Bod-Inc A-180 to A-331

Entry number: A-180
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Ludovici de Guaschis.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes I–II).
See A–179.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Guaschis, Ludovicus de
Item title: [Commentary on] Doctrinale Partes I–II.
Incipit: ‘Quia textus est planus . . .’
Colophon and Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCIII ascribe to Ludovicus.
Item location: [l7r]
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes III–IV).
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1550-2645.
Item location: [l7r]
[Commentary on] Doctrinale Partes III–IV.
Incipit: ‘Hoc est capitulum decimum . . . Hic a[uctor] respondet tacite questioni . . .’

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes de Nördlingen and Henricus de Harlem, 25 Apr. 1483. Format: 4°.
[a10 b–p8 q10].
References: GW 988;H 745;Pr 4843;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 19; Sheppard 3971.

Imperfections: Wanting [a1], probably blank.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half basil sheep.
Size: 208 × 155 × 26 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 145 mm.
Running headings in red ink. Early marginal notes in black ink. Contemporary pen-trials on [q10v].
Decoration: A few two- and three-line initials are supplied in red.
Provenance: Hieronymus de Lucca (fl. 1483); Lucca, Franciscan convent, S. Franciscus; inscription on [q10v]: ‘Iste liber qui nuncupatur doctrinale pertinet ad bibliothecam conventus Lucani conceditur ad usum fratris Ieronimi de Lucha quem ipse emit ex nutu guardiani qui tunc erat frater Matheus Pistoriensis isto die 10 decembris anno M&quo;CCCC&quo;Lxxxiij.’ Sargiano, Tuscany, near Arezzo, Franciscans; shelfmark ‘K No. 13′. Albergotti family (eighteenth century). Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); Catalogue (1831), no. 315. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1842), 43.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.72.AEC

Entry number: A-181
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Ludovici de Guaschis.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes I–II).]
See A–179.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Guaschis, Ludovicus de
Item title: [Commentary on Doctrinale (Partes I–II).]
Incipit: ‘Quia textus est planus . . .’
Colophon and Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCIII ascribe to Ludovicus.
Item location: g6r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes III–IV).]
See A–180.
Item location: g6r
[Commentary on Doctrinale Partes III–IV].
Incipit: ‘Hoc est capitulum decimum . . . Hic a[uctor] respondet tacite questioni . . .’

Place of imprint: Venice: Andreas de Paltasichis and Johannes de Leodio, 27 July 1483. Format: Folio.
a8 b–l6.
References: GW 989;H 745a;Goff A–426;Pr 4770;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 20; Sheppard 3919.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library. Outer border of three fillets, with two further frames, each of three fillets; at each corner of the middle frame a thistle-shaped tool; the gold stamp of Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 292 × 205 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 287 × 195 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired by 1605; see James, Catalogus (1605), 277.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: [Archiv.] P.4.4, James, Catalogus (1605).
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. O 4.3.AEC

Entry number: A-182
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Ludovici de Guaschis.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘Iste liber dividitur in tres libros partiales . . .’not in Reichling
Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes I–II).]
See A–179.
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Guaschis, Ludovicus de
Item title: Commentary on Doctrinale Partes I–II.]
Incipit: ‘Quia textus est planus . . .’
Note on authorship: Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCIII ascribes to Ludovicus.
Item location: h4r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes III–IV).]
See A–180.
Item location: h4r
[Commentary on Doctrinale Partes III–IV.]
Incipit: ‘Habito de his que faciunt ad esse grammatice artis . . . Hic a[uctor] respondet tacite questioni . . .’

Place of imprint: Basel: [Johann Amerbach], 1486. Format: Folio.
a8 b–m6.
References: GW 995;HC *747 = C 260;Goff A–429;BMC III 749;Pr 7570;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 32; BSB–Ink A–247; Sheppard 2420-1.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf m6.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 300 × 217 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 291 × 200 mm.
Decoration: Large woodcut initials, BMC capitals 1b, 2a, 2b, are painted in red and white, with initial ‘S’ on a2r painted in pale pinkish brown, with a yellow edge, and surrounded by green foliage. A few initials are supplied in red, for example ‘I’ on c6r. Green highlighting on g4v and g5r. Some smaller initials traced in red ink. Initial strokes and underlining in red.
‘5343′, ‘64′ on a1r.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.17.

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Isidorus Hispalensis, Etymologiae. De summo bono. Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, 1493 (I–039).
Binding: Contemporary German (Nuremberg, Kyriß workshop no. 122; Schwenke–Schunke–Rabenau 206, ‘Schreyer-Legat’) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with metal corner-pieces and catches; wanting five bosses on each cover. On both covers are two frames; within the outer frame, formed by double fillets, is Schwenke–Schunke 157 no. 17, the inner frame is formed by triple fillets. An inner rectangle on the upper cover contains Kyriß pl. 245 (Nuremberg), nos 1-6 and 9-11, the lower cover with Kyriß pl. 245, nos 1-6 and 7-9, illustrated fully in Kyriß pl. 246. Similar bindings in Bamberg, State Library, Inc. typ. B.IX.14 and D.VI.16.
Size: 320 × 222 × 48 mm.
Size of leaf: 310 × 210 mm.
Early marginal notes: on a1r various definitions of grammar; notes on c2r heavily cropped. Manuscript verses on m6v: incipits: ‘Hec assatum turingis est bene gratum’, ‘Dives eram dudum me fecerunt tria nudum’, ‘Secundum dominum Bernardum: Dant tria martirium sine sanguinis effusione.’
Decoration: Large woodcut initials, BMC capitals 1b, 2a, 2b, painted in red, yellow, and/or green. Initial strokes, paragraph marks, and underlining in red. Highlighting of smaller initials in green and yellow.
Provenance: Johannes Poltz (fl. 1495). Rebdorf, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, abbey, S. Johannes Baptista; probably the copy listed by Andreas Strauss, Opera rariora quae latitant in bibliotheca canon. reg. collegiatae ecclesiae ad S. Ioannem Baptistam in Rebdorf (Eichstadt, [1790]), 31. Jean Baptiste, Chevalier de Bearzi (nineteenth century); sale (1855), lot 2094. Acquisition history: Purchased at his sale for £0. 5. 6; see Books Purchased (1855), 33.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.47(2).AEC

Entry number: A-183
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Ludovici de Guaschis.
Remark: Fragment.

Place of imprint: [Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, between 12 Oct. 1485 and 28 Jan. 1486]. Format: 4°.
a8 b–f6 A8 B–E6 F4 G–L6 M8.
References: Pr 9387;Campbell–Kronenberg 113a; HPT II 419; ILC 161; Oates 3920; Sheppard 7215.

