Bod-Inc A-001 to A-179


Entry number: A-001

Abbreviamentum Statutorum
Remark: Fragment.

Bibliographical notes: On the complete text see John D. Cowley, A Bibliography of Abridgments, Digests, Dictionaries and Indexes of English Law to 1800, Selden Society (London, 1932), pp. xix–xx and p. 1, and John D. Cowley, ‘The Abridgement of the Statutes’, Library, 4th ser., 12 (1931-2), 125-73. In Latin and Law French; popularly known as ‘Vetus abbreviamentum or vieux abridgment’.

Place of imprint: [London: John Lettou and William de Machlinia, 1480-2]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: As dated by BMC; Sheppard and GW date [c.1482].insert after placeofimprint field, 288250
[*4] A–N8.
References: GW 3;C 5609;Goff A–3;BMC XI;Pr 9760;Beale S 39; Duff 375; Oates 4178-9; Rhodes 1; Sheppard 7511; STC 9513.

Imperfections: Leaf H1 only.
Binding: Bound in a modern guard-book of miscellaneous fragments.
Size of fragment: 276 × 190 mm.
Manuscript notes: ‘totum’ in lower margin of the verso.
Decoration: Paragraph mark, before running title on verso, supplied in red.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834). Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Douce Fragm. 9b.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. E7.1(3).


Entry number: A-002
Aben Ezra, Abraham, Rabbi
Uniform title: De nativitatibus.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Aben Ezra, Abraham, Rabbi
Item title: De nativitatibus.
Incipit: ‘Dixit quoque Abraham iudeus optimum instrumentorum ad inueniendum gradum orientem . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1015. Translation sometimes ascribed to Henricus Bate; see R. Levy, The Astrological Works of Abraham Ibn Ezra, Johns Hopkins Studies in Romance Literatures and Languages, 8 (Baltimore, Md., 1927), 27 and Thorndike II 928-9; according to A. Birkenmajer ‘A propos de l’Abrahamismus’, Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences, 3 (1950), 378-90, the translation predates Henricus Bate.
Item location: c5r
Item author: Bate, Henricus
Item text: Prologus’ addressed to
[dedicatee] Guilelmus de Moerbeka.H. Bate, Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium, ed. G. Wallerand, Les philosophes belges, 11 (Louvain, 1931), 20, note 36; see Thorndike–Kibre 1604.
Note on authorship: Text dated October 1274.
Item location: c5r
Item author: Bate, Henricus
Item title: Magistralis compositio astrolabii.
R. I. Gunther, The Astrolabes of The World, II (Oxford, 1932), 368-76; see Thorndike–Kibre 14.
Item location: d4r
Item author: Bate, Henricus
Item title: [Aequatorium planetarum.]
Incipit: ‘Volentes quidem vera loca planetarum coequare per instrumentum nostrum ad hoc specialiter ingeniatum sic procedemus . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1708; Glorieux, Répertoire, I 209c. On dating see A. Birkenmajer, ‘Henri Bate de Malines, astronome et philosophe du xiiie siècle’, Communication faite à la Section de l’Histoire de la Civilisation (Sous-section: Histoire de la Pensée médiévale et moderne) du Ve Congrès International des Sciences Historiques (Extrait de La Pologne au Congrès International de Bruxelles) (Cracow, 1923), 8.

Place of imprint: Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 24 Dec. 1485. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: GW dates to 1484; the colophon reads: M.cccc.lxxxv. nona kalendas Januarii.
a–c8 d6.
Sixteen astrological diagrams.
References: GW 113;H *21;Goff A–7;BMC V 291;Pr 4407;CIBN A–3; Essling 319; Redgrave 46; Rhodes 2; Sander 3; Sheppard 3700.

Bound with:
1. Claudius Ptolemaeus, Quadripartitum, et al. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 15 Jan. 1484 (P–532(2));
2. Alchabitius, Liber isagogicus. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, [before 4 Nov.] 1485 (A–158(2));
3. Firminus de Bellavalle, Opusculum repertorii pronosticon in mutationes aeris. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 1485 (F–062(3)).
Binding: Contemporary (c.1485-90) Italian (Venetian) dark red goatskin over thick boards bevelled inwards. Originally five flat-topped round bosses on each cover, one now wanting. Four clasps (three star nails, but two are plain triangles) hinge on the upper cover. Catches in the form of inverted triangles with the points cut away, with central boss and floral ornament in relief; three nails. Covers tooled in blind with four four-line frames; mitred corners; in the outermost border, a ‘crocket’ tool; in the innermost, an interlaced tool. Brown edges. Title in neat capitals along the fore-edge, PTHOL. ALCHAB. PLVVIIS. ABRAHAM. The edges of the boards are decorated with four lines on the bevel. Plain single headbands. Sewn on three double bands. The compartments of the spine have roundels on each side of a four-line saltire inside a four-line frame. Pastedown and free endleaf (wrapped round the first/last gathering) at each end. No watermark. Same shop: Venice, Bibl. Marciana, Inc. v. 265, Virgil, Opera. Venice: Baptista de Tortis, 1483; Tibullus, Elegiae, Catullus, Carmina. Venice: Andreas de Paltasichis, 1487, with the arms of Sanudo (London: Christie’s, 21 Nov. 1985, lot 227); and Verona, Bibl. Civica, Inc. 109, Johannes Regiomontanus, Tabulae directionum profectionumque. Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 1490.
Size: 255 × 154 × 55 mm.
Size of leaf: 211 × 153 mm.
Manuscript table of contents on the recto of the front endleaf, in the hand of Ashmole. Inside the lower cover: ‘Rich’; ‘W–2-57′.
Provenance: William Lilly (1602-1681), 1633, who possibly purchased it from the books of William Bedwell (1563-1632); inside the lower cover: ‘8 Aug. 1633 pretium 2s 6d’. Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 465(4).


Entry number: A-003
Abiosus, Johannes
Uniform title: Dialogus in astrologie defensionem cum vaticinio a diluvio usque ad Christi annos 1702.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a1v
[Table of contents.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: Abiosus, Johannes
Item title: [Letter of dedication to]
[dedicatee] Alphonsus II, King of Naples.
Incipit: ‘Decreueram maiestas inuictissima totius orbis decus fulgentissime Rex Alfonse . . .’
Item location: a2v
Item author: Abiosus, Johannes
Item title: Dialogus in astrologie defensionem cum vaticinio a diluvio usque ad Christi annos 1702.
Incipit: ‘Quoniam celestis sapientie varii detractores comperiuntur qui eorum sophismatibus atque superstitionibus eam diruere conantur . . .’
Item location: e5v
Item author: Palladius Soranus, Domitius
Item title: [Verses addressed to the reader.]
‘Hoc opus haud dubites lector fluxisse sacello &pipe; Aonio nutuque dei peragrare superba’; 7 hexameters.
Domicius Palladius, Epigrammaton libelli. Venice: Johannes Baptista de Sessa, 1498. Book II, f6v, lines 17 ff.

Place of imprint: Venice: Franciscus Lapicida, 20 Oct. 1494. Format: 4°.
a–d8 e6.
Woodcut of ‘Astrologia’, with the name added in type; four mathematical diagrams.
References: GW 6 (Anm.);H *24;Goff A–8;Pr 5543;BSB–Ink A–2; CIBN A–2; Essling 756; Sander 1; Sheppard 4581.

Bound with:
1. Jacobus Publicius, Artes orandi, epistolandi, memorandi. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 31 Jan. 1485 (P–537(2));
3. Johannes de Sacro Bosco, Sphaera mundi. Venice: [Bonetus Locatellus] for Octavianus Scotus, 4 Oct. 1490 (J–184(1)).
Binding: Eighteenth-century parchment over pasteboard.
Size: 220 × 160 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 152 mm.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 123(2).


Entry number: A-004
Uniform title: Liber servitoris de praeparatione medicinarum simplicium.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Abulcasis
Item title: Liber servitoris de praeparatione medicinarum simplicium.
Translated by Simon Januensis and Abraham Tortuosiensis (Abraham Judaeus of Tortosa, Abraham ben Schem Tob).
Incipit: ‘[D]ixit aggregator huius operis, postquam ego collegi librum hunc magnum in medicinis compositis, qui est liber magni iuuamenti, quem nominaui librum seruitorem . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 446. This is the 28th treatise of Abulcasis’s al-Tasrif: see Sami Khalaf Hamarneh and Glenn Sonnedecker, A Pharmaceutical View of Abulcasis al-Zahrawi in Moorish Spain (Leiden, 1963), 28-9 and figures 6 and 7. [a1r] and [g12v] are also reproduced in Mario Tabanelli, Albucasi. Un chirurgo arabo dell’alto medioevo (Florence, 1961), pl. 33 and 34.
Note on authorship: See also Sami Khalaf Hamarneh, ‘Al-Zahrawi, Abul-Qasim Khalaf ibn ‘Abbas (Abulcasis)’, DSB XIII 584-5.

Place of imprint: Venice: Nicolaus Jenson, 1471. Format: 4°.
[a10 b–d8 e10 f8 g12].
References: GW 130;C 3450;Goff A–14;BMC V 169;Pr 4075;CIBN A–8; Lowry, Jenson, 7; Osler, IM, 7; Sheppard 3244-5.

First copy
Leaves [d1] and [d8] transposed in binding.
Binding: Parchment.
Size: 228 × 162 × 22 mm.
Size of leaf: 220 × 150 mm.
Decoration: On [a1r] a six-line Venetian epigraphic initial ‘D’ is supplied in gold and edged in black, on a blue background, with reserved white vine-stem scrolling, and with red, blue, and green infill; extending into the inner margin a leaf, drawn in black ink and consisting of four compartments, two containing inner segments in red, and two in green; in the centre of the leaf a large blue dot; see Pächt and Alexander II, 109 no. pr. 61. Two-line epigraphic initials are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: Unidentified, probably Italian, coat of arms on [a1r]: party per chevron embattled grady or and azure, three stars two and one countercharged. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 12. 6: inscription on endleaf; in 1841 according to a pencil note on Sheppard’s card, but not found in Books Purchased.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.51.

Second copy
Bound with:
2. Nicolaus Salernitanus, Antidotarium. Venice: Nicolaus Jenson, 1471 (N–067).
See Hamarneh and Sonnedecker, 29 for the occurrence of Nicolaus Salernitanus, Antidotarium with the Liber servitoris.
Binding: Eighteenth-century brown morocco, with a gold-tooled frame consisting of three fillets; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 212 × 160 × 28 mm.
Size of leaf: 206 × 148 mm.
Decoration: On [a1r] a six-line epigraphic initial ‘D’ is supplied in gold and edged in black, with infill decoration in black ink and in purple, all on a background of dark- and light-green leaf shapes; in the lower margin, a wreath in light- and dark-green: inside this a shield, on which a crudely drawn tower in brown ink, all on a purple background; other two-line initials are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843); book-plate: see Lee, Royal Bookplates, 41 no. 24; sale, pt VI, lot 122. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1845), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.72(1).


Entry number: A-005
Uniform title: De accentibus syllabarum.

Item location: a1v
‘Prologus in librum de accentibus.’
Incipit: ‘[C]onsiderans quod plerique sacerdotes ac clerici in quantitatibus sillabarum ac earundem pronunciatione deficientes . . .’
Item location: a2r
De accentibus syllabarum.
Incipit: ‘[V]ocalis ante vocalem in latinis dictionibus corripitur . . .’
See Bursill-Hall 45.9.2, 53.8.14 and 67.5.2, where this work is entitled ‘De accentu’; Leonhardt no. B10.
Item location: d6r
‘Quedam regule generales.’
‘De preteritis dissillabis.’
Incipit: ‘Item est regula quedam de preteritis verborum que talis est . . .’

Place of imprint: [Deventer: Richard Pafraet, c.1477-9]. Format: 4°.
a–d8.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a3 is signed aii, b3 bii, c3 cii and d3 dii.
References: GW 137;C 5090;Pr 8956;Campbell–Kronenberg 1473a; HPT II 497; ILC 5; Proctor, Campbell III 23, 1473A; Sheppard 6928.

Bound with:
2. Jacobus Publicius, Ars conficiendi epistolas. Deventer: [Richard Pafraet], 12 Dec. 1488 (P–534);
3. Johannes de Garlandia, Composita Verborum. Deventer: Richard Pafraet, 7 May 1489 (G–035).
Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century half parchment over pasteboards, with sprinkled red-edged leaves.
Size: 208 × 142 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 136 mm.
Early marginal notes, providing a heading for each section. On a1r: ‘Vocalis ante vocalem’ written twice in a fifteenth-century hand.
Provenance: Richard Heber (1773-1833); see Catalogue, 13 (1837), lot 955. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.41(1).


Entry number: A-006
Uniform title: De accentibus syllabarum, et al.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a1v
‘Prologus in librum de accentibus.’
Incipit: ‘[C]onsiderans quod plerique sacerdotes ac clerici in quantitatibus syllabarum ac earundem pronunciatione deficientes . . .’
Item location: a1v
De accentibus syllabarum.
Incipit: ‘[V]ocalis ante vocalem in latinis dictionibus corripitur . . .’
See A–005.
Item location: b6r
‘Quedam regule generales.’
Incipit: ‘Item est regula quedam de preteritis verborum . . .’
Item location: c1r
De generibus pedum et metrorum.
Incipit: ‘Incipit tractatus brevis et utilis de generibus pedum et metrorum. [P]edes metrorum sunt xxviii, quorum quatuor sunt dissyllabi . . .’ [GW reads: ‘bissyllabi’].
See Leonhardt no. B16.

Place of imprint: Delft: [Christiaen Snellaert/Hendrik Eckert van Homberch], 1497. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: HPT attributes to Snellaert/van Homberch.
a b6 c4.
Woodcut on a1r: on the left, six figures, the head of one almost completely obscured, with the one at the front in discourse with a figure on the right dressed in a monk’s habit, seated on a throne.
References: GW 138;HC 13415;Pr 8898;Campbell–Kronenberg 1445; HPT II 403; ILC 6; Sheppard 6883.

Binding: Nineteenth-century plain olive calf, for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 224 × 152 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 216 × 143 mm.
Manuscript mnemonic(?) verse on c3v-c4v in a contemporary hand; Incipit: ‘Filius en colitur brevis ars globus excipietur &pipe; Dura civis breviter gustavit filius constat.’Dum beneditatui a g . . .ostis rex duplicatur’. perhaps prophetic; superscript word above third line apparently ‘Blakheth.’
Decoration: Two- to five-line initials are supplied in red. Initial strokes in red.
Provenance: John Selden (1584-1654). Acquisition history: Probably presented in 1659, but not found in the Selden catalogues.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° M 6b Th. Seld.


Entry number: A-007
Acciaiuolus, Donatus
Uniform title: Expositio Ethicorum Aristotelis.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Acciaiuolus, Donatus
Item title: [Letter of dedication]
[dedicatee] addressed to Cosimo de’ Medici.
Item text: Prooemium in expositionem libri Ethicorum Aristotelis ad clarissimum uirum Cosmum Medicem.’
Note on authorship: BSB–Ink ascribes the dedication to Piero, Cosimo’s son.
Item location: a5v
Item author: Acciaiuolus, Donatus
Item title: Expositio super libros Ethicorum Aristotelis in novam traductionem Argyropuli.
See Lohr (1967), 400-1 no. 3.
Item location: 2L6r
Item author: Acciaiuolus, Donatus
Item text: Epilogus libri Ethicorum.’
Incipit: ‘[E]xpositis omnibus iis que in hoc libro moralium declaratione indigere uidebantur . . .’

Place of imprint: Florence: Apud sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, 1478. Format: Folio.
a b8 c6 d d–h4 I10 L12 m–u10 x4 A–I10 2L12.Bibliographical notes: Collation as BMC not GW (`d d4’, as against ‘d8‘).
References: GW 140;HC *33;Goff A–17;BMC VI 621;Pr 6099;BSB–Ink A–5; CIBN A–13; Rhodes 4; Sheppard 5070-1.

First copy
The collations of both Bodleian copies are as BMC not GW. In both copies the last printed line on the first di is a later addition.
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century Italian (for Boutourlin?) gold-tooled red morocco with light blue pastedowns and endleaves.
Size: 342 × 252 × 60 mm.
Size of leaf: 328 × 220 mm.
Running headings in early black ink and a few early marginal notes by two different hands in gatherings a–c. Translation of the colophon into Italian on L11v.
Decoration: On a1r contemporary Florentine decorated epigraphic nine-line initial C in gold with white vine-stems on blue, green, and pale pinkish-brown; Pächt and Alexander II, 109 no. pr. 50. Occasional epigraphic initials are supplied in blue.
Provenance: Heavily erased and unread note of ownership on a1r. Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); armorial book-plate and shelfmark ‘No. 191′: see Catalogue (1831); sale (1839), lot 477. Purchased for £2. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q 2.4.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf L12.
Binding: Half parchment over pasteboard. Manuscript title on the lower edge.
Size: 336 × 238 × 68 mm.
Size of leaf: 324 × 225 mm.
Running headings in early brown ink; early marginal notes and underlining by various hands in gatherings a–h.
Provenance: ‘Cioffi 1880′, cutting from bookseller’s catalogue with note in the hand of I. Bywater, probably name of bookseller and year of sale. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 7. Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. A 3.1.


Entry number: A-008
Accoltis, Franciscus de
Uniform title: Super titulis De verborum obligationibus et de duobus reis constituendis.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Accoltis, Franciscus de
Item title: Super titulo De verborum obligationibus.
Item text: Admiranda commentaria super titulo de verborum obligationibus et de duobus reis.’
Incipit: ‘Continua rubricam istam ut in glo[sa]. Et inquantum querit seu tractat hic Joannes de Imola . . .’
Commentary on the Digest 45,1; see C. Corso, ‘Francesco d’Accolti d’Arezzo, lettore di diritto nello studio di Siena’, Bulletino senese di storia patria, 3rd ser., 24-5 (1955-6), 27-78; M. Messina, ‘Francesco Accolti di Arezzo (Umanista, giureconsulto, poeta del sec. XV)’, Rinascimento, 1 (1950), 293-321.
Item location: [et]3r
Item author: Accoltis, Franciscus de
Item title: Super titulo De duobus reis constituendis.
Item text: Rubrica De duobus reis.’
Incipit: ‘Duo rei stipulandi vel promittendi constituuntur . . .’
Commentary on the Digest 45,2.see Justinian, Digesta, ed. Mommsen, II 677-80.

Place of imprint: Pescia: [Printer of Accoltis, ‘Super titulis De verborum obligationibus’]PUBLISHER for Bastianus and Raphael de Orlandis, 1 Aug. 1486. Format: Folio.
a b8 c6 d8 e6 f g8 h10 i k4 l m8 n–p6 q4 r–z8 [et] [con] A6 B8.
References: GW 154;H *44;Goff A–22;BMC VII 1108;Pr 7317;BSB–Ink A–7; Sheppard 6052.

Imperfections: Wanting a4.5, e3.4, s2.7, s4.5, and the blank leaf B8. z4v and z5r are blank.
Leaf p2 is signed correctly; see BMC VII 1108.
Binding: Nineteenth-century tooled calf; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 434 × 302 × 36 mm.
Size of leaf: 418 × 270 mm.
Occasional marginal notes in various early hands.
Provenance: Diessen, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, BVM.Acquired Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; judging from the shelfmark probably a duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, acquired in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 2.1.


Entry number: A-009
Accoltis, Franciscus de
Uniform title: Consilia seu responsa iuris.

Item location: A2r
Item author: Octavianis, Guido de
Item text: Tabula siue repertorium ad omnia queque que in consiliis istis perscripta sunt.’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Accoltis, Franciscus de
Item text: Castigatissima iuris responsa.’
Incipit: ‘In Christi nomine amen. Et eius matris virginis gloriosissime cuius hodie diem colimus. Decreueram iam diu abstinere ab officio consulendi bonis de causis . . .’
For Accoltis’s works on canon law see Schulte II no. 140, 333-4.

Place of imprint: Venice: Bernardinus Stagninus, de Tridino, 4 June 1499. Format: Folio.
A10 a–h8 I10 i–r8 s6.
References: GW 144;H 39;Pr 4841;Rhodes 5; Sack, Freiburg, 3; Sheppard 3969.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf s6.
Binding: Sixteenth-century English calf with central blind-tooled arabesque panel flanked by ‘D[aniel] D[onne]’. Clasps lost. Title and shelfmark ‘2′ on fore-edge.
Size: 427 × 293 × 41 mm.
Size of leaf: 416 × 267 mm.
A few early marginal annotations.
Provenance: Daniel Donne (†1617); on A1r: ‘Danielis Duni Liber ex dono Dni. D. Betts [or Bell]’ (cancelled). William Paddy (1554-1634). St John’s College, Oxford; on A2r a cancelled and altered inscription ‘Liber Collegii S[anc]ti Joh[ann]is Baptistae Oxon[iensis] Ex Dono Guilielmi Paddy Equitis Medicinae D[octo]ris eiusdem olim convictoris. 1633′. Thomas Barlow (1607-1691); inscription on A1r: ‘Liber Tho[mae] Barlow e Coll[egio] Reg[ine] Oxon[iensis] VII. Cal. Augusti M.DC.XL’. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1691.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: A.15 Barl.; C 10.16 Jur.; C 6.2 Jur.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 1.12.


Entry number: A-010
Accursius, Bonus
Uniform title: Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: [Letter of dedication] addressed to
[dedicatee] Franciscus Simoneta.
Incipit: ‘Excerpsi, magnifice eques aurate ac uirorum sapientissime et optime, ex libris Elegantiarum . . .’
Saxius 457.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.
Incipit: ‘Nomina in osus que descendunt a uerbis partim actionem, partim passionem partim utrumque significant . . .’
Derived from Laurentius Valla, Elegantiae.
Item location: [h7v]
Item location: [h7v]
‘Abstulerat Latio multos Germania libros &pipe; Nunc multo plures reddidit ingenio’; 2 elegiac distichs.
See Walther, Initia, 213.

Place of imprint: Rome: In domo quondam magistri Udalrici Galli [Stephan Plannck, 1479-80] Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: The colophon reads ‘ . . . Sixto iiii Pon Max sedeñ’ anno eius nono’. Sixtus IV was elected Pope on 9 Aug. 1471.
References: GW 172;HR 64;Goff A–28;BMC XII 7;Pr 3625;Sheppard 2882.

Imperfections: Wanting [a1], containing the letter from Accursius to Franciscus Simoneta.
Binding: Eighteenth-century mottled half calf.
Size: 210 × 145 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 208 × 139 mm.
Manuscript notes mostly in one approximately contemporary hand and in red ink: mainly references to Latin authors. Crude two- to five-line initials added, probably in the same hand.
Provenance: Sargiano, Tuscany, near Arezzo, Franciscans. Shelfmark K no. 26, possibly also M 54. Albergotti family (eighteenth century). Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); armorial book-plate and shelfmark no. 799: see Catalogue (1831); not found in the catalogues of his sales. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1841), 39.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.10.


Entry number: A-011
Accursius, Bonus
Uniform title: Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.

Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: [Letter of dedication] addressed to
[dedicatee] Franciscus Simoneta.
Incipit: ‘Excerpsi, magnifice eques aurate ac uirorum sapientissime et optime, ex libris Elegantiarum . . .’
Saxius 457.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.
Incipit: ‘Nomina in osus que descendunt a uerbis partim actionem, partim passionem partim utrumque significant . . .’
See A–010.
Item location: [k9r]
Item location: [k9r]
‘Abstulerat Latio multos Germania libros &pipe; Nunc multo plures reddidit ingenio’; 2 elegiac distichs.
See Walther, Initia, 213.

Place of imprint: Naples: [Francesco di Dino, c.1480.] Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Sheppard gives the date as c.1480, as does GW; the colophon reads ‘finis allegantiarum(!) . . . impressarum sub pacifico Ferdinando Sicilie Rege’ (Ferdinand I, King of Naples and Sicily (1423-1494)).
[a–h8 i k10].
References: GW 173;HR 62;Pr 6722;Fava–Bresciano II 171; Sheppard 5460.

Binding: Eighteenth-century green and olive mottled calf with a frame formed by a single gold fillet; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 213 × 155 × 21 mm.
Size of leaf: 208 × 147 mm.
Occasional notes and corrections added in a small, probably contemporary hand.
Decoration: A few four- and two-line initials added in faded ink.
Provenance: Albergotti family (eighteenth century). Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); armorial book-plate and shelfmark no. 798: see Catalogue (1831); sale (1839), lot 885. Acquisition history: Purchased for £3. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. O inf. 1.63.


Entry number: A-012
Accursius, Bonus
Uniform title: Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: [Letter of dedication] addressed to
[dedicatee] Franciscus Simoneta.
Incipit: ‘Excerpsi, magnifice eques aurate ac uirorum sapientissime et optime, ex libris Elegantiarum . . .’
Saxius 457.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.
Item title: ‘Elegantie Valla.’
Incipit: ‘Nomina in osus que descendunt a uerbis partim actionem, partim passionem partim vtrumque significant . . .’
See A–010.
Item location: e5r

Place of imprint: Paris: Félix Baligault, [c.1494.] Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Sheppard dates to [1494], GW [1495], Torchet [1492-4].
a–c8 d e6.
References: GW 180;Pr 8252;Sheppard 6426; L. Torchet, Bibliothèques de la région des Pays de la Loire, Catalogues régionaux des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France, 5 (Bordeaux, 1987), 2.

Bound with:
1. Adam Magister, Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata. Paris: Georg Wolf and Johann Philippi, 20 Apr. 1494 (A–017(2));
2. Antonius Ludovicus Montaltus, Tractatus reprobationis sententiae Pilati. Paris: [Johannes Higman and Wolfgang Hopyl] for E. and G. de Marnef, 4 Mar. 1493 (M–309);
3. Bernardus Lauretus, Casus in quibus iudex saecularis potest manus in personas clericorum imponere. [Toulouse: Henricus Mayer, c.1494] (L–050);
4. Petrus Sanchez Ciruelus, Algorismus. Paris: Guy Marchant, 22 Feb. 1495/6 (C–352).
Binding: Nineteenth-century brown calf; bound for the Bodleian Library. Both boards detached.
Size: 212 × 143 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 203 × 132 mm.
Insertions, alterations, and underlining added in ink. On a1r of item 1, manuscript table of contents in an early hand; underlining in ink.
Provenance: Purchased from Thomas Thorpe (1791-1851), Catalogue (1830), no. 8620 for £0. 12. 0: see Library Bills (1829-32), no. 156, and Books Purchased (1830), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.10(5).


Entry number: A-013
Accursius, Bonus
Uniform title: Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: [Letter of dedication to]
[dedicatee] Franciscus Simoneta.
Incipit: ‘Excerpsi, magnifice eques aurate ac virorum sapientissime et optime, ex libris Elegantiarum viri . . .’
Saxius 457.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae.
Incipit: ‘[N]omina in osus que descendunt a verbis partim actionem, partim passionem, partim utrumque significant . . .’
See A–010.
Item location: f3v

Place of imprint: Zwolle: [Peter van Os, between 27 Mar. 1493 and 1497]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: GW dates [after 1500], Nijhoff–Kronenberg [c.1503?].
a8 b4 c8 d4 e6 f4.
Types: 125 G, title; 71 G, text; 100 G; see HPT II 448-51.34 leaves.42 lines.Type area: 150 ×93 mm.
References: GW I col. 76; GW Nachträge, 2;not in Pr;Campbell <1701b>; HPT II 448-51; ILC 8; Nijhoff–Kronenberg 4004; not in Sheppard.

Leaf e2 bound after e4.
Binding: Twentieth-century quarter calf.
Size: 184 × 133 × 11 mm.
Size of leaf: 175 × 123 mm.
Early marginal notes; on f4v notes (prayer etc.) in an early English hand.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased in 1950; accession stamp; see BLR 32/3 (1951), 226.
Bodleian shelfmark: Vet. B1 e.12.


Entry number: A-014
Achillinus, Alexander
Uniform title: De orbibus coeli.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Achillinus, Alexander
Item text: De orbibus.’
See Thorndike V 37-49; Lohr, Renaissance, 5.
Item location: i3v

Place of imprint: Bologna:PUBLISHER Benedictus Hectoris, 7 Aug. 1498. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: GW records the types incorrectly. BMC suggests that the book may have been printed for Hectoris by an unidentified printer using materials formerly owned by Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis (before his death in 1496, the latter had printed for Hectoris).
a–h6 i4.
References: GW 191;HCR 72;Goff A–37;BMC XII 60;Pr 6638;Sheppard 5390.

Binding: Italian eighteenth-century(?) half parchment over pasteboards.
Size: 318 × 221 × 14 mm.
Size of leaf: 310 × 209 mm.
‘C&ae;lum Indignum’ in pencil by modern hand on modern endleaf. Marginal notes in a seventeenth-century(?) hand at the beginning of book I and in the following books.
Provenance: Albergotti family (eighteenth century); inscription in pencil on pastedown. Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); book-plate and shelfmark, No. 590: see Catalogue (1831); sale (1841), lot 510. Old shelfmark B.3.192. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1842), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 4.46.


Entry number: A-015
Acro, Helenius [pseudo-]
Uniform title: Commentaria in Horatii opera.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Acro, Helenius [pseudo-]
Item title: [Vita Horatii.]
Pseudacron, Scholia in Horatium vetustiora, ed. Otto Keller, 2 vols (Leipzig, 1902-4), I 2-3.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Acro, Helenius [pseudo-]
Item title: [Expositio metrica.]
Pseudacron, Scholia, I 4-12.
Item location: [a3v]
Item author: Acro, Helenius [pseudo-]
Item title: [Vita Horatii.]
Pseudacron, Scholia, I 1-2.
Item location: [a4v]
Item author: Acro, Helenius [pseudo-]
Item title: [Expositio in Horatium.]
Commentary on Carmina I 1-38, II 1-20, III 1-30, IV 1-15 (Pseudacron, Scholia, I 13-376), Epod. 1-17 (Pseudacron, Scholia, I 377-464: Expositio et Scholia), Carmen s&ae;culare (Pseudacron, Scholia, I 469-80), De arte poetica (Pseudacron, Scholia, II 309-79), Sermones I 1-10, II 1-8 (Pseudacron, Scholia, II 1-204). There is no commentary on the Epistles; see Gottfried Noske, Quaestiones pseudacroneae (D.Phil. thesis, Munich, 1969), 117-18.

Place of imprint: Milan: Antonius Zarotus, 13 Aug. 1474. Format: 4°.
[a–o10 p8].
References: H 8876 (II);Goff H–446 (II);BMC VI 711;Pr 5783;CIBN A–18; Ganda 26; Sheppard 4833.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1] and leaf [a2], which is supplied in handwritten facsimile.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers; according to Morelli the previous binding was French.
Size: 266 × 198 × 34 mm.
Size of leaf: 257 × 178 mm.
A few marginal notes in a sixteenth-century hand. On [p7v] and [p8r] pen-trials. On [p8v] ‘Carissimo et amantissimo mj mio patre ve auiso come sono sano per gratia de idio ed il simile spero de voi tuti de casa vale.’
Provenance: Maffeo Pinelli (1735-1785); see Morelli (1787), III 6300 and sale (1789), lot 11203. Acquisition history: Purchased through Peter Elmsley for £1. 18. 0: see the annotated sale catalogue and Books Purchased (1789), 4.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. L 3.16.


Entry number: A-016
Uniform title: Vita Adae et Evae.

Item location: [a1r]
[Vita Adae et Evae.]
‘De creatione Ade et formatione Eve ex costa eius. Et quomodo decepti fuerunt a serpente.’
Incipit: ‘Post casum Luciferi qui superbia inflatus ait “Ponam sedem meam in aquilonem et ero similis altissimo” . . .’
Lajos Katona, A teleki-codex legendái. Értekezések a nyelv és széptudományok köréböl kiadja a magyar tudomanos akadémia, kötet-18, szám-10 (1904) (edition of incunable version pp. 734-44); Lajos Katona, A teleki-codex legendái. Akadémiai értesitö a Magyar tudomanos akadémia megbizásából, kötet-15, füzet-3 (1904). According to Wilhelm Meyer, ‘Vita Adae et Evae’, Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philologischen Classe der königlich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 14 (Munich, 1878), 185-250, at 215, the version of the ‘Life of Adam’ printed in incunables is an excerpt from the text of recension III with two chapters based on Genesis as an introduction. For manuscripts transmitting the incunable version see S. Harrison Thomson, ‘A Fifth Recension of the Latin Vita Ade et Eve’, Studi medievali, 7 (1933), 271-8 (San Marino, Calif., Huntington Library, MS. HM 1342). A list of surviving Adam-manuscripts has been established by M. E. B. Halford, ‘The Apocryphal Vita Adae et Evae. Some Comments on the Manuscript Tradition’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 82 (1981), 417-27; Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 83 (1982), 222.

Place of imprint: [Rome: Johannes Gensberg or Johannes Schurener, c.1473.] Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Pr ascribes to [Rome: Johannes Schurener], type 1A = Gensberg, type 1. Haebler, Buchdrucker points to differences between the type used by both printers.
References: GW 205;Goff A–41;Pr 3501;Sheppard 2780.

Binding: Nineteenth-century German thick pasteboards.
Size: 204 × 148 × 9 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 140 mm.
Decoration: Three-line P on [a1r]. Initial strokes and paragraph marks supplied and printed paragraph marks marked, all in red ink throughout.
Provenance: Anonymous sale (1841), lot 81. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1841), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.43.


Entry number: A-017
Adam, Magister
Uniform title: Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata.

Item location: a1r
‘Bos erat ut petulans cernentibus obice cursum &pipe; Est liber hic baiulans nunc sursum nuncque deorsum. &pipe; Si cupias aliquid in utroque capessere iure, &pipe; Non a quo, sed quid tu discas, sit tibi cure’; 4 hexameters.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Chappus [Chappuis], Johannes
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Michael Symon.
Incipit: ‘[T]ua, Michael Symon, vir litteratissime, vita integerrima, mihi iampridem perspecta sublimi prudentia . . .’
Note on authorship: Dated Paris, 28 Mar. 1494.
Item location: a3v
Item author: Symon, Michael
Item title: [Poem]
[dedicatee] addressed to Johannes Chappus.
‘Iam plures hyemes et plantis letiferorum &pipe; Sunt autumnorum tempora lapsa citis’; 12 elegiac distichs.
Item location: a4r
Item author: Adam, Magister; [Adam de Aldersbach]
Item title: Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata.
Item text: Summula pauperum.’ ‘Versus decretales.’
‘[S]ummula de summa Raymundi prodiit ista &pipe; Eloquio facili cunctis ut sit manifesta.’
See Bloomfield 969 and Johannes Dietterle, ‘Die Summae confessorum (sive de casibus conscientiae) von ihren Anfängen an bis zu Silvester Prierias. II’, ZfK 27 (1906), 166-88, at 171-7 and Fernando Valls Taberner, ‘La Summula Pauperum de Adam de Aldersbach’, Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Kulturgeschichte Spaniens, vol. 7, ed. H. Finke (Münster, 1938), 69-83, at 79-80. On authorship see Schulte II 727-8; Kaeppeli I 4; and VL I 47-50.
Item location: h7v
Item author: Abirnethy, Robertus
Item text: Carmen.’
‘Quicquid scriptores referant sermone soluto &pipe; Constrictum pedibus gratius extat opus’; 11 elegiac distichs.

Place of imprint: Paris: Georg Wolf and Johann Philippi, 20 Apr. 1494. Format: 4°.
References: GW 217;HC 83;Goff A–45;Pr 8236;CIBN A–20; Sheppard 6367-8.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Magister Adam, Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 25 Jan. 1495 (A–018).
Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled diced russia.
Size: 214 × 146 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 205 × 133 mm.
Occasional early manuscript notes.
Decoration: On a2r a five-line initial is supplied in red with gold highlighting within a blue frame and with floral infill in white on a blue ground; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; underlining in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £1. 1. 0; see Books Purchased (1848), 35.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.50(2).

Second copy
Bound with A–012; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 202 × 135 mm.
On a1r of item 1, manuscript table of contents in an early hand; underlining in ink.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.10(1).


Entry number: A-018
Adam, Magister
Uniform title: Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata.

Item location: a2r
Item author: [Adam, Magister; Adam de Aldersbach]
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[C]irca initium summule Raymundi de summa. Omnem scientiam et doctrinam sacra scriptura transcendit . . .’
See Bloomfield 100, 563.
Item location: b1r
Item author: [Adam, Magister]
Item title: Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata.
‘[S]ummula de summa Raymundi prodiit ista &pipe; Non ex subtili sed vili scribimus istam.’
See Bloomfield 969, 524 and Fernando Valls Taberner, ‘La Summula Pauperum de Adam de Aldersbach’, Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Kulturgeschichte Spaniens, vol. 7, ed. H. Finke (Münster, 1938), 69-83, at 79; see also A–017.
Note on authorship: With interlinear glosses.
Item location: b1v
Incipit: ‘Iste liber, cuius subiectum est ius canonicum a sanctis patribus institutum, prima sui diuisione qui diuiditur in duas partes . . .’
Note on authorship: Commentary alternates with passages of the text.
Item location: c4r

Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 25 Jan. 1495. Format: 4°.
a–s6 t v4 x–z6 aa–cc6 dd4.
Accipies woodcut on a1r: see Schreiber–Heitz 18.
References: GW 213;HC *13707;Goff A–46;BMC I 283;Pr 1326;BSB–Ink A–21; Oates 759; Sack, Freiburg, 19; Schramm VIII 484; Schreiber V 5048; Sheppard 1026; Voulliéme, Köln, 996.

Bound with A–017(1); see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 203 × 135 mm.
Early marginal notes in different hands. On a1r nineteenth-century(?) note in French.
Decoration: On a2r a ten-line initial, probably French, in red with yellow highlighting within a blue frame and with floral infill in white on a blue ground; and on b1r a ten-line initial, in blue with white highlighting and with yellow floral infill on a red ground. Paragraph marks supplied in red.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.50(1).


Entry number: A-019
Adam, Magister
Uniform title: Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata.

Item location: a2r
Item author: [Adam, Magister; Adam de Aldersbach]
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[C]irca initium summule Raymundi de summa. Omnem scientiam et doctrinam sacra scriptura transcendit . . .’
See A–018.
Item location: b1r
Item author: [Adam, Magister]
Item title: Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata.
‘[S]ummula de summa Raymundi prodiit ista &pipe; Non ex subtili sed vili scribimus ista.’
See A–018. With interlinear glosses.
Item location: b1v
Incipit: ‘Iste liber, cuius subiectum est ius canonicum a sanctis patribus institutum, prima sui diuisione diuiditur in duas partes . . .’
Note on authorship: Commentary alternates with passages of the text.
Item location: c4r

Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 11 Feb. 1498. Format: 4°.
a–s6 t v4 x–z6 aa–cc6 dd4.
References: GW 215;HC *13709;Goff A–47;BMC I 287;Pr 1343;BSB–Ink A–22; Sack, Freiburg, 20; Sheppard 1033; Voulliéme, Köln, 997.

Bound with:
2. Bonaventura, De castitate et munditia sacerdotum. Leipzig: Melchior Lotter, 21 May [14]99 (B–435).
The title is cut out and mounted. Engraving of a griffin mounted on a1r.
Binding: Eighteenth-century half calf, the spine gold-tooled.
Size: 185 × 138 × 33 mm.
Size of leaf: 181 × 121 mm.
Copious early marginal notes. Some initials supplied in ink.
Provenance: On A1r of item 2 erased inscription. Acquisition history: Purchased for 10 Marks from Joseph Baer & Co., 143. Lager-Catalog (1884), no. 170; see Library Bills, 7 May 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.39(1).


Entry number: (A-020)
Adam, Magister
Uniform title: Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata.

Item location: a2r
Item author: [Adam, Magister; Adam de Aldersbach]
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[C]irca initium summule Raymundi de summa. Omnen(!) scientiam et doctrinam sacra scriptura transcendit . . .’
See A–018.
Item location: b1r
Item author: [Adam, Magister]
Item title: Summula sacramentorum Raymundi de Pennaforte metrificata.
‘[S]ummula de summa Raymundi prodiit ista &pipe; Non ex subtili sed vili scribimus ista.’
See A–018. With interlinear glosses.
Item location: b1v
Incipit: ‘Iste liber, cuius subiectum est ius canonicum a sanctis patribus institutum, prima sui diuisione diuiditur in duas partes . . .’
Note on authorship: Commentary alternates with passages of the text.
Item location: A1r

Place of imprint: [Metz: Caspar Hochfeder, between 1508 and Jan. 1514/15]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As assigned and dated by CIBN; IGI and Pr assign to [Paris: after 1500]; Adams assigns to [Paris: Jean Jehannot, c.1520].
a–z6 [et]8 A6.
References: GW I col 91;C 5033;Pr 8376;Adams R 218; CIBN I–6; Hillard 10; IGI I 9; Sack, Freiburg, 21a; not in Sheppard.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf A6.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English quarter blue morocco for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 197 × 145 × 22 mm.
Size of leaf: 187 × 134 mm.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 30170. Acquisition history: Date of acquisition unknown; the shelfmark indicates a date around 1885.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 7.18.


Entry number: A-021
Adelardus Bathoniensis
Uniform title: Quaestiones naturales.

Item location: a1v
Item location: a3r
Item author: Adelardus Bathoniensis
Item text: Prologus’ [addressed to
[dedicatee] Richard, Bishop of Bayeux.]
Adelard of Bath, Conversations with his Nephew, On the Same and the Different, Questions on Natural Science and On Birds, ed. and trans. Charles Burnett, Cambridge Medieval Classics, 9 (Cambridge, 1998), 82.
Note on authorship: The dedicatee, who is named in most of the manuscripts of this work, but not in the incunable editions, is either Richard FitzSamson (†1133, bishop 1107-33) or Richard of Kent (†1142, bishop 1135-42): see Adelard, Conversations, p. xiv; Sarell Everett Gleason, An Ecclesiastical Barony of the Middle Ages: The Bishopric of Bayeux 1066-1204, Harvard Historical Monographs, 10 (Cambridge, Mass., 1936), 24 suggests that the dedicatee was Richard FitzSamson.
Item location: a3v
Item author: Adelardus Bathoniensis
Item title: Quaestiones naturales [addressed to
[dedicatee] his nephew.]
Adelard, Conversations, 90-226; Adelardus Bathoniensis, Die Quaestiones Naturales, ed. M. Müller, BGPTM 31 (2) (Münster, 1934); see Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 47, Thorndike–Kibre 304, and Charles Burnett, ‘The Writings of Adelard of Bath and Closely Associated Works, together with the Manuscripts in which they occur’, in Adelard of Bath: An English Scientist and Arabist of the Early Twelfth Century, ed. Charles Burnett, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts, 14 (London, 1987), 163-96, at 175-6, no. 29; on the Quaestiones naturales in general, Adelard, Conversations, pp. xxii–xxxiii; on the transmission of the text see Charles Burnett and Italo Ronca, ‘The Transmission of Adelard’s Questiones naturales’, Revue d’histoire des textes, forthcoming.
Item location: e11r
‘Qui petit occultas rerum agnoscere causas &pipe; Me videat quia sum leuis explanator earum’; 1 elegiac distich.

Place of imprint: [Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, between 8 Apr. 1476 and Nov. 1477]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: For the date see Zeldzaam & Kostbaar: vijf jaar aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties 1987-91 (The Hague, 1992), no. 31. GW dates to [1475], Sheppard to [1477-83].
a–d8 e12.
References: GW 218;HC 26;Goff A–49;BMC IX 147;Pr 9219;Campbell 4; CIBN A–21; HPT II 435; ILC 10; Oates 3703; Sheppard 7110.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Pomponius Mela, Cosmographia, sive De situ orbis. Venice: [Printer of Pomponius Mela], 15 Nov. 1477 (M–176(2));
3. Pseudo-Aristoteles, Liber de secretis secretorum. [Paris: Printer of Ockam, c.1477] (A–429);
4. Sextus Aurelius Victor, De viris illustribus. Venice: Andreas de Paltasichis, 5 June 1477 (A–618).
Binding: Mottled calf, probably eighteenth-century, with later repairs to the spine; a floral roll on the upper cover. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 227 × 145 × 43 mm.
Size of leaf: 199 × 126 mm.
On the endleaf manuscript excerpts in Greek from Heliodorus, Aethiopica. Two manuscript lists of contents, one, on the recto of the front endleaf, approximately contemporary, the other, on the front pastedown, in a later, probably nineteenth-century, hand.
Provenance: Robert Plompton (sixteenth century). John Selden (1584-1654): see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 56, listed as ‘Pomponius Mela, De situ orbis. Ven. 1477. cum aliis.’ Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: 4° M 23 Art. Seld.; Auct. N 5.2.
Bodleian shelfmark: S. Seld. e.1(2).

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Miles Windsor, Academiarum quae aliquando fuere et hodie sunt in Europa catalogus. London: G. Bishop and R. Newberie, 1590 (STC 25841);
2. Thomas Coryate, Traveller for the English. [London]: W. Jaggard and H. Fetherston, 1616 (STC 5812);
3. Richardus Crocus, Orationes . . . duae. [Paris: 1520];
4. Louis Du Moulin, Oratio auspicalis. Oxford: Leon. Lichfield, 1652 (Wing D2546);
5. Sir Edward Greaves, Oratio habita . . . die Harvaei memori&ae; dicato. London: J. Cotterel, 1667 (Wing G1794);
6. Sir William Cornwallis, Essays of certain paradoxes. London: for T. Thorp, 1616 (STC 5779);
7. Nothing without God. [London: 1669] (Wing 3087A);
8. Bilibaldus Pirckheimer, The Praise of Government. London: G. P[urslowe], for J. Budge, 1617 (STC 19947);
9. Certain necessary directions as well for the cure of the plague. Oxford: W. Hall, 1665 (Wing C1709);
10. William Foster, Hoplocrisma-spongus. London: T. Cotes, 1631 (STC 11203);
11. Sir Edward Greaves, Morbus epidemius anni 1643. Oxford: L. Lichfield, 1643 (Wing G1792);
13. John Jones, The Bathes of Bathes Ayde. London: T. East, 1572 (STC 14724a.3);
14. Comptoir Almanack. Amsterdam: B. Jansz, 1629;
15. Edmond Halley, Ephemeris ad annum . . . 1688. London: J. Heptinstall, 1688 (Wing A1807).
Binding: Early eighteenth-century(?) English calf over pasteboard, with a frame formed by fillets and decorated in each corner with a tool of two leaves and a wreath; also a cresting roll.
Size: 179 × 135 × 45 mm.
Size of leaf: 179 × 135 mm.
Provenance: John Aubrey (1626-1697); table of contents on the endleaf possibly in his hand. Anthony Wood (1632-1695); see Kiessling, Anthony Wood, no. 18. Acquisition history: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, in 1695. Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1858-60.
Bodleian shelfmark: Wood 498(12).

Third copy
On this copy see Coates–Jensen 257, no. 27.
Bound with:
1. Publius Terentius Afer, Vulgaria. [English and Latin]. [Oxford: Theodoricus Rood, not after 1483] (T–053(2));
2. Petrus Paulus Vergerius, De ingenuis moribus ac liberalibus studiis. [Louvain]: Johannes de Westfalia, [between 8 Apr. 1476 and Nov. 1477] (V–065).
Imperfections: Wanting e11 and e12.
Binding: Contemporary English (Oxford) calf over wooden boards; metal catch; clasp missing; lower board almost detached. Fillets on both covers; see Duke Humfrey’s Library, no. 120.
Size: 201 × 140 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 140 mm.
Front parchment pastedown and endleaf from a medical work, copied in a late thirteenth-century anglicana hand, with a table of contents of medical works on conception etc., in a hand of a similar date; pastedown possibly from a lectionary written in a thirteenth-century bookhand. On the recto the text is Gal 1, mutilated, Gal 2,1-5, 6-10. This is followed on the verso by Gal 2,9 with a commentary.
Decoration: Many pen-flourished initials. Initials and pilcrows rubricated.
Provenance: Brother John Grene (fl. 1483); purchase inscription on the endleaf: ‘1483 Frater Johannes Grene emit hunc librum Oxon’ elemosinis amicorum suorum’. Henry Strach[ ](?) (fifteenth/sixteenth century); inscription on endleaf: ‘Henricus Strach[ ](?) . . . hu[n]c libru[m] bedfordie’. John Uncle (early sixteenth century). Robert Hontor (sixteenth century); inscription on a1v. Thomas Goldsmith (sixteenth century). Henry Stave (sixteenth century); inscription on a1r: ‘His ffreinds and Thomas Goldsmith having unto you and . . . house per C . . . per me Henry Stave’. Thomas Thomson (1768-1852): sale (1866), lot 1068. Acquisition history: Acquired in 1866 for £36; see Invoice Book (1865-7, Library Records d. 431); there are inscriptions ‘Bibl Bodl’, ‘Auctar Liber Oxon’, ‘Auct Libb Oxon’, perhaps implying an earlier connection with the Bodleian, although this is not documented.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. R sup. 2(3).
Bodleian shelfmark: Arch. G e.5(3).


Entry number: A-022
Adelardus Bathoniensis
Uniform title: Quaestiones naturales.

Item location: a2r
Item location: a4r
Item author: Adelardus Bathoniensis
Item text: Prologus’ [addressed to
[dedicatee] Richardus, Bishop of Bayeux.]
See A–021.
Item location: a4v
Item author: Adelardus Bathoniensis
Item title: Quaestiones naturales [addressed to
[dedicatee] his nephew.]
See A–021.
Item location: f9v
‘Qui petit occultas rerum cognoscere causas &pipe; Me videat quia sum leuis explanator earum’; 1 elegiac distich.

Place of imprint: [Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, c.1484-7]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by HPT and Sheppard; BSB–Ink dates [not after 1485].
a–e8 f10.
References: GW 219;H *85;Goff A–50;BMC IX 152;Pr 9260;BSB–Ink A–24; Campbell 5; HPT II 437; ILC 11; Oates 3739; Rhodes 11; Sheppard 7137.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 217 × 155 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 146 mm.
Pen-trials on f10v.
Decoration: Two-line initials supplied in red or blue, paragraph marks in red.
Provenance: T. O. Weigel (1812-1881); cutting from book-dealer’s catalogue, annotated: ‘T. O. Weigel, 1878′. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 26. Acquisition history: Bequeathed to the Bodleian in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. J 1.17.


Entry number: A-023
Adrianus Carthusiensis
Uniform title: De remediis utriusque fortunae.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Adrianus Carthusiensis
Item title: De remediis utriusque fortunae, prosperae et adversae.
Incipit: ‘[Q]vondam michi meditanti subiit illa que me sepius occupat cogitacio, futurorum spes, fastidium presencium, iudicii metus, formidoque penarum et quod consequens est . . .’
See Bloomfield 4908; a new version of the treatise of the same name by Petrarcha; see N. Mann, ‘New Light on a Recently Discovered Manuscript of the De remediis’, Italia medioevale e umanistica, 12 (1969), 317-22; idem, ‘Recherches sur l’influence et la diffusion du De remediis de Pétrarche aux Pays-Bas’, Mediaevalia lovanensia, ser. I, studia (1972), 80, 83-4; idem, ‘The Manuscripts of Petrarch’s De remediis. A Checklist’, Italia medioevale e umanistica, 14 (1971), 84-5.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470]. Format: 4°.
[a–m8 n6 o–t8 u10].
References: GW 227;H *93;Goff A–54;BMC I 188;Pr 858;BSB–Ink A–27; CIBN A–27; Hillard 12; Oates 352; Sheppard 645; Voulliéme, Köln, 5.

Binding: Nineteenth-century dark green morocco; on both covers double fillets form a border; double fillets on turn-ins; floral stamp in the compartments of the spine; marbled pastedowns; edges gilt.
Size: 222 × 152 × 29 mm.
Size of leaf: 212 × 138 mm.
Manuscript catchwords at the end of each gathering, manuscript signatures in the lower right corner. Nineteenth-century pencil annotations comparing this copy with the Duke of Sussex’s copy, now in the British Library.
Decoration: On [a1r] a four-line Q in gold on blue background. Underlining of headings, initial strokes and paragraph marks in red or occasionally blue, the text framed by red rules.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired in 1863 for £1. 11. 0; see Invoice Book (1862-4, Library Records d. 430).
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.61.


Entry number: A-024
Adrianus Carthusiensis
Uniform title: De remediis utriusque fortunae.

Item location: [c1r]
Item author: A[drianus Carthusiensis]
Item title: De remediis utriusque fortunae, prosperae et adversae.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uondam michi meditanti subiit illa que me sepius occupat cogitacio, futurorum spes, fastidium presencium, iudicii metus, formidoque penarum et quod consequens est . . .’expl.: Verum plures malis suis gaudent, anguntur bonis, tanta hominum mentes habent cecitas.
Note on authorship: See A–023.

Place of imprint: Cologne: Arnold ther Hoernen, 8 Feb. 1471. Format: 4°.
[a b6 c–u8]. Gathering [g] originally consisted of eight leaves including a blank leaf [g7] between leaves numbered 38 and 39, which has been cut out in this copy.
References: GW 228;H *96;Goff A–55;BMC I 201;Pr 927;BSB–Ink A–25; CIBN A–28; Oates 421; Sheppard 716; Voulliéme, Köln, 6.

Imperfections: Wanting the first two gatherings, [a, b].
Several pages obliquely impressed. Leaf numbered 136 (v1) misbound after 142 (v7). The bookseller’s cutting for this copy has been pasted into Auct. 2 Q 1.26.
Binding: Eighteenth-century French red morocco; on both covers triple gold fillets form a border; floral stamp in the compartments of the spine; edges gilt; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 204 × 147 × 26 mm.
Size of leaf: 198 × 137 mm.
Note on authorship in early hand on [a1r].
Provenance: Ferdinand de Cardevacque (1572-1614). Louis-Léon-Félicité, duc de Brancas de Lauraguais (1733-1824); armorial book-plate with initials B C D L: see Catalogue (1770), 30 no. 152. Acquisition history: Purchased for £3. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.82.


Entry number: A-025
Adrianus Carthusiensis
Uniform title: De remediis utriusque fortunae.

Item location: [a2r]
‘Rubrice subscripti operis et primo libri primi.’
Item location: [c1r]
Item author: A[drianus Carthusiensis]
Item title: De remediis utriusque fortunae, prosperae et adversae.
Incipit: ‘[Q]vondam michi meditanti subiit illa que me sepius occupat cogitatio, futurorum spes, fastidium presentium, iudicii metus, formidoque penarum et quod consequens est . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–023.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, c.1472]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: BMC dates ‘not before 1471′ and states that this edition is a page-for-page reprint of ther Hoernen’s edition of 1471.
[a b6 c–u8].
References: GW 229;H *94;Goff A–56;BMC I 70;Pr 275;BSB–Ink A–26; Oates 113; Sack, Freiburg, 23; Sheppard 183-4.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [g8].
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, for the Bodleian Library; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 216 × 152 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 141 mm.
Provenance: Acquired 1835-47; not in Catalogus (1843), appendix; the shelfmark indicates a date around 1837-40.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.53.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1].
Gathering [b] is misbound between [a3] and [a4]. With the blank leaf [g8] between leaves numbered 38 and 39. Leaves numbered 83 ([n4]) and 84 ([n5]) are bound in reverse order.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; marbled pastedowns. The spine stamped with the monogram of L. Cailhava.
Size: 216 × 148 × 28 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 130 mm.
An early note on authorship on 1r ([c1r]). Early numbering of gatherings [c]–[u] (nos 8 to 25).
Decoration: Four-line initial on 1r. Initial strokes and paragraph marks supplied in red ink.
Provenance: Léon Cailhava (1795-1863). William Horatio Crawford (1815-1888); armorial book-plate: see sale (1891), lot 10. B. Quaritch. Acquisition history: Purchased from Quaritch, 26 June 1891 for £3. 3. 0; see Library Bills.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 7.66.


