarus(!) supra dicta Hyppocratis se librum composuisse de ordine legendi suos libros . . .’ See A–457. Item location: G4r Item author: Hippocrates Item title: De lege. Incipit: ‘Medicina artium preclarissima et excellentissima propter indisciplinam utentium . . .’ See A–457. Item location: G4r Item author: Hippocrates Item title: Iusiurandum. Translated by Nicolaus Perottus. Incipit: ‘Testor Apollinem et Aesculapium Hygiemque et panaciam Aesculapii filias . . .’ See A–457. Item location: G4r [Colophon.] Item location: G4v Item author: [Argilagues, Franciscus] Item text: Tabula super libros Tegni.’ Note on authorship: See A–457.
Place of imprint: Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 20 Dec. 1493. Format: Folio. a 2a–r A–E8 F G6.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a1 not signed; thereafter a2 is signed a, a3 a2 etc. Woodcut initials. References: GW 2682;HR 1872;Goff A–1146;Pr 5040;Arrizabalaga, Articella, 50, no. 5; Durling, ‘Chronological census’, 250; Sheppard 4205.
Copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf G6. Binding: Late sixteenth-century English (London) blind-tooled calf. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at tail of the upper cover. On both covers fillets form three concentric frames; within the outer one was apparently once a roll, which is now too badly worn to be identified; within the inner frame is a floral spiral stem roll, Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings FL.b. (7): pl. xliv no. 726, see p. 48. The inner rectangle is empty except for the library stamp. Rebacked. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 327 × 227 × 42 mm. Size of leaf: 314 × 206 mm. Early marginal annotations. Provenance: ‘Emptus 26 [ ]’, on G5v. Acquired by 1602/3: James, ‘Catalogus’ (1602), fol. 180v; James, Catalogus (1605), 199: ‘I 1.1 [Med.]’. Former Bodleian shelfmark: H 1.7 Med.; Auct. P 1.11. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. O 3.29.
Entry number: A-459 Articuli
Uniform title: Articuli in Anglia et Parisius condemnati.
Item location: a1r Item author: Tempier, Stephen, Bishop of Paris Item title: [Rescript of 1277 condemning various propositions and threatening excommunication.] Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, ed. Henri Denifle and Emile Chatelain, I (Paris, 1889), 543-4 no. 473, and Aufklärung im Mittelalter? Die Verurteilung von 1277, trans. Kurt Flasch (Mainz, 1989), 89-91; see also J. M. M. H. Thijssen, ‘What really happened on 7 March 1277? Bishop Tempier’s Condemnation and its Institutional Context’, in Texts and Contexts in Ancient and Medieval Science: Studies on the Occasion of John E. Murdoch’s Seventieth Birthday, ed. Edith Sylla and Michael McVaugh, Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 78 (Leiden, New York, Cologne, 1997), 84-114, with this edition listed on 108. Item location: a2r [List of contents.] Item location: a2r [Errors condemned in England.] Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, I, 558-60 no. 474. Item location: a3r [Errors against the true faith.] Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, I, 170-2 no. 128, with some variations. Item location: a4r [Errors condemned by Stephen, Bishop of Paris.] Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, I, 486-7 no. 432. Item location: a4v [219 errors condemned by Stephen, Bishop of Paris.] Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, I, 544-58 no. 473, and Aufklärung im Mittelalter?, trans. Flasch, 99-261; the order of the errors in the incunable edition does not correspond with that in the modern editions. Item location: b4r Articuli condemnati Parisius. Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, ed. Henri Denifle and Emile Chatelain, II (Paris, 1891), 506-7 no. 1042, with some variations. Note on authorship: The modern edition dates to ‘die veneris post Natum Domini’ 1340, the incunable edition to Christmas Day 1344. Item location: b4v [Articles retracted at Paris by brother Johannes Guion (Jean Guyon OFM).] Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, II, 622-3, no. 1158. Note on authorship: The modern edition dates to 12 Oct. 1348, the incunable edition to 2 Oct. 1318. Item location: b4v ‘Errores Johannis de Mericuria’ (Johannes de Mirecourt). Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, II, 610-14, no. 1147; the order of the errors in the modern edition does not correspond with that in the incunable edition. Item location: b6r ‘Articuli contra magistrum Nicolaum de Ultricuria’ (Nicolaus d’Autrecourt). Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, II, 576-87 no. 1124, with extracts in a different order from that in the incunable edition. Note on authorship: The modern edition dates to before 19 May 1346, the incunable edition to after All Saints’ Day, 1348. Item location: c1v [Articles condemned by the Bishop of Paris and the masters of theology.] Incipit: ‘Item quod diuina essentia in se nec ab homine nec ab angelo videbit . . .’not in Chart.Univ.Par. Item location: c1v [Document of retraction] of brother Dionysius Foulechat (Dionysius de Foullechat OFM). Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, ed. Henri Denifle and Emile Chatelain, III (Paris, 1894), 117-19 no. 1298, extracts. Note on authorship: The modern edition dates to 21-2 Nov. 1364. Item location: c3v [Retraction of the articles] by brother Dionysius Foulechat. Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, III, 185-6 no. 1352. Note on authorship: The modern edition dates to 12 Apr. 1369, the incunable edition to 1349. Item location: c4r ‘Reuocatio magistri Johannis de Calore.’ Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, III, 108-9 no. 1288. Note on authorship: The modern edition dates to 1363, the incunable edition to 1343. Item location: c4v ‘Articuli Ludouici reuocati’ (Ludovicus de Padua OFM). Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, III, 95-7 no. 1270. Item location: c6r ‘Reuocatio facta Parisius.’ Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, III, 22-3, no. 1218. Item location: c6r ‘Reuocatio.’ Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, III, 11-12, no. 1201. Item location: c7v [Articles where Petrus Lombardus and other scholars hold different opinions.] Incipit: ‘[I]sti sunt articuli in quibus magister sententiarum non tenetur communiter ab omnibus et primo primi libri . . .’not in Chart.Univ.Par.
Place of imprint: [Paris: Antoine Caillaut, c.1483]. Format: 4°. a–c8. References: GW 2710;BMC VIII 46;Pr 7931;Oates 2916; Sheppard 6185.
Bound with:
- Isidoro Chiari, De modo divitiis adhibendo homini Christiano. Milan: Francesco Minizio Calvo, 1540;
- Alessio Porri, Vaso di verità. Venice: Pietro Duscinelli and Girolamo Porri, 1597;
- Stephanus Brulefer, Formalitates. Paris: Simon Doliatoris, c.1485;
- Guilelmus de Vorillong, Repertorium opinionum in Scoto omissarum. Paris: Simon Doliatoris, c.1485.
Binding: English seventeenth-century stiffened parchment laced onto 4 supports; shelfmark across fore-edge; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 188 × 142 × 38 mm.
Size of leaf: 184 × 135 mm.
Provenance: Antonius Figulus (sixteenth century); inscription on a1r of item 3, ‘Ad vsum fratris Antonij Figuli de Mondauio or[din]is minorum’. Silvester (sixteenth century); inscription on a1r of item 3, ‘Modo est fratris Siluestri sui Nepoti[s]’. Johannes Franciscus de Lugo (sixteenth century); inscription on a1r of item 3, ‘Modo est fratris Jo[hann]is Fran[cis]ci de Lugo or[dinis] . . .’ Acquisition history: Acquired by 1605; see James, Catalogus (1605), 22.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° C 15(4) Th.
Entry number: A-460 Articuli
Uniform title: Articuli in Anglia et Parisius condemnati.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a2r Item author: Tempier, Stephen Item title: [Rescript of 1277 condemning various propositions and threatening excommunication.] See A–459; this edition is listed in Thijssen 108. Item location: a3r [List of contents.] Item location: a3r [Errors condemned in England.] See A–459. Item location: a4r [Errors against the true faith.] See A–459. Item location: a5r [Errors condemned by Stephen, Bishop of Paris.] See A–459. Item location: a5r [219 errors condemned by Stephen, Bishop of Paris.] See A–459. Item location: b3r Articuli condemnati Parisius. See A–459. Item location: b3v [Articles retracted at Paris by brother Johannes Guion (Jean Guyon OFM).] See A–459. Item location: b3v ‘Errores Johannis de Mericuria’ (Johannes de Mirecourt). See A–459. Item location: b4v ‘Articuli contra magistrum Nicolaum de Ultricuria’ (Nicolaus d’Autrecourt). See A–459. Item location: c1v [Articles condemned by the Bishop of Paris and the masters of theology.] Incipit: ‘Item quod diuina essentia in se nec ab homine nec ab angelo videbit . . .’ Item location: c2r [Document of retraction] of brother Dionysius Foulechat (Dionysius de Foullechat OFM). See A–459. Item location: c3v [Retraction of the articles] by brother Dionysius Foulechat. See A–459. Item location: c3v ‘Reuocatio magistri Johannis de Calore.’ See A–459. Item location: c4r ‘Articuli Ludowici reuocati’ (Ludovicus de Padua OFM). See A–459. Item location: c5v ‘Reuocatio facta Parisius.’ See A–459. Item location: c6r ‘Reuocatio.’ See A–459. Item location: c7r [Articles where Petrus Lombardus and other scholars hold different opinions.] Incipit: ‘[I]sti sunt articuli in quibus magister sententiarum non tenetur communiter ab omnibus et primo primi libri . . .’
Place of imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1488]. Format: 4°. a8 b6 c8. References: GW 2711;H *1876 = 1875;Goff A–1148;BMC I 274;Pr 1382;CIBN A–625; Oates 790; Sack, Freiburg, 312; Sheppard 966; Voulliéme, Köln, 174.
Copy Leaves c2 and c4 transposed in binding. Binding: Modern green cloth. Size: 208 × 145 × 11 mm. Size of leaf: 202 × 136 mm. Occasional annotations. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ on a1r, no. 2004 in list of duplicates in quarto. Purchased from Gilhofer & Ranschburg, Catalogue 3 (1885), no. 16, for ‘fl. 3.50′; see Library Bills (1885), no. 210. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.20.
Entry number: A-461 Articuli
Uniform title: Articuli fidei.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a1v Articuli fidei. Incipit: ‘Articuli fidei bis sex sunt corde tenendi quos Christi socii docuerunt . . .’
Place of imprint: Paris: Antoine Denidel, [c.1495-1500]. Format: 8&quo;. a8 b4. References: GW 2722;Pr 8333;Sheppard 6513.
Copy Bound with A–219; see there for details of binding and provenance. Size of leaf: 135 × 93 mm. Early marginal notes; manuscript foliation. Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 14(1).
Entry number: A-462 Articuli
Uniform title: Articuli fidei.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a1v Articuli fidei. Incipit: ‘Articuli fidei bis sex sunt corde tenendi quos Christi socii docuerunt . . .’
Place of imprint: [Paris]: Guy Marchant for Jean Petit, [c.1498]. Format: 8&quo;. a8 b4. References: GW 2725;Pr 8013;Sheppard 6229.
Bound with:
- George Joye, The vnite and scisme of the olde chirche. [Antwerp: Widow of C. Ruremond], 1543 (STC 14830);
- Martin Luther, A Methodicall Preface Prefixed before the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes . . ., trans. W. W[ilkinson]. London: for Thomas Woodcocke, [before 1594?] (STC 16985);
- Jacobus Lupius Rebello, Fructus sacramenti penitentie. Paris: Guy Marchant, partly for Jean Petit, 18 Dec. 1498 (R–020);
- Pseudo-Cyrillus [Boniohannes de Messana], Speculum sapientiae. [Paris]: Georg Mittelhus, c.1497.
Binding: Nineteenth-century plain brown calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 132 × 96 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 126 × 87 mm.
Early marginal annotations.
Provenance: Possibly Thomas Tanner, Bishop of St Asaph (1674-1735); name on title-page of item 1. Possibly bequeathed in 1735.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: note inside the upper cover: ‘Part of this vol. was bound up separately as Auct. 1Q 6.8 until Sept. 1892′; this shelfmark does not now exist.
Bodleian shelfmark: Tanner 11(3).
Entry number: A-463 Asconius Pedianus, Quintus
Uniform title: In orationes Ciceronis.
Item location: a2r Item author: Asconius Pedianus, Quintus Item title: In Pisonem. [Edited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus.] Asc. Pis. See also Bruce A. Marshall, A Historical Commentary on Asconius (Columbia Mo., 1985). Item location: a6v Item author: Asconius Pedianus, Quintus Item title: Pro Scauro. [Edited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus.] Asc. Sc. Item location: a10r Item author: Asconius Pedianus, Quintus Item title: Pro Milone. [Edited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus.] Asc. Mil. Item location: c1r Item author: Asconius Pedianus, Quintus Item title: Pro Cornelio. [Edited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus.] Asc. Corn. Item location: c7v Item author: Asconius Pedianus, Quintus Item title: In toga candida. [Edited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus.] Asc. Tog. Item location: d2v Item author: Asconius Pedianus, Quintus [pseudo-] Item title: In Caecilium divinatio. Edited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus. Cicero, Opera quae supersunt omnia, V,2, ed. I. C. Orellius (Zurich, 1833), 97-124. See M. D. Reeve, ‘Asconius’, Texts and Transmission, 25. Note on authorship: The explicit in this edition incorrectly refers to this as the First Verrine oration. Item location: e2v Item author: Asconius Pedianus, Quintus [pseudo-] Item title: In Verrem 1, 2. 1-35. Edited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus. Cicero, Opera quae supersunt omnia, V,2, ed. I. C. Orellius (Zurich, 1833), 125-213. See Reeve, ‘Asconius’, 25. Item location: g8v [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Hec est pars Quinti Asconii Pediani cura et diligentia Pogii Florentini, uiri litteratissimi, reperta in monasterio Sancti Galli prope Constantia xx millibus passuum, et ab ipsius Pogii exemplaribus a me A. Iu. transcripta, ac Venetiis per Johannem de Colonia sociumque eius Johannem Manthen de Gerretzem impressa.’ On this discovery see Remigio Sabbadini, Le scoperte dei codici latini e greci ne’ secoli xiv e xv, II, ed. Eugenio Garin, Biblioteca storica del rinascimento, 4 (Florence, 1914, repr. 1967), 202-3; J. E. Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship, II (Cambridge, 1908), 28; Reeve, ‘Asconius’, 24. Item location: 2a1r Item author: Georgius Trapezuntius Item text: Praefatio’ [addressed to] [dedicatee] Victorinus Feltrensis. Incipit: ‘[P]etiisti a me saepius, Victorine pater, ut nonnullas orationes Ciceronis ita exponerem . . .’ See John Monfasani, George of Trebizond: A Biography and a Study of his Rhetoric and Logic, Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, 1 (Leiden, 1976). Item location: 2a2r Item author: Georgius Trapezuntius Item title: De artificio Ciceronianae orationis pro Quinto Ligario. Incipit: ‘[Q]uintus Ligarius cum esset adhuc nulla belli ciuilis suspitio . . .’ Note on authorship: See Collectanea Trapezuntiana, 463-4. Item location: 3a2r Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item text: Prefatio’ to Super xi orationes Ciceronis, addressed to [dedicatee] Astolfinus de Marinonibus. Incipit: ‘[M]agna res est eloquentia, frater insignis atque optime . . .’ Note on authorship: Luschus’ commentaries, viewed as one work, are dated to c.1395 and certainly before 1405 by Sabbadini, Le scoperte dei codici, I, 123; also Sabbadini, Storia e critica di testi latini, ed. E. and M. Billanovich (Padua, 1971), 12-22. Item location: 3a5r Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Pompeio. Incipit: ‘[C]icero creatus praetor Romanus duo persuadere nititur populo Romano . . .’ Item location: 3b5v Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Milone. Incipit: ‘[T]itus Anius Milo, ciuis Romanus, sibi infestissimum et inimicissimum Romanum ciuem Publium Clodium habuit . . .’ Item location: 3d6r Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Plancio. Incipit: ‘[G]neus Plantius, ciuis Romanus, et equestri ordine et Laterensis Romanus ciuis nobilissimus . . .’ Item location: 3f1r Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Sulla. Incipit: ‘[P]ublius Silla et Antonius Romani, ciues potentes, ambo consulatum per ambitionem obtinuerunt . . .’ Item location: 3g1r Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Licinio. Incipit: ‘[A]ulus Licinius archiapoeta Antiochie natus Rome uixit in amicitia . . .’ Item location: 3g4r Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Marcello. Incipit: ‘[M]arcellus ciuis Romanus amplissimus atque clarissimus in dissensione ciuili fuit . . .’ Item location: 3g6v Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Ligario. Incipit: ‘[Q]uintus Ligarius ciuis Romanus cum Gaio considio consule profectus est legatus in Africam . . .’ Item location: h5v Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro rege Deiotaro. Incipit: ‘[D]eiotarus rex amicissimus populo Romano belli ciuili . . .’ Item location: i3v Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Cluentio. Incipit: ‘[A]ulus Cluentius habitus et Statius Albius Opianicus Romani ciues ambo ex municipio Larinate . . .’ Item location: k5v Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Quinctio. Incipit: ‘[C]ornelius Quincinus et Sextus Neuius Romani ciues societatem inierunt . . .’ Item location: l2r Item author: Luschus, Antonius Item title: Pro Flacco. Incipit: ‘[L]utius Flaccus ciuis Romanus unus de auditoribus Ciceronis et defensoribus patrie . . .’ Item location: l6r Item author: Polentonus, Xico (I.e. Sicco) Item title: [Preface addressed to] [dedicatee] Jacobus Alvarotus. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam longitudo scripture studiosi etiam ingenium perfatigat . . .’ Item location: l6r Item author: Polentonus, Sicco Item text: Argumenta super aliquot orationibus et inuectiuis Ciceronis.’ Incipit: ‘[R]hetoricorum princeps Marcus Tullius Cicero Arpino . . .’ Item location: m5r Item author: Polentonus, Sicco Item text: Conclusio operis’, [addressed to [dedicatee] Jacobus Alvarotus]. Alvarotus not named as such, but he is named in the colophon and the ‘conclusio’ uses the word ‘compater’, as in the ‘prefatio’. Incipit: [H]abes, compater optime, munus hoc, licet fortasse prestantie tue uideatur exigui . . .’ Item location: m5v Item author: Squarzaficus, Hieronymus Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Antonius Serachus, Archbishop of Corinth. Note on authorship: Allenspach–Frasso 267-9.
Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes de Colonia, and Johannes Manthen, [after 2 June 1477]. Format: Folio. a10 b6 c–g a8 b10 c8 d6 a10 b8 c10 d e8 f6 g–l8 m6. References: GW 2739;HC *1886; H 10349 (Luschus);Goff A–1154;BMC V 232;Pr 4317;BSB–Ink A–791; CIBN A–629; Sheppard 3487-8.
First copy Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century English diced russia; marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. The binding dates from after 1789, the year it was purchased by the Library; from Books Purchased, it is known that it was, at that time, bound with Domitius Calderinus, Commentarii in Juvenalem. Venice: Printer of Domitius Calderinus, 1476-7, now Auct. L 2.29. Size: 298 × 218 × 40 mm. Size of leaf: 285 × 187 mm. On a1r the following title inscription, in an eighteenth-century(?) hand (before 1789): ‘Xichonis Polentoni argumenta in Ciceronis orationes et Domitii Calderini in Iuuenalem, Martialem et Brotheum grammaticum’. Provenance: Maffeo Pinelli (1735-1785); see Morelli (1787), II 4369; sale (1789), lot 10628; sale catalogue annotated with the price £4. 10. 0. Purchased, probably through Peter Elmsley but no purchaser is named in the annotated sale catalogue, together with C–019, for £4. 10. 0; see and Books Purchased (1789), 4. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. L 3.8. Second copy Imperfections: Wanting gatherings a–2d and the blank leaf 3a1. Leaf m6 heavily cropped, presumably to remove an inscription. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf. Size: 266 × 195 × 17 mm. Size of leaf: 262 × 185 mm. Provenance: J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837); signature on endleaf; purchased at his sale (1837), lot 115, for £0. 1. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 23. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. O inf. 2.20.
Entry number: A-464 Assises
Uniform title: Liber assisarum [Law French].
Item location: A1r ‘Tabula.’ Item location: a1r Liber assisarum. Incipit: ‘Nient attache n’est p[as] plee l’ou le fraunches est graunt . . .’ See John D. Cowley, A Bibliography of Abridgments, Digests, Dictionaries and Indexes of English Law to 1800, Selden Society (London, 1932), pp. xlii–xliii, in which he records the title as ‘Year books of assises abridged’, and Percy H. Winfield, ‘Abridgements of the Year Books’, Harvard Law Review, 37 (1923-4), 214-44, especially 215-16. Note on authorship: Alphabetical abridgement of selected cases from the reigns of Edward I to Edward IV, according to STC derived in part from the manuscript of STC 9599 and from STC 23238. Sometimes attributed to Sir William Callow, Middle Temple (†1487-8).
Place of imprint: [London]: Richard Pynson, [after 15 May 1499–before Apr. 1500]. Format: 8&quo;.Bibliographical notes: As dated by BMC; STC dates to [c.1502], Duff to [1500], Cowley to [1500?], Winfield to [1509/10], Beale 188 to [1499]. A2 a–t8 v2.Bibliographical notes: Gathering r printed, in error, on two separate sheets, and here bound together with alternating pairs of printed and blank pages. References: GW 2743;Goff A–1156;BMC XI;not in Pr;Joseph H. Beale, A Bibliography of Early English Law Books (Cambridge, Mass., 1926), 188, with reference to R 47, although this seems to be 1517 edn; CIBN A–630; John D. Cowley, A Bibliography of Abridgments, Digests, Dictionaries and Indexes of English Law to 1800, Selden Society (London, 1932), 3 no. 5; Duff 37; not in Sheppard; STC 9603.
Copy Binding: Calf, rebacked and recornered, with gilt-edged leaves. Size: 126 × 95 × 25 mm. Size of leaf: 120 × 85 mm. Pen-trials on A2v (`James’), b8v–c1r and s1r. Provenance: Unread inscription on a1r and v2v: ‘m[ ]res [ ]rrell”. ‘pr. 4s.’ on back endleaf. Heraldic stamp inside the upper cover. N. Harding (fl. 1721-1723), 1723; inscription on the back endleaf. Alfred J. Horwood (1821-1881), 1864; inscription on the back endleaf; sale (8 June 1883), probably lot 994. Acquired after 1883. Bodleian shelfmark: 35 c.71.
Entry number: A-465 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Canones penitentiales.
Item location: A1r [Title-page.] Item location: A2r Item author: Astesanus [de Ast] Item title: Canones penitentiales. Incipit: ‘[C]onsiderandum est de canonibus penitencialibus, ad quorum intelligenciam prenotandum est . . .’ Note on authorship: Title 32 of book V of the ‘Summa de casibus conscientiae.’ A similar text is printed in Die Bussbücher und die Bussdisciplin der Kirche, ed. Hermann Joseph Schmitz (Mainz, 1883), 800-8.
Place of imprint: [Leipzig: Martin Landsberg, c.1495]. Format: 4°. A6. References: GW 2746; GW Nachträge, 64;H *4341 = *15446;Pr 2990;Sheppard 2118.
Copy Binding: Twentieth-century pasteboards. Size: 210 × 143 × 6 mm. Size of leaf: 205 × 136 mm. Decoration: One five-line ‘C’ supplied in red on A2r, and one paragraph mark on A1r. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: ‘263′ on A1r. Purchased in 1953 from Maggs Brothers Ltd for £7. 10. 0: see A Century of Printed Books 1462-1562, Catalogue 816, no. 36, and BLR 5,1 (1954), 54. Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. G22.1495.2.
Entry number: A-466 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Canones penitentiales.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a2r Item author: Astesanus [de Ast] Item title: Canones penitentiales. Incipit: ‘[C]onsiderandum est de canonibus penitentialibus, ad quorum intelligentiam prenotandum est . . .’ Note on authorship: Title 32 of book V of the ‘Summa de casibus conscientiae.’
Place of imprint: [Nuremberg: Peter Wagner, c.1495]. Format: 4°. a8. References: GW 2747;HC *4340 = H *15445;Goff A–1158;BMC II 465;not in Pr;BSB–Ink A–805; Oates 1083; Sheppard 1633.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf. Size: 208 × 146 × 7 mm. Size of leaf: 198 × 134 mm. Provenance: ‘Fundationis Baldaufic&ae;’; Hall in Tyrol, Fundatio Baldaufica; seventeenth-century engraved book-plate with madonna and child above the arms of Florian Waldauf (†1510); dated before 1662 by Brunner, Katalog (1983), p. xvi and pl. 1. Purchased for £0. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 27. Bodleian shelfmark: I d.157.
Entry number: A-467 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.
Item location: [a1r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Johannes Caietani de Ursinis, Cardinal-deacon of S. Theodore. Incipit: ‘[V]enerando in Christo patri et domino, domino Johanni Gayetano de vrbe, diuina prouidentia, dignissime sacrosancte Romane ecclesie sancti Theodori diacono cardinali, frater Astexanus de Ast de ordine fratrum minorum, eius humilis seruus . . .’ Note on authorship: Letter of dedication dated 1317. Item location: [a1r] Item author: Caietani de Ursinis, Johannes Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Astesanus. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabili et religioso viro amico karissimo fratri Astexano de ciuitate Astensi ordinis fratrum minorum, Johannes miseracione diuina sancte(!) Theodori dyaconus cardinalis salutem . . .’ Item location: [a1r] Item author: [Astesanus de Ast Item title: Prologue.] Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]onorum laborum gloriosus est fructus” Sap 3&quo; [Sap 3,15], nullus autem labor est illo labore melior qui animarum saluti proficit . . .’ See Bloomfield 647. Item location: [a1v] [List of contents of first book.] Item location: [a2r] Item author: [Astesanus de Ast Item title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.] Incipit: ‘[D]icturi ergo in hoc primo libro de x preceptis moralibus de diuina lege, in qua ipsa continentur, breuiter aliqua premittemus . . .’ See Bloomfield 1635; also J. Dietterle, ‘Die “Summae confessorum” II: ii Die “Summa de casibus conscientiae” des Astesanus de Ast’, Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 26 (1905), 350-62; L. Babbini, ‘Tre “Summae casuum” composte da tre francescani piemontesi della provincia di Genova’, Studi Francescani, 78 (1981), 159-69, at 159-62. Item location: [X1r] [Alphabetical list of contents.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsequenter quia in aliquibus premissis capitulis siue titulis . . .’ Item location: [Y2v] [Table of titles of decretals.] Item location: [Z1r] Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Alphabetical index.] Incipit: ‘[C]upiens ego frater Astexanus, compilator huius summe, ad honorem dei vtilitati . . .’
Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, not after 1469]. Format: Folio. [a–i10 k12 l–o10 p q8 r s10 t8 v10+1 x–z10 A8 B10 C10+1 D–H10 I8 K6 L–S10 T8 V6 X–Z10]. References: GW 2749;H *1888;Goff A–1160;BMC I 53;Pr 207;BSB–Ink A–793; CIBN A–631; Rhodes 176; Sack, Freiburg, 314; Schorbach, Mentelin, 12; Sheppard 139-40.
First copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [Z10]. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled calf over wooden boards. Two clasps lost. On each cover, double fillets form two frames; within the outer a circular floral stamp, a lozenge-shaped eagle stamp and a fleur-de-lis stamp. On the upper cover a foliate stamp within the second frame. The inner rectangle divided by double fillets into lozenge-shaped or triangular compartments, in which a small lozenge-shaped fleur-de-lis stamp and a headed-outline tool. On the lower cover a ‘Maria’ scroll stamp within the inner frame. In the inner rectangle a headed-outline tool and a larger lozenge-shaped fleur-de-lis stamp. On the spine, the scroll stamp. Size: 410 × 310 × 150 mm. Size of leaf: 396 × 287 mm. Two parchment manuscript back endleaves, copied in a fourteenth-century(?) hand, from an unidentified legal work. Seventeenth-century printed leaf, entitled ‘Gradus consanguinitatis, siue cognationis carnalis’, with manuscript annotations, inserted between [R6] and [R7]. Copious early marginal notes. Decoration: Six- to ten-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue, some with pen-work and having extensions into the margins; other three- to five-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Running headlines and rubrics are supplied in red, numbers of books in blue. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Dominicans, S. Blasius; inscription on [a2r]; armorial book-plate: see Warnecke 1846. Purchased in Nov. 1846 for £2. 12. 6; see Books Purchased (1847), 2. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 1.16. Second copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [Z10]. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library. Identical binding to that of A–468(2) (Auct. 6Q inf. 2.7). Size: 415 × 327 × 95 mm. Size of leaf: 393 × 280 mm. Copious early marginal annotations, mainly in one contemporary hand, some in black ink, some in red, perhaps by the same hand that supplied the rubrication. Decoration: At the beginning of each book nine- to twelve-line initials are supplied in blue, green, or red, with reserved white decoration; tracery and edgings in black, yellow, or white, and chequered infill in blue, red, yellow or white, on grounds variously coloured in combinations of blue, red, green, and yellow. Some floral extensions into the margins in red, blue, green, and yellow. One- to five-line initials are supplied in red or blue. Paragraph marks, numbers of books and rubrics are supplied in red or blue. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: Au am Inn, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, BVM et S. Felicitas, 1637; inscription on [a1r]. Purchased from Munich via Thomas Rodd for Fl. 33, i.e. for £3. 6. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 3. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 1.5.
Entry number: A-468 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.
Item location: [a1r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Cardinal Johannes Caietani de Ursinis. Incipit: ‘[V]enerando in Christo patri et domino, domino Johanni Gayetano de vrbe, diuina prouidentia, dignissimo sacrosancte Romane ecclesie sancti Theodori dyacono cardinali, frater Astexanus de Ast de ordine fratrum minorum, eius humilis seruus . . .’ Item location: [a1r] Item author: Caietani de Ursinis, Johannes Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Astesanus. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabili et religioso viro amico carissimo fratri Astexano de ciuitate Astensi ordinis fratrum minorum, Johannes miseracione diuina sancte(!) Theodori dyaconus cardinalis salutem . . .’ Item location: [a1r] Item author: [Astesanus de Ast Item title: Prologue.] Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]onorum laborum gloriosus est fructus” Sap 3&quo; [Sap 3,15], nullus autem labor est illo labore melior qui animarum saluti proficit . . .’ See Bloomfield 647. Item location: [a1v] [List of contents of first book.] Item location: [a2r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: Summa de casibus conscientiae. Incipit: ‘[D]icturi ergo in hoc primo libro de decem preceptis moralibus de diuina lege, in qua ipsa continentur breuiter aliqua premittemus . . .’ See A–467. Item location: [S1r] [Alphabetical list of contents.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsequenter quia in aliquibus premissis capitulis siue titulis . . .’ Item location: [T1v] [Table of titles of decretals.] Item location: [V1r] Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Alphabetical index.] Incipit: ‘[C]upiens ego frater Astexanus, compilator huius summe, ad honorem dei vtilitati . . .’
Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, not after 1473]. Format: Folio. [a–i10 k12 l–r10 s12 t–z A–E10 F8 G10 H10+1 I–V10]. References: GW 2750;HC (+ Addenda) *1889;Goff A–1161;BMC I 56;Pr 211;BSB–Ink A–794; Rhodes 177; Sack, Freiburg, 315-16; Schorbach, Mentelin, 28; Sheppard 155-6.
First copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [R10]. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled leather; marbled pastedowns. Size: 430 × 310 × 112 mm. Size of leaf: 411 × 280 mm. Last lines of each column of text added in black ink in a contemporary hand on [d3r]. Decoration: On [a1r] a ten-line initial ‘R’ is supplied (erroneously for ‘V’) in red, with pen-work foliate extensions into the margin. Some seven- to eight-line initials are supplied in red, with reserved white decoration, and with black pen-work infill and red, and with foliate extensions into the margins. Two- to six-line initials, some with grotesque profile heads, paragraph marks, numbers of books, and some rubrics are supplied in red. On [l1r] a nine-line initial ‘F’ is supplied in faded black ink, with black and red pen-work infill and extensions into the margin. On [z7r] an eight-line initial ‘E’ is supplied in faded black ink, with reserved white acanthus-leaf decoration, and with red pen-work infill and extensions into the margin. On [N4r] a seven-line initial ‘F’ is supplied in faded black ink, with reserved white acanthus-leaf decoration, and with red pen-work infill, and extensions into the margin, in black ink. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Bavaria, Dominicans, S. Maria Magdalena; inscription on [a1r]. Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); sale (1835), lot 449 or 450. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; note on slip attached inside the upper cover and on [a1r]; sale (1837), lot 161. In Sotheby’s annotated catalogue the lot is marked down to Bandinel at £0. 5. 0; this copy is not included in Books Purchased (1837), 3. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 2.23. Second copy Last lines of each column of text added in black ink in a contemporary hand on [d3r]. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the Bodleian Library, with parchment endleaves. Identical binding to that of A–467 (Auct. 6Q 1.5). Size: 430 × 315 × 90 mm. Size of leaf: 406 × 280 mm. Early marginal annotations. Decoration: Some seven- to nine-line initials are supplied in blue, purple, pink, or green, with foliate decoration edged in white or yellow; these initials are on a ground of red, green, or purple, decorated and edged with white, yellow, or black, two initials having foliate extensions into the margins, in green and purple. Two initials, one of eight lines on [S1r], the other of ten on [V1r], are supplied in red, with stylized Maiblumen and red pen-work; other two- to six-line initials, paragraph marks, running headlines, and rubrics are supplied in red. Initial strokes and underlining in red. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dpl’ on parchment endleaf. Acquisition history: Purchased from Munich via Thomas Rodd for Fl. 24, i.e. for £2. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 3. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf. 2.7.
Entry number: A-469 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.