Bound in a volume of miscellaneous fragments.
Imperfections: Sheet f1.6, gathering E, and leaves I2-5 only.
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) lines 576-96 (f1), lines 678-93 (f6), lines 1288-467 (gathering E), lines 1922-2070 (I2-5).
Binding: Bound in a modern guard-book.
Size of leaf: 208 × 140 mm.
Ink drawing of an animal on f6v.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. N97.1(6).AEC

Entry number: A-184
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Ludovici de Guaschis.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes I–II).
See A–179.
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Guaschis, Ludovicus de
Item title: Commentary on Doctrinale Partes I–II.]
Incipit: ‘Quia textus est planus . . .’
Note on authorship: Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCV does not ascribe to Ludovicus.
Item location: G1r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes III–IV).
See A–180.
Item location: G1r
[Commentary on Doctrinale Partes III–IV.]
Incipit: ‘Hoc est capitulum decimum . . . Hic a[uctor] respondet tacite questioni . . .’

Place of imprint: Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, 25 June 1487. Format: 4°.
a8 b–f6 A8 B–E6 F4 G–L6 M8.
Woodcut on a1r showing, above centre, a master sitting on a throne with a lectern attached, and below, five pupils with books, sitting on the steps at his feet. Above the woodcut is the inscription: ‘Textus Alexandri cum sentenciis et constructionibus.’
References: GW 1004;HC 760;Pr 9365;Campbell 112; HPT II 419; ILC 164; Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 34; Sheppard 7212.

Imperfections: Leaf G1 signed Hi. The erroneous Hi is corrected in an early manuscript alteration to Gi.
Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled brown morocco.
Size: 215 × 148 × 17 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 141 mm.
Provenance: John Bedfils (Sheppard erroneously read Bedford). Thomas Thorpe (1791-1851), catalogue (1827), part II, lot 3237: on endleaf ‘4£ 4s from Thorpe’s catalogue 1827′. David Stuart Ker (1816-1878); anonymous sale (1847), lot 85. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 18. 0; see Books Purchased (1847), 36.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.25.AEC

Entry number: A-185
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Ludovici de Guaschis.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes I–II).
See A–179.
Item location: a1r
Item author: [Guaschis, Ludovicus de
Item title: Commentary on Doctrinale Partes I–II.]
Incipit: ‘Quia testus est planus . . .’
Note on authorship: Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCIII ascribes to Ludovicus.
Item location: e1v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes III–IV).
See A–180.
Item location: e1v
[Commentary on Doctrinale Partes III–IV.]
Incipit: ‘Hoc est decimum capitulum . . . Hic a[uctor] respondet tacite questioni . . .’
Item location: g6v
‘Grammaticus si uis fieri bonus et cito totum &pipe; Me lege perlectum pectore conde tuo’; 1 elegiac distich.

Place of imprint: Milan: [Johannes Antonius de Honate], 1488. Format: 4°.
a–d8 e4 f g6.
References: GW 1007;C 293;Pr 5914;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 49; Sheppard 4928.

Binding: Parchment.
Size: 269 × 207 × 17 mm.
Size of leaf: 264 × 202 mm.
Crosses as nota marks; some manuscript chapter headings added in margins; occasional corrections of the text.
Provenance: Cremona, Lombardy, Dominicans; inscription on a1r and g6v: ‘Conventus Sancti Dominici Cremonensis’. A section, probably with an ownership inscription, has been cut from the lower margin of a1r. On front pastedown: ‘No. 79 £5′. Acquisition history: Purchased from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 159, no. 109 for 12 Marks, see Library Bills, 26 Apr. 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 5.24.AEC

Entry number: (A-186)
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento.
Remark: Fragment.

Place of imprint: [London: Wynkyn de Worde?, c.1505]. Format: 4°.
References: Not in Pr;not in Sheppard.

Imperfections: One set of two conjugate leaves, and part of a second set (one leaf of which is signed Cii). The second set is heavily mutilated.
Previously identified with STC 316. Dated c.1505 in a note by D. M. Rogers.
Binding: Kept in an envelope in a box of miscellaneous fragments.
Size of leaf: 194 × 140 mm.
Manuscript note in Greek.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce Fragm. e.42(1).AEC

Entry number: A-187
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes III–IV).]
See A–180.
Item location: a1r
[Commentary on] Doctrinale.
Incipit: ‘Hoc est capitulum decimum istius [libri] . . . Hic au[ctor] respondet tacite questioni . . .’

Place of imprint: Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 20 Dec. 1491. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1030;C 349;Pr 9054;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 91; Campbell–Kronenberg I 118a; HPT II 412; ILC 210; Proctor, Campbell III 127A; Sheppard 6969.

Leaf b1r reads: ‘ . . . et cano’; GW has: ‘ . . . et romo’.
Bound with:
1. Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale pars II cum commento Gerardi de Zutphania. Cologne: [Ulrich Zell], 1491 (A–190).
Binding: Nineteenth-century blue morocco; gold-tooled covers and turn-ins; edges gilt; orange pastedowns.
Size: 203 × 143 × 22 mm.
Size of leaf: 194 × 127 mm.
Provenance: Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843); book-plate: see Lee, Royal Bookplates, 40-1 no. 23; sale, pt V, lot 1422. Acquisition history: Probably part of the lot purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1849), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.2(2).AEC

Entry number: A-188
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Gerardi de Zutphania.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a1v
Item text: Prohemialis’.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[T]anquam paruulis vt lac potum dedi vobis”, inquit Paulus primo Corinthiorum tercio [I Cor 3,1-2]. Quam propositionem nostro proposito applicare congrue mihi visum fuerit . . .’
Item location: a3v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars I).]
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1-1073.
Item location: a3v
Item author: [Gerardus de Zutphania]
Item text: Glosa notabilis.’
Incipit: ‘Sententia huius textus prohemialis est . . .’
Thurot, Doctrines grammaticales, XXII part 2, 488 notes that the ‘glosa notabilis’ was composed at Cologne.

Place of imprint: Hagenau: [Heinrich Gran], 15 July 1492. Format: 4°.
a–s8 t4 v8.
Type: Printed in type 90 (Pr 7), not 96 (Pr 6) as stated in GW.Accipies woodcut on a1r; see Schreiber–Heitz no. 19.
References: GW 1064;HC *684;Goff A–444;Pr 3175;BSB–Ink A–276 (I); Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 97 (I); Schreiber V, 3081; Sheppard 2229.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blue morocco; gold-tooled covers and turn-ins; edges gilt; orange pastedowns.
Size: 206 × 143 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 197 × 126 mm.
Decoration: A seven-line initial is supplied in red on a3v, while the guide letter for a seven-line initial on a1v is left blank. Two-line initials not filled in. Paragraph marks are supplied in red; capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843); book-plate: see Lee, Royal Bookplates, 40-1 no. 23; sale, pt V, lot 1422. Acquisition history: Probably part of the lot purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1849), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.1.AEC

Entry number: A-189
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Gerardi de Zutphania.

Item location: a2r
Item text: Prologus’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[T]anquam paruulis vt lac potum dedi vobis”, inquit Paulus, prima Corinth. iii [I Cor 3,1-2]. Quam propositionem nostro proposito applicare congrue mihi visum fuit . . .’
Item location: a3v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars I).
See A–188.
Item location: a3v
Item author: [Gerardus de Zutphania]
Item text: Glosa notabilis.’
Incipit: ‘Sententia huius textus prohemialis est . . .’
Thurot, Doctrines grammaticales, XXII part 2, 488 notes that the ‘glosa notabilis’ was composed at Cologne. Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCIV ascribes to Gerardus.