Entry number: A-026
Aegidius de Assisio
Uniform title: Aurea verba.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Aegidius [de Assisio]
Item text: Aurea verba.’
Aegidius Assisiensis, Dicta . . . sec. codices mss. emendata et denuo edita a PP. Collegii S. Bonaventurae, Bibliotheca Franciscana ascetica medii aevi, 3 (Quaracchi, 1939), 3-71, 75-7, 85-90.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 265;HC *105;Goff A–62;BMC I 193;Pr 884;BSB–Ink A–34; CIBN A–31; Oates 389; Sheppard 670-1; Voulliéme, Köln, 7.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Johannes Gerson, Opus tripartitum de praeceptis Decalogi, de confessione, et de arte moriendi. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470] (G–117(2));
3. Bernardus Clarevallensis, Speculum de honestate vitae. Octo puncta perfectionis assequendae. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1473] (B–209);
4. Thomas Aquinas, De divinis moribus. [Cologne: Printer of Dares (Johann Schilling [Solidi]), not after 1472] (T–183);
5. Johannes Gerson, De simonia. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1467-72] (G–128(2));
6. Augustinus, Sermo de festo praesentationis Mariae. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470] (A–589).
Binding: Eighteenth-century French(?) mottled and plain calf; triple gilt fillets form a border; floral tool at points of intersection; gilt stamp of lyre on the spine; on both covers, diagonal rows of mottled lozenges and quatrefoils alternate with diagonal rows of magenta dots; marbled-edged leaves, marbled pastedowns, and pink silk bookmark.
Size: 200 × 144 × 33 mm.
Size of leaf: 193 × 135 mm.
Occasional marginal notes in a seventeenth-century hand, also found in items 3 and 4. Two sets of modern notes attached to the endleaves, one entitled ‘Note on Hain 1992′ being in the hand of ‘A. C–S.’, and dated 14 Jan. 1919, the other on paper headed ‘Harvard College Library’; the former suggests that the Bodleian copy of the ‘Sermo de festo’, like that at Harvard, is wanting two leaves, which have been provided in photostat from the Harvard copy. These two leaves in fact come from Augustinus, De vita beata [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470] (Pr 863), [b4.5].
Provenance: An erased note, unread under ultraviolet light: ‘D Aug’ In . . .’ on the first page of Gerson’s Opus tripartitum. Charles-Pierre-Joseph Le Candele (1761-1830); armorial book-plate: see Linnig 64-5.Acquired Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.2(2).

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Johannes Gerson, Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralibus. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1467] (G–099);
2. Copia bullae, sive Sententiae concilii Basiliensis de conceptione Mariae. [Cologne: Johann Guldenschaff, c.1478] (C–411);
4. Werner Rolewinck, Regimen rusticorum. [Cologne: Bartholomaeus de Unkel, not before 1481] (R–100).
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century (c.1799) English half calf, for Douce; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 197 × 138 × 27 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 130 mm.
Decoration: Two- and four-line initials and paragraph marks supplied; initial strokes, all in red ink.
Provenance: Item 4 alone was owned by George John, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834). Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 55(3).


Entry number: A-027
Aegidius Corboliensis
Uniform title: De pulsibus.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Mutius, [a]venantius, de Camerino
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Alexander de Bartholaciis de Monte Ulmi.
Incipit: ‘Suscepi nuper, amicorum optime Alexander, ac patrie tue honor et decus . . .’
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: [Aegidius Corboliensis]
Item title: [De pulsibus, preface.]
Edited by Avenantius Mutius, de Camerino.
Aegidius Corboliensis, Carmina medica ad fidem manu scriptorum codicum et veterum editionum, ed. Ludovicus Choulant (Leipzig, 1826), 21-7; Curt Neupert, Zwei lateinische Pulstraktate, der eine nach Aegidius von Corbeil . . . (Diss. Leipzig, 1923); St. d’Irsay, ‘The Life and Work of Gilles de Corbeil’, Annals of Medical History, 7 (1925), 362-78.
Item location: [a4r]
Item author: Aegidius [Corboliensis]
Item title: De pulsibus metrice compositus.
Edited by Avenantius Mutius, de Camerino.
Aegidius Corboliensis, Carmina medica, ed. Choulant, 28-43.
Item location: [a4r]
Item author: Gentilis Fulginas
Item title: [Commentary on Aegidius Corboliensis, De pulsibus.]
Edited by Avenantius Mutius, de Camerino.
Incipit: ‘Autor more recte scribentis operi suo prescribit proemium . . .’
The commentary alternates with passages from Aegidius.

Place of imprint: Padua: Matthaeus Cerdonis, Jan. 1484. Format: 4°.
[a–c8 d–g6].Bibliographical notes: Collation as GW, not as BMC.
References: GW 268;H *103;Goff A–92;BMC VII 921;Pr 6815;BSB–Ink A–35; CIBN A–33; Sheppard 5601.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf.
Size: 215 × 158 × 14 mm.
Size of leaf: 209 × 144 mm.
On [a1v] early marginal note in red ink.
Provenance: Oxford, Radcliffe Library; former shelfmarks. Acquisition history: Bodleian stamp dated 18 Nov. 1937.
Former Radcliffe shelfmarks: 21.C.4.7; 78.C.7; RR.w.295; G.161.G.13.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I14.1484.1.


Entry number: A-028
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: De corpore Christi theoremata L, sive Theoremata de hostia consecrata.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: De corpore Christi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uia inter cetera ecclesie sacramenta eucharistie sacramentum plus difficultatis . . .’
See Bruni, Opere, 49; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 400 i; Zumkeller 15.

Place of imprint: Bologna: Balthasar de Hyrberia, for Johannes de Ripis and Simon de Ungaria, 15 Sept. 1481. Format: Folio.
a8 [b–d6 e4 f g6].
References: GW 7208;H* 123;Goff A–77;BMC VI 821;Pr 6555;Giuseppe Bofitto, Saggio di bibliografia Egidiana. Precede uno studio su Dante, S. Agostino ed Egidio Colonna (Romano) (Florence, 1911), 21 VII a.1; Bruni, ‘Saggio’, no. 8; BSB–Ink A–57; Sheppard 5334.

Imperfections: Wanting a1.
Binding: Twentieth-century green paper over pasteboard.
Size: 292 × 206 × 11 mm.
Size of leaf: 286 × 197 mm.
Early marginal note on a2r.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased in 1961 out of the Gordon Duff Fund from Davis & Orioli, Catalogue, 165, 1; see ‘Notable Accessions: Printed Books’, BLR 7,1 (1962), 55.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. I11.1481.1


Entry number: A-029
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: De materia coeli et de intellectu possibili.

Item location: A1r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: De materia coeli.
Edited by Aegidius Viterbiensis.
Incipit: ‘Questio est, vtrum in celo sit materia vel sit celum corpus simplex, ut posuit commentator . . .’
Called ‘Quaestio de materia coeli’ by Bruni, ‘Saggio’; ‘Tractatus de materia C&oe;li contra Averroistas’ by Bruni, Opere, 22. Two quaestiones in this edition. Bruni, Opere, 22 and Zumkeller both list a manuscript which contains three quaestiones; see Bruni, Opere, 22; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 300; Zumkeller 11.
Item location: B1v
[Note on the editor.]
Incipit: ‘Finis. Habeto itaq[ue], candide lector, tres has questiones clarissimi doctoris Egidii. Duas scilicet de celi materia et vnam de possibili intellectu . . . ’expl.: Frater Egidius Eremita Viterbiensis castigauit et dedit
Item location: B2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item text: De intellectu possibili contra Averroim questio aurea.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]uia enim sunt nonnulli dubitantes quomodo intellectus variatur . . .’
Aegidius Romanus, De plurificatione intellectus possibilis, ed. Helda Bullotta Baracco (Rome, 1957). For the manuscript tradition of this recension see p. 12; see Bruni, Opere, 23; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 296; Zumkeller 38.
Item location: B6v

Place of imprint: Padua: Hieronymus de Durantibus, 25 Sept. 1493. Format: Folio.
A B6.
References: GW 7213;H *114;Goff A–81;BMC VII 925;Pr 6831;Bofitto 32 VIX a.1; Bruni, ‘Saggio’, 19; BSB–Ink A–39; Rhodes 602; Sheppard 5608.

Binding: Late nineteenth-century(?) olive green morocco on pasteboard. Gold-tooled on the turn-ins. Marbled pastedowns; the British Museum’s gold stamp of a crown.
Size: 380 × 210 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 302 × 203 mm.
Provenance: Petrus Matthei Obornicensis (sixteenth century?); inscription on B6v. Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753). London, British Museum; black octagonal stamp indicating the Sloane collection; shelfmark from the Montagu House period: 2Pm and 6Mk/10; cancellation stamp; two British Museum shelfmarks deleted; BMC VII 925 describes this copy. Acquired in 1934.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. I14.1493.1.


Entry number: A-030
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: De regimine principum.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: [Letter to] Philip, later Philip IV, King of France, the Fair.
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[E]x regia ac sanctissima prosapia oriundo suo domino speciali, domino Philippo primogenito et heredi preclarissimi viri domini Philippi dei gratia illustrissimi regis Francorum suus deuotus frater Egidius Romanus . . . Clamat politicorum sententia . . .’
See Bruni, Opere, 25; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 400 q; Lohr (1967), 332 no. 10; Zumkeller 54.
Item location: [a1r]
[Table of contents.]
Item location: [a5r]
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: De regimine principum.
Incipit: ‘[O]portet ut latitudo sermonis in vna quaque re sit secundum exigentiam illius rei . . .’
Commentary on Aristoteles, Ethica I, Oeconomica II and Politica III.3; see Bruni, Opere, 25; Lohr (1967), 332 no. 10.

Place of imprint: [Augsburg: Günther Zainer,] 27 June 1473. Format: Folio.
[a12 b–g10 h8 i k10 l8+1 m n10].
References: GW 7217;H *107;Goff A–87;BMC II 319;Pr 1535;Bofitto 1 Ia.1; Bruni, ‘Saggio’, 1; BSB–Ink A–40; CIBN A–46; Oates 877; Rhodes 606; Sheppard 1140.

Binding: Eighteenth-century plain calf; marbled pastedowns; gold-tooled spine.
Size: 390 × 262 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 390 × 262 mm.
Decoration: Paragraph marks and capitals rubricated and some woodcut capitals coloured in red ink on gatherings [a–g].
Provenance: According to Sheppard an early note of ownership ‘Conventus . . .’; not found. [ ] Stanley (fl. 1816-1817), auctioneer; note in Heber’s hand: ‘Sale by Stanley Dec. 1816 18s. 6d.’ Richard Heber (1773-1833); see Catalogue, 5 (1835), lot 238. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 1.14.


Entry number: A-031
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: De regimine principum.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Servius Tolentinas, Oliverius
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Georgius da Costa.
Incipit: ‘[C]ogitanti mihi sepenumero, reuerendissime pater et domine, cui volumen de regimine principum Egidii Romani . . .’
Item location: [a1v]
[Table of contents.]
Item location: [b2r]
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Philip, later Philip IV, King of France.
Item title: ‘Prooemium.’
Incipit: ‘[E]x regia ac sanctissima prosapia oriundo suo domino speciali, domino Philippo primogenito et heredi preclarissimi viri domini Philippi dei gratia illustrissimi regis Francorum, suus deuotus frater Egidius Romanus . . . Clamat polliticorum sententia . . .’
See A–030.
Item location: [b2r]
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: De regimine principum.
Edited by Oliverius Servius.
Incipit: ‘[O]portet ut latitudo sermonis in una quaque re sit secundum exigentiam illius rei . . .’
See A–030.

Place of imprint: Rome: Stephan Plannck, 9 May 1482. Format: Folio.
[a4 b8 c6 d–i8 k10 l–q8 r s6].
References: GW 7218;H *108;Goff A–88;BMC IV 81;Pr 3631;Bofitto 1 Ia.3; Bruni, ‘Saggio’, 11; BSB–Ink A–41; CIBN A–47; Sheppard 2887-8.

First copy
Bound with:
2. Thomas Aquinas, De unitate intellectus contra Averroistas. Treviso: Johannes de Hassia, 21 Aug. 1476 (T–124).
Binding: Eighteenth-century quarter calf over marbled pasteboards, the spine gold-tooled.
Size: 260 × 195 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 260 × 195 mm.
Initials supplied in black ink. Marginal notes, ‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands in a contemporary humanist hand, brown ink, in both items. Eighteenth-century(?) foliation and running headings in dark brown ink, in item 1 only. In the same hand, note on the life of Aegidius on [a1v].
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased from P. Berès (1913- ), Catalogue 41, no. 215.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. I1(1).

Second copy
For this volume see Coates–Jensen 255, no. 23.
Bound with:
1. Vincentius Bellovacensis, Opuscula. Basel: Johann Amerbach, 13 Dec. 1481 (V–129(3)).
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library, re-using eighteenth-century spine.
Size: 268 × 193 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 268 × 193 mm.
Provenance: William Atherold or Atherwold (†1547); inscription on [r6r]: ‘Liber do[m]pni Willelmi Atherold monachi’. Listed in the Benefactors’ Register I 84 as bought in 1604 with money given by Thomas Bilson (1546/7-1616), Bishop of Winchester; see James, Catalogus (1605), 278.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 4.3(2).


Entry number: A-032
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: De regimine principum.

Item location: A1v
Item author: Servius Tolentinas, Oliverius
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Georgius da Costa.
Incipit: ‘Cogitanti mihi saepenumero, reuerendissime pater et domine, cui uolumen de regimine principum Egidii Romani . . .’
Item location: A2r
Item location: a1r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Philip, later Philip IV, King of France, the Fair.
Item text: Prooemium.’
Incipit: ‘[Ex] regia ac sanctissima prosapia oriundo suo domino speciali, domino Philippo primogenito et heredi pr&ae;clarissimi uiri domini Philippi dei gratia illustrissimi regis Francorum, suus deuotus frater Egidius Romanus . . . Clamat polliticorum sententia . . .’
See A–030.
Item location: a1r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: De regimine principum.
Edited by Oliverius Servius.
Incipit: ‘[O]portet ut latitudo sermonis in una quaque re sit secundum exigentiam illius rei . . .’
See A–030.

Place of imprint: Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 9 July 1498. Format: Folio.
A4 a–y6.
References: GW 7219;H *109;BMC V 523;Pr 5407;Bofitto 2 Ia.8; BSB–Ink A–42; CIBN A–48; Oates 2097; Sheppard 4487.

Bound with:
1. Nicolaus Alemannus, De Lateranensibus Parietinis . . . dissertatio historica. Rome: Heirs of Bartolomeo Zannetti, 1625.
Binding: English seventeenth-century calf; on both covers triple fillets form a border, and separate a narrow and a wide rectangle.
Size: 262 × 200 × 44 mm.
Size of leaf: 259 × 184 mm.
Decoration: Six-, four- and three-line initials supplied. Woodcut ‘E’ on a1r coloured, printed initials and paragraph marks rubricated, chapter headings underlined, all in red ink throughout.
Provenance: Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire, and 8th Lord Mountjoy (1563-1606); inscription on A1r. John Selden (1584-1654); motto on A1r: see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 17, where item 1 in the volume is listed. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: C 1. 23 Med. Seld.
Bodleian shelfmark: AA 127(2) Th. Seld.


Entry number: A-033
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: De regimine principum [Castilian].

Item location: a2r
Item author: Bernabé
Item title: Dedication to
[dedicatee] the future Pedro I, eldest son of King Alfonso XI of Castile, Toledo, León etc., by Bernabe, Bishop of Osma, who commissioned the translation.
Incipit: ‘A loor de dios todopoderoso e de la bieauenturada virgen . . .’
Item location: a2r
[Introductory note.]
Incipit: ‘Primero que otra cosa diga. Esta es la carta que ebio el dicho fray Gil . . .’
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Philip, later Philip IV, King of France, the Fair.
Item text: Regimiento de principes.’
Translated by Juan García de Castrojeriz.
Incipit: ‘Al muy alto e muy noble señor don Felipe primogenito e heredero . . .’
Commentary on Aristoteles, Ethica I, Oeconomica II, and Politica III. See Lohr (1967), 332 no. 10; Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts, ed. Charles Faulhaber, 3rd edn, Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Bibliographic Series, 4 (Madison, Wis., 1984), ad indicem.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item text: Prologo.’
Incipit: ‘[C]onuiene que la larguez de los sermones e de las palabras en cada cosa sea segund que demanda aquella cosa e no mas ni menos . . .’
Item location: a3r
‘Diuision de todo el libro.’
Item location: a4r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: El libro . . . del regimiento de los principes.
Incipit: ‘[P]rimeramente conuiene de saber que este libro muestra a todos los reyes e a todos los omnes de ser buenos e virtuosos . . .’
See Bruni, Opere, 25,6.b.
Item location: AA1r

Place of imprint: Seville: Meinardus Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus, for Conradus Alemanus and Melchior Gorricio, 20 Oct. 1494. Format: Folio.
a–z8 A–G8 H10 AA6.
Title-cut of an enthroned crowned ruler with sword and orb, with woodcut title below; woodcut initials.
References: GW 7222;H *112;BMC X 40;Pr 9532;Baer, Die Illustrierten Historienbücher, p. lxxvii, no. 503; Bofitto 2 I.6; BSB–Ink A–43; CIBN A–51; Nigel Griffin, ‘Spanish Incunabula in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester’, Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 70,2 (1988), 87-92 no. 13; Haebler, Bibliografía ibérica, 156; Kurz 94; Sheppard 7308; Vindel, Arte, V 182: 69.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf AA6.
Binding: Nineteenth-century sheep; marbled pastedowns and endleaves.
Size: 291 × 219 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 283 × 198 mm.
A few early note marks in the margins, and writing exercises on a1r.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased in 1901 from Martinus Nijhoff, Catalogue 304, no. 984 for Fl. 150; see Library Bills, 15 May 1901.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. S4.1494.1.


Entry number: A-034
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: In Aristotelis De anima commentum.

Item location: [*1r]
‘Tabula intitulationum.’
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: [Dedication to]
[dedicatee] Jacobus Johannes Gagetani.
Incipit: ‘[E]x Romanorum spectabili ac illustri prosapia oriundo sibi quamplurimum dilecto domino Jacobo domini Joannis Gagethani Rothomagen[si] canonico frater Egidius Romanus . . .’
See Bruni, Opere, 13; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 400 f; Lohr (1967), 331 no. 9; Zumkeller 7.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: Expositio in Aristotelis libros De anima; prologus.
Incipit: ‘[P]hilosophus in secundo Phisicorum, volens inuestigare terminos et limites considerationis philosophiae naturalis ait, vsquequo phisicum oportet cognoscere speciem . . .’
Item location: a2v
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: Expositio in Aristotelis libros De anima; commentary.
Incipit: ‘[B]onorum honorabilium etc. Iste liber sicut alii libri philosophi diuiditur in duas partes, scilicet in prohemialem et executiuam . . .’

Place of imprint: Pavia: Christophorus de Canibus, for Hieronymus de Durantibus, 26 July 1491. Format: Folio.
[*2] a8 b–s6.
References: GW 7202;HR 129;BMC VII 1009;Pr 7089A;not in Sheppard.

Gathering [*] bound at the end.
Binding: Eighteenth-century Italian speckled calf over pasteboards; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 271 × 210 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 262 × 184 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased at Sotheby’s, through Quaritch, 1 Dec. 1975, lot 164 for £220.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. I23.1491.1.


Entry number: A-035
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: In Aristotelis De anima commentum.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: [Dedication to]
[dedicatee] Jacobus Johannes Gagetani.
Incipit: ‘Ex Romanorum spectabili ac illustri prosapia oriundo sibi quam plurimum dilecto domino Jacobo domini Joannis Gagethani Rothomagensi canonico frater Egidius Romanus . . .’
See Bruni, Opere, 13; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 294-5; Lohr (1967), 331 no. 9; Zumkeller 7.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: Expositio in Aristotelis libros De anima; ‘Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘Philosophus in secundo Physicorum, volens inuestigare terminos et limites considerationis philosophiae naturalis ait, usquequo physicam oportet cognoscere speciem . . .’
Item location: a2v
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: Expositio in Aristotelis libros De anima; commentary.
Incipit: ‘Bonorum honorabilium . . . iste liber sicut alii libri philosophi diuiditur in duas partes, scilicet in prohemialem et executiuam . . .’
Item location: o6r
Item location: o6r
‘Tabula intitulationum.’

Place of imprint: Venice: [Bonetus Locatellus, for] Octavianus Scotus, 31 Jan. 1496/7. Format: Folio.
a–n6 o8.
Seven diagrams.
References: GW 7203;HC* 130;BMC V 447;Pr 5066;Bruni, ‘Saggio’, 27; Bofitto 27 Xa.2; BSB–Ink A–48; CIBN A–41; Sander 2048; Sheppard 4224; Rhodes 596.

Bound with:
1. Aegidius Romanus, Quaestiones metaphysicales. Venice: Simon de Luere, 1501;
2. Aegidius Romanus, Quodlibeta. Venice: Octavianus Scotus, 1504;
4. Pseudo-Aegidius Romanus, Defensorium. Venice: Heirs of Octavianus Scotus, 1516.
Binding: English seventeenth-century reversed brown calf, ties broken. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the tail of the upper cover.
Size: 306 × 225 × 57 mm.
Size of leaf: 305 × 204 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Items 1 and 2 of this volume are listed in James, Catalogus (1605), item 3 is not, but as these three texts are mentioned together in the Benefactors’ Register I 45, the likelihood is strong that they all belonged together then. Part of the benefaction from 1602 of Francis Vere (1560-1609); see Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ Register’, no. 68.
Bodleian shelfmark: A 4.18(3) Art.


Entry number: A-036
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: In Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione commentum.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: Expositio in Aristotelis librum De generatione et corruptione; prologue.
Incipit: ‘[A]nima ut testatur philosophus est quodammodo omnia quicquid est . . .’
See Bruni, Opere, 10; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 400 r; Lohr (1967), 330 no. 7; Zumkeller 33.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aristoteles
Item title: De generatione et corruptione [Latin translation, ‘Translatio vetus’].
De generatione et corruptione, ed. Joanna Judycka, AL IX/1 (1986), 5-81 (translatio vetus); see Thorndike–Kibre 374.
Note on authorship: Translation sometimes ascribed to Henricus Aristippus; see AL I 54 (1957); BSB–Ink and Bernard Dod, ‘Aristoteles Latinus’, CHLMP 62-4 ascribe to Guilelmus de Moerbeka. On the different versions of the text see George Lacombe, ‘Medieval Latin Versions of the Parva naturalia’, New Scholasticism, 5 (1930), 289-311; Lorenzo Minio-Paluello, ‘Henri Aristippe, Guillaume de Moerbeke, et les traductions latines médiévales des Météorologiques et du De generatione et corruptione d’Aristote’, Revue philosophique de Louvain, 45 (1947), 224-32 (Opuscula, 57-86); F. Pelster, ‘Neuere Forschungen über die Aristoteles-Übersetzungen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts’, Gregorianum, 30 (1949), 71-7; L. Minio-Paluello, ‘Les “trois rédactions” de la traduction médiévale gréco-latine du De generatione et corruptione d’Aristote’, Revue philosophique de Louvain, 48 (1950), 252-9 (Opuscula, 114-26).
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: In Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione commentum.
Incipit: ‘Consuetudo philosophi est suis libris premittere . . .’
Item location: cc8v
Item author: Ramusius, Hieronymus
Item text: Ad emptorem liber.’
‘Hoc opus emptor emas quo non praestantius vnquam est’; 3 elegiac distichs addressed to the purchaser.
See F. Flamini, ‘G. Ramusio (1450-1586) e i suoi versi latini e volgari’, Atti e Memorie della R. Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova, n.s. 16 (1899-1900), 11-41 and M. T. D’Alverny, ‘Survivance et renaissance d’Avicenne à Venise et à Padoue’, in Venezia e l’Oriente tra tardo Medio Evo e Rinascimento, ed. A. Pertusi (Florence, 1966), 75-101; F. Lucchetta, ‘Girolamo Ramusio: profilo biografico’, Quaderni per la storia dell’Università di Padova, 15 (1982), 1-60.
Item location: cc8v
[First colophon.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: Marsilius Ab Inghen
Item title: Quaestiones in Aristotelis De generatione et corruptione.
Edited by Nicoletus Vernias Theatinus.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca primum librum De generatione primo queritur utrum ens mobile . . .’
See Lohr (1971), 330 no. 12.
Item location: E4v
[Second colophon with note on editor.]
Item location: E4v
‘Tituli questionum primi libri.’
Item location: E4v
Item author: Ramusius, Hieronymus
Item text: De emptore et Marsilio.’
‘Ut miles qum bella tument se miscet in armis’; 3 elegiac distichs.
Item location: E5r
Item author: Vernias, Nicoletus
Item title: [Letter to] Henricus Languardus, Archbishop of Acerenza and Matera.
Incipit: ‘Cum ego iam, reuerende archiepiscope, Papie me contulissem . . .’
Item location: E5r
Item author: Vernias, Nicoletus
Item title: Quaestio de ente mobili.
Incipit: ‘Questio est an ens mobile sit totius naturalis philosophie subiectum . . .’
Text dated Padua, 12 Feb. 1480; see Nardi, Saggi, 102-3; Lohr (1972), 308-9.

Place of imprint: Padua: Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, 24-9 Feb. 1480. Format: Folio.
a b8 c6 d10 aa6 bb cc8 2a b8 c6 d8 e6 A8 B6 C–E8.
References: GW 7199;H* 1692;Goff A–72;Pr 6801;BSB–Ink A–50; Osler, IM, 199; Sheppard 5589.

Binding: Contemporary German quarter pigskin over wooden boards replaced in the nineteenth century(?). Hinges for clasps re-used on upper board. Diagonal four-line fillets within a frame formed by three- or four-line fillets. Title and old shelfmark ‘E III’ on the spine.
Size: 420 × 290 × 55 mm.
Size of leaf: 418 × 280 mm.
Decoration: An eight-line initial ‘A’ is supplied in red and green ink on a2r with green pen-work extending into left, upper, and lower margins with spray of red and green ink. A four-line initial on a2r is supplied in red with green flourish in margin. Eight-line initial on 2a2r not supplied; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; capital strokes and underlining of some chapter headings in red.
Provenance: Landsberg, Bavaria, Jesuits. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; Munich shelfmark, Inc. c. ao. 918a, on slip pasted on the front pastedown; stamp and duplicate stamp on a2r. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 10.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 2.22.


Entry number: A-037
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: In Aristotelis De sophisticis elenchis commentum.

Item location: .17.1v
Item author: Augustinus de Meschiatis de Bugella
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Johannes Stephanus Ferrerius.
Incipit: ‘Nisi reuerendissme domine logicorum summus Aristoteles ac philosophorum princeps . . .’
Item location: .17.1v
Item author: Tellucius de Sancto Miniate, Nicolaus
‘Vita fugit, uolitant anni, mors frigida falce’; 6 elegiac distichs addressed to
[dedicatee] Johannes Stephanus.
Item location: .17.2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Philipp de Tiette.
Incipit: ‘[E]x illustri prosapia oriundo domino Philippo filio praeclari ac uenerabilis comitis Flandrensis . . .’
Item location: .17.2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[A]lpharabius in logica sua uolens quandam notitiam tradere de dialetica ait quod fundamentum dialetice est ex intellectu . . .’
Item location: .17.3v
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: In Aristotelis de sophisticis elenchis commentum.
Edited by Augustinus de Meschiatis.
Incipit: ‘De sophisticis autem elenchis . . . Liber iste qui dicitur Elenchorum sicut alii libri philosophi, potest diuidi in partes duas. In prohemium et tractatum . . .’
See Bruni, Opere, 4; Lohr (1967), 328-9 no. 3 (this edn not mentioned); Glorieux, Répertoire, II 400 ae; Zumkeller 21.
Item location: .25.3v
Item author: Augustinus de Meschiatis
Item text: Quaestio de medio demonstrationis defensiua opinionis domini Egidii Romani.’
Incipit: ‘[M]ouetur questio ex intentione Aristotelis in secundo Posteriorum quod sit medium in demonstratione . . .’
Item location: .25.6v
Item text: Tabula.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]uia in omnibus libris domini Egidii Romani . . .’
Item location: .25.7v
Item location: .25.7v
Item author: Tellucius de Sancto Miniate, Nicolaus
Item title: [Verse addressed to]
[dedicatee] the reader.
‘Huchuc intrepidi iuuenes, has currite ad undas’; 2 elegiac distichs.

Place of imprint: Venice: Simon de Luere, for Andreas Torresanus de Asula, 24 Sept. 1500. Format: Folio.
.17.–.25.8.Bibliographical notes: This continues the sequence of the same publisher’s edition of Aegidius on the Posterior Analytics (GW 7194).
Six woodcut diagrams.
References: GW 7196;H 1141 = 142;BMC V 576;Pr 5630;Bofitto 37 XVIa.3; Bruni, ‘Saggio’, 37; BSB–Ink A–53; CIBN A–42; Oates 2207; Rhodes 601; Sander 2051; Sheppard 4708-10.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century brown paper over pasteboard.
Size: 308 × 221 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 305 × 210 mm.
Provenance: Acquired after 1847; not in Catalogus (1843) with appendix; the shelfmark indicates a date around 1858.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.5.

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Gualtherus Burlaeus, In Isagogas Porphyrii. Venice: Philippus Pincius, 1509;
2. Johannes Duns Scotus, Quaestiones in Vniversalia Porphyrii. Venice: Philippus Pincius, 1512;
3. Mauritius Hibernicus, Super Isagoge Porphyrii. Venice: 1512;
4. Robertus [Grosseteste] Lincolniensis, Commentaria in Posteriora Aristotelis. Venice: Petrus de Quarengis, 1504;
5. Johannes Duns Scotus, Questiones utiles super libros Priorum Analyticorum Aristotelis. Venice: Philippus Pincius, 1512.
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf .25.8.
Binding: Contemporary English (Oxford, c.1512-20) brown calf over wooden boards, rebacked, upper board loose, two clasps and catches lost. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the upper cover. Four-line fillets and fillets and floral roll form double frame: see Gibson, Oxford Bindings, roll 1 and pl. xix; Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. xliii, no. 706, Fl a (3); Ker, Pastedowns, pl. i, roll 1. The central panel divided by diagonal three-line fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments each containing a foliate ornament: see Gibson, Oxford Bindings, pl. xix; Ker, Pastedowns, pl. xi, rolls 9 and 10.
Size: 325 × 230 × 75 mm.
Size of leaf: 315 × 207 mm.
Pastedown on upper board: Italian fourteenth-century(?) manuscript of the Liber Sextus decretalium: Regul&ae; iuris in Sexto (50 inc. mut.) 51-7.61.58; note the transposition with respect to the standard text, ed. Friedberg II, col. 1123 f. With the gloss of Johannes Monachus: see edn from Paris: Jean Petit, 1535 (repr. Aalen, 1968) fols 438vb–439vb.
Provenance: Richard Gorton (fl. 1518-1540); inscription on title-page of item 1 in the volume. John Selden (1584-1654): see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 18, where item 1 is listed, with the place and date of printing of item 6; see also MS. Selden Supra 111, fol. 44r. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: B 1. 8 Art. Seld.
Bodleian shelfmark: A 2. 8(6) Art. Seld.

Third copy
Bound with:
1. Gualtherus Burlaeus, In Isagogas Porphyrii. Venice: Philippus Pincius, 1509;
2. Johannes Duns Scotus, Quaestiones in Universalia Porphyrii. Venice: Philippus Pincius, 1512;
3. Mauritius Hibernicus, Super Isagoge Porphyrii. Venice: 1512;
4. Johannes Duns Scotus, Questiones utiles super libros Priorum Analyticorum Aristotelis. Venice: Philippus Pincius, 1512;
5. Robertus [Grosseteste] Lincolniensis, Commentaria in Posteriora Aristotelis. Venice: Otinus de Luna, Papiensis, 22 Mar. 1497 (R–079(2)).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf .25.8.
Binding: Seventeenth-century brown calf, rebacked, two hinges and clasps removed with ensuing repairs to boards; triple fillets form a border.
Size: 315 × 224 × 77 mm.
Size of leaf: 310 × 203 mm.
Early marginal notes. On the first leaf of each item in the lower right hand corner are the remains of a letter (the best preserved being ‘E’ for item 5) in a sixteenth-century(?) hand. Two lists of contents on title-page of item 1, one of which also certainly antedates the ownership of William Smith. All the items bound together at present are mentioned in these lists.
Provenance: William Smith (†1735); inscription on title-page of item 1, dated 1678. University College; book-plates inside upper board and on title-page of item 1; shelfmark ‘L 250.1′; ‘List of Rare Books’, p. 1. Acquisition history: Deposited in 1941 by the Master and Fellows of University College, Oxford.
Bodleian shelfmark: Univ. Coll. c.5(6).


Entry number: A-038
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: In Aristotelis Physica commentum.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Aegidius Viterbiensis
Item title: [Letter of dedication to]
[dedicatee] Gratianus Fulginas.
Incipit: ‘Commentaria que in phisico auditu Egidius noster edidit, Magister Bernardus Granellus Ianuensis, vir doctrina ac facundia sane clarissimus, cognoscenda castigandaque sumpserat . . .’
Item location: a1v
Item author: Aegidius Viterbiensis
‘Eterne studium laudis et inseri’; 28 lines of verse in 7 strophes of 4 lines, each consisting of 2 lesser asclepiad, 1 enneasyllabic and 1decasyllabic aeolic verses.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: In Aristotelis Physica commentum; ‘Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[N]aturalis scientia est aliqua scientiarum speculatiuarum, vt dicitur .vi. Metaphysicae . . .’
Item location: a4r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: In Aristotelis physica commentum; commentary.
Books 1-4 edited by Bernardus Granellus, 5-8 by Aegidius Viterbiensis, according to the letter of dedication.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam quidem intelligere et scire etc. Liber iste Physicorum, quem pre manibus habemus diuiditur in partes duas, in prohemium et tractatum . . .’
See Bruni, Opere, 9; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 400 g; Lohr (1967), 330 no. 6; Zumkeller 45. The incipit of the commentary is as given by Lohr, not as by Zumkeller.
Item location: ee3v
Item location: ee3v
[Printing privilege and monopoly of sale in Venetian territories for ten years.]
Incipit: ‘Omnibus autem librum intuentibus palam sit prefatum impressorem Hyeronimum Durantem de speciali gratia ab illustrissimo Venetorum dominio impetrasse . . .’
Item location: ee4r
Item author: Aegidius Viterbiensis
Item text: Versus ad lectorem.’
‘Ecce opus antistes quod iam celeberrimus egit’; 6 elegiac distichs.
Item location: ee4r
‘Tabula huius operis.’
Note on authorship: The arrangement of the ‘tabula’ is explained in the verses above.

Place of imprint: Padua: Hieronymus de Durantibus, 15 Oct. 1493. Format: Folio.
a–z8 [et]8 [con]8 [rum]8 aa8 bb–dd6 ee8.
References: GW 7197;H *128;Goff A–75;BMC VII 1152;Pr 6832;Bofitto 33 XV a.1; Bruni, ‘Saggio’, 21; BSB–Ink A–38; Sheppard 5609; Rhodes 599.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 290 × 192 × 46 mm.
Size of leaf: 290 × 192 mm.
Early marginal notes in red ink on a2r. Manuscript note of the title of the work (probably cut from earlier binding) pasted inside upper board.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Duplum’ on front endleaf.Acquired Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 3.16.


Entry number: A-039
Aegidius Romanus
Uniform title: Tractatus de peccato originali.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Aegidius Romanus (Aegidius Columna)
Item title: Tractatus de peccato originali.
Incipit: ‘[E]go cum sim puluis et cinis loquar ad dominum meum dicens “Domine deus iustus iudex, si omnes anime tue sunt sicut Anima patris . . .’expl.: equissima ratione sunt condita. Tu ergo solus bonus et pius nos in iniquitate concepti sumus et in peccatis percepit nos mater. Sed tu per tua pietate miserere nobis vt facie ad faciem te videre possumus quia ea benedictus in secula seculorum. Amen.
See Bruni, Opere, 41; Glorieux, Répertoire, II 295; Zumkeller 42.

Place of imprint: Oxford: [Printer of the ‘Expositio in symbolum apostolorum’], 14 Mar. 1479. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Duff and STC identify the printer as Theodoric Rood.
References: GW 7215;H 122;Pr 9745;Bofitto 13 III a.1; Bruni, ‘Saggio’, 4; Duff 3; Rhodes 608; Sheppard 7480; STC 158.

Bound with:
2. Elegantiarum viginti praecepta. ’s-Hertogenbosch: [Gerardus de Leempt, 1487] (E–009);
3. Nicolaus Perottus, Rudimenta grammatices. [Louvain:] Aegidius van der Heerstraten, [between 1485 and 19 Apr. 1486] (P–127);
4. Bonaventura, Soliloquium. [Gouda: Gerard Leeu, not after 1483] (B–431).
According to GW printed in red and black, but this copy printed in black only.
Binding: Contemporary English (probably Oxford) calf over bevelled wooden boards, with metal catch; fillets only; see Gibson, Oxford Bindings, no. xxvi. This item was previously removed from its binding to be shelved separately as Auct. R. supra 4, but was replaced in this volume in July 1954. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 210 × 146 × 46 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 138 mm.
Back pastedown with fifteenth-century accounts.
Early marginal notes, list of contents of entire volume on endleaf, on f6v of the last item in the volume a quotation from Ecl 6.9: ‘Melius est videre quod cupias quam desiderare quod nescias’, and two proverbs in Burton’s hand: ‘melior vigilantia somno’ and ‘nihil ex omni parte beatum’ (not in Walther, Proverbia).
Provenance: Robert Burton (1577-1640); inscription dated 1601, a2r and f6v of the last item in the volume. Bequeathed to the Bodleian in 1640 by Robert Burton; see Kiessling, Robert Burton, nos 9, 184, 1220, 1284; Benefactors’ Register I 359.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: A 4° 28 [ ]; Auct. R sup. 4; Auct. 1Q 5.16(1).
Bodleian shelfmark: Arch. G e.6(1).


Entry number: A-040
Aegidius Delphus
Uniform title: Psalmi poenitentiales metrice compilati.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Aegidius Delphus
Item text: Ad episcopum Aniciensem christianissimi Gallorum regis elemosinarium magnificentissimum.’
[dedicatee] [Addressed to Godefroy de Pompadour, Bishop of Le Puy.]
‘Optime pontificum, qui pectore iura recondis &pipe; Accipe de psalmis carmina pauca sacris’; 1elegiac distich.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Aegidius Delphus
Item text: Exortatio ad poetas.’
‘Carminibus vates misteria dicite sacris &pipe; Saturnus iacet, numina falsa Iouis.’
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Aegidius Delphus
Item text: Septem psalmi metrice compilati.’
‘[N]on me carpe Deus quamuis furor iraque poscunt.’
Note on authorship: Preceded by notes on the headings.

Place of imprint: Paris: Antoine Denidel, [c.1497]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: CIBN dates [c.1497] from the state of the printer’s device; GW dates [c.1500].
References: GW 275;HC 13439;not in Pr;CIBN A–36; Sheppard 6517.

Bound with:
1. Hesiodus, Opera et dies. [Paris]: Pierre Levet, [c.1497] (H–068);
2. Nigellus Wirecker, Speculum stultorum. [Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, c.1490] (W–026);
3. Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus, De moribus puerorum carmen juvenile. [Paris]: Félix Baligault, [between 1497 and 7 May 1500] (S–354);
4. Titus Calpurnius Siculus, Bucolica. [Paris: Félix Baligault, c.1494] (C–034);
6. Franciscus Zambecharius, Elegiarum liber de amoribus Chryseae et Philochrysi. Paris: Thielman Kerver, for Jean Petit, 31 Dec. 1498 (Z–005).
On [a1v] and [a2r] mirror-image impressions of [a1r] and [a2v] respectively.
Binding: Eighteenth-century French calf; gold-tooled spine; red-edged leaves.
Size: 199 × 137 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 126 mm.
Provenance: Petrus Faber (Lefèvre?) (sixteenth century); ‘Pro Petro Fabro’ on a1r of item 1. P. Poutier’ on a1r of item 1; perhaps this item only. Identical pointing hands and occasional marginal notes in items 2 and 3. The whole volume was bought from a French bookseller for Fr. 30 by Thomas Ryburn Buchanan (1846-1911); annotated cutting from a catalogue on front endleaf. Acquisition history: Presented by Mrs Buchanan in 1941.
Bodleian shelfmark: Buchanan e.66(5).


Entry number: A-041
Aelianus Tacticus
Uniform title: De instruendis aciebus.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Aelianus Tacticus
Item title: De instruendis aciebus.
Item text: Aeliani de instruendis aciebus opus ad Divum Hadrianum Theodoro Thessalonicense latinum factum et Antonio Panormite Alphonsi Regis preceptori dicatum.’
Translated by Theodorus Gaza.
[Edited by Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus.]
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Antonius Beccadellus, called Panormita.
Incipit: ‘Scientiam graecis acierum instruendarum solitam Dive Hadriane quam ab Homeri usque temporibus sumpsisse initium certum est . . .’
H. Köchly and W. Rüstow, Griechische Kriegsschriftsteller vol. II/1: (Die Taktiker) (Leipzig, 1855), 199-554 (Greek and German texts). The Greek original is dedicated to Emperor Trajan, erroneously referred to as Hadrian in the Greek manuscripts and in Gaza’s translation: see Max Jähns, Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften vornehmlich in Deutschland. I: Altertum, Mittelalter, XV. und XVI. Jahrhundert, Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland, 21 (Munich and Leipzig, 1889), 94-7. The Latin translation of Theodorus Gaza follows a text of the Paris recension: see Köchly-Rüstow, 209.Alphonse Dain, Histoire du texte d’Elien, 1946, T.Text.Gr.A.59: missing since 1989

Place of imprint: Rome: Eucharius Silber, 15 Feb. 1487. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: In the same year Silber printed Vegetius (V–052), Frontinus (F–109), and Modestus (M–287). The books were conceived as a unit; see the dedicatory letter from Johannes Sulpitius in his edition of Vegetius in copy number 1, in which the four items are bound together (‘Tres de ea re scriptores egregios quos nuperrime recognoui, Vegetium, Aelianum, et Frontinum simul coniunxi et ut emendatissimi in tuas et in aliorum manus uenirent effeci . . .’). Goff, CIBN and others list the books under the common heading ‘Scriptores rei militaris’; under such heading are listed in this catalogue two more editions containing the same texts, one printed by Eucharius Silber in 1494 (S–120), which contains also a Latin translation of Onosander, Strategicus, another printed by Franciscus Plato de Benedictis in 1495-96 (S–121), edited by Philippus Beroaldus, who rearranged the order of appearance of the texts, but the edition is otherwise based on Sulpitius’s.
[a b8 c4 d8]. Not as GW.
References: GW 310;HC 35?;Goff S–343 (B);BMC IV 107;Pr 3826;BSB–Ink A–62; CIBN S–171 (pt); Oates 1530; Sheppard 3022-4.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Flavius Renatus Vegetius, Epitoma rei militaris. Rome: Eucharius Silber, 29 Jan. 1487 (V–052(1));
3. Sextus Julius Frontinus, Strategemata. Rome: Eucharius Silber, 1 June 1487 (F–109);
4. Modestus, De vocabulis rei militaris. Rome: Eucharius Silber, 7 June 1487 (M–287).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1].
Binding: Nineteenth-century English dark green morocco, with gilt-edged leaves.
Size: 205 × 137 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 198 × 127 mm.
On [a1r] of item 1 the following bibliographical note in a seventeenth-century probably Dutch hand, brown ink: ‘Vegetius Petri Scriverii cum notis God[escalci] Stewechii. Item Frontinus in quarto ex off[icina] Plant[ini] Anno 1607′; this note refers to an edition of Vegetius and Frontinus edited by Pieter Schrijver (1576-1660) with the commentary of Godescalcus Stewechius (1551-1586), printed in Leiden in 1607 by Frans Raphelengius in the Plantin’s printing shop. Marginal and interlinear notes, mainly providing corrections to the text, ‘nota’ marks (`N’), underlining, and running subject headings for Vegetius and Frontinus, in the same hand. The bibliographical note and the annotations to items 1 and 3 suggest that these two items had been previously bound with the 1607 edition of Vegetius, probably in the hands of a Dutch owner.
Provenance: Netherlands (seventeenth century); see notes above. Acquisition history: Purchased for £10. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1815), 5.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. L 4.12(2).

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1].
Sheet [b2.7] is bound after [b4].
Binding: Nineteenth/twentieth-century pasteboards.
Size: 219 × 154 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 213 × 144 mm.
Unread manuscript note on [d8v].
Provenance: Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 35. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. A 1.5.

Third copy
Bound with:
1. Pomponius Mela, Cosmographia. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 18 July 1482 (M–179(2));
2. Michael Marullus, Epigrammata. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1483-90] (M–140(1)).
Binding: Parchment over pasteboards, with blue-edged leaves.
Size: 217 × 149 × 16 mm.
Size of leaf: 209 × 139 mm.
Provenance: Marco Lazzari; armorial book-stamp on A2r of item 1; see Oates 2050. Old shelfmark ‘9.9.6′(?). Robert Finch (1783-1830). Bequeathed to the University by R. Finch; see Finch catalogue 3. Taylor Institution, University of Oxford; book-plate with shelfmark in turquoise ink: ‘V 176′. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian from the Taylor Institution in 1921.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I4.1482.1(3).


Entry number: A-042
Uniform title: Vita et fabulae [Greek].

Item location: a1r
Item author: Bracius, Gabriel
Item title: [Letter to the reader.]
Incipit: ‘Quanquam onus grauius esse quam ut humeri nostri ferre possent intelligebamus . . .’
Item location: a2r
Item author: Planudes, Maximos [pseudo-]
Item title: Aspou boV to muqopoio [Vita Aesopi.]
A. Eberhard, Fabulae Romanenses Graece conscriptae (Leipzig, 1872), 225-305; a small part of the life is also in B. E. Perry, Aesopica: A Series of Texts Relating to Aesop, vol. I (Urbana, Ill., 1952) (= Perry, Aesopica), 214-15. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32, discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemmata of the different recensions and the transmission of the text, see Perry, Aesopica, 22 and 28-32.
Note on authorship: Traditionally ascribed to Maximos Planudes (c.1260-1310), but this has been rejected by S. Josifović in RE supp. 14 cols 22 ff.
Item location: g6r
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Mqoi. Fabulae Aesopi [first sixteen fables unnumbered; remaining fables numbered from xvii to cxlviii, although some numbers omitted].
Corpus Fabularum Aesopicarum, vol. I, fascs. 1 and 2, ed. by A. Hausrath and H. Hunger (Leipzig, 1970)(= Aesopus (ed. Hunger–Hausrath)). No. lxxiiii ‘SV ka mV‘; no. lxxv ‘0.3charsnoV‘; no. lxxvi ‘StrouqV’ are the work of Ignatius Diaconus, archbishop of Nicaea (c.780-850): ‘Ignatii Diaconi aliorumque tetrasticha iambica’, ed. C. F. Müller, in Babrii Fabulae Aesopeae, ed. O. Crusius (Leipzig, 1897), 249-96, nos 8, 19, 22 (= Babrius (ed. Crusius)); Crusius discusses the connection between Ignatius and Babrius, Babrii Fabulae Aesopeae, ed. O. Crusius (Leipzig, 1897), xxiv. Fable no. cxlvii ‘LkoV ka granoV’ does not appear in Aesopus (ed. Hunger–Hausrath), but resembles Fabulae Aesopicae collectae, ed. by C. Halm (Leipzig, 1889) (= Aesopus (ed. Halm)) no. 276b.
Item location: z8r
[Statement claiming a ten-year privilege in Venetian territories.]
Incipit: ‘Si quis ad decem annos haec in terris . . .’

Place of imprint: [Venice]: Bartholomaeus Pelusius, Gabriel Bracius, Johannes Bissolus and Benedictus Mangius, [c.1498]. Format: 4°.
a–d8 ee8 z8.
References: GW 312;HC 267;Goff A–97;BMC V 578;Pr 5640;CIBN A–55; Rhodes 12; Sheppard 4717.

Binding: Probably late eighteenth/early nineteenth-century gold-tooled calf, on both covers a small gilt roll forms a border; a floral tool on the spine; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 216 × 150 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 212 × 144 mm.
‘2.12.6′ written in pencil in the upper right-hand corner of the endleaf.
Decoration: On a1r an unidentified, probably seventeenth/eighteenth-century Italian, coat of arms in watercolours: within a wreath, gules, a cross botonny or.
Provenance: Purchased from Payne and Foss (1832), no. 1155 for £2. 12. 6; see Books Purchased (1832), 1, and Library Bills (1829-32), no. 428.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. K 4.9d.


Entry number: A-043
Uniform title: Vita et fabulae [Greek and Latin].

Item location: A1r
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Johannes Franciscus Turrianus.
Botfield 171-2.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Planudes, Maximos [pseudo-]
Item title: ‘Aispou boV to muqopoio [Vita Aesopi.]
See A–042.Eberhard (Fabulae), 225-305; a small part of the life has also been printed in Perry, Aesopica, 214-15. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32, discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemmata of the different recensions and the transmission of the text: see Perry, Aesopica, 22 and 28-32.
Item location: E1r
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Mqoi. Fabulae.
Edited by Bonus Accursius.
Aesopus (ed. Hunger–Hausrath). g5r-v ‘SV ka mV‘; g5v ‘0.3charsnoV‘; g5v ‘StrouqV’ are the work of Ignatius Diaconus; see A–042. i6r ‘LkoV ka granoV’ does not appear in Aesopus (ed. Hunger–Hausrath), but resembles Aesopus (ed. Halm) no. 276b.Archbishop of Nicaea (c.780-850): Ignatii Diaconi aliorumque tetrasticha iambica’, C. F. Müller (ed.), Babrii Fabulae Aesopeae, O. Crusius (ed.) (Leipzig, 1897), 249-96, nos 8, 19, 22; Crusius discusses the connection between Ignatius and Babrius: see Babrius (ed. Crusius), xxiv.
Item location: a1r
Item author: Rinucius Aretinus (Rinuccio Da Castiglione)
Item text: Prohoemium’ to Antonius de la Cerda, Cardinal Priest of S. Chrysogonus.
D. P. Lockwood, ‘De Rinucio Aretino Graecarum litterarum interprete’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 24 (1913), 51-109 (= Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’), 70-1.
Item location: a1v
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71.
Item location: a2r
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
Steinhöwel’s Äsop, ed. by Hermann Österley, Bibliothek des litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart, 117 (Tübingen, 1873) (= Aesopus (ed. Österley)), 6-38. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32, discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemmata of the different recensions and the transmission of the text: see Perry, Aesopica, 22 and 28-32.
Item location: e1r
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Argumentum et fabulae [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Edited by Bonus Accursius Pisanus.
Item location: h3r
Item author: [Rinucius Aretinus]
Item text: Anacephaleosis’ [Summary]
[dedicatee] addressed to Antonius de la Cerda.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71-2.
Item location: 2a1v
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Johannes Franciscus Turrianus.
Incipit: ‘In superiore codice, ut nosti, imprimi . . .’
Saxius 545.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Mqoi. Fabulae [in parallel Greek and Latin versions].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Edited by Bonus Accursius.
The Latin version is based on Rinucius’s, but, as stated in Accursius’s dedicatory letter, it is a more literal translation. The fables in the Greek version are all listed in Aesopus (ed. Hunger–Hausrath), with the exception of the one shown in Perry, Aesopica, and ‘LkoV ka granoV’, as in A–042. The order of the fables, from Aesopus (ed. Hunger–Hausrath) is: 9, 10, 4, 16, 23, 27, 29, 36, 21, 43, 60, 68, 64, 67, 69, 120, 134, 146, 170, 176, 183, 216, 223, 116, 235, 133, 26, 256, 244, 199 (2 variants), 55, 79, 275, 74, 122, 59, 272, 273, 114, 276, 54, 287, 137, 89, 190, 84, 253, 154, 147, 163, 100, 152, 28, 284, 285, 51, Perry, Aesopica, no. 370, 239, 117, 1 unidentified (this last fable, ‘LkoV ka granoV’, as noted above, resembles Aesopus (ed. Halm) no. 276b).

Place of imprint: [Milan]: Bonus Accursius, [c.1478]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by CIBN; GW and others date [c.1480].
A–F8 g h8 i6 (stamped); a–d8 e–g8 [h4] 2a b8 2C D8 2E6 (printed).Bibliographical notes: This collation is at variance with GW, which has G, I, K instead of g, h, i. BMC notes the rarity of copies having a section with stamped signatures.
References: GW 313;H *265, H 272;Goff A–98;BMC VI 754;Pr 5963;BSB–Ink A–67; CIBN A–53; Legrand, Bibl. hell., III 84-6; Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 65; Sack, Freiburg, 25; Sheppard 4963.

First copy
Binding: Eighteenth-century Italian parchment over pasteboard.
Size: 248 × 176 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 234 × 157 mm.
Provenance: Johannes de Assisio (eighteenth/nineteenth century?); ‘Joannes de Assisio’ in red ink on front endleaf. Purchased from Tammaro de Marinis (1878-1969), Florence, in 1910 for £100 by Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 3592.ACQUIRED Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. I 1.23.

Second copy
Imperfections: (a): Signatures cut away, first leaf cut out and mounted; (b): wanting last leaf, also heavily cropped, and bound within a larger set of boards; (c) first and last leaves backed.
Binding: Bound as three separate volumes (a), (b), (c). Bindings of (a) and (b) of English blind-tooled reversed calf, over pasteboard, c.1700. (a) and (b) have a similar style of tooled decoration. For each volume, an outer frame of two fillets, also an inner one: inside that a floral roll; at each corner a lozenge-shaped floral ornament. Binding of (b) probably a remboîtage. Binding of (c) English mottled calf over pasteboard, c.1700. Outer frame of two fillets, inside which a gold-tooled floral roll. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: (a): 226 × 155 × 15 mm; (b): 226 × 155 × 8 mm; (c): 227 × 161 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: (a): 210 × 149 mm; (b): 188 × 131 mm; (c): 221 × 152 mm.
A manuscript note: ‘Rhegii 1497′ (deleted in a different ink) below colophon of (c): incorrect attribution of place and date of publication.
Provenance: What appears to be the upper portion of a book-plate cut out from endpaper of (c). Edward Bernard (1638-1697); Wanley’s list, p. 10, no. 316. Acquisition history: Among the books purchased in 1697 from Bernard’s widow. [The copy of this edition purchased in 1832 from R. F. Sweetinburgh appears no longer to be in the Library.]
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: (c): Auct. N 5.12; (a): 4° T 58 Art.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. K 4.9a-c.