Item location: [a1r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Cardinal Johannes Caietani de Ursinis. Incipit: ‘[V]enerando in Christo patri et domino, domino Johanni Gaijetano de vrbe, diuina prouidentia, dignissimo sacrosancte Romane ecclesie sancti Theodori dijacono cardinali, frater Astexanus de Ast de ordine fratrum minorum, eius humilis seruus . . .’ Item location: [a1r] Item author: Caietani de Ursinis, Johannes Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Astesanus. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabili et religioso viro amico carissimo fratri Astexano de ciuitate Astensi ordinis fratrum minorum, Johannes miseratione diuina sancti Theodori dijaconus cardinalis salutem . . .’ Item location: [a1r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Prologue.] Item text: Prohemium.’ Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]onorum laborum gloriosus est fructus” Sap 3&quo; [Sap 3,15], nullus autem labor est illo labore melior qui animarum saluti proficit . . .’ See Bloomfield 647. Item location: [a1v] [List of contents of first book.] Item location: [a2r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: Summa de casibus conscientiae. Incipit: ‘[D]icturi ergo in hoc primo libro de decem preceptis moralibus de diuina lege, in qua ipsa continentur, breuiter aliqua premittemus . . .’ See A–467. Item location: [S1r] [Alphabetical list of contents.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsequenter quia in aliquibus premissis capitulis siue titulis . . .’ Item location: [T1v] [Table of title of decretals.] Item location: [V1r] Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Alphabetical index.] Incipit: ‘[C]upiens ego frater Astexanus, compilator huius summe, ad honorem dei vtilitati . . .’
Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georgius Reyser?), not after 1474]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Printed in type 4 of the group of anonymous editions ascribed by Ohly to Georg Reyser. The date 9 May 1474 in the Munich copy is the rubricator’s date of finishing his work, rather than a note of ownership. BMC attributes to [Speier: Georgius de Spira]. [a–i10 k12 l–r10 s12 t–z A–E10 F8 G10 H10+1 I–V10]. References: GW 2752;HC *1891;Goff A–1163;BMC II 484;Pr 337;BSB–Ink A–796; CIBN A–633; Ohly, ‘Reyser’, 36; Sack, Freiburg, 318; Sheppard 239-40.
First copy Imperfections: Gathering [V] bound before [a]. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards. Five bosses on each cover and catches on the upper cover lost; remains of catches on the lower cover. Both covers badly worn. On both covers quadruple fillets form a double frame, within which is a rose stamp and a lozenge-shaped floral stamp. In the inner rectangle on both covers are a small petal stamp and merrythoughts, inside which is a single fleuron. On the spine are two different lozenge-shaped stamps, now badly worn, one perhaps a floral stamp, the other an animal rampant stamp, and a scroll stamp. Leather index tabs. Manuscript title label on the upper cover. Size: 413 × 294 × 126 mm. Size of leaf: 398 × 278 mm. Two bookmark slips, one being a very small fragment of music in manuscript, the other four woodcuts of coats of arms. Occasional early marginal notes, ‘nota’ marks and pointing hands. Decoration: Seven- to ten-line initials are supplied in red, with Maiblumen or acanthus leaves and pen-work infill in blue, green, black ink, or blue and green, with the initial ‘C’ on [V1r] having foliate extensions into the margins in blue, light green, dark green, and red, the ‘E’ on [f7r] in blue and green. Two- to eight-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; numbers of books are supplied in red. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: Johannes Vierling (†1505). Bequeathed by Vierling in 1505 to Stadtamhof, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, SS. Andreas et Magnus; inscription on pastedown: ‘Johannes Vierling hirsauer’ [name in large, black gothica textura formata letters] ‘Legauit hunc librum Monasterio Sancti Magni M&quo; ccccc&quo; v.’ [in red]. Niederalteich, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Mauritius; obtained by Joscio Hamberger, abbot (1700-39), in 1739: inscription on [V1r]. Acquisition history: Date of acquisition unknown; possibly one of the three editions ascribed to ‘Strasbourg, Mentelin s. a.’ which are listed in Catalogus (1843), Appendix, 52. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q inf. 1.8.
Second copy
Bound with:
- Johannes Petrus de Ferrariis, Practica nova judicialis. Lyons: Martin Huss and Johannes Siber, c.1478.
Imperfections: Leaf [a1] mounted. Leaves [a9-10] are bound between [a2] and [a3].
Bound as two volumes. Douce 298 contains gatherings [a]–[z], Douce 299 gatherings [A]–[V].
Binding: Eighteenth-century French (Toulouse) red morocco; gold-tooled spine; marbled pastedowns; index tabs; bound by Richard Weir for MacCarthy Reagh.
Size: Douce 298: 412 × 310 × 50 mm; Douce 299: 412 × 310 × 45 mm.
Size of leaf: 402 × 278 mm.
Manuscript notes by Douce on endleaves. Early marginal notes.
Decoration: On [a1r] a ten-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in gold on a ground of blue and green, with faint scrolling in black. Some seven- to nine-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue, with that on [a2r] having pen-work infill and extensions into the margins in faded black ink. Two- to eight-line initials are supplied in red or blue, occasionally with pen-work infill and extensions into the margins in faded black ink. Paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Running headlines in black ink in a contemporary hand.
Provenance: Justin, comte MacCarthy Reagh (1744-1811); sale (Paris, 1815), lot 733. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 298-9.
Entry number: A-470 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.
Item location: [a1r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Cardinal Johannes Caietani de Ursinis. Incipit: ‘[V]enerando in Christo patri et domino, domino Johanni Gayetano de vrbe, diuina prouidentia, dignissimo sacrosancte Romane ecclesie sancti Theodori dyacono cardinali, frater Astexanus de Ast de ordine fratrum minorum, eius humilis seruus . . .’ Item location: [a1r] Item author: Caietani de Ursinis, Johannes Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Astesanus. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabili et religioso viro amico carissimo fratri Astexano de ciuitate Astensi ordinis fratrum minorum, Johannes miseratione diuina sancti Theodori dyaconus cardinalis salutem . . .’ Item location: [a1r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Prologue.] Item text: Prohemium.’ Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]onorum laborum gloriosus est fructus” Sap 3&quo; [Sap 3,15], nullus autem labor est illo labore melior qui animarum saluti proficit . . .’ See Bloomfield 647. Item location: [a1v] [List of contents of first book.] Item location: [a2r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: Summa de casibus conscientiae. Incipit: ‘[D]icturi ergo in hoc primo libro de decem preceptis moralibus de diuina lege, in qua ipsa continentur, breuiter aliqua premittemus . . .’ See A–467. Item location: [S1r] [Alphabetical list of contents.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsequenter quia in aliquibus premissis capitulis siue titulis . . .’ Item location: [T1v] [Table of titles of decretals.] Item location: [V1r] Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Alphabetical index.] Incipit: ‘[C]upiens ego frater Astexanus, compilator huius summe, ad honorem dei vtilitati . . .’
Place of imprint: [Basel: Michael Wenssler and Bernhard Richel, not after 1477]. Format: Folio. [a–i10 k12 l–r10 s12 t–z A–E10 F8 G10 H10+1 I–Q10 R8+1 S–V10]. Type: Gatherings [y], [z], and [A–V] are printed with Richel’s type 9A. References: GW 2753;H *1892;Goff A–1164;BMC III 724 and 737;Pr 7528;BSB–Ink A–797; CIBN A–634; Sack, Freiburg, 319; Sheppard 2330.
Copy Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled calf over wooden boards; central boss on each cover lost. On both covers triple intersecting fillets form a frame. The inner rectangle is divided by double or single fillets into triangular compartments. Manuscript title label on the upper cover. Size: 450 × 318 × 125 mm. Size of leaf: 392 × 277 mm. Decoration: Three- to ten-line initials are supplied in red, some with extensions into the margins. Paragraph marks and numbers of books and their titles are supplied in red. Initial strokes and underlining in red. On [z7r] a nine-line woodcut initial ‘E’ coloured in red. Provenance: Beyharting, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons Regular, S. Johannes Baptista; inscription on [a1r]. Acquisition history: Date of acquisition unknown; possibly one of the three editions ascribed to Strasbourg, Mentelin s.a. which are listed in Catalogus (1843), Appendix, 52. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q inf. 1.2.
Entry number: A-471 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.
Item location: a1r Item author: Bellatis, Bartholomeus de Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Marcus Barbus, titular Cardinal-priest of S. Mark, noting the work of the two editors. Incipit: ‘[L]egenti sepe et memoria repetenti veterum instituta, reuerendissime pater . . .’ Item location: a1v [Introduction, with list of abbreviations.] Incipit: ‘Quia plerique ob doctorum theologorum non magnam experientiam materias in hoc opere aductas maximo cum labore hinc inde tanquam per deuia ambulantes queritabant . . .’ Item location: a2r Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Cardinal Johannes Caietani de Ursinis. Incipit: ‘[R]euerendo in christo patri et domino, domino Johanni Gaietano de vrbe, diuina prouidentia, dignissimo sacrosancte Romane ecclesie sancti Theodori diacono cardinali, frater Astexanus de Ast de ordine fratrum minorum, eius humilis seruus . . .’ Item location: a2r Item author: Caietani de Ursinis, Johannes Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Astesanus. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabili et religioso viro amico charissimo fratri Astexano de ciuitate Astensi ordinis fratrum minorum, Johannes miseratione diuina sancti Theodori diaconus cardinalis salutem . . .’ Item location: a2r Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Prologue.] Item text: Proemium.’ Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]onorum laborum gloriosus est fructus” Sap 3&quo; [Sap 3,15], nullus autem labor est illo labore melior qui animarum saluti proficit . . .’ See Bloomfield 647. Item location: a3r [List of contents of first book.] Item location: a3r Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: Summa de casibus conscientiae. Edited by Bartholomeus de Bellatis and Gometius de Ulixbona, as mentioned in the colophon. Incipit: ‘[D]icturi ergo in hoc primo libro de decem preceptis moralibus de diuina lege, in qua ipsa continentur, breuiter aliqua premittemus . . .’ See A–467. Item location: Y1r [Alphabetical list of contents.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsequenter quia in aliquibus premissis capitulis siue titulis . . .’ Item location: Z5r [Table of titles of decretals.] Item location: [et]6r Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Alphabetical index.] Incipit: ‘[C]upiens ego frater Astexanus, compilator huius summe, ad honorem dei vtilitati . . .’ Item location: [con]8v [Colophon with note on the editors.]
Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 18 Mar. 1478. Format: Folio. a12 b–f10 g h hh8 i–n10 o8 p–t10 v–y8 aa–cc10 dd8 ee–pp rr10 rr8 s6 ss–xx A–M Y Z [et] [con]10.Bibliographical notes: GW collates a11. References: GW 2754;HC *1893;Goff A–1165;BMC V 233;Pr 4329;BSB–Ink A–798; CIBN A–635; Oates 1727; Sheppard 3495.
Copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank first leaf and the blank leaf [con]10. Leaf tt1 signed qq. A slip of paper giving details of collation attached to front endpaper, signed ‘G. D. A[mery].’ and dated 1914. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library, with index tabs. Size: 325 × 220 × 100 mm. Size of leaf: 308 × 196 mm. Marginal notes and pointing hands. Decoration: Some nine- to eleven line initials are supplied in red and with infill in faded black ink. Two- to nine-line initials, often with pen-flourished extensions into the margins, and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Initial strokes and underlining in red. Provenance: Rott am Inn, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Marinus et Anianus; inscription on a1r. Acquisition history: Acquired between 1847 and c.1892: not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q inf. 2.10.
Entry number: A-472 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.
Item location: a2r Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Alphabetical index.] Incipit: ‘[C]upiens ego frater Astexanus, compilator huius summe, ad honorem dei vtilitati . . .’ Item location: b1r Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Cardinal Johannes Caietani de Ursinis. Incipit: ‘[R]euerendo in Christo patri et domino, domino Johanni Gaijetano de vrbe, diuina prouidentia, dignissimo sacrosancte Romane ecclesie sancti Theodori dyacono cardinali, frater Astexanus de Ast de ordine fratrum minorum, eius humilis seruus . . .’ Item location: b1r Item author: Caietani de Ursinis, Johannes Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Astesanus. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabili et religioso viro amico carissimo fratri Astexano de ciuitate Astensi ordinis fratrum minorum, Johannes miseratione diuina sancti Theodori dyaconus cardinalis salutem . . .’ Item location: b1r Item author: Astesanus [de Ast] Item text: Prohemium.’ Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]onorum laborum gloriosus est fructus” Sap 3&quo; [Sap 3,15], nullus autem labor est illo labore melior qui animarum saluti proficit . . .’ See Bloomfield 647. Item location: b1v [List of contents of first book.] Item location: b2r Item author: Astesanus [de Ast] Item title: Summa de casibus conscientiae. Incipit: ‘[D]icturi ergo in hoc primo libro de decem preceptis moralibus de diuina lege, in qua ipsa continentur, breuiter aliqua premittemus . . .’ See A–467. Item location: d’3v [Alphabetical list of contents.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsequenter quia in aliquibus premissis capitulis siue titulis . . .’ Item location: ¯one;6r [Table of title of decretals.] Item location: ff8r [Colophon, with information about the contents of the book and its printing in Cologne.]
Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 31 Aug. 1479. Format: Folio. a12 b [c d] e f10 g h8 i10 k8 l–n10 o6 j10 2a–i A10 B8 C D6 E–I10 K8 L–Z [et] ¯ona; b’ ¯onc; d’10 ¯one; ff8.Bibliographical notes: GW collates as [e10], rather than e10. Gathering ¯one; as GW 2755a. Woodcut border on a2r: see Schramm VIII 19 and pl. 464, and Schreiber V 3386 although wanting triptych inside the border and immediately above the text. References: GW 2755;HC *1894;Goff A–1166;BMC I 261;Pr 1236;BSB–Ink A–799; CIBN A–636; Schramm VIII 19 and pl. 464; Schreiber V 3386; Sheppard 938; Voulliéme, Köln, 176.
Copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf 2i10. Unsigned blank leaf between gatherings a and b. M3 is signed P3, X1 is signed Z1, b’5 is signed ¯onc;5, ¯one;2 is signed II2, and ff3-4 are signed as M3-4. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library. Size: 425 × 325 × 115 mm. Size of leaf: 402 × 285 mm. Bibliographical note, signed ‘JN’ inserted between a1 and a2. Decoration: On a2r a ten-line initial ‘C’ is supplied in blue, with purple pen-work infill and green; on Y8r an eight-line initial ‘F’, is supplied in blue, with red pen-work infill and green, and with red pen-work extensions into the margin, and on j1r a six-line initial ‘F’ is supplied interlocked blue and red, with red pen-work extensions. Two- to nine-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Underlining and initial strokes in red. On b1r ‘V’ is supplied for ‘R.’ Provenance: Joseph Niesert (1766-1841), 1820; inscription on a2r; sale (1843), lot 319. Purchased for £0. 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 4. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 1.16.
Entry number: A-473 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae. Remark: Fragments.
Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 31 Aug. 1479. Format: Folio. A12 b–f10 g h8 i10 k8 l–n10 o6 p8 q–x AA10 BB CC8 DD10 EE8 FF GG6 HH–KK10 LL8 MM10 NN8 OO–XX AAA–KKK10 LLL MMM8. Two woodcuts: see Schramm VIII 19 and Schreiber V 3387. References: GW 2756;HC *1895;Goff A–1168;BMC I 261;Pr 1237;BSB–Ink A–800; Oates 713; Sack, Freiburg, 320; Schramm VIII 19; Schreiber V 3387; Sheppard 939-40; Voulliéme, Köln, 177-8.
First copy Bound as endpapers with: MS.: Oratiuncula ad consecrationem templi Ashbornehamiani in Diocesi Cicestren., 13 July 1667. Imperfections: Leaves m7-10, n1-4,7 only. Leaves folded in half to form endpapers: n3-4,7 front endpapers, m7-10 and n1-2 rear endpapers. Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) half calf, with battered marbled pasteboards. Size of bound volume: 267 × 193 × 10 mm; size of single leaves 265 × 185 mm. ‘Templi Ashborneami consecratis’ on n4r, probably in the hand of Richard Rawlinson; the church is that of St Peter, Ashburnham, Sussex, which was rebuilt in the Gothic style in 1665. Modern note marks in pencil. Decoration: Two- to four-line initials and paragraph marks supplied in red or blue. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755); engraved book-plate inside the lower cover. Acquired from R. Rawlinson. Former Bodleian shelfmark: MS. Rawl. Misc. 1079. Bodleian shelfmark: MS. Rawl. D. 819. Second copy Bound in a volume of miscellaneous fragments. Imperfections: Leaves A1, b1, p8, KK1, NN7,8 and XX9 only. Binding: Bound in a modern guard-book of fragments. Size of fragments: A1: 375 × 280 mm; b1 (cut in half): 323 × 120 mm and 310 × 115 mm; p8: 356 × 270 mm; KK1: 370 × 235 mm; NN7,8: 373 × 237 mm; XX9 (in two pieces): 145 × 120 mm and 145 × 210 mm. On KK1v: ‘Winlaton Chapel in the Bishoprick of Durham. Lond. 1721′; for this chapel, which was constructed in 1706 and seems to have survived until 1816, see M. W. Flinn, Men of Iron: the Crowleys in the Early Iron Industry, Edinburgh University Publications, History, Philosophy and Economics, 14 (Edinburgh, 1962), 224-5. On XX9: ‘Rawlinson.’ Decoration: On A1r a nine-line initial ‘C’, and on b1r a nine-line initial ‘R’, are both supplied in blue, with reserved white decoration, the interiors of the letters with red pen-work flowers and leaves in reserved white, with some colouring in yellow, all on a green ground. Red and blue pen-work foliate extensions into the margin, coloured with green and yellow. Two- and three-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Initial strokes in red. Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); known from shelfmark. Bequeathed in 1834. Bodleian shelfmark: Douce Fragm. b.1(13-19).
Entry number: A-474 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.