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1497. Format: 4°.
a–o8 p6.
References: GW 1078;HC 690;Pr 2116A;BSB–Ink A–261 (I); Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 134 (I); Sheppard 1550.

Bound with:
2. Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale pars II cum commento Gerardi de Zutphania. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1498 (A–191);
3. Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale pars III–IV cum commento valde utili. [Nuremberg]: Anton Koberger, [1498] (A–198).
Binding: Contemporary German (possibly Eßlingen, Kyriß workshop no. 134) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with metal catches and one metal clasp. On both covers an intersecting frame formed by triple or quadruple fillets, within which is Kyriß pl. 269, nos 4, ?6 and 10. In the inner rectangle is Kyriß pl. 269, no. 3. Stamps on the lower cover very badly worn. A similar binding in Munich, BSB 2&quo; Inc. c.a. 2274a.M. Rozsondai
Size: 212 × 153 × 74 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 142 mm.
Two parchment leaves from a manuscript, dated 1344 ‘in ec. [ ] apostolorum Petri et Pauli’, and written in a very heavily contracted hand, of Antonius Andreae, OFM (c.1280–c.1320), Quaestiones in xii libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis [text: Lohr 23 (1967), 364-5 no. 2], once apparently used as pastedowns, but now raised.
On endleaf a manuscript text: ‘Figure divisio’. Incipit: ‘Figura est ratio quaedam, qua de recto ac simplici loquendi genere cum aliqua dicendi virtute deflectitur . . .’
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.46(1).AEC

Entry number: A-190
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Gerardi de Zutphania.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[B]utirum et mel comedet puer . . .’
Item location: a5v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars II).]
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1074-1549, with an interlinear gloss.
Item location: a5v
Item author: [Gerardus de Zutphania]
Item text: Glosa notabilis.’
Incipit: ‘Istud est octavum capitulum huius libri . . .’
See A–188.

Place of imprint: Cologne: [Ulrich Zell], 14 May 1491. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Following the title on a1r: ‘Inpressa apud Liiskyrchen’, see Voulliéme, Köln p. VI.
a–d8 ef6 g8 h–o6 p–s8.
References: GW 1094;HC 704;Pr 911;BSB–Ink A–273 (II); Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 90 (II); Sheppard 709; Voulliéme, Köln, 78.

Bound with A–187; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 193 × 131 mm.
Some early marginal notes in brown ink, now faded and barely legible.
Decoration: Initial strokes and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Printed paragraph marks marked in red.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.2(1).AEC

Entry number: A-191
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Gerardi de Zutphania.

Item location: A1r
Item location: A1v
Incipit: ‘[Q]uam pulcra tabernacula tua Iacob . . .’
Item location: A4v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars II).]
See A–190.
Item location: A4v
Item author: [Gerardus de Zutphania]
Item text: Glosa notabilis.’
Incipit: ‘Istud est octauum capitulum huius libri . . .’
See A–188. Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCIV ascribes to Gerardus.

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 21 Jan. 1498. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1113;HC 720;Pr 2118;BSB–Ink A–261 (II); Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 134 (II); Sheppard 1551.

Bound with A–189; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.46(2).AEC

Entry number: A-192
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Johannis Synthen.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘Circa expositionem vocabulorum prime partis . . .’
Item location: a2v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars I).]
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1-1073.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Synthen, Johannes
Item text: Dicta.’
Incipit: ‘Item Alexander in hoc versu prohemiali . . .’
See Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCV. Ascription of authorship to Synthen rejected by Hermannus Torrentinus, Commentaria in Alexandrum [Cologne, 1507], a1r: ‘Nam que maxime et in usu et in precio habentur Alexandri Glossemata atque doctissimo viro Johanni Synthen falso adscribitur, quot erroribus scatent . . .’ The authorship is not questioned in VL IX 559-61, which refers to the possibility of a collaboration with Alexander Hegius.

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: [Martin Schott], 27 Nov. 1487. Format: 4°.
a b8 c6 d–s8.8.6 t–z A8 B6.
References: GW 1140;C 304;Pr 397;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 36; Scott, Schott, 7; Sheppard 327-8.

Binding: Contemporary German half pigskin over boards with central clasp hinged from lower to the upper cover.
Size: 211 × 145 × 40 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 140 mm.
The extracted parchment pastedowns, dating from c.1300, and intended to be kept under the shelfmark MS. Lat. misc. b.13, fols 47-53, but now apparently missing, contain letters of Philip III of France and Petrus de Condeto, 1270-1, relating to the Eighth Crusade; see L. Carolus-Barré, ‘Un recueil de lettres sur la huitième croisade’, Bulletin de la société nationale des antiquaires de France (1960), 182-7.
Early marginal notes. On a1r early notes, and part of prayer(?): ‘Ave sanctissima virgo Maria, mater dei, regina celi, porta paradi &pipe; si Domina mundi tu es, singularis virgo pura, tu concepisti &pipe; Ihesum, sine peccato concepisti’. Notes in a sixteenth-century hand on the outside of the upper cover.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red. Initial strokes, paragraph marks, and underlining in red.
Provenance: Wimpfen, Baden-Württemberg, Dominicans, Sancta Crux; inscription on a1r in a sixteenth-century hand: ‘Conuentus Wimp. Ordinis Praedicatorum’; shelfmark ‘B 33′ on paper label attached to the spine, a reference to the 1792 catalogue of the Wimpfen library (Darmstadt, Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek, MS. 3001, p. 84), according to a letter from Dr K. H. Staub, Darmstadt. Jacobus Hailman (fl. 1556-1560), on the upper cover. Acquisition history: Purchased from Joseph Baer & Co., 143. Lager-Catalog, no. 376, for 8 Marks; see Library Bills, 7 May 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.44.AEC

Entry number: A-193
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Johannis Synthen.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars I).]
See A–192.
Item location: a3r
Item author: Synthen, Johannes
Item text: Glosa.’
Item title: [Also known as Dicta.]
Incipit: ‘De nominum inflectione secundum ordinem et primum de prima . . . Omnia nomina quibus latina utitur eloquentia . . .’
See A–192.

Place of imprint: Deventer: [Richard Pafraet], 30 Oct. 1495. Format: 4°.
a–v8.4 x6 y4 z8 [et]4 [con]8.
References: GW 1146;HC 14759 (I);Pr 9008;Campbell 120; HPT II 408; ILC 175; Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 117; Sheppard 6947.

Bound with:
2. Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale pars II cum commento Johannis Synthen. Deventer: Richard Pafraet, 1491 (A–195).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [con]8; a1 backed.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English diced russia.
Size: 207 × 148 × 36 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 130 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1840), 30.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.45(1).AEC

Entry number: A-194
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Johannis Synthen.