Third copy
Imperfections: Wanting all gatherings between E and 2a1r, and all gatherings after 2D7; 2D4 is bound before 2D3, 2D6 before 2D5.
Binding: Late eighteenth/early nineteenth-century quarter green morocco.
Size: 238 × 176 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 231 × 169 mm.
Manuscript corrections and note marks, including occasional pointing hands, added in the margins; corrections mostly in Greek by one humanist hand in red ink. Fables numbered in ink. Notes about contents of volume, inside the upper cover. List of contents of Douce A 541 and Auct. K 4.9.a-c, in an unidentified hand, attached to the endleaf.
Provenance: Johannes Chrysostomus Zanchius (†1566). Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce A 541.


Entry number: A-044
Uniform title: Fabulae [Greek and Latin].

Item location: a1v
Item author: Accursius, Bonus
Item title: [Letter
[dedicatee] to] Johannes Franciscus Turrianus.
Incipit: ‘In superiore codice, ut nosti, imprimi . . .’
Saxius 545.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Mqoi ; Fabulae [in parallel Greek and Latin versions].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Edited by Bonus Accursius.
See A–043.

Place of imprint: Reggio Emilia: Dionysius Bertochus, 1497. Format: 4°.
a–d8 e6.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a2 is signed aii, leaves b1 and b2 bi and bii.
References: GW 314;HR 266;Goff A–104;BMC VII 1091;Pr 7260;CIBN A–54; Oates 2706; Rhodes 13; Sheppard 6020.

Binding: Parchment; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 196 × 141 × 5 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 138 mm.
Provenance: Friedrich Mentz (1673-1749). ‘1767′ on endleaf. Gerard Meerman (1722-1771); manuscript catalogue (MMW S 145 IV, fol. 113v); acquired after 1747 (ex informatione Jos van Heel). Johan Meerman (1753-1815); Acquisition history: purchased at his sale, vol. II, p. 92, lot 284 for fl. 41; see Books Purchased . . . at the Sale of M. Meerman, p. 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. N 5.30.


Entry number: A-045
Uniform title: Vita et Fabulae [Latin].

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Rinucius Aretinus
Item text: Prohemium’ addressed to
[dedicatee] Antonius de la Cerda, Cardinal Priest of S. Chrysogonus.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 70-1.
Item location: [a2v]
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71.
Item location: [a3r]
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 6-38. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32, discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemma of this recension and the transmission of the text see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32.
Item location: [e1r]
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Argumentum et Fabulae [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
See A–043.
Item location: [g7r]
Item author: [Rinucius Aretinus]
Item text: Anacephaleosis’ addressed to
[dedicatee] Antonius de la Cerda.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71-2.
Item location: [g7v]
‘Verba libri ad emptorem.’
‘Si placet hybernas libris tibi fallere noctes &pipe; Non alium queras ipse satisfaciam’; 3 elegiac distichs.

Place of imprint: Milan: Antonius Zarotus, 1474. Format: 4°.
[a–c8 d4 e–g8].
References: GW 335;HR 274;Goff A–99;BMC VI 712;Pr 5787;CIBN A–55; Ganda 30; Sheppard 4837.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1].
The spaces left for Greek characters are not filled in.
Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled diced calf; on both covers three gilt fillets form a border within which is a greek-key roll, floral tool in each corner, floral roll on the turn-ins, gilt edges, Buntpapier pastedowns and endleaves; gold-tooled spine.
Size: 241 × 162 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 235 × 153 mm.
Pen-trials on [g8r-v]: those on the recto are on a small fragment of paper, presumably removed from an earlier bound version of the book, and attached to this leaf when the book was rebound in the nineteenth century.
Decoration: Four-line Milanese(?) ‘N’ in gold on blue background with vine-stem tracery, and red and green infill, on [a2r]: see Pächt and Alexander II, 114 no. pr. 131.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. O inf. 1.50.


Entry number: A-046
Uniform title: Vita et Fabulae [Latin].

Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Rinucius Aretinus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Laurentius Lavina.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 68-9.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Rinucius Aretinus
Item text: Alia epistola’
[dedicatee] addressed to Antonius de la Cerda, Cardinal Priest of S. Chrysogonus.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 69-70.
Item location: [a3r]
Item author: Rinucius Aretinus
Item text: Prohemium’
[dedicatee] addressed to Tommaso Parentucelli, Cardinal Priest of S. Susanna, later Nicolaus V, Pont. Max.; in other editions this letter is addressed to Cardinal Antonius de la Cerda.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 70-1.
Item location: [a4r]
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71.
Item location: [a4v]
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 6-38. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32, discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemma of this recension and the transmission of the text: see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32.
Item location: [e1r]
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Argumentum et Fabulae [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
See A–043.
Item location: [h4r]
Item author: [Rinucius Aretinus]
Item text: Anacephaleosis’
[dedicatee] addressed to Antonius de la Cerda.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71-2.

Place of imprint: [Rome: Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck or Wendelinus de Wila, c.1475]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: ISTC assigns to Guldinbeck or de Wila. Curt F. Bühler, ‘On the Horace Printed in Rome by Wendelinus de Wila or Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck’, Bibliofilia, 37 (1935), 376-80, suggests that the use of an inverted ‘i’ may distinguish their works, but does not pursue this further.
[a10 b8 c10 d–g8 h6].
References: GW 336;HCR 270;BMC IV 68;Pr 3549;Sheppard 2827.

Imperfections: Wanting [h1] and [h6]. The text for [h1r-v] is supplied in manuscript, in an unidentified eighteenth-century hand; some words also supplied on [h2v], [h4r-v], and [h5r]. A number of leaves are mounted.
Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled red morocco, with a fillet inside which is a floral border.
Size: 165 × 99 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 160 × 93 mm.
Underlining in the text, and early notes (now frequently heavily cropped) added, often in red ink, in the margins.
Decoration: Initials are added in pen; three initials elaborately decorated in black ink, one with vine-stem scrolling extending into the margin.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 14. 0; see Books Purchased (1836), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. O inf. 1.54.


Entry number: A-047
Uniform title: Vita et Fabulae [Latin].

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Rinucius Aretinus
Item text: Prohoemium’
[dedicatee] addressed to Antonius de la Cerda, Cardinal Priest of S. Chrysogonus.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 70-1.
Item location: [a1v]
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71.
Item location: [a2r]
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 6-38. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32, discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemma of this recension and the transmission of the text, see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32.
Item location: d6v
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Argumentum et Fabulae [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
See A–043.
Item location: g6r
Item author: [Rinucius Aretinus]
Item text: Anacephaleosis’
[dedicatee] addressed to Antonius de la Cerda.
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71-2.
Item location: g7r
‘Uerba libri ad emptorem.’
‘Si placet hybernas libris tibi fallere noctes &pipe; Non alium queras ipse satisfaciam’; 3 elegiac distichs.

Place of imprint: Milan: Antonius Zarotus [for Marcus Roma], 25 Feb. 1476. Format: 4°.
References: GW 337;HC 275;BMC VI 713;Pr 5793;CIBN A–57; Ganda 46; Ganda, ‘Marco Roma’, 19; Sheppard 4840.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf g8. Spaces left for Greek characters are not filled in.
Binding: Nineteenth-century diced russia.
Size: 205 × 147 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 197 × 133 mm.
Two sheets of bibliographical information, in the hand of Francis Douce, attached to the front endleaf.
Provenance: James Edwards, Catalogue (1790), no. 63, in Douce’s copy of the catalogue marked with ‘Douce’, no price indicated. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 61.


Entry number: A-048
Uniform title: Fabulae.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Valla, Laurentius
Item text: Prologus epistolaris’
[dedicatee] [addressed to] Arnaldus Fonolleda, secretary to King Alphonsus of Naples.
Studi sul Panormita e sul Valla, ed. L. Barozzi and R. Sabbadini, R. Istituto di studi superiori pratici e di perfezionamento, Sezione di filosofia e filologia, 25 (Florence, 1891), 80 no. 41, where the letter is dated to 24 May 1440, although with a note recording another recension which gives the date as 1 May 1438; the earlier date is supported by Valla, Epistole, 171. Valla, in a letter to Johannes Aretinus, dated 1439, records that he translated the fables in the previous year: ‘transtuli anno superiore tres et triginta Fabellas Esopi . . .’: see Valla, Epistole, 191 no. 11.
Item location: a1r
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: [Fabulae.]
Translated from the Greek by Laurentius Valla.
Valla’s translation is discussed in Th. O. Achelis, ‘Die Aesopübersetzung des Lorenzo Valla’, Münchener Museum, 2/3 (1913), 239-78, and Th. O. Achelis, ‘Heinrich Eckert von Homberchs Ausgabe von Lorenzo Vallas Aesop und der Codex Urb. Lat. 886′, Münchener Museum, 5 (1929), 202-9. For a concordance of Valla’s fables with those in Aesopus (ed. Hunger–Hausrath) see Berrigan 22, although this does not appear to correspond with the order of the fables in this edn. The sources of Valla’s translation are discussed in Chauncey E. Finch, ‘The Greek Sources of Lorenzo Valla’s Translation of Aesop’s Fables’, Classical Philology, 55 (1960), 118-20.

Place of imprint: Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, [between 5 Apr. and 9 Aug. 1490.] Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated in ILC.
Woodcut on a6v, representing the Mass of St Gregory, is from a block originally used for the ‘Libellus de modo confitendi et poenitendi’ (Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 5 April 1490). Above the woodcut is the title ‘Esopus grecus per Laurentium vallensem traductus.’
References: GW 321;HC 321;Goff A–105;BMC IX 75;Pr 9069;Campbell 32; CR 105; HPT II 413; ILC 18; Oates 3551; Sheppard 6991.

Binding: Nineteenth/twentieth-century English gold-tooled blue morocco; marbled pastedowns, by Rivière & Sons.
Size: 195 × 135 × 3 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 130 mm.
Decoration: Two-line initials are supplied in red, with one six-line initial supplied in red, and guide-letter ‘p’ on a1r. Paragraph marks are supplied in red. Capital strokes and underlining in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Donated in June 1932 by J. H. Burn (1864-1950) through the Friends of the Bodleian; see Friends of the Bodleian Eighth Annual Report (1932), 9.
Bodleian shelfmark: Don. e.24.


Entry number: A-049
Uniform title: Fabulae.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Omnibonus Leonicenus
Item text: Prefatio’, numbered as fable i, by ‘Panagathus [Pantagathus] Vincentinus’, a Greek form of Omnibonus’ name, dedicated to
[dedicatee] Johannes Franciscus Gonzaga.
Incipit: ‘Respicienti mihi aetatis pristinae uiros . . .’
Item location: a1r
[CXXIV fabulae.]
Translated by Omnibonus Leonicenus.

Place of imprint: [Brescia]: Baptista Farfengus, 10 July 1492. Format: 4°.
a8 b6 c8.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a2 is signed aiii.
References: GW 334;C 116;BMC VII 985;Pr 7015;Sheppard 5804.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled red morocco; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 221 × 151 × 3 mm.
Size of leaf: 212 × 147 mm.
Provenance: Samuel Butler (1774-1839); sale, pt III, lot 27. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 7. 6; see Books Purchased (1841), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.22.


Entry number: A-050
Uniform title: Fabulae [French] Les apologues et fables (trans. Guilelmus Tardivus from the Latin of Laurentius Valla).
Remark: Fragment.

Place of imprint: [Paris: Antoine Vérard, c.1493]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: As dated by CIBN.
A B8 C6 D8 E6.
References: GW 345;HC 341; C 5943;Goff A–109;Achelis, ‘Aesopübersetzung’, 273 no. 6; CIBN A–61; Macfarlane 103; Sheppard 6249.

Two (heavily cropped) leaves only, A2 and C6. Woodcut on recto of each leaf: that on A2r is illustrated in Pollard, Morris, no. 502, and in Claudin III 427, where Claudin notes that this woodcut was later used on the first leaf of Vérard’s L’art de bien vivre et de bien mourir. Woodcut on C6r shows two men, the one on the left holding his head; behind is a door and window, and in the foreground are plants and stones.
Bound with a large number of other miscellaneous fragments in a modern guard-book.
Size of fragments: A2: 226 × 180 mm; C6: 192 × 147 mm.
Pen-trials on both leaves.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in blue or red, paragraph marks in red.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834). Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce Fragm. b.1(31,32).


Entry number: A-051
Uniform title: Vita et Fabulae.

Bibliographical notes: Aesopus (ed. Österley), 4-350; see L. Hervieux, Les fabulistes latins, 5 vols (Paris, 1893-9) (= Hervieux) I 349-57.
Edited by Heinrich Steinhöwel. For Steinhöwel as an editor see R. T. Lenaghan, ‘Steinhöwel’s Esopus and Early Humanism’, Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht, deutsche Sprache und Literatur, 60 (1968), 1-8 (= Lenaghan, ‘Steinhöwel’), 1-8.
Item location: a1v
Item location: a2r
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 6-38. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32 discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemma of this recension and the transmission of the text see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32. The usual dedicatory letter to Antonius de la Cerda and the ‘Argumentum’ to the ‘Life’ are not included, although the letter’s introductory phrase has been retained.
Item location: c7r
‘Registrum fabularum Esopi in librum primum.’
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 77.
Item location: c7v
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Fabulae (accompanying metrical version, in Latin).
Aesopus Latinus, ed. Hans Draheim, Jahresbericht von dem Direktor vom Königlichen Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin, 1892/3 (Berlin, 1893), 8-33, nos i–lviii, Hervieux II 316-46 (under the name of Gualterus Anglicus), and Aesopus (ed. Österley), 78-191.
Note on authorship: For the authorship see Aesopus (ed. Draheim), 1-5 and K. Grubmüller, Meister Esopus (Zurich, 1977) (= Grubmüller, Esopus), 78. This collection is named after the edition of Isaac Nevelet of 1610; see Henkel, Schultexte, 288-90.
Item location: c7v
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae [Latin].
Translation associated with the name ‘Romulus’, ‘recensio gallicana.’
Aesopus, Der lateinische Äsop des Romulus und die Prosa-Fassungen des Phädrus, ed. Georg Thiele (Heidelberg, 1910) (= Aesopus (ed. Thiele)), 2, and nos I, III–VI, VIII, X–XVII, XIX–XXIV; XXVIa, [1 unidentified], XXVIII–XXXIII, XXXV–XXXVI, XXXIX–XL, XLII–XLV, XLVII, [1 unidentified], XLVIII–XL; LI–LVII, LIX–LXX; LXXI (Steinhöwel), LXXII–LXXIX, LXXXIII, LXXXV–LXXXVI, LXXXXIX–XCV, [1 unidentified]. Aesopus (ed. Österley), 78-191.
Note on authorship: For the authorship see Caxton’s Aesop, ed. R. T. Lenaghan (Cambridge, Mass., 1967) (= Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan)), 6, and Grubmüller, Esopus, 67-85.
Item location: k3r
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae extravagantes [Latin].
Edited by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Hervieux II 262-301, appearing in the following order: 262-90, nos xxvi–xxviii, xxx–xxxvi; 290-301, no. i; 262-90, no. xxxix; 290-301, nos ii–vi. Aesopus (ed. Österley), 192-242.
Note on authorship: For the authorship see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 6-7.
Item location: m2v
‘Registrum fabularum predictarum extrauagantium.’
Item location: m2v
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: XVII fabulae novae [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 243-60. The fables are listed in order in Th. O. Achelis, ‘Die hundert äsopischen Fabeln des Rinucci da Castiglione’, Philologus, 83 (1928), 55-88, at 63-5, and Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 62, whose list appears to coincide with Achelis’s, and gives the numbers from Aesopus (ed. Halm); the corresponding numbers in Aesopus (ed. Hunger–Hausrath) are: 2, 3, 9, 16, 19, 284, 11, 81, Halm 100, Halm 353, 176, 172, 183, 216, Halm 425, 31, 42. For the relationship between Rinucius’s fable collection and those chosen by Steinhöwel: see T. O. Achelis, ‘Die Fabeln des Rimicius in Steinhöwel’s Aesop’, Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 19 (1887), 315-30. On the Greek sources for Rinucius’s translations of the Life and the Fables: see Perry, ‘Greek Sources’, 53-62.
Note on authorship: For the authorship see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 7. In some Latin versions, this selection from the corpus ascribed to Rinucius is called ‘Fabulae novae translationis.’
Item location: n2v
‘Registrum fabularum predictarum.’
Item location: n3r
Item author: Avianus
Item title: XXVII fabulae [Latin].
Avianus, The Fables, ed. Robinson Ellis (Oxford, 1887) (= Avianus (ed. Ellis)) and Avianus, Fables, ed. Françla;oise Gaide (Paris, 1980) (= Avianus (ed. Gaide)), in the following order in this edn: 1-3, 5-9, 11, 13-15, 17-20, 22, 25-9, 31, 33, 35, 41-2; Aesopus (ed. Österley), 261-93. For a concordance with fables in Aesopus (ed. Chambry), and those in Babrius and Phaedrus, ed. B. E. Perry (London, 1965) (= Babrius–Phaedrus) see Avianus (ed. Gaide), 144-5. On the sources of Avianus see Avianus (ed. Gaide), 39-45, and Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 10.
Fables v and xii each have an extra couplet added at the beginning.
The incipit for fable v (Avianus (ed. Ellis) and Avianus (ed. Gaide) no. 6) is: ‘Ne sibimet quisque de rebus inaniter ullis . . .’; and that for fable xii (Avianus (ed. Ellis) and Avianus (ed. Gaide) no. 15) is: ‘Si quadam virtute nites non despice quemquam . . .’
Note on authorship: For the authorship and dating of Avianus see Avianus (ed. Gaide), 7-12, 25-7.
Item location: p2r
‘Fabularum Auiani antedictarum registrum.’
Item location: p2v
Item author: [Petrus] Alphonsus
Item title: XV fabulae collectae [Latin].
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 294-333. The fables are based on those in the Disciplina clericalis: see PL CLVII 671-706, Petrus Alphonsus, Die disciplina clericalis des Petrus Alphonsi, ed. Alfons Hilka and Werner Söderhjelm (Heidelberg, 1911) and Petrus Alphonsus, Disciplina clericalis, with introduction and notes by María Jesús Lacarra, and trans. Esperanza Ducay (Saragossa, 1980); see also Haim Schwarzbaum, ‘International Folklore Motifs in Petrus Alphonsi’s Disciplina clericalis’, Sefarad, 21 (1961), 267-99, Sefarad, 22 (1962), 17-59, 321-44, Sefarad, 23 (1963), 54-73.
Note on authorship: On authorship see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 8.
Item location: q4v
Item author: Poggius [Florentinus]
Item title: VIII fabulae [Latin].
Poggio Bracciolini, Facezie, tr. with notes by Marcello Ciccuto (Milan, 1983): the following fables appear in this edn: xvi = I,x; xvii = I,i; xviii = I,vi; xix = xliii; xx = I,ii; xxi = unidentified; xxii = unidentified; xxviii = I,lxxix. Aesopus (ed. Österley), 335-50.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, c.1481]. Format: Folio.
a–o8.6 p q8.
191 woodcuts.
References: GW 348;H 324 = HC 325;Goff A–113;BMC I 88;Pr 387;BSB–Ink A–74; CIBN A–62; Oates 163; Sack, Freiburg, 27; Schorbach–Spirgatis 37; Schramm XIX p. 14; Schreiber V 3021; Sheppard 306-8.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled calf; on both boards a single gilt fillet forms a frame; single gilt fillets on edges of boards; gold-tooled spine, marbled pastedowns. Nine woodcuts, inscribed ‘cuts to Alphonsus’, pasted inside the lower cover.
Size: 297 × 213 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 285 × 197 mm.
List of contents, with additional information, added by Francis Douce to the recto of the front endleaf. Bibliographical note, in a sixteenth-century hand, added on a2r. On d1r – d3r short summaries in English added in the lower margins, all in the same, probably sixteenth-century hand. Unread marginal annotation on q8v; on the notes, see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 377 no. 20.
Decoration: Two-, three- and four-line initials and paragraph marks supplied in red. Capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Peter Le Neve (1661-1729). John Baynes (1758-1787). Francis Douce (1757-1834); given the book by Baynes; armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 226.

Second copy
Imperfections: a1 backed.
Binding: Eighteenth-century English calf, an outer border of two fillets, within which, on the spine side only, a floral border; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 290 × 208 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 281 × 197 mm.
Copious marginal annotations, in an unidentified, late fifteenth-century hand. According to D. S. Brewer, ‘The Marginalia in a Copy of Aesop’s Fables’, BLR 2 (1947), 202, the annotations in the margins around the ‘Life’ are translations of phrases, those around the ‘Fables’ almost verbatim transcripts from Caxton’s 1484 English edition, but with some variants, presumably inserted to help the reader with the Latin. According to A. S. G. Edwards, ‘A Late Medieval Crib’, BLR 13 (1990), 340-1, the marginal annotations include more extensive glosses, which are closer to Pynson’s 1497? and 1500? editions than Caxton’s; on the notes see also Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 377, no. 21.
Provenance: Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725); collation mark 3346 of his sale (1727) on the endleaf; ‘C & P’. Acquisition history: Acquired between the time of the Rawlinson sale above and 1816, when a note inside the upper cover records that the book was collated by Henry Cotton, Sub-Librarian from 1814 to 1822.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. N 4.16.

Third copy
Imperfections: Wanting a1. Leaves f5, h3, n1, n8 badly mutilated, portions bearing illustrations having been cut away.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 263 × 180 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 255 × 173 mm.
Four leaves between c6 and c7 and three leaves between n2 and n3 contain manuscript indexes, with rubric headings, of morals drawn from the fables: these in one early hand; on notes see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 377-8, no. 22.
Provenance: Acquired before 1738: see Fysher, Catalogus, 16, where it is assigned to Gouda: Gerard Leeu, 1482; this seems to be a confusion with a work probably then bound with it, but now lost (Dialogus creaturarum moralisatus. Gouda: Gerard Leeu, 31 Aug. 1482 [Pr 8929]): see L. and W. Hellinga, ‘Note on CA 25, Ghosts and Pressmarks’, Gb Jb (1962), 158-65, at 158-61.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: 4° U 50 Th.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q 4.30.


Entry number: A-052
Uniform title: Vita et Fabulae.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
See A–051.
Item location: c7r
‘Registrum fabularum Esopi in librum primum.’
Item location: c7v
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae [Latin].
Translation associated with the name ‘Romulus’, ‘recensio gallicana.’
See A–051.
Item location: c7v
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Fabulae (accompanying metrical version, in Latin).
See A–051.
Item location: k3r
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae extravagantes [Latin].
Edited by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Note on authorship: See A–051.
Item location: m2v
Registrum fabularum predictarum extrauagantium.’
Item location: m2v
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: XVII fabulae novae [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
See A–051.
Item location: n2v
‘Registrum fabularum predictarum.’
Item location: n3r
Item author: Avianus
Item title: XXVII fabulae [Latin].
See A–051.
Item location: p2r
‘Fabularum Auiani antedictarum registrum.’
Item location: p2v
Item author: [Petrus] Alphonsus
Item title: Fabulae collectae [Latin].
See A–051.
Item location: q4v
Item author: Poggius [Florentinus]
Item title: VIII fabulae [Latin].
See A–051.

Place of imprint: [Basel: Jacobus Wolff, de Pforzheim, c.1492]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: BMC ascribes to [Michael Furter?]. BSB dates [not after 1489]. For a discussion of the dating, and the evidence suggesting c.1492: see C. C. Rattey, ‘The Undated Aesop attributed to Jakob Wolff de Pforzheim (Hain-Copinger 327)’, Library, 5th ser., 12 (1957), 119-21.
a–o8.6 p q8.
192 woodcuts: see Schramm XXI pls 800-991.
References: GW 350;HC *327;Goff A–115;BMC III 788;Pr 7629;BSB–Ink A–76; CIBN A–64; Sack, Freiburg, 28; Schramm XXI p. 28 and pls 800-991; Schreiber V 3023; Sheppard 2503.

Bound with:
1. Gesta Romanorum. [Strasbourg: Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 6 Aug. 1489 (G–153);
2. [Werner Rolewinck], Fasciculus temporum. [Strasbourg: Johann Prüss, not before 1490] (R–126(2)).
Imperfections: Wanting i8, m5, q1, 2, 7. Wanting the following woodcuts: Schramm pls 898-901, 932-4, 978-80 and 989. a1 backed. Woodcut on b4r (Schramm XXI pl. 814) mutilated. On h5v Schramm pl. 819 has been repeated between pls 881 and 882.
Binding: Sixteenth-century south German blind-tooled sheep, over oak boards, with broken clasps. On both covers an outer frame formed by five fillets, within which a floral roll containing heads within wreaths, and two other frames, each formed by triple fillets; within the first a roll containing suns and foliage; within the second heads within wreaths and shield. For the inner panel signed ‘N. O.’, see Haebler, Rollen- und Plattenstempel, I 319, roll 2, Platte I.
Size: 270 × 185 × 45 mm.
Size of leaf: 254 × 171 mm.
At the end of item 1 obituary notes referring to Würzburg written in a sixteenth-century hand; a different hand, also from the sixteenth century, has left a few annotations in item 1, and more substantial notes between items 1 and 2, and between 2 and 3, suggesting that the items were bound together from an early period. Marginal annotation added in red ink on n2r: see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 392-3, no. 23.
Decoration: Some woodcuts touched with red or blue.
Provenance: South Germany (sixteenth century); provenance indicated by binding, supported by manuscript list of events in Franconia in the late fifteenth century. Book-plate has been removed.Acquired Acquired between 1835 and 1847; Catalogus (1843), Appendix, 10.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 4.27(3).


Entry number: A-053
Uniform title: Vita et Fabulae [Latin and German].

Edited by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Note on authorship: See Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 21-39, and for the authorship and Steinhöwel as editor, 40-77, and as translator, 77-116; see also Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 13-17; Lenaghan, ‘Steinhöwel’, 1-8; VL IX 258-78, at 271-3.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Steinhöwel, Heinrich
Item title: [Introduction, in German, preceded by title in Latin taken from Latin versions of the ‘Life’] dedicated to
[dedicatee] Sigismund, Duke of Austria.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 4-6; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 42.
Item location: [a3v]
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 6-38; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 43. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32 discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemma of this recension and the transmission of the text see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32.
Item location: [c6v]
Vita Aesopi [German].
[Translated by Heinrich Steinhöwel from the Latin Milan edition; cf. A–045.]
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 38-76; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 43.
Item location: [g1r]
‘Registrum fabularum Esopi in librum primum.’
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 77.
Item location: [g1v]
Item author: Aesopus
Item text: Prefatio.’
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 78.
Item location: [g1v]
‘Die Vorred Romuli philosophi in das Buch Esopi.’
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 78-9.
Item location: [g2r]
‘Prologus metricus in Esopum.’
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 79.
Item location: [g2r]
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae [Latin].
Translation associated with the name ‘Romulus.’
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 80-191. Aesopus (ed. Thiele); see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 43-4.
Note on authorship: See also A–051, and Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 44, who lists the numbers of the fables in order.For the authorship: see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 6, and Grubmüller, Esopus, 67-85.
Item location: [g2r]
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae [German].
Translated by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 80-191; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 43-4.
Item location: [g2r]
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Fabulae (metrical version [Latin]).
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 80-191.
Note on authorship: For the authorship see Aesopus (ed. Draheim), 1-5, and Grubmüller, Esopus, 78. This collection is named after the edition of Isaac Nevelet of 1610.
Item location: [p7v]
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae extravagantes [Latin].
Edited by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 192-241; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 44-5.
Note on authorship: For the authorship see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 6-7.
Item location: [p8r]
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae extravagantes [German].
Translated by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 192-241; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 44-5.
Item location: [t7v]
‘Registrum extrauagantium Esopo ascriptarum.’
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 242.
Item location: [t7v]
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: XVII fabulae novae [Latin].
Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 243-59; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 45, who lists the numbers of the fables in order; for the relationship between Rinucius’s fable collection and those chosen by Steinhöwel see T. O. Achelis, ‘Die Fabeln des Rimicius in Steinhöwel’s Aesop’, Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 19 (1887), 315-30, 315-30. On the Greek sources for Rinucius’s translations of the Life and the Fables: see Perry, ‘Greek Sources’, 53-62.
Note on authorship: On the authorship of this collection: see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 7.
Item location: [t8r]
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: XVII fabulae novae [German].
Translated from the Latin by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 243-59; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 45.
Item location: [x2r]
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 260.
Item location: [x2v]
Item author: Avianus
Item title: XXVII fabulae [Latin].
See A–051 and Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 45.
Item location: [x3r]
Item author: Avianus
Item title: XXVII fabulae [German].
Translated from the Latin by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 261-92; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 45.
Item location: [z6v]
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 293.
Item location: [z7r]
Item author: Petrus Alphonsus
Item title: XV fabulae collectae [Latin].
See A–051.
Item location: [z9v]
Item author: Petrus Alphonsus
Item title: XV fabulae collectae [German].
Translated by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 294-335; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 45-6.
Note on authorship: De cecco et eius uxore ac rivali (Aesopus (ed. Österley), 326-8) based on distichs of Adolf von Wien: see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 46.
Item location: [C9r]
Item author: Poggius [Florentinus]
Item title: VIII fabulae [Latin].
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 335-42, 344-51. Bracciolini (ed. Ciccuto): the following fables appear in this edition: xvi = I,x; xvii = I,i; xviii = I,vi; xix = xliii; xx = I,ii; xxi, xxii = unidentified (see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 46); xxviii = I,lxxix.
Item location: [C10r]
Item author: Poggius [Florentinus]
Item title: VIII fabulae [German].
Translated by Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 335-42, 344-51.
Item location: [D5v]
‘Entschuldigung schrybens lychfertiger schimpfred.’
Item title: [Apology by the editor.]
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 342-4; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 46.
Note on authorship: Preceded and followed by Poggio’s fables.
Item location: [E1r]
‘Die gemainen Puncten der Materi dis Büchlins.’
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 352-62; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 47.

Place of imprint: Ulm: Johann Zainer, [c.1476-7]. Format: Folio.
[a–z10 A–C10 D12 E6].
191 woodcuts: Schramm V pls 105-301; see Gerda Hübschmann-Behrens, ‘Die Ulmer Aesop-Holzschnitte’ (diss. (masch.) Berlin, 1951), Ursula Koch, Die Holzschnitte der Ulmer Aesop-Ausgabe des Johann Zainer (Dresden, 1961); Maria Lanckorońska, ‘Der Zeichner der Illustrationen des Ulmer Aesop’, Gb Jb (1966), 275-83; see also Amelung, Frühdruck for further literature.
References: GW 351;HR 330;Goff A–116;Pr 2517;Amelung, Frühdruck I 93-102 no. 28; BSB–Ink A–69; Schäfer I 1; Schramm V p. 18 and pls 105-301; Schreiber V 3020; Sheppard 1807; Wegener, Zainer, 45.Bibliographical notes: GW describes Leonardus Brunus, Historia Sigismundae as forming last gathering [F10], but in a subsequent entry (5643) treats it as a separate edition. It is not found in the volume here catalogued. BSB–Ink A–69 notes that the two works are often found together; see also Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 47.

Imperfections: Wanting [a1, k7, o4]. Leaves [o6] and [o7] have been transposed by the binder. Wanting the following woodcuts: Schramm pls 119, 171-2, 202, 233, 257, 261; 118 is used twice, 204 follows 205, and 229 is repeated after 232. Schramm also records the presence of 107 and 108: 107 was probably on the missing leaf [a1]; Schramm incorrectly included 108, since it belongs to a different edition.
Binding: English gold-tooled calf, probably eighteenth-century; on both covers a single gilt fillet forms a border; single gilt fillets on the edges of the boards; foliate roll on turn-ins; six compartments on the spine, in two the title and imprint, in four a central double-acorn-with foliage-tool; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 303 × 213 × 60 mm.
Size of leaf: 293 × 192 mm.
Pointing hands. Occasional marginal notes concerning the text. Pagination added later in ink, beginning on [a2r]. Manuscript folio references added to index. On the notes, see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 372, no. 10.
Decoration: Woodcut initial ‘D’ on [a2r] hand-coloured in red, green, and yellow.
Provenance: Vienna, Augustinian Canons Regular, S. Dorothea; fifteenth-century inscription on [p9v]: ‘Liber hic est monasterij S dorothe virginis wienne’; see Dicke, Steinhöwels Esopus, 372 no. 10. George John, second Earl Spencer (1758-1834); note on the endleaf in the hand of Francis Douce: see Dibdin, Spencer, I 239, no. 107. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 252.


Entry number: A-054
Uniform title: Vita et Fabulae [English].

Item location: a2r
Vita Aesopi [English].
This edition translated by William Caxton, from the French collection made by Julien Macho. Macho’s version is derived from Heinrich Steinhöwel’s version: for the derivation of Macho’s translation from Steinhöwel, and an edition of his version of the ‘Life’ and ‘Fables’ see Beate Hecker, Julien Macho, ‘Esope’ (Dr.Phil. diss., Hamburg, 1982).
Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 27-72. From the Latin version of Rinucius Aretinus. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32, discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemmata of this recension and the transmission of the text see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32. On the authorship and the translations of the ‘Life’ see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 5. On the edition in general see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), with discussion of the authorship at 4-18; at 232 is a concordance of the Caxton translation with Perry, Aesopica.
Item location: d6v
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: Fabulae [English] (books I to IV).
Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 73-136. From the Latin version of Romulus.
Note on authorship: On the authorship of this collection see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 6, and Grubmüller, Esopus, 67-85.
Item location: k5v
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: XVII fabulae extravagantes [English] (book V).
Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 137-64.
Note on authorship: On the authorship of this collection see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 6-7. These fables do not form part of the corpus ascribed to Romulus.
Item location: m8v
Item author: Aesopus
Item title: XVII fabulae novae [English].
Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 165-75. From the Latin version of Rinucius Aretinus.
Note on authorship: On the authorship of this collection see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 7.
Item location: o2r
Item author: Avianus
Item title: XXVII fabulae [English].
Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 176-92. On the sources of Avianus (ed. Gaide), 38-45. For the transmission of manuscripts of Avianus see Reeve, ‘Avianus’, Texts and Transmission, 29-32.
Note on authorship: On the authorship see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 7, Avianus (ed. Ellis), pp. xi–xxi, and Avianus (ed. Gaide), 7-12, 25-7.
Item location: p8v
Item author: [Petrus] Alphonsus
Item title: Fabulae collectae [English].
Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 193-213. On authorship see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 8; see also Hispanic MSS and Books, no. 27.
Item location: r6r
Item author: Poggius [Florentinus];author Caxton, William
Item title: Fabulae [English].
Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 214-29. Eleven fables and tales from Poggio Bracciolini’s Facetiae, and two by Caxton himself; see R. H. Wilson, ‘The Poggiana in Caxton’s Esope’, Philological Quarterly, 30 (1951), 348-52, and for an edition of Poggio’s fables see Bracciolini (ed. Ciccuto). On the authorship of this collection see Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 8.

Place of imprint: Westminster: William Caxton, 26 Mar. 1484. Format: Folio.
187 woodcuts (186 and one (no. 50) repeated): see Hodnett 114-28 nos 28-113, and BMC. Painter considers these to have been the work of the cutter of the ‘Game of Chess II’: see Painter, Caxton, 138, with discussion of the derivation of the illustrations from earlier editions of the fables; see also Aesopus (ed. Lenaghan), 23-4: he reproduces woodcuts from Günther Zainer’s German edition, printed at Augsburg in 1477-8 (GW 352), rather than those from Caxton’s own translation.
References: GW 376;HC 360;BMC XI;Pr 9658;Blades, Caxton II no. 55; Caxton, Exhibition, BL, 65, no. 67; de Ricci, Caxton, 4; Duff 4; Needham, Pardoner, 88, no. Cx70; Sheppard 7402-3; STC 175. Facsimile: English Experience, no. 439 (Amsterdam, 1972).

First copy
Bound with:
1. Disticha Catonis. [Westminster: William Caxton, after 23 Dec. 1483] (C–137(2));
2. Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae. [Westminster]: William Caxton, [c.1478] (B–404(2)).
3. Geoffroy de La Tour-Landry, The Knight of the Tower. Westminster: [William Caxton], 31 Jan. 1484 (L–001).
For this copy see Wonderful Things, no. 28; Caxton, Exhibition, Bodley, no. 17; Hispanic MSS and Books, 10 no. 27.
Imperfections: This copy ends imperfectly: it contains only the first three of Poggio Bracciolini’s fables. Wanting a1, o1 and the whole of gathering s; d1, e2, o2, and p3 are mutilated. Following woodcuts wanting: Hodnett nos 28, 165-6, 210-13; nos 167 and 183-4 are badly mutilated.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, rebacked; bound for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers. From the provenance evidence (see below) for items 1, 2, and 3 (Story and Creson inscriptions) and from the similarity in the handwriting of the ‘Rychards’ (see below) in items 3 and 4, it seems clear that all four items have been travelling together since at least the beginning of the sixteenth century.
Size: 288 × 203 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 278 × 193 mm.
Early marginal annotations, including names, inscriptions, in English and Latin, without names or dates, pictures of animals and a chess board in item 4, also pen-trials and scribbles. Item 1: Inscription on i10r: ‘Jh[eu]n[e] the xxiiith day of Jheune the &pipe; yere of owre lord gods 1513′ [Eve of the Nativity of John the Baptist]. Item 2: On [d2v]: ‘Wyll[ ]m [ ] &pipe; what is yors?’ Item 3: all notes in early hands: on c5v: ‘The mas is abomenabell idolatry I love yt not’, with similar phrases repeated twice, also on c4v; sections of text crossed out on c5v and d1v-d2r; on d1v: ‘This byll made ye xth of June in the xiiith year of the rayyne of [ ]’. On n4v: ‘Homo este syne pecunya et tanquam corpous syne hanyma’; ‘Homo sine pecunia est quasi [ ] &pipe; Imo homo sine pecunia est tanquam corpus sine anima . . .’ On n5r: ‘Jvvenall sayth there is no thyng more tollerable than a rych wyffe’; ‘As tyme permytteth the to lyue so oughtest thou to be[] from daye to daye from tyme to tyme this domge to[ ]’; ‘O deus omnipotens soli miserere Johannis &pipe; Quem mors preueniens non [ ] esse [ ]’; ‘Haue ye in mynd I haue byn kynd &pipe; That I fore ye haue smartte &pipe; Remember me as I haue done ye &pipe; And ye thatt haue my harte’. On n5v eight lines of verse: ‘[C]urvare cogit [ ] sub millites caltar [ ] &pipe; Sic puerum studiis virga vacare suis &pipe; Si ter pulsanti nemo respondet absto &pipe; Nec frustra longam si sapis adde moram &pipe; Ex tribus his al[iquid] pro vero semper habendum est &pipe; Non sum non possum non licet esse domi &pipe; Qui plus expendit quam a plow will till in a xii moneth &pipe; Is non mereretur, to borrow a life as his neighbour’. On n6r: ‘God mayde man and man made monye. God mayde beayes and beaye mayde honye’. On n6v: ‘Jhesu my lady helyp amen’; ‘[ ] be knoyng to all men be thys present wrytyng that the noble erlle of Surrey [Thomas Howard (1443-1524), later 2nd Duke of Norfolk] departyd from Lambbethe in to the northe the xxii day of Jully the fyfthe yere of the reyng of kyng Henre the viiith [1513]’; ‘Rychard Dente/Douce’. The name ‘Rychard’ appears twice on n6v of item 3 in a similar hand to Richard Robson’s in item 4. Item 4: the following names (all in sixteenth-century(?) hands) appear in marginal annotations in item 4: Robert Brown (h7r); Edward Dente/Douce (`is an as’) (a2r); [ ] Dewsebery (`you hath playde ye knaue yn ye feldys all thys daye’; ‘how many wenchys hath you goten with young pygge’ [l2v]); on i8v Robert Myble (Mybbyl) and Jerrum []rokyffe; on x1r, Robert Vassel: ‘Admira me, Roberte Vassel.’
Provenance: John Mercer (sixteenth century); signature on i10v of item 1. Richard Story, Thomas Story (sixteenth century); inscription on [b3v] of item 2, ‘Nov[er]ynt vni[v]ersi per presentes me Ricardum Story cyvem et fishmonger de &pipe; London tenery et firmyter obligar”; cropped note on [l1v] of item 2, ‘[ ]so is bas[ ]t a beyond me &pipe; [ ]ane Thomas Story may &pipe; be of the mind for by my brothe &pipe; he is [ ]ast shamd’; on k8r of item 3, ‘Thomas Story is a knave’. Thomas Bokyngham (sixteenth century); inscription on a2v of item 3: ‘Seyt[ ] unto all men that I Thomas Bokyngam owe unto John Smythe of London sederler x li[ ] lawfull monny of y[n]gland’. Richard, Simon and [ ] Croson (sixteenth century); inscriptions on i10v of item 1, ‘Rychard Croson’, and on g6r, l4v, and n6r of item 3: ‘Rychard Croson. Symon Croson is my name’; ‘Rychard Creson. Symon Creson. [ ]odya Creson’; ‘Rychard Croson & Symon Creson’. John Haddon (possibly also Thomas Haddon) (sixteenth century); inscriptions on h2r and n5r of item 3: ‘Thomas Ha[ ] Johannes Haden’; ‘John Haddon boke’; ‘O cruell death as subtill as a fox thou mightest haue let [ ]h[ ]u cu[ ] Fyned till he had bin an [ ] that he might haue [ ] led his lief amonge brambles and thornes till he cam to his fathers adge to haue wor[ ] Jhon Haddon as the gorc[ ] [ ] p[ ]ire as monstrous’. Thomas Stoke (sixteenth century); inscriptions on m3v-m4r of item 3: ‘Thomas Stoke’. Richard Robson, sixteenth century; signature on a2 of item 4. Gysbertus Voetius (1589-1676). Moses Pitt; bought in at his sale of part of the library of Voetius: see sale (1678), 90, no. 51, and Needham, Pardoner, 74, Appendix B, no. 16. Acquisition history: Donated in 1680 by Moses Pitt: see Macray 429; inscription on front endleaf: ‘Ex dono Mosis Pitt Bibliopolae Londinensis, A.D. 1680.’
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: A 7.1 Art; 4° Z 4 Art; K 1.12 Art; Auct. QQ sup. 1.21(4).
Bodleian shelfmark: Arch. G d.13(4).

Second copy
One leaf, b7, 175 × 130 mm, of printer’s waste, printed on the verso only, with Hodnett no. 41. For this copy see Douce Legacy, no. 141.
Imperfections: Leaf severely mutilated in the upper and outer margins, and gives the impression of having been used as a pastedown.
Binding: Mounted in a guard-book.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834). Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce Fragm. e.2.


Entry number: A-055
Uniform title: Vita et Fabulae [English].
Remark: Fragment.

Place of imprint: [London:] Richard Pynson, [1500-1]. Format: Folio.
<a b>? c–s6.
References: GW 378;BMC XI;Pr 9799;Duff 6; Sheppard 7562; STC 177.

One leaf only, l4, 274 × 186 mm, containing the end of the ninth fable of the fourth book (the fox, the wolf and the lion).
Bound in a guard-book of fragments.
Imperfections: The leaf was once used in a binding and is now mounted. The inner margin is heavily mutilated.
The following note, in the hand of Richard Rawlinson, in the lower margin: ‘This is a pecie of an old Reynard ye Fox as I think’. Two alterations of the text have been attempted on the recto, but have been almost lost because of mutilation.
Provenance: Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755); marginal note. Acquisition history: Presumably acquired as part of the bequest of R. Rawlinson.
Bodleian shelfmark: Rawl. fol. 1(8).


Entry number: A-056
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento.

Item location: A1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: A1v
Item location: A2r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus (metrical version of ‘Fables’).
See Hervieux II 316-50 (under the name of Gualterus Anglicus). They appear in the following order (Hervieux numbers): prologue, i, xi, xii–xix, xxi, xx, xxi(a), xxii, xxiii, v, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xxiii, xxiv–xxix, xxxi, xxx, xxxii–lx. For the authorship see Aesopus (ed. Draheim), 1-5 and Grubmüller, Esopus, 78. This collection is named after the edition of Isaac Nevelet of 1610.
Item location: A2r
Commentary on Aesopus moralisatus.
Incipit: ‘Graecia disciplinarum mater et artium . . .’
Not the commentary in the ‘Auctores octo.’ Campbell 38 ascribes commentary to Laurentius Valla.

Place of imprint: [Antwerp]: Gerard Leeu, 14 May 1488. Format: 4°.
A–E6 [F4].
Woodcut of Aesop on A1r, repeated on A1v.
References: GW 402;HC 303;BMC IX 191;Pr 9375;Campbell 38; CIBN A–76; Douce Legacy 94 no. 144; Duff 4; HPT II 420; ILC 26; Oates 3908; Sheppard 7221.

Imperfections: Wanting A3 and A4; A5 and A6 are bound before C1. The fables appear in the following order: prologue, i, [2 leaves wanting, and 2 leaves misplaced], xi [part], xii–xix, xxi, xx, xxi(a), xxii, xxiii [part], v, vii, viii, ix, x, xi [part], xxiii [part], xxiv–xxix, xxxi, xxx, xxxii–lx.
Binding: Eighteenth-century calf; gold-tooled spine; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 199 × 132 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 193 × 131 mm.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 60.


Entry number: A-057
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus (metrical version of ‘Fables’).
Hervieux II 316-50 (under the name of Gualterus Anglicus). They appear in the following order (Hervieux numbers): prologue, i–iv, vi, v, vii–xix, xxi, xx, xxi(a), xxii–xxix, xxxi, xxx, xxxii–lx.
Note on authorship: For the authorship see A–056.
Item location: a2r
Commentary on Aesopus moralisatus.
Incipit: ‘Graecia disciplinarum mater et artium . . .’
Not the commentary in the ‘Auctores octo.’
Note on authorship: Campbell 38 ascribes commentary to Laurentius Valla.

Place of imprint: Deventer: Richard Pafraet, 24 Dec. [between 1488 and 1492]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: GW dates [not before 1488], BMC [1488-92], Campbell [c.1495].
a–e6 f8.
References: GW 403;C 103;BMC IX 61;Pr 9026;Campbell 46; HPT II 408; ILC 27; Sheppard 6955.

Binding: Modern purple cloth.
Size: 201 × 141 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 192 × 128 mm.
Some underlining added, one pointing hand and some initials in the margins, all in black ink.
Decoration: Two- and three-line initials and paragraph marks supplied in red. Capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Joseph Niesert (1766-1841). Acquisition history: Not purchased at the 1843 sale of Niesert’s books; acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q inf. 1.24.


Entry number: A-058
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus (metrical version of ‘Fables’).
See A–056.
Item location: a2r
Commentary on Aesopus moralisatus.
Incipit: ‘Graecia disciplinarum mater et artium . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–056.

Place of imprint: Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 4 Nov. 1490. Format: 4°.
a–d6 e8.
References: GW 404;HC 307;BMC IX 66;Pr 9051;Amelung, ‘Niederländische Inkunabeln’, 5 no. 3; Campbell 40; HPT II 412; ILC 28; Oates 3538; Sheppard 6967.

Bound with:
1. Johannes Taisnierius, De natura magnetis. Cologne: J. Birckmannus, 1562;
2. Johannes Scheubelius, Algebrae compendiosa . . . descriptio. Paris: Gulielmus Cavellat, 1552;
3. Thomas Kees, Sideralis Abyssus. Paris: Hedmodus Fabrius, n. d.;
4. Gulielmus Fulco, Oranomaca, hoc est astrologorum ludus. London: Gulielmus Jones, 1571 (STC 11445);
5. Musica libris quatuor demonstrata. Paris: Gulielmus Cavellat, 1551;
6. Henricus Glareanus, Liber de geographia. Freiburg im Breisgau: n. pr., 1539.
Binding: Sixteenth-century English brown calf, shortly before 25 June 1600, for the Bodleian Library, with a border of five fillets, the centre one in gold; two clasps now lost, hinged from upper to lower cover; formerly chained: staple-mark at head of the upper cover; stamped with the crest of George Carey.
Size: 189 × 137 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 179 × 129 mm.
Fable numbers and short titles added in black ink, with initials: the annotations are all in one late fifteenth/early sixteenth-century hand, which has not been identified.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Given in 1600 by George Carey, 2nd Lord Hunsdon (1547-1603); see Benefactors’ Register I 9; Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ Register’, no. 19.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: T 2.5 Art (James, Catalogus (1605), 397).
Bodleian shelfmark: A 9.9(7) Linc.


Entry number: A-059
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento et glossa interlineari.

Item location: A1r
Item location: A1v
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus (metrical version of ‘Fables’, with gloss).
Hervieux II 316-50 (under the name of Gualterus Anglicus). They appear in the following order (Hervieux numbers): prologue, i–iv, vi, v, vii–xxi, xxi(a), xxii–xxix, xxxi, xxx, xxxii–lx.
Note on authorship: See A–056.
Item location: A2r
Commentary on Aesopus moralisatus.
Incipit: ‘Graecia disciplinarum mater et artium . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–056.Not the commentary in the ‘Auctores octo.’

Place of imprint: [Reutlingen: Michel Greyff], 23 July 1489. Format: 4°.
AB6 C8 D6 E6+1.
References: GW 407;HC *305;Goff A–132;BMC II 580;Pr 2735;BSB–Ink A–81; Oates 1221; Sack, Freiburg, 30; Sheppard 1963.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 211 × 150 × 4 mm.
Size of leaf: 205 × 140 mm.
Decoration: Two- and three-line initials are supplied in red. Occasional capital strokes in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased from Parker for £0. 2. 6; see Library Bills (1851-5), 129r; Books Purchased (1853), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q inf. 1.14.


Entry number: A-060
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento et glossa interlineari.

Item location: A1r
Item location: A1v
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus (metrical version of ‘Fables’, with gloss).
See A–059.
Item location: A1v
Commentary on Aesopus moralisatus.
Incipit: ‘Graecia disciplinarum mater et artium . . .’
See A–056.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell], 23 Aug. 1490. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Campbell assigns to [Deventer: Jacobus de Breda].
A8 B–F6.
References: GW 408;HC *306;Goff A–133;BMC I 275;Pr 1300;BSB–Ink A–82; Campbell 39; CIBN A–78; ILC B5; Sheppard 977; Voulliéme, Köln, 19.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 208 × 134 × 4 mm.
Size of leaf: 198 × 125 mm.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 3707 in list of duplicates in quarto.Acquired Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.68.


Entry number: A-061
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento et glossa interlineari.

Item location: A1r
Item location: A1v
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus (metrical version of ‘Fables’).
See A–059.
Item location: A1v
Commentary on Aesopus moralisatus.
Incipit: ‘Graecia disciplinarum mater et artium . . .’
See A–056.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell], 29 Sept. 1492. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Campbell assigns to [Deventer: Jacobus de Breda].
References: GW 410;HC *310;Goff A–135;BMC I 277;Pr 1312;BSB–Ink A–83; Campbell 42; CIBN A–80; ILC B7; Sheppard 989-90; Voulliéme, Köln, 21.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf.
Size: 186 × 121 × 4 mm.
Size of leaf: 182 × 118 mm.
Initials and corrections added in black ink.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.54.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 208 × 148 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 140 mm.
Two initials added in black ink. On F6v pen-trials. ‘Matheus’ on A1r.
Provenance: Wolfgang Hinterkircher (fl. 1544); name on F6v. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1849), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.80.


Entry number: A-062
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento et glossa interlineari.


Place of imprint: Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 30 July 1494. Format: 4°.
[a–f6 g4].
References: GW 412;HC 312;Goff A–137;BMC IX 68;Pr 9071;Campbell 43; CIBN A–81; HPT II 413; ILC 30; Oates 3556.

Imperfections: Sheet c3.4 only (Hervieux II 328-9, xxiv–xxviii).
Bound after e2 of Alanus de Insulis, Doctrinale altum. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 30 Sept. 1494 (A–077).
Binding: Nineteenth-century English (London) gold-tooled green morocco, by Robert Fairbairn.
Size: 206 × 137 × 7 mm.
On the endleaf, nineteenth-century pencil note on Breda’s editions, signed ‘A.’
Provenance: Thorpe sale (1827), part 2, lot 3217. On endleaf: ‘2£ 12s 6d from Thorpe’s Catal. 1827′. David Stuart Ker (1816-1878); anonymous sale (1847), lot 81. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1847), 18.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.26.


Entry number: A-063
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento et glossa interlineari.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus (metrical version of ‘Fables’).
See A–056.
Item location: a2r
Commentary on Aesopus moralisatus.
Incipit: ‘Graecia disciplinarum mater et artium . . .’
See A–056.

Place of imprint: Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 16 Feb. ‘1495′ [i.e. 1496]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated from the Bodleian copy; ILC and GW date to [1496].
a–e6 f8.
References: GW 413;HC 313 = 314;Goff A–138;BMC IX 70;Pr 9076 = 9081;Campbell (III) 45 = 48; HPT II 413; ILC 31; Sheppard 6980.

In this copy the date in the colophon is printed: ‘ . . . M.cccc.xcv.xvi. men &pipe; &longs;is Feb:uarij.’
Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter morocco.
Size: 197 × 142 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 193 × 135 mm.
On endleaf notes in the hand of Francis Douce about the text and the commentary.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 58.


Entry number: A-064
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus cum commento et glosa interlineari.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus (metrical version of ‘Fables’).
See A–056.Hervieux II 316-50 (under the name of Gualterus Anglicus). They appear in the following order (Hervieux numbers): prologue, i-iv, vi, v, vii-xxi, xxi(a), xxii-xxix, xxxi, xxx, xxxii-lx.
Item location: a2r
Commentary on Aesopus moralisatus.
Incipit: ‘Graecia disciplinarum mater et artium . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–056.

Place of imprint: [Augsburg: Johann Schönsperger], 1497. Format: 4°.
a–c6 d4 e–g6.
Woodcut on a1r: see Schreiber V 3043.
References: GW 414;HC *316 = 317;Goff A–139;BMC II 371;Pr 1791;BSB–Ink A–85; Sack, Freiburg, 31; Schreiber V 3043; Sheppard 1300.

Binding: Modern blue pasteboards.
Size: 186 × 142 × 5 mm.
Size of leaf: 182 × 137 mm.
Table of contents (on a1v) and copious marginal annotations added in an unidentified hand, probably dating from the sixteenth century.
Provenance:Supplement to Thomas Thorpe’s Catalogue of Interesting Valuable and Rare Books of MDCCCXLII, no. 8410. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1842), 1.‘10 2 6d Gilt edges.’
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.53.


Entry number: A-065
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus.