Item location: a2r Item author: Bellatis, Bartholomeus de Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Marcus Barbus, titular Cardinal-priest of S. Mark. Incipit: ‘[L]egenti sepe et memoria repetenti veterum instituta, reuerendissime pater . . .’ Item location: a2v [Introduction with list of abbreviations.] Incipit: ‘Quia plerique ob doctorum theologorum non magnam experientiam materias in hoc opere aductas maximo cum labore hinc inde tanquam per deuia ambulantes queritabant . . .’ Item location: a3r Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Cardinal Johannes Caietani de Ursinis. Incipit: ‘[R]euerendo in Christo patri et domino, domino Johanni Gaietano de vrbe, diuina prouidentia, dignissimo sacrosancte Romane ecclesie sancti Theodori diacono cardinali, frater Astexanus de Ast de ordine fratrum minorum, eius humilis seruus . . .’ Item location: a3r Item author: Caietani de Ursinis, Johannes Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Astesanus. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabili et religioso viro amico charissimo fratri Astexano de ciuitate Astensi ordinis fratrum minorum, Johannes miseratione diuina sancti Theodori diaconus cardinalis salutem . . .’ Item location: a3r Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Prologue.] Item text: Proemium.’ Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]onorum laborum gloriosus est fructus” Sap 3&quo; [Sap 3,15], nullus autem labor est illo labore melior qui animarum saluti proficit . . .’ See Bloomfield 647. Item location: a4r [List of contents of first book.] Item location: a4r Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: Summa de casibus conscientiae. Edited by Bartholomeus de Bellatis and Gometius de Ulixbona. Incipit: ‘[D]icturi ergo in hoc primo libro de decem preceptis moralibus de diuina lege, in qua ipsa continentur, breuiter aliqua premittemus . . .’ See A–467. Item location: 71r [Alphabetical list of contents.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsequenter quia in aliquibus premissis capitulis siue titulis . . .’ Item location: 84v [Table of titles of decretals.] Item location: 95r Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Alphabetical index.] Incipit: ‘[C]upiens ego frater Astexanus, compilator huius, summe ad honorem dei utilitati . . .’ Item location: 107v [Colophon, with information about editors.]
Place of imprint: Venice: Leonardus Wild, for Nicolaus de Frankfordia, 28 Apr. 1480. Format: Folio. a–g10 G12 h–x10 y12 aa–xx10 yy12 1-910 108. References: GW 2757;HC *1896;Goff A–1169;BMC V 265;Pr 4458;BSB–Ink A–801; CIBN A–637; Sack, Freiburg, 321; Sheppard 3602.
Copy Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled half pigskin over wooden boards, with remains of clasps. On each cover fillets form three rectangular panels. On the upper cover the inner panel contains a floral stamp and a rosette stamp, the middle panel small merrythoughts, the floral stamp and a second floral stamp, and the outer panel a lozenge-shaped eagle stamp and the first floral stamp. On the lower cover both the outer and inner panels contain the first floral stamp, and the middle panel the small merrythoughts and the first floral stamp. The spine is decorated with the small merrythoughts; the stamps are badly worn. There are various number labels on the spine. Size: 320 × 220 × 105 mm. Size of leaf: 305 × 203 mm. Some marginal annotations, in a number of different hands, and underlining in black ink. Provenance: Elector Maximilian I of Bavaria (†1651); armorial book-plate, by Raphael Sadeler: see Warnecke 1376, and Dressler–Schröder 23 and 61, Typ B3. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Duplum’ on endleaf and shelfmark ‘No. 477 Inc.Typ.’ which corresponds to Cbm Cat. 221 (1), fol. 46v. Acquisition history: Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, possibly 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 3.19.
Entry number: A-475 Astesanus de Ast
Uniform title: Summa de casibus conscientiae.
Item location: [a1v] Item author: Bellatis, Bartholomeus de Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Marcus Barbus, titular Cardinal-priest of St Mark. Incipit: ‘[L]egenti sepe et memoria repetenti veterum instituta, reuerendissime pater . . .’ Item location: [a2r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Cardinal Johannes Caietani de Ursinis. Incipit: ‘[R]euerendo in Christo patri et domino, domino Johanni Gaietano de vrbe, diuina prouidentia, dignissimo sacrosancte Romane ecclesie sancti Theodori diacono cardinali, frater Astexanus de Ast de ordine fratrum minorum, eius humilis seruus . . .’ Item location: [a2r] Item author: Caietani de Ursinis, Johannes Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Astesanus. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabili et religioso viro amico charissimo fratri Astexano de ciuitate Astensi ordinis fratrum minorum, Johannes miseratione diuina sancti Theodori diaconus cardinalis salutem . . .’ Item location: [a2r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: [Prologue.] Item text: Prohemium.’ Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]onorum laborum gloriosus est fructus” Sap 3&quo; [Sap 3,15], nullus autem labor est illo labore melior qui animarum saluti proficit . . .’ See Bloomfield 647. Item location: [a2v] [List of contents of first book.] Item location: [a3r] Item author: Astesanus de Ast Item title: Summa de casibus conscientiae. Edited by Bartholomeus de Bellatis and Gometius de Ulixbona. Incipit: ‘[D]icturi ergo in hoc primo libro de decem preceptis moralibus de diuina lege, in qua ipsa continentur, breuiter aliqua premittemus . . .’ See A–467. Item location: [Y3r] [Alphabetical list of contents.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsequenter quia in aliquibus premissis capitulis siue titulis . . .’ Item location: [Z5r] [Table of titles of decretals.] Item location: [bb2v] Item author: Astesanus [de Ast Item title: Alphabetical index.] Incipit: ‘[C]upiens ego frater Astexanus, compilator huius summe, ad honorem dei utilitati . . .’ Item location: [cc5v] [Colophon, with information about editors.]
Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 11 May 1482. Format: Folio. [a8 b–d6 e–g8 h–m6 n–p8 q–x6 y z A8 B–F6 G8 H I6 K L8 M–S6 T8 V6 X8 Y Z aa–cc6]. References: GW 2758;H *1897;Goff A–1170;BMC II 423;Pr 2020;BSB–Ink A–802; Oates 998-9; Rhodes 178; Sack, Freiburg, 322; Sheppard 1479-80.
First copy Sheet [f4.5] misbound within sheet [F3.4]. Binding: Contemporary French (Lyons?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards. Formerly chained: chain holes at the tail of the upper cover. On each cover, fillets form a double intersecting frame. Within the outer frame, a large rosette stamp. Within the second frame, a repeated stamp of lozenges containing flowers. The inner panel is divided by fillets into three rectangular compartments, the outer two with a repeated half-circle and flower stamp, the middle compartment with a shield stamp of a fess between three trefoils, for which see below; for the non-heraldic stamps see Gid I, pl. 83, who ascribes to Lyons. For a binding with the same stamp of lozenges containing flowers and with the shield stamp, see Broxb. 18.6. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Rebacked. Size: 352 × 245 × 70 mm. Size of leaf: 338 × 227 mm. Occasional early marginal notes. Decoration: On [a3r] a 20-line initial ‘D’ is supplied in blue with white tracery and edging; in the area defined by the letter is a floral arrangement of red flowers, brown stems, and green leaves, all on a gold background, with pen-strokes in black; the whole initial on a maroon ground, with gold tracery. By a French hand, with decoration similar to that in The George Abrams Collection, Sotheby’s, 16-17 Nov. 1989, lot nos 47 (Albrecht von Eyb, Margarita poetica I. Paris: Ulrich Gering, 20 Nov. 1478), 50 (Robert Gaguin, Compendium de origine et gestis Francorum. Paris: Thielman Kerver for Durand Gerlier and Jean Petit, 13 Jan. 1500), and 119 (Publius Terentius Afer, Com&oe;di&ae;. Strasbourg: Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger, 11 Feb. 1499). In lower margin, painted coat of arms (see below). Provenance: D’Argillière family; coat of arms: or, a fess gules, between three trefoils slipped of the second; the same coat of arms is found in Broxb. 18.6, Bernhard von Breydenbach, Peregrinatio in terram sanctam (Speier, 1502); for the coat of arms see Henri Jougla de Morenas, Grand armorial de France, 6 vols and supplement (Paris, 1934-52), I 226. Antonius de Estiennes, Sept. 1569; inscription on pastedown. The copy mentioned in the Benefactors’ Register I 25, bought with money given in 1601 by George Shirley (1559-1622). See James, Catalogus (1605), 6; Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ Register’, no. 50. Former Bodleian shelfmark: A 6. 10 Th. (James); A 6. 9 Th.; Auct. 1Q Plut 4. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 1.3. Second copy Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, with leather index tabs. Size: 360 × 250 × 70 mm. Size of leaf: 343 × 227 mm. Decoration: On [a2r] an eight-line initial ‘R’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue; other two- to seven-line initials, and paragraph marks are supplied in red or occasionally in blue. Initial strokes in red. Title added on lower edge in a contemporary hand, in black ink. Provenance: Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 4. 0; see Books Purchased (1861), 4. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 4.12.
Entry number: A-476 Astrolabii Canones
Item location: a2r Item author: [Ketenensis, Robertus] Item text: In opus et instrumentum astronomicum Astrolabium uel Planispherium appellatum Canones.’ Incipit: ‘[S]phera solida que et astrolabium sphericum appellatur, cum sit astronomice scientie instrumentum excellentius . . .’ See Thorndike–Kibre 1525; L. Thorndike, ‘Robertus Angelus’, Isis, 34 (1942-3). According to ISTC this is identical with the text printed as Robertus Anglicus, De astrolabio canones. Perugia: [Petrus Petri de Colonia, Fridericus Eber, and Johannes Conradi, c.1477-9]: see Goff R–203 and Rhodes 1512. Item location: b8r ‘Partis secunde huius de mensurationibus rerum tractatulus.’ Incipit: ‘[M]ensurationum genera declarare . . .’
Place of imprint: [Venice: Paganinus de Paganinis, c.1497-8]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Polain dates [c.1494]. a–c8 d6. 62 woodcut diagrams. References: GW 2759;H *1898;Goff A–1171;BMC V 458;Pr 5169;Polain 340; Rhodes 179; Sander 649; Sheppard 4267.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library. Size: 223 × 155 × 10 mm. Size of leaf: 213 × 144 mm. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; on a1r: ‘Inc. Dupl. 5636′ and note dated 3.3.[18]58; on d6v no. 209. Acquisition history: Purchased from the Fidelis Butsch catalogue (1858) no. 209 for £1. 9. 0; see Books Purchased (1858), 6, where it is recorded as Augsburg: Ratdolt, 1490. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.7.
Entry number: A-477 Athanasius
Uniform title: Contra haereticos et gentiles (trans. Omnibonus Leonicenus) [Latin].
Item location: a1v Item author: Brutus, Petrus Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Barnabas Celsanus. Incipit: ‘Non me fugit te errata corrigere, mi Barnaba, si qua sunt excribentium(!) uitio imperitorum . . .’ Note on authorship: Dated Vicenza, 2 Dec. 1481. Item location: a2r Item author: Celsanus, Barnabas Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Petrus Brutus. Incipit: ‘[S]i eruditissimus quisque nostri saeculi christiano munere fungeretur . . .’ Item location: b1r Item author: Omnibonus Leonicenus Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Paulus II, Pont. Max. Item text: Praefatio.’ Incipit: ‘[I]n multis scripture locis, beatissime pater, dolum q[uas]i inimicum dei legimus . . .’ Item location: b2r Item author: Athanasius Item title: Contra haereticos. [Also known as Epistola encyclica ad episcopos Aegypti et Libyae contra Arianos.] Incipit: ‘[O]mnia quecunque dominus noster et saluator Iesus Christus fecit et docuit . . .’ See CPG II 2092. Athanasius, Werke, ed. Kirchenväter-Commision (Berlin, 1934- ). Athanasius, Opera, ed. D. A. B. Caillau, 4 vols (Paris, 1842). Item location: b7r Item author: [Athanasius Item title: Epistola I. ad Serapionem Thmuitanum episcopum.] Incipit: ‘[L]ittere sancte caritatis mihi inermo reddite sunt . . .’ See CPG II 2094. Item location: c7r Item author: Photius, Archiepiscopus Constantinopolis Item title: [Note about Athanasius addressed to] [dedicatee] Tarasius. Incipit: ‘[P]hotius archiepiscopus Constantinopolis ad fratrem suum Tarasium de sermonibus magni inter sanctos Athanasii . . .’ Item location: c7r Item author: Athanasius Item title: Contra gentiles. [Also known as Oratio contra gentes.] Incipit: ‘[D]iuini cultus et uniuersorum ueritatis cognitio non tantum humana doctrina indiget . . .’ See CPG II 2090. Item location: e4v Item author: [Athanasius] Item title: Contra Arianos sermo primus. Incipit: ‘[H]ereses quotquot ipse sibi ueritatis insaniam consistuunt(!) manifeste sunt . . .’ See CPG II 2093. Item location: g4r Item author: [Athanasius Item title: Oratio de humana natura a verbo assumpta et de eius per corpus ad nos adventu]. Incipit: ‘[C]um in superioribus de errore ac superstictione gentilium pauca ex multis libantes . . .’ Item location: i2r Item author: [Athanasius Item title: Adversus Arianos oratio III.] Incipit: ‘[I]nsanientes Ariani postquam semel ut uidetur decreuerunt preuaricatores esse . . .’ See CPG II 2093. Item location: l2r Item author: [Athanasius Item title: De incarnatione Dei verbi et contra Arianos.] Incipit: ‘[Q]ui maligne diuinas scripturas intelligere uolunt . . .’ See CPG II 2091. Item location: l6r Item author: [Athanasius pseudo- Item title: Disputatio habita in concilio Nicaeno contra Arrium.] Incipit: ‘[P]rouidentia dei carissimis cum fratribus meis profectus iter . . .’ Note on authorship: See CPG 2250; CIBN A–638.
Place of imprint: Vicenza: Leonardus Achates de Basilea, 1 Feb. 1482. Format: Folio. a2 b–l8 m6. References: GW 2760;HC *1905;Goff A–1172;BMC VII 1032;Pr 7124;BSB–Ink A–806; CIBN A–638; Hillard 202; Oates 2669; Sheppard 5887.
Copy Imperfections: Leaf a1 mutilated and repaired. Binding: Italian eighteenth-century parchment; marbled pastedowns. Size: 285 × 197 × 24 mm. Size of leaf: 277 × 181 mm. Occasional sixteenth-century marginal notes. Decoration: Some initials are supplied in ink. Provenance: On a1r: ‘Hic liber est D. Thom&ecedilla; Serule(?) Beneuentanei(?) 1564′, date corrected to 1574. Shelfmark: ‘B. 25. 140′. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843); book-plate with handwritten shelfmark ‘AA.e.2 3′: see Lee, Royal Bookplates, 40-1 no. 23; sale, pt I, part of lot 4094. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1844), 3. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sub fen. 2.1.
Entry number: A-478 Athanasius
Uniform title: De homousio contra Arrium [Latin].
Item location: a1r [Title-page with table of contents.] Item location: a1v Item author: Benetus, Cyprianus Item title: [Prefatory letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Simon Radin. Item text: Insequentium operum et eorum impressionis commendatio.’ Incipit: ‘[S]i veri quicquam rationique consentaneum ea Aristotelis peripatheticorum principis continet sententia . . .’ Note on authorship: Text dated Paris, 5 Aug. 1500. Item location: a3r ‘Disputationis atque controuersie super fide catholica inter diuum Athanasium prius dyaconum deinde quoque episcopum coram probo iudice gentili a Constantio imperatore delegato habite prefactio docens contemporaneos fuisse inter quos lis acta dicitur.’ PL LXII 179-80 (‘Praefatio incerti auctoris’). Item location: a3r ‘Eiusdem disputationis introductio originem eius et Arrii perfidiam declarans.’ PL LXII 155-6. Item location: a3v Item author: [Vigilius Thapsensis pseudo-;author Athanasius pseudo- Item title: De homousio contra Arrium. Also known as Contra Arianos dialogus.] Item text: Antedicte disputationis Laoditie habite initium.’ PL LXII 156-80. Note on authorship: On authorship see G. Ficker, Studien zu Vigilius von Thapsus (Leipzig, 1897), 34; however, CIBN A–639 indicates that Vigilius Thapsensis is the true author. Item location: b6r Item author: Hieronymus Item title: [Prefatory letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Paulinianus. PL XXIII 101-4. Item location: b6r Item author: Didymus [Alexandrinus] Item title: De Spiritu sancto. Translated by Hieronymus. PL XXIII 103-54. See CPG II 2544. Item location: e1r [Table of contents.] Item location: e1r Item author: Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius Item title: De anima. PL LXX 1279-1308. Cassiodorus, De anima, ed. J. W. Halporn, CCSL 96 (1973), 534-75. See CPL 897. Item location: f4r ‘De origine anime non contemnendus.’ PL XXX 261-5 = Ep. 37. Note on authorship: Sometimes ascribed to Hieronymus or Augustinus: see Palémon Glorieux, Pour revaloriser Migne. Tables rectificatives, Mélanges de science religieuse, 9, cahier supplement (Lille, 1952), 20; CPL 633, ep. 37 and Lambert, IIIA, no. 337. Item location: f5r ‘Diffinitiones plurimorum ex laudatissimis autoribus decerpte.’ Incipit: ‘Cassiodorus. Eloquentia est ad vnamquamque rem competens et decora locutio . . .’ Note on authorship: Excerpts attributed to Cassiodorus, Hugo [de Sancto Victore], Anselmus, Augustinus, Bruno [Carthusiensis], Gregorius, Isidorus [Hispalensis], Hieronymus, Ambrosius, Origenes, and Bernardus Clarevallensis. Item location: g1v Item author: Cyprianus [pseudo-;author Ernaldus, Abbas Bonae Vallis Item title: Prefatory letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Cornelius, Pont. Max. Item text: Prefatio.’ PL CLXXXIX 1609-10. Item location: g1v Item author: Cyprianus Item title: De cardinalibus operibus Christi. PL CLXXXIX 1610-78. Note on authorship: On authorship see Joseph Huby, ‘Une exégèse faussement attribuée à Saint Cyprien’, Biblica, 14 (1933), 96. Item location: k4r [Note to the reader on the contents and the editors.]