Item location: A1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: A1v
Incipit: ‘Registrum prime partis magistri Alexandri . . . Prima pars doctrinalis est de parte orationis absolute considerata . . .’
Item location: A2v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars I).]
See A–192.
Item location: A3v
Item author: Synthen, Johannes
Item text: Dicta.’
Item title: [Also known as Glosa.]
Incipit: ‘De nominum inflectione secundum ordinem et primum de prima . . . Omnia nomina quibus latina utitur eloquentia . . .’
See A–192.

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: Johann Prüss, 14 Mar. 1499. Format: 8&quo;.Bibliographical notes: GW records as 4°, erroneously.
Woodcut on A1r; see Schreiber and Schramm.
References: GW 1149;HC 14763;BMC I 125;Pr 554;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 144 (I); BSB–Ink A–281; Schmidt, Prüss, 29; Schreiber V 5268; Schramm XX p. 26 and pl. 1240; Sheppard 442.

Bound with:
2. Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale pars II cum commento Johannis Synthen. Strasbourg: Johann Prüss, 1499 (A–197).
C5 signed Bv.
Binding: Contemporary south German (Tegernsee?) blind-tooled half pigskin over wooden boards. Frame formed by triple fillets decorated with two merrythoughts, inside which is a floral stamp, with a small heart-shaped stamp between the merrythoughts. All stamps very badly worn.
Size: 177 × 125 × 65 mm.
Size of leaf: 166 × 110 mm.
Provenance: Tegernsee, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Quirinus, 1516. Acquisition history: Purchased from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 159, no. 303, for 8 Marks; see Library Bills, 26 Apr. 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.50(1).AEC

Entry number: A-195
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Johannis Synthen.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Synthen, Johannes
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[G]rammatica est ars recte scribendi recteque loquendi . . .’
Item location: a3v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars II).]
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1074-1549.
Item location: a3v
Item author: Synthen, Johannes
Item text: Glosa.’
Item title: [Also known as Dicta.]
Incipit: ‘Ordo huius libri iubet ut regimen vocum referetur . . .’
See A–192.

Place of imprint: Deventer: Richard Pafraet, 27 Mar. 1491. Format: 4°.
a–p6 q8.
References: GW 1159;C 340;Pr 8995;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 86; HPT II 408; ILC 192; Proctor, Campbell (III) 124a; Sheppard 6944.

Bound with A–193; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 200 × 130 mm.
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf q8.
Marginal notes, and ‘nota’ marks with sections of text indicated by being crossed through in black ink.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.45(2).AEC

Entry number: A-196
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Johannis Synthen.
Remark: Fragments.

Bibliographical notes: Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1333 and 1312, with commentary.
Printed on parchment. Removed from the binding of MS. Auct. F. 6. 1 in 1884. This manuscript, copied c.1500 on paper, probably by a Franciscan, contains a collection of theological and classical works, bound in a fifteenth-century blind-tooled leather binding.

Place of imprint: Delft: [Christiaen Snellaert or Hendrik Eckert], 1497. Format: 4°.
a–g6 h4 i–q6 r4 st6.
References: GW 1162;Pr 8901;Campbell–Kronenberg I 132a; HPT II 403; ILC 195; Proctor, Campbell III 120A; Sheppard 6882.

Bound in a modern guard-book of miscellaneous fragments. Size of fragments: 90 × 123 mm and 150 × 123 mm.
Imperfections: Two fragments, consisting of portions of fols 71, and 75-6.
On second fragment in a contemporary hand: ‘con-adragesi-i.’
Provenance: MS. Auct. F. 6. 1, fol. 323v: Godfridus Coben, (fl. 1554); fol. 146v: John Johnson (fl. before 1630). Acquisition history: MS. Auct. F. 6. 1 was probably acquired between 1613 and 1620.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. N97.1(8).AEC

Entry number: A-197
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento Johannis Synthen.

Item location: a1r
[Title-page and woodcut.]
Item location: a1v
Incipit: ‘Registrum secunde partis Alexandri . . . Secunda pars doctrinalis est de parte orationis . . .’
Item location: a2v
Item author: Synthen, Johannes
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘Grammatica est ars recte scribendi recteque loquendi . . .’
Item location: a4v
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Pars II).]
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1074-1549.
Item location: a4v
Item author: Synthen, Johannes
Item text: Dicta’; ‘Glosa.’
Incipit: Ordo huius libri iubet ut regimen vocum referetur . . .’
See A–192.

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: Johann Prüss, 1499. Format: 8&quo;.Bibliographical notes: GW records as 4°, erroneously.
Woodcut on a1r; see Schreiber and Schramm.
References: GW 1164;HC 14763;BMC I 125;Pr 555;Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 144 (II); BSB–Ink A–281; Schmidt, Prüss, 29; Schramm XX p. 26 and pl. 1240; Schreiber V 5268; Sheppard 443.

Bound with A–194; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 166 × 110 mm.
Occasional marginal notes. On r8r in contemporary hand, with incipit: ‘Verbum [ ] [ ] est verbum significans actionem vel passionem vel alia habitudinem . . .’
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.50(2).AEC

Entry number: A-198
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento.

Item location: Aa1r
Item location: Aa1v
Incipit: ‘[M]eliora sunt ubera tua vino fragrantia ungentis optimis . . .’
Item location: Aa2r
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei]
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes III–IV).
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1550-2645, with an interlinear gloss.
Item location: Aa2r
Incipit: ‘Hec est tercia pars et decimum capitulum huius libri . . .’
Note on authorship: Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCIV ascribes to Gerardus de Zutphania.

Place of imprint: [Nuremberg]: Anton Koberger, [1498]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Sheppard notes that Pr’s dating [1498] is to be preferred to GW‘s [1495], probably because the item appears to have been issued with Pr 2116A and Pr 2118.
Aa–Dd8 Ee10.
References: GW 1201;C 359;Pr 2122;BSB–Ink A–261 (III, IV); Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 134 (III, IV); Sheppard 1554.

Bound with A–189; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 200 × 142 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.46(3).AEC

Entry number: A-199
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Doctrinale cum commento ex Aurea Grammatica.

Item location: [a2r]
Incipit: ‘Incipit aurea gramatica puerorum dictis fulcita fere omnium maiorum et presertim Pristiani et Nicolai Perotti . . .’
Item location: [a2r]
Incipit: ‘[C]um secundum Ysidorum libro i capitula iiii ethimologiarum Grammatica sit scientia recte loquendi, origo fundamentum que liberalium artium. Ideo pueri per ipsam primo sunt instruendi . . .’
Item location: [a2r]
De partibus gramatice.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]vot sunt partes gramatice. Quatuor que litera sillaba . . .’
Item location: [b1r]
[Commentary on Doctrinale.]
Incipit: ‘[S]cribere clericulis etc. Unde? Anno milleno ducenteno et duodeno doctor Alexander fortis egregius autor Doctrinale suum dedit in commune legendum . . .’
Note on authorship: Doctrinale (ed. Reichling) CCCIV ascribes to Priscianus and Nicolaus Perottus.
Item location: [b2r]
Item author: Alexander [de Villa Dei
Item title: Doctrinale (Partes I–II).]
Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 1-1549, with marginal notes.