Item location: a2r
Item location: a2v
Item author: Zuccus, Accius
Item text: Proemio.’
‘Esopo Zuccarino’, ed. Murray P. Brush, in Studies in Honor of A. Marshall Elliott, I (Baltimore, Md. [1911]), 375-450 (= ‘Esopo Zuccarino’), at 379.
Item location: a3v
Item location: a4r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus [Latin].
Edited by Accius Zuccus.
Hervieux II 316-51, prologue, i–lxii, 379-81, ix–x. In this edition, the prologue is numbered fable (i).
Note on authorship: See also A–056.For the authorship: see Aesopus (ed. Draheim), 1-5, and Grubmüller, Esopus, 78. This collection is named after the edition of Isaac Nevelet of 1610.
Item location: a4r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus [Italian], with additions.
Translated and edited by Accius Zuccus.
‘Esopo Zuccarino’, 375-445.
Item location: m8v
‘Esopo Zuccarino’, 446.
Item location: n1r
‘Canzon morale.’
‘Esopo Zuccarino’, 447-50.
Item location: n3v
Item author: Zuccus, Accius
Item text: Aue Maria fatta’ [Latin and Italian].
‘Ave regina uirgo gloriosa &pipe; de gratia piena . . .’
Not in Brush’s edition.
Item location: n3v

Place of imprint: Brescia: Boninus de Boninis, de Ragusia, 7 Mar. 1487. Format: 4°.
a–m8 n4.
Type: The heading on a2v is printed throughout in roman rather than gothic capitals, unlike GW.Woodcuts of Aesop and a traveller with a book on a2r, and a Roman altar, bearing the inscription: ‘Lepidissimi Aesopi fabulae’, on a3v, and 65 woodcuts illustrating ‘Aesopus moralisatus.’
References: GW 430;HC 348;Goff A–149;BMC VII 970;Pr 6972;Sander 53; Sheppard 5772.

Imperfections: Wanting a1.
Binding: Eighteenth-century mottled calf; spine gold-tooled with greek-key tool; yellow title label and green year label on the spine; Buntpapier pastedowns.
Size: 198 × 145 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 194 × 137 mm.
Occasional marginal notes and a pointing hand.
Decoration: Woodcuts coloured in yellow.
Provenance: Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735-1792); printed label of the sale (1789), part III lot 5026; in the annotated sale catalogue marked down to van den Berg, for Fl. 1.10, the equivalent of £0. 2. 6, according to the exchange rate used by Thomas Payne at the sale. Acquisition history: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 62.


Entry number: A-066
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus.

Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus [Latin and Italian], with additions.
Translated and edited by Accius Zuccus.

Place of imprint: [Venice: Manfredus de Bonellis, de Monteferrato, 15 Feb. 1491]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 433;Goff A–152;Essling 361; Sander 59; Sheppard 4423.

Imperfections: This copy consists of woodcuts, which have been cut out, and pasted down on separate leaves of paper, with the exception of one (here leaf 4), which has been mounted, and then rebound in incorrect sequence. Seventeen leaves, with ten cuts, are wanting: b6, c1–c8, f4, h8, i1, i2 and i5-i8. The whole of the text, with the exception of part of the ‘Proemium’, on the verso of leaf 1, and a small section of the ‘Sonetto morale’ of fable 27, on leaf 4, has either been obscured when the leaves were pasted down or is missing. A note by David Rogers is attached to the endleaf, giving the correct order of the woodcuts, the correct foliation for the woodcuts as they appear in the Douce copy, and a list of the woodcuts wanting.
Binding: Eighteenth-century English calf, the spine gold-tooled; at the foot of the spine the crest of Chauncy.
Size: 157 × 120 × 15 mm.
On the verso of the first leaf, ink drawings of human figures.
Provenance: Dr Charles Chauncy (1709-1777), armorial book-plate: Howe, Book Plates, 5654; crest on the spine: see Fairbairn 105 and plate 997, crest 13: probably sale (1790), lot 3104: ‘Esopus, wooden cuts. Venet. 1479.’ Francis Douce (1757-1834); according to annotated sale catalogue bought at Chauncy’s sale for £0. 10. 6. Bibliographical note signed ‘G. H[ibbert]. Portland Place, 20 Nov. 1827′ attached to the endleaf; not in sale (1829). The content of the note suggests that Hibbert was writing to Douce about his own copies, and that this was not one of them. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce A 52*.


Entry number: A-067
Uniform title: Aesopus moralisatus.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a1v
Item author: Zuccus, Accius
Item text: Prohemio.’
‘Esopo Zuccarino’, 379.
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus [Latin].
Edited by Accius Zuccus.
Hervieux II 316-51, prologue, i–lxii, 379-81, ix–x. In this edition, the prologue is numbered fable (i). See also A–056.
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: Aesopus moralisatus [Italian], with additions.
Translated and edited by Accius Zuccus.
‘Esopo Zuccarino’, 375-445.
Item location: i5v
‘Esopo Zuccarino’, 446.
Item location: i6r
‘Canzon morale.’
‘Esopo Zuccarino’, 447-9; lines 104-31 not printed.
Item location: i7v

Place of imprint: Venice: Manfredus de Bonellis, de Monteferrato, 27 June 1497. Format: 4°.
a–i8.Bibliographical notes: Leaf i3 is signed iii, and i4 iiii.
65 woodcuts, also woodcut of Aesop and his disciples on a1r, entitled ‘Esopo historiado.’
References: GW 437;HC 351;Goff A–154;BMC V 505;Pr 5368;Essling 363; Sander 69; Sheppard 4432.

Binding: Half parchment.
Size: 206 × 156 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 145 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £2. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1851), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.74.


Entry number: A-068
Uniform title: Vita et Aesopus moralisatus.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Del Tuppo, Francesco
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] addressed to Onorato Gaetani dell’Aquila, Count of Fondi, Traetto, Alife, and Morcone.
Incipit: ‘Elli sono in lo seculo illustrati multi chiari . . .’
Item location: [a3r]
‘Prohemium’ [Latin].
[Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.]
Lockwood, ‘Rinucius’, 71 (in other editions it is entitled ‘Argumentum’). The first sentence is not part of the ‘Argumentum’.
Item location: [a3r]
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
[Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.]
Aesopus (ed. Österley), 6-38. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32 discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemma of this recension and the transmission of the text: see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32.
Item location: [a3v]
Vita Aesopi [Italian].
[Translated by Francesco del Tuppo.]
Aesopus, vita et fabulae, latine et italice per Franc. De Tuppo M.CCCC.LXXXV, a cura di Carlo di Frede (Naples, 1968); see also Alfredo Mauro, Francesco del Tuppo e il suo ‘Esopo’, Biblioteca di cultura letteraria, 5 (Città di Castello, 1926) and Francesco del Tuppo, ‘La vita d’Esopo’, Masuccio Salernitano, Il novellino, ed. Giorgio Petrocchi (Florence, 1957), 461-530.
Item location: [g1r]
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item text: Prothesis comparativa.’
Item title: [Also known as Aesopus moralisatus] [Latin].
Hervieux II 316-51, under the name of Gualterus Anglicus (in this edition, the prologue is numbered fable (i)) prologue, i-lxii, 379-81, ix-x; see also A–056.
Item location: [g1r]
Item author: [Anonymus Neveleti]
Item title: [Aesopus moralisatus, with additions [Italian]].
[Translated by Francesco del Tuppo.]
Aesopus (ed. Frede); see also The Isopo Laurenziano, ed. Murray P. Brush (Baltimore, Md., 1898), 34-9, for a discussion of Francesco’s translations from Anonymus Neveleti and the additions made; a concordance of the Anonymus and the Italian translations on 37-9.
Item location: [y66]
Incipit: ‘Lectore per la merce de dio e venuta la fine del trabaglio . . .’
Item location: [y6r]
Item location: [y7r]

Place of imprint: Naples: [Cristannus Preller, Johannes Tresser and Martinus de Amsterdam,PUBLISHER for] Francesco del Tuppo, 13 Feb. 1485. Format: Folio.
[a–d8 ef6 g–t8 u x6 y8].
88 woodcuts; see Lamberto Donati, ‘Discorso sulle illustrazoni dell’Esopo di Napoli (1485) e sulla “Passio” zilografica’, Bibliofilia, 50 (1948), 53-107.
References: GW 441;HCR 353;Goff A–155;BMC VI 870;Pr 6724;BSB–Ink A–78; CIBN A–85; Douce Legacy 92-3, no. 142; Fava–Bresciano 63; Sander 52; Sheppard 5464.

Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century mottled calf, with floral pastedowns and gold-tooled spine.
Size: 290 × 205 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 282 × 192 mm.
Bibliographical notes, by Francis Douce, on the endleaf.
Decoration: Three- and four-line epigraphic initials supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: Venice, S. Nicolo da Tolentino, Theatines; circular stamp on [a2r]. Maffeo Pinelli (1735-1785); see Morelli (1787), V no. 3885; sale (1789), lot 4885. Bought for £12. 0. 0. by Francis Douce (1757-1834); see Douce’s annotated copy of the catalogue; armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 225.


Entry number: A-069
Uniform title: Vita Aesopi.

Item location: A1v
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: A2r
Item author: Del Tuppo, Francesco
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] addressed to Onorato Gaetani dell’Aquila, Count of Fondi, Traetto, Alife, and Morcone.
Incipit: ‘Elli sono in lo seculo illustrati multi chiari . . .’
Item location: A3r
‘Proemio’ [Latin].
[Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.]
See A–068.
Item location: A3r
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
[Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.]
See A–068.Aesopus (ed. Österley), 6-38. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32 discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemma of this recension and the transmission of the text: see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32.
Item location: A3v
Vita Aesopi [Italian].
[Translated by Francesco del Tuppo.]
See A–068.Aesopus (ed. Frede); see also Mauro (Tuppo) and Tuppo (ed. Petrocchi), 461-530.

Place of imprint: Venice: Manfredus de Bonellis, de Monteferrato, 27 Mar. 1492. Format: 4°.
A–D8 E10.
Woodcut on A1v of Aesop and his disciples, and 23 woodcuts illustrating the ‘Life’.
References: GW 445;HR 354;Goff A–110;Pr 5360;Essling 611; Sander 61; Sheppard 4422.

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century half calf; gold-tooled spine.
Size: 202 × 143 × 4 mm.
Size of leaf: 198 × 134 mm.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 59.


Entry number: A-070
Uniform title: Vita Aesopi.

Item location: A1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: A2r
Item author: Del Tuppo, Francesco
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] addressed to Onorato Gaetani dell’Aquila, Count of Fondi, Traetto, Alife, and Morcone.
Incipit: ‘Elli sono in lo seculo illustrati multi chiari . . .’
Item location: A3r
‘Proemio’ [Latin].
[Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.]
See A–068.
Item location: A3r
Vita Aesopi [Latin].
[Translated by Rinucius Aretinus.]
See A–068.Aesopus (ed. Österley), 6-38. Perry, Aesopica, 1-32 discusses the textual tradition of the ‘Life’. For stemma of this recension and the transmission of the text: see Perry, Aesopica, 28-32.
Item location: A3v
Vita Aesopi [Italian].
[Translated by Francesco del Tuppo.]
See A–068.Aesopus (ed. Frede); see also Mauro (Tuppo) and Tuppo (ed. Petrocchi), 461-530.

Place of imprint: Venice: Manfredus de Bonellis, de Monteferrato, 8 Nov. 1493. Format: 4°.
A–D8 E10.
Woodcut on A1r showing Aesop and his disciples, and 23 woodcuts illustrating the ‘Life’.
References: GW 446;C 350; R 800;Goff A–111;BMC V 504;Pr 5362;Essling 612; IGI VI 115-B; Sander 64; Sheppard 4425.

Binding: Early nineteenth-century brown morocco.
Size: 205 × 149 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 139 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Thomas Thorpe (1791-1851) sale (1834), part 5, lot 12. Purchased for £3. 13. 6; see Books Purchased (1834), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.45.


Entry number: A-071
Uniform title: Rappresentazione di Sant’Agata.

Item location: a2r
Rappresentazione di Sant’Agata.
Item text: La festa di sancta Agata quando gli fu moze le poppe.’
‘La virginita sancta e un bel fiore.’
Sacre rappresentazioni dei secoli XV e XVI. Ristampa anastatica con prefazione, ed. Paolo Toschi (Florence, 1969) reproduces the text from GW 451; see Colomb de Batines, 21. Carmelina Naselli, ‘La sacra rappresentazione fiorentina di Sant’Agata’, Bollettino storico catanese, 3 (1938), 33-59.

Place of imprint: [Florence: Bartolommeo de Libri, c.1490]. Format: 4°.
For the woodcuts on a1r-v see Kristeller 7a.On a1r a woodcut depicting the martyrdom of S. Agatha, surrounded by four-piece woodcut border with monastic scenes and Mount Golgatha. On a1v a woodcut (angel with palmleaf).
References: GW 450;R 1345;Pr 6249:Cioni, Rappresentazioni, 74 (V,1); Sander 6117; Sheppard 5149; Testaverde and Evangelista no. 284.

Bound with:
2. Bernardo Pulci, La rappresentazione di Barlaam e Josafat. [Florence: Antonio di Bartolommeo Miscomini, c.1500] (P–539);
3. Rappresentazione di Santa Cristina. [Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri, c.1495] (C–190);
4. Rappresentazione divota di Stella. [Florence:, c.1500] (R–014(1));
5. Rappresentazione della Regina Ester. [Florence: Antonio di Bartolommeo Miscomini?, c.1495] (E–033);
6. Rappresentazione di come San Francesco convertí i tre ladroni. [Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri, c.1490] (F–098);
7. Lorenzo de’ Medici, Rappresentazione di San Giovanni e Paolo. [Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri, c.1495] (M–168);
8. Rappresentazione di San Giorgio. [Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri, c.1495] (G–074);
9. Rappresentazione di San Lorenzo. [Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri, 1485-90] (L–049);
10. La rappresentazione del vitello sagginato. [Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri, c.1490] (R–015(1));
11. Stanze della festa di Ottaviano Imperatore. [Florence: Antonio di Bartolommeo Miscomini?, c.1495-1500] (R–011(1));
12. Rappresentazione di Salomone. [Florence: n. pr., c.1500] (R–012).
All items apart from no. 7 contain the woodcut depicting an angel with a palm tree and therefore may be products of the same press.
Binding: Seventeenth-century(?) Italian(?) parchment.
Size: 220 × 162 × 21 mm.
Size of leaf: 208 × 147 mm.
Eighteenth-century manuscript table of contents on front endleaf, some notes cancelled.
Provenance: Old number 1055. Rosa Alba Zannoni (eighteenth/nineteenth century; before 1834); eighteenth/nineteenth-century inscription in pencil in the upper margin of a6r of item 2: ‘S[o]r Rosa Alba Zannoni’, and in the lower margin: ‘Sorrosa Alba’. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce F 268(1).BW


Entry number: (A-071A)
Agricola, Rodolphus
Uniform title: Anna mater, et al.

Place of imprint: [Louvain:PRNTER Thierry Martens,YND c.1501].FRMAT 4°.Bibliographical notes: As assigned and dated by CIBN; STC Germany assigns to [Vienna: n. pr.] and dates [c.1510]; GW assigns to [Strasbourg? Basel?] and dates [not before 1485].
a b4.
Types: 101/2 R; 80 R.8 leaves.37 lines (a2r).Type area: 150 ×87 mm (a2r).Bibliographical notes: Polain records the type as simply 84 R, CIBN as 104 R and 82 R, with reference to W. Nijhoff, L’art typographique dans les Pays-Bas les années 1500 à 1540, II (The Hague, 1926), Anvers, Martens, pl. II, 9; before 1500 Martens seems only to have used gothic and a greek types (HPT II 386-7), but in 1501 he began to use a roman type. Identification of Bodleian copy as suggested by David Rogers.
References: GW 483 = I col. 221;BM STC (Germany), p. 10;Pr 5720;CIBN I p. 22; Pellechet 238; Polain 4113; not in Sheppard.

Bound with P–094; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 211 × 153 mm.
Leaf b1v, l. 2: ‘Mauricio comiti . . .’, not as GW and Pellechet (`Mauricio Comiti . . .’).
Two early scribbles on b4v in black ink; also, on the same leaf, ‘H No 385′(?) in black ink in an eighteenth-century hand.
Bodleian shelfmark: G. Pamph. 1835(6).AEC


Entry number: A-072
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Distinctiones dictionum theologicalium.

Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: [Letter of dedication]
[dedicatee] addressed to Ermengaud, Abbot of Saint-Gilles in the diocese of Nîmes.
PL CCX 685-8. For the dedication see Marie-Thérèse d’Alverny, Alain de Lille, Textes inédits, Études de philosophie médiévale, 52 (Paris, 1965), 13-14.
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Distinctiones dictionum theologicalium, [Prologue].
PL CCX 687-8. Extensive analysis of the preface in Gillian R. Evans, ‘Alan of Lille’s “Distinctiones” and the Problem of Theological Language’, Sacris Erudiri, 24 (1980), 67-86.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Distinctiones dictionum theologicalium.
PL CCX 687-1012; see G. Raynaud de Lage, Alain de Lille, poète du XIIe siècle, Université de Montréal, Publications de l’Institut d’Études Médiévales, 12 (Montreal and Paris, 1951), 31-2 and d’Alverny, Alain de Lille, 71-3. Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 2 (1950), 28 no. 950. A. Wilmart, ‘Notes sur les plus anciens recueils de Distinctions bibliques’, in Mémorial Lagrange (Paris, 1940), 335-46, at 339.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: C. W., c.1474]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Polain dates [c.1473-4]. The printer has been identified tentatively as Clas Wencker or Conrad Wolfach.
[a–c10 d8 e6+1 f g10 h i8 k6 l8].
References: GW 488;HC *391;Goff A–169;BMC I 82;Pr 343;BSB–Ink A–92; CIBN A–92; Oates 141; Polain 50; Sheppard 278.

Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) pasteboards.
Size: 405 × 283 × 28 mm.
Size of leaf: 400 × 262 mm.
Decoration: Initials, some with pen flourishes in light brown ink, and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Price; ‘Nov. 1816 [Price’s] Sale by Sotheby’; note by Heber on endleaf. Richard Heber (1773-1833); not found in his sale catalogues.Acquired Acquired between 1835 and 1847; Catalogus (1843), Appendix, 13.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 1.18.BW


Entry number: A-073
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.

Item location: A1r
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.
‘A Phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente.’
PL CCX 581-94. Walther, Initia, 71. On the authorship see d’Alverny, Alain de Lille, 51-2; see also VL I 97-102 and Henkel, Schultexte, 215-17. Alanus de Insulis died as a monk in Cîteaux in 1203 and is not identical with Alanus, Bishop of Auxerre between 1152 and 1167 who died at Clairvaux in 1185; see Raynaud de Lage, Alain de Lille, 41-2.

Place of imprint: [Paris: Pierre Levet, c.1485/6]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by Sheppard; GW dates [c.1485-90].
A B6.
Types: 101 B, here measuring 98 mm. The type had been cut down to c.97 mm by Feb. 1486/7: see Claudin I 416, and BMC VIII 97; it is, therefore, likely that the book was printed before Feb. 1486/7.
References: GW 489;Goff A–170;Pr 8082;Sheppard 6273.

Bound with:
1. Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. [Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, c.1495] (C–450(2));
2. Bonaventura, Sermones quattuor novissimorum. [Paris]: Philippe Pigouchet, for himself and Antoine Caillaut, [c.1489-90] (B–449);
3. Speculum aureum animae peccatricis. [Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, c.1490] (S–257);
4. Matthaeus de Cracovia, De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae. [Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, c.1492] (M–155).
Binding: Contemporary (Flemish ?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, rebacked; clasp lost. On both covers double fillets form an intersecting double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by double fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. At all points of intersection a small rosette; see Goldschmidt no. 25 for a similar binding.
Size: 215 × 148 × 38 mm.
Size of leaf: 206 × 136 mm.
Raised parchment pastedowns from a thirteenth/fourteenth-century manuscript breviary and another, slightly later manuscript containing part of Aristoteles, De generatione et corruptione I, 5; see De generatione et corruptione: Translatio vetus, ed. Joanna Judycka, AL IX/1 (Leiden, 1986).
Contemporary table of contents, quotations from the Bible and a short prayer on front endleaf. On a1r of item 1, early scribbles. A few early interlinear glosses and marginal notes in the text. On rear endleaf, contemporary note containing a remedy against fevers.
Decoration: Initial ‘A’ is supplied in red and blue.
Provenance: Franciscus de Ponte (sixteenth century); a cancelled inscription on a1r of item 1. Ghent, Jesuits, ‘domus tertiae probationis’; inscription in a seventeenth-century hand on a1r. Jean-Françla;ois Van de Velde (1743-1823); inscription on the endleaf; sale, lot 4009. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 96(5).BW


Entry number: A-074
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.

Item location: [*1v]
Incipit: ‘Iste Liber duobus modis solet nominari. Primo secundum quosdam appellatur Doctrinale altum . . .’
Prologue to the commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’ as published first in Lyons: Jean Du Pré, 31 Dec. 1488 (GW 2780).
Item location: [iiv]
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.
‘A Phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente.’
See A–073.PL CCX 581-94.
Item location: [iiv]
[Commentary on Alanus de Insulis, Doctrinale altum.]
Incipit: ‘Hic autor prosequitur suum intentum et primo ponit parabolam . . .’
Commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. On the ‘Auctores octo’ see Henkel, Schultexte, 9-10.

Place of imprint: Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, [14]92. Format: 4°.
[*6] a2 b c6 D2 d6. As in BMC the first gathering is not signed, but leaf [*3] is numbered.
References: GW 496;HC 379;BMC IX 68;Pr 9059;Campbell 55; HPT II 413; Oates 3549; Sheppard 6972.

Imperfections: Wanting gatherings a and D.
Binding: Half parchment over pasteboards.
Size: 212 × 151 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 204 × 143 mm.
Occasional early manuscript annotations.
Decoration: Initial are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Berne, diocese of Utrecht, Premonstratensian abbey, BVM et S. Johannes Baptista; see sale (1887), lot 46.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.77.BW


Entry number: A-075
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.

Item location: AA1v
Incipit: ‘Iste Liber duobus modis solet nominari. Primo secundum quosdam appellatur Doctrinale altum . . .’
Prologue to the commentary of the edition of ‘Auctores octo’: see A–074.
Item location: AA2v
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.
‘A Phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente.’
See A–073.
Item location: AA2v
[Commentary on Alanus de Insulis, Doctrinale altum.]
Incipit: ‘Hic autor prosequitur suum intentum et primo ponit parabolam dicens quod sicut luna sumit lumen a sole, sic insipiens debet sumere sensum siue sapientiam et bonam doctrinam a sapiente uiro . . .’
Commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.

Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, [1492]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Sheppard dates [1489/90].
AA–DD6. DD2 erroneously signed CCii.
‘Accipies’ woodcut on the title-page: see Schreiber–Heitz no. 18; Schramm vol. 8, no. 484.
References: GW 495;R 370;BMC I 281;Pr 1409;Sheppard 995; Voulliéme, Köln, 27.

Bound with:
2. De vita et origine Pilati. [Cologne: Cornelis de Zierikzee, c.1500] (P–296);
3. Lucius Annaeus Seneca [pseudo-] (Martin de Braga), De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus. London: Wynkyn de Worde, 1523 (STC 17499);
4. Lucius Annaeus Seneca [pseudo-], Proverbia. [Paris: Pierre Le Dru], for Denis Roce, [c.1498] (S–159);
5. Erasmus, Dialogus . . . quomodo Julius II. P. M. post mortem coeli fores pulsando . . .. [Louvain, T. Martens, 1518];
6. Arthur Standish, The Common’s Complaint. London: William Stansby, 1611 (STC 23200.5);
7. Thomas Warmestry, Pax vobis. London: George Thompson, 1641 (Wing W886);
8. A Proclamation Concerning a Cessation of Armes. Dublin: William Bladen, 1643 (Wing C2559);
9. Giuseppe Francesco Mostarda, Festosi applausi fatti . . . alla serenissima Christina Regina di Suetia. [Rome: n. pr., 1656?];
10. The answer of the . . . the University of Oxford, to . . . the City of Oxon. Oxford: H. Hall, 1649 (Wing L363);
11. Philip Sidney, Peplus. Oxford: Joseph Barnes, 1587 (STC 22552);
12. Horatius Pallavicinus, Album, seu nigrum amicorum. London: Thomas Creed for Andrew Wise, 1600 (STC 19154);
13. Edmund Gayton, Wil. Bagnal’s ghost. London: W. Wilson for Thomas Johnson, 1655 (Wing G422).
Binding: English seventeenth-century calf over pasteboard; on both covers triple fillets form a border, and separate a narrow and a wide rectangle.
Size: 174 × 136 × 39 mm.
Size of leaf: 170 × 120 mm.
A few contemporary annotations, all in one hand. Shelfmark on fore-edge. Seventeenth-century note indicating place of imprint on the title. On DD6v an inscription in a sixteenth-century hand: ‘Ve tibi, qui rapida librum hunc furabere palma, &pipe; Nam videt altisonans omnia gesta Deus. &pipe; Si quis erit qui me manibus furetur aduncis, &pipe; Reddat, ne stygyos possit adire lacus. &pipe; Furaces quicumque manus ad furta paratis &pipe; huiusce memores vos decet esse loci. TloV’, with drawing of gallows. The anathema is not quoted in E. C. W. Wattenbach, Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, 3rd edn (Leipzig, 1896), nor in Walther, Initia.
Provenance: The items were bound together before 1674. Robert Burton (1577-1640)(?); name on a1r of item 5 and A1r of item 12; see Kiessling, Robert Burton, nos 908 and 1191. Acquisition history: Acquired by 1674; see Hyde, Catalogus (1674), I 13.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° A 9(1) Art. BS.BW


Entry number: A-076
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.

Item location: AA1v
Incipit: ‘Iste Liber duobus modis solet nominari. Primo secundum quosdam appellatur Doctrinale altum . . .’
Prologue to the commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.
Item location: AA1v
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.
‘A Phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente.’
See A–073.
Item location: AA1v
[Commentary on Alanus de Insulis, Doctrinale altum.]
Incipit: ‘Hic autor prosequitur suum intentum et primo ponit parabolam . . .’
Commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. On the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.

Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, [c.1493]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 497;H *378;Goff A–173;Pr 1388 A;BSB–Ink A–95; Sheppard 996; Voulliéme, Köln, 28.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half roan over pasteboard.
Size: 212 × 142 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 203 × 135 mm.
Early manuscript notes on AA1r. On DD4v a nineteenth-century pencil annotation on the edition of 1540. On DD6v an early note: ‘Puluer[em] pedum exc[utite] mandat saluator luce 9 mathi 10 marci sexto Actuum decimo 3&quo;’ — a list of biblical occurrences of this phrase: Lc 9,5, Mt 10,14, Mc 6,11, and Act 13,51.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 113.BW


Entry number: A-077
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.

Item location: a1v
Incipit: ‘Iste Liber duobus modis solet nominari. Primo secundum quosdam appellatur Doctrinale altum . . .’
Prologue to the commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.
‘A Phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente.’
See A–073.
Item location: a2v
[Commentary on Alanus de Insulis, Doctrinale altum.]
Incipit: ‘Hic autor prosequitur suum intentum et primo ponit parabolam . . .’
Commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. On the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.

Place of imprint: Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 30 Sept. 1494. Format: 4°.
a–d6 e4.
References: GW 499;HC 380;BMC IX 69;Pr 9073;Campbell 56; HPT II 413; ILC 36; Sack, Freiburg, 38; Sheppard 6974-5.

First copy
After e2 is bound sheet c3.4 of Aesopus moralisatus. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 30 July 1494 (A–062).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf e4.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English (London) gold-tooled green morocco by Robert Fairbairn.
Size: 206 × 137 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 130 mm.
On endleaf a nineteenth-century pencil note on Breda’s editions, signed ‘A’.
Provenance: Thorpe sale (1827), part 2, lot 3217. On endleaf ‘2 £ 12 s 6 d from Thorpe’s Catal. 1827′. Anonymous sale of David Stuart Ker M.P. (1847), lot 81. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1847), 18.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.26.

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Disticha Catonis cum commento. [Paris: Pierre Levet, c.1497] (C–133);
3. Theodulus, Ecloga (comm. Odo Picardus). [Paris]: Pierre Levet, [c.1497] (T–082). Like Alanus’s Doctrinale, these two texts form part of the ‘Auctores octo’, and the commentaries printed in this copy are the same as in the ‘Auctores’ editions. The three books were printed separately, however, and are here bound in a different order from the standard ‘Auctores’ sequence.
Binding: Contemporary English(?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost; hinged from upper to lower cover; rebacked. On both covers triple fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by two triple fillets into four triangular compartments. In the compartments two different lozenge-shaped stamps: a double-headed eagle and a fleur-de-lis. In the frame two different lozenge-shaped stamps: a smaller fleur-de-lis and a stag.
Size: 215 × 145 × 33 mm.
Size of leaf: 205 × 138 mm.
Frequent drawings of pointing hands in brown ink in the margins and occasional manuscript annotations, probably in the same early hand.
Provenance: James Denton (†1533). John Denton (fifteenth/sixteenth century); on a1r of item 1, ‘Anno domini 1512. Ex dono Ja. Denton nepoti suo Johanni Denton.’ George Sellyard (sixteenth century?); on f6r of item 1: ‘Gorge sellyard ys the ouner of thyes bocke’. Purchased for £0. 7. 6; see Books Purchased (1859), 29.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.35(2).BW


Entry number: A-078
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.

Item location: a1v
Incipit: ‘Iste Liber duobus modis solet nominari. Primo secundum quosdam appellatur Doctrinale altum . . .’
Prologue to the commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.
‘A Phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente.’
See A–073.PL CCX 581-94.
Item location: a2v
Commentary on Alanus de Insulis, Doctrinale altum.
Incipit: ‘Hic autor prosequitur suum intentum et primo ponit parabolam . . .’
Commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. On the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.

Place of imprint: [Augsburg: Johann Froschauer, c.1498-1500]. Format: 4°.
a b6 c4 d e6.
‘Accipies’ woodcut: see Schreiber–Heitz no. 23.]
References: GW 504;H 376?;Pr 1849;BSB–Ink A–97; Sheppard 1372.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half blue morocco for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 187 × 136 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 182 × 127 mm.
On e6v 22 hexameters in a contemporary hand, incipit: ‘Stultus est semper miser et cecatus ocellis &pipe; Quem non cura trahit natorum quemque modesta . . .’
Provenance: Acquired in between 1861 and 1883, to judge from the shelfmark.
Bodleian shelfmark: I d.119.BW


Entry number: A-079
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.

Item location: A1v
Incipit: ‘Iste Liber duobus modis solet nominari. Primo secundum quosdam appellatur Doctrinale altum . . .’
Prologue to the commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.
Item location: A2v
Item author: Alanus [de Insulis]
Item title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum.
Item text: In prouerbiis metrice conscriptus cum sententiis exponibilibus.’
‘A Phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente.’
See A–073.PL CCX 581-94.
Item location: A2v
[Commentary on Alanus de Insulis, Doctrinale altum.]
Incipit: ‘Hic autor prosequitur suum intentum et primo ponit parabolam . . .’
Commentary of the ‘Auctores octo’. On the ‘Auctores octo’. See A–074.

Place of imprint: Leipzig: Melchior Lotter, [14]99. Format: 4°.
A B6 C4 D6 E4 F6.
References: GW 505;H 388;Goff A–177;not in Pr;BSB–Ink A–98; Sheppard 2146.

Bound with:
1. Terentius, Comediae. Strasbourg: Johann Prüss, 1503;
2. Johannes de Garlandia, Composita verborum. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell 1501;
3. Sallustius, De coniuratione Catilinae. Constance: Johann Schäffeler, 1505;
4. Udalricus Ebrardi, Modus latinitatis. [Basel: Michael Furter] 1499 (E–003);
5. Johannes Heynlin, Resolutorium dubiorum circa celebrationem missarum occurrentium. [Strasbourg: Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger, c.1500] (H–076).
Binding: Eighteenth-century English red morocco, probably bound for Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester, between 1718 and 1728(?). On both covers triple fillets form a frame, within which is a roll of gold-tooled dentelle; six panels on the spine, five with a four-acorn tool, one with ‘Terentius Malleoli etc.’ On both covers the armorial stamp of Coke, impaling Tufton: see Cyril Davenport, English Heraldic Book Stamps (London, 1909), 122; with Coke’s motto ‘Prudens qui patiens.’
Size: 197 × 142 × 49 mm.
Size of leaf: 192 × 128 mm.
Early manuscript interlinear glosses and sixteenth/seventeenth-century marginal notes. Twenty leaves bound after gathering F of the last item in the volume: on the recto of the first leaf scribbles in Latin and German (the beginning of a letter). On the verso of the first leaf, a fifteenth-century manuscript copy of the first 12 lines from AH L 160-1: ‘Gloria laus et honor tibi sit rex Christe redemptor &pipe; cui puerile decus promsit osana pium’. &pipe; Israhel es tu rex Davidis et inclita proles &pipe; nomine qui in domini rex benedicte venis &pipe; C&ae;tus in excelsis te laudat celicus omnis &pipe; et mortalis homo cuncta creata simul &pipe; Plebs Hebrea tibi cum psalmis obvia venit &pipe; cum prece voto hymnis assumus ecce tibi &pipe; Hi tibi passuro solvebant munia laudit &pipe; Nos tibi regnanti pangimus ecce melos &pipe; Hi placuere tibi placeat devotio nostra &pipe; Rex pie rex clemens cui bona cuncta placent. Fols 2-19 contain a text written in a fifteenth-century hand, on the four causae of a science beginning on the recto of the second leaf, incipit: Circa initium cuiuslibet scientie sunt aliqua notanda que continentur in sequentibus versibus. Vnde si bene vis scire librum prius ista requiret: utilitas titulus intentio parsque sophie quatuor et ca[u]sas totam rem perficies. Quarum igitur ‘a’ primum notandum est quod utilitas est duplex scilicet extrincica et intrincica . . .’ explicit: ‘ubi ista particula predicare debent intelligi de predicatione indirecta.’ Early notes on the verso of leaf 19. Latin notes on ‘prepositions’ [i.e. prefixes] on the verso of leaf 20: ‘Ad illa prepositio que componitur cum dictione &pipe; Ex illa prepositio que componitur cum dictione incipiente ab ‘f’ semper . . .’ Between items 1 and 2 a manuscript index to item 2, probably written in the same hand as the text on the causes of science. The notes indicate that the six items were probably bound together at an early stage
Decoration: Initials are supplied in brown ink.
Provenance: Thomas William Coke, 1st Earl of Leicester (1752-1842). Acquisition history: Purchased in 1953.
Bodleian shelfmark: Holk. e.5(6).BW


Entry number: A-080
Alanus de Insulis
Uniform title: Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum. [Latin and French].

Item location: a2r
[Verse prologue by the translator.]
‘Ainsi que Dieu paraboliquement &pipe; Maint preschement &pipe; Fist de haulte substance &pipe; Pour explaner figuratiuement.’
See the description of another copy of this edition in the Boston Public Library: Margaret Munsterberg, ‘The Parables of Alain de Lille’, Boston Public Library Quarterly, 7 (1955), 34-42. For the translation: see Raynaud de Lage, Alain de Lille, 16 n. 1 (anonymous translation) and Tony Hunt, ‘0.6 mm“Les paraboles de Maistre Alain”0.6 mm’, Forum for Modern Languages Studies, 21 (1985), 362-75, on the incunable translation 368-72. The fragment of an Anglo-Norman translation of Lambeth MS 371 (thirteenth century) was published by Tony Hunt, ‘Une traduction partielle des “Parabolae” d’Alain de Lille’, Moyen ge, 87 (1981), 45-56. A second French translation (Paris, BnF, MS. f. fr. 12478; fifteenth century) was edited by Tony Hunt, Les paraboles, 366-8.
Item location: a3r
‘Le prologue du commentateur.’
Incipit: ‘Ce liure selon la coustume des clercs peut estre appelle en deux manieres. L’une Doctrinal par la bonne doctrine qui y est contenue ainsi que en toutes sciences . . .’
Translation of the prologue to the Latin ‘Auctores octo’ commentary. For ‘La légende d’Alain’ recorded in the prologue and the epitaph quoted, see Raynaud de Lage, Alain de Lille, 38-41 and d’Alverny, Alain de Lille, 24.
Item location: A5r
Item author: Alanus de Insulis
Item title: [Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum, Latin and French, with French prose commentary.]
Incipit: ‘Ainsi doncques par les dessus dits vers est monstré qu’il n’est si scient en tout le monde qui ne soit subiect à la mort . . .’
‘Du soleil prent sa lumiere la lune &pipe; et sa clarté. Pareillement du sage &pipe; l’insipient prent science aucune &pipe; dont clarté puisse auoir en tout aage.’
Each section consists of two woodcut illustrations, a French prose commentary and then the Latin verse in a smaller type in the left column, and a French verse translation in the standard type in the right column. The French commentary is probably based on the Latin ‘Auctores octo’ commentary; without explanation, Munsterberg 39 specifies as the source the Latin edition published in Cologne in 1490, which has the standard ‘Auctores octo’ text.

Place of imprint: Paris: Antoine Vérard, 20 Mar. 1492/3. Format: 4°.
a10 b6 c d8 e6 f8 g6 g8 i6 k l8 m–o6.
On a2r a woodcut depicting the translator dedicating his work to a king [Charles VIII] of France (Macfarlane 23; 10). Vérard used the woodcut first in Aristotle, Ethiques, 8 Sept. 1488 (Macfarlane 8) and in four other editions before the present one. 251 woodcuts, normally in pairs, at the beginning of each section; most of these cuts had already been used in the Cent nouvelles nouvelles of 1486 (Pellechet 3473): see Hunt, Les paraboles, 369.
References: GW 509;HC 385;Goff A–179;BMC VIII 78;Pr 8424;CIBN A–96; Fairfax Murray, French Books, 596; Macfarlane 23; Sheppard 6251-2.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the title-page (a1) and the blank leaf o6.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English gold-tooled parchment by J. Ingram.
Size: 242 × 180 × 21 mm.
Size of leaf: 236 × 170 mm.
On o5r scribbles, on o5v two notes in French: beginnings of letters and two calculations.
Decoration: Underlining in red crayon, mainly in the Latin text.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 144.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the title-leaf (a1), which has been replaced with a cutting bearing the printed title; this was probably taken from another copy. Wanting leaves a10 and o6.
Binding: Eighteenth-century red morocco; on both covers gilt triple fillets form a border; floral stamps in the compartments of the spine; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 261 × 192 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 255 × 183 mm.
On a1r and a1v scribbles by various hands.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 153.BW


Entry number: A-081
Uniform title: Legenda S. Albani Hungarici martyris.

Item location: [a1r]
[Historia Albani metrice.]
‘Martiris albani venerabilis ecce legenda &pipe; Vtilis erranti quia fertilis est relegenda. &pipe; Historia eiusdem metrice: &pipe; [Q]vem mater genuit fuit hec sibi soror et vxor, &pipe; Est nurus illa patri est ille patri suo gener. &pipe; Hunc pater adoptat quem repperit institor ita. &pipe; Pergens hic siluas strauit vtrumque parentem &pipe; Immemor ardoris mater quem morte redemit &pipe; Et nece prostratum pandit in alueo lepra. &pipe; Hunc dedit Albanum Vngarie regia sedes. &pipe; Nunc celo tectum feliciori fine.’
Karin Morvay, Die Albanuslegende. Deutsche Fassungen und ihre Beziehungen zur lateinischen Überlieferung, Medium Aevum, Philologische Studien, 32 (Munich, 1977), 68. This verse recension, referred to as VF IV by Morvay, is transmitted only in the present incunable edition.
Item location: [a1r]
Item author: [Transmundus?]
Item text: Historia eiusdem prosaice.’
Incipit: ‘Erat enim in partibus aquilonis homo quidam potens et nobilis qui et gratia preeminebat suorum natalium splendore et deliciis affluebat ex abundancia facultatum . . .’expl.: ut per exemplum Albani serui tui mereamur et nos cum eo a nostris facinoribus ablui et super niuem dealbari; Amen. Et sic est finita historia sancti Albani martiris.
Prose version A: see Morvay 12-39, with a description of the incunable on 19-20 and an edition of the text on 24-35.
Note on authorship: In Paris, Arsenal, MS. 1157 (olim Hist. 99), the legend is no. 176 of a collection of the ‘epistole fratris Transmundi sacrosancte Romane ecclesie protonotarii’: see Reinhold Köhler, ‘Zur Legende vom h. Albanus’, Germania, 14 (1869), 300-4. Kraus provides a list of manuscripts with the ascription to Transmundus and argues that the use of cursus renders it plausible that Transmundus composed the legend as a model of rhetoric; he suggests the years 1185-6 as a likely date of origin: see Deutsche Gedichte des zwölften Jahrhunderts, ed. Carl Kraus (Halle, 1894), 200-8. This opinion is disputed by S. Heathcote, ‘The Letter Collections Attributed to Master Transmundus’, Analecta Cisterciensia, 21 (1965), 35-109 and 167-238, who argues that the Vita Albani is an addition transmitted in a later (mid thirteenth-century recension) of Transmundus’s Epistole.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Historia S. Albani’ (Johann Guldenschaff or Conrad Winters, de Homborch?), c.1473]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 515;C 143;Goff A–186;BMC I 214;Pr 1004;CIBN L–90; Oates 504; Sheppard 769; Voulliéme, Köln, 735.

Bound with:
1. Augustinus, De agone christiano. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470] (A–512(1));
2. Visio Tnugdali. [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Historia S. Albani’ (Johann Guldenschaff or Conrad Winters, de Homborch?), c.1473] (V–145);
3. Lucius Annaeus Seneca, De remediis fortuitorum. [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Historia S. Albani’ (Johann Guldenschaff or Conrad Winters, de Homborch?), 1470] (S–140);
4. Lucius Annaeus Seneca [pseudo-] (Martin de Braga), De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus. [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Historia S. Albani’ (Johann Guldenschaff or Conrad Winters, de Homborch?), c.1472] (S–161);
5. Petrus Blesensis, De amicitia christiana. [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Historia S. Albani’ (Johann Guldenschaff or Conrad Winters, de Homborch?), c.1474] (P–182);
6. Antoninus Florentinus, Confessionale. [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Historia S. Albani’ (Johann Guldenschaff or Conrad Winters, de Homborch?), c.1472] (A–317);
8. Hieronymus, Ordo, seu Regula vivendi Deo ad Eustochium. [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Historia S. Albani’ (Johann Guldenschaff or Conrad Winters, de Homborch?), c.1474] (H–099).
Binding: Nineteenth-century plain calf for the Bodleian Library; yellow-edged leaves, marbled pastedowns, and gold-tooled Bodleian stamp on both covers.
Size: 216 × 145 × 55 mm.
Size of leaf: 206 × 140 mm.
Imperfections: Fore- and upper edges severely damaged, possibly by a rodent: inscription dated 1542 damaged, whereas late sixteenth-century notes postdate the damage.
Early irregular foliation starting with 153 on the first page of item 1. Various notes, all by the same mid to late sixteenth-century English hand, at the end of item 3 and beginning of item 4, at the end of item 5 and in item 6 (leaf numbered 651 and 593):
1. ‘Bi the other members therfore saith seynt When willfull and unskilfull haue taken apon handes ar hyndred bi overmuche harboured ydlenes which cometh onelie of inordynate lust and desier of the flessche corrupte.
When phebus bright and clere from Taurus downe had sent his fyrye beames and golden leames . . .
When phebus bright and clere from Taurus downe had his golden leames . . . and fyrye
having all those en
And where men had that all shuld haue happened according to their owne desier then shuld thei haue
Yesterdaie in the mornyng when I beganne to examyne all causes in contraversie betwene the parties ye knowe well ynough then beganne
When phebus bright and clere from Taurus downe had ha h h had.’
2. ‘When phebus bright and clere from Taurus
The lief is long that lothsomlie doith last the dolefull daie drawe nigh vnto their da[ ] . . .
When phebus downe had sent yesterdaie at night
When phebus bright and clere from Taurus downe had sent his furiouse blastes and great y yerelie rates and
When phebus bright and clere from Taurus downe had sent his fy fyrie brennyng blastes.’ ‘When phebus bright and clere’ is probably intended to be in a metre which was prevalent in English metrics between 1550 and 1575, but which may have remained in use in some areas into the 1580s or 1590s. The writer of the verse seems to have had an uncertain grasp of the metre [ex informatione Katherine Duncan-Jones].
3. ‘To my mishap alas I find that her happie happes be danngerouse and betime worketh h h Twise h happie hath.’ ‘To my mishap’ is the opening of a poem in Tottel’s Miscellany, entitled ‘When adversite is once fallen, it is to late to beware’: see Tottel’s Miscellany (1557-87), ed. H. E. Rollins, revised edn, 2 vols (Cambridge, Mass., 1965), I 175-6, II 290-1. In the lower margin of [b6v], the following note, in the same mid to late sixteenth-century English hand: ‘ . . . wight in this worlde that welthe can atteyne onlest he beleive that all is but vayne.’
Decoration: One initial ‘F’ is supplied in black ink on [a1r].
Provenance: John Fytheon (Phitheon/Fethyon/Fitton(?), late fifteenth/early sixteenth century); inscription on [d6v] of item 8: ‘When ye loke this boke on &pipe; Pray for the sowle of [ ] John ffytheon’ &pipe; Off yor charite and for yowr’ mede &pipe; Saye a pater noster and ave with ye cred’. Acquired by 1835; see Catalogus (1843), I 32.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. N 5.5(7).BW


Entry number: A-082
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
Item text: Tractatus de doctrina dicendi et tacendi ab Albertano Causidico Brixiensi de ore beate Agate compositus sub anno feria quarta post vincula Petri.’
Note on authorship: The text is here dated 1355; the correct date is 1245.
Thor Sundby, Brunetto Latinis Levnet og Skrifter (Copenhagen, 1869), pp. lxxxiv–cxix; Thor Sundby, Della vita e delle opere di Brunetto Latini (Florence, 1884), 475-506.

Place of imprint: [Basel: Martin Flach, c.1474]. Format: Folio.
References: GW 531;H *393=395;Goff A–193;BMC III 740;Pr 7541;BSB–Ink A–110; Sack, Freiburg, 47; Sheppard 2384.

Bound with:
2. Jacobus de Clusa, De veritate dicenda aut tacenda. [Basel: Martin Flach, not after 1474] (J–013).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a10].
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for Kloß.
Size: 282 × 203 × 11 mm.
Size of leaf: 272 × 195 mm.
One early marginal note on [a1v]. Early foliation in red ink in the hand of Truchseß, starting with 21 and continuing through both items, including the now missing blank leaf [a10]. On the last leaf of item 2 ([b10v]), inscriptions by the same hand in red ink: ‘Quisquis hunc librum sequentem repetendo legeris: &pipe; michi crede petulantia carnis omnisque inordinatus &pipe; euomester(?) appetitus Transitoria omnia vt stercus erunt.’ Below: ‘Bernhardus. &pipe; Memorare O homo quid fueris in egressu et erubesce &pipe; Quid sis in progressu et ingemisce &pipe; Quid eris in egressu et contumisce’ (similar to Pseudo-Bernardus Clarevallensis, Meditationes de miseria humanae conditionis, cap. III [PL CLXXXIV 490]). ‘Fuisti &pipe; Es &pipe; Eris enim sperma fetitum &pipe; vas stercorum &pipe; cibus vermium.’ (Pseudo-Bernardus Clarevallensis, Meditationes, cap. III [PL CLXXXIV 490]). ‘Vtinam saperent et intelligerent ac nouissima prouiderent. De vno(?) 33.’ (Pseudo-Bernardus Clarevallensis, Meditationes, cap. XV [PL CLXXXIV 506]). ‘Sed qui curat est nemo et nullus: &pipe; obiecta mouent &pipe; o Sorgat(?).’
Provenance: F. G. Truchseß (fl. 1498); inscription in red ink on item 2, [b10v]: ‘F G Truchsses &pipe; Terre sancte peregrinus &pipe; Vtinam eternorum incola letus &pipe; 1498 In vig[ilia] penthe[coste]’. Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); partly removed book-label: sale (1835), lot 181. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; inscription on endleaf; sale (1837), lot 143. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 1. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.9(1).BW


Entry number: A-083
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
Item text: Tractatus de doctrina dicendi et tacendi ab Albertano Causidico Brixensi de ore beate Agathe compositus sub anno feria quarta post vincula Petri.’
Note on authorship: The text is here dated 1355; the correct date is 1245.
See A–082.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser?), between 1468 and 1475]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: As dated by Ohly, ‘Reyser’, 1310 from the type of this edition, which was in use between 1468 and 1475; Sheppard and GW date to [c.1476].
References: GW 532;H *394;Goff A–194;BMC I 77;Pr 304;BSB–Ink A–111; CIBN A–97; Oates 126; Sack, Freiburg, 48; Sheppard 255.

Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards.
Size: 297 × 213 × 3 mm.
Size of leaf: 296 × 210 mm.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased from H. G. Commin (fl. c.1953-1958) in 1958.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. G7.4.BW


Entry number: A-084
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
Remark: Fragment.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
See A–082.

Place of imprint: Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, 4 Oct. 1484. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: This copy reads ‘Antwerpiensis’ as in the GW transcription.
a8 b4.
References: GW 536;HCR 400;Goff A–196;BMC IX 186;Pr 9354;Campbell (II) 60; CIBN A–98; HPT II 419; ILC 40; not in Sheppard.

Bound in a collection of Douce fragments.
Size of leaf: 90 × 72 mm.
Imperfections: Fragment of b4 only, with colophon.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834). Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce Fragm. b.1(21).BW


Entry number: A-085
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
See A–082.Thor Sundby, Brunetto Latinis Levnet og Skrifter (Copenhagen, 1869), lxxxiv-cxix. Thor Sundby, Della vita e delle opere di Brunetto Latini (Florence, 1884), 475-506.

Place of imprint: Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, June 1485. Format: 4°.
a8 b4, not as GW.
References: GW 537;C 151;Goff A–197;Pr 9357;Campbell 61; CIBN A–99; HPT II 419; Oates 3882; Rhodes 18; Sheppard 7208.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf.
Size: 205 × 139 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 131 mm.
On a1r: ‘Modus loquendi et tacendi’ in early hand. Note on other copies by Heber on endleaf.
Provenance: Payne; note of acquisition by Heber ‘Payne 1816 £1-1-0′; Richard Heber (1773-1833); probably Catalogue, 3 (1834), lot 869, sold for £0. 1. 0, with 4 other items. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837); inscription on endleaf; manuscript label on the upper cover; purchased at his sale (1837), lot 51, for £0. 2. 6; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.86.BW


Entry number: A-086
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
See A–082.Thor Sundby, Brunetto Latinis Levnet og Skrifter (Copenhagen, 1869), lxxxiv-cxix. Thor Sundby, Della vita e delle opere di Brunetto Latini (Florence, 1884), 475-506.

Place of imprint: [Lyons: Guillaume Le Roy, c.1488]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As assigned and dated by Sheppard; GW assigns to [Gaspard Ortuin(?)], and dates [not before 1493?].
a b6.
References: GW 559;C 148;not in Pr;Sheppard 6576.

Binding: Cloth.
Size: 204 × 144 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 195 × 130 mm.
Early underlining and a few marginal notes.
Provenance: Falconer Madan (1851-1935); stamp. Acquisition history: Acquired in 1918; see BQR 2,20 (1918), 193.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. F2.1.BW


Entry number: A-087
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
See A–082.Thor Sundby, Brunetto Latinis Levnet og Skrifter (Copenhagen, 1869), lxxxiv-cxix. Thor Sundby, Della vita e delle opere di Brunetto Latini (Florence, 1884), 475-506.

Place of imprint: Memmingen: Albrecht Kunne, 1489. Format: 4°.
References: GW 547;H *404;Goff A–200;BMC II 605;Pr 2785;BSB–Ink A–113; CIBN A–104; Sack, Freiburg, 50; Sheppard 2016.

Imperfections: Wanting a4 and a5.
Binding: Nineteenth-century German(?) pasteboards covered with two leaves from a liturgical manuscript on parchment; dyed dark blue; the upper cover is from a sacramentary.
Size: 207 × 150 × 13 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 135 mm.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1836: see sale (1837), lot 52. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.11.BW


Entry number: A-088
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
See A–082.Thor Sundby, Brunetto Latinis Levnet og Skrifter (Copenhagen, 1869), lxxxiv-cxix. Thor Sundby, Della vita e delle opere di Brunetto Latini (Florence, 1884), 475-506.

Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 1491. Format: 4°.
a6 b4.
References: GW 553;H 409;Goff A–205;Pr 1304;Sheppard 979; Voulliéme, Köln, 35.

Binding: Nineteenth-century red cloth for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 209 × 137 × 9 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 126 mm.
Underlining and marginal notes by a sixteenth-century hand.
Decoration: On a2r initials are supplied in dark brown ink; capital strokes and underlining all in the same ink.
Provenance: [ ] Fröhlich (fl. c.1840); book-plate showing letters composing the name linked together promiscuously; Leiningen-Westerburg 64 gives c.1840 as a date for Fröhlich’s book-plate. Acquisition history: Purchased for 4 Marks from Joseph Baer & Co., Lager-Catalog, 163, no. 163; see Library Bills, 7 May 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.41.BW


Entry number: A-089
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
See A–082.Thor Sundby, Brunetto Latinis Levnet og Skrifter (Copenhagen, 1869), lxxxiv-cxix. Thor Sundby, Della vita e delle opere di Brunetto Latini (Florence, 1884), 475-506.

Place of imprint: Ingolstadt: [Printer of Celtis, ‘Epitoma’ (Johann Kachelofen), c.1492]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Ascribed to Marx Ayrer by GfT 96; Ferdinand Geldner, ‘Zum Ingolstädter Buchdruck des 15. Jahrhunderts’, Gutenberg-Jahrbuch (1968), 97-9, argues for identification of the ‘Printer of Celtis’ with Johann Kachelofen.
a8, a6 erroneously signed aiii.
References: GW 556;H *398;Goff A–206;BMC III 677;Pr 3159;BSB–Ink A–117; Sheppard 2218; Stalla, ‘Ingolstadt’, 80 III no. 5.

The misprint ‘ . . . da . . .’ in a1r, l. 1 has been corrected in ink; a1r, l. 1: ‘ . . . Compendio&longs;us . . .’, as GW (Anm.), not as BMC; a1r, l. 4: ‘qui lingu¯ona; &longs;u¯ona; . . .’, not as GW or GW (Anm.); a8r, colophon, penultimate line: ‘ . . . cau&longs;idico . . .’, as BMC not H.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half blue morocco for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 198 × 141 × 9 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 130 mm.
Early inscriptions and annotation by different hands. On a8v: ‘Studere negamus ut ingeniosi videamus’. ‘Gutta cauat lapidem non vi sed sepe cadendo’: see Walther, Proverbia, 10508, 10508a, 10509, first line. ‘Vergilius in Georgicorum tercio &pipe; id est dum valetur &pipe; Carpit enim vires paulatim vritque videndo &pipe; Femina nec nemorum patitur meminisse nec herbe &pipe; Dulci[b]us illa quidem illecebris et sepe superbos &pipe; Cornibus inter se subigit decernere amantis’: Vergil, Georgica III 215-18, with interlinear glosses. On the same page and by the same hand, the beginning of a list of virtues.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; old shelfmark ‘D. Dpl. c. Inc. s. a. 67′ in pencil on a1r. William Horatio Crawford (1815-1888); see sale (1891), lot 38. Acquisition history: Purchased through Quaritch in 1891 for £1. 11. 0; see Library Bills, 25 Mar.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 7.61.BW


Entry number: A-090
Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Uniform title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis
Item title: De arte loquendi et tacendi.
See A–082.