Place of imprint: Paris: André Bocard, for Jean Petit, 28 June 1500. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: The colophon predates the prefatory letter on a1v. a–i6 k4. Woodcut initials. References: H *1906;Goff A–1173;BMC VIII 158;Pr 8166;CIBN A–639; Hillard 1488; Oates 3052; Rhodes 180; Sack, Freiburg, 324; Sheppard 6398.
Bound with:
- Thomas Waleys, Commentum super libris Augustini De civitate dei. Toulouse: Henricus Mayer, 12 Oct. 1488 (W–002);
- Isidorus Hispalensis, Etymologiae. Paris: Jean Barbier, for Jean Petit, 31 Aug. 1509.
Binding: English sixteenth-century (after 1509, the date of the latest item it contains) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost; staple-marks at head of the upper cover; rebacked. On both covers triple fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by triple fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. In the compartments an unrecorded lattice stamp; in the inner frame a quatrefoil roll: see Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. xxxix, 596. Fragments from an unidentified (sixteenth-century?) French printed book used as endleaves.
Size: 295 × 208 × 47 mm.
Size of leaf: 278 × 197 mm.
On the front pastedown, a table of contents for the entire volume in a sixteenth-century English(?) hand and a contemporary note of the epitaph and obit note of Roger Huswyf (†1496): see Emden, BRUO, 990, and Ker, Medieval Libraries, 165 and 301: ‘Presbiter hic verus Huswyf iacet ecce Rogerus &pipe; Prodiit a lege terre pastor fore grege &pipe; Morte die quinta . . . et x mensis februarii &pipe; M[ill]e quater domini l et xi nono ruit anno. Orate pro anima m[ei] Rogeri Huswif’ in an English hand.
Occasional early marginal notes. On k4v table of contents for Cyprianus in a contemporary English(?) hand.
Provenance: William Atwater (1440-1521), Bishop of Lincoln (1440-1521); see Emden, BRUO, 73-4, with this book listed; motto at the beginning and end of the volume: ‘Vox domini super aquas’. John Selden (1584-1654): see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 3. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: A 2. 4 Th. Seld.
Bodleian shelfmark: V 1. 6(2) Th. Seld.
Entry number: A-479 Athanasius
Uniform title: In psalmorum effectus et proprietates divina sequestratio [Latin].
Item location: a1r Item author: Locher Philomusus, Jacobus Item text: Tetrastichon ad lectorem.’ ‘Cantica Cygneis plectris modulata prophete &pipe; Psalmorumque choros succinit ille liber’; 2 elegiac distichs. Item location: a1v Item author: Locher Philomusus, Jacobus Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Conradus [Rauh], Abbot of Wiblingen. Incipit: ‘Cum nuper animum applicuissem ab anilium fabularum dulcissima lepiditate ad seuerioris doctrine gustulum . . .’ Note on authorship: Dated Ingolstadt 20 Nov. 1500. Item location: a2v Item author: Athanasius Item title: In psalmorum effectus et proprietates divina sequestratio. [dedicatee] Dedicated to Marcellinus. Translated by Angelus Politianus. Incipit: ‘[O]mnis quidem scriptura diuina magistra est et virtutis et vere fidei . . .’ Note on authorship: Title on a1v. See L. Cesarini, ‘La versione del Poliziano di un opuscolo di s. Atanasio’, Rinascimento, 2nd ser., 8 (1968), 311-21. Item location: b2r Item author: [Locher Philomusus, Jacobus] Item text: Epilogus ad clericos.’ Incipit: ‘Heus clerice huc adsis, te paucis volo, per deum immortalem te attestor . . .’ Item location: b2v Item author: [Locher Philomusus, Jacobus] Item text: Ad deum oratio.’ ‘O pater omnipotens rutilantis conditor arcis &pipe; Da mihi fructiferas spes in amore tuo’; 9 elegiac distichs. Item location: b3r Item author: [Locher Philomusus, Jacobus] Item text: Psalmus ad Deum ut ab aduersariis tutetur.’ Incipit: ‘Domine Deus meus, redemptio Hierusalem, exaudi votum supplicationis mee . . .’ Item location: b3v Item author: Retingerius, Paulus ‘Ad fontem propera psalmorum rore madentem &pipe; Mellifluo cursim religiosa cohors’; 2 elegiac distichs.
Place of imprint: [Augsburg: Johann Froschauer, after 20 Nov. 1500]. Format: 4°. a6 b4. References: GW 2761;H *1903;Goff A–1174;BMC II 399;Pr 1839;BSB–Ink A–807; Oates 952; Sack, Freiburg, 323; Sheppard 1377.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century half blue morocco, bound for the Bodleian Library. Size: 209 × 149 × 7 mm. Size of leaf: 200 × 137 mm. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 1380. Acquisition history: Purchased for 4 Marks, from Caspar Haugg, Catalogue 78 (1885), no. 20; see Library Bills (1885), no. 181. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.80.
Entry number: A-480 Athenagoras
Uniform title: De resurrectione [Latin].
Item location: a1r [Title-page with table of contents.] Item location: a1v Item author: Ficinus, Marsilius Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Germanus de Ganay (†1520). Incipit: ‘[M]ultis iamdiu de causis te multum amo nec minus quam germanum suauissime . . .’ Note on authorship: See Kristeller, Supplementum Ficinianum, I, p. lxx, no. o 1. Item location: a2r Item author: Athenagoras Item title: De resurrectione. Incipit: ‘[R]ationes de rebus humanis alie trahuntur ex ordine naturali . . .’} A translation or rather a paraphase of excerpts by Marsilius Ficinus. Incipit: ‘[R]ationes de rebus humanis alie trahuntur ex ordine naturali . . .’ See Umanesimo e padri della chiesa: Manoscritti e incunaboli di testi patristici da Francesco Petrarca al primo Cinquecento, ed. Sebastiano Gentile (Florence, 1997), no. 111; on authorship see CPG I 1071. Item location: a4r Item author: Ficinus, Marsilius Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Germanus [de Ganay]. Incipit: ‘[H]ymnum orpheum de natura legere latinum, mi Germane, cupis . . .’ Item location: a5r Item author: Xenocrates [pseudo-?] Item text: Liber de morte.’ Item title: [Also known as Axiochus.] [dedicatee] Dedicated to Piero de’ Medici. Translated by Marsilius Ficinus. Incipit: ‘[C]um in Cynosargem proficiscerer et Ilisso iam applicarem . . .’ Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1965-8; on the authorship see Jackson P. Hershbell, Pseudo-Plato, ‘Axiochus’, Society of Biblical Literature, Texts and Translations, 21, Gr&ae;co-Roman religion ser., 6 (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1981), 20-1. On the translation see Jacques Chevalier, Étude critique du dialogue pseudo-platonicien l’Axiochos (Paris, 1915), 3 no. 3; on Ficino’s ascription to Xenocrates see, J. Hankins, Plato in the Italian Renaissance (Leiden, 1990), 307, note 104. Item location: b1r Item author: Cebes [pseudo-] Item title: Tabula [Pinax]. Translated by Ludovicus Odaxius. Incipit: ‘[C]asu euenerat ut in Saturni sacello deambularemus . . .’ Note on authorship: On the translation see Reinhard Schleier, Tabula Cebetis oder ‘Spiegel des Menschlichen Lebens dariñ Tugent und untugent abgemalet ist’. Studien zur Rezeption einer antiken Bildbeschreibung im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert (Berlin, 1973), 14-16.
Place of imprint: Paris: Guy Marchant, partly for Jean Petit, 18 Aug. 1498. Format: 4°. a8 b6. References: GW 2763;HC 1907;Goff A–1176;Pr 8008;CIBN A–641; Hillard 203; Rhodes 181; Sack, Freiburg, 325; Sheppard 6225.
Copy With Marchant’s device; Petit’s device is found in some copies. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers. Size: 190 × 138 × 11 mm. Size of leaf: 185 × 129 mm. Provenance: Acquisition history:certainly acquired by 1674, probably by 1605; see Hyde, Catalogus (1674), I 49, where the shelfmark is given as G 3. 4 Th.; an undated Athenagoras with this shelfmark in James, Catalogus (1620), 42; probably the same as the undated Athenagoras in James, Catalogus (1605), 9 with the shelfmark G 3. 5 [Th.]. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. O 5.7.
Entry number: A-481 Attestatio
Uniform title: Radicalis attestatio fidei orthodoxae.
Item location: [a2r] ‘Radicalis attestatio fidei orthodoxe fundata in rationis naturali lumine de informi philosophorum et poetarum fide contra Iudeos, gentiles et infideles ceteros.’ Incipit: ‘[C]um siquidem terre orientalis incole ridiculoso Machometi peruersoque dogmate seducti . . .’ Note on authorship: Table of contents follows the prologue.
Place of imprint: [Nuremberg]: Friedrich Creussner, 1477. Format: Folio. [a–f10.8 g–i8 k10]. References: GW 2764;HC *1908;Goff A–1177;BMC II 448;Pr 2138;BSB–Ink A–815; CIBN A–642; Hillard 204; Oates 1054; Sheppard 1569-70.
First copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [k10]. Binding: Pasteboards; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 263 × 183 × 21 mm. Size of leaf: 255 × 172 mm. Decoration: Two five- and six-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue with filigree infill and foliate extension into the inner margin in red and light green; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; red capital strokes and ruling. Provenance: Justin, comte MacCarthy Reagh (1744-1811); sale (1815), lot 847. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1817), 7. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 4.19. Second copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [k10]. Formerly part of a composite volume; cropped title on the lower and fore-edges. Binding: Twentieth-century black cloth, bound for the Bodleian Library. Size: 307 × 214 × 18 mm. Size of leaf: 294 × 202 mm. Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining. Provenance: Ingram Bywater (1840-1914). Acquisition history: Donated by Bywater in Sept. 1908; see donation list (Library Records c. 1194); Library stamp dated 1909. Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. G6.1477.1.
Entry number: A-482 Attila Flagellum Dei [Italian]
Item location: [a1r] ‘Il libro di Atila.’ Incipit: ‘[I]ntendando li pagani de Ungaria e de molte altre prouincie e nation(!) . . .’ Note on authorship: Translation dated 1421. See Alessandro d’Ancona, Studi di critica e storia letteraria (Bologna, 1880) and Valentino Bompiani, Dizionario letterario Bompiani delle opere e dei personaggi, 1 (Milan, 1949), 311-12. On the image of Attila before 1300: see Jennifer Williams, Etzel der rîche (Bern, 1981) and also Helmut de Boor, Das Attilabild in Geschichte, Legende und heroischer Dichtung (Bern, 1932) and Ernst Cordt, Attila, flagellum Dei – Etzel – Atli: zur Darstellung des Hunnenkönigs in Sage und Chronistik (Trieste, 1984). Item location: [f7v] [Historical note on Attila.] Incipit: ‘Atila persecutore di la Christiana fede primamente uenne uerso Aquilegia nel tempo de Papa Leone . . .’
Place of imprint: Venice: Gabriele di Pietro and Filippo di Pietro, 20 Jan. 1472/3. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Sheppard notes that the book is dated ‘stile veneto’: ‘In the last paragraph of the work mention is made of the incursions of the Turks into Friuli “ne li anni del signore M.CCCC.LXXII.” These took place in the autumn of that year.’ See also Romanin, Storia documentata di Venezia, IV 365. [a–f8].Bibliographical notes: No collation given in GW. References: GW 2765;HR 1910;Pr 4185;Sheppard 3366.
Copy Variants from GW description: [a1r] l. 3: ‘matre’, [b1r] l. 1: ‘a zente: E &longs;i de el confalone . . .’ Binding: Old parchment. Size: 194 × 143 × 15 mm. Size of leaf: 187 × 134 mm. A few early marginal notes. Provenance: Joseph Smith (1682-1770); armorial book-plate. Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735-1792); sale (1789), part IV lot 6759 (printed label on front pastedown); in the annotated sale catalogue marked down to Payne, for Fl. 25. Acquisition history: Purchased through Payne for £2. 3. 6; see Books Purchased (1790), 10. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.21.
Entry number: A-483 Attila Flagellum Dei [Italian]
Item location: [*1r] ‘Le rubriche over tabula sopra la sequente opera chiamata Atila flagellum Dei.’ Item location: a2r ‘Il libro di Atila.’ Incipit: ‘[I]ntendendo li pagani de Ungaria e de molte altre prouincie e nationi . . .’ Note on authorship: See A–482. Item location: f7v [Historical note on Attila.] Incipit: ‘Atila persecutore de la Christiana fede primamente uenne uerso Aquilegia nel tempo de Papa Leone . . .’ Item location: f8r [Colophon with a note on the editor, Bartholomaeus Theus.]
Place of imprint: Venice: Filippo di Pietro, 15 Oct. 1477. Format: 4°. [*2] a10 b–f8. References: GW 2766;HR 1911;Goff A–1178;BMC V 220;Pr 4266;CIBN A–643; Sheppard 3442.
Copy Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf a1 and sheets f3.6 and f4.5. Binding: Nineteenth-century mottled calf; the spine gold-tooled with a stamp of an orientalizing tripod surrounded by a tendril; marbled pastedowns. Size: 212 × 143 × 12 mm. Size of leaf: 209 × 133 mm. Woodcut medallion depicting Attila pasted on front endleaf. On f8r-v a note in a sixteenth-century hand of a letter written by Lorenzo de’ Medici to the Signoria of Florence, dated 7 Dec. 1479, incipit: ‘Excelsa signoria mia etc. Se jo non o altriment[i] fatto noto a v[ostra] excelsa signoria la cagone d[i] mia partita . . .’ (Lorenzo de’ Medici, Lettere, IV (1479-80), ed. Nicolai Rubinstein (Florence, 1981), 265-70, no. 444). Scribbles on f8v. Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834. Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 100.
Entry number: A-484 Attila Flagellum Dei [Italian]
Item location: a2r ‘Le rubriche over tabula sopra la sequente opera chiamata Atila flagellum Dei.’ Item location: a3r ‘Il libro di Atila.’ Incipit: ‘[I]ntendendo li pagani de Vngaria e de molte altre prouincie e nationi . . .’ Note on authorship: Translation not dated. See also A–482. Item location: d6v [Historical note on Attila.] Incipit: ‘Atila persecutore de la Christiana fede primamente uenne uerso Aquilegia nel tempo de Papa Leone . . .’
Place of imprint: [Venice: Giovanni Ragazzo, 1491]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Hesitantly ascribed to Ragazzo (type 1, 82 mm) by Pr. The woodcut was used before by Capcasa (see Essling), and the type is perhaps his type 1 (82 mm), recast 79 mm; see BMC V 482. a–d6. On a1r a woodcut depicting the betrayal of Christ by Judas on Mount of Olives. References: GW 2767;H 1912a; R 408;Pr 5351;Essling 1260; Sander 657; Sheppard 4415.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards. Size: 207 × 148 × 7 mm. Size of leaf: 201 × 143 mm. Provenance: Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone, Conte Libri Carrucci della Sommaia (1803-1869); Acquisition history: purchased at his sale (1859), lot 214, for £2. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 11. Bodleian shelfmark: Mortara adds. 53.
Entry number: A-485 Auctores Octo cum glossa.