Place of imprint: [Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, c.1485-90]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Reichling dates to [c.1480].
[a–m8 n o6 p q8].
Types: 165 (Pr 2) in use 1477, 1482-93, and 110 (Pr 1) state after 1477; see BMC II 446 and pl. XLI.122 leaves, [a1] and [q8] blank.Variable number of lines, with text c.18 lines, commentary c.38 lines to the page.Type area of commentary: 218 ×128 mm ([f4v]).Watermark: ‘Lamb and flag’ in centre of [q8].
References: H *7859;Pr 2174;BSB–Ink A–272; Doctrinale (ed. Reichling), 13; Sheppard 1591.

Imperfections: Wanting [o6] and [p7]. [o2-3] are mounted.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 308 × 223 × 33 mm.
Size of leaf: 300 × 207 mm.
Early manuscript notes in black ink.
Provenance: Fribourg, Switzerland, Franciscans. Étienne Gabriel Peignot (1767-1849); sale (1852), lot 1155. Acquisition history: Purchased at the Peignot sale for £1. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1852), 38 (`Grammatica aurea’).
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.69.AEC

Entry number: A-200
Alexander de Villa Dei
Uniform title: Sermo doctissimi viri Alexandri de Villa Dei [German].

Item location: a1r
Item author: Alexander de Villa Dei [pseudo-]
Item text: Sermo doctissimi viri Alexandri de Villa Dei.’
Incipit: ‘Potentia patris, sapientia filii, benignitas spiritus sancti. Thema. Sonus intra iungitur extra . . . Und lutent dise wort also in teusch. Wer fromm ist in seinem hertzen . . . Zu einer erklärung und auslegung diser wörter . . .’
Note on authorship: Anonymous sermon based on verses of Alexander’s Doctrinale.

Place of imprint: [Memmingen: Albrecht Kunne], 1496. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1224;H *775;Goff A–457;Pr 2797;Sheppard 2028.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blue paper wrappers.
Size: 186 × 142 × 3 mm.
Size of leaf: 186 × 135 mm.
Decoration: Initial strokes in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.78.AEC

Entry number: A-201
Alexandris, Carolus de
Uniform title: Sermo de passione Christi.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Alexandris, Carolus de
Item title: Sermo de passione Christi.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[O] vos omnes qui transitis per viam attendite et uidete, si est dolor sicut est dolor meus” Ieremie trenorum primo capitulo [Lam 1,12]. Domini nostri Iesu Christi acerrimam ac lacrimabilem passionem, beatissime pater reuerendissimique presides, nostreque piissimum atque admirabilem redemptionis modum . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated Rome, 24 Mar. 1475: ‘coram Sixto quarto anno iubilei in die parasceue intra missarum solenia’.

Place of imprint: [Rome: Ulrich Han, 1475]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1225;H *810;not in Pr;BSB–Ink A–308; Sheppard 2682.

Bound with:
1. Thomas Aquinas, De venerabili sacramento altaris ad modum decem praedicamentorum. [Cologne: Bartholomaeus de Unkel, c.1481] (T–186);
2. Augustinus, De vita christiana. [Mainz]: Peter Schoeffer, [c.1470-5] (A–608);
4. Ludovicus Imolensis, Oratio in funere Cardinalis Petri Ferrici. [Rome: Georgius Lauer, c.1479] (L–199);
5. Bernardus Justinianus, Oratio habita apud Sixtum IV contra Turcos. [Rome: Johannes Gensberg, c.1474] (J–285(3));
6. Daniel, Somnia Danielis. [Rome: Johannes Bulle, c.1478-9] (D–005);
7. Maphaeus Vegius, Philalethes. [Strasbourg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, c.1480] (V–054);
8. Lucius Annaeus Seneca, De remediis fortuitorum. [Cologne: Printer of Dares (Johann Schilling [Solidi]), c.1472] (S–141(2));
9. Rabbi Samuel, Epistola contra Judaeorum errores. [Rome: Printer of Sixtus IV ‘Bulla’ (H 14811), c.1480] (S–048);
10. Sextus Aurelius Victor, De viris illustribus. [Rome: Johannes Gensberg, not before Sept. 1474] (A–617(2));
11. Angelus Politianus, Pactianae conjurationis commentarium. [Rome: Johannes Bulle, after 26 Apr. 1478] (P–425);
12. Sixtus IV, Pont. Max., Bulla 1 June 1478 “Ineffabilis et summi patris providentia” de excommunicationis Laurentii de Medicis. [Rome: Johannes Bulle, after 1 June 1478] (S–219);
13. Sixtus IV, Pont. Max., Bullae 22 June 1478 “Ad apostolicae dignitatis auctoritatem” et “Inter cetera quorum nos cura sollicitat” contra Laurentium de Medicis. [Rome: Johannes Bulle, after 22 June 1478] (S–220);
14. Sixtus IV, Pont. Max., Bulla 17 Aug. 1479 “Decet Romanum pontificem” contra Laurentium de Medicis. [Rome: Georgius Lauer, after 17 Aug. 1479] (S–222);
15. Sixtus IV, Pont. Max., Bulla 16 Aug. 1479 “Et si natura omnibus in rebus” excommunicationis Roberti de Malatestis et aliorum. [Rome: Georgius Lauer, after 16 Aug. 1479] (S–221).
Binding: Eighteenth-century English gold-tooled brown calf; bound for Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester (1752-1842), between 1718 and 1728(?). On both covers triple fillets form a frame, containing a roll of gold-tooled dentelle; six panels on the spine, five with a four-acorn tool, one with ‘Thomas Aquinas etc.’; see David Rogers, ‘The Holkham Collection’, BLR 4 (1953), 255-67, at 256 and 261. On both covers is the armorial stamp of Coke of Holkham, impaling Tufton; see Cyril Davenport, English Heraldic Book Stamps (London, 1909), 122. Gold-tooled spine. Gilt-edged leaves. Rebacked.
Size: 209 × 147 × 34 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 136 mm.
At the head of [a1r] of this item, a cropped contemporary manuscript title, similar to that in other items. Early marginal annotations in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century German hand, probably in the same hand as those in item 1, and perhaps also that of the manuscript additions on blank leaves following items 1 and 6 and on the last blank page of item 4. On the blank leaf d8r of item 1, part of an Expositio orationis dominicae: ‘Super verba “Et ne nos inducas in tempta[tionem]”. Non ut simpliciter non temptemur . . .’, followed by a note on the apparition of Jerome after his death to Augustine: ‘Mortuo beato Jeronimo . . .’; on d8v: ‘De Meditatione creaturarum. Meditatio est frequens cogitatio . . .’ On [a6v] of item 4, an account of the anti-Semitic trial concerning Simon Tridentinus: ‘In facto Judeorum Triden[tinorum] puerum interfectum quidam ex eisdem Judeis in tortura ut subscribitur confessus est. Interrogatus Quid faciunt ipsi Judei de dicto sanguine . . .’ On [a7v] of item 6, ‘Ex libello de Moribus. Hinc bene precipiebatur a Socrate ut adolescens in speculo . . .’; on [a1r] of item 7, a note on the four Sundays in Advent: ‘Quatuor dominicis proximis ante festum natale . . .’; on the verso, ‘Formula bene viuendi. Studium cuiuslibet religiosi ut scilicet viuat in obediencia . . .’ The similarity of the titles and notes suggests that most of the items were travelling together long before the book received its present binding.
Provenance: Johannes Sphyractes (1508-1578); on a2r of item 1, ‘Sum Joannis Sphyractae Basiliensis et amicorum’. Holkham Hall, Norfolk, Earls of Leicester; shelfmark written in pencil inside the upper cover: ‘Case 20th Shelf 3rd‘; old shelfmark ‘C.2.A1′ on endleaf, probably from Holkham.ACQUIRED Purchased in 1953; Bodleian stamp dated 5 Oct. 1953.
Bodleian shelfmark: Holk. e.1(3).BW