Place of imprint: [Augsburg: Johann Froschauer, not before 1494]. Format: 4°.
a b6.
References: GW 560;HC *396;Goff A–207;Pr 1840;BSB–Ink A–118; CIBN A–108; Sack, Freiburg, 54; Sheppard 1373.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half brown calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 200 × 140 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 193 × 130 mm.
Provenance: ‘Dupl.’ on a1r: probably a duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; Acquisition history: acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.35.BW


Entry number: A-091
Alberti, Johannes Michael
Uniform title: De omnibus ingeniis augendae memoriae.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Alberti, Johannes Michael
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Alovisius Manens.
Incipit: ‘[S]i que tibi debeo respicias, clarissime Alouisi, nullius profecto momenti erunt munuscula nostra . . .’
Giovanni Giraldi, ‘Bibliografia delle opere di G. M. A. Carrara’, Rinascimento, 6 (1955), 125-43, at 129 no. 4.
Item location: a1r
Item author: Alberti, Johannes Michael
Item title: De omnibus ingeniis augendae memoriae.
Incipit: ‘[M]emoria inter diuina humane nature commoda teste meo Seneca primum sibi locum usurpauit . . .’

Place of imprint: Bologna: Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis, 24 Jan. 1491. Format: 4°.
a b6.
References: GW 570;HC *426;Goff A–210;BMC VI 824;Pr 6591;BSB–Ink C–155; Hillard 583; Oates 2491.5; Sheppard 5341.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half green morocco for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 214 × 161 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 147 mm.
Provenance: Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone, Conte Libri Carrucci della Sommaia (1803-1869); Acquisition history: purchased at his sale (1849), lot 13 for £0. 3. 6; see Books Purchased (1849), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.9.BW


Entry number: A-092
Albertus, Leo Baptista
Uniform title: De re aedificatoria.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Politianus, Angelus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Lorenzo de’ Medici.
Leon Battista Alberti, L’architettura (De re aedificatoria), ed. Giovanni Orlandi and Paolo Portoghesi, 2 vols (Milan 1966), 2-5 (with Italian translation).
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus, Leo Baptista
Item title: De re aedificatoria.
Edited by Bernardus Albertus.
Leon Battista Alberti, L’architettura, ed. Orlandi and Portoghesi, I 6-439, II 440-1001, with this edition recorded at II 1006-7. Hans-Karl Lücke, ‘Alberti Index.’ Leon Battista Alberti, De re aedificatoria, Florenz 1485. Index verborum, Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte in München, 6, 4 vols (Munich, 1975-9).
Item location: [rum]7v
Item location: [rum]8r
Item author: Baptista Siculus
Item text: In auctoris persona ad lectorem.’
‘Ingenuum superesset opus nunc, Daedale, si me &pipe; Legisses ualidis uolitare per aera pennis’; 32 hexameters.

Place of imprint: Florence: Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 29 Dec. 1[4]85. Format: Folio.
a–d8 e6 f–o8 p6 q–z8 & [con] [rum]8.Bibliographical notes: The signatures in gathering a begin on the second sheet which is signed ai; the first sheet is unsigned. On [rum]4 the number has been added by hand.
Types: BMC describes two stages: (1) G.9185(3) (IB.27125b) with colophon A and the innermost sheet of gathering l (l4/l5) printed with Nerlius’s type 110 R; (2) 169.i.3 (IB.27125a) and IB.27125 with colophon B and the innermost sheet of gathering l and the last gathering ([rum]) printed with Nerlius’s type 110 R. Nerlius’s type is distinguished from Laurentii 111RB by a separate ‘Q’. The Bodleian copy represents a third stage, having colophon A but without any occurrence of a separate ‘Q’ on l4 (yet one on l5v) and only one in gathering [rum], at [rum]6v.
References: GW 579;HC *419;Goff A–215;BMC VI 630;Pr 6131;BSB–Ink A–125; CIBN A–112; Oates 2336; Rhodes 20; Sack, Freiburg, 56; Sheppard 5064.

By an error of imposition the text on p1 is the same as that on p2, and the text on p5 is the same as that on p6.
Binding: Parchment over pasteboards.
Size: 267 × 192 × 39 mm.
Size of leaf: 262 × 187 mm.
Provenance: Possibly Verrie, diocese of Angers, Benedictines; on a1r in a seventeenth-century hand ‘Verey M[onast]erij'(?). Luigi Celotti (c.1768-c.1846); sale (1819), lot 198, purchased by Heber for £0. 10. 6 (note on endleaf). Richard Heber (1773-1833); stamp; perhaps Catalogue, 2 (1834), lot 215, sold for £0. 2. 0. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1834; inscription on a1r; see sale (1837), lot 145. Purchased for £0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.36.BW


Entry number: A-093
Albertus, Magister
Uniform title: Quaestiones de modis significandi.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus, Magister
Item title: Quaestiones de modis significandi.
Pseudo-Albertus Magnus, Quaestiones Alberti De modis significandi, ed. L. G. Kelly, Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, 3rd ser., Studies in the History of Linguistics, 15 (Amsterdam, 1977). Jan Pinborg, Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie im Mittelalter, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie im Mittelalter, 42/4 (Copenhagen, 1967), 309 no. A.1 asserts that Albertus Magnus was not the author of this work. Not the same work as the De modis significandi of Thomas de Erfordia, often also attributed to an Albertus (Magnus or Eccardus).

Place of imprint: London: Julian Notary, Jean Barbier, and I. H., [1496]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by Sheppard; BMC dates [1497-8].
a–f8 g h6.Bibliographical notes: Bearer-type, mainly upper case ‘O’, has left a blind impression, partly with traces of ink, on the title-leaf (a1r-v) and on h5v and h6r.
References: BMC XI;Pr 9822;Duff 8; Oates 4208; Sheppard 7567; STC 270.

Bound with:
1. Cicero, Epistolae and Plinius, Epistolae. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 30 Apr. 1504 (Nijhoff–Kronenberg 2648);
2. Franciscus Niger, Modus epistolandi. Venice: Hermannus Liechtenstein, 5 Feb. 1488 (N–108(1));
4. Johannes Josse de Marvilla, Expositiones modorum significandi. Rouen: [Robert Macé, c.1507];
5. Beda, Repertorium authoritatum Aristotelis et philosophorum. Paris: Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 1513.
Binding: Contemporary blind tooled calf over wooden boards; two clasps, lost, hinged from upper to lower cover. On both covers double fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangles are crudely filled with crossing double fillets. Cross-hatching in the head and tail sections of the spine.
Size: 199 × 145 × 44 mm.
Size of leaf: 192 × 137 mm.
Provenance: ‘Liber petri [ ]ff’; erased inscription in a sixteenth-century hand on a1r of item 1. Foss Hampton(?); cancelled inscription in a sixteenth-century hand on the same leaf: ‘Liber Foce Hampton’. Possibly William Atherold (†1547); inscription on the same leaf: ‘Iste est Liber dompni Willielmi Atheroldis(?)’. John Selden (1584-1654); shelfmark and title inscription on front edge: see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 46, listed as ‘Ciceronis et Plinii Epistolae quaedam’; also MS. Selden Supra 111, fol. 46v. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° C 1(3) Art. Seld.BW


Entry number: A-094
Albertus de Padua
Uniform title: Expositio evangeliorum dominicalium et festiualium.

Item location: [a2r]
‘Registrum ordine alphabetico collectum in sermones quondam venerabilis ac egregii viri magistri Alberthi de Padua fratris heramitarum ordinis sancti Augustini.’
Incipit: ‘Vt autem legentes facilius intelligant materiam in hoc opusculo comprehensam, tunc est sciendum quod magister Alberchtus de Padua quasi quemlibet sermonum in hoc opere contentorum in tres diuidit partes . . .’
Item location: [b1r]
Item author: Albertus de Padua
Item title: Expositio evangeliorum dominicalium et festivalium.
Incipit: ‘[D]omine Deus ecce: nescio loqui, quia puer ego sum, et tamen laudare te cupit homo, aliqua portio creature tue . . .’
See Zumkeller no. 83; Schneyer, Repertorium, I 124-30.
Item location: [X1r]
Item author: Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl [pseudo-]
Item title: Concordantia in passionem dominicam.
Incipit: ‘Post resuscitationem Lazari que facta fuit . . .’
For authorship see Madre, Nikolaus von Dinkelsbühl, 310.

Place of imprint: Ulm: Johann Zainer, ‘about’ 15 June 1480. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: The colophon reads ‘circa festum sancti Viti.’
[a12 b–q8 r6+1 s–z8 A–T8 U10 X Y8 Z aa10].
References: GW 785;H *574; H 11762 (Concordantia only);Goff A–340;BMC II 526;Pr 2523;BSB–Ink A–133; Sheppard 1819; Wegener, Zainer, 65.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting gatherings [X–Z], the Concordantia in passionem dominicam, the references to which on [a2r] and [b1r] have been cancelled by the rubricator.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the Bodleian Library in 1855 at a cost of £0. 13. 0; see Binders’ books (1855, Auct. and Rawl.), p. 1, no. 1 (Library Records d. 1203).
Size: 309 × 227 × 69 mm.
Size of leaf: 300 × 201 mm.
An early note on contents on [a1r].
Decoration: Some principal initials are supplied in interlocked red and green with red pen-work decoration within a red frame; other initials are supplied in red.
Provenance: Benediktbeuren, Bavaria, Benedictine abbey, SS. Benedictus et Jacobus; inscription in a sixteenth-century hand on [a2r] and armorial book-plate on [a12v] showing the arms of the house impaled with those of Abbot Ludwig Perczl (1548-70): see Warnecke no. 165 and Zimmermann, Kloster-Heraldik, 50-3;Acquired acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf. 1.22.BW

Second copy
A fragment of one leaf only, extracted from the binding of Auct. 4Q 4.15 (G–323).
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. G97.1(11).


Entry number: A-095
Albertus de Saxonia
Uniform title: Quaestiones in libros posteriorum.

Item location: A2r
Item author: Albertus de Saxonia(?)
Item title: Quaestiones in libros posteriorum.
Edited by Johannes Baptista Tolentinas and Jacobus Baptista de Alovisiis Ravennas.
Incipit: ‘Omnis doctrina et omnis disciplina intellectiua ex preexistenti fit cognitione. Circa librum posteriorum queritur vtrum de demonstratione . . .’
See Lohr (1968), 349 no. 2. On the attribution to Albertus and the erroneous attribution to Johannes Buridanus by Michalski, ‘Les courants critiques’, Bulletin international de l’Academie polonaise (1925), 204-5, see M. Markowski, ‘Jean Buridan, est-il l’auteur des questions sur les Seconds analytiques?’, Mediaevalia philosophica Polonorum, 12 (1967), 16-30. On this edition see G. Montecchi, ‘Autori ravennati ed editoria tra XV e XVI secolo’, in Ravenna in età veneziana, ed. D. Bolognesi, Interventi Classensi, 6 (Ravenna, 1986), 191-206, at 203.
Item location: E5v
[Colophon with note on editors.]
Item text: Expliciunt questiones subtilissimi Albertutii de Saxonia sacri ordinis heremitarum sancti Augustini super libros Analeticorum Posteriorum, castigate ac correcte per venerabiles sacre theologie viros, lectorem fratrem Joannem Baptistam Thollentinatem et fratrem Jacobum Baptistam de Alouixiis Ravennatem, sancti Stephani Venetiarum magistrum studii eiusdem ordinis et voti. Impresse mandato et expensis nobilis viri domini Octauiani Scoti ciuis Modoetiensis per Bonetum Locatellum Bergomensem 1497 septimo idus Martias.’
Item location: E5v
‘Tituli questionum libri posteriorum.’
Item location: E5v
Item author: Alovisius, Jacobus Baptista
Item title: [Letter of dedication to]
[dedicatee] Carolus Aemilianus.
Item location: E6r
Item author: Palladius Soranus, Domitius
Item title: Carmen.
‘Christicolis est vna fides, hec pandit olympum &pipe; Omnibus hec proprie sola salutis iter.’Hanc colui firmoque fidem complexus amore &pipe; Augustinus habet religionis onus, &pipe; Qui sensus aperit nostros passimque enigmata soluit, &pipe; Porrigit ad superum regna beata manus. &pipe; Hec dixisse satis; sed qua modo laude sequamur &pipe; Qui nostri decus est ordinis eximium? &pipe; Dicitur obscuros hic Albertutius omnes &pipe; Dissoluisse locos dignus honore coli. &pipe; Dignus et extolli modicis non laudibus ore, &pipe; Sed clario cesset nostra Thalia loqui.
Domicius Palladius, Epigrammaton libelli. Venice: Jo. Baptista de Sessa, 1498, fol. b1v-b2r; see Mario Martini, D. P. S. poeta, Contributo alla storia dell’ umanesimo (Frosinone, 1969).

Place of imprint: [Venice]: Bonetus Locatellus for Octavianus Scotus, 9 Mar. 1497. Format: Folio.
References: GW 798;H *580;Goff A–349;BMC V 447;Pr 5079;BSB–Ink A–137; CIBN A–187; Sheppard 4226.

Bound with:
1. Aristoteles, Rhetorica. Venice: Filippo de Pietro, 22 June 1481 (A–425);
3. Averroes, Commentaria in Aristotelis Meteora. Venice: Andreas Torresanus, 21 Aug. 1488 (A–632);
4. Philippus Mucagata, Commentum super libris predicabilium Porphirii, predicamentorum Aristotelis et sex principiorum Gilberti. Venice: Petrus de Plasiis, 2 Oct. 1494 (M–327).
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the Bodleian Library; a ‘numbered binding’ with the running number of the binder.
Size: 328 × 220 × 39 mm.
Size of leaf: 310 × 201 mm.
Provenance: probably the copy donated by Sir John Davies (1569-1629) in 1601; see Benefactors’ Register I 35: ‘Idem [Albertus de Saxonia] in Posteriora. fo. Ib. [Venice] 1447.’ Acquisition history: Acquired by 1605; see James, Catalogus (1605), 388 (S 7.7 [Art]; Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ Register’, no. 64.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 2.15(2).


Entry number: A-096
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De abundantia exemplorum ad omnem materiam in sermonibus.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-;author Romanis, Humbertus de]
Item title: De abundantia exemplorum ad omnem materiam in sermonibus.
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam plus exempla quam verba mouent secundum Gregorium et facilius intellectu capiuntur et altius memorie infiguntur necnon libentius a multis audiuntur . . .’
Bloomfield 5001 identifies the true author as Humbertus de Romanis and gives the alternative titles De dono timoris, De septemplies timore, De septem timoribus per exempla, and De septem speciebus timoris; see also Kaeppeli II 285-7 no. 2012; VL IV 298-301, at 299.

Place of imprint: [Ulm: Johann Zainer, not before 1478, not after 20 June 1481]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Terminus post quem given by GW. BMC interprets a date of purchase ‘In vigilia Corporis Cristi Anno etc. lxxxjmo’ as 20 May 1481; Accurti I 110 corrects to 20 June 1481.
[a–g8 h10].
References: GW 581;H *484;Goff A–217;BMC II 528;Pr 2527;Accurti I 110; BSB–Ink A–167; Rhodes 22; Sheppard 1821.

Bound with:
1. Robertus Caracciolus, Sermones de timore divinorum iudiciorum. Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, 1479 (C–084(2));
3. Johannes Calderinus, Concordantia, sive Ambidexterium. Speier: Peter Drach, 1481 (C–027(2)).
Imperfections: Wanting e7, e8, and f1-5.
Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter calf.
Size: 299 × 217 × 59 mm.
Size of leaf: 290 × 207 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1861), 11.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.3(2).BW


Entry number: A-097
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De adhaerendo Deo.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-;author Johannes de Castello]
Item title: De adhaerendo Deo.
Albertus Magnus, Opera omnia . . ., ed. Augustus and Aemilius Borgnet, 38 vols (Paris, 1890-9) (= Opera, ed. Borgnet), 523-42. The text is usually attributed to Albertus Magnus, but the author is Johannes de Castello; see Grabmann, Geistesleben, I 489-524.
Item location: [b4r]
Item author: Gerson, Johannes
Item title: De remediis contra pusillanimitatem.
Gerson, Oeuvres, X no. 537, 374-85.
Item location: [c2r]
Item author: Bonaventura
Item title: [Epistola continens viginti quinque memorialia.]
Item text: Epistola de modo proficiendi conpendioso.’
See Glorieux, Répertoire, 305 ac and Distelbrink no. 42. Bonaventura, Opera omnia (Quaracchi, 1898), VIII. Bonaventura, Selecta pro instruendis fratribus ordinis minoris scripta, 3rd edn (Quaracchi, 1942), 237-57; Distelbrink no. 42.
Item location: [c8r]
Item author: Bonaventura [pseudo-]
Item title: Doctrina iuvenum.
Incipit: ‘[I]n conuentu fratrum minorum Parisius conuersante bone memorie domino Bonauentura tunc ministro generali quidam frater iuuenis studens bone indolis . . .’
An exemplum describing Bonaventura’s instruction of a young student in Paris, see Distelbrink no. 211.
Item location: [c8v]
Item author: Bonaventura
Item title: [Regula novitiorum.]
Item text: De informatione iuuenum et nouiciorum.’
Bonaventura, Opera omnia, VIII 475-90. Chapters 14-16 not in the incunable edition; see Distelbrink no. 53.
Item location: [d10r]

Place of imprint: [Ulm: Johann Zainer, c.1473]. Format: Folio.
On [a1r] a woodcut half border.
References: GW 582;H 429*; 3506 (Bonaventura, De modo);Goff A–218;BMC II 522;Pr 2501;CIBN A–134; Oates 1153; Schramm V 4; Sheppard 1790-1; Wegener, Zainer, 27.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Albertus Magnus, De mysterio missae. Ulm: Johann Zainer, 29 May 1473 (A–124);
3. Henricus de Hassia, Expositio super orationem dominicam et Ave Maria. [Basel: Michael Wenssler, not after 1474] (H–023(2)).
On [b4r] variants from GW transcription: l. 5: ‘ILLVMINATISSI &pipe; MVM’; l. 7: ‘CANCEL &pipe; LARIVM’; [c2r], l. 2: ‘DF’ (all as GW Anm.) On [c7v] the space which should be blank is occupied by partially-inked and blind impression of text from [c9v].
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library; two paper index tabs (items 2 and 3). All three items with green-edged leaves.
Size: 289 × 213 × 44 mm.
Size of leaf: 278 × 194 mm.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Item 3: Seligenthal, near Landshut, diocese of Regensburg, Bavaria, Cistercian Nuns, BVM. Raitenhaslach, Bavaria, Cistercians, S. Pancras; bought in 1474 by Abbot Johannes of Raitenhaslach; on an old endleaf after item 3 ‘In felici valle comparatus est liber iste Et allatus est monasterio Raitenhaslach per dominum Johannem Abbatem Anno domini etc. lxxiiijto’. An offset of this note on the last leaf of item 3 proves that the note refers to that book, which can thus be dated not after 1474. However, it cannot be shown that the three items were bound together at this stage. Fürstenfeld, Bavaria, Cistercians, BVM and S. Bernardus; inscription on [o10r] of the first item: ‘Liber sancte Marie in Fürstenfeld’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; on endleaf a note: ‘Inc. typ. no. 2161′ (corresponds to the Munich catalogue Cbm Cat. 221b (2), fol. 517r-v); on [a1r] a pencil note: ‘Duplum’, similar notes on items 2 and 3. Anonymous sale (1841), lot 131 (the whole volume) despite the pencil note on the last leaf of item 1 stating that the second part was lot 132. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 9. 6; see Books Purchased (1841), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.3(2).

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting gatherings [a] and [b], [c1] and [d10].
Binding: Nineteenth-century German(?) pasteboards covered with leaves from a parchment manuscript in Latin, probably a sacramentary, dyed dark blue.
Size: 261 × 199 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 256 × 193 mm.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired between 1835 and 1847; Catalogus (1843) with Appendix, 14.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.57.BW


Entry number: A-098
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De anima; De intellectu et intelligibili.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De anima.
Opera, ed. Jammy, IIIa 1-188; Opera, ed. Borgnet, V 117-420; Editio Coloniensis (1951-), VII 1. For the manuscript transmission of the text see Fauser no. 18; see Lohr (1967), 342 no. 18.
Item location: s8v
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De intellectu et intelligibili.
Opera, ed. Jammy, V 239-62; Opera, ed. Borgnet, IX 477-521. For the manuscript transmission of the text see Fauser no. 22.

Place of imprint: Venice: Reynaldus de Novimagio, 1481. Format: Folio.
a–q6 r s8 t v6.
References: GW 585;HC (+ Addenda) 496;Goff A–221;BMC V 256;Pr 4440A;Campbell 76; CIBN A–113; Rhodes 23; Sheppard 3575.

Bound with:
1. Albertus Magnus, De caelo et mundo. Venice: Johannes de Forlivio, 18 Nov. 1490 (A–102);
3. Paulus Venetus, Summa naturalium. Milan: Christophorus Valdarfer, 17 July 1476 (P–069).
Imperfections: Headlines cropped. Wanting the blank leaf a1.
A strip is torn out of the outer margin of v6.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind- and gold-tooled diced russia; rebacked, the original spine pasted above; marbled-edged leaves and blue pastedowns.
Size: 283 × 202 × 51 mm.
Size of leaf: 275 × 178 mm.
Annotations and excerpts of the text by various sixteenth-century hands throughout the first book, decreasing in number in book II. ‘J John’ on v6r; scribbles in English on v6v.
Provenance: Thomas Campbell (1777-1844); armorial book-plate with his motto ‘Ne obliviscaris’ and paper slip with his handwritten name pasted on endleaf. Purchased for £0. 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1844), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.41(2).BW


Entry number: A-099
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De animalibus.

Item location: [*1r]
[Table of contents.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De animalibus.
Opera, ed. Jammy, 6; Opera, ed. Borgnet, XI 1-12, 582. Albertus Magnus, De Animalibus libri XXVI nach der Cölner Urschrift, ed. Hermann Stadler, 2 vols, BGPM, 15, 16 (Münster, 1916-20). For the manuscript transmission of the text see Fauser no. 29; see Lohr (1967), 343 no. 27 (recte 29).

Place of imprint: Mantua: Paulus de Butzbach, [for himself and for Marcus Mazola and Antonius de Vignono] 12 Jan. 1479. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: For Butzbach’s partners in the printing of this book see the document quoted in BMC.
[*4] a–c8 d10 e–i8 k10 l m6 y8 z6 A10 B–I8 K10 L–P8 Q6 R S8 T10 U X8 Y Z10.
References: GW 588;HC, Addenda *546;Goff A–224;BMC VII 931;Pr 6895;BSB–Ink A–143; CIBN A–116; Oates 2584, 2585; Osler, IM, 182; Rhodes 26; Sack, Freiburg, 59; Sheppard 5626-7.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf a1.
Binding: Eighteenth-century German mottled calf, the spine stamped B[ibliothecae] P[alatinae], the cover with the arms of Carl Theodor, Elector Palatine and Elector of Bavaria.
Size: 408 × 293 × 78 mm.
Size of leaf: 398 × 271 mm.
Misprints on a2r col. 1, lines 8, 9, and 10 have been corrected in manuscript.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Ulm, Swabia, Wengenkloster, Augustinian Canons; a cancelled note: ‘Viti Riedt’, possibly provost Vitus (1489-97) of the Wengenkloster. Carl Theodor, Elector Palatine and Elector of Bavaria (1724-1799). Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; erased old shelfmark ‘Inc. typ. No. 676 Duplum’. John Deakin Heaton (1817-1880). John Stansfeld (nineteenth century); armorial book-plate with motto ‘Nosce te ipsum’; sale (1898), lot 250. Bernard Quaritch; Catalogue 6 Nov. 1909, no. 8. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 68. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. A 3.8.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the first unsigned gathering of four leaves, the blank leaf a1, and leaves G3.6, Z1.10, and Z3.8. The text of G3.6 and Z1.10 is supplied in manuscript.
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century pasteboards.
Size: 432 × 298 × 66 mm.
Size of leaf: 425 × 283 mm.
Misprints on a2r col. 1, lines 8, 9, and 10 have been corrected in manuscript.
Decoration: Occasional initials are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1844), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q inf. 1.1.BW


Entry number: A-100
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De animalibus.

Item location: [*1r]
Item author: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis
Item title: [Description of contents combined with claim of privilege.]
Incipit: ‘Videbis, studiosissime lector, hoc in uolumine hominis reliquorumque animalium que in terra, in mari et in aere producuntur naturas . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item location: a1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De animalibus.
See A–099.

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 21 May 1495. Format: Folio.
[*] a–z [et] [con] [rum] A–P6 Q8.
References: GW 589;H *547;Goff A–225;BMC V 346;Pr 4541;BSB–Ink A–144; CIBN A–117; Rhodes 27; Sack, Freiburg, 60; Sheppard 3902.

Bound with:
1. Aristoteles, De animalibus. Venice: Bartholomaeus de Zanis, 9 Aug. 1498 (A–392).
Binding: Contemporary English (Cambridge) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost; staple-marks at head of the upper cover; rebacked. On both covers triple fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by triple fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. In the compartments two lozenge-shaped stamps: a double-headed eagle and a fleur-de-lis; in the frame, stamped scrolls with the inscription ‘IHS MARIA’; for the stamps see Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. xi, 92-4, who assigns them to the Heavy binder, Cambridge.
Size: 321 × 224 × 68 mm.
Size of leaf: 309 × 206 mm.
Pastedowns: Two leaves from a parchment manuscript containing Dig. 22.28 and Inst. 2.8 respectively, with commentary.
Early marginal notes. Early notes in English hands on front pastedown.
Provenance: John Sampson; ‘Liber Joannis Sampson’ on q6v of item 1; probably the John Sampson who was Vice-Provost of King’s College, Cambridge (†1517), as the book is in a contemporary Cambridge binding. John Selden (1584-1654); see MS. Selden Supra 111, fol. 44r, and MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 17. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: A 1. 11(2) Art. Seld.BW


Entry number: A-101
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Ars intelligendi, docendi et praedicandi res spirituales.

Item location: [a1v]
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-;author Guilelmus Alvernus]
Item title: Ars intelligendi, docendi et praedicandi res spirituales.
Incipit: ‘[H]ec est vtilitas artis, vt eandem rem spiritualem vel corporalem diuersis diuersimode per diuersas res sciamus exprimere . . .’
On authorship see Richard Stapper, ‘Eine angeblich von Albertus Magnus verfaßte “Ars praedicandi”0.6 mm’, Kirchengeschichtliche Festgabe: Festschrift Anton de Waal (Freiburg, 1913), 388-402; H. Kühle, ‘Zur angeblich von Albert dem Großen verfaßten “Ars praedicandi”0.6 mm’, Römische Quartalschrift, 36 (1928), 324-8. Identified as an abbreviated version of Guilelmus Alvernus, De faciebus mundi, see Glorieux, La Faculté no. 148f; Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 el, 141f; Harry Caplan, Mediaeval Artes praedicandi: A Hand-List, Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, 24 (Ithaca, NY, 1934), 180, and Supplement (Ithaca, 1936), nos 180, 229 (2); Thomas Marie Charland, Artes praedicandi, Publications de l’Institut d’Etudes Médiévales d’Ottawa, 7 (Paris, 1936), 22, 40.

Place of imprint: [Ulm: Johann Zainer, not before 1478]. Format: Folio.
[a8 b10].
References: GW 590;H *491;Goff A–226;BMC II 528;Pr 2528;Amelung, Frühdruck I 35; BSB–Ink G–470; CIBN A–136; Sack, Freiburg, 61; Sheppard 1822; Wegener, Zainer, 2.

Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards; bound for Kloß.
Size: 279 × 203 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 272 × 185 mm.
On [b10v] notes taken in a lecture by Johannes Eck: ‘Doctore Joa[nne] Eccio Ingolstadij dictante Anno [15]29 per me Joa melan cursim acceptum’ followed by list of references to the Bible in a sixteenth-century hand.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Johannes MlaV [Schwarz], Ingolstadt, 1529; inscription on [b10v]. Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); sale (1835), lot 179. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 5. 6; see Books Purchased (1844), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.8.BW


Entry number: A-102
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De caelo et mundo.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De caelo et mundo.
Edited by Hieronymus Mitanus, Monopolitanus.
Opera, ed. Jammy, IIb 1-200; Opera, ed. Borgnet, IV 1-321; Editio Coloniensis (1951- ), 5, 1. For the manuscript transmission of the text see Fauser no. 12; see Lohr (1967), 341 no. 14.
Item location: k7r
[Colophon with note on editor.]
Item location: k7v
‘Registrum capitulorum.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 18 Nov. 1490. Format: Folio.
a8 b–h6 i k8.
References: GW 594;H *511;Goff A–227;Pr 4516;BSB–Ink A–145; CIBN A–118; Sheppard 3883.

Bound with A–098; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 275 × 180 mm.
Imperfections: Headlines cropped. Wanting the blank leaf a1 and leaves a4.5, b6, c2.5, c3.4, d1, d2, e2.5, e3.4, f4, f6, g1, g3.4, i2.7, i4.5, k4.5. Leaf a8 is bound in place of b6.
Early marginal notes by various hands, mostly cropped. On k8v are scribbles, among which several appearances of the name Jeremy Gibson.
Decoration: Initial D is supplied in ink, with some pen flourishing.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.41(1).BW


Entry number: A-103
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.

Item location: [a2r]
Item text: Tituli.’
Item title: [Index of chapters.]
Item location: [a4r]
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Ripelin Argentinensis, Hugo]
Item title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
Explicit: ‘ . . . Ex omnibus premissis collige quedam spectare gaudia solum ad animam, quedam ad corpus, quedam ad coniunctum, que tamen felici fine quisque beatus secundum merita recipiet sine fine amen.’
Concluding passage expanded. Albert Magnus, Opera, ed. Petrus Jammy, 21 vols (Lyons, 1651) (= Opera (1651)), 13c,1-148; Opera (1890), 34, 1-261. By Hugo Ripelin Argentinensis, see Kaeppeli II no. 1982; Luzian Pfleger, ‘Der Dominikaner Hugo von Straßburg und das Compendium theologicae veritatis’, ZfKT 28 (1904), 429-40; Martin Grabmann, ‘Entscheidung der Autorfrage des Compendium theologicae veritatis’, ZfKT 45 (1921), 147-53; Grabmann, Geistesleben, I 174-85; Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 dq; Georg Boner, ‘Über den Dominikanertheologen Hugo von Straßburg’, Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 24 (1954), 269-86; Georg Steer, Hugo Ripelin von Straßburg: Zur Rezeptions- und Wirkungsgeschichte des ‘Compendium theologicae veritatis’ im deutschen Spätmittelalter, Texte und Textgeschichte, 2 (Tübingen, 1981), 205-14. According to Steer, Hugo Ripelin, 210, the ascription to Albertus Magnus is not found before the fifteenth century. For the textual transmission see Steer, Hugo Ripelin, 48-146 (Latin manuscripts), 167-72 (printed editions).
Item location: [r1r]
[Subject index.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vanquam ordo et compendiositas libri huius, qui compendium dicitur theologicae veritatis, vna cum tabula ad principium libri ordinata ad hoc faciant . . .’
Item location: [s1r]
[Preface by the editor.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vanquam satisfactum sit opusculo huic in quantum discentes respicit, quia tamen materiam claudit predicabilem, illustrande menti purgandeque ac serenande conscientie admodum conducibilem . . .’
Item location: [s1r]
Item author: Bernoldus de Caesarea
Item title: [Distinctiones de tempore et de sanctis quarum declarationes ex Compendio theologicae veritatis capiuntur.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam ad laudem dei nemo debet esse vacuus, cum ad se laudandum nos creauit ipse deus, ego frater Bernoldus . . .’
Text dated 1310.

Place of imprint: [Nuremberg: Johann Sensenschmidt, not after 1469]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: A Louvain copy has the rubricator’s date 1469; see Polain 2010, Supplement. Dated c.1470-2 in Goff and GW.
[a–k10 l8 m6 n–p10 q6 r12 s t10 u8 x4].
References: GW 596;H *432;Goff A–229;BMC II 403;Pr 1951;Oates 973; Rhodes 29; Sheppard 1389-90.

First copy
Bound with:
2. Johannes Chrysostomus, Sermones de patientia in Job. Nuremberg: Johann Sensenschmid, 14 Nov. 1471 (J–145).
Variants from the second copy on [i7r], l. 1: ‘vt per eam adiutorium &pipe; haberent diuinu&atque; in pr&ecedilla;lio’.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library, with yellow-edged leaves. Manuscript title along the upper edge of both items: ‘Compendium theoae veritatis.’
Size: 349 × 248 × 59 mm.
Size of leaf: 337 × 230 mm.
Last line on [a8r], end of last sentence on [e2r] supplied in manuscript; very few early marginal notes. The gatherings of the two items are numbered in one sequence, 1-28, in red ink at the centre of the foot of the page.
Decoration: Initial in red with decoration in pen-and-ink on [a4r]. Initials, over red guide letters, paragraph marks, numbering of gatherings, and running headings are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Georg Graf (fifteenth century); paper slip pasted on pastedown: ‘Hoc compendium theoloyce veritatis cum Sermonibus Crisostimi de paciencia iob est Georgi Graf caplani Saluatoris capelle monacensis’. Munich, Capuchins: ‘Loci Capuccinorum monachij’; inscription on [a2r]. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; shelfmark ‘Inc. typ. N&quo; 1133′ on [a1r] of the first item; a pencil note: ‘N&quo; 1133.n.2 Duplum’ on [a1r] of the second item. Acquisition history:. Purchased for £0. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1841), 22; although only item 2 is listed, the two items were probably together since their publication.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf. 1.5(1).

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves [a1], [m6], [q6] and [x4].
Variants from the first copy on [i7r], l. 1: ‘vt per eam adiutori¯onu; &pipe; haberent diuinum in pr&ecedilla;lio’.
Binding: Nineteenth-century German half calf.
Size: 349 × 253 × 47 mm.
Size of leaf: 337 × 234 mm.
Last line on [a8r], end of last sentence on [e2r] supplied in manuscript.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red with pen flourishing; running headlines in red. Paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 169. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; ‘J. T. Hand 1835′; see sale (1837), lot 146. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 6. 6; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 1.21.BW


Entry number: A-104
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Dorniberg, Thomas
Item title: [Alphabetical subject index.]
Incipit: ‘[E]go Thomas Dorniberg de Memmingen, decretorum arciumque liberalium doctor et consulatus insignis ciuitatis Spirensis aduocatus, multorum studiosorum clericorum precibus pluries instigatus . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated 23 Aug. 1473.
Item location: 2a1r
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Ripelin Argentinensis, Hugo]
Item title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
See A–103.

Place of imprint: [Speier: Printer of ‘Gesta Christi’, after 23 Aug. 1473]. Format: Folio.
a10 [b] 2a–l8 m10 [n o8] p–x8.
References: GW 597;H *434;Goff A–230;not in Pr;CIBN A–137; Oates 1107; Sheppard 1687.3.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [b8] and l1.
Binding: Mid sixteenth-century German blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with two clasps. On both covers an outer roll with floral ornament, inner roll with depictions of Christ, Moses, St John, and St Paul; the inner rectangle is surrounded by a border with small stamps of acorns and cinquefoils and filled with a panel of double floral roll. For the stamps see Haebler, Rollen- und Plattenstempel II 156 (1576, no. 1).
Size: 285 × 215 × 45 mm.
Size of leaf: 270 × 193 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes. On a2r a note in an eighteenth-century(?) hand.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Thomas Ryburn Buchanan (1846-1911). Acquisition history: Presented to the Bodleian in 1941 by Mrs. Buchanan.
Bodleian shelfmark: Buchanan d.13.BW


Entry number: A-105
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
Remark: Fragment.

Place of imprint: Ulm: Johann Zainer, [c.1478-80]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: GW mentions a rubricator’s note dated 1480 in the Stuttgart copy.
[a8 b6 c–t8 u x6].
References: GW 599;H *438;Goff A–233;Pr 2532;Amelung, Frühdruck I 36; CIBN A–139; Sheppard 1823.1; Wegener, Zainer, 6.

Binding: Bound in a collection of German fragments.
Size of leaf: 256 × 180 mm.
Imperfections: A fragment of leaf [q1] only, containing Lib. V, cap. 43-8 (here numbered xlii–xlvii, Opera, ed. Borgnet, 34, 187-9.Compared with Wellcome Institute.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. G97.1(29).BW


Entry number: A-106
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.

Item location: [a2r]
[Preface by the editor.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vanquam satisfactum sit opusculo huic in quantum discentes respicit, quia tamen materiam claudit predicabilem, illustrande menti purgandeque ac serenande conscientie ad modum conducibilem . . .’
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Bernoldus de Caesarea
Item title: [Distinctiones de tempore et de sanctis quarum declarationes ex Compendio theologicae veritatis capiuntur.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam ad laudem dei nemo debet esse vacuus, cum ad se laudandum nos creauit ipse deus, ego frater Bernoldus . . .’
See A–103.
Item location: [e1r]
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Ripelin Argentinensis, Hugo]
Item title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
See A–103.
Item location: [z1r]
Item location: [z1r]
Item author: [Dorniberg, Thomas]
Item title: [Alphabetical subject index.]
Note on authorship: Without Dorniberg’s preface.

Place of imprint: Ulm: Johann Zainer, [not after 1481]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: GW dates c.1478-81.
[a–x8 y10 z8 A6].
References: GW 600;H *437;Goff A–235;BMC II 527;Pr 2532;Sheppard 1824.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [A6].
Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards covered with brown marbled paper.
Size: 284 × 204 × 51 mm.
Size of leaf: 277 × 197 mm.
Early marginal notes, frequently quotations from authorities.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Johannes Kesting; ‘Dominus Johannes Kesthingk’ in a fifteenth-century hand. Price; ‘[Price’s] Sale by Sotheby Nov. 1816 s3. d6′; purchased by Heber, note on endleaf; not found in sale catalogue. Richard Heber (1773-1833); perhaps Catalogue, 5 (1835), lot 246, sold for £0. 6. 0. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; not found in sale (1837). Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 1. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.52.BW


Entry number: A-107
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.

Item location: a2r
Item text: Tituli.’
Item title: [Index of chapters.]
Item location: a4r
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Ripelin Argentinensis, Hugo]
Item title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
See A–103.
Item location: t1r
[Subject index.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vanquam ordo et compendiositas libri huius, qui compendium dicitur theologice veritatis, vna cum tabula ad principium libri ordinata ad hoc faciant . . .’
Item location: a1r
[Preface by the editor.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vanquam satisfactum sit opusculo huic in quantum discentes respicit, quia tamen materiam claudit predicabilem, illustrande menti purgandeque ac serenande conscientie ad modum conducibilem . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Bernoldus de Caesarea
Item title: [Distinctiones de tempore et de sanctis quarum declarationes ex Compendio theologicae veritatis capiuntur.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam ad laudem dei nemo debet esse vacuus, cum ad se laudandum nos creauit ipse deus, ego frater Bernoldus . . .’
See A–103.

Place of imprint: [Deventer: Richard Pafraet, between 1480 and 1482]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: GW dates [c.1480]; manuscript date 1482 in BL copy.
a–r8 s10 t6 a–d8.
References: GW 601;HC *436;Goff A–234;BMC IX 43;Pr 8960-1;Campbell 473, 285; CIBN A–140; ILC 57; Oates 3445-6; SC 2236; Sheppard 6921.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves a1 and d8.
Binding: Contemporary English sheep over wooden boards, originally dyed red; two clasps lost, hinged from upper to lower cover.
Size: 308 × 217 × 56 mm.
Size of leaf: 295 × 211 mm.
Pastedowns removed.
Early marginal notes and running headings.
Provenance: Simon Moleyns († by 1507); ‘Ex dono M. Molens Cicester’; inscription on a4r. Thomas James (1573?–1629); ‘non quaero quod mihi vtile est sed quod mvltis ego. Tho. James 1597′ on a2r.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: J 6. 8 Th.; N[ew] E[nd] D 6. 15 (for an explanation of this form of shelfmark see SC I p. xii).
Bodleian shelfmark: MS. Bodl. 403.BW


Entry number: A-108
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Dorniberg, Thomas
Item title: [Alphabetical subject index.]
Incipit: ‘[E]go Thomas Dornberg de Memmyngen, decretorum artiumque liberalium doctor et consulatus insignis ciuitatis Spirensis aduocatus, multorum studiosorum clericorum precibus pluries instigatus . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated 23 Aug. 1473.
Item location: [c2r]
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Ripelin Argentinensis, Hugo]
Item title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
Explicit: ‘ . . . Ex omnibus premissis collige, quedam gaudia solum spectare ad animam, quedam ad corpus, quedam ad coniunctum, que tamen felici fine quisque beatus secundum merita recipiat sine fine. Amen.’
See A–103.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Martin Schott, not before 1481]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: BMC originally dated [after 23 Aug. 1483], due to a mistaken reading of the date of the index.
[a8 b6 c8 d–i8.6 k8 l–s8.6 t u8].
References: GW 602;HC *435;Goff A–237;BMC I 93;Pr 392;CIBN A–141; Hillard 1053; Oates 165; Scott, Schott, 4; Sheppard 323.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves [a1], [c1], and [u8].
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 300 × 223 × 48 mm.
Size of leaf: 294 × 202 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 174. Acquisition history: The shelfmark indicates a date of purchase c.1837, but the item is not found in Books Purchased;Acquired acquired between 1847 and c.1892; see Catalogus (1843), Appendix, 14.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 2.22.BW


Entry number: A-109
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis (with shortened ending).

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-;author Ripelin Argentinensis, Hugo]
Item title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
Explicit: ‘ . . . Denique de gaudiis celestibus repleat nos dei filius qui cum patre et spiritu sancto uiuit et regnat deus. Amen.’
With shortened ending, as in the edition Opera (1890), 34, 1-261; see also A–103.

Place of imprint: Venice: Christophorus Arnoldus, 5 Apr. 1476. Format: 4°.
[a–v8].Bibliographical notes: Collation as BMC, not as the misprinted GW.
References: GW 604;HC *439;Goff A–232;BMC V 205;Pr 4214;CIBN A–138; Hillard 1052; Oates 1687; Rhodes 30; Sheppard 3384.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1].
Binding: Half parchment.
Size: 210 × 144 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 203 × 138 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1842), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.46.


Entry number: A-110
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis (with shortened ending).
Remark: Fragment.

Place of imprint: Venice: Gregorius Dalmatinus and Jacobus Britannicus, 1 Apr. 1483. Format: 4°.
a–l8 m10.
References: GW 605;HC *440;Goff A–236;BMC V 362;Pr 4805A;Sheppard 3959.

Binding: Bound in a modern guard-book of Italian fragments.
Size of leaf: 202 × 138 mm.
Imperfections: The last printed leaf (m9) only, containing Liber VII, cap. 29-31: Opera (1890), 34, 259-261 and the colophon.
With manuscript chapter number and a drawing of an angel.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. I97.1(21).BW


Entry number: A-111
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis (with shortened ending).

Item location: a2r
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Ripelin Argentinensis, Hugo]
Item title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
Explicit: ‘ . . . Denique de gaudiis celestibus repleat nos dei filius qui cum patre et spiritu sancto viuit et regnat deus. Amen.’
See A–109.

Place of imprint: [Lyons: Nicolaus Philippi, not after 1487]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Printer assignment by Sheppard (who dates it to c.1488) following BMC‘s assignment to Philippi and Reinhart (cf. BMC VIII, p. lv). Pr, GW and others assign to [Guillaume Balsarin, c.1490]. The Paris BnF copy was bought in 1487.
a–z [et] [con]8.
References: GW 608;C 160;Pr 8581;CIBN A–142; Sheppard 6589.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves a1 and [con]8.
With a variant setting of a3: ‘[D]eum e&longs;&longs;e multis mo &pipe; dis o&longs;t¯one;ditur. hoc eni&masz; recta fides te&longs;tatur. &pipe; &longs;acra &longs;criptura loquitur. comparatio reru&masz; &pipe; ad i¯onp;&masz; idi¯onp;&masz; indicat . . .’
Binding: Sixteenth-century parchment.
Size: 187 × 145 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 179 × 142 mm.
Running headings. On rear endleaf a contemporary note attributing the Compendium to Hugo Ripelin.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red or blue; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Johannes Cordron (fifteenth/early sixteenth century); inscription on a2r: ‘ . . . est de libris Johannis cordron presbiteri’. Acquisition history: Acquired by 1835: Catalogus (1843), I 34.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° M 14 Th.BW


Entry number: A-112
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Compendium theologicae veritatis (with shortened ending).

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Ripelin Argentinensis, Hugo]
Item title: Compendium theologicae veritatis.
Explicit: ‘ . . . Denique de gaudiis celestibus repleat nos dei filius qui cum patre et spiritu sancto viuit et regnat deus. Amen.’
See A–109.

Place of imprint: Venice: Petrus de Quarengiis, Bergomensis, 31 July 1500. Format: 4°.
References: GW 611;HC *445;Goff A–242;BMC V 515;Pr 5490;Sheppard 4457.

Bound with:
2. Guido de Monte Rochen, Manipulus curatorum. Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 20 Dec. 1495 (G–289);
3. Confessionale, Interrogationes et doctrinae. [Ulm: Johann Zainer, c.1490] (C–416);
4. Bonaventura, Meditationes vitae Christi. [Augsburg: Johann Schönsperger, c.1497-8] (B–442).
Variant printer’s name: ‘parenghis’, as in copies in Munich, University Library, and Strasbourg; see GW Anm.
Binding: Contemporary German (Weissenau, Kyriß workshop no. 35) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with metal clasp. Reinforcing slips from a parchment manuscript. On both covers fillets form a double frame; within the outer is a roll of dragons; the inner rectangle is divided by diagonal triple fillets into four compartments. In the compartments are a circular stamp with an angel, and a stamp with a cross; for the stamps see Kyriß pl. 79, nos 1-3.
Size: 218 × 160 × 51 mm.
Size of leaf: 207 × 151 mm.
Provenance: Jakob Murer (fl. 1498); inscription on endleaf: ‘Fratris jacobi mure[r] tunc temporis curatoris in vmendaref [Ummendorf, near Biberach, Bavaria] xvciij’, followed by list of contents in the same hand. Weissenau, Württemberg, diocese of Konstanz, Premonstratensians, SS. Petrus et Paulus; on a2r of the first item the inscription: ‘Biblioth. Weißenau’. Bonaventura Brem (1755-1818); armorial book-plate with initials ‘B[onaventura] A[bt] Z[u] W[eissenau]’. Acquisition history: Purchased from Joseph Baer & Co., Catalogue 143, no. 515(1), for 15 Marks; see Library Bills, 7 May 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.78(1).BW


Entry number: A-113
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De laudibus Mariae.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Richardus de Sancto Laurentio]
Item title: De laudibus Mariae.
Item text: Prefacio.’
Incipit: ‘[L]ibrum istum septem pre ceteris eciam rudibus et parum sciolis reddunt intelligibilem . . .’
Opera (1651), 20b,1-2. Now ascribed to Richardus de S. Laurentio: see Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 dp; Bruno Korošak, Mariologia S. Alberti Magni eiusque coaequalium, Bibliotheca Mariana medii aevi, 8 (Rome, 1954), 28-31; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum II 1055; Albert Fries, Die unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus überlieferten mariologischen Schriften, BGPTM, 37/4 (Münster, 1954), 18-22, 125; J. Beumer, ‘Die Mariologie Richards von Saint-Laurent’, Franziskanische Studien, 41 (1959), 19-40; J. Roten, ‘Richard von St Laurentius’, Marienlexikon, 5 (St Ottilien, 1993), 486-8.
Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-;author Richardus de Sancto Laurentio]
Item title: De laudibus Mariae.
Incipit: ‘[V]niuersis christi fidelibus inspecturis oculo simplici presens opusculum scriptor . . .’
Opera (1651), 20b,3-462; Opera (1890), 36, 1-841.
Item location: [z4r]
[Alphabetical subject index.]

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, not after 1473]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: As dated by BSB–Ink; GW dates [not after 1474], Polain [c.1477-8]. Often found with the Mariale of Albertus Magnus (GW 680); for the two works together, both rubricated in 1473, see Simon Finch, Occasional List, 7 (1991), 1.
[a–f10 g8 h8+1 i k10 l8 m6 n–x10 y8 z4].
References: GW 616;HC *467;Goff A–247;BMC I 59;Pr 228;BSB–Ink R–173; CIBN A–146; Oates 90; Polain 82 (II); Sack, Freiburg, 71; Schorbach, Mentelin, 26; Sheppard 163 (II).

Bound with:
1. Albertus Magnus [pseudo-], Mariale. [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, not after 1473] (A–120).
Binding: Contemporary German (perhaps along the German-speaking Danube, possibly Dillingen) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards; on each cover, four corner-pieces and one central boss lost; two clasps lost; rebacked. Book-label at the head of the upper cover with old shelfmark B.64. On the upper cover fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by fillets into triangular compartments. On the lower cover fillets form a single frame; the inner rectangle is divided by fillets into triangular compartments. In the compartments six different stamps: a rosette (very similar to Schwenke–Schunke 256, no. 179), a rectangular stamp with a stag, a lozenge-shaped stamp with a fleur-de-lis, a floral ornament and two tiny stamps with a fleur-de-lis and a leaf respectively.
Size: 412 × 284 × 88 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Andechs, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Nicolaus; inscription on front pastedown: ‘Iste liber attinet venerabili Cenobio Sancti Nicolai in Anndezz ordinis Sancti Benedicti’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; old shelfmark ‘Inc. s. a. 28′; duplicate stamp. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 7.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 2.17(2).BW

Entry number: A-114
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum.
Incipit: ‘[S]icut vult philosophus in pluribus locis, omnis scientia de genere bonorum est. Verumtamen enim operatio aliquando bona est, aliquando mala . . .’
Several editions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; the latest available in the Bodleian Library being Amsterdam: Henricus and Theodor Boom, 1669, pp. 118-53. For a paraphrase of the contents, see Thorndike II, 720-30. For an edition of a sixteenth-century English translation, see The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus of the Virtues of Herbs, Stones and Certain Beasts: Also a Book of the Marvels of the World, ed. Michael R. Best and Frank H. Brightman, Series of Studies in Tudor and Stuart Literature, 2 (Oxford, 1973). For authorship see Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 df; Lynn Thorndike, ‘Further consideration of the “Experimenta”, “Speculum Astronomiae” and “De secretis mulierum” ascribed to Albertus Magnus’, Speculum, 30 (1955), 413-43, at 413-23.
Item location: b4v
[Recipes for stemming menstruation, for rendering dogs mute, and against damage from dogs; computistic rules.]
Incipit: ‘Videtur dicere Isidorus, quod cinis rane magne combuste portatus ad zonas valde prohibet fluxum menstruorum . . .’
Amsterdam: Henricus and Theodor Boom, 1669, pp. 153-8. This is the last part of the third book of the Liber aggregationis, which in this edition follows the explicit and thus appears as a separate text. A second explicit (`Finit liber tercius’) is added after the end of the text.
Item location: b6r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: De mirabilibus mundi.
Incipit: ‘[P]ostquam sciuimus, quod opus sapientis est facere cessare mirabilia rerum, que apparent in conspectu . . .’
Amsterdam: Henricus and Theodor Boom, 1669, pp. 158-203. For a paraphrase of the contents, see Thorndike II, 730-8. For authorship see Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 ds.
Item location: d5v
[Computistic addition.]
Incipit: ‘[V]t autem, qui legeris que superius posita sunt, vberiorem fructum capias, volumus communem regulam et breuem tradere ad sciendum ortum lune secundum epactam . . .’

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1485]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by GW; Sheppard dates [1486-9].
References: GW 624;C 171;Goff A–256;Pr 1381;BSB–Ink A–173; Campbell 82; Oates 789; Sheppard 965.

Binding: Eighteenth-century English red morocco; gold-tooled border and centre-piece; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 204 × 145 × 11 mm.
Size of leaf: 198 × 140 mm.
Manuscript pagination: 291-337. On d6r an early manuscript recipe: ‘Teneas masticem in ore masticando et trahis humores e capite.’
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce A 291.BW


Entry number: A-115
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum.
Incipit: ‘Sicut vult philosophus in pluribus locis, omnis scientia de genere bonorum est. Verumtamen enim operatio aliquando bona, aliquando mala . . .’
See A–114. In this edition, the last part of the third book (b2r) is included before the explicit.
Item location: b3v
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: De mirabilibus mundi.
Incipit: ‘Postquam scimus, quod opus sapientis est facere mirabilia cessare rerum, que apparent in conspectu . . .’
See A–114.
Item location: c7r
[Computistic addition.]
Incipit: ‘[V]t autem, qui legeris que superius notata sunt, vberiorem ructum(!) capias, volumus communem regulam et breuem tradere ad sciendum ortum lune secundum epactam . . .’
Note on authorship: Separated from the preceding text by an explicit.

Place of imprint: Naples: Antoine Gontier, 12 Nov. 1493. Format: 4°.
References: GW 639;H 540;Pr 6745;Fava–Bresciano 192; Sheppard 5473.Bibliographical notes: GW fails to indicate the line endings of the concluding passage on b3v: ‘Et nota &quod; Jupiter [et] Ue / &pipe; nus boni &longs;unt: Saturn9 &pipe; [et] Mars mali &longs;unt. Sol vero &pipe; [et] Luna mediocres. Mercuri9 &pipe; autem cum bonis bon9 [et] cum &pipe; malis malus. &pipe; Finis &pipe; Eiu&longs;dem Alberti magni de &pipe; mirabilibus mundi feliciter &pipe; Incipit.’

Variants from the GW transcription of c7v, col. 2: ‘Etatem Lune duplica po&longs;t &pipe; addito quinq&atque;. Quinq&atque; dabis &pipe; . . . Impre&longs;&longs;¯onu; Neapoli per Mai &pipe; &longs;tro Antonio Gonteri . . .’
Bound with:
1. Johannes de Sacrobosco, Sphaera. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 1505;
3. Quaestiones tres . . . in celeberrima Lovaniensium Academia disputatae per . . . Henricum A fine Lyranum. Antwerp: Guilielmus Vorstermannus, 4 Apr. 1517 (Nijhoff–Kronenberg 42).
Binding: Seventeenth-century blind tooled calf; triple fillets form a border; title on fore-edge; 2 ties on fore-edges, now lost.
Size: 200 × 144 × 19 mm.
Size of leaf: 194 × 141 mm.
Fragments of a parchment missal used as reinforcing pieces.
Title along the fore-edge.
Provenance: Hypoll(?), W. (fl. before 1600); on endleaf ‘Ex dono Doctoris W Hypoll(?)’. Joseph Maynard (1607?–1670); inscription on a1r of item 1. On a1r of item 2 names of other members of this family, all in the same hand: Alexander Maynard of Tavistock (fl. 1584), his wife Honoria and his son Sir John Maynard (1602-1690).
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° S 58(2) Art.BW


Entry number: A-116
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum; also known as Experimenta Alberti.
Incipit: ‘[S]icut vult philosophus in pluribus locis, omnis scientia de genere bonorum est. Verumtamen enim operatio aliquando bona, aliquando mala . . .’
See A–114.
Item location: c1v
[Recipes for stemming menstruation, for rendering dogs mute, and against damage from dogs; computistic rules.]
Incipit: ‘Videtur dicere Isidorus, quod cinis rane magne super se portatus ad sonas(!) valde retinet fluxum menstruorum . . .’
Amsterdam: Henricus and Theodor Boom, 1669, pp. 153-8. This is the last part of the third book of the Liber aggregationis, which in this edition follows after the explicit and thus appears as a separate text.
Item location: c3v
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: De mirabilibus mundi.
Incipit: ‘[P]ostquam sciuimus, quod opus sapientis est facere cessare mirabilia rerum, que apparent in conspectu . . .’
See A–114.
Item location: f3r
[Computistic addition.]
Incipit: ‘[V]t autem, qui legeris que superius notata sunt, vberiorem fructum capias, volumus communem regulam et breuem tradere ad sciendum ortum lune secundum epactam . . .’
Not in Amsterdam: Henricus and Theodor Boom, 1669.