Item location: a2r ‘Prohemium.’ Incipit: ‘[S]ummi deus largitor premii, via constans, fons refrigerii, terre vices obtemperans, a quo stillat totius gr[ati]e plenitudo . . .’ On the collection see Henkel, Schultexte, 9-10. Item location: a3v [Epistola Catonis.] Incipit: ‘[C]um animaduerterem quam plurimos homines errare grauiter in via morum . . .’ On authorship see Marcus Boas, Die Epistola Catonis, Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Afd. Letterkunde, NS 33/1 (Amsterdam, 1934), who argues for the authenticity of the letter. Item location: a3v [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Id est cum animo meo perciperem id est sepe considerarem vel cogitarem . . .’ Item location: a7v [Disticha Catonis.] ‘Liber Cathonis.’ ‘[S]i deus est animus, nobis vt carmina dicunt &pipe; Hic tibi precipue sit pura mente colendus.’ Disticha Catonis, ed. Marcus Boas (Amsterdam, 1952). Leopold Zatočil, Cato a Facetus. Pojednání a texty. Zu den deutschen Cato- und Facetusbearbeitungen. Untersuchungen und Texte, Spisy Masarykovy university v Brně, Filosofická fakulta, 48 (Brno, 1952), 230-7; see Walther, Initia, 17703; Schaller 15020. Distichs alternate with the commentary. See VL I 1192-6 and Henkel, Schultexte, 228-31. Item location: a7v [Commentary.] ‘Glosule Cathonis.’ Incipit: ‘Finita parte prohemii, in qua actor(!) tetigit causam operis et huius libri materiam sub breuiloquio prosaice compilauit . . .’ Item location: d8v ‘Prologus in Theodolum.’ ‘[E]thiopum terras iam feruida torruit estas &pipe; In cancro solis iam voluitur aureus axis.’ Theoduli eclogam, ed. Johannes Osternacher (Urfahr, 1902), 30-2; see Walther, Initia, 664. Hexameters alternate with the commentary. Item location: d8v Item author: [Odo Picardus Item title: Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Multi licet magno et excellenti ingenio viri ad presentis libelli expositionem se applicauerant . . .’ On authorship see Betty Nye Quinn, ‘Ps. Theodolus’, CTC II 404-8. Item location: e4r Item author: Theodulus Item title: [Ecloga Theoduli.] Item text: Liber Theodoli.’ ‘[P]rimus Cretheis Satunrnus(!) venit ab oris &pipe; Aurea per cunctas disponens secula terras.’ Theoduli eclogam, ed. Osternacher, 32-54. Hexameters alternate with the commentary. On the textual transmission see Johannes Osternacher, ‘Die Überlieferung der Ecloga Theoduli’, Neues Archiv, 40 (1916), 329-76, at 343 no. 52. See Henkel, Schultexte, 239-42; VL IX 760-4. Item location: e4r Item author: [Odo Picardus Item title: Commentary.] Item text: Succinctissima explanatio Theodoli.’ Incipit: ‘Finito prologo, in quo intentio actoris(!) aperta est et modus procedendi per fronesim limitatus . . .’ Note on authorship: On authorship see Quinn, ‘Ps. Theodolus’, 404-8. Item location: i4v ‘Prohemium in Facetum.’ Incipit: ‘[S]eneca in libro de quattuor virtutibus in capitulo de continentia dicit: “Sermones vtiles magis quam facetos et affabiles ama . . .”0.6 mm‘ Item location: i4v [Facetus, Cum nihil utilius.] ‘Liber Faceti.’ ‘[C]um nihil vtilius humane credo saluti &pipe; quam rerum nouisse modos et moribus vti.’ Zatočil, Cato a Facetus, 287-93; see Walther, Initia, 3692. Hexameters alternate with the commentary. See VL II 700-3 and Henkel, Schultexte, 245-8. Item location: i4v [Commentary.] ‘Faceti glosa.’ Incipit: ‘[S]ic actor(!) ponit prohemium sui libri, in quo ipse ostendit que fuerit causa mouens ipsum ad hoc opus agendum . . .’ Item location: k6r Item author: [Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item text: Liber de contemptu mundi.’ ‘[C]artula nostra tibi mandat, dilecte, salutes &pipe; Pauca videbis ibi, sed non mea dona refutes.’ PL CLXXXIV 1307-14; see Walther, Initia, 2521. Hexameters alternate with the commentary. On authorship see VL II 5-8 and Henkel, Schultexte, 235-6. Item location: k6r [Commentary.] ‘Glosule de contemptu mundi.’ Incipit: ‘[S]icut consuetum est in aliis libris ostendere in principio cuiuslibet aliqua communia . . .’ Item location: l5v [Verse.] ‘[I]n re terrena nihil est aliud nisi pena’; 13 leonine hexameters, all but the last ending with the same rhyme. See B. Hauréau, Des poèmes latins attribués à saint Bernard (Paris, 1890), 11. On the expanded version of the Contemptus mundi (Chartula II): see Robert Bultot, ‘La Chartula et l’enseignement du mépris du monde dans les écoles et les universités médiévales’, Studi Medievali, ser. 3, 8/2 (1967), 787-834, at 807-12; see Walther, Initia, 9079. Item location: l6r [Verse.] ‘[H]ierusalem ciuis fragili dum corpore viuis’; 13 + 27 + 21 + 9 leonine hexameters. See Hauréau 11-12. Item location: l7r [Verse.] ‘Plus amat exilium miseri miser orbis amator’; 12 leonine hexameters in pairs (`versus caudati’). See Walther, Proverbia, 21671; Hauréau 11-12. Item location: l7v [Verse.] ‘Quid genus, quid species, quid opes et fama valebunt’;7 hexameters, some of them rhymed. See Walther, Proverbia, 25047. Item location: l7v [Verse.] ‘Femina res fragilis, res lubrica, res puerilis’; 10 leonine hexameters. See Walther, Proverbia, 9196 and 9202; Hauréau 13. Item location: l8r [Verse.] ‘Alea, Bachus, amor mulierum reddit egenum’; 4 hexameters, the last 2 rhymed. See Walther, Proverbia, 764; Hauréau 13-14. Item location: l8r Item author: [Marbodus Redonensis Item title: Contemptus praesentis vitae.] ‘Vite presentis sic comparo gaudia ventis’ PL CLXXI 1667. See Walther, Proverbia, 33882; Hauréau 14-15. Item location: l8v Item author: [Marbodus Redonensis Item title: Verse.] ‘Vos qui diligitis bona que retinere nequitis’ PL CLXXI 1667-8. See Walther, Initia, 20820; Hauréau 15-16. Item location: m1r [Verse.] ‘Scitur in omne latus nociuus cibus immoderatus’; 14 leonine hexameters, some of them rhymed. See Hauréau 16-17. Item location: m1v [Verse.] ‘Qui studet nummis, hic prefert infima summis’; 11 leonine hexameters. See Walther, Proverbia, 24797; Hauréau 17. Item location: m1v [Verse.] ‘Excubat et pallet diues delectat in ostro’; 1 elegiac distich. See Walther, Proverbia, 8405; Hauréau 17. Item location: m1v [Verse.] ‘Posse foramen acus citius transire camelum’; 45 leonine hexameters, some of them rhymed. See Walther, Proverbia, 21966; Hauréau 17-19. Item location: m2v Item author: [Marbodus Redonensis Item title: Verse.] ‘Heu miserum quid agam, porto sub pectore plagam’ PL CLXXI 1669-70. See Walther, Proverbia, 10741; Hauréau 19-20. Item location: m4r [Verse.] ‘[Q]uestio magna diu multis meditantibus orta est’; 42 elegiac distichs. See Hauréau 20-2. Item location: m6r [Verse.] ‘[O] mortalis homo, casus reminiscere vite’ Hermann Hagen, Carmina medii aevi maximam partem inedita (Bern, 1877), 97. See Walther, Proverbia, 19511a; Hauréau 22. Item location: m6v [Verse.] ‘Quisquis amas mundum, tibi prospice quod sit eundum’; 33 leonine hexameters. See Walther, Proverbia, 25522; Hauréau 22-3. Item location: m7r [Verse.] ‘Non tibi sit venter dominus, sed viue decenter’; 8 leonine hexameters. See Walther, Proverbia, 18609; Hauréau 23. Item location: m7r [Verse.] ‘Sperne vagam venerem, fuge blandiloquam mulierem’; 22 leonine hexameters. See Hauréau 23. Item location: m7v [Verse.] ‘[L]azarus et diues tibi momenta futuri’; 6 leonine hexameters. See Hauréau 23. Item location: m8r [Verse.] ‘Quam felix anima est in qua sibi ponere sedem’; 3 elegiac distichs. See Walther, Proverbia, 23290; Hauréau 23. Item location: m8r [Verse.] ‘A macula sordis munda, precor, intima cordis’; 24 leonine hexameters. See Walther, Proverbia, 37; Hauréau 23-4. Item location: m8v Item author: [Hildebertus Cenomanensis Item title: De quindecim signis.] ‘[C]ognitio talis fiet finis generalis’ PL CLXXI 1287-8. See Walther, Initia, 3011; Hauréau 24. Item location: n1v Item author: Matthaeus Vindocinensis Item text: In libro qui Thobias . . . intitulatur prologus.’ PL CCV 933. Matheus Vindocinensis, Opera, ed. Franco Munari, II, Storia e letteratura, 152 (Rome, 1982), 161; see Walther, Initia, 5975. Distichs alternate with the commentary. Item location: n1v [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[E]t consuetum est in aliis libris querere, q[ue] sunt cause, scilicet causa efficiens, materialis, formalis et finalis . . .’ Item location: n2v Item author: Matthaeus Vindocinensis Item text: Epistola . . . ad Bartholomeum Turonensis archiepiscopum.’ [dedicatee] [Addressed to Bartholomaeus de Vendôme, Archbishop of Tours.] PL CCV 933-4; Matheus Vindocinensis, Opera, ed. Munari, II, 161-3; see Walther, Initia, 5213. Distichs alternate with the commentary. Item location: n2v [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘In ista parte actor(!) prosequitur et inuocat auxilium et fauorem domini episcopi Turonensis . . .’ Item location: n4v Item author: Matthaeus Vindocinensis Item text: Liber Thobie.’ PL CCV 933-80; Matheus Vindocinensis, Opera, ed. Munari, II, 163-255; see Walther, Initia, 19307. Distichs alternate with the commentary. Item location: n4v [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Sententia est talis: Domine Mathee, dicatis mihi, de qua patria fuit Thobias . . .’ Item location: x7r ‘Prohemium in Parabolarum Alani.’ Incipit: ‘[I]ste liber duobus modis solet nominari. Primo secundum quosdam appellatur Doctrinale altum . . .’ Item location: x7v Item author: Alanus [de Insulis Item title: Doctrinale minus.] Item text: Liber parabolarum.’ ‘A phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente &pipe; Insipiens sensum, quo quasi luce micat.’ Distichs alternate with the commentary. See A–073. Item location: x7v [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Hic actor(!) prosequitur suum intentum et primo ponit parabolam dicens quod, sicut luna sumit lumen a sole, sic insipiens debet sumere sensum siue sapientiam et bonam doctrinam a sapiente uiro . . .’ Commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. On the ‘Auctores octo’ see Henkel, Schultexte, 9-10. Item location: z7r Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti] Item text: Liber fabularum Esopi.’ ‘[E]t iuuet et prosit conatur pagina presens &pipe; Dulcius arrident seria picta iocis.’ See A–056. Fables alternate with the commentary. Item location: z7r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[I]n principio huius libri quinque sunt inquirenda, scilicet causa efficiens, formalis, materialis et finalis . . .’ Item location: C8v ‘Prohemium in Floretum.’ Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[E]go flos campi” Canticorum ii [Ct 2,1]. Flores, vt dicit Ysidorus libro .xviii., dicuntur quasi fluores per ethymologiam . . .’ Item location: D1r Item author: [Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item text: Liber Floreti.’ ‘[N]omine Floretus liber incipit ab bona ceptus(!) &pipe; Semper erit tutus eius documenta secutus.’ Liber Floretus, ed. Arpád Orbán, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, Beiheft 16 (Kastellaun and Hunsrück, 1979); see Walther, Initia, 11943. Hexameters alternate with the commentary. Also ascribed to Bonaventura and Johannes de Garlandia: see Henkel, Schultexte, 250-3. See VL V 756-9. Item location: D1r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[I]stud est prohemium huius libri, quod diuiditur in tres partes . . .’
Place of imprint: Lyons: Jean du Pré, 17 Mar. 1489/90. Format: 4°. a–z A–G8 H4. References: GW 2781;C 718;Pr 8584B;Hillard 205; Sheppard 6642.
Copy Binding: Parchment. Size: 244 × 170 × 45 mm. Size of leaf: 228 × 165 mm. Copious early marginal notes, especially at the beginning of De contemptu mundi, but partly cropped. On D4v ‘Quemadmodum animal illud quod su[perius] ve[nit] de sorde immundicio(!) de palude salt[i]m dum vult comedere surgit, sic homo sorde cor(?) iste purato inuolutus ab eodem per contritionem, consolationem et satisfactionem se liberare debet.’ Provenance: Etienne Tardif (fifteenth/sixteenth century); on a1r ‘Stephanus Tardiuus Bargemonensis’, entries by the same hand on D4v. Anatole Claudin, no. 1962. Acquisition history: Purchased in 1900. Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. F2.1489.1.
Entry number: A-485A Auctores Octo cum glossa.
Item location: a1r [Title-page.] Item location: a2r ‘Prohemium.’ Incipit: ‘[S]ummi deus largitor premii, via constans, fons refrigerii, terre vices obtemperans, a quo stillat totius gr[ati]e plenitudo . . .’ See A–485. Item location: a3r [Epistola Catonis.] Incipit: ‘[C]um animaduerterem quam plurimos homines errare grauiter in via morum . . .’ See A–485. Item location: a3r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Id est cum animo meo perciperem id est sepe considerarem vel cogitarem . . .’ Item location: a6v [Disticha Catonis.] ‘Liber Cathonis.’ ‘[S]i deus est animus, nobis vt carmina dicunt &pipe; Hic tibi precipue sit pura mente colendus.’ See A–485. Item location: a6v [Commentary.] ‘Glosule Cathonis.’ Incipit: ‘Finita parte prohemii, in qua auctor tetigit causam operis et huius libri materiam sub breuiloquio prosaice compilauit . . .’ Item location: d3v ‘Prologus in Theodolum.’ ‘[E]thiopum terras iam feruida torruit estas &pipe; In cancro solis iam voluitur aureus axis.’ See A–485. Hexameters alternate with the commentary. Item location: d3v Item author: [Odo Picardus Item title: Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Multi licet magno et excellenti ingenio viri ad presentis libelli expositionem se applicauerant . . .’ See A–485. Item location: d6v Item author: Theodulus Item title: [Ecloga Theoduli.] Item text: Liber Theodoli.’ ‘[P]rimus Cretheis Satunrnus(!) venit ab oris &pipe; Aurea per cunctas disponens secula terras.’ See A–485. Item location: d6v Item author: [Odo Picardus Item title: Commentary.] Item text: Succinctissima explanatio Theodoli.’ Incipit: ‘Finito prologo, in quo intentio auctoris aperta est et modus procedendi per fronesim limitatus . . .’ See A–485. Item location: h1v ‘Prohemium in Facetum.’ Incipit: ‘[S]eneca in libro de quattuor virtutibus in capitulo de continentia dicit: “Sermones vtiles magis quam facetos et affabiles ama . . .”0.6 mm‘ Item location: h1v [Facetus, Cum nihil utilius.] ‘Liber Faceti.’ ‘[C]um nihil vtilius humane credo saluti &pipe; quam rerum nouisse modos et moribus vti.’ See A–485. Item location: h1v [Commentary.] ‘Faceti glosa.’ Incipit: ‘[S]ic auctor ponit prohemium sui libri, in quo ipse ostendit que fuerit causa mouens ipsum ad hoc opus agendum . . .’ Item location: i2r Item author: [Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item text: Liber de contemptu mundi.’ ‘[C]artula nostra tibi mandat, dilecte, salutes &pipe; Pauca videbis ibi, sed non mea dona refutes.’ See A–485. Item location: i2r [Commentary.] ‘Glosule de contemptu mundi.’ Incipit: ‘[S]icut consuetum est in aliis libris ostendere in principio cuiuslibet aliqua communia . . .’ Item location: k1r [Verse.] ‘[I]n re terrena nihil est aliud nisi pena’; 13 leonine hexameters, all but the last ending with the same rhyme. See A–485. Item location: k1r [Verse.] ‘[H]ierusalem ciuis fragili dum corpore viuis’; 13 + 27 + 21 + 9 leonine hexameters. See A–485. Item location: k2r [Verse.] ‘Plus amat exilium miseri miser orbis amator’; 12 leonine hexameters in pairs (`versus caudati’). See A–485. Item location: k2v [Verse.] ‘Quid genus, quid species, quid opes et fama valebunt’; 7 hexameters, some of them rhymed. See A–485. Item location: k2v [Verse.] ‘Femina res fragilis, res lubrica, res puerilis’; 10 leonine hexameters. See A–485. Item location: k2v [Verse.] ‘Alea, Bachus, amor mulierum reddit egenum’; 4 hexameters, the last 2 rhymed. See A–485. Item location: k2v Item author: [Marbodus Redonensis Item title: Contemptus praesentis vitae.] ‘Vite presentis sic comparo gaudia ventis’. See A–485. Item location: k3r Item author: [Marbodus Redonensis Item title: Verse.] ‘Vos qui diligitis bona que retinere nequitis’. See A–485. Item location: k4r [Verse.] ‘Scitur in omne latus nociuus cibus immoderatus’; 14 leonine hexameters, some of them rhymed. See A–485. Item location: k4r [Verse.] ‘Qui studet in nummis, hic prefert infima summis’; 11 leonine hexameters. See A–485. Item location: k4v [Verse.] ‘Excubat et pallet diues delectat in ostro’; 1 elegiac distich. See A–485. Item location: k4v [Verse.] ‘Posse foramen acus citius transire camelum’; 45 leonine hexameters, some of them rhymed. See A–485. Item location: k5r Item author: [Marbodus Redonensis Item title: Verse.] ‘Heu miserum quid agam, porto sub pectore plagam’. See A–485. Item location: k6v [Verse.] ‘[Q]uestio magna diu multis meditantibus orta est’; 42 elegiac distichs. See A–485. Item location: k8v [Verse.] ‘[O] mortalis homo, casus reminiscere vite’. See A–485. Item location: k8v [Verse.] ‘Quisquis amas mundum, tibi prospice quod sit eundum’; 33 leonine hexameters. See A–485. Item location: l1r [Verse.] ‘Non tibi sit venter dominus, sed viue decenter’; 8 leonine hexameters. See A–485. Item location: l1r [Verse.] ‘Sperne vagam venerem, fuge blandiloquam mulierem’; 22 leonine hexameters. See A–485. Item location: l1v [Verse.] ‘[L]azarus et diues tibi sunt monumenta futuri’; 6 leonine hexameters. See A–485. Item location: l1v [Verse.] ‘Quam felix anima est in qua sibi ponere sedem’; 3 elegiac distichs. See A–485. Item location: l1v [Verse.] ‘A macula sordis munda, precor, intima cordis’; 24 leonine hexameters. See A–485. Item location: l2r Item author: [Hildebertus Cenomanensis Item title: De quindecim signis.] ‘[C]ognitio talis fiet finis generalis’. See A–485. Item location: l3v Item author: Matthaeus Vindocinensis Item text: In libro qui Thobias . . . intitulatur prologus . . .’ See A–485. Distichs alternate with the commentary. Item location: l3v [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[E]t consuetum est in aliis libris querere, que sunt cause . . .’ Item location: l4r Item author: Matthaeus Vindocinensis Item text: Epistola . . . ad Bartholomeum Turonensis archiepiscopum.’ [dedicatee] [Addressed to Bartholomaeus de Vendôme, Archbishop of Tours.] See A–485. Distichs alternate with the commentary. Item location: l4r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘In ista parte auctor prosequitur et inuocat auxilium et fauorem domini episcopi Turonensis . . .’ Item location: l5v Item author: Matthaeus Vindocinensis Item text: Narratio Thobie.’ See A–485. Distichs alternate with the commentary. Item location: l5v [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Sententia est talis: Domine Mathee, dicatis mihi, de qua patria fuit Thobias . . .’ Item location: s8v ‘Prohemium in Parabolarum Alani.’ Incipit: ‘[I]ste liber duobus modis solet nominari. Primo secundum quosdam appellatur Doctrinale altum . . .’ Item location: t1r Item author: Alanus [de Insulis Item title: Doctrinale minus.] ‘A phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente &pipe; Insipiens sensum, quo quasi luce micat.’ Distichs alternate with the commentary. See A–073. Item location: t1r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘Hic auctor prosequitur suum intentum et primo ponit parabolam dicens quod, sicut luna sumit lumen a sole, sic insipiens debet sumere sensum siue sapientiam et bonam doctrinam a sapiente uiro . . .’ See A–485. Item location: v7r Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti] Item text: Liber fabularum Esopi.’ ‘[E]t iuuet et prosit conatur pagina presens &pipe; Dulcius arrident seria picta iocis.’ See A–056. Fables alternate with the commentary. Item location: v7v [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[I]n principio huius libri quinque sunt inquirenda, scilicet causa efficiens, formalis, materialis et finalis . . .’ Item location: z6r ‘Prohemium in Floretum.’ Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[E]go flos campi” Canticorum ii [Ct 2,1]. Flores, vt dicit Ysidorus libro xviii, dicuntur quasi fluores per ethymologiam . . .’ Item location: z6r Item author: [Bernardus Claravallensis pseudo-] Item text: Liber Floreti.’ ‘[N]omine Floretus liber incipit ab bona cetus &pipe; Semper erit tutus eius documenta secutus.’ See A–485. Item location: z6r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[I]stud est prohemium huius libri, quod diuiditur in tres partes . . .’ Item location: D4r [Colophon.]