Entry number: A-201A
Uniform title: Compilatio astronomica.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
[List of contents.]
Item location: a3r
Item author: Alfraganus (Amad Ibn-muammad Al-farghânî)
Item title: Compilatio astronomica.
[Translated from the Arabic by Johannes Hispalensis.
Apparently edited by a member of the Eremita family of Ferrara.]
Incipit: ‘[N]umerus mensium Arabum et Latinorum est duodenus: menses Arabum incipiunt ab Almuharam . . .’expl.: et lune quod sufficiat
See Thorndike–Kibre 960, and Carmody 113-5, no. 17.1(a).
Note on authorship: For the suggestion of the identity of the editor see BMC, also Carmody 114.

Place of imprint: Ferrara:PRNTER Andreas Belfortis, Gallus,YND 3 Sept. 1493.FRMAT 4°.
a–c8 d6.
A woodcut on a1v showing Alfraganus and ‘Heremita’, probably a member of the Eremita family, of Ferrara: see BMC; eight other schematic woodcut diagrams.
References: GW 1268;HC *822;Goff A–460;BMC VI 605;Pr 5753;BSB–Ink A–310; CIBN A–245; Sander 279; Sheppard 4774.

Bound with:
1. Theodoricus Haghen, Prognosticum stellare. Utrecht: Hermannus Borculous, 1552;
2. Tabula ascensionum obliquarum. Tübingen: Abdias Wicknerus, 1561;
4. Auger Ferrier, A Learned Astronomical Discourse of the Judgement of Nativities. London: R. Cotes, 1642 (Wing F820).
Binding: Seventeenth-century English calf.
Size: 196 × 149 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 186 × 141 mm.
Running item numbers in black ink in the upper margin. Manuscript table of contents, in Ashmole’s hand, on the recto of the front endleaf. Marginal notes in a seventeenth-century hand in item 4.
Provenance: William Lilly (1602-1681); inscription on A1r of item 1: ‘Lillius Astrologus 1642/3′. Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692.ACQUIRED Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 124(3).AEC

Entry number: A-202
Algorithmus Novus
Uniform title: Algorithmus novus de integris, de minutiis vulgaribus et de physicalibus.

Item location: A2r
Algorithmus novus de integris.
Incipit: ‘[D]isciplina numerorum Arithmetica est Greci enim numerum rithmon vocant quam scriptores secularium litterarum inter disciplinas mathematicas immo primam esse volebant . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 435.
Item location: A6r
‘De radicum extractione in numeris cubicis.’
Incipit: ‘[S]ciendum quod numerus cubicus est qui prouenit ex ductu alicuius numeri bis in se . . .’
Item location: B1r
Algorismus novus de minutiis vulgaribus.
Incipit: ‘[I]gnorantia minutiarum siue fractionis quamplures a cognitione . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 659.
Item location: B3v
Algorismus novus de minutiis physicalibus.
Incipit: ‘[M]inutie phisice sunt que ad sua integra per diuisionem sexagenariam referuntur . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 875.
Item location: B4r
‘De Regula proportionum.’
Incipit: ‘[R]egula de tri quasi de tribus per apocapam(!) quia in ea sunt semper tres numeri necessarii . . .’

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Cornelis de Zierikzee, c.1500]. Format: 4°.
A6 B4.
Four schematic woodcuts.
References: GW 1276;HC *825;Goff A–466;BMC I 308;Pr 1495;BSB–Ink A–313; Sheppard 1105-6.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 205 × 138 × 5 mm.
Size of leaf: 197 × 130 mm.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 2628 in list of duplicates in quarto. Acquisition history: Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.63.BW

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Statius, In Achilleide. [Paris: Jean Marchant] for Jean Petit, 21 Nov. 1506;
2. Faustus Andrelinus, Epithalamium. [Paris: Radulph Maliseau, 1506];
3. Faustus Andrelinus, De gestis legati. [Paris: Gilles de Gourmont, 1508];
4. Faustus Andrelinus, Epistolae proverbiales et morales. [Paris: Gourmont Frères], 1508;
5. Beda, De temporibus. Paris: [Jean Marchant] for Jean Petit, 5 Apr. 1507;
6. Helius Eobanus Hessus, Norimberga. Nuremberg: Johannes Petreius, 1532;
7. Johannes Huswirt Sanensis, Enchiridion novus Algorismi. Cologne: Heirs of Heinrich Quentell, [1504];
9. Anianus, Computus. Rouen: Robert Macé, 1502;
MS: Computus manualis, Algorismus, Tractatus de planetis et eorum virtute, De stellis caudatis secundum Ptolemeum (see SC 2783n);
10. Cicero [pseudo-], Synonyma. [Paris: Jean Barbier for Denis Roce, c.1502].
Binding: Nineteenth-century plain calf for the Bodleian Library; back strip lost. According to SC, the volume was put together and bound c.1802-30.
Size: 210 × 145 × 29 mm.
Size of leaf: 201 × 142 mm.
Provenance: Item 6 is a British Museum duplicate, old shelfmark C. 2436; probably sold at the duplicate sale in 1788. Items 7 and 9 were listed in 1738 in Fysher, Catalogus, I 52 and I 609 with the shelfmark BB 8 Med.; the same two items were probably listed in Hyde, Catalogus (1674), I 31 and I 349 (but with date as 1554), with the shelfmark M 6.3 Art.; in James, Catalogus (1620), 24, item 9 is listed with the shelfmark M 6.3 Art.; on p. 15: ‘Tres algorismi cum proportionum vel mercatorum regula M 6.3′; the latter reference probably refers jointly to items 7, 8, and 9 in this volume; James, Catalogue (1605), 286 refers to ‘M. Aniani Compotus cum Com. 1503. Q[uaere] M 5.3′; it therefore seems probable that items 7, 8, and 9 were in the Bodleian Library by 1620 and possibly already by 1605.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: 4° A 43 Art (items 1, 3, 4, 5, and 10); BB 8 Med. (items 7, 8, and 9).
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° D 21(8) Jur.BW

Entry number: A-203
Alliaco, Petrus de
Uniform title: De anima.