Place of imprint: London: William de Machlinia, [c.1485]. Format: 4°.
a–d8 e6 f4.
References: GW 653;HC 534;BMC XI;Pr 9770;Duff 9; Sheppard 7519; STC 258.

Bound with:
1. Michael Francisci de Insulis, Quodlibet de veritate fraternitatis Rosarii. [Gouda: Gerard Leeu, between 1483 and 11 June 1484] (F–095(2)).
On the blank leaf a1 a blind impression of bearer-type.
Binding: Seventeenth-century English blind-tooled calf with a border of double fillets and a frame, at each corner of this a fleuron. The note on the last leaf of item 1 and the first leaf of item 2 indicates that the two incunables had already been bound together before 1539. Rebacked.
Size: 212 × 156 × 26 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 143 mm.
Three parchment leaves from a thirteenth/fourteenth-century manuscript containing a French translation of III Rg 11. The woodcut from item 1 is cut out and pasted on a parchment endleaf.
A contemporary table of contents on parchment endleaf. Early foliation in both items. On d6v of item 1 an English prayer in an early sixteenth-century hand: ‘Jhesu for thy holy name and for thy bytter passion Saue vs from synne and from endeles dampnacion And bryng to the blysse which neuer shal mysse swet ihesu amen [see Hoskins 116]. In this forsayd prayer be conteyned .xxxiij. wordes iustly representing the xxxiij yers of the age of our lord ihesu crist. The pardon therof in the memoryal of al his woundes grete and smalle is v.m.cccc.lxxv yers. And here is to be noted that the first whyt bede stone betokenyth the name of ihesu and the red bede stone the passion of ihesu, the first blak the synne of man, the secunde black the paynes of helle and the last whyt bede synyfyeth euerlastynge ioye and blysse. Amen. The wondes that our lord suffered for vs ben vmcccclxxv and so many yeres of pardon be graunted to al them that say deuoutly this forsayd prayer.’ On a1r of item 2 in the same hand a list of indulgences of Syon Abbey, Middlesex, Birgittine Nuns and of the Charterhouse of Sheen, Richmond: ‘Here foloweth the pardon of the bedes of Syon &pipe; for euery pater noster, Aue maria and Crede ccccc daies of pardon And so for the hole ladys saliter lxvij.m. yeres of pardon. &pipe; Here foloweth the pardon of the bedes of Shene the Charterhows for euery pater noster, Aue maria and Credo xxx yers of pardon. &pipe; Secundum annorum xiij.m.cccc.xl &pipe; Also the olde pardon of shene the charterhous for euery worde on the pater noster, Aue maria and crede lxxx of pardon. &pipe; Secundum annorum cclxxviij.m.cccclxxxiij days. &pipe; Also for the .x. salutations of our lady whiche is graunted by pope Julius and Leo for the x Aues x.m. days And for the pater noster x.m.yers. Amen.’ On a1r of item 2, a handwritten title. In item 2 early marginal annotations in Latin and English, e.g. a short prayer and a recipe on c3v.
Provenance: John Selden (1584-1654); see MS. Selden Supra 111, fol. 30v and MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 30, listed as Michael de Insulis. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° I 1(2) Th. Seld.BW


Entry number: A-117
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Liber aggregationis seu liber secretorum.
Incipit: ‘Sicut vult philosophus in pluribus locis, omnis scientia de genere bonorum est. Verumtamen enim operatio aliquando bona, aliquando mala . . .’
In this edition, the last part of the third book (c4r) is included before the explicit; see also A–114.
Item location: d1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: De mirabilibus mundi.
Incipit: ‘Postquam sciuimus, quod opus sapientis est facere cessare mirabilia rerum, que apparent in conspectu . . .’
The computistic rules which appear as additions in other editions are here integrated into De mirabilibus mundi (f6r). For references see A–114.
Item location: g2r
‘Tabula istius libelli.’
Item location: g4r
Item author: Adelardus Bathoniensis
Item title: Quaestiones naturales.
See A–021.
Item location: o2v
‘Qui petit occultas rerum cognoscere causas &pipe; me videat, quia sum leuis explanator earum’; 2 hexameters.
Item location: o3r
Quaestiones naturales philosophorum.
Incipit: ‘Primo igitur queritur, utrum aer est magis necessarius ad vitam quam cibus . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1628.

Place of imprint: [Antwerp: Mathias van der Goes, 1486-91]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by HPT; GW and Campbell–Kronenberg date [c.1488-91], Sheppard [1487-92].
References: GW 666;HC 532; C 166a;Goff A–258;Pr 9407;Campbell–Kronenberg 81b; HPT II 389; ILC 58; Proctor, Additions to Campbell, 81A; Sheppard 7199.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf q6.
Binding: Sixteenth-century English (Cambridge) blind-tooled calf, stamped with initials I[ohn] C[heke]. Roll with initials G[arrett] G[odfrey] († 1539): see George John Gray, The Earlier Cambridge Stationers and Bookbinders and the First Cambridge Printer, Bibliographical Society, Illustrated Monographs, 13 (Oxford, 1904), 28-43 and pl. xxvi, no. iii. Two ties lost.
Size: 211 × 147 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 204 × 135 mm.
Occasional early and seventeenth-century(?) annotations in the Liber aggregationis. On a1r and rear endleaf, an eighteenth-century(?) note: ‘An experyment’. Shelfmark on front edge.
Provenance: John Cheke (1514-1557); inscription on a2r: ‘Joannes Chekus’. Thomas Portway (sixteenth century); inscription on a1r in sixteenth-century hand. John Selden (1584-1654), see MS. Selden Supra 111, fol. 63v; MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 44. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° A 49 Art. Seld.BW


Entry number: A-118
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Logica.

Item location: [*1r]
[Printers’ claim of copyright, dated 27 Sept. 1494.]
Item location: [*1v]
Item text: Tabula.’
Item location: [*7v]
Item author: Judecus, Nicolaus
Item title: Quid apud Aristotelem significat verbum utrumlibet.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Laurentius Bragadenus.
Incipit: ‘[H]ortatus sum te sepenumero, mi Laurenti, vt grecas litteras discas. Nam libri Aristotelici preciosi philosophie thesauri . . .’
See Lohr, Renaissance, 207: Introductio ad librum Aristotelis De syllogismo.
Item location: a1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: [Super Porphyrium De quinque universalibus.]
Item text: De praedicabilibus.’
Opera (1651), I 1-94; Opera (1890), I 1-148; J. Blarer, ‘Albertus Magnus, De antecedentibus ad logicam’, Teoresi, 9 (1954), 177-242. For the manuscript transmission of the text see Fauser no. 1; see Lohr (1967), 339 no. 1.
Item location: f3v
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De [decem] praedicamentis.
Opera (1651), I 94-193; Opera (1890), I 149-304. Waldemar Gremper (ed.), Tractatus secundus libri praedicamentorum de substantia (Dr.Phil. thesis, Fribourg, 1957), partly published as Waldemar Gremper, ‘Der Traktat “De substantia” der Praedikamentenparaphrase Alberts d. Großen’, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 3 (1956), 369-87; 4 (1957), 34-51, 175-96 (edition of book II). For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 2; see Lohr (1967), 340 no. 2.
Item location: l6r
[First colophon.]
Item location: m1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De sex principiis.
Opera (1651), I 194-236; Opera (1890), I 305-72. Book I, 1-7: Albertus Magnus, Liber sex principiorum auf handschriftlicher Grundlage mit Einleitung ed. Benno Sulzbacher (Dr.Phil. thesis, Fribourg, Teildruck, Vienna, 1955). For the manuscript transmission of the text see Fauser no. 3; see Lohr (1967), 340 no. 3.
Item location: o1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Perihermenias. Also known as De interpretatione.
Opera (1651), I 237-89; Opera (1890), I 373-457. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 5; see Lohr (1967), 340 no. 4.
Item location: q6r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Analytica priora.
Opera (1651), I 289-512; Opera (1890), I 459-809. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 6; see Lohr (1967), 340 no. 6.
Item location: r1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Analytica posteriora.
Opera (1651), I 513-658; Opera (1890), II 1-232. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 7; see Lohr (1967), 340 no. 7.
Item location: [con]2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Topica.
Opera (1651), I 658-839; Opera (1890), II 233-524. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 8; see Lohr (1967), 340 no. 8.
Item location: HH4v
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De sophisticis elenchis.
Opera (1651), I 840-953; Opera (1890), II 525-713. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 9; see Lohr (1967), 340 no. 9.
Item location: OO9r
[Second colophon.]

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 15 June 1494, 27 Sept. 1494. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Variants on a1r as in GW transcription, not as in the Szczecin copy cited in GW Anm.
[*]8 a–m6 n8 o–q rr–zz [et][et] [con][con] [rum][rum] A–C r–z [et] [con] [rum] AA–NN6 OO10.Bibliographical notes: Gathering [*] is numbered ‘2-4′ but not signed.
Eight woodcut diagrams.
References: GW 677;H *486;Goff A–270;BMC V 345;Pr 4537;BSB–Ink A–162; Rhodes 35; Sheppard 3901.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf OO10.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf.
Size: 305 × 217 × 60 mm.
Size of leaf: 299 × 198 mm.
Marginal notes in a seventeenth-century hand on a1r-a3v and occasionally throughout the volume; various hands.
Provenance: Simon Dig[by?], on 1r: ‘per me simonem Dig . . .’ (unread name or possibly date). William Smith (†1735); inscription on 1r: ‘Liber Guil. Smith Collegij Universitatis Socij 1678′. University College, Oxford; book-plates with shelfmarks ‘N 20.13′ and ‘FF.30.17′ on pastedown and ‘P.2.5′ on 1r; ‘List of Rare Books’, p. 3. Acquisition history: Deposited in 1941 by the Master and Fellows of University College, Oxford. The copy bought with money given in 1600 by Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, is no longer in the Library; see Benefactors’ Register I 3, and James, Catalogus (1605), 278.
Bodleian shelfmark: Univ. Coll. c.21.BW


Entry number: A-119
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Mariale.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-
Item title: Mariale, prologue.]
Item text: Liber de laudibus gloriosissime dei genetricis Marie semper virginis.’
Opera (1651), 20a,1-2; Opera (1890), 37, 1-3; see Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1061. On authorship see Bruno Korošak, Mariologia S. Alberti Magni eiusque coaequalium, Bibliotheca Mariana medii aevi, 8 (Rome, 1954), 3-18; Albert Fries, Die unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus überlieferten mariologischen Schriften (Münster, 1954), 5-80, 130-1 and Adolf Kolping, ‘Zur Frage der Textgeschichte, Herkunft und Entstehungszeit der anonymen “Laus Virginis” (bisher “Mariale” Alberts des Grossen)’, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 25 (1958), 285-328, stemma on 289.
Item location: [a2r]
‘Tabula capitulorum.’
Item location: [a5r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-
Item title: Mariale.]
Opera (1651), 20a,3-156; Opera (1890), 37, 5-321.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, not after 1473]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: GW [dates c.1473]. A copy in Uppsala has a rubricator’s date 1473.
[a–q10 r6].
References: GW 678;H 460;Goff A–271;BMC I 192;Pr 887;BSB–Ink A–185; CIBN A–148; Sheppard 677; Voulliéme, Köln, 40.

Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost; rebacked. On both covers groups of five fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by diagonal groups of five fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments which are filled with fleurons, too worn for identification.
Size: 300 × 202 × 44 mm.
Size of leaf: 289 × 193 mm.
Nineteenth-century pencil notes on endleaf: ‘£7-17-6′, ‘£4-4-.’
Decoration: Initials, signatures, and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Probably the copy mentioned in Library Bills (1831), no. 243, ‘Books purchased by the Librarian’, item 1, priced at £1. 11. 6; see Books Purchased (1831), 1.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Auct. 1Q extra 2.9; Auct. V. subt.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 2.24.BW


Entry number: A-120
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Mariale.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: [Mariale, prologue.]
Item text: Prologus in opus virginis gloriose.’
Opera (1651), 20a,1-2; Opera (1890), 37, 1-3.
Item location: [a1v]
‘Tituli questionum secundum ordinem movemdarum(!).’
Item location: [a3r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: [Mariale.]
Opera (1651), 20a,3-156; Opera (1890), 37, 5-321.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, not after 1473]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Often found with Pr 228 (Bod-inc. A–113); for the two works together, both rubricated in 1473, see Simon Finch, Occasional List, 7 (1991), 1. GW dates [not after 1474]; Polain dates [c.1477-8].
[a–f10 g6].
References: GW 680;HC *461;Goff A–272;BMC I 59;Pr 229;BSB–Ink A–186; CIBN A–149; Oates 91; Polain 82(I); Sack, Freiburg, 74; Schorbach, Mentelin, 27; Sheppard 163.

Bound with A–113; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 402 × 276 mm.
Decoration: Major initials are supplied in red with some pen-flourishing in ink; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Occasional early marginal notes; early foliation in black ink, and folio references in the index.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 2.17(1).BW


Entry number: A-121
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Mariale.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-
Item title: Mariale, prologue.]
Opera (1651), 20a,1-2; Opera (1890), 37, 1-3.
Item location: a2r
Item text: Tabula.’
Item location: a4r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-
Item title: Mariale.]
Item text: In euangelium “Missus est Gabriel angelus” .’
Edited by Augustinus de Novis Papiensis.
Opera (1651), 20a,3-156; Opera (1890), 37, 5-321.

Place of imprint: Milan: Uldericus Scinzenzeler, for Aloysius de Serazonibus, 17 Apr. 1488. Format: 4°.
References: GW 682;HC (+ Addenda) 464;Goff A–275;BMC VI 763;Pr 6008;BSB–Ink A–189; CIBN A–152; Oates 2306; Sheppard 4984.

Binding: Late fifteenth-century Italian brown goatskin over stiff pasteboards. Four pairs of ties, wanting. Blind-tooled with three frames, the outer two of five lines, the innermost of three lines. Three tools used to form two full borders and a central ornament. Rebacked and repaired in the eighteenth century. Edges then coloured blue. Headbands wanting. Old, but not original, spine laid down, with eighteenth-century morocco label. ‘AUREUM &pipe; OPUS. &pipe; [rule] &pipe; MEDIOL &pipe; 148[8]’. Marbled endleaves.A.Hobson
Size: 207 × 147 × 24 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 141 mm.
Provenance: J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; dated inscription on endleaf; see sale (1837), lot 54. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.34.BW


Entry number: A-121A
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Metaphysica.

Item location: [*1r]
Item location: [*1r]
[First colophon.]
Item location: [*1v]
‘Tabula totius operis.’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Metaphysica.
Incipit: ‘[N]aturalibus et doctrinalibus iam quantum licuit scientiis elucidatis . . .’expl.: illos laudet vel reprehendat
See Lohr, 23 (1967), 341, no. 10.
Item location: [et8r]
[Second colophon.]

Place of imprint: Venice:PRNTER Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio,YND 18 Dec. 1494.FRMAT Folio.
[*]4 a–z6 [et]8.
References: GW 683;HC *501;Goff A–276;BMC V 345;Pr 4540;BSB–Ink A–161; Rhodes 37; not in Sheppard.

Bound with:
2. Albertus Magnus, Physica. Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 31 Jan. 1494/5 (A–131A).
Leaf [et]8 damaged and repaired, the printer’s device having been cut out.
Binding: Twentieth-century English (Cambridge) half tan morocco, with tan cloth over pasteboards; bound by Gray (stamp on the front pastedown), for Harding. Yellow fore- and lower-edged leaves. Scar of an index tab on [*1] of item 1.
Size: 307 × 209 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 298 × 195 mm.
Some early marginal annotations, structuring the text and extracting key words, also ‘nota’ marks and occasional scribbles.
Provenance: London, British Museum; duplicate sale (6 Mar. 1788), lots 967 (Metaphysica) and 968 (Physica); stamp on [*1r] and [et8v] of item 1, with further stamps on [*2r] and a1r of item 2. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843); book-plate with handwritten shelfmark ‘IX C.k.16′: see Lee, Royal Bookplates, 40-1 no. 23; sale, pt VI, lot 168 was ‘Alberti Magni, Metaphysica, etc. Venet. 1494′ and other later items, presumably this copy and item 2 in this volume, the De physica. Thomas South (nineteenth century); book-plate, showing crest and motto. Walter Ambrose Heath Harding (1870-1942); book label: ‘Ex libris &pipe; W. A. Harding &pipe; Madingley’. Dr Brian Lawn (1905-2001); book-plate; catalogue, p. 16.ACQUIRED Bequeathed in 2001.
Bodleian shelfmark: Lawn c.5(1).AEC


Entry number: A-122
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Mineralia.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Mineralia.
Opera (1651), IId 210-72; Opera (1890), V 1-102. For the manuscript transmission of the text see Fauser no. 17; see Lohr (1967), 342 no. 17 and Glorieux, Répertoire, 6ag.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Cornelis de Zierikzee, c.1500]. Format: 8&quo;.Bibliographical notes: As dated by Sheppard; GW dates [not before 1499].
[*]4 [a]–c8 d e4 f–h8 i k4 l–p8 q4.
References: GW 689;H *521 (p. 57);Pr 1494.5;BSB–Ink A–152; Oates 866; Sheppard 1103.

Imperfections: Wanting gatherings [*] and i, and the blank leaf q4.
Variant ‘magni’, as in GW Anm. Oates notes further variants, but the relevant leaves are wanting in this copy.
Binding: Brown leather.
Size: 155 × 106 × 17 mm.
Size of leaf: 149 × 97 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
Provenance: Oxford, Radcliffe Library; acquired in 1848; manuscript addition to Radcliffe Catalogue (1835) for 1848: listed as ‘Albertus, Liber mineralium’, with shelfmark 18.A.5.1.
Former Radcliffe shelfmark: 18.A.5.1.
Bodleian shelfmark: RR.z.23 [RSL].BW


Entry number: A-123
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De muliere forti.

Item location: aa1r
Item location: aa1r
‘Epigramma ad librum.’
‘Sis licet ethereas liber emittendus in auras &pipe; forsan et ad doctos sepe habiturus iter’; 7 elegiac distichs.
Item location: aa1v
‘Manuductio in tabulam.’
Incipit: ‘Venerabilis doctoris Alberti Magni predicatorum ordinis, quondam episcopi Ratisponen[sis], librum de muliere forti intitulatum inspiciens non parue vtilitatis materias continentem reperi . . .’
Item location: aa2r
‘Tabula libri.’
Item location: dd3v
Item author: Langius, Rudolphus
Item title: Epitaphium in Albertum Magnum.
J. B. Nordhoff, Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Münsterischen Humanismus, mit einer Anlage über das frühere Press- und Bücherwesen Westfalens (Münster, 1874), 2-15, with a description of this edition.
Item location: dd4v
Item author: [Langius, Rudolphus]
Item text: Ad vrbem Agrippinensem.’
Nordhoff 15.
Item location: a1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: De muliere forti [Prv 31,10-31].
Opera (1651), XIIb 1-104; Opera (1890), 18, 5-196. Regarded as genuine by Meersseman; ascribed to Guerricus de Saint-Quentin by Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 973, 2668; regarded as doubtful by Bernhard Geyer, ‘Umstrittene Bibelkommentare unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus’, Scholastik, 33 (1958), 558-66, at 566.
Item location: x5v
‘Repetitio vigintiduorum capitulorum secundum numerum litterarum hebraicarum.’
Item location: x5v
Item location: x6r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Orationes super evangelia dominicalia.
Opera (1651), XIIa 129-52; Opera (1890), 13, 343-402 (Oratio I–LIII). On authorship see Rudolf Haubst, ‘Das christologische Schrifttum des Johannes Wenck in Codex Mainz 372 und die von ihm benutzte ps.-albertinische “Litania de sanctis”0.6 mm’, Römische Quartalschrift, 52 (1957), 211-28, at 220-3.
Item location: z4r
Nordhoff 12.

Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 7 May 1499. Format: 4°.
aa–dd a–y8.4 z4.
References: GW 699;H *465 = 466;Goff A–286;BMC I 290;Pr 1355;BSB–Ink A–169; CIBN A–124 Oates 778; Sack, Freiburg, 79; Sheppard 1042; Voulliéme, Köln, 41.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 212 × 153 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 138 mm.
Provenance: On aa1r the note: ‘Cobaltinus’. Purchased from the Fidelis Butsch catalogue (1858), no. 463, described as ‘s. l. et a., Coloniae’ for £0. 4. 0; Books Purchased (1858), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.14.BW


Entry number: A-124
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De mysterio missae.

Item location: [a1r]
‘[O]peris materia presentis eiusque tabula siue registrum.’
Item location: [b1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De mysterio missae. [Also known as Super missam.]
Opera (1651), 21c,1-91; Opera (1890), 38, 1-165. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 70; Franz, Messe, 466-73. On authorship see Kurt Illing, Alberts des Großen “Super Missam”-Traktat in mittelhochdeutschen Übertragungen. Untersuchungen und Texte, Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, 53 (Munich, 1975), 6-8. The authorship of Albertus Magnus is disputed by Albert Fries, ‘Meßerklärung und Kommuniontraktat keine Werke Alberts des Großen?’, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 2 (1955), 28-67 and Der Doppeltraktat über die Eucharistie unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus, BGTPM, NS 25 (Münster, 1984), but Vogels argues for the genuineness of the work; see Heinz-Jürgen Vogels, ‘Zur Echtheit der eucharistischen Schriften Alberts des Großen’, Theologie und Philosophie, 53 (1978), 102-19. For the incunables see Adolf Kolping, ‘Die Drücke der Albert dem Großen zugeschriebenen Meßerklärung. Ein Beitrag zur Editionstechnik der Inkunabeln scholastischer Werke’, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 2 (1955), 197-205 (on the Zainer incunable 198-200), and Adolf Kolping, ‘Die handschriftliche Verbreitung der Meßerklärung Alberts des Großen’, ZfKT 82 (1960), 1-39; the stemma on 39 includes incunables.

Place of imprint: Ulm: Johann Zainer, 29 May 1473. Format: Folio.
[a4 b–i10 k10+1 l–o10]. The single leaf added to gathering [k] after [k7] has only 17 lines of type on each side.
Floral woodcut half border on [b1r].
References: GW 700;H *449;Goff A–287;BMC II 520;Pr 2494;BSB–Ink A–153; CIBN A–125; Schramm V 4; Sheppard 1786; Wegener, Zainer, 28.

Bound with A–097(1); see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 278 × 195 mm.
Imperfections: Leaf [o9] mutilated.
On [o10r] a blind impression.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.3(1).BW


Entry number: A-125
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De natura et origine animae cum commento.

Item location: A2r
[Prologue by the commentator.]
Incipit: ‘[E]t quia plurimorum peripateticorum via circa naturam et originem anime versatur diuersa . . .’
Item location: A3v
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: De natura et origine animae.
Opera (1651), V 185-217; Opera (1890), IX 375-434; Editio Coloniensis (1951-), XII 1-44. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 30.
Item location: A4r
Incipit: ‘Ex hoc textu habetur intentio auctoris de quo in hoc libro determinare intendat . . .’
Item location: K9v
[Exhortation to study Albert’s work.]
Incipit: ‘Bonarum artium studentes secundum hortamina Pauli ad Colosenses 4: “In sapientia ambulate ad eos qui foris sunt” . . .’ [Col 4,5].
Item location: K10r
‘Epitaphium dependens ad sepulcrum venerabilis domini Alberti Magni . . .’
‘Fenix doctorum, paris expers, philosophorum &pipe; Princeps, verborum vas fundens dogma sacrorum. &pipe; Hic iacet Albertus preclarus in orbe disertus, &pipe; Pre cunctis certus assertor in arte repertus, &pipe; maior Platone, vix inferior Salomone, &pipe; quem tu, Christe bone, doctorum iunge corone. &pipe; Annis bis denis minus actis mille trecenis &pipe; Christi nascentis de corporis exit habenis &pipe; quinta post festum Martini luce molestum &pipe; ore petendo deum transiuit agens iubileum.’
See Walther, Initia, 14095.
Item location: K10r
[Colophon including praise of the book.]
Incipit: ‘Gentilium litterarum interpretis clarissimi Alberti magni . . . finit feliciter.’

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Caspar Hochfeder, 27 June 1493. Format: 4°.
A–I8 K10.
References: GW 702;HC *497;Goff A–289;BMC II 474;Pr 2287;BSB–Ink A–155; CIBN A–127; Oates 1100; Sack, Freiburg, 80; Sheppard 1658.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 205 × 150 × 16 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 137 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes in faded red and in brown ink; red underlining.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 2777 in list of duplicates in quarto. Acquisition history: Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.75.BW


Entry number: A-126
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: [Prologue].
Opera (1651), 21e,1; Opera (1890), 37, 447-8. For a list of Latin MSS see Werner Fechter, ‘Zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung des ps.-albertischen “Paradisus animae” und seiner Übersetzungen ins Mittelhochdeutsche’, ZfdA 105 (1976), 66-87. On the authorship see Bertram Söller, ‘Paradisus animae’, VL VII 293-8 and idem, Der Traktat “Paradisus animae” des Pseudo-Albertus Magnus im deutschen Spätmittelalter (Würzburg, 1987).
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.
Opera (1651), 21e,2-32; Opera (1890), 37, 449-511; see Glorieux, Répertoire, 6cq and Bloomfield 5875.
Item location: [c9v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: [Epilogue].
Incipit/explicit: ‘Conqueror tibi, omnipotens Deus, cum multis lacrimis et guttis sanguineis filii tui . . . quia michi dignatus es has perfectas virtutes enarrare.’
Epilogue expanded. Opera (1651), 21e,33; Opera (1890), 37, 512.
Item location: [c10r]

Place of imprint: [Basel: Johannes Solidi (Schilling), not after 29 May 1473]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: The press was identified as Schilling’s and located at Cologne by Corsten, Anfänge, 46. It is reassigned by Dalbanne and Droz to Basel; see P. Needham, ‘William Caxton and his Cologne Partners’, in Corsten Festschrift, 126-7. An Uppsala copy has the date of purchase 1473.
References: GW 703;HC *476;Goff A–290;BMC I 236;Pr 1128;BSB–Ink A–190; CIBN A–182; Oates 614; Sheppard 2402; Voulliéme, Köln, 55.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf a1.
Binding: Nineteenth-century brown morocco; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 292 × 207 × 13 mm.
Size of leaf: 285 × 195 mm.
Early foliation (1-29).
Decoration: Some initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: G. W. Essam; sale (1960), lot 534. Acquisition history: Purchased at Essam’s sale from the funds of Bodley’s American Friends; see ‘Bodley’s American Friends’, BLR 6,6 (1961), 642.
Bodleian shelfmark: Don. d.188.BW


Entry number: A-127
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.

Item location: a1v
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-
Item title: Prologue].
See A–126.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.
See A–126.
Item location: d8r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-
Item title: Epilogue].
Incipit/explicit: ‘Conqueror tibi, omnipotens Deus, cum multis lacrimis et guttis sanguineis filii tui . . . quia mihi dignatus es has perfectas virtutes enarrare.’
See A–126.

Place of imprint: Memmingen: [Albrecht Kunne, c.1488, not after 1496]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: The Munich copy A–191 no. 5 has the date of rubrication 1496.
a10 b–d8.
References: GW 704;HC *477;Goff A–291;BMC II 607;Pr 2812;BSB–Ink A–191; Sheppard 2015.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 203 × 146 × 9 mm.
Size of leaf: 195 × 135 mm.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red.
Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Emmeramus; inscription on a1r: ‘Sancti Emmerami Ratisbonae’. This copy is probably the ‘paradisus anime Alberti Magni’ listed in the library catalogue of S. Emmeramus drawn up by Dionysius Menger, among the ‘libri inpressi’ on fol. 107rb (see MBK IV/1 185-385, at 377); the book probably came into the library with the collection of the deceased subprior Erasmus Dawm in 1504; see MBK IV/1 185; Wagner, ‘St Emmeram’, 195. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 1904 in list of duplicates in quarto.Acquired Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850: not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.37.


Entry number: A-128
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.

Item location: a1r
‘Alberti Magni manibus sepe iste libellus &pipe; dulciter amplexus, sit tibi mente sedens. &pipe; Virtutes veras nam ex hoc cognoscere possis, &pipe; quis potes ad celos carpere tutus iter’; 2 elegiac distichs
See Walther, Initia, 733.
Item location: a1r
Item location: a1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Prologus.’
See A–126.
Item location: a1v
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.
See A–126.
Item location: f3r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-
Item title: Epilogue].
Item text: Confessio Alberti magni.’
Incipit/explicit: ‘Conqueror tibi, Deus sanctissime, cum omnibus lacrimis et guttis sanguineis dilectissimi filii tui . . . quia omnes vnite sunt in gratia. Amen.’
Epilogue as in the editions cited under A–126.

Place of imprint: Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, 14 Mar. 1489. Format: 4°.
a–d6 e f4.
References: GW 705;HC 478;Goff A–292;BMC IX 192;Pr 9383;Campbell 77; CIBN A–183; HPT II 420; ILC 65; Inventaris, 174; Oates 3916; Sheppard 7227.

Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter calf; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 203 × 137 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 198 × 129 mm.
On f4v there are scribbles in two different hands.
Decoration: Missing initials are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Diest, province of Cologne, Brabant, Franciscans; inscription on f4r: ‘Iste liber pertinet fratribus tercie regule sancti Francisci in opido dyesten[sis] [hole in leaf] bogaerd&etilde;’. Acquisition history: Purchased in 1892 from Kockx; invoice in Library Bills (1892), but the individual items cannot be identified.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. N14.1489.1.BW


Entry number: A-129
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.

Item location: A2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Prologus.’
See A–126.
Item location: A2v
Item location: A3r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.
See A–126.
Item location: E7v
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: [Epilogue].
Incipit: ‘[C]onqueror tibi, omnipotens Deus, cum multis lachrymis et guttis sanguineis filii tui . . .’; explicit: ‘ . . . quia omnes vnite sunt in gratia.’
Epilogue as in the editions cited under A–126.
Item location: E7v
‘Laus deo celi dominoque terre, &pipe; qui sua nostro pietate finem &pipe; Ecce felicem imposuit labori &pipe; orbe citato’; 1 sapphic strophe.

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: Martin Flach, 10 July 1498. Format: 4°.
A8 B C6 D E8.
References: GW 706;H *481;Goff A–293;BMC I 155;Pr 709;BSB–Ink A–192; Sack, Freiburg, 81; Sheppard 525.

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century marbled paper wrappers.
Size: 200 × 148 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 140 mm.
Early foliation and signatures, underlining, and occasional marginal notes. In the same hand, on A1r two distichs, which occur as a printed addition in other editions of the text [e.g. Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, 14 Mar. 1489]: ‘Alberti Magni manibus sepe iste libellus &pipe; Dulciter amplexus, sit tibi mente sedens &pipe; Virtutes veras nam ex hoc cognoscere posses &pipe; Quis potes ad celos carpere tutus iter’ (Walther, Initia, 733).
Provenance: On E8r ‘36.H'(?), possibly an old shelfmark. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 2874 in list of duplicates in quarto. Purchased from Caspar Haugg for 4 Marks, Catalogue 82 (1886), no. 5; see Library Bills (1886), no. 80.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.68.BW


Entry number: A-130
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.

Item location: A1r
‘Alberti Magni manibus sepe iste libellus &pipe; dulciter amplexus, sit tibi mente sedens. &pipe; Virtutes veras nam ex hoc cognoscere possis, &pipe; quis potes ad celos carpere tutus iter.’
See Walther, Initia, 733.
Item location: A1v
Item location: A2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Prologus.’
Prologue abbreviated. Opera (1651), 21e,1; Opera (1890), 37, 447-8; see also A–126.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus.
Text abbreviated; for other references see A–126.
Item location: [F1v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-
Item title: Epilogue].
Incipit: ‘[C]onqueror tibi, Deus sanctissime, cum omnibus lachrymis et guttis sanguineis dilectissimi filii tui . . .’; explicit: ‘ . . . quia omnes vnite sunt in gratia. Amen.’
Epilogue as in the editions; see A–126.

Place of imprint: Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 20 July 1498. Format: 4°.
A8 B4 C D6 E4 [F6].Bibliographical notes: The last gathering is unsigned, but numbered.
References: GW 707;H *482;Goff A–294;BMC I 288;Pr 1344;BSB–Ink A–193; CIBN A–184; Sack, Freiburg, 82; Sheppard 1034-5; Voulliéme, Köln, 56.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Alexander Hegius, Carmina. Deventer: Richard Paffraet, 29 July 1503 (Nijhoff–Kronenberg 1041);
2. Alexander Hegius, Dialogus de arte et inertia. [Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, not before 10 Apr. 1497] (H–003);
3. Maphaeus Vegius, Vita S. Antonii. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, [not before 10 Apr. 1497] (V–058);
4. Bartholomeus Coloniensis, Silva carminum. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 6 July 1503 (Nijhoff–Kronenberg 2376);
5. Kempo Thessaliensis, Carmina et epigrammata. [Zwolle: Peter Os, n. d.] (Nijhoff–Kronenberg 1278);
6. Dominicus Mancinus, Carmen de passione Domini. Deventer: Richardus Paffraet [between 21 June 1491 and 25 Jan. 1492] (M–049);
8. Marcus Tullius Cicero, De amicitia. [Deventer]: Jacobus de Breda [not before 10 Apr. 1497] (C–339);
9. Marcus Tullius Cicero, De senectute. [Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, not before 10 Apr. 1497] (C–335(1));
10. Pandulphus Collenucius, Agenoria. [Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, not before 10 Apr. 1497] (C–384);
11. Andreas de Escobar, Modus confitendi. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 24 Dec. 1497 (A–271);
12. Lucianus Samosatensis, Charon. [Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, not before 10 Apr. 1497] (L–173).
Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) parchment over pasteboards.
Size: 194 × 135 × 43 mm.
Size of leaf: 188 × 130 mm.
Early marginal notes in the same hand in items 2, 8, 10, and 12; all these items may therefore have been together at an early stage.
Provenance: Everardus de Floedrup Zuollensis (fl. 1570); inscription dated 1570 on the title-page of item 1; ‘Johannes’ on title-page of item 2. Richard Heber (1773-1833); Catalogue, 13 (1837), lot 1471; Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 14. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.113(7).

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Werner Rolewinck, Formula vivendi canonicorum. [Alost: Thierry Martens, c.1486-92] (R–132);
2. Johannes Chrysostomus, De providentia Dei. Alost: Thierry Martens, 22 Mar. 1487/8 (J–136(2));
3. Johannes de Hese, Itinerarius per diversas mundi partes. Deventer: Richard Paffraet, 1499 (J–163);
5. Lavacrum conscientiae. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell (heirs), 1501.
Binding: Nineteenth-century plain calf; bound for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 199 × 140 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 192 × 132 mm.
One early marginal note on A3v.
Decoration: Paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: ACQUIREDAcquired between 1847 and c.1892: not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.14(4).BW


Entry number: A-131
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Philosophia pauperum.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-];author [Albertus de Orlamünde]
Item title: Philosophia [pauperum].
Opera (1651), 21a,1-54; Opera (1890), V 445-536. The text printed here is an excerpt from recension B; see the edition of book V (here d7r-e7r) in Bernhard Geyer, Die Albert dem Großen zugeschriebene Summa Naturalium (Philosophia Pauperum). Texte und Untersuchungen, BGPTM 35 (Münster, 1938), 63*-82*. On the text, to be attributed to Albertus de Orlamünde rather than Albertus Magnus, see Kaeppeli I 31; Geyer 42-7; Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 dl; Lohr (1967), 345-8. On the incunable recensions see A. Birkenmajer, Krakowskie Wydania Tak Zwanej Philosophia Pauperum Alberta Wielkiego (Cracow, 1926).
Item location: d1v
Item author: Aegidius [Romanus]
Item title: De passionibus animae.
Incipit: ‘[D]vodecim sunt passiones anime, uidelicet amor, odium, desiderium, abhominatio, delectatio, tristicia . . .’
Part of De regimine principum: lib. I, 3, cap. 1-9.
Item location: g3v
Item author: [Albertus Magnus pseudo-]author [Albertus de Orlamünde]
Item title: De [virtute] intellectiva.
Incipit: ‘[D]e collegio ergo quod dictum est de ratione siue intellectu . . .’
The concluding passage of Albertus Magnus [pseudo-], Philosophia pauperum, recension A, see Geyer 60*-62*, incipit: ‘Recolligo ergo quod dictum est . . .’
Item location: g4r
Item location: g4r
‘Tabula huius operis.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, 31 Aug. 1496. Format: 4°.
a–f8 g6.
On a1r a woodcut with the inscription: ‘Per deum omnia facta sunt et sine &pipe; ipso nihil factum. Res cognoscuntur per terminos &pipe; homines et arbores a fructibus cognoscuntur. &pipe; Vis amari ama. Porige porigenti.’ On a2r a woodcut initial P. On b4r a schematic woodcut of the elements and spheres, on d1r of the winds and points of the compass, on e6r of the divisions of the human mind.
References: GW 713;HC *506;Goff A–298;BMC V 386;Pr 4931;BSB–Ink A–130; Essling 894; Oates 1935; Sack, Freiburg, 83; Sander 193; Sheppard 4033.

Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards covered in brown marbled paper.
Size: 205 × 150 × 13 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 141 mm.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red, occasionally with pen flourishing; paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 1160 in list of duplicates in quarto. Bibliothèque Quatremère, part 2 (1859), lot 2568, but probably not from the collection of Quatremère de Quincy. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 7.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.3.BW


Entry number: A-131A
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Physica.

Item location: [*1r]
Item location: [*1r]
[First colophon.]
Item location: [*2r]
‘Tabula totius operis.’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Physica.
Incipit: ‘[I]ntentio nostra in scientia naturali est satisfacere pro nostra possibilitate . . .’expl.: vel dimittant secundum quod placuerit eis
See Lohr, 23 (1967), 341, no. 12.
Item location: x4r
[Second colophon.]

Place of imprint: Venice:PRNTER Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio,YND 31 Jan. 1494/5.FRMAT Folio.
[*]4 a–v6 x4.Bibliographical notes: Gathering [*] numbered ‘2′, but not signed.
References: GW 717;HC Addenda *519;Goff A–300;BMC V 346;Pr 4534;BSB–Ink A–163; CIBN A–128; Rhodes 42; not in Sheppard.

Bound with A–121A; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 298 × 195 mm.
Imperfections: Wanting the title-page, [*1].
Bodleian shelfmark: Lawn c.5(2).AEC


Entry number: A-132
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: De duabus sapientiis; also known as Speculum astronomiae.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: De duabus sapientiis. [Also known as Speculum astronomiae.]
Opera (1651), V 656-66; Opera (1890), X 629-50. (Ps.?) Albertus Magnus, “Speculum astronomiae”, ed. Stefano Caroti, Michela Pereira, Stefano Zamponi, and Paola Zambelli, Quaderni di Storia e Critica della Scienza, NS 10 (Pisa, 1977), 5-48 (edition), 95-175 (list of manuscripts), 185-8 (list of previous editions); see Thorndike–Kibre 975. On authorship see Meersseman 132-8 and Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 dj (ascribed to Roger Bacon, probably by Philippe Le Chancelier). Goldschmidt’s Catalogue 71, no. 15 (1943) suggests that Roger Bacon was the author. The text is regarded as a spurious work by Bernhard Geyer, ‘Das “Speculum astronomiae” kein Werk des Albertus’, Münchener theologische Zeitschrift, 4 (1953), 95-101. Thorndike argues in favour of the authenticity of the text; see Lynn Thorndike, ‘Further Consideration of the “Experimenta”, “Speculum astronomiae” and “De secretis mulierum” ascribed to Albertus Magnus’, Speculum, 30 (1955), 413-43, at 423-7.

Place of imprint: [Nuremberg: Caspar Hochfeder, c.1493-6]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Sheppard dates [c.1493].
a b6.
References: GW 718;HC *485;Goff A–243;BMC II 474;Pr 2300;BSB–Ink A–220; Oates 1103; Sack, Freiburg, 85; Sheppard 1659-60.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century green cloth for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 212 × 152 × 9 mm.
Size of leaf: 206 × 140 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased from Gilhofer & Ranschburg, for ‘Fl. 6′, Catalogue 3 (1885), no. 6; see also Library Bills (1885), no. 21.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.18.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 218 × 150 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 203 × 137 mm.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Probably duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; on a1r a pencil note: ‘Inc . . . 5665′. Purchased from the Fidelis Butsch catalogue (1858), no. 462 for £0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1858), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.13.BW


Entry number: A-133
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Item location: [a1r]
Incipit: ‘Scribit philosophus philosophorum princeps .iiij. ethicorum: Homo est optimum eorum que sunt in mundo . . .’
Several editions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the latest available in the Bodleian Library being Amsterdam: Henricus and Theodor Boom, 1669, at 3-4.
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Secreta mulierum et virorum.
Incipit: ‘[D]ilecto sibi in Cristo socio et amico N. clerico de tali loco vere sapiencie et augmentum continuum vite presentis . . .’
Amsterdam: Henricus and Theodor Boom, 1669, at 4-118. For a paraphrase of the contents see Thorndike II 739-45. On authorship and the history of the text see Meersseman 145-8; Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 du; Christoph Ferckel, ‘Zur Bibliographie der Secreta mulierum’, Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, 7 (1914), 47-8; Christoph Ferckel, ‘Die Secreta mulierum und ihr Verfasser’, Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, 38 (1954), 267-74; Thorndike, ‘Further Consideration’, 427-43. For an account of recent research see Brigitte Kusche, ‘Zur Secreta-mulierum-Forschung’, Janus, 62 (1975), 103-23; Kristian Bosselmann-Cyran, “Secreta mulierum” mit Glosse in der deutschen Bearbeitung von Johann Hartlieb. Text und Untersuchungen, Würzburger medizinhistorische Forschungen, 36 (Hannover, 1985), 9-14; Margaret Schleissner, ‘Secreta mulierum’, VL VIII 986-91.
Item location: [a1v]
Incipit: ‘Iste liber cuius subiectum est contractum ad ens mobile contractum ad naturam secretorum mulierum, vt ipsis infirmantibus possumus dare remedia . . .’
Amsterdam: Henricus and Theodor Boom, 1669, at 4-118. On commentaries on the ‘Secreta mulierum’ see Thorndike, ‘Further Consideration’, 427-43.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Nicolaus Götz, c.1475]. Format: 4°.
[a b8 c d6 e8 f g6].
Historiated initial S with standing figure on [a1r].
References: GW 719;C 198;BMC I 239;Pr 1114;CIBN A–166; Oates 598; SC 1174; Sheppard 847; Voulliéme, Köln, 44.

For this copy see Coates–Jensen 254-5, no. 21.
Imperfections: Wanting a3.
Bound after MS. F with:
MS. A (fols 1r–32v). Constantius presbiter, Vita S. Germani Autissiodorensis; Liber de naturis animalium;
MS. B (fols 33r–88v) Heptarchia Saxonum in Britannia; Liber generationis regum Angliae per genealogiam tripartitam cum gestis illorum abbreuiatis;
MS. C (fols 89r–102v) Acta S. Barbarae; Contra malos praelatos; De donatione dominii de Pontefracto per Guillelmum Conquestorem Hilberto de Lacy militi; list of deaths between 1311 and 1377; notes; Notitia de captione Andreae Barton, Piratae Scoti (in the year 1511);
MS. D (fols 103r–113v) Historia de bello sacro; De terra sancta; Exordium Carthusianorum monachi per Brunonem;
MS. E (fols 114r–128v) De origine et vita sanctorum ordinis fratrum gloriosae virginis de Carmelo, dated 1426; Johannes Grossus, Viridarium de ortu religionis et floribus eiusdem ordinis; Johannes Bacon[thorpe], Speculum eiusdem ordinis; Notitiae de rebus Anglicis historicae; Legenda Amelii et Amici; De origine fratrum praedicatorum;
MS. F (fols 129r–141v) Fundatio Abbatiae de Kirkestall in comitatu Eborniensi; Historia Silvestri papae qui fecit diabolo homagium;
(fols 188r–191r) Christophorus Columbus, Epistola de insulis nuper inventis. Paris: In campo Gaillardi (Guy Marchant), [after 29 Apr. 1493] (C–389);
MS. G (fols 192r–204v) Speculum ecclesiae Edmundi Riche.
For a fuller description see Coxe, Laudian MSS, cols 513-15; M. V. Clarke and N. Denholm-Young, ‘The Kirkstall Chronicle’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 15 (1931), 100-37. On MS. F see also Elizabeth Freeman, Narratives of a New Order: Cistercian Historical Writing in England, 1150-1220, Medieval Church Studies, 2 (Turnhout, 2002), 137-49.
Binding: Seventeenth-century English sprinkled calf with border of triple fillets; 1630s, bound in London by Richard Badger for Laud, and stamped on both covers in gold with the arms of Canterbury, impaled with Laud.
Size: 197 × 152 × 48 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 138 mm.
Two parchment leaves from a fifteenth-century manuscript used as reinforcing pieces.
Provenance: Kirkstall, Yorkshire, Cistercians. Anthony Adell [Jackson]; see Ker, Medieval Libraries, 107 and note 8, but without reference to Adell; inscription on 102v: ‘Antonius Adell monachus de kirkstall’; on 126r: ‘Liber for Kirstall’. Thomas Falkingham of Northall (before 1563-?1619/20); on 192r: ‘This bouke was ffounde wherat Thomas ffolkyngham did preserve it from burninge anno domine Elizabethe regine .37. primo may .1595.’ On the same page: John Ahornor(?) (fl. before 1633). Jo[hannes?] Hundleby (fl. before 1633); name on fols 193r and 204v; on fol. 97v: ‘Transcribed. J.H.’, on fol. 102v: ‘exscripsi. J.H.’ William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury (1573-1645); inscription dated 1633 on fol. 1r: ‘Liber Guilielmi Laud Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis et Cancellarii Vniuersitatis Oxoniensis. 1633.’ Acquisition history: Donated by Laud in 1633; see Coxe, Laudian MSS, p. xxxv.
Bodleian shelfmark: MS. Laud Misc. 722 (fols 142-87).BW


Entry number: A-134
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Item location: [a1r]
Incipit: ‘[S]cribit philosophus philosophorum princeps summus .4. Ethicorum: Homo est optimum eorum que sunt in mundo . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Secreta mulierum et virorum.
Incipit: ‘[D]ilecto sibi in Cristo socio et amico N. clerico de tali loco vere sapientie et augmentum continuum vite presentis . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: [a2r]
Incipit: ‘Iste liber cuius subiectum est ens mobile contractum ad naturam secretorum mulierum, vt in ipsis infirmantibus possumus dare remedia . . .’
See A–133.

Place of imprint: [Ulm: Johann Zainer, c.1482]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: BSB–Ink dates [c.1482-3]; see Amelung, Frühdruck, I 49.
[a–k8 l4].
References: GW 723;H *551; C 197Goff A–303;Pr 2541;BSB–Ink A–194; CIBN A–167; Sack, Freiburg, 86; Sheppard 1832; Wegener, Zainer, 7.

Imperfections: Wanting [b]7-[c]1, [c]8, [e]1.8, [f]1.8 and the blank leaf [l]4.
Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) half calf over pasteboard.
Size: 187 × 142 × 17 mm.
Size of leaf: 182 × 133 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes, mostly ‘nota’ in red ink.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue, or red or blue; paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance: On endleaf a pencil note: ‘86. E D’ in a nineteenth-century hand. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; on [a]1r stamps ‘Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis’ and ‘Duplum Bibliothec&ae; R. Monac.’; probably the imperfect copy seen by Hain. Bibliothèque Quatremère, part 2 (1858), lot 2299, but probably not from the collection of Quatremère de Quincy. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 0. see Books Purchased (1859), 7.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.29.BW


Entry number: A-135
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[S]cribit philosophus philosophorum princeps .iiij. Ethicorum: Homo est optimum eorum que sunt in mundo . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Secreta mulierum et virorum.
Incipit: ‘[D]ilecto sibi in Cristo socio et amico N. clerico de tali loco vere sapientie et augmentum continuum vite presentis . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2v
Incipit: ‘Iste liber cuius subiectum est contractum ad ens mobile contractum ad naturam secretorum mulierum, vt ipsis infirmantibus possumus dare remedia . . .’
See A–133.

Place of imprint: [Speier: Conrad Hist, c.1497]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Voulliéme and C assign to [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell]. GW dates [not before 1495].
a b6 c4 d–f6.
Types: According to Engel–Stalla, types 7,4,5 (GW gives 1,2,5, Sheppard gives 1,4,5).On a1r a woodcut depicting a school scene, see Schramm.
References: GW 734;C 185 = 189;Pr 2448;BSB–Ink A–205; Engel–Stalla col. 1668; Schramm XVI pl. 554; Schreiber V 3059 = 3061; Sheppard 1760; Voulliéme, Köln, 46.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf f6.
Binding: Nineteenth-century green cloth for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 212 × 152 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 208 × 145 mm.
Provenance: Purchased from Caspar Haugg; probably the item listed as coming from his catalogue 78 (1885), no. 174, costing 6 Marks, see Library Bills (1885), no. 381.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.78.BW


Entry number: (A-135A)
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Place of imprint: [Augsburg:PRNTER Johann Froschauer,YND c.1503].FRMAT 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by BSB–Ink, printed using Froschauer’s type 6, which was not used before 1503; GW dates [c.1500].
a–d6.4 e4 f6 g4.
References: GW 735;H *555;Goff A–315;Pr 1858;BSB–Ink A–206; not in Sheppard.

Binding: Nineteenth-century purple morocco with purple cloth, over paper boards; bound for the Bodleian Library. Name of the author and title of the work(?) across the head of the fore-edge in black ink. Index tab on g4.
Size: 205 × 145 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 135 mm.
Early marginal annotations in the first part of gathering a only, including structuring the text, extraction of key words, occasionally in Greek, ‘nota’ marks, pointing hands, also underlining in the text in black and red.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’, ‘4879′ and ‘9′ in pencil on a1r.ACQUIRED Probably purchased in 1885, as were virtually all of the books in neighbouring shelfmarks (Auct. 4Q 6.6 to Auct. 4Q 6.50); the binding would also suggest a date of acquisition in that period.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.43.AEC


Entry number: A-136
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[S]cribit philozophus philosophorum princeps quarto Ethicorum: Homo est optimum eorum que sunt in mundo . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Secreta mulierum et virorum.
Incipit: ‘[D]ilecto sibi in Christo socio et amico N. clerico de tali loco vere sapientie et augmentum continuum vite presentis . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2v
Incipit: ‘[I]ste liber cuius subiectum est contractum ad ens mobile contractum ad naturam secretorum mulierum, vt ipsis infirmantibus possumus dare remedia . . .’
See A–133.

Place of imprint: [Antwerp]: Govaert Bac, [not before 21 Sept. 1500]. Format: 4°.
a8 b4 c8 d4 e8 f4.
On a1v a woodcut depicting a woman kneeling in front of a man seated on a chair.
References: GW 747;C 184;not in Pr;Amelung, ‘Niederländische Inkunabeln’, 5; Campbell 90; HPT I 96, II 390-2; ILC 76; Inventaris, 323; Nijhoff–Kronenberg 2264; not in Sheppard.

Binding: Parchment folder.
Size of leaf: 188 × 123 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
Decoration: Occasional paragraph marks supplied in red; some red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: On a1r: ‘D. Helle V.’ in red ink, cropped. William Pamplin (1806-1899). Oxford, Radcliffe Library; acquired in 1849 from Pamplin; manuscript addition to Radcliffe Catalogue (1835) for 1849: listed as ‘Albertus, Secreta mul. et virorum’, with shelfmark 22.G.5.1.
Former Radcliffe shelfmarks: 22.G.5.1; 85.a.10; G.190.a.15.
Bodleian shelfmark: RR.w.420 [RSL].BW


Entry number: A-137
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[S]cribit philosophus philosophorum princeps .iiii. Ethicorum: Homo est optimum eorum que sunt in mundo . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Secreta mulierum et virorum.
Incipit: ‘[D]ilectio sibi in christo socio et amico N. clerico de tali loco vere sapientie et augmentum continuum vite presentis . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[I]ste liber cuius subiectum est contractum ad ens mobile contractum ad naturam secretorum mulierum, vt ipsis infirmantibus possumus dare remedia . . .’
See A–133.

Place of imprint: [South-east France?: Printer of Alexander Magnus (GW 878), c.1490-5]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: On this press see H. D. Saffrey, ‘Un nouvel essai de localisation et de datation de l’incunable GW 644′, Gb Jb (1964), 98-102. L&ohungum;kkös, Genève, 131 identifies as [Geneva?: Louis Cruse]. BMC locates tentatively at Grenoble.
24 leaves, the last blank.
References: GW 753;C 196;BMC VIII 416;Pr 7378;Sheppard 6845.

Binding: Twentieth-century brown morocco.
Size: 189 × 138 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 183 × 131 mm.
Occasional marginal annotations by various hands.
Provenance: Francis Edward Norris (1885-1966). Presented by him to the Bodleian Library in 1963; stamp dated 20 Nov. 1963; see ‘Notable Accessions: Printed Books’, BLR 7,6 (1967), 332.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. F99.1.BW


Entry number: A-138
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[S]cribit philosophus philosophorum princeps quarto Ethicorum: Homo est optimum eorum que sunt in mundo . . . ’
See A–133.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Secreta mulierum et virorum.
Incipit: ‘[D]ilecto sibi in Christo socio et amico N. clerico de tali loco vere sapientie et augmentum continuum vite presentis . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[I]ste liber cuius subiectum est contractum ad ens mobile contractum ad naturam secretorum mulierum, vt ipsis infirmantibus possumus dare remedia . . .’
See A–133.

Place of imprint: [Paris: André Bocard, c.1493-7]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: GW dates [c.1491-3].
a8 b c6 d8.Bibliographical notes: Collation as BMC, not as GW.
References: GW 754;C 193;BMC VIII 159;Pr 8153;Sheppard 6387.