Place of imprint: Lyons: [Perrinus Lathomi and Bonifacius Johannis],YND 28 Aug. 1493.FRMAT 4°. a–z A–C8 D4.Bibliographical notes: Collation as Bodleian copy; the GW collation as recorded is unclear. Types: GW gives types 120 G, 81 G; the Bodleian copy has 81 G, text, headlines; 67 G, commentary.212 leaves.56 lines, plus headline (a2r).Type area: 188 (195) ×123 mm (a2r). References: GW 2789;not in Pr;Pellechet 1431; not in Sheppard.
Copy Imperfections: Wanting the title-page (a1), and sheet b3.6. Binding: Twentieth-century(?) quarter parchment with brown cloth. Size: 259 × 175 × 43 mm. Size of leaf: 251 × 159 mm. Some early notes in French in a humanist hand. Two leaves of paper containing notes by Lawn. Decoration: Capitals touched with yellow wash. Provenance: Michael Friordanus(?) (sixteenth century); inscription on D4r: ‘Iste Michaeli Fr[i?]ordani pertinet liber. Scribitur in portis [mulier?] est ianua mortis’. Dr Brian Lawn (1905-2001); book-plate; catalogue, p. 27. Bequeathed in 2001. Bodleian shelfmark: Lawn d.1.
Entry number: A-486 Auctores Octo cum glossa.
Item location: Part III. Item location: o2r [Facetus Cum nihil utilius.] ‘Liber Faceti.’ ‘[C]um nichil utilius humane credo saluti &pipe; quam rerum nouisse modos et moribus uti.’ See A–485. Item location: o2r [Commentary.] ‘Faceti glosa.’ Incipit: ‘[S]ic actor(!) ponit prohemium sui libri, in quo ipse ostendit que fuerit causa mouens ipsum ad hoc opus agendum . . .’ Item location: Part VII. Item location: I2r Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti] Item text: Liber fabularum Esopi.’ ‘[U]t iuuet et prosit conatur pagina presens &pipe; Dulcius arrident seria picta iocis.’ See A–056. Note on authorship: Fables alternate with the commentary. Item location: I2r [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[I]n principio huius libri quinque sunt inquirenda, scilicet causa efficiens, formalis, materialis et finalis . . .’
Place of imprint: [Paris: André Bocard, c.1493-5]. Format: 4°. Part III: o8 p6; part VII: I–M8 N6. References: GW 2788 (incl. 425);Pr 8151 (VIII), 8152 (III);Hillard 32 (VII); Sack, Freiburg, 327 (III, VII); Sheppard 6384-5.
First copy Part III only. Imperfections: Wanting o1. Leaf o8 supplied from Rawl. 4° 598 (6), a volume of early printed fragments bequeathed by Richard Rawlinson. Binding: Half calf. Size: 212 × 145 × 6 mm. Size of leaf: 204 × 137 mm. Some pen-trials on o2r. Provenance and Acquisition history: date of acquisition unknown. Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Arch. Bodl. A II.133, U.S. a.22. Bodleian shelfmark: Arch. B e.9. Second copy Part VII only. Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf N6. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled boards; edges gilt. Size: 208 × 143 × 9 mm. Size of leaf: 200 × 135 mm. Occasional early marginal notes, including some Greek words. Provenance: John South (fifteenth/sixteenth century); on I1v: ‘Jhon Sowthe of kelby in the Cownty of Lyncolne yeman’. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 7. 6; see Books Purchased (1852), 3. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.75.
Entry number: A-487 Auctoritates Aristotelis
Item location: [a1r] ‘Prologus compendii autoritatum philosophi et quorundam aliorum.’ Les Auctoritates Aristotelis. Un florilège médiéval. Étude historique et édition critique, ed. Jacqueline Hamesse, Philosophes médiévaux, 17 (Louvain and Paris, 1974), 111-14. Note on authorship: On authorship see Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 38-43, which suggests an ascription to Marsilius de Padua; on the textual transmission see pp. 44-104. Item location: [a2r] ‘Auctoritates philosophi id est amatoris sapientie.’ Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 115-334. See also Jean-Françla;ois Gilmont, ‘Édition critique et support du texte: à propos des Auctoritates Aristotelis’, Scriptorium, 31 (1977), 283-94. Note on authorship: Includes excerpts from the Metaphysica, Physica, De caelo et mundo, De generatione et corruptione, Meteorologica, De anima, De sensu et sensato, De memoria et reminiscentia, De somno et vigilia, De longitudine et brevitate vitae, De iuventute et senectute, De respiratione et inspiratione, De vita et morte, De motibus animalium, De animalibus, De substantia orbis, De causis, Ethica ad Nicomachum, De bona fortuna, Oeconomica, Politica, Rhetorica, Poetica, Rhetorica ad Alexandrum, Secretum secretorum and De pomo ascribed to Aristotle, from Ad Lucilium, De moribus, Formula vitae honestae and De beneficiis ascribed to Seneca, from Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae and De disciplina scholarium, from Plato, Timaeus, from Apuleius, De Deo Socratis, from Porphyrius, Isagoge, from Aristotle, De decem praedicamentis and Perihermenias, from Gilbertus Porretanus, De sex principiis and from Aristotle, Analytica, Topica and De sophisticis elenchis. With ascriptions in headings. Item location: [h5v] [Concluding note.] Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 334-5.
Place of imprint: [Lübeck: Printer of Fliscus (Lucas Brandis?), c.1480]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 67-9 dates [after 1487], claiming that this edition is based on the edition from Cologne: Johann Guldenschaff, 1487 (GW 2808). [a10 b–f8 g h6]. References: GW 2806;Pr 2615;Sheppard 1896.
Bound with:
- Conradus de Alemania, Responsorium curiosorum. Lübeck: [Lucas Brandis], 1476 (C–431).
Binding: Contemporary north German blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost; rebacked. On the upper cover, triple fillets form a triple frame. Within the outer frame is a repeated rectangular stamp with a foliate ornament; within the second frame a repeated round rosette stamp; the inner rectangle is divided by vertical fillets into two compartments in which is a repeated rectangular stamp with a rosette surrounded by strapwork. On the lower cover triple fillets form a double frame; within the outer frame, is the rosette stamp from the upper cover; the inner rectangle is divided by horizontal fillets into three compartments, the middle compartment is divided by diagonal fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. In the upper and lower compartment, a lozenge-shaped fleur-de-lis stamp alternates with a small round floral stamp; in the central compartment at some points of intersection, the round floral stamp.
Size: 303 × 220 × 56 mm.
Size of leaf: 289 × 201 mm.
Front pastedown and endleaf consisting of a notarial instrument on parchment drawn up by Heyso Dransfeld ‘clericus Maguntinensis diocesis, publicus imperiali auctoritate orator’, reciting a papal letter appointing judge-delegates to hear a complaint of Henricus [de Wangelin], Bishop of Schwerin (1419-29), dated 7 Oct. 1421. Back pastedown, now raised, consisting of a parchment copy of a letter by Pope Martin V (1417-31) drawn up by Bertoldus ‘prepositus ecclesie Lubicensis’ [Lübeck], ‘decretorum doctor’, and Johannes Brunonis ‘canonicus ecclesie Uthinensis’ [Eutin].
Signatures are supplied in red ink. On the verso of the front endleaf, ‘Subdelegatio karolinarum’ and ‘Bermensis episcopi’ in a fifteenth-century hand.
Decoration: On [a2r] a six-line initial ‘O’ is supplied in blue with pen-work decoration in the area defined by the letter and extending into the margin; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Heinrich Colman (†1481); on the endleaf following item 2, ‘Liber d[omini] et magistri Hinrici Colman canonici Lubicensis qui obiit anno domini Mcccclxxxi in die commemoracionis sancti Pauli quem frater suus dominus Petrus dedit conuentui nostro’. On [a1r] a deleted inscription ‘Monasterij D . . .’ in a seventeenth-century hand; on the same page ‘Hi libri sunt Joannis de Westphalia’ in an eighteenth-century hand. George John, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834); anonymous duplicate sale (20 Dec. 1798), lot 122: ‘Mense Philosophice et responsorii curiosorum. inital colorat. Lubec, MCCCCLXXVI.’ Probably purchased by Francis Douce for £ 1. 2. 0, according to annotation in Douce’s copy of the catalogue, marked ‘D.’ Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 253(1).
Entry number: A-488 Auctoritates Aristotelis
Item location: a1v ‘Registrum denotans auctoritates librorum Arestotilis(!) et quorundam philosophorum in quolibet folio contentas.’ Item location: a2r ‘Prologus compendii autoritatum philosophi et quorundam aliorum.’ See A–487. Item location: a3r ‘Autoritates philosophi id est amatoris sapiencie.’ See A–487. Item location: g8r [Concluding note.] See A–487.
Place of imprint: [Cologne]: Johann Guldenschaff, 1487. Format: Folio. a b8 c6 d8 e6 f g8.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a2 signed ai. References: GW 2808;Goff A–1185;Pr 1213;Bibliographical notes: Since Pr failed to differentiate between this edition and Goff A–1186, his number is applicable to either.Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 66-80; BSB–Ink A–829; CIBN A–656; Oates 693; Sheppard 931; Voulliéme, Köln, 180.
Copy Title-page poorly inked. Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter parchment. Size: 273 × 208 × 12 mm. Size of leaf: 265 × 200 mm. Occasional fifteenth- and sixteenth-century marginal notes and underlinings, some nineteenth-century pencil annotations. Provenance: Old shelfmark C.56. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 522. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914. Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. C 1.19.
Entry number: A-489 Auctoritates Aristotelis
Item location: a1v ‘Registrum denotans autoritates librorum Aristotilis et quorundam philosophorum in quolibet folio contentas.’ Item location: a2v ‘Prologus compendii autoritatum philosophi et quorundam aliorum.’ See A–487. Item location: a3v ‘Autoritates philosophi id est amatoris sapientie.’ See A–487. Item location: k4r [Concluding note.] See A–487.
Place of imprint: Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, 1 July 1488. Format: 4°. a–i6 k4. References: GW 2811;HC 1929;Pr 9376;Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 102-3; Campbell 191; CIBN A–657; HPT II 420; ILC 296; Oates 3910; Sheppard 7222.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf. Size: 204 × 144 × 14 mm. Size of leaf: 198 × 135 mm. Decoration: Initials are supplied in red. Provenance: Jean de Meyer (1794-1869); sale (Ghent, 1869), lot 216. Acquisition history: Purchased in 1870 for £0. 3. 7; see Invoice Book (1868-70) (Library Records d. 432). Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.77.
Entry number: A-490 Auctoritates Aristotelis
Item location: [2r] ‘Registrum denotans autoritates librorum Arestotilis(!) et quorundam philosophorum in quolibet folio contentas.’ Item location: [3r] ‘Prologus compendii autoritatum philosophi et quorundam aliorum.’ See A–487. Item location: a1r ‘Autoritates philosophi primi amatoris sapiencie.’ See A–487. Item location: i8r [Concluding note.] See A–487.
Place of imprint: [Speier: Johann and Conrad Hist, c.1490]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 69-71 dates [1487 or 1488]. [*4] a8 b6 c–h6.8 i8. References: GW 2818;H *1920;Goff A–1189;BMC II 504;Pr 2418;BSB–Ink A–834; Engel–Stalla col. 1661; Sack, Freiburg, 328; Sheppard 1751.
Copy Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century pasteboards covered with leaves from a Latin theological manuscript on parchment. Size: 195 × 140 × 20 mm. Size of leaf: 185 × 127 mm. Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Provenance: Ingram Bywater (1840-1914). Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914; Elenchus, no. 521. Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. K 5.13.
Entry number: A-491 Auctoritates Aristotelis
Item location: [2r] ‘Registrum denotans autoritates librorum Arestotilis(!) et quorundam philosophorum in quolibet folio contentas.’ Item location: [3r] ‘Prologus compendii autoritatum philosophi et quorundam aliorum.’ See A–487. Item location: a1r ‘Autoritates philosophi primi amatoris sapientie.’ See A–487. Item location: k6r [Concluding note.] See A–487.
Place of imprint: Speier: Conrad Hist, 1496. Format: 4°. [*4] a b6 c4 d8 e4 f g6 h4 i k6. References: GW 2824;H *1936;Goff A–1193;BMC II 507;Pr 2431;Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 71-5; BSB–Ink A–836; Engel–Stalla col. 1665; Sheppard 1757.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards, imitating half green moroccco. Size: 207 × 147 × 14 mm. Size of leaf: 201 × 139 mm. Some underlining and marginal annotations. Provenance: On [*1r] a note: ‘pro xiii d’. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 523. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914. Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. K 5.14.
Entry number: A-492 Auctoritates Aristotelis
Item location: a1v ‘Registrum denotans autoritates librorum Aristotilis et quorundam philosophorum in quolibet folio.’ Item location: a2v ‘Prologus compendii autoritatum philosophi et quorundam aliorum.’ See A–487. Item location: a3v ‘Autoritates philosophi id est amatoris sapientie.’ See A–487. Item location: i5v [Concluding note.] See A–487.
Place of imprint: Deventer: Richard Pafraet, 24 Apr. 1499. Format: 4°. a–h8.4 i6. References: GW 2830;HC 1938;BMC IX 60;Pr 9021;Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 56-7; Campbell 194; HPT II 409; ILC 299; Sack, Freiburg, 331; Sheppard 6952.
Bound with:
- Mensa philosophica. Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, c.1485;
- Johannes de Sacro Bosco, Sph&ae;ra mundi. Venice: Johannes Lucilius Santritter and Hieronymus de Sanctis, 31 Mar. 1488 (J–183(2)).
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 213 × 149 × 31 mm.
Size of leaf: 206 × 135 mm.