Item location: A1v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: De anima. ‘Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[V]eterum tradit auctoritas, diuinum esse illud Apollinis oraculum “Nosce te ipsum”. Nimis ergo errat . . .’
Olaf Pluta, Die philosophische Psychologie des Peters von Ailly. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Philosophie des späten Mittelalters, Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie, 6 (Amsterdam, 1987), 1.
Item location: A1v
Pluta, Die philosophische Psychologie des Peters von Ailly, 2.
Item location: A2r
Item author: [Alliaco, Petrus de]
Item title: [Two tables on the subdivisions of the soul.]
Pluta, Die philosophische Psychologie des Peters von Ailly, 3-4.
Item location: A3r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: De anima.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uiditatem anime umbratice sompniantes philosophi de ea diuersa et aduersa senserunt . . .’
Pluta, Die philosophische Psychologie des Peters von Ailly, 5-107; on the textual importance of the incunable editions p. xxxvi. For early editions see Paul Tschackert, Peter von Ailli (Petrus de Alliaco). Zur Geschichte des grossen abendländischen Schisma und der Reformconcilien von Pisa und Constanz (Gotha, 1877), 348; Lohr (1972), 333 no. 2.

Place of imprint: Paris: Guy Marchant, 24 Sept. 1494. Format: 4°.
A–C8 D E6.
Woodcut representing the angel appearing to the shepherds on A2r, woodcut representing the journey and adoration of the Magi on E6v: both part of a series cut for a books of hours; see BMC.
References: R 15;Goff A–469;BMC VIII 61;Pr 7993;Sack, Freiburg, 2753; Sheppard 6214-15.

First copy
Bound with A–138; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 207 × 138 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 129(1).

Second copy
Bound with:
2. Jacobus Faber Stapulensis, Introductio in metaphysicorum libros Aristotelis. Paris: [Johannes Higman], 16 Feb. 1493 (F–003);
3. Heimericus de Campo, Problemata inter Albertum Magnum et S. Thomam. Cologne: Johann Landen, 23 Mar. 1496 (H–004);
4. Heimericus de Campo, Promptuarium argumentorum. Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 4 Dec. 1496 (H–006).
Binding: Sevententh century parchment.
Size: 189 × 139 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 185 × 134 mm.
Pen-trials on front pastedown. On B3r an early marginal note.
Provenance: On A1r two inscriptions: ‘Thoes Faw[ ]’: ‘Liber bonus hic est . . .’ In the Bodleian by 1738; see Fysher, Catalogus, 38. Probably from the bequest of Thomas Barlow (1607-1691).
Former Bodleian shelfmark: A 3. 6 Linc. (front pastedown).
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.2(1).BW

Entry number: A-204
Alliaco, Petrus de
Uniform title: Expositio super Cantica Canticorum.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Expositio super Cantica Canticorum.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[O]sculetur me osculo oris sui” [Ct 1,1]. Iste liber dicitur canticum amoris uel canticum cantici seu cantica canticorum . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 363. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6410.

Place of imprint: [Paris]: Antoine Caillaut, 16 Sept. 1483. Format: 4°.
a–c8 d4.
References: H 851;Goff A–476;BMC VIII 43;Pr 7927;CIBN A–249; Oates 2913; Sheppard 6181.

Binding: Green quarter morocco.
Size: 208 × 144 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 137 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red ruling. a1 is signed in manuscript.
Provenance: No. ‘168′ in pencil on front pastedown. Purchased for £0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1847), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.27.BW

Entry number: A-205
Alliaco, Petrus de
Uniform title: Imago mundi et tractatus alii.

Item location: [*1v]
Item author: [Alliaco, Petrus de]
Item title: Imago mundi. [Introduction.]
Ymago mundi, ed. Edmond Buron (Paris, 1930), I 126.
Item location: [*2r]
[Eight woodcut astronomical and geographical maps with explanations.]
ed. Buron, I 128-42.
Item location: a1v
[Biographical note on Petrus de Alliaco and table of contents.]
ed. Buron, I 148-50.
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Alliaco, Petrus de]
Item title: Imago mundi. [Prologue.]
ed. Buron, I 152.
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Alliaco, Petrus de]
Item title: Imago mundi. [Table of contents.]
ed. Buron, I 152-6.
Item location: a3r
Item author: [Alliaco, Petrus de]
Item title: Imago mundi. ‘Tabule.’
ed. Buron, I 158-62.
Item location: a4r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Imago mundi.
ed. Buron, I 164-344, II 346-496. For early editions see Tschackert 357.
Note on authorship: Text dated 12 Aug. 1410.
Item location: e2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Epilogus Mappe mundi.’
ed. Buron, II 498-548. For early editions see Tschackert 357.
Item location: e7r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: De legibus et sectis contra superstitiosos astronomos.
Incipit: ‘[C]ontemplacio conditoris in suis operibus et specialiter in celestibus corporibus manifeste refulget . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Note on authorship: Text dated 24 Dec. 1410.
Item location: g4v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: [Letter of dedication]
[dedicatee] addressed to Johannes XXIII, Pont. Max.
Incipit: ‘Nuper, beatissime pater, antequam vestra appostolica sublimitas me seruorum suorum infimum in cardinalem sancte Romane ecclesie nominaret . . .’
Item location: g5r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Exhortatio ad concilium generale super kalendarii correctione.
Incipit: ‘[Q]vanta diligentie cura olim fuerit ecclesie christiane de obseruatione paschali et quadragesimalis ieiunii aliarumque festiuitatum solemnium . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Item location: h2v
Item author: [Alliaco, Petrus de]
Item title: [Table for calculating the date of Easter.]
Item location: h2v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de vero ciclo lunari.
Incipit: ‘[A]d huius artificii declarationem sciendum est quod licet Romani et alie nationes vtantur annis et mensibus solaribus, tamen arabes a lune motu annos et menses lunares voluerunt nominare . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Item location: h6r
Item author: [Alliaco, Petrus de]
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Johannes XXIII, Pont. Max.
Incipit: ‘[S]vpplicant vestre sanctitati plures vestri ac sancte matris ecclesie deuoti filii . . .’
Item location: h6v
Item author: Johannes XXIIi, Pont. Max.
Item title: [Letter.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vanta diligentie cura olim fuerit ecclesie de obseruatione paschali et quadragesimalis ieiunii ecclesiastica docet hystoria. Nunc vero . . .’
Item location: h7r
[Table of contents for the following treatise.]
ed. Buron, III 552-4.
Item location: h7v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Compendium cosmographiae (tractatus duo).
ed. Buron, III 556-730. For early editions see Tschackert 360.
Item location: aa1r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Vigintiloquium de concordia astronomic&ae; veritatis cum theologia.
Incipit: ‘[P]rimum secundum philosophum omne verum omni vero consonat . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358
Note on authorship: Text dated Cologne 1414.
Item location: bb6r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Concordantia astronomicae veritatis et narrationis historicae.
Incipit: ‘Notandum est quod in tractatu de concordia theologie et astronomie et consequenter in tractatu . . . ’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Item location: dd8r
Item author: [Alliaco, Petrus de]
Item title: Elucidarium astronomicae concordiae cum theologia et historica veritate.
Incipit: ‘[T]ibi diligentius perscrutanti astronomorum dicta clarius innotuit veritas super aliquibus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Item location: gg6r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Apologetica defensio astronomicae veritatis.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uerunt aliqui de natiuitate Christi vel Marie matris eius, vtrum subiecta fuerit astrorum legibus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Note on authorship: Text dated Cologne 26 Sept. 1414.
Item location: gg8v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Secunda apologetica defensio astronomicae veritatis.
Incipit: ‘[S]epe et multum hoc mecum cogitaui, cur magni doctores theologi etiam in scientiis mathematicis peritissimi . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Note on authorship: Text dated Cologne 3 Oct. 1414.
Item location: hh3r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de concordia discordantium astronomorum.
Incipit: ‘[D]e concordia discordantium astronomorum super significationibus triplicitatum signorum zodiaci et applicationibus eorum ad partes terre . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Item location: ii4v
Item author: Gerson, Johannes
Item title: Trigilogium(!) astrologiae theologisatae.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Charles, Dauphin of France (later Charles VII).
Gerson, Oeuvres, X no. 501, 90-109.
Note on authorship: Text dated Lyons 1419.
Item location: kk5r
Item author: Gerson, Johannes
Item title: Contra superstitiosam dierum observationem.
Gerson, Oeuvres, X no. 503, 116-21.
Item location: kk6v
Item author: Gerson, Johannes
Item title: [Contra superstitionem sculpturae leonis.]
Item text: (Propositiones) aduersus doctrinam cuiusdam medici in Montepessulano sculpentis in immismate [numismate] figuram leonis cum certis caracteribus pro curatione renum.’
Gerson, Oeuvres, X no. 506, 131-4.
Item location: kk8r
Item author: Gerson, Johannes
Item title: [De observatione dierum quantum ad opera.]
Item text: Opusculum contra supersticiosos dierum obseruatores.’
Gerson, Oeuvres, X no. 505, 128-30.