Bound with:
1. Petrus de Alliaco, De anima. Paris: Guy Marchand, 24 Sept. 1494 (A–203(1));
2. Petrus Tartaretus, Tractatus de intensione, rarefactione et condensatione formarum. [Paris: Étienne Jehannot, c.1495] (T–012);
3. Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum. Paris: André Bocard, 17 Nov. 1493 (R–027);
5. Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolphi. [Paris: Félix Baligault, c.1496-1500] (S–043);
(formerly 6. Christophorus Columbus, Epistola de insulis nuper inventis. Paris: In campo Gaillardi (Guy Marchant), [after 29 Apr. 1493] (Pr 7988: presented to the Library of Harvard University, 1936);
7. Franciscus Niger, Modus epistolandi. Paris: Pierre Levet, [between 1494 and 1497] (N–112).
Binding: Eighteenth-century parchment, the boards mottled, the spine gold-tooled.
Size: 213 × 145 × 24 mm.
Size of leaf: 207 × 141 mm.
On rear pastedown, medallion with portrait of Columbus.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: On a1r of item 1, erased note of ownership and shelfmark ‘E/6/7′. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 129(4).BW


Entry number: A-139
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘Scribit philosophus philosophorum princeps quarto Ethicorum: Homo est optimum eorum que sunt in mundo . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Secreta mulierum et virorum.
Incipit: ‘Dilecto sibi in Christo socio et amico N. clerico de tali loco vere sapientie et augmentum continuum vite presentis . . .’
See A–133.
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘Iste liber cuius subiectum est contractum ad ens mobile contractum ad naturam secretorum mulierum, vt ipsis infirmantibus possimus dare remedia . . .’
See A–133.

Place of imprint: [Paris: André Bocard, c.1493-7]. Format: 4°.
a b8 c6 d4.
References: GW 757;Pr 8158;Sheppard 6400.

Bound with:
1. Ovid, De remedio amoris. Paris: M. Lenoir, 26 Apr. 1501;
2. Heinrich Bebel, Facetiae, Adagia Germanica, Carmina. Paris: Nicolaus de Pratis, July 1516;
3. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De fuga Balbi. [Paris]: Félix Baligault, [after 16 Sept. 1494] (A–276);
4. Jacobus Merlinus, Invectiua in Faustum Balbi calumniatorem. [Paris, Étienne Jehannot or Pierre Le Dru, c.1494-5] (M–197(2));
6. Hieronymus Balbus, Epigrammata. [Paris: Guy Marchand, c.1495] (B–007);
7. Seneca [pseudo-] [Martin of Braga], De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus. [Paris: Gaspard Philippe?] for Jean Petit, [c.1502] (S–166);
8. Dialogus lingue et ventris. Paris: [Jean Poitevin] for Claude Jaumar, [n. d.] (D–054);
9. Ovid, Opuscula. Paris: Denis Roce/Robert Bouchier, [1501];
10. Aristoteles, De virtutibus. [Paris: Ulrich Gering, c.1480] (A–430(2)).
The first gathering is misbound after item 6.
Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) calf; gold-tooled spine and marbled pastedowns.
Size: 194 × 132 × 33 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 125 mm.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce O 126(5).BW


Entry number: A-140
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Secreta mulierum et virorum cum commento.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: [Henricus de Saxonia]
Item text: Praeambula.’
Incipit: ‘[A]d lucidiorem notitiam sequentium habendam videlicet de secretis mulierum aliqua praeambula sunt praenotanda. Primo queritur quot sint cause et que sint . . .’
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Secreta mulierum [et virorum].
Incipit: ‘[D]ilecto suo et cetera.’
Chapter headings only, used as references for the commentary.
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: [Henricus de Saxonia]
Item title: [Commentary.]
Incipit: ‘Diuiditur iste liber prima sui diuisione in quatuor tractatus. In primo determinat de formatione embrionis et de influentiis planetarum . . .’
On commentaries on the ‘Secreta mulierum’ see Thorndike, ‘Further Consideration’, 427-43. For the ascription of this commentary to Henricus de Saxonia see Ernest Wickersheimer, Henri de Saxe et le De secretis mulierum, Communication faite au 3e Congrès de l’Histoire de l’Art de Guérir à Londres 17.-22.7.1922 (Antwerp, 1923) and VL III 876-8 (no mention of the Secreta).

Place of imprint: [Venice: Adam de Rottweil], 24 June 1478. Format: 4°.
References: GW 763;H *563;Goff A–319;BMC V 249;Pr 4419;Sheppard 3551.

Binding: Eighteenth-century Italian quarter red morocco over red pasteboards; marbled pastedowns, probably for Boutourlin.
Size: 214 × 156 × 14 mm.
Size of leaf: 208 × 147 mm.
Some signatures added in ink, occasional early marginal notes, mostly washed out.
Provenance: Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); ‘No. 192′ in red ink on endleaf, see Catalogue 1831; sale, part 1 (1839), lot 663. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1840), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.37.BW


Entry number: A-141
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento.

Item location: [a1r]
‘Prologus seu procedendi modus huius libri.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 247-8; Opera (1890), XIII 667-8.
Item location: [a1r]
‘Tituli operis.’
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-;author Bonaventura pseudo-;author Thomas Aquinas pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento.
Item text: De sacrosancto eukaristie sacramento sermones’.
Opera (1651), XIIa 249-300; Opera (1890), XIII 669-797 (Sermo I–XVII, XIX, XVIII, XX–XXXII). On authorship see Glorieux, Répertoire, 6 cr; Meersseman 113-16; Joseph Kramp, ‘Albert der Grosse und die “Sermones de ss. eucharistiae sacramento”0.6 mm’, Gregorianum, 3 (1922), 239-53; Distelbrink no. 206; Schneyer, Repertorium V 608-12.
Item location: [f6r]
‘Notula et doctrina multum vtilis.’
Opera (1890), XIII 798-9.
Item location: [f7r]
‘Tabula huius operis’.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Johann Guldenschaff, c.1477, not after 1478]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Sack, Frankfurt, lists a copy with a rubricator’s note dated 1478. Blank impression of type-matter on f8r.
For the relative dates of this and the subsequent item, see CIBN A–173 and A–174.
[a–e10 f8].
References: GW 768;H *450;Goff A–324;BMC I 253;Pr 1203;BSB–Ink A–210; CIBN A–173; Sack, Frankfurt, 63; Sheppard 917; Voulliéme, Köln, 49.

Bound with:
1. Albertus Magnus, Summa de eucharistiae sacramento. [Cologne]: Johann Guldenschaff, 30 Apr. 1477 (A–150).
Binding: Half parchment over pasteboard.
Size: 293 × 220 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 286 × 207 mm.
On second endleaf, 25 lines of quaestiones on original sin in contemporary hand, two lines of Latin verse attributed to ‘Ouidius’ in a slightly later hand, the first Met. 6.429 and a German translation of Gn 29,22-4 in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand. On third endleaf, transcription of the colophon of item 1 in the same hand as the distich and the note of ownership. Sixteenth-century marginal notes and pagination in both items. In both items, the sheets are signed in contemporary red ink.
Decoration: Initials, signatures, and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Eberbach, Hesse-Nassau, Cistercians, BVM; for the use of Johannes Rabe of Marburg, monk in Eberbach; sixteenth-century inscription on the recto of the third endleaf: ‘Liber beate Marie virginis In Ebberbach ad usum fratris Johannis de marpurgk canonicus(!) eiusdem Ecclesie perpetuusque capellanus’, followed by transcription of the colophon of item 1 and by: ‘Frater Johannes Rabe &pipe; Hamph &pipe; Hürüss[en] [these three names one above the other] canicus(!) et capellaris(?) vt supra’; on the verso of the fourth endleaf: ‘Liber beate virginis In eberbach’; see Nigel F. Palmer, Zisterzienser und ihre Bücher (Regensburg, 1998), 303. Miltenberg, Bavaria, Franciscan Recollects; inscription on the recto of the fourth endleaf in a seventeenth-century hand: ‘Bibliothec&ae; Fratrum Minorum Recollect[orum] Conventus Miltenberg[ensis]’. On b1r of item 2 ‘Ex bibliotheca P. B. S. S. et M. de anno 75′. Acquisition history: Purchased from John Mozley Stark for £1. 11. 6; label with number from Stark’s catalogue: ‘68′; see Library Bills (1856-8), no. 439; Books Purchased (1858), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.7(2).BW


Entry number: A-142
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento.

Item location: [a1r]
‘Prologus seu procedendi modus huius libri.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 247-8; Opera (1890), XIII 667-8.
Item location: [a1r]
‘Tituli operis.’
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-];author Bonaventura [pseudo-];author Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento.
Opera (1651), XIIa 249-300; Opera (1890), XIII 669-797 (Sermo I–XVII, XIX, XVIII, XX–XXI, XXIII–XXV, XXVII, XXVI, XXVIII–XXXII). On authorship see A–141.
Item location: [f6r]
‘Notula et doctrina multum vtilis.’
Opera (1890), XIII 798-9.
Item location: [f7r]
‘Tabula huius operis’.

Place of imprint: [Basel: Bernhard Richel, c.1478]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: For the dating see CIBN A–173 and A–174.
[a b10 c d8 e10 f8].
References: GW 767;H *451;Goff A–323;Pr 7527;BSB–Ink A–209; CIBN A–174; Sack, Freiburg, 88; Sheppard 2368.

Binding: Nineteenth-century German(?) pasteboard covered with parchment leaves from a manuscript sacramentary, dyed dark blue.
Size: 282 × 204 × 24 mm.
Size of leaf: 271 × 190 mm.
On [c5v] a pointing finger.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.13.BW


Entry number: A-143
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento.

Item location: a2r
‘Prologus seu procedendi modus huius libri.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 247-8; Opera (1890), XIII 667-8.
Item location: a2v
‘Tituli operis.’
Item location: a3r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-];author Bonaventura [pseudo-];author Thomas Aquinas [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento.
Opera (1651), XIIa 249-300; Opera (1890), XIII 669-797 (Sermo I–XVII, XIX, XVIII, XX–XXI, XXIII–XXXII). See A–141.
Item location: k5r
‘Notula et doctrina multum vtilis.’
Opera (1890), XIII 798-9.
Item location: k6v
‘Tabula huius operis’.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Printer of the Casus breves Decretalium (Georg Husner?), c.1494]. Format: 4°.
a b8 c–h4.8 i6 k8.
References: GW 769;H *452;Goff A–325;BMC I 161;Pr 740;BSB–Ink A–211; CIBN A–175; Sack, Freiburg, 89; Sheppard 533.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 203 × 149 × 16 mm.
Size of leaf: 198 × 133 mm.
A few early marginal notes.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 1297 in list of duplicates in quarto;Acquired Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.52.BW


Entry number: A-144
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento.

Item location: a2r
‘Prologus seu procedendi modus huius libri.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 247-8; Opera (1890), XIII 667-8.
Item location: a2r
‘Tituli operis’.
Item location: a3r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-;author Bonaventura pseudo-;author Thomas Aquinas pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de eucharistiae sacramento.
Opera (1651), XIIa 249-300; Opera (1890), XIII 669-797 (Sermo I–XVII, XIX, XVIII, XX–XXXII). See A–141.
Item location: h2r
Item location: h2v
‘Notula et doctrina multum vtilis.’
Opera (1890), XIII 798-9
Item location: h3r
‘Tabula huius operis’.

Place of imprint: Cologne: [Retro Minores for] Heinrich Quentell, 1498. Format: 4°.
a8 b–e4.8 f4 g6 h4.
On a1r a woodcut showing Christ as a child between Mary and Elizabeth, a saint, and St John the Baptist.
References: GW 770;H *454;Goff A–326;BMC I 289;Pr 1348;BSB–Ink A–212; CIBN A–176; Oates 774, 775; Schramm VIII p. 24; Schreiber V, 3063; Sheppard 1038; Voulliéme, Köln, 50.

Bound with:
2. Lavacrum conscientiae. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 28 June 1499 (L–055(2)).
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library. The title of item 2 has been supplied on a1r of item 1 in a sixteenth-century hand in a note, since erased, which is visible under ultra-violet light; this shows that the two items were bound together soon after they were printed.
Size: 207 × 140 × 21 mm.
Size of leaf: 198 × 130 mm.
Early marginal notes in the first gathering.
Provenance: Johannes Wijnmann (fl. 1543). Geldern, Baden-Württemberg, Carmelites; inscription on a1r of item 1: ‘Ex procuratione fratris Johannis wy¨nman Carmelite Gelrien[sis] pro vtilitate Conuentus Gelrien[sis] Opuscula diuersa etcetera Anno domini 1543′; erased inscription (partially visible under ultraviolet light) on a1r of item 1: ‘Carmeli G––‘. Purchased for £0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1852), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.31(1).BW


Entry number: A-145
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis.

Item location: [a1r]
‘Tabula siue directorium presentis libri iuxta alphabeti ordinem.’
Item location: [b1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de tempore, [prologue].
Opera (1651), XIIa 1-2; Opera (1890), XIII 1-2.
Item location: [b1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de tempore.
Opera (1651), XIIa 3-128; Opera (1890), XIII 3-304 (Sermones I–LXXVIII).
Item location: [m1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de sanctis.
Opera (1651), XIIa 153-241; Opera (1890), XIII 407-615 (Sermones I–LI).
Item location: [u4r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo in dedicacione ecclesie.’
Incipit: ‘“[D]ominus in templo sancto suo. letetur a facie eius omnis terra” Abacuc propheta ij [Hab 2,20]. Nota quod quadrupliciter est templum domini . . .’ (variations from edition).
Opera (1651), XIIa 241-2; Opera (1890), XIII 617-19 (Sermo LII).
Item location: [u4v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de eodem.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 242; Opera (1890), XIII 620-1 (Sermo LIII).
Item location: [u5r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de eodem.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 243; Opera (1890), XIII 622-4 (Sermo LIV).
Item location: [u5v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de sancto iohanne baptista.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 243-4; Opera (1890), XIII 625.
Item location: [u5v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermo ad divinum caput Christi.
Opera (1651), XIIa 244; Opera (1890), XIII 626-7 (Sermo LVI).
Item location: [u6r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de beata virgine Maria.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 244-5; Opera (1890), XIII 628-9 (Sermo LVII).
Item location: [u6v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: In annuntiacione beate Marie virginis.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 245; Opera (1890), XIII 630-1 (Sermo LVIII).
Item location: [u7r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: In purificacione beate Marie virginis.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 246; Opera (1890), XIII 632 (Sermo LIX).
Item location: [u7v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de sancta trinitate.’
Opera (1651), XIIa 246; Opera (1890), XIII 633-4 (Sermo LX).

Place of imprint: Cologne: Arnold Ther Hoernen, 24 Dec. 1474. Format: Folio.
[a–k10 l8 m6 n–s10 t u8].
References: GW 771;HC (+ Addenda) 475 = H 453;Goff A–327;Pr 936;CIBN A–177; Oates 426; Sheppard 733; Voulliéme, Köln, 48.

Binding: Half parchment over marbled pasteboards, marbled pastedowns.
Size: 298 × 220 × 43 mm.
Size of leaf: 287 × 210 mm.
Running headings, foliation, and signatures starting from [b1r] and numbering of sermons added in contemporary hand.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Sheppard notes that this item was purchased on 30 Mar. 1893, from Malines [Mechelen]; purchase not identified in Library Bills.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. G3.1474.1.BW


Entry number: A-146
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis.

Item location: [a2r]
[Alphabetical table of contents.]
Item location: [b6r]
‘Tituli, nu[meru]s et initia sermonum de tempore secundum ordinem.’
Item location: [b8r]
‘Tituli, nu[meru]s et initia sermonum de sanctis.’
Item location: [c1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de tempore, [prologue].
See A–145.
Item location: [c1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de tempore.
See A–145.
Item location: [r4r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de sanctis.
See A–145.
Item location: [D1v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo in dedicacione ecclesie.’
Incipit: ‘“[D]ominus in templo sancto suo letetur a facie eius omnis terra” Abacuc propheta ij [Hab 2,20]. Nota quod quadrupliciter est templum domini . . .’ (variations from edition).
See A–145.
Item location: [D2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de eodem.’
See A–145.
Item location: [D2v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de eodem.’
See A–145.
Item location: [D3r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de sancto iohanne baptista.’
See A–145.
Item location: [D3v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermo ad divinum caput Christi.
See A–145.
Item location: [D4r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de beata virgine maria.’
See A–145.
Item location: [D5r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: In annuntiacione beate marie virginis.’
See A–145.
Item location: [D5v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: In purificacione beate marie virginis.’
See A–145.
Item location: [D5v]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo de sancta trinitate.’
See A–145.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1475]. Format: Folio.
[a10 b8 c–z10 A B10 C8 D6].
References: GW 773;H 469a; C 203;Goff A–329;not in Pr;BSB–Ink A–214; CIBN A–178; Sheppard 692; Voulliéme, Köln, 47.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [b8].
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; bound by P. Eenhaes.
Size: 288 × 208 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 274 × 184 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
Decoration: On [c1r] and [r4r] initials are supplied in red and blue with pen flourishing in green and red in the margins; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; red capital strokes and underlining in red or blue.
Provenance: Engelbert-Karl Arenberg, 10th Duke of Arenberg (1899-1974). Nos ‘54′ and ‘a12′ on front pastedown. Acquisition history: Purchased out of the Gordon Duff Fund from August Laube in 1961; see ‘Notable Accessions: Printed Books’, BLR 7,1 (1962), 54.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. G3.5.BW

Second copy
Imperfections: Two leaves only, contained in a guard-book of fragments.
Size of leaf: 284 × 209 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. G97.1(33).

Third copy
Not in Sheppard.
Imperfections: Leaf [x6] only.
Part of a collection of fragments, assembled by Strickland Gibson to provide illustrative material for use in his university course on bibliography; formerly stored in a document case, bearing the label ‘Bibliography Room New Bodleian’.
Binding: Bound in a modern guard-book of fragments.
Size of fragment: 285 × 207 mm.
Decoration: Capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Unidentified bookseller’s monogram on a label attached to the lower margin. Strickland Gibson (1877-1958).ACQUIRED Presented by Gibson.
Bodleian shelfmark: Gibson 403*(1).


Entry number: A-147
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Sermones de tempore et de sanctis.

Item location: [a2r]
‘Registrum in sermones.’
Item location: [b1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de sanctis.
Incipit: ‘“Venite post me, faciam vos fieri piscatores hominum” Ma. 4° [Mt 4,19]. Quare Christus dominus in apostolatum suscepit pauperes . . . “[V]enite post me, faciam vos fieri piscatores hominum” Mathei 4°. Hec verba dominus dixit . . .’
Additions of about ten lines precede each sermon; see A–145.
Item location: [l10r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item text: Item de dedicatione ecclesie Sermo.’
Incipit: ‘“Dominus in templo sancto suo sileat etcetera”, Abacuk 2 [Hab 2,20]. Plinius in speculo naturali: Voces humanas et ignem pertimescunt vniuersa animalia . . . “[D]ominus in templo sancto suo sileat a facie eius omnis terra” Abacuc propheta 2. c. H[omelia] Nota quod quadruplex est templum domini . . .’
Additions of about ten lines precede each sermon; see A–145.
Item location: [m11r]
[First colophon.]
Item location: [n1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de tempore, [prologue].Incipit: ‘[Q]vniam(!) veritatis testimonio seruus inutilis, qui talentum domini commendabilibus lucris non exposuit sed terris infodit, vituperatur, talento priuatur . . .’
See A–145.
Item location: [n1r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Sermones de tempore.
See A–145.
Item location: [E10r]
[Second colophon.]

Place of imprint: Ulm: Johann Zainer, [not after 1478]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Goff notes purchase date of 1478 in the Thacher copy at Library of Congress; BSB–Ink gives purchase date [14]78 for A–216 no. 5.
[a12+1 b10 c8 d10 e f8 g10 h8 i10 k8 l10 m12 n10 o p8 q–z A B10.8 C–E10].
References: GW 775;H *472;Goff A–331;BMC II 528;Pr 2531;BSB–Ink A–216; Sack, Freiburg, 92; Sheppard 1811; Wegener, Zainer, 52.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [m12].
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 298 × 223 × 54 mm.
Size of leaf: 287 × 192 mm.
On [a1r] cancelled scribbles in German by an early hand. On [a1v] a list of biblical books, works by Gregorius Magnus and Aristotle with their Latin and German titles in an early hand with comment added in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand ‘Hec non omnia sunt vera’. Occasional early marginal notes; on [y9v/y10r] notes in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand. On [E10v] scribbles.
Decoration: On [b1r] an initial is supplied in red with black pen flourishing; other initials and occasional paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 6. 0; see Books Purchased (1842), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf. 1.10.BW


Entry number: A-148
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Summa de creaturis, pars prima: De quattuor coaequaevis; pars secunda: De homine.

Item location: a1v
‘Tabula articulorum de quatuor coequeuis.’
Item location: b1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Summa [de creaturis], pars prima: De quattuor coaequaeuis.
Opera (1651), XIXa; Opera (1890), 34, 307-761. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 60.
Item location: l5v
[First colophon.]
Item location: n1r
Item author: Albertus Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Summa [de creaturis], pars secunda: De homine.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca secundam partem Summe de creaturis restat querere de homine. De quo primo querendum est secundum statum eius in seipso . . .’
Opera (1651), XIXb; Opera (1890), 35, 1-661. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 61.
Item location: aa4v
[Second colophon.]
Item location: aa5r
‘Tabula questionum libri de homine.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Simon de Luere, for Andreas Torresanus, 19 Dec. 1498; 16 Feb. 1498/9. Format: Folio.
a2 b–k8 l6 n–z8 [et] [con] [rum]8 aa6.
References: GW 779;HC *569;Goff A–334;BMC V 574;Pr 5621;BSB–Ink A–166; CIBN A–130; Rhodes 43; Sheppard 4699-700.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 295 × 200 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 286 × 185 mm.
Occasional early manuscript notes in the second part, all in one hand.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Probably the copy mentioned in the Benefactors’ Register, I 14, given in 1600 by William Gent (fl. 1562-1611); James, ‘Catalogus’ (1602), fol. 204v; James, Catalogue (1605), 278; Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ Register’, no. 31.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.10.

Second copy
Binding: Contemporary German (probably Regensburg, Kyriß workshop no. 138) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards; book-label on the upper cover; two metal clasps; on each cover one lozenge-shaped boss and four corner-pieces lost. On the upper cover triple fillets form a triple frame; the inner rectangle and outer frame are filled with fleurons (Kyriß pl. 277, no. 1), those in the inner rectangle being surrounded by merrythoughts (Kyriß pl. 277, no. 2). On the lower cover triple fillets form a frame; the inner rectangle is divided by triple fillets into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments. At each point of intersection is a small round rosette stamp (Kyriß pl. 277, no. 3); in the compartments, fleurons. Similar bindings in Munich, BSB 2&quo; Inc. c.a. 2807 (from Stadtamhof), 2377b and others.M. Rozsondai
Size: 330 × 224 × 53 mm.
Size of leaf: 318 × 209 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red underlining.
Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Emmeramus; bought by abbot Erasmus Münzer; inscriptions on aa6r: ‘Comparauit hunc librum Frater Erasmus huius monasterij Sanctj Emerami Abbas Anno domini 1501′ and on a1r: ‘Monasterii S Emmerami Ratisbon&ae;’; the book is listed in the library catalogue of S. Emmeramus by Dionysius Menger (1500/1501), and is catalogued with the shelfmark ‘D 5′ among the ‘libri inpressi’ on fol. 89RA (MBK IV/1 185-385, at 344); Wagner, ‘St Emmeram’, 194. Leonhard Seiz (1739-1842). Acquired in 1842 by Joseph Edmund Hoeß; inscriptions on a1r: ‘Ex relictis defuncti professoris mei Dr Leonhardi Seitz [sic] emit pro 10 fl. &pipe; Ratisbon&ae;, 28.12.42 &pipe; Josephus Edmundus Hoeß, Acolytha et Alumnus’; ‘J. E. Hoeß’; and on aa6r: ‘Comparauit pro 1 fl. sibi Josephus Edmundus Hoeß, Acolytha et Alumnus, et quidem ex relictis defuncti professoris sui Doctorius [sic] utriusque et theologi&ae; Leonhardi Seitz’. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 4. 6; see Books Purchased (1861) 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 3.33.BW


Entry number: A-149
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Summa de eucharistiae sacramento.

Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [b4r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Summa de eucharistiae sacramento. [Also known as De corpore Domini.]
Opera (1651), XXId 1-139; Opera (1890), 38, 191-432. For the manuscript transmission see Fauser no. 71. For the incunables see Adolf Kolping, ‘Die Drucke der Albert dem Großen zugeschriebenen Meßerklärung. Ein Beitrag zur Editionstechnik der Inkunabeln scholastischer Werke’, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 2 (1955), 197-205, on the Zainer incunable 198-200 and Adolf Kolping, ‘Die handschriftliche Verbreitung der Meßerklärung Alberts des Großen’, ZfKT 82 (1960), 1-39, stemma on 39 including incunables. On authorship see Kurt Illing, Der Einfluß des ‘Super Missam’-Traktats Alberts des Großen auf die mittelhochdeutsche geistliche Literatur. Untersuchungen und Texte, Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, 53 (Munich, 1975), 6-8. The authorship of Albertus Magnus is disputed by Albert Fries; see ‘Meßerklärung und Kommuniontraktat keine Werke Alberts des Großen?’, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 2 (1955), 28-67 and Der Doppeltraktat über die Eucharistie unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus, BGTPM, NS 25 (Münster, 1984), but Vogels argues for the genuineness of the work; see Heinz-Jürgen Vogels, ‘Zur Echtheit der eucharistischen Schriften Alberts des Großen’, Theologie und Philosophie, 53 (1978), 102-19.

Place of imprint: Ulm: Johann Zainer, 1474. Format: Folio.
[a4 b–g10 h10+1 i–r10 s8 t10].
Woodcut half border on [b4r].
References: GW 780;HC *456;Goff A–335;BMC II 522;Pr 2503;BSB–Ink A–156; CIBN A–131; Sack, Freiburg, 95; Schramm V 4; Sheppard 1796; Wegener, Zainer, 35.

Sheets [b1.10] and [b2.9] bound in reverse order.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled blue morocco in imitation of fifteenth-century German style; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 307 × 214 × 48 mm.
Size of leaf: 297 × 197 mm.
Decoration: Printed initials painted red; paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: John Bellingham Inglis (1780-1870), see sale (1826), lot 186. Purchased for £4. 14. 6; see Books Purchased (1826), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 2.25.BW


Entry number: A-150
Albertus Magnus
Uniform title: Summa de eucharistiae sacramento. Oratio de eucharistiae sacramento.

Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [b2r]
Item author: Albertus Magnus
Item title: Summa de eucharistiae sacramento. [Also known as De corpore Domini.]
See A–149.
Item location: [q6r]
Item location: [q6v]
Item author: Albertus [Magnus]
Item title: Oratio [de eucharistiae sacramento.]
Incipit: ‘[O]mnipotens sempiterne deus fili dei vnigenite, qui ex nostro et a nobis et propter nos corpus et sanguinem et animam humanam et spiritum assumpsisti . . .’
Opera (1651), XXId ,140.

Place of imprint: [Cologne]: Johann Guldenschaff, 30 Apr. 1477. Format: Folio.
[a6 b–o10 p q6].
References: GW 781;HC *457;Goff A–336;BMC I 253;Pr 1202;BSB–Ink A–157 CIBN A–132; Sheppard 916; Voulliéme, Köln, 51.

Bound with A–141; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 286 × 207 mm.
Imperfections: Wanting gathering [a] and leaf [b1].
Decoration: Initials, signatures, and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.7(1).BW


Entry number: A-151
Uniform title: Disciplinarum Platonis epitome.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Balbus, Petrus, Bishop of Tropea
Item text: Conuersio’ addressed to
[dedicatee] Cardinal Nicolaus de Cusa.
Incipit: ‘Cum te intelligam sapientissime atque optime patrum . . .’
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: [Albinus pseudo-];author Alcinous
Item title: Disciplinarum Platonis epitome.
Translated by Petrus Balbus.
Incipit: ‘[Q]ve sint propriissima Platonis documenta queue doctrina perbreuiter hinc ordinem . . .’
The authorship of this work has been ascribed to Albinus by J. Freudenthal, Der Platoniker Albinos und der falsche Alkinous, Hellenistische Studien, 3 (Berlin, 1879), 275-302 (followed by others, including Albinus, Épitomé, ed. P. Louis (Rennes, 1945), pp. xii–xv; Reginald E. Witt, Albinus and the History of Middle Platonism (Cambridge, 1937), 104-13); Claudio Mazzarelli, ‘Bibliografia medioplatonica. Parte prima: Gaio, Albino e Anonimo commentatore del “Teeteto”0.6 mm’, Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica, 72/1 (1980), 108-44; Tryggve Göransson, Albinus, Alcinous, Arius Didymus (Gothenburg, 1995)). Alcinous: The Handbook of Platonism, ed. John Dillon (Oxford, 1993), pp. ix–xiii brings together recent research on the authorship to support an attribution to ‘Alcinous’.

Place of imprint: [Nuremberg: Anton Koberger], 24 Nov. 1472. Format: Folio.
[a b10 c6].Bibliographical notes: Collation as CIBN, Accurti and BSB–Ink, not as BMC or GW.
References: GW 806;H *620;Goff A–365;BMC II 412;Pr 1965;Accurti I 114; BSB–Ink A–222; CIBN A–188; Sheppard 1423.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [c4-6]; gathering c in this copy appears to contain four leaves, but the three leaves present are all glued together, and the stitching visible between c2 and c3 seems to date to the present binding.
Leaf [k1] from Gualterus Burlaeus, De vita philosophorum ([Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, before 1474]) (B–610(4)) is bound between gatherings [a] and [b]. BMC copy (IB. 7115) is bound with Burlaeus, De vita philosophorum (IB. 7141): this suggests that there may have been a tendency for these works to be bound together in one volume.
Binding: Late eighteenth/early nineteenth-century French(?) blue pasteboards.
Size: 293 × 205 × 3 mm.
Size of leaf: 284 × 198 mm.
Manuscript titles added in margins, in a later hand.
Decoration: One three-line and one four-line initial are supplied in red on [a2r].
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £2. 12. 6; see Books Purchased (1823), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 4.24.AEC


Entry number: A-151A
Uniform title: Titurel.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Wolfram [von Eschenbach pseudo-;author Albrecht
Item title: Titurel.
Item title: Jüngerer Titurel.]
Incipit: ‘[I]n anegenge und an letze bist du, Got, ewig lebende . . .’
For the ascription of authorship see VL I 158-73, at 158-70, with this edition referred to at 161; see also Peter Jörg Becker, Handschriften und Frühdrucke mittelhochdeutscher Epen (Wiesbaden, 1977), 243-59.
Note on authorship: The author is named as ‘Wolfram’ at the end of the text, on [H7v].
Item location: [H7v]
[Author’s colophon, naming Wolfram, and date of printing.]
Item location: [H8r]
‘Die capitel diß b&ringu;s’.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin], 1477. Format: Folio.
[a–o10 p10+1 q–z A–F10 G8 H10-2].Bibliographical notes: Collation as Sheppard, not as BMC.
References: HC *6683;Goff W–70;BMC I 59;Pr 217;BSB–Ink A–224; Oates 82; Sheppard 166.

Binding: Nineeenth-century gold-tooled red morocco; gilt-edged leaves; marbled pastedowns; covered with a marbled paper wrapper.
Size: 277 × 210 × 60 mm.
Size of leaf: 268 × 198 mm.
Some marginal annotations, including corrections to and amplication of the text, ‘nota’ marks and underlining in black ink, and underlining in red ink; irregular foliation in black ink in the upper margin: 1-306.
Decoration: Partial rubrication: principal initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue; other initials, some with extensions into the margins, and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; capital strokes and underlining in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £8. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1850), 20.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 5.44.AEC


Entry number: A-152
Uniform title: De nativitatibus.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a1v
Item author: Laurus de Palatiis, Antonius
Item title: [Preface.]
Incipit: ‘Cum a teneris ut Greci aiunt unguiculis . . .’
Dated 2 May 1492.
Item location: a2r
‘Tabula capitulorum.’
Item location: a3r
Item author: Albubather
Item text: Proemium.’
[Edited by Antonius Laurus de Palatiis].
Incipit: ‘Primum quod facere oportet in natiuitate . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1120.
Item location: a3v
Item author: Albubather
Item title: De nativitatibus.
[Translated by Salio, canon of Padua.]
[Edited by Antonius Laurus de Palatiis.]
Incipit: ‘Dixerunt sapientes primi qui fuerunt . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 445 and 1120; Carmody 136 no. 23a.
Item location: e6v
Item author: Bonus, Antonius
Item text: Ad Antonium Laurum Paduanum carmen.’
‘Qui solitos phoebi currus qui tecta sororum &pipe; Laetus adis uiridi redimitus tempora Lauro’; 10 hexameters.
Item location: e6v
Item author: Bonus, Antonius
Item text: Ad lectorem epistola.’
‘Magna quidem nostro debemus munera Lauro &pipe; Cuius ope Albubathris gloria parta nitet’; 6 elegiac distichs.

Place of imprint: Venice: Alovisius de Sancta Lucia, 1 June 1492. Format: Folio.
Woodcuts on a1r: within decorated border on the left the Muse Urania, in centre, seated on a throne, ‘Astronomia’, and on the right, Ptolemy; above, the sun, moon, and stars, below plants and animals. Above the border, woodcuts of three bearded figures, the one on the right wearing a crown, the one in the centre having the name ‘Albubather’ printed around it; also signs of the zodiac.
References: GW 835;H *607;Goff A–355;BMC V 509;Pr 5378;BSB–Ink A–225; CIBN A–191; Essling 638; Sander 211; Sheppard 4440.

Binding: Old parchment, rebound in the seventeenth century, at the latest by 1667. On the lower cover: ‘For Mr. Humfreys on St Peters Hal.’
Size: 277 × 190 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 275 × 175 mm.
Two parchment leaves from a thirteenth-century manuscript of Gregory IX, Decretals, once used as pastedowns, but now raised.
Occasional sixteenth/seventeenth-century marginal notes, with underlining in black ink, and planetary signs on a6v.
Provenance: William Hodges (seventeenth-century); inscription on a1r: ‘Gulielmus Hodgeus pr 5s.’ Mr Humfreys, St Peter’s Hall, see binding note. John Booker (1603-1667), 1640, whose books were bought by Elias Ashmole for £140; inscription on the upper cover: ‘Albubater fui ex libris Johannis Bookeris.’ Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 1720.AEC


Entry number: A-153
Uniform title: De magnis coniunctionibus.

Item location: A1r
Item location: A2r
Incipit: ‘Hic est liber indiuiduorum superiorum . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 615.
Item location: A2r
Incipit: ‘Tractatus primus qualiter aspicitur ex parte . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1581.
Item location: A2v
Item author: Albumasar
Item title: De magnis coniunctionibus.
[Translated by Johannes Hispalensis.]
Edited by Johannes Angelus.
Incipit: ‘Scientia indiuiduorum significationum circularium super effectus . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1402; Carmody 91-2 no. 13 2(a). According to a personal communication from Charles Burnett, Angelus was the editor of this text and of A–157, and possibly of A–154 and A–155.

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 31 Mar. 1489. Format: 4°.
A–N8 O6 P8.
Woodcuts of signs of the zodiac and planetary signs. Two astrological diagrams.
References: GW 836;HC *611;Goff A–360;BMC II 383;Pr 1882;BSB–Ink A–226; CIBN A–195; Essling 448; Oates 960; Rhodes 48; Sack, Freiburg, 99; Schramm XXIII p. 25 and taf. 29-32, nos 119-34, 136-59; Schreiber V, 3072; Sheppard 1330.

Bound with:
1. Leopold, Duke of Austria, Compilatio de astrorum scientia. Venice: Melchior Sessa and Petrus de Ravanis, 1520;
3. Johannes Hispalensis, Epitome totius astrologiae . . . Nuremberg: Johannes Montanus and Ulricus Neuber, 1548.
Imperfections: Leaf F3 mutilated: missing portion of woodcut and text supplied by a seventeenth-century hand, with some unsigned biographical notes, dated 1633 and 1656, at least partly in the hand of William Lilly.
Binding: Seventeenth-century calf, rebacked; double fillets form a border; five fillets form a frame with a floral tool at the corners; a floral tool in the central rectangle.
Size: 213 × 156 × 37 mm.
Size of leaf: 206 × 143 mm.
Decoration: Some woodcuts touched in red.
Provenance: William Lilly (1602-1681); inscription on back endleaf: ‘Lillius Lecestrensis 2d feb. 1642′, who possibly purchased it from the books of William Bedwell (1563-1632); inscription on back endleaf: ‘2d Jan. 1633 pret. 3s‘; Lilly’s name and the year 1633 appear together in other books subsequently owned by Ashmole, for example Ashm. 465. Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 501(2).AEC


Entry number: A-154
Uniform title: Flores astrologiae.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albumasar
Item title: Flores astrologiae.
[Translated by Johannes Hispalensis.]
Incipit: ‘Dixit Albumasar. Oportet te primum scire dominum anni . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1013; Carmody 92-3 no. 13 3(a).

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 18 Nov. 1488. Format: 4°.
a8 b8 c4.
Woodcuts of signs of the zodiac and planetary signs. Seven astrological diagrams.
References: GW 837;HC *609;Goff A–356;BMC II 382;Pr 1877;BSB–Ink A–227; CIBN A–192; Essling 436; Oates 956; Rhodes 46; Schramm XXIII p. 25 and pl. 29, 31, nos 119-25, 134-5; Schreiber V, 3073; Sheppard 1320-1.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Johannes de Sacro Bosco, Sphaera mundi. Paris: Félix Baligault, [1494] (J–186(1));
2. Johannes de Sacro Bosco, Sphaera mundi. Venice: Guilelmus Anima Mia, Tridinensis, 1491 (J–185);
4. Petrus de Alliaco, Concordantia astronomiae cum theologia. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 1490 (A–210(2));
5. Pomponius Mela, Cosmographia, sive de situ orbis. Venice: Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn, 1478 (M–178(2));
6. Marcus Antonius Sabellicus, De vetustate Aquileiensis patriae. [Padua]: Antonius de Avinione, [between 1481 and 1483] (S–002(1)).
Binding: Contemporary English blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, one metal catch lost; see Hobson, Cambridge Libraries, 46 no. xiv, dated to between c.1494 and 1534. ‘Astronomia et Cosmographia’ along the lower edge. On both covers triple fillets form an intersecting double frame; within the outer frame are a small round fleur-de-lis and a repeated foliate tool; the inner rectangle is divided by diagonal triple fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. In the compartments two different stamps: a lozenge-shaped fleur-de-lis and a coat of arms; for the stamps see Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. x nos 20-4. Rebacked.
Size: 220 × 162 × 46 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 144 mm.
Parchment manuscript pastedowns containing the Sermones fratrum minorum, Collectio generalis (de tempore) copied in a late thirteenth/early fourteenth-century hand, with titles 1 and 2 on the front pastedown, 3 and 4 on the rear pastedown. Titles: 1. ‘[N]isi habundauerit iustitia vestra plusquam scribarum et phariseorum non intrabi[tis] in reg[num] ce[lorum] mt 5′ [Mt 5,20], incipit: ‘In hoc verbo tanguntur duo: primum est perfectio vite spiritualis’ (Schneyer, Repertorium, VII no. 93 T45); 2. ‘Mortui sumus cum Christo’ [Rm 6,8], incipit: ‘Credimus quia simile’ (Schneyer, Repertorium, VII no. 94 T46); 3. ‘[S]i filii et heredes ro. 8′ [Rm 8,17], incipit: ‘Proposito verbo duo principaliter aten[den]da sunt: primum est iustorum meritum’ (Schneyer, Repertorium, VII no. 98 T48); 4. ‘[F]ilii huius seculi prudentiores sunt filiis lucis in generatione sua. Lu. 16′ [Lc 16,8], incipit: ‘In proposito verbo salvator noster 3a spiritualiter agit . . .’ (Schneyer, Repertorium, VII no. 99 T48).
List of contents of the volume on the verso of the second front endleaf, written mostly in one contemporary hand, but with later additions. Notes on planetary signs on front endleaves in a contemporary hand.
Provenance: Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 463(3).

Second copy
Bound with:
2. Albumasar, Introductorium in astronomias. Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 1489 (A–157(1)).
Binding: Seventeenth-century English calf; double fillets form a border, separating a narrow and a wide rectangle. Upper board detached.
Size: 186 × 152 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 184 × 142 mm.
Provenance: Bruges, Flanders, Carthusians, Domus Vallis Gratiae; inscription: ‘Sum domus monialium cartusiensium prope brugas’. David Goubard (fl. 1633). John Selden (1584-1654); see MS. Selden Supra 111, fol. 39r: ‘Flores Albumasaris 4°’; or fol. 92v: ‘Albumazar Flores Astrolog.’; not found in MS. Broxb. 84. 10. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° A 31(1) Art. Seld.AEC


Entry number: A-155
Uniform title: Flores astrologiae.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albumasar
Item title: Flores astrologiae.
[Translated by Johannes Hispalensis.]
Incipit: ‘Dixit Albumasar. Oportet te primum scire dominum anni . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1013; Carmody 92-3 no. 13 3(a).

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 14 Sept. 1495. Format: 4°.
a b8 c4.
Woodcuts of signs of the zodiac and planetary signs. Seven astrological diagrams.
References: GW 838;HC *610;Goff A–357;BMC II 388;Pr 1905;BSB–Ink A–228; CIBN A–193; Schramm XXIII p. 26 and pls 29, 31, nos 119-25, 134-5; Schreiber V, 3074; Sheppard 1348.

Bound with:
1. Johannes Regiomontanus, Ephemerides sive Almanach perpetuum. Venice: Petrus Liechtenstein, for Johannes Lucilius Santritter, 1498 (R–039(2)).
Binding: Sixteenth-century German quarter blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards. Frame formed by fillets; in the inner rectangle is a roll showing Jesus in Gethsemane, David and Goliath, and Moses(?) or possibly Samson with the doors of the gates of Gaza, see Haebler, Rollen- und Plattenstempel, I 332 roll no. 5, lettered ‘I.P.’ Two catches lost and remains of one leather clasp.
Size: 208 × 160 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 147 mm.
‘1′ and ‘2′ in brown ink on the upper right-hand corner of the first leaf of each item. ‘Inc. 1812′ in black ink on a slip of paper kept at the end of the book.
Provenance: Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria (†1651); armorial book-plate by Raphael Sadeler, 1650s, see Warnecke 1374, and Dressler-Schröder 23 and 57, Typ B1; shelfmark inside the upper cover: ‘′; shelfmark on lower edge of the lower cover: ‘′; probably shelfmarks from ducal library. Munich, Royal Library; shelfmark inside the upper cover: ‘No. 696. Inc.Typ’ corresponds to the Munich catalogue Cbm Cat. 221 (1), fol. 18r. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ on a1r and on the front pastedown.ACQUIRED Purchased from Munich via Thomas Rodd for Fl. 5, i.e. £0. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.19(2).AEC


Entry number: A-156
Uniform title: Flores astrologiae.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: Albumasar
Item title: Flores astrologiae.
[Translated by Johannes Hispalensis.]
Incipit: ‘Dixit Albumasar. Oportet te primum scire dominum anni . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1013; not listed in Carmody.

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes Baptista Sessa, [c.1500]. Format: 4°.
Large woodcut initial ‘D’ on a2r. Woodcuts of signs of the zodiac and planetary signs. Seven astrological diagrams.
References: GW 839;HC *608;Goff A–358;BMC V 482;Pr 5598;BSB–Ink A–229; Essling 437; Sander 213; Sheppard 4356.

Bound with:
1. Omar, De nativitatibus. Venice: Johannes Baptista Sessa, 26 Mar. 1503;not found in pre-20 cat
2. Michaelis Maestlinus, Alterum examen novi pontificialis Gregoriani kalendarii. Tübingen: Georgius Gruppenbachius, 1586;
4. Johannes Kepler, Supplementum Chiliadis logarithmorum. Marburg: Caspar Chemlinus, 1625;
5. Supputatio ecclesiastica. Würzburg: Georgius Fleischmann, 1595;not found in pre-20 cat
6. John Selden, De anno civili et calendario. London: Richard Bishop, 1644 (Wing S2423);
7. Josephus Scaliger, Elenchus vtriusque orationis chronologicae D. Davidis Parei. Leiden: Henricus Ludovicus ab Haestens, for Ludovicus Elzevierius, 1607.
Lower edge cropped.
Binding: Seventeenth-century English blind-tooled calf (after 1644, before 1674); on both covers triple fillets form a border and define a narrow and a wide rectangle. Formerly chained; staple-marks of a hasp at head of the upper cover.
Size: 178 × 144 × 60 mm.
Size of leaf: 172 × 132 mm.
Provenance: Perhaps owned by Anthony Wotton (1561?-1626); autograph on title-page of item 2. John Selden (1584-1654); his motto on a2r of item 6; these six items bound together by 1674 (see individual entries in Hyde, Catalogus) but no entry has been found for the volume in any of the manuscript catalogues of Selden’s collection. Acquisition history: In the Library by 1674, with a Selden shelfmark.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: G 1. 12 Art. Seld.
Bodleian shelfmark: BB 17(3) Art. Seld.


Entry number: A-157
Uniform title: Introductorium in astronomiam.

Item location: a2r
Item author: [Hermannus de Carinthia
Item title: Translator’s prologue.]
Incipit: ‘Apud iannos artium principiis que ars extrinseca . . .’
Charles H. Haskins, Studies in Medieval Science, 2nd edn (Cambridge, Mass., 1927), 45-7, where the incipit is: ‘Apud Latinos artium principiis quedam ars intrinseca . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 116; Thorndike I 649-50.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Albumasar
Item title: Introductorium in astronomiam.
[Translated by Hermannus de Carinthia.]
Incipit: ‘Primum itaque que causa qua ratione . . .’
See Richard J. Lemay, Ab¯onu; Ma`Shar and Latin Aristotelianism in the Twelfth-Century: The Recovery of Aristotle’s Natural Philosophy through Arabic Astrology, American Unversity of Beirut, Publication of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Oriental ser., 38 (Beirut, 1962), 9-132; Thorndike–Kibre 1119 and 116; Burnett, ‘Arabic’, 126-7; Carmody 88-90 no. 13 1(b).Lemay is preparing an edition of both the Latin and Arabic texts: see Ab¯onu; Ma`šar, The abbreviation of the introduction to astrology, ed. Charles Burnett, Keiji Yamamoto and Michio Yano, Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, 15 (Leiden, 1994), 1; this ed. came out in 1995 (Italian publisher in Naples), and CFD is asking for it to be ordered, 28.9.01

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 7 Feb. 1489. Format: 4°.
a–h8 i6.
Woodcuts of planetary signs and signs of the zodiac. Three astrological diagrams.
References: GW 840;HC *612;Goff A–359;BMC II 382;Pr 1880;BSB–Ink A–230; CIBN A–194; Essling 524; Oates 959; Rhodes 47; Schramm XXIII p. 25 and pls 29-31, nos 122, 125-32, 134, 136-47; Schreiber V 3075; Sheppard 1324-7.

First copy
Bound with A–154(2); see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 184 × 141 mm.
Occasional marginal notes in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° A 31(2) Art. Seld.

Second copy
Bound with:
2. Johannes Ganivetus, Epistola astrologie defensiva. Lyons: Johannes Cleyn, 1508.
Imperfections: Wanting e5. Title from a1r cut out and mounted.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 212 × 150 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 204 × 137 mm.
Early marginal notes.
Provenance: Jeorg Camer. John Selden (1584-1654); possibly the copy referred to in MS. Selden Supra 111, fol. 39r: ‘Introductorium in Astronomiam Albumasaris 4°’; not found in MS. Broxb. 84. 10. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° A 32(1) Art. Seld.

Third copy
Bound with:
1. Hieronymus de Manfredis, Prognosticon anni M cccc lxxxi. [Verona: Petrus Maufer de Maliferis, 1481] (M–062);
3. Richardus de Bury, Philobiblon. Paris: Gaspard Philippe, for Jean Petit, 1500-1 (R–066(1)).
Imperfections: Wanting a8. a1 is supplied from another, shorter copy.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 210 × 153 × 21 mm.
Size of leaf: 203 × 140 mm.
Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a sixteenth-century English hand.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired by 1605; see James, Catalogus (1605), 284.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: 4° O 7 [Jur.]; 4° E 9 Jur.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.15(2).

Fourth copy
Bound with:
1. Georg Henisch, Tabulae institutionum astronomicarum. Augsburg: Michael Manger, 1575;
3. Alchabitius, Libellus isagogicus. Venice: Melchior Sessa, 1512;
4. Johannes Stöffler, Ephemerides. [Venice: n. pr., c.1505].
Imperfections: Wanting a1.
Binding: Seventeenth-century calf; on both covers triple fillets form a border; both boards detached.
Size: 200 × 148 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 193 × 131 mm.
Early marginal notes. Contents list on the front endleaf in the hand of Ashmole.
Provenance: Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum , Oxford, 1692. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 158(2).

Fifth copy
Imperfections: Corrected proofs of g1v and g7v only, with type area 149 × 105 mm.
Printed on one side only of two conjugate leaves. Removed in 1889 from Auct. Q sub fen. 2.15, Robertus Holkot, Super sapientiam Salomonis. Reutlingen: Johann Otmar, 1489 (H–132(1)). Subsequently placed in Antiq. d.X. 10, a box of miscellaneous fragments. Removed from this box in 1970.
Binding: Bound in a modern guard-book of proof-sheets.
Marginal corrections in ink.
Provenance of Auct. Q sub fen. 2.15: Ranshofen am Inn, Upper Austria, Augustinian convent of S. Pancratius. Acquisition history: Purchased from William Ridler for £1. 1. 0; see Library Bills, 8 Jan. 1889.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Antiq. d.X.10.
Bodleian shelfmark: Vet. A1 a.4(12).AEC


Entry number: A-158
Uniform title: Libellus isagogicus.

Item location: aa1v
[Woodcut astrological diagram.]
Item location: aa2r
Item author: Alchabitius
Item title: [Prologue.]
Translated by Johannes Hispalensis.
Incipit: ‘Postulata a domino prolixitate vitae . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1078.
Item location: aa2v
Item author: Alchabitius
Item title: Libellus isagogicus [also known as Liber introductorius].
Translated by Johannes Hispalensis.
Incipit: ‘Nitach id est circulus signorum dividitur in 12 partes . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 913; Carmody 144-5 no. 27 1(a). David Pingree, ‘Al-Qabisi’, DSB XI, 226, is doubtful about the attribution of this work to Alchabitius.
Item location: ee4r
Item author: Johannes de Saxonia
Item text: Commentum super textu Alchabicii.’
Edited by Bartholomaeus de Alten.
Incipit: ‘“Vir sapiens dominabitur astris”, dicit Ptolemeus in Sapientiis Almagesti . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1699; Thorndike III 258-64.

Place of imprint: Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, [before 4 Nov.] 1485. Format: 4°.
aa–ll8 mm10.
Four astrological diagrams.
References: GW 844;H *617; C 225;Goff A–363;BMC V 290;Pr 4400;BSB–Ink A–233; CIBN A–197; Essling 295; Oates 1760-2; Redgrave 55; Rhodes 49; Sack, Freiburg, 101; Sander 217; Sheppard 3691-2.

First copy
For this copy see Coates–Jensen 247, no. 7.
Bound with:
1. Johannes de Sacro Bosco, Sphaera mundi. [Venice]: Erhard Ratdolt, 1485 (J–182);
3. Julius Hyginus, Poetica astronomica. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 1485 (H–252).
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf blind-tooled for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Both boards detached.
Size: 222 × 164 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 212 × 153 mm.
Early marginal notes. Contemporary manuscript table of contents on g8v of item 3, listing all three items.
Provenance: Robert Goodyear (sixteenth century); inscription: ‘Robert Gudyer’ on g8v of item 3. Thomas Sparke (†1572); George Winter (†1580); inscription on 11v of item 1: ‘Liber G. Winteri ex dono Tho. Sparke Episcopi Barwicensis 1566 12 Junij’. John Selden (1584-1654), see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, pp. 44-5; MS. Selden Supra 111, fol. 39r; and MS. Add. C. 40, p. 68. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: 4° B 13 Art. Seld.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. N 5.7(2).

Second copy
Bound with A–002; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 210 × 152 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 465(2).AEC


Entry number: A-159
Alcock, Johannes, Bishop of Ely
Uniform title: Gallicantus.

Item location: A1r
[Title-page with woodcut.]
Item location: A1v
Item location: A2r
Item author: Alcock, Johannes
Item title: Gallicantus.
Incipit: ‘Apprehendite dilectissimi filii disciplinam patris . . .’
See Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 558.
Item location: D5r
Item author: Alcock, Johannes
Item text: Constitutio Johannis Eliensis episcopi pro festis sanctorum infrascriptorum in diocesi sua celebrandis.’
Incipit: ‘Quoniam dicente salvatore discipulis suis . . .’

Place of imprint: [London]: Richard Pynson, [after 25 Sept. 1498]. Format: 4°.
A8 B–D6.Bibliographical notes: Leaf A3 is signed A.
Three woodcuts: on A1r repeated on A1v, Hodnett no. 1354 and fig. 123, and see also Julie Ann Smith, ‘An Image of a Preaching Bishop in late Medieval England: the 1498 Woodcut Portrait of Bishop John Alcock’, Viator, 21 (1990), 301-22, and fig. 1; on A2r, Hodnett no. 1484.
References: GW 846;H 624;Pr 9800;Duff 11; Sheppard 7551; STC 277.

Binding: Sheppard states that this volume was formerly ‘bound in’ 4° A 60 Th., whereas an unpublished note by D. M. Rogers says 4° A 160 Th., a shelfmark which does not now exist; this cannot be verified. Nineteenth-century purple morocco; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 198 × 138 × 4 mm.
Size of leaf: 192 × 130 mm.
Marginal corrections in an approximately contemporary hand.
Provenance: John Sammon (b. 1588); inscription: ‘Ex dono Jo. Samon in artibus magis[tri] quondam ex Coll. Aeneanas. et verbi divini concionatoris apud Evesham in com. Wigorn’. Acquisition history: As this copy may have been bound with another volume, it is not clear whether the above donation inscription refers to the Bodleian or to another beneficiary. In the Bodleian Library by 1674; see Hyde, Catalogus (1674), I 17; not found in James, Catalogus (1605) or James, Catalogus (1620).
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.33.AEC


Entry number: A-160
Alcock, Johannes
Uniform title: Spousage of a virgin to Christ.

Item location: A2r
Item author: [Alcock, Johannes]
Item title: [Spousage of a virgin to Christ.]
Incipit: ‘I aske the banes betwix the hyghe and moost myghty . . .’
See Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 558; see V. M. O’Mara, ‘Preaching to Nuns in Late Medieval England’, Medieval Monastic Preaching, ed. Carolyn Muessig, Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 90 (Leiden, 1998), 93-119, at 104-6.

Place of imprint: Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, [c.1497]. Format: 4°.
A6 B4.Bibliographical notes: Leaf B2 is signed Cii.
Woodcut on B3v, Hodnett no. 374 and fig. 19. This was one of Caxton’s woodcuts and was taken over by Wynkyn.
References: GW 855;Pr 9724;Duff 20; Sheppard 7454; STC 287. Facsimile: English Experience, no. 638 (Amsterdam, 1974).

Imperfections: Wanting A1 and B4.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 203 × 143 × 3 mm.
Size of leaf: 195 × 132 mm.
In the inner margin of A2r: ‘Curious Black Letter Book’, written in black ink in an eighteenth-century(?) hand. Also a drawing in black ink, in the lower margin, of the printed initial ‘G’ on the same page.
Provenance: Thomas Jolley (fl. 1848); sale (1843), lot 27. Acquisition history: Purchased for £3. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 2.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: 4° A 68 Th. BS.
Bodleian shelfmark: Arch. G e.45.AEC


Entry number: A-161
Alexander VI
Uniform title: Regulae cancellariae.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Alexander Vi
Item title: Regulae cancellariae, 27 Aug. 1492–7 May 1499.
Incipit: ‘Sanctissimus in christo pater et dominus noster dominus Alexander . . .’