On a1r of item 1 a note in the hand of John Baker: ‘Veni Sancte Spiritus &pipe; Sancta Fredeswida &pipe; Ora pro nobis Amen’. Entries in two different fifteenth/sixteenth-century English hands on K12v of item 1 and A1r of item 2. On endleaf following item 2 a note in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century English hand on astronomical distances. On endleaf following item 3: ‘Omnis ierosolomitizans constantinapolizabit &pipe; omnis Anthiochinizans est ierosolomitizans &pipe; ergo omnis ierosolomitizans constantinapolizabit. Iste silogismus debet proferri vno anhelitu et quisquis eum sic protulerit indicabitur non supra satis bibisse’ in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century English hand.
Provenance: John Baker (fl. before 1605); on a1r of item 1, ‘Iste liber attinet ad Johannem Baker’. Item 1 was acquired by 1605: see James, Catalogus (1605), 352; items 1 and 2 are not located in James, Catalogus (1605) but, as item 2 is in James, ‘Catalogus’ (1602/3), fol. 30r with the shelfmark ‘M 63′, they were probably all present by 1605 as all three items occur with the same shelfmark (M 6.3) in James, Catalogus (1620), 42, 329, and 437.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Arts M 6.3 Med.; BB 8 Med.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.3(3).
Entry number: A-493 Auctoritates Aristotelis
Item location: [a2r] ‘Prologus de propositionibus uniuersalibus Aristotilis.’ Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 45-6. Note on authorship: Prologue of the first recension of the textual group of the Auctoritates Aristotelis which bears the title Propositiones universales. On the characteristic features of this group see Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 45-6. Item location: [a2r] ‘Propositiones uniuersales Ar[istotelis]’. Les Auctoritates Aristotelis, ed. Hamesse, 115-334 (not this recension). See also Gilmont, ‘Édition critique et support du texte’, 283-94. Note on authorship: With ascriptions in the headings. Item location: [k5v] [Table of contents.]
Place of imprint: [Treviso: Michael Manzolus, c.1476]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: IGI originally assigned to [Padua: Petrus Maufer, c.1475] and Polain to [Vicenza: Philippus Albinus]. [a–k8]. References: GW 2833 (Anm.);HC, Addenda, 13413 (var.);Goff A–1199;BMC VI 887 (var.);not in Pr;BSB–Ink A–828; CIBN A–655; Polain 3259; Rhodes 184; Rhodes, Treviso, no. 35; Sheppard 5502.
Copy State as GW Anm. Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. Binding: Parchment. Size: 209 × 150 × 27 mm. Size of leaf: 201 × 143 mm. On [a2r] ‘Interea superos suplex felicioris annis succedant nobis teneriora cuncta precor’. Marginal notes and corrections in various early hands. Decoration: Initials are supplied in red or blue. Provenance: Christoforus de Bonettis (fifteenth/sixteenth century); inscription inside upper board: ‘Ex libris Christofori de Bonettis’. Antonius Platus (sixteenth century?); on [a2r] a faded note: ‘Antonii Plati I[uris] V[triusque] D[octoris] Archip[res]b[yte]r’. C. H. Vermehren (fl. 1857); on the endleaf: ‘C.H. Vermehren, Güstrow 1857′; armorial stamp on verso. George Dunn (1865-1912), 1903; printed label; sale, part 3 (1917), lot 1827. Acquisition history: Purchased in 1917 for £6. 10. 0. Former Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I99.5. Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I10.2.
Entry number: A-494 Auctoritates Aristotelis
Item location: [a1r] Item text: Prologus.’ See A–493. Item location: [a1r] Item text: Propositiones vniuersales Aristotelis.’ Edited by Simon Pasqualis. See A–493. Note on authorship: With ascriptions in the headings. Item location: [p4v] Item text: Index operis.’ Item location: [p6r] Item author: Pasquinus de Fontanesis Item text: Impressor ad lectorem.’ Incipit: ‘[H]umanissime lector, quoniam auctore Hipocrate vita breuis, ars longa, tempus acutum est . . .’ Note on authorship: With a reference to the editor, Simon Pasqualis.
Place of imprint: Bologna: Pasquinus de Fontanesis, 22 May 1488. Format: 4°. [a8 b4 c8 d–o4 p6]. References: GW 2835;HR 1931;Goff A–1201;BMC VI 834;not in Pr;Sheppard 5370.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter calf. Size: 215 × 153 × 15 mm. Size of leaf: 210 × 142 mm. Provenance: Florence, Dominicans, S. Marcus: ‘Biblioth[ecae] Pub[licae] Florentinae’; stamp. Oval stamp with monogram MD. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 524. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914. Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. K 5.15.
Entry number: A-495 Auctoritates Aristotelis (with title ‘Repertorium Dictorum’)
Item location: a1v Item author: Andreas Victorius Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Hieronymus Tostinus de Florentiola. Incipit: ‘[C]onueniens est quamlibet artem ultra comunes sensus inuenientem ab omnibus admirari . . .’ Item location: a2r ‘Repertorium dictorum Aristotelis, Averoys aliorumque philosophorum.’ Incipit: ‘[A]ctus et operationes omnes sunt circa singularia . . .’ See A–493. Note on authorship: With ascriptions in the headings. Item location: k8r [Table of contents.] Item text: Tabula operis.’
Place of imprint: Bologna: Bazalerius de Bazaleriis, for Benedictus Hectoris Faelli, 2 Aug. 1491. Format: 4°. a–d8.4 e4 f–h8 i4 k8. References: GW 2838;H *1934;Goff A–1204;BMC VI 834;not in Pr;Rhodes 186; Sheppard 5364.
Copy Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; boards detached. Size: 204 × 153 × 13 mm. Size of leaf: 199 × 140 mm. Occasional marginal annotations. Provenance: Possibly a duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 3539 on endleaf. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 2842. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914. Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. S 2.20.
Entry number: A-496 Aurbach, Johannes
Uniform title: Processus iudiciarius.
Item location: [a2r] Item author: Tudeschis, [Nicolaus] Panormitanus [de pseudo-;author Aurbach, Johannes Item title: Processus iudiciarius.] Item text: Eximius hic iudiciarius ordo.’ Joannes Urbach, Processus Judicii qui Panormitani ordo judiciarius a multis dicitur, ed. Theodor Muther (Halle an der Saale, 1873). See Schulte II 301-2, § 78 no. 120. On the printed editions see Theodor Muther, Johannes Urbach, ed. E. Landsberg, Untersuchungen zur deutschen Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte, ed. Otto Gierke, 13 (Wroc&lpolish;aw, 1878), 12-14; VL X 117-21, at 119-20. Item location: [e10v] ‘Alius tractatus quando scilicet iudex de plano procedit.’ Incipit: ‘[V]idimus de processu ordinario qui regulariter obseruatur in causis . . .’ Item location: [f9r] [Colophon.] Note on authorship: The colophon gives the alternative title ‘Practica de modo procedendi in iudicio.’
Place of imprint: Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, 28 May 1475. Format: Folio. [a–f10]. References: GW 2840;HC 12363;Goff A–1205a;Pr 9214;Campbell 1355; CIBN A–664; HPT II 435; ILC 300; Oates 3701; Sheppard 7079.
Copy The blank leaves [a1] and [f10] are backed. Leaf [c3] torn. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library; marbled pastedowns. Size: 303 × 220 × 22 mm. Size of leaf: 287 × 202 mm. Manuscript pagination. On [f9v] and [f10r] a list of chapter titles in a contemporary hand. Title on fore-edge. Decoration: A six-line initial is supplied in blue with reserved white decoration and pen-work infill and extensions into the inner margin on [a2r]; other initials are supplied in red or blue; red paragraph marks and capital strokes. Provenance: Joseph Niesert (1766-1841); inscription on [a2r] with date 1819; sale (1843), lot 14126. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 49. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 5.10.
Entry number: A-497 Augurellus, Johannes Aurelius
Uniform title: Carmina.
Item location: a2r Item author: Augurellus, Johannes Aurelius Item title: Carmina [first book.] [dedicatee] Dedicated to Pandolphus V Malatesta, signore di Rimini, and others. ‘[I]llustris ueterum progenies ducum &pipe; Auctura Italicum militiae decus’; asclepiads. See Pavanello 249-50 on this edition, including a collation of the texts of this edition against the 1505 Aldine.
Place of imprint: Verona: [Printer of Augurellus (Christophorus de Montagu)], 5 July 1491. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: On the identity of the printer see D. E. Rhodes, ‘Due nuovi incunaboli: uno senese, uno veronese’, Bibliofilia, 88 (1986), 185-8, at 187-8. a–d8 e6. On a1v a woodcut depicting a lyra viol. References: GW 2861;HC 1943;Goff A–1214;BMC VII 954;Pr 6924;CIBN A–668; Sander 667; Sheppard 5710.
Copy Binding: Parchment; marbled pastedowns. Size: 196 × 151 × 12 mm. Size of leaf: 190 × 141 mm. Occasional interlinear notes in small capitals; in the same sixteenth-century hand, carmen IV from the Liber iambicus by Johannes Aurelius Augurellus has been added on the endleaf following e6, incipit: ‘Quid non sub almo iam decebit principe &pipe; sperare vos omnes bonos’: see the edition from Venice: Aldus Manutius, Apr. 1505 [Auct. 2R 7.30], p8r–v. Provenance: Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1854), 4. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q inf. 1.6.
Entry number: A-498 Augustinus de Ancona
Uniform title: De laudibus virginis Mariae.
Item location: [a2r] Item author: Augustinus de Ancona Item title: De laudibus virginis Mariae. [Also known as Tractatus super Missus est.] Incipit: ‘[Q]uatuor mihi timorem ac tremorem faciunt loqui de virgine gloriosa. Primum est proprie nature fragilitas . . .’ See Glorieux, Répertoire, 409 i. Item location: [k3v] [Colophon.] Item location: [k4v] ‘Tituli questionum.’
Place of imprint: Lyons: Sixtus Glockengiesser, [c.1485]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Polain dates [c.1478]. [a–k8]. References: GW 3049;HR 963a; C 414;Goff A–1362;BMC VIII 271;Pr 8574A;CIBN A–778; Claudin IV 311; Oates 3199; Polain 3825; Sheppard 6628.
Copy Imperfections: Wanting sheet [c4.5] and the blank leaves [a1] and [k8]. Leaves [h3] and [h4] bound after [h6] and [h5]. Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards. Size: 198 × 142 × 13 mm. Size of leaf: 191 × 131 mm. Nineteenth-century pencil annotations. Provenance: Toulouse, Minims, S. Rochus; on [a2r] a cropped note: ‘de bibliothe[ca] Fratrum Minimo[rum] conuentus S. Rochi prope Tol[osam]’. On front pastedown an old shelfmark ‘E.2′. Catalogue of Printed Books . . . (London: Sotheby & Co., 7 Dec. 1965), lot 454. Acquisition history: Purchased in Dec. 1965. Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. F2.2.
Entry number: A-499 Augustinus de Ancona
Uniform title: Summa de potestate ecclesiastica.
Item location: [a2r] Item author: Augustinus de Ancona Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Johannes XXII, Pont. Max. Incipit: ‘[S]anctissimo ac reuerendissimo in Christo patri ac domino, domino Iohanni diuina prouidentia pape xii(!) . . .’ Item location: [a2v] Item author: Augustinus de Ancona Item title: Summa de potestate ecclesiastica. [dedicatee] Dedicated to Johannes XXII, Pont. Max. Incipit: ‘[Q]uia de potestate ecclesiastica tractare sermonem assumpsimus . . .’ Augustinus Triumphus Anconitanus, Summa de potestate ecclesiastica (Rome, 1582). See Schulte II 193-5 § 50 no. 57; Glorieux, Répertoire, 409 ae. Note on authorship: See Blasius Ministeri, ‘De Augustini de Ancona, O. E. S. A. (†1328) vita et operibus, Analecta Augustiniana, 22 (1952), 7-56, 148-262, at 208-16, no. 43, and 253-6; M. Wilks, The Problem of Sovereignty in the Later Middle Ages: The Papal Monarchy with Augustinus Triumphus and the Publicists (Cambridge, 1963). Item location: [aa1r] ‘Rubrice et tituli questionum.’
Place of imprint: Augsburg: [Johann Schüssler], 6 Mar. 1473. Format: Folio. [a–p10 q10+1 with small paper slip, r–z A–E10 F12 G10+1 H–Y10 Z6 aa10]. References: GW 3050;H *960;Goff A–1363;BMC II 329;Pr 1598;BSB–Ink A–842; CIBN A–779; Oates 897; Sack, Freiburg, 333-4; Sheppard 1187.
Copy Paper slip between [q2] and [q3] set as GW Anm. 6. Gathering [aa] bound first. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library. Size: 327 × 226 × 90 mm. Size of leaf: 312 × 200 mm. A few early marginal notes. Decoration: On [a2r] a six-line initial is supplied in blue with stylized Maiblumen and a grotesque head in red and filigree extensions into the upper and inner margins. Provenance: Ottobeuren, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Alexander Martyr et Theodorus; on [aa1r] ‘Ex Bibliotheca SS. Alex[andri] et Theod[ori] in [ ]’: see list of alienated incunables in Ilona Hubay, Incunabula aus der staatlichen Bibliothek Neuburg/Donau. In der Benediktinerabtei Ottobeuren (Wiesbaden, 1970), 264. Anonymous Sotheby’s sale (3 May 1832), lot 205; Acquisition history: purchased for £1. 13. 0: see Library Bills (1829-32), no. 364, 110 and Books Purchased (1832), 1. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf. 1.4.
Entry number: A-500 Augustinus de Ancona
Uniform title: Summa de potestate ecclesiastica.
Item location: [*1r] ‘Directorium in librum sequentem.’ Item location: A1r Item author: Augustinus de Ancona Item title: [Letter addressed to] [dedicatee] Johannes XXII, Pont. Max. Incipit: ‘[S]anctissimo ac reuerendissimo in Christo patri ac domino, domino Iohanni diuina prouidentia pape xii(!) . . .’ Item location: A1v Item author: Augustinus de Ancona Item title: Summa de potestate ecclesiastica. [dedicatee] Dedicated to Johannes XXII, Pont. Max. Incipit: ‘[Q]uia de potestate ecclesiastica tractare sermonem assumpsimus . . .’ Note on authorship: See A–499.
Place of imprint: Cologne: Arnold Ther Hoernen, 26 Jan. 1475. Format: Folio. [12] A–Z a–l10 m–o8 p10. Collation differs from GW ([1] and [12] are blank).Bibliographical notes: Leaves 2 and 3 of gathering [] are numbered 1 and 2 respectively. References: GW 3051;HC 961;Goff A–1364;BMC I 205;Pr 937;CIBN A–780; Hillard 239; Oates 427; Rhodes 229; Sheppard 735; Voulliéme, Köln, 183.
First copy Binding: Contemporary German (probably Werden, Haputwerkstatt; Schwenke–Schunke–Rabenau 279-80), blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two corner-pieces on each cover and two clasps; two book-labels with shelfmarks at the head of the upper cover. On both covers fillets form a frame; the inner rectangle is divided by double fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. In the compartments and the frame 14 different stamps: an octagonal stamp depicting the adoration of the Magi, four round stamps with the symbols of the Evangelists (Schwenke–Schunke 100 no. 58: Werden, Hauptwerkstatt), a round stamp of the lamb, flag, and chalice (Schwenke–Schunke 155 no. 94: Werden, Hauptwerkstatt), a small round eagle stamp (Schwenke–Schunke 12 no. 304: Werden, Hauptwerkstatt), a stamped scroll with the inscription: ‘Ihesus’ (Schwenke–Schunke 283 no. 148: Lippstadt, frühgotisch), a lozenge-shaped pelican stamp, two lozenge-shaped fleur-de-lis stamps and a minute round fleur-de-lis stamp, two round rosette stamps. Size: 301 × 216 × 105 mm. Size of leaf: 289 × 205 mm. Title on fore-edge. Decoration: On A1r a six-line initial is supplied in interlocked red and blue with reserved white decoration and pen-flourishing in red with acanthus leaf extensions into the upper and inner margins; other initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue, or in red or blue; paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; running headlines in red; red capital strokes and underlining. Provenance: Werden an der Ruhr (now Essen-Werden), North Rhine-Westphalia, Benedictines, S. Ludgerus, S. Salvator et BVM; on [*1r]: ‘Liber sancti l[udgeri] episcopi in [Werden?]. Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); sale (1835), lot 48. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; note on endleaf; sale (1837), lot 166. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 4. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 3. Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 2.11. Second copy Two fragments used as pastedowns in the binding of Jeronimo Osorio da Fonseca, Histoire de Portugal, contenant les entreprises, nauigations, et gestes memorables des Portugallois . . . mise en Françla;ois, par S[imon] G[oulart]. Paris: Guillaume de La Noue, 1587. Imperfections: Upper half of leaf d5 and lower half of leaf d6 only. Binding: Sixteenth-century English blind-tooled calf with an arabesque centre-piece. Size of fragments: 112 × 72 and 68 × 140 mm. Notes in the hands of W[illiam] H[enry] A[llnutt] and D[avid] M. R[ogers] on d5. Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red foliation. Acquisition history:Provenance and date of acquisition unknown; Osorio da Fonseca not found in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix or in earlier catalogues. Bodleian shelfmark: 8° O 20 Art. (fragm.).