Place of imprint: Rome: Eucharius Silber, 1499 [not before 7 May]. Format: 4°.
a–c6 d4 e2.
References: GW 927;H 637; R 11;not in Pr;Sheppard 3076.

Leaf a3 is signed aii, b3 is signed bii, and c3 signed cii.
Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards.
Size: 210 × 145 × 3 mm.
Size of leaf: 203 × 138 mm.
Manuscript foliation added in ink (174-97). Marginal notes. On e2v an early note on the ‘regula’ dated 8 May 1495.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased from James Tregaskis for £3. 3. 0; see The Caxton Head Catalogue, 666 (London, 1909), no. 189; see Library Bills, 23 Feb. 1909.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I2.1499.1.AEC


Entry number: A-162
Alexander Aphrodisiensis
Uniform title: De anima ex Aristotelis institutione.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Donatus Hieronymus
Item text: Praefatio in interpretationem Alexandri Aphrodisei.’
F. Edward Cranz, ‘The Prefaces to the Greek Editions and Latin Translations of Alexander of Aphrodisias, 1450 to 1575′, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 102 (1958), 510-46, at 516-17.
Item location: a5r
Item author: Alexander Aphrodisiensis
Item title: De anima ex Aristotelis institutione, book I.
Item text: Enarratio de anima ex Aristotelis institutione.’
Translated by Hieronymus Donatus.
Incipit: ‘Propositum nostrae institutionis est ut de anima disseramus: quae uersatur in corpore . . .’
See F. E. Cranz, ‘Alexander Aphrodisiensis’, CTC I 77-135, at 85-6.
Item location: m3v
‘Errata recognita.’

Place of imprint: Brescia: Bernardinus de Misintis, 13 Sept. 1495. Format: 4°.
a–l8 m4.
References: GW 859;H *656;Goff A–386;BMC VII 989;Pr 7030;BSB–Ink A–236; CIBN A–204; Sheppard 5809, 5810.

First copy
Binding: Eighteenth-century Dutch gold-tooled red morocco; see Foot, ‘Incunable Collector’, no. 37.
Size: 213 × 159 × 24 mm.
Size of leaf: 205 × 150 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £1. 2. 6; see Books Purchased (1855), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.24.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter calf with green stippled paper over boards.
Size: 214 × 160 × 19 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 151 mm.
Provenance: Inscription on a1r: ‘Ex libris Frostine [/Fraline?] quam incola num sacerdos quam incola’. Alfred John Horwood (1821-1881). Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 88. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. J 3.2.BW


Entry number: A-163
Alexander Aphrodisiensis
Uniform title: Problemata.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Pisanus, Victor
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Ludovicus Mocenicus.
Cranz, ‘Prefaces to Greek Editions’, 541-2.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Valla, Georgius
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Johannes Marlianus.
Cranz, ‘Prefaces to Greek Editions’, 542; see also the edition from Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, MS. Laur. 84,16 in A. M. Bandini, Biblioteca Leopoldina Laurentiana: seu Catalogus manuscriptorum qui iussu Petri Leopoldi imperatoris in Laurentiana translati sunt, 3 vols (Florence, 1791-3), III 247-8.
Item location: a3r
Item author: Alexander Aphrodisiensis [pseudo-]
Item title: Problemata, books 1, 2, and 4, 60-192.
Translated by Georgius Valla.
Incipit: ‘[P]roblematum quaedam per se sunt fidem facientia: et cognita omnis ambiguitatis: ac questionis expertia . . .’
See F. E. Cranz, ‘Alexander Aphrodisiensis’, CTC I 77-135, at 130-2.
Item location: d6r
[First colophon.]
Item location: d6v
Item author: Gupalatinus, Nicolaus
Item text: Praefatio in problemata Aristotelis.’
[dedicatee] Addressed to Sixtus IV, Pont. Max.
Incipit: ‘[P]roblemata Aristotelis emendatissima. vt Nunc sunt latina lingua ante hac non habuit . . .’
Item location: e1r
Item author: Aristoteles [pseudo-]
Item title: Problemata.
Edited by Nicolaus Gupalatinus.
Translated by Theodorus Gaza.
Incipit: ‘[C]ur exuperantiae nimiae committendi morbi uim habeant. An quia uel excessum uel defectum efficiant . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 360; on Gaza’s translation see Livia Martinoli Santini, ‘Le traduzioni dal greco’, in Un pontificato ed una città, 81-101, at 87 note 19. On authorship see Carl Prantl, ‘Ueber die Probleme des Aristoteles’, Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-philologische Classe, 6 (1852), 339-77; E. S. Forster, ‘The Pseudo-Aristotelian Problems: Their Nature and Composition’, Classical Quarterly, 22 (1928), 163-5; Brian Lawn, The Salernitan Questions: An Introduction to the History of Medieval and Renaissance Problem Literature (Oxford, 1963), 96; see also J. Monfasani, ‘Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in mid-quattrocento Rome’, Supplementum Festivum: Studies in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller, ed. J. Hankins and others (Binghamton, NY, 1987), 189-219, at 207.
Item location: m6v
[Second colophon.]
Item location: n1r
Item author: Calphurnius, [Johannes]
Item title: [Letter
[dedicatee] addressed to] Marcus Aurelius Venetus.
Incipit: ‘Petieram a te Marce per litteras Plutarchi problemata: respondisti quem admodum ad omnia soles elegantissime . . .’
Item location: n1r
Item author: Plutarchus
Item title: Problemata.
Edited by Johannes Calphurnius.
Translated by Johannes Petrus Lucensis.
Incipit: ‘[Q]vid est quod noua nupta cum in matrimonium datur: ignem et aquam iubetur attingere . . .’
Item location: o8r
Item author: Calphurnius, [Johannes]
Item title: [Verses
[dedicatee] addressed to] Dominicus Siliprandus.
Quos radi optabas lima Siliprande libellos &pipe; Imprime nil posset iungere docta manus; 4 elegiac distichs.
Item location: o8r
[Third colophon.]

Place of imprint: Venice: Antonius de Strata, de Cremona, 24 Nov. 1488, 18 Dec. 1488, 3 Jan. 1488/9. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Three colophons.
a8 b–n6 o8.
References: GW 860;HC, Addenda *658;Goff A–387;BMC V 295;Pr 4594;BSB–Ink A–237; CIBN A–205; Oates 1834; Rhodes 51; Sack, Freiburg, 103; Sheppard 3712-13.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century plain paper wrappers.
Size: 313 × 214 × 14 mm.
Size of leaf: 311 × 210 mm.
On a1r pen-trials in various hands and six lines of a poem in Italian, partly covered by paper slips repairing a tear. On a3v marginal note in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand.
Provenance: Johannes Franciscus Bragadenus (possibly Zuan Francesco Bragadin), inscription on a1r. On a1v old shelfmark ‘B.xxv.6′. Alessandro Albani (1692-1779) cardinal 1721; on a2r two oval stamps with his arms surmounted by a cardinal’s hat and, beneath, initials B. A. in white on black; see Gelli, pl. vi no. 28. Notes signed ‘E. N . . .’ on endleaf. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1858), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.6.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half red morocco for Bywater.
Size: 298 × 212 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 291 × 197 mm.
Marginal marks and foliation in an early hand.
Provenance: Vincentius Vincentinus (sixteenth century). Venice, Camaldolese, S. Michele di Murano; on a1r: ‘Iste liber est Dom[ini] Vincentij Vincentini et Monasterij S. Michaelis de Muriano’, see Mittarellus (1779), 21-2. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 89. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. A 1.20.BW


Entry number: A-164
Alexander Benedictus
Uniform title: Collectiones medicinae.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item title: [Letter] addressed to
[dedicatee] Marcus Sanutus.
Incipit: ‘[D]vbitaueram semper senator optime in his medicinae praeceptis . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 469.
Item location: a1v
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item title: Collectiones medicinae.
Incipit: ‘[B]oni primum medici est praeter ea quae religioni . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 178 and Pesenti 50-1 no. 2.

Place of imprint: [Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, c.1493]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 862;H *806;Goff A–388;BMC V 344;Pr 4533;BSB–Ink B–275; CIBN B–213; Oates 1814; Sheppard 3896.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half brown morocco for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 215 × 152 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 145 mm.
Decoration: Most three- and four-line initials and two paragraph marks are supplied in red. Chapter headings underlined in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased on 9 Apr. 1886 from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 175, no. 380, for 12 Marks; see Library Bills (1886), no. 78.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.70.AEC


Entry number: A-164A
Alexander Benedictus
Uniform title: Diaria de bello carolino.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a1v
Item author: Cimbriacus, [Elius] Quintius Aemilianus
Item title: [Verse.]
Item text: In Gallos.’
Alessandro Benedetti, Diaria de bello Carolino, ed. with introduction, translation, and notes by Dorothy M. Schullian, Renaissance Society of America Text Series, 1 (New York, 1967), 48.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Cimbriacus, [Elius] Quintius Aemilianus
Item title: [Verse.]
Item text: Hendecasyllabicon.’
Diaria, ed. Schullian, 50.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Augustinus Barbadicus, Doge of Venice.
Diaria, ed. Schullian, 52-4.
Item location: a4r
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item text: Argumentum primi libri’ [addressed to]
[dedicatee] Antonius Boldus, Johannes Marcellus, and Aloisius (Ludovicus) Molinus.
Diaria, ed. Schullian, 58.
Item location: a4v
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item title: Diaria de bello carolino: book 1.
Diaria, ed. Schullian, 60-126.
Item location: e4v
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item text: Argumentum secundi libri’ [addressed to]
[dedicatee] Antonius Bernardus and Georgius Cornelius.
Diaria, ed. Schullian, 130.
Item location: e5v
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item title: Diaria de bello carolino: book 2.
Diaria, ed. Schullian, 132-96.
Item location: i3v
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Sebastianus Baduarius and Hieronymus Bernardus.
Diaria, ed. Schullian, 198.
Item location: i4r
Diaria, ed. Schullian, 198.

Place of imprint: [Venice: Aldus Manutius, Romanus,YND after 27 Aug. 1496]. Format: 4°.
a–h8 i4.
References: GW 863;H 805*;Goff A–389;BMC V 555;Pr 5552;BSB–Ink B–277; CIBN B–214; Scapecchi, ‘Annali’, 10; not in Sheppard.

Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) faded gold-tooled red crushed morocco; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 213 × 163 × 16 mm.
Size of leaf: 204 × 155 mm.
For corrections to the text of this edition see C. F. Bühler, ‘Stop-press and Manuscript Corrections in the Aldine Edition of Benedetti’s Diaria de Bello Carolino’, in Early Books and Manuscripts: Forty Years of Research (New York, 1973), 138-44. At 140-1 Bühler notes five stop-press corrections: in this copy the corrections on a6v and both on d7v have been made, whilst the other two have not. At 141 he notes 17 cases of manuscript alterations, all of which have been made in this copy except for that on d1r. Copious marginal notes in an early hand mainly extracting key words and phrases; on a2r a reference to Lucian; on c3v a supplement to the text with a reference to Macrobius.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased from A Catalogue of Rare, Curious and Valuable Books, Manuscripts and Autographs Consigned from Italy, to Which Is Added Another Valuable Collection . . . (London: Evans, 22 Nov. 1837), lot 200 for £0. 9. 0.; see Library Bills (1837-8), bill no. 33 from Thomas Rodd; Books Purchased (1838), 3. No Bodleian copy is listed by Pr, and the edition is included neither in the pre-1920 catalogue, nor in Sheppard, but see Catalogus (1843), Appendix I 88; for the rediscovery of this book see Kristian Jensen, ‘Notes and Documents: The Case of the Recovered Incunable’, BLR 16,5 (1999), 435-6.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2R 3.90.


Entry number: A-165
Alexander Benedictus
Uniform title: De observatione in pestilentia.

Item location: A1r
Item location: A1v
Item author: Cimbriacus, [Elius] Quintius Aemilianus
Item text: Hendecasyllabicon’, dedicated to the reader.
‘Qui non volt Stygiis fata sub umbris &pipe; Saeua pestilitate disperire’; 11 hendecasyllabic verses.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Giacomo Contarini.
Incipit: ‘[G]alenus qui post diuinum Hippocratem secundum . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 578.
Item location: A4r
[Table of contents.]
Item location: A4v
Item author: Alexander Benedictus
Item title: De observatione in pestilentia.
Incipit: ‘[D]iximus de iis febribus in putridae materiae . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 445 and Pesenti 50 no. 1.
Item location: D3r
Item location: D3v
‘Errores sparsim collecti.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 29 July 1493. Format: 4°.
A–C8 D4.Bibliographical notes: Running heading ‘Liber Quintus’: according to Benedictus’s dedication to Jacobus Contarenus (A3r lines 27-9), this is the fifth book out of twelve on fevers promised by Benedictus to Contarenus.
References: GW 864;H *807;Goff A–390;BMC V 344;Pr 4530;BSB–Ink B–276; CIBN B–215; Sheppard 3897.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf, with marbled covers.
Size: 208 × 150 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 205 × 142 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:White label inside the upper cover: ‘Press G176; shelf A; no. 44′. Acquisition history: According to Sheppard purchased in 1939, but this has not been verified.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I4.1493.1.AEC


Entry number: A-166
Alexander Carpentarius
Uniform title: Destructorium vitiorum.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
‘Tabula alphabetica.’
Item location: c3r
‘Capitulatio huius libri.’
Incipit: ‘[I]ste liber qui destructorium vitiorum nuncupatur octo partes continet principales . . .’
Item location: d1r
Item author: [Alexander Carpentarius]
Item title: Destructorium vitiorum.
Incipit: ‘[O]mne peccatum ut dicit beatus Augustinus contra faustum est dictum vel factum vel concupitum contra legem dei . . .’
See Bloomfield 3612, and Gerald Robert Owst, The Destructorium viciorum (London, 1952).

Place of imprint: Cologne: [Ludwig von Renchen], 16 Aug. 1485. Format: Folio.
a8 b10 c–n8 o6 p–x8 y6 z A–O8.
References: GW 866;HC *650;Goff A–392;BMC I 266;Pr 1276;BSB–Ink A–238; CIBN A–207; Oates 732; Rhodes 53; Sheppard 950; Voulliéme, Köln, 368.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf O8.
Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with clasps and catches; rebacked. On the upper cover fillets form a border, within which a large lozenge-shaped stamp of double-tailed lion rampant (facing left), and a floral stamp at each corner. Triple intersecting frames; within the outer the floral stamp and a foliate stamp at each corner; within the second the foliate stamp with a circular floral stamp at each corner. In the inner rectangle the lozenge-shaped stamp of the lion rampant and the foliate stamp. On the lower cover fillets form a border within which the floral stamp and the circular floral stamp at each corner. The inner rectangle is divided by fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments containing the large lozenge-shaped stamp of the lion rampant or into triangular compartments containing the foliate stamp; the lion stamp may suggest a Bohemian origin.
Size: 396 × 290 × 60 mm.
Size of leaf: 380 × 275 mm.
Underlining in black ink. Some marginal notes in approximately contemporary hands. On b7r a pointing hand drawn in black ink.
Decoration: On a2r a red 6-line A with a reserved white quadrifoil is supplied in Cologne-style; d1r, 19-line blue ‘O’ with red pen-work. Thereafter, 4- to 14-line initials are supplied in red or blue. In the ‘Tabula’, 4-, 5- and 6-line initials are supplied in red or blue. In ‘Capitulatio’, 4- to 8-line initials are supplied in red or blue. Paragraph marks are supplied in red throughout. Some initial strokes in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired in 1935; Maggs Brothers Ltd: ‘Bt. from Maggs’, ‘£14.14′, inside the upper cover; dated stamp on a1v, see BQR 8 (1935), 155.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. G3.1485.1.AEC


Entry number: A-167
Alexander Carpentarius
Uniform title: Destructorium vitiorum.

Item location: aa1r
Item location: aa2r
[Table of contents.]
Incipit: ‘[I]ste liber qui destructorium viciorum nuncupatur octo partes continet principales . . .’
Item location: aa8r
Item location: a1r
Item author: Alexander [Carpentarius]
Item title: Destructorium vitiorum.
Incipit: ‘[O]mne peccatum ut dicit beatus Augustinus contra faustum est dictum vel factum vel concupitum contra legem dei . . .’
See A–166.

Place of imprint: Paris: Pierre Levet, for Johannes de Coblenz, Pierre Levet and Michel Morin, 11 Apr. 1497. Format: Folio.
aa8 bb cc6 dd a–k8 l6 m–o8 p–r6 s8 t6 v x8 y z6 A–D8.6 E–G8 H–L6.8 M8.
References: GW 868;HC 653;Goff A394;BMC VIII 103;Pr 8069;CIBN A–209; Oates 2995-6; Sheppard 6286.

M8 backed.
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century half calf; upper board detached; title on fore-edge.
Size: 303 × 220 × 40 mm.
Size of leaf: 293 × 208 mm.
Early marginal notes. On M8v in a sixteenth-century hand (possibly that of Feld): ‘As oft as you seyd v pater nosters, v aues and a crede and this prayar foloyng thou shal have goddis blessyng and iii thowsand v hundreth and xx deys of pardon if thow be oute of dedly syn. The pardon of our lady psaltar as we fynd be dyverse auctorytes is lx thowsand yers to theym that sey hyt devotly and be oute of dedly syn. Hoc est nescire [siue] Ihesu plurima scire &pipe; Sy ihesum bene scis satis est si cetera nescis.’
Provenance: Edward Feld (fl. 1505-1520); inscription: ‘Liber magistri Edwardi Feld pcm ii(?)s iiijd’. Richard Taylor (fl. 1505-1524); inscription: ‘Nunc liber Richardi Taylor. Benedictus Deus in donis suis’. [ ] Lightfoot (fl. 1819). Inscription on M8r: ‘Bought by me 3d April 1819′. Mary Broughton (nineteenth century). Acquisition history: Purchased in 1896 from a reader; see Annual Report of the Curators of the Bodleian Library, Oxford University Gazette, 18 May 1897, 508.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. F1.1497.1.AEC


Entry number: A-168
Alexander de Hales
Uniform title: Expositio super tres libros Aristotelis de anima.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander [de Hales, pseudo-; Alexander Bonino de Alexandria]
Item title: Expositio super tres libros Aristotelis de anima.
Incipit: ‘[I]nterrogasti me, honoret te deus, illustrissime fili Philippe de Melduno, de optimo quod est in nobis, scilicet anima cogitans . . .’
For authorship see Glorieux, Répertorie, 301s and 340b; Glorieux, La Faculté, 81 no. 19; Lohr (1967), 353 no. 1. In the colophon ascribed to venerabilis Alexander.

Place of imprint: Oxford: Theodoricus Rood, 11 Oct. 1481. Format: Folio.
a–f8 g6 h–s8 t–x6 y z A–H8.
Some copies have a woodcut border on a2r.
References: GW 869;HC 655;Goff A–382;BMC XI;Pr 9748;Duff 21; Oates 4161-2; Rhodes 55; Sheppard 7482-5; STC 314.

First copy
Without the woodcut border.
Binding: Contemporary English (Oxford) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards; two clasps lost; formerly chained (staple-mark at tail of the upper cover). The upper cover plain; on the lower cover double fillets form a frame, the inner rectangle divided by diagonal double fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. On the lower cover oval stamp with Madonna and child, see Gibson, Oxford Bindings, 19 no. 15, pl. xxxiv no. 40.
Size: 300 × 216 × 58 mm.
Size of leaf: 288 × 200 mm.
Parchment pastedowns from a fourteenth-century manuscript of the Digestum novum with commentary and glosses.
Early marginal notes in gathering a. On H8v an early note of price ‘iij s viij d’; see Duke Humfrey’s Library, no. 117.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: Roger Balkwell (late fifteenth century); inscription: ‘Iste liber est ex dono Rogeri Balkwell ut occupantes eum orent pro anima illius’. Sir Edwin Sandys (1561-1629); purchased with his benefaction of money in 1603; see Benefactors’ Register I 57: ‘Alexander de anima. fo. Oxon. 1481′; James, ‘Catalogus’ (1602), fol. 203v; James, Catalogus (1605), 277.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: A 5.4 Art; C 7.15 Art; Auct. R sup. 10.
Bodleian shelfmark: Arch. G d.37.

Second copy
Fragments: leaf r6 and fragments of C1 and E6 only.
A note in the margin of fol. 3 of this book of fragments records that these leaves probably came from the bindings of D 1. 16 Th. (John Davenant, Praelectiones de duobus in theologia controversis capitibus. Cambridge: University Press, 1631) [this shelfmark has been cancelled in the note], and 4° D 48 Th. (George Downame, An answere to a sermon preached . . . [N. pl.: n. pr.], 1609, etc.). Given the size of the fragments, the fact that they show signs of use as pastedowns, and that the note relating to D 1. 16 Th. has been cancelled, it seems more likely that the fragments actually come from 4° D 48 Th. alone.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half maroon morocco with black paper boards, bound for the Bodleian Library.
Sizes of fragments: 190 × 122 mm, 171 × 132 mm, 183 × 133 mm.
Provenance: (of 4° D 48 Th.) not identified in James, Catalogus (1620).
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. R. sup. 14.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. E2.1481.1.

Third copy
A fragment of h8 only.
Binding: Stored in a modern case of red cloth, backed with red morocco.
Size of fragment: 190 × 127 mm.
Provenance: Francis Edward Norris (1885-1966). Acquisition history: Presented by him in 1952.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. E2.1481.1.

Fourth copy
A fragment of r1.
Bound with a collection of fragments of books printed in Oxford:
1. Rufinus Tyrannius, Expositio in symbolum apostolorum. Oxford: [Printer of the Expositio in symbolum apostolorum], 17 Dec. ‘1468′ [1478] (R–148(2));
2. Phalaris, Epistolae. Oxford: Theodoricus Rood and Thomas Hunt, 1485 (P–250(1));
3. Aristoteles, Ethica ad Nicomachum. Oxford: [Printer of the Expositio in symbolum apostolorum], 1479 (A–400(2)).
Binding: Nineteenth-century black half calf over marbled pasteboards.
Size: 215 × 138 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 96 × 35 mm.
Provenance: ACQUIREDAcquired by 1835; Catalogus (1843), I 40.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. R sup. 9(4).
Bodleian shelfmark: Arch. G e.7(4).BW

Fifth copy
Not in Sheppard.
Part of a collection of fragments, assembled by Strickland Gibson to provide illustrative material for use in his university course on bibliography; formerly stored in a document case, bearing the label ‘Bibliography Room New Bodleian’.
Imperfections: Parts of leaves b1, b2, and b4 only.
Binding: Bound in a modern guard-book of fragments.
Size of fragments: 100/1 × 165/6 mm.
Provenance: Strickland Gibson (1877-1958).ACQUIRED Presented by Gibson.
Bodleian shelfmark: Gibson 403(1/1-3).AEC


Entry number: A-169
Alexander de Hales
Uniform title: Summa universae theologiae (Pars I–IV).

Item location: Part I.
Item location: [a1r]
‘Generalis discursus in summa Alexandri de Ales.’
Item location: [b1r]
Item location: [c1v]
Item author: [Gaguinus, Robertus]
Item title: [Gestorum Alexandri de Hales brevis narratiuncula.]
Item text: In laudem irrefragabilis doctoris diui Alexandri de Ales: ordinis beatissimi Francisci: pangericum(!) carmen.’
‘[Q]ui tibi maiorum repetis monumenta per orbem: Patris Alexandri gesta viator habe . . . Non vacat vt noris, qui citus ire paras’; 54 lines of verse.
Gaguinus, Epistole et orationes, ed. Louis Thuasne, vol. II (Paris, 1904), 191-5; the poem occurs together with the following epitaph in Munich, BSB, MS. Clm. 7405a (dated 1444, from Indersdorf in Bavaria): see Alexander de Hales, Summa theologica, ed. Bernardinus Klumper, vol. I (Quaracchi, 1924), pp. xvii–xviii (with edition).
Item location: [c1v]
Item author: [Gaguinus, Robertus]
Item title: [Epitaph of Alexander de Hales.]
‘Clauditur hoc saxo famam sortitus abunde’; 11 hexameters.
Gaguinus, Epistole et orationes, ed. Thuasne, II, 191-5 (lines 1-2, 8-11 with variants); Summa theologica, ed. Klumper, I, p. xviii.
Item location: [c2r]
Item author: Alexander de Hales
Item title: Summa universae theologiae (pars prima).
Summa theologica, ed. Klumper, I, 1-751.
Item location: [E7v]
[First colophon.]
Item location: Part II.
Item location: [a2r]
Item location: [b2r]
Item author: Alexander de Hales
Item title: Summa universae theologiae (pars secunda).
Summa theologica, ed. Klumper, II, 1-784, III (1930), 1-831.
Item location: [ii7v]
[Second colophon.]
Item location: Part III.
Item location: [a2r]
Item location: [b2r]
Item author: Alexander de Hales
Item title: Summa universae theologiae (pars tertia).
Summa theologica, ed. Klumper, IV (1948), 1-1144.
Item location: [R7v]
[Third colophon.]
Item location: Part IV.
Item location: [a2r]
Item location: [b2r]
Item author: Alexander de Hales
Item title: Summa universae theologiae (pars quarta).
Incipit: ‘[D]ictum est supra de redemptore, qui est per gratiam redemptor. Nunc dicendum est de reparatione . . . que iudicabit deus per omnia gloriosus et in omnibus benedictus. Amen.’
Not in modern edition.
Item location: [mm8r]
[Fourth colophon.]

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1481-2. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: In four parts, dated: (I) 24 Jan. 1482; (II) 29 Nov. 1481; (III) 6 May 1482; (IV) 23 Aug. 1482.
Part I: [a2 b4 c8 d–z A–D6 E8]; part II: [2a10 b8 c–z A–Z aa–gg6 hh ii8]; part III: [3a6 b8 c–z A–P6 Q R8]; part IV: [4a b8 c–z A–U6 X Y8 Z aa–kk6 ll mm8].
References: GW 871;HC *643;Goff A–383;BMC II 422;Pr 2016, 2010, 2019, 2024;BSB–Ink A–240; CIBN A–210; Oates 997; Rhodes 56; Sack, Freiburg, 105; Sheppard 1472-7.

First copy
Imperfections: Part I only. Wanting [a1.2].
Binding: Contemporary German (Nuremberg, probably Kyriß workshop no. 115; Schwenke–Schunke–Rabenau 198, ‘Böhmischer Meister’) blind-tooled leather over wooden boards, with two metal bosses, eight corner-pieces and two catches; two clasps lost; formerly chained (staple-mark at head of the lower cover). On the upper cover triple fillets form a frame; the inner rectangle is divided by two more horizontal triple fillets into three rectangular compartments. On the lower cover quadruple fillets form a frame; the inner rectangle is divided by two sets of three diagonal quadruple fillets into four triangular compartments. Letter-stamping at the head of the upper cover, naming the author and giving the part number of the work contained in the volume. On both covers and the spine a big framed rosette stamp (Kyriß pl. 231, no. 3) and a small round rosette stamp, a foliate staff (Kyriß pl. 231, no. 4), a fleuron (Kyriß pl. 227, no. 10) surrounded by a merrythought, a lozenge-shaped griffin (Kyriß pl. 231, no. 1, pl. 233 no. 1; Schwenke–Schunke 125 nos 20, 21), and an acanthus border (`Wolkenband’, Schwenke–Schunke 316, no. 3a). The stamps were used by various Nuremberg workshops (Kyriß nos 23, 65, 113, 115, 116) between 1472 and 1511. Most stamps appear also on bindings assigned to Kyriß no. 115, for instance: Munich, BSB 2&quo; Inc.c.a. 2225 P and Inc.typ. D.I.19.
Size: 413 × 278 × 57 mm.
Size of leaf: 400 × 269 mm.
Decoration: Illuminated in Nuremberg style: the 18-line initial on [c2r] is supplied in burnished gold on light red ground, the gilt with punch-dotting, the red ground decorated with white, within a segmented frame of azure and green. Other initials are supplied in red or blue, paragraph marks in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance: probably Johann Michael Dilherr (1604-1669); printed label on front pastedown ‘Bibl. Dilh. Nro. 499′. John Mozley Stark; Catalogue 30 (1859), no. 16, with the items in A–169(2) below. Acquisition history: Purchased for £3. 13. 6; see Books Purchased (1859), 7.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 1.17.

Second copy
Imperfections: Parts II–IV only. Wanting [a1] and [b1] in part III.
Sheet [a1.2] of part I bound after [a8] of part IV.
Binding: Contemporary German (Nuremberg, possibly Kyriß workshop no. 19), similar, but not identical with part I; bosses and corner-pieces lost, remains of metal catches. On the lower cover triple fillets form a frame; the inner rectangle is divided by two diagonal fillets into four triangular compartments. On both covers and the spine: a big unframed rosette stamp (Schwenke–Schunke 256 no. 174, in Schwenke–Schunke–Rabenau 207 ascribed to Kyriß workshop 65 ‘Franz Staindorffer’), a foliate staff, a fleuron (Schwenke–Schunke 43 no. 230) surrounded by a merrythought, a lozenge-shaped griffin (Schwenke–Schunke 126 no. 39), a heart pierced by an arrow (Schwenke–Schunke 137 no. 97-9), and a floral roll. Similar bindings ascribed to Kyriß workshop no. 19 in Munich, BSB, 2&quo; Inc. c.a. 3366 and Inc. typ. A.I.18.
Size: 420 × 297 × 94 mm, 425 × 293 × 69 mm, 425 × 292 × 100 mm.
Size of leaf: 410 × 284 mm.
A few early marginal notes in part IV.
Decoration: Illuminated in Nuremberg style: the principal 18-line initials are supplied in burnished gold on azure grounds, the gilt with punch-dotting, the azure grounds decorated with white, within segmented frames of red and green. Other initials are supplied in red or blue, paragraph marks in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance: Herrieden, Bavaria, diocese of Eichstätt, Augustinian Canons. ‘Valentinus Schnotzius, Canonicus et Senior Herriedensis’; woodcut armorial book-plate, see Warnecke 1947. Sebastian Strobelius (fifteenth/sixteenth century); inscription on [a2r] of each volume: ‘Sum Sebastiani Strobelij Heriedensis Canonicj’. Eichstätt, Bavaria, Fürstbischöfliche Hofbibliothek; inscription on [a2r] of each volume: ‘Ad Bibliothecam aulicam Eistattensem (an. 1738 renov.)’. Old shelfmarks ‘B.V. 38′, ‘B.V. 39′ and ‘B.V. 40′ and ‘8 K. 13′. John Mozley Stark (fl. 1851-1888); Catalogue 30 (1859), no. 16 (see above). Purchased for £3. 13. 6; see Books Purchased (1859), 7.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 1.18-20.

Third copy
Imperfections: Part I only. Wanting [E8].
Binding: Contemporary German (Augsburg, Kyriß workshops nos 63 and 82; Schwenke–Schunke–Rabenau 9) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, bosses, corner-pieces, and two clasps lost. Back strip lost. On both covers triple fillets form several concentric frames. Three floral rolls in the borders (Kyriß pl. 167, nos 1-3); the inner rectangle filled with a fleuron (Kyriß pl. 129, no. 4; Schwenke–Schunke 60 no. 583) surrounded by a merrythought (Kyriß pl. 167, no. 4); two small floral stamps. Letter-stamping at the head of the upper cover, giving the part number of the work contained in the volume.M. Rozsondai
Size: 417 × 287 × 55 mm.
Size of leaf: 405 × 279 mm.
Early manuscript signatures.
Decoration: An 18-line initial on [c2r] is supplied in blue with white foliate scrolling on burnished gold and silver ground with punch-dotting, within a segmented frame in red and green, gold dotting in the inner margin; the lower margin with foliate border in red, green, grey, and blue with gold dotting; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue, with occasional pen flourishing; headlines underlined in red or blue.
Provenance: Jakob Suppaw (fl. 1477); on the front pastedown an erased inscription: ‘Iste liber est Jacobj Supaw presbiteri ex Kundolfingen(?)’; ‘Jacobus Suppaw apportauit’, see MBK III/2, 258. Rebdorf, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, abbey, S. Johannes Baptista; a copy of Alexander of Hales with the shelfmark O.36 is listed in the catalogue of the late fifteenth or early sixteenth century, see MBK III/2, 264-316, at 266. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich. Another incunable owned by Suppau and given by him to Rebdorf, bound in similar style, is Munich, BSB 2&quo; Inc.c.a. 1837a. Bookseller’s note in German signed L. D. and dated 9 May 1913. Acquisition history: Presented in 1966 by Oliver, Lord Franks (1905-1992), probably from the library of his father Robert Sleightholme Franks (1871-1964).
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. G6.1481.1.

Fourth copy
Imperfections: Part II only. Wanting [a1] and [b1].
Binding: Contemporary German (perhaps from Augsburg or nearby) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost; rebacked. On both covers four sets of fillets form concentric frames; the inner rectangle is divided by diagonal fillets into four triangular compartments. In the corners of the inner rectangle, round stamps with the symbols of the evangelists and scrolls, in the compartments heart-shaped stamp with fleur-de-lis. In the frames, a roll with scroll ‘Maria’, floral roll and lozenge-shaped stamps with a lion. Contemporary label with handwritten title. Reinforcing slips from a Latin manuscript.M. Rozsondai
Size: 420 × 285 × 108 mm.
Size of leaf: 405 × 279 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
Decoration: On [b2r] an 18-line historiated initial is supplied in pale red with foliate scrolling and foliate extensions, on blue and green ground within a light brown frame, depicting the creation of Eve; foliate border in the lower margin in the same palette. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red and in the first gatherings in blue; headlines and quotations underlined in red, red capital strokes. Rubricated 1510 by Johann Bauer: on [ii7v]: ‘Jo. paur Carmelita 1510′.
Provenance: Abensberg, Bavaria, Carmelites. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 256. Bookseller’s note in German signed L. D. and dated 9 May 1913. Acquisition history: Presented in 1966 by Oliver, Lord Franks, probably from the library of his father.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. G6.1481.2.

Fifth copy
Imperfections: Part III only.
Binding: Contemporary German (Fürstenfeld) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, bosses, corner-pieces, and clasps lost. On both covers fillets form a frame; the inner rectangle is divided by double sets of fillets into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments. Seven different stamps: a round rosette, a small rosette, a round stamp with a lion, two lozenge-shaped stamps with an eagle and a fleur-de-lis and two stamps with floral ornaments. Similar bindings in Munich, BSB: 2&quo; Inc. s.a. 452 and 683a, 2&quo; Inc. c.a. 1081, 1510, and 3165e and many others.
Size: 408 × 295 × 77 mm.
Size of leaf: 397 × 272 mm.
Decoration: An 18-line initial on [b2r] is supplied in blue on red floral pen-work. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue with occasional pen flourishing; headlines underlined in red, red capital strokes.
Provenance: Fürstenfeld, Bavaria, Cistercians, BVM and S. Bernardus; on [R7v]: ‘Liber sancte Marie virginis In Campo principum Cystercien[sis] ordinis fris[ingensis] dyoc[esis]’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich. Bookseller’s note in German signed L. D. and dated 9 May 1913. Acquisition history: Presented in 1966 by Oliver, Lord Franks, probably from the library of his father.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. G6.1481.3.

Sixth copy
Imperfections: Part IV only.
After [a8], another copy of [a1.2] of part I is inserted.
Binding: Contemporary German (Augsburg, Kyriß workshop no. 83) blind-tooled half pigskin over wooden boards; two clasps lost. Five parallel sets of triple fillets; the space in between filled with a round rosette stamp (Kyriß pl. 169, no. 4), a plaitwork roll (Kyriß pl. 169, no. 2) and a fleuron surrounded by a merrythought. Handwritten title on the upper board.M. Rozsondai
Size: 408 × 288 × 112 mm.
Size of leaf: 397 × 279 mm.
Decoration: On [b2r] an 18-line initial is supplied in red with foliate scrolling on burnished gold ground, an infill in blue with floral decoration in gold, within a segmented frame in blue and light green, in the inner margin foliate extensions in the same palette with gold dotting. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue with occasional pen flourishing; headings and headlines underlined in red.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 453 in list of duplicates in folio. Bookseller’s note in German signed L. D. and dated 9 May 1913. Acquisition history: Presented in 1966 by Oliver, Lord Franks, probably from the library of his father.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. b. G6.1481.4.BW


Entry number: A-170
Alexander de Hales
Uniform title: Summa universae theologiae (Pars III).

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander de Hales
Item title: Summa universae theologiae (Pars III).
Item text: Super tertium sententiarum.’
Summa theologica, ed. Klumper, IV 1-1144.
Item location: [*1r]

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 1475. Format: Folio.
a–c10 d8 e–g10 h8 i–q10 r6 s–u10 x y8 z aa10 bb8 cc10 dd8 ee10 ff12 gg–mm10 nn8 oo pp10 qq [*]8.
References: GW 870;HC *647;Goff A–385;BMC V 226;Pr 4302;BSB–Ink A–242; CIBN A–212; Oates 1713; Rhodes 58; Sheppard 3471-2.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves a1 and qq8.
Leaves a2 and bb1 mounted.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf.
Size: 294 × 203 × 71 mm.
Size of leaf: 284 × 184 mm.
Early manuscript foliation, running headings in the lower margin, and marginal notes, washed out.
Decoration: On a2r handwritten title added in red. In gatherings a–d initials and paragraph marks supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Richard Gibbings (1813-1888); sale (1885), lot 238. Acquisition history: Purchased at his sale.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.34.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf qq8.
Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) mottled pasteboards, with marbled edges.
Size: 301 × 212 × 66 mm.
Size of leaf: 295 × 194 mm.
Provenance: Francis Edward Norris (1885-1966). Acquisition history: Presented by him in 1952.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. I4.1475.1.BW


Entry number: A-171
Alexander Magnus
Uniform title: Historia de preliis.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Alexander Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Historia de preliis.
Item text: Liber de preliis.’
An interpolated version of the Historia Alexandri Magni by Leo Archipresbyter, commonly referred to as Historia de preliis, recension J1; see Die Historia de preliis Alexandri Magni (Der lateinische Alexanderroman des Mittelalters), synoptische Edition der Rezensionen des Leo Archipresbyter und der interpolierten Fassungen J1, J2, J3 (Buch I und II), ed. Hermann-Josef Bergmeister, Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, 65 (Meisenheim am Glan, 1975), p. vii. Historia Alexandri Magni (Historia de preliis), Rezension J1, ed. Alfons Hilka and Karl Steffens, Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, 107 (Meisenheim am Glan, 1979), p. xxiii (description of incunable), p. xxvi (stemma), 2-264 (edition). The printed editions derive from MS. A (Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS. Peniarth 481), see Hilka–Steffens p. xxiii.
Item location: [e7v]
Item author: [Petrus Alphonsus]
Item title: [Disciplina clericalis (excerpt).]
Item text: De sepultura Alexandri.’
Incipit: ‘Legimus Alexandri sepulturam esse auream ad quam plurimi philozophi conuenerunt. Quorum vnus ait. Alexander ex auro fecit thesaurum . . .’expl.: cui non suffecerat orbis.
Die Disciplina Clericalis des Petrus Alfonsi, ed. Alfons Hilka and Werner Söderhjelm, Sammlung mittellateinischer Texte, 1 (Heidelberg, 1911), 48-9. Petrus Alfonsus, Disciplina clericalis, ed. Alfons Hilka and Werner Söderhjelm, I, Acta societatis scientiarum fennicae, 28.4 (Helsinki, 1911), 44-5. Added at the end of MS. A; see footnote in Historia Alexandri Magni, ed. Hilka and Steffens, 265.

Place of imprint: [The Netherlands?: Printer of the ‘Historia Alexandri Magni’, between 1475 and 1479]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: As dated by HPT.
[a–d10 e8].
References: GW 875;H (+ Addenda) 777; C 371;Goff A–396:BMC IX 107;Pr 9182;Campbell 140; CIBN H–146; HPT II 452; ILC 80; Schmitt I 4961a; Sheppard 7040.

Bound with:
2. Guido de Columna, Historia destructionis Troiae. [The Netherlands?: Printer of the ‘Historia Alexandri Magni’ (C 371), between 1475 and 1479] (C–392).
Imperfections: Wanting a10 and the blank leaves a1 and e8.
Binding: Contemporary plain calf over wooden boards. Reinforcing slips from a Latin manuscript.
Size: 292 × 207 × 47 mm.
Size of leaf: 284 × 205 mm.
Endleaves (now MS. Rawl. D. 913, fols 103-5) from a fourteenth-century parchment manuscript of the Old French Prose Alexander written in an anglicana hand; see David J. A. Ross, Alexander Historiatus: A Guide to Medieval Illustrated Alexander Literature, 2nd edn, Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, 186 (Frankfurt am Main, 1988), 54-7, at 56 (MS. O).
Marginal notes in an early hand in both items, mainly extracting key words; interlinear corrections, occasionally erased words supplied in manuscript, a reference to Petrarch on [a5r]. On [a2r] manuscript note in Latin signed T[homas] H[earne] on the authorship of the Historia de preliis. On [e7v]: ‘Finis Coronat Opus.’
Decoration: Initials supplied in dark brown ink, the first initial consisting of a drawing of two fish. Early foliation of the whole volume, probably in the same hand.
Provenance: Thomas Hearne (1678-1735); on [a2r]: ‘Suum cuique. Tho: Hearne. Julij 18 M.DCC:XXIX’. Bequeathed to William Bedford (†1747). Listed in John Whiston’s list, MS. Rawl. D. 1167, fol. 9, no. 111: ‘Hystoriae Alexandri Magni. Hystoriae Destructionis Troye par Guid. de Columpna. Very ancient.’ Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755). Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1755.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 4.7(1).BW


Entry number: A-172
Alexander Magnus
Uniform title: Historia de preliis.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Historia de preliis.
See A–171.
Item location: f5v
Item author: [Petrus Alphonsus]
Item title: [Disciplina clericalis (excerpt).]
Item text: De sepultura Alexandri.’
Incipit: ‘Legimus alexandri sepulturam esse auream, ad quam plurimi philosophi conuenerunt. Quorum vnus ait, Alexander ex auro fecit thesaurum . . .’expl.: hodie habet omnes equales.
See A–171.

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 14 Oct. 1486. Format: Folio.
a8 b–f6.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a1 is unsigned, a2 is signed a, and a3 and a4 are signed a2 and a3 respectively.
References: GW 876;H *779;Goff A–397;BMC I 135;Pr 606;CIBN H–147; Hillard 1018; Rhodes 59; Sack, Freiburg, 107; Sheppard 468.

Bound with:
1. Gesta Romanorum. [Strasbourg: Martin Schott, c.1485] (G–151);
2. Guido de Columna, Historia destructionis Troiae. Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], c.9 Oct. 1486 (C–396).
Binding: Contemporary south German (Ulm?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the lower cover; tawed leather index tabs; rebacked. On both covers triple fillets form an intersecting double frame. In the inner rectangle two stamps: fleurons (Schwenke–Schunke 58 no. 553, ‘Art Ulm Drachenrolle I’) surrounded by a merrythought; within the outer frame a small lozenge-shaped flower and the fleuron stamp, in the corners a round rosette stamp.
Size: 297 × 207 × 55 mm.
Size of leaf: 288 × 199 mm.
Early marginal notes in the same hand throughout.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red or blue with extensive pen flourishing; paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; red capital strokes; red ‘nota’ marks along the printed area.
Provenance: Basel, Carthusians, S. Margarita; inscription on [a1r] and f5v of item 3: ‘Cartusien[sium] in Basilea’; on back pastedown ‘Item Iste liber constat j lib. iij fl.’; on a1v of item 1, a painted coat of arms and the signature of Prior Hieronymus Zscheckenbürlin (1501-36). Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 242(3).BW


Entry number: A-173
Alexander Magnus
Uniform title: Historia de preliis.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Historia de preliis.
See A–171.
Item location: f5v
Item author: [Petrus Alphonsus]
Item title: [Disciplina clericalis (excerpt).]
Item text: De sepultura Alexandri.’
Incipit: ‘Legimus alexandri sepulturam esse auream, ad quam plurimi philosophi conuenerunt. Quorum vnus ait, Alexander ex auro fecit thesaurum . . .’
See A–171.

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 17 Mar. 1489. Format: Folio.
a8 b–f6.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a1 is unsigned, a2 is signed a, and a3 and a4 are signed a2 and a3 respectively.
References: GW 877;HC *780;Goff A–398;BMC I 138;Pr 619;CIBN H–148; Hillard 1019; Oates 232; Sheppard 475.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 282 × 203 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 275 × 190 mm.
Manuscript foliation from 178 to 214.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red, some extending into the margins; underlining of headings and capital strokes in red; pointing hand on f5v.
Provenance: Tegernsee, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Quirinus; on a1r: ‘Emptus est liber anno domini et cetera 1491. Et attinet Monasterio Tegernsee. Quaterni 6.’ Anonymous sale (27 May 1840), lot 109. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.39.BW


Entry number: A-174
Alexander Magnus
Uniform title: Historia de preliis.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Historia de preliis.
See A–171.
Item location: k8v
Item author: [Petrus Alphonsus]
Item title: [Disciplina clericalis (excerpt).]
Item text: De sepultura Alexandri.’
Incipit: ‘[L]egimus alexandri sepulturam esse auream ad quam plurimi philosophi conuenerunt Quorum vnus ait, Alexander ex auro fecit thesaurum . . .’
See A–171.

Place of imprint: [South-east France?: Printer of Alexander Magnus (GW 878)], 16 Nov. 1490. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: On this press see H. D. Saffrey, ‘Un nouvel essai de localisation et de datation de l’incunable GW 644′, Gb Jb (1964), 98-102. L&ohungum;kkös, Genève 174 identifies as [Geneva: Louis Cruse]. BMC VIII 415-16 locates it tentatively at Grenoble.
a8 b–i6 k8.
References: GW 878;HC 781;Goff A–399;BMC VIII 416;Pr 7376 = 8821.3, Supplement (1899), 12;Hillard 1020; Oates 3288; Sheppard 6844.

Binding: Nineteenth-century red cloth for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 180 × 125 × 14 mm.
Size of leaf: 170 × 116 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes in the inner margins; notes in the outer margins cropped.
Provenance: Old shelfmark ‘1133′. Acquisition history: Purchased from Joseph Baer & Co., 143. Lager-Catalog, no. 570, for 12 Marks; see Library Bills, 7 May 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.40.BW


Entry number: A-175
Alexander Magnus
Uniform title: Historia de preliis.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander Magnus [pseudo-]
Item title: Historia de preliis.
See A–171.
Item location: f5v
Item author: [Petrus Alphonsus]
Item title: [Disciplina clericalis (excerpt).]
Item text: De sepultura Alexandri.’
Incipit: ‘[L]egimus alexandri sepulturam esse auream ad quam plurimi philosophi conuenerunt. Quorum vnus ait. Alexander ex auro fecit thesaurum . . .’
See A–171.

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 26 May 1494. Format: Folio.
a8 b–f6.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a1 is unsigned, a2 is signed a, and a3 and a4 are signed a2 and a3 respectively.
References: GW 879;H *783;Goff A–400;BMC I 144;Pr 628;Hillard 1021; Sack, Freiburg, 108; Sheppard 489-90.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf f6.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled paper boards; bound for Kloß.
Size: 287 × 204 × 11 mm.
Size of leaf: 279 × 194 mm.
A few early marginal notes.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); not found in sale catalogue 1835. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.42.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf f6.
Inverted m on a1r, line 2: mace &pipe; donie.
Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled paper wrappers.
Size: 291 × 198 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 291 × 192 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; underlining of headings and capital strokes in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £1. 17. 6; see Books Purchased (1858), 3.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.51.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sub fen. 2.21.BW


Entry number: A-176
Alexander de Nevo
Uniform title: Consilia contra Judaeos fenerantes.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Alexander de Nevo
Item title: Consilia contra Judaeos fenerantes.
Incipit: ‘[I]n nomine domini nostri Ihesu Christi . . . [I]n casu in quo requisitus fui ut consilium . . .’
For the connection between Tertium consilium contra Judaeos fenerantes, Alexander de Nevo, Consilium reprobatorium consilii Angeli de Castro de usuris, Michaelus Carcanus, Apostillae, and Angelus de Castro, Consilium de usuris, see P. C. Boeren, ‘Les Apostillae de Michel Carcano de Milan, O.F.M., au Consilium de usuris d’Ange de Castro’, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 63 (1970), 174-80.
Item location: [f7v]
Item author: [Condulmarus], Franciscus
Item title: [Letter addressed to
[dedicatee] the magistrates of Verona.]
Incipit: ‘Sed quo ad materiam Iudeorum pro quibus conducendis licentiam . . .’expl.: nostro transmittimus, etc.

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, 1479. Format: Folio.
[a–d8 e6 f8].
References: GW 894;H *802;Goff A–410;BMC II 451;Pr 2149;BSB–Ink N–30; CIBN A–213; Oates 1057; Sheppard 1579.

Bound with:
1. Johannes Gerson, De arte audiendi confessiones. [Nuremberg]: Friedrich Creussner, 1478 (G–092(1)).
Binding: Nineteenth-century half brown morocco with marbled paper boards.
Size: 294 × 208 × 14 mm.
Size of leaf: 288 × 198 mm.
On [a1r-v] contemporary notes entitled ‘Dubia subnotata de usuris ab eximio iuris canonici doctore domino Alexandro de Nevo’. On [f8r-v] in a contemporary hand, Guilelmus Filastrus, cardinal-priest of S. Marcus, De usuris, with incipit ‘In quibusdam partibus mos est . . .’, see Bloomfield 2658. Contemporary marginal notes mainly providing key words or short headings.
Provenance: Duplicate from Munich, Royal Library; ‘Duplum’ on [a1r]. On [a1r] of item 1 is a lozenge shaped label ‘87′, probably a lot number. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 10.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: 3 D 1097.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 3.43(2).AEC


Entry number: A-177
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale.
Remark: Fragment.

Bibliographical notes: Pars III, capitulum X: Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1550-1607.

Place of imprint: [The Netherlands: Prototypography, not after 1472]. Format: 4°.
[a b8 c10+1 d e10].
References: GW 934 xiv;C 255a;Pr 8834;Hellinga, Campbell, <104 XIV>; HPT II 459; ILC 101; Proctor, Campbell III 109D; Sheppard 6850; Gottfried Zedler, Der älteste Buchdruck und das frühholländische Doktrinale des Alexander de Villa Dei (Leiden, 1936), pl. 7.

Printed on parchment.
Bound in a volume of miscellaneous fragments. Collation not as GW (` . . . e9?’).
Imperfections: One leaf only, [d1], as identified by GW.
Binding: Mounted in a nineteenth-century guard-book.
Size of leaf: 207 × 148 mm.
On the recto, an unread note, on the verso an early marginal note.
Decoration: Two- and four-line initials are supplied in red. Initial strokes in red.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); possibly sale (1835), lot 86, although this calls for four leaves. Samuel Butler (1774-1839); sale, pt III, lot 51 (part of). Acquisition history: Apparently purchased in 1841, but not identified in Books Purchased; inscription on the front pastedown: ‘Bought at the sale of the Library of Dr. Samuel Butler, Bp. of Lichfield, part III, sold in 1841, lots 135, 51, and 136-46. Obtained at the sale of Dr. Kloss in 1835′.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 1.50(2).AEC


Entry number: A-178
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale.
Remark: Fragment.

Bibliographical notes: Pars I, capitulum I, and capitula I–II: Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 53-109 and 336-90.

Place of imprint: [The Netherlands: Prototypography, not after 1472]. Format: 4°.
[a8 . . . ].
References: GW 933 i;C 248a;Pr 8835;Hellinga, Campbell, <105 I>; HPT II 459; ILC 85; Proctor, Campbell III 109F; Sheppard 6851; Gottfried Zedler, Der älteste Buchdruck und das frühholländische Doktrinale des Alexander de Villa Dei (Leiden, 1936), pl. 10.

Printed on parchment.
Bound in a volume of miscellaneous fragments.
Imperfections: Two leaves only, [a2] and [a7], as identified by GW.
Binding: Mounted in a nineteenth-century guard-book.
Size of leaf: 197 × 147 mm.
Decoration: Two- and three-line initials are supplied in red. Initial strokes in red.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); possibly sale (1835), lot 86, although this calls for four leaves and 29 lines per page. Samuel Butler (1774-1839); sale, pt III, lot 51 (part of). Acquisition history: Purchased in or after 1841; not found in Books Purchased.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 1.50(3).AEC


Entry number: A-179
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale.

Item location: a1r
Item author: [Alexander de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes I–II).
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1-1549.
Item location: g9v
Item author: Grapaldus, Franciscus Marius
Item title: [Sale advertisement in verse.]
‘Artis grammatices canones qui noscere cupis &pipe; Doctrinam hanc imo pectore conde puer’; 2 elegiac distichs.
Printed in Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianae, IV (London, 1745), 525 no. 10199. ‘G F M Parmen’ is printed above the verse, presumably a reference to Franciscus Marius Grapaldus, of Parma.
Item location: g9v
[A day in the life of a school pupil].
Incipit: ‘Quoniam paruulis pueris incipientibus erudiri . . . Ante lucem euigilaui de somno . . .’

Place of imprint: Parma: Angelus Ugoletus, 29 Nov. 1486. Format: 4°Bibliographical notes: GW describes the format as octavo, but the book has the appearance of a quarto, and, in the absence of a paper copy, the format cannot be determined.
a–f8 g10. Collation as Sheppard, not GW (a–g10?).
References: GW 961;C 271;Pr 6863;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 31; Sheppard 5675-6.

Printed on parchment.
Binding: English eighteenth-century gold-tooled red morocco; outer frame of three fillets, inside which is a floral centre-piece, which includes tool 4 (see below); border consisting of floral roll, with coronets; turn-ins and edges decorated with ‘Chapman roll 3′ (see below); marbled pastedowns. ‘Harleian style’ binding (Cotton 341), possibly the work of Christopher Chapman; see Nixon, ‘Harleian Bindings’, 175-82 and pl. 14, Chapman roll 3 and pl. 15, tools 1a, 1b, 4, 9, and 12. The gold stamp of Bodleian Library inside the lower cover.
Size: 197 × 150 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 140 mm.
Occasional pen-trials.
Decoration: Two-line initials are supplied in red; a four-line green ‘S’ is supplied on a1r.
Provenance: Nathaniel Noel; purchased on 3 June 1723 for Edward, Lord Harley, later 2nd Earl of Oxford (1689-1741); see Humfrey Wanley, The Diary of Humfrey Wanley 1715-1726, ed. C. E. Wright and Ruth C. Wright, 2 vols (London, 1966), II 245, no. 11; bought by Thomas Osborne; see Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianae, IV no. 10199. Michael Maittaire (1668-1747); sale (1748), lot 151. Richard Rawlinson (1690-1755); purchased by him at the Maittaire sale; inscribed book-plate. Acquisition history: Presumably acquired from R. Rawlinson.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 3.6.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. O 5.6.AEC

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