Place of imprint: [Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, c.1477-83]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Dated in HPT II 436, 466.
[*6]; a–k8 l4; aa–ii8 kk10.
On [*2r]–[*5v] eight woodcut astronomical and geographical maps; two woodcut diagrams on h6r, woodcut diagrams on k7r, bb5r, ee2r-v, ff6r, and hh4r.
References: HC 836* = H 837;Goff A–477;BMC IX 146;Pr 9258;BSB–Ink P–321; Campbell 143; Campbell, Maps, 15; CIBN A–250; Hillard 77; HPT II 436; ILC 215; Oates 3737; Rhodes 60; Sack, Freiburg, 2756; Sheppard 7105-7.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves [*6] and kk10; wanting f5, which is supplied in manuscript by a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand; kk9 is mutilated.
Binding: Seventeenth-century English calf; on both covers double fillets form a border; on the edges of the boards a gilt single fillet.
Size: 274 × 200 × 42 mm.
Size of leaf: 267 × 184 mm.
Early foliation and marginal notes, some in the hand of John Dee. On l4v a version of the prophecy of the Lily, the Lion, and the Son of Man is added in an early English hand, incipit: ‘In historia almannicorum sicut Merlinus in historia britonum: Lilium in meliori parte multis annis remanebit. Veniet in terra leonis, stabit in regno inter spinas regni sui . . .’; see Catalogue of Romances in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum, ed. H. L. D. Ward and others (London, 1883-1900) I 314 and Julia C. Crick, The Historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth, III, A Summary Catalogue of the Manuscripts (Cambridge, 1989), 100, no. 61. The same hand has written the beginning of the same text on kk9r.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: John Dee (1527-1608); John Dee’s Library Catalogue, ed. Julian Roberts & Andrew G. Watson (London, 1990), no. 272 and note on p. 86; on [*1r]: ‘Joannes Dee meus est verus dominus’ and on a1r: ‘Joannes Dee 1557. 28. May’. Stanneer (fl. 1647). William Lilly (1602-1681); on [*1r]: ‘Sum Gulielmi Lilly Liber ex dono Domini Stanneer 1647. 29&quo; Martij’. Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). On kk9r old shelfmark ‘A.5.B’. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 573.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting [*1], the blank leaf [*6] and a1, l4, kk1, kk7, and kk9, also the blank leaf kk10; kk8 is mutilated. A strip is cut out of the margin of h2.
Binding: Seventeenth-century calf; on both covers triple fillets form a border; triple vertical fillets divide the covers into a narrow and a wide rectangle; on the edges of the boards a floral tool. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the upper cover.
Size: 273 × 202 × 40 mm.
Size of leaf: 268 × 194 mm.
Provenance: John Selden (1584-1654); see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 19: ‘Pet. Cameracensis. De sectis contra superstitiosos Astronomos, et Cosmographia. -1419.’ Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: H 1. 13 Art. Seld.

Third copy
Imperfections: Wanting [*1-6] and the blank leaf kk10.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; gold-tooled spine; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 271 × 192 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 269 × 183 mm.
Early marginal notes (mainly chapter headings).
Provenance: Probably the copy mentioned in the Benefactors’ Register I 15: ‘Imago mundi fo.’ given in 1600 by William Gent (fl. 1562-1611). Acquisition history: Acquired by 1605; see James, Catalogus (1605), 285: ‘Cosmographia’; Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ Register’, no. 38.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.17.BW

Entry number: A-206
Alliaco, Petrus de
Uniform title: De legibus et sectis contra superstitiosos astronomos.
Remark: Part I.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: De legibus et sectis contra superstitiosos astronomos.
Incipit: ‘[C]ontemplatio conditoris in suis operibus et specialiter in celestibus corporibus manifeste refulget . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Note on authorship: Text dated 24 Dec. 1410.

Place of imprint: [Rouen: Guillaume Le Talleur, c.1487-90]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: In seven parts, usually found separately, with the following collations: part I: a b8; part II: c d8; part III: e4; part IV: f10; part V: g–i8; part VI: k4; part VII: l8.
a8 b12.
References: H 8321 (V); C 2687 (VII), 2708 (III, VI–VII);Goff G–709 (V);BMC VIII 391 (II, IV, VI–VII);Pr 8786 (I), 8788 (II, IV, VI–VII);BSB–Ink G–197 (IV); CIBN A–252(I, IV); Hillard 892 (VII); Oates 3277 (II), 3278 (V); Sack, Freiburg, 2759 (VII); Sheppard 6805 (I).

Part I only.
Binding: Parchment wrappers.
Size: 190 × 134 × 4 mm.
Size of leaf: 188 × 130 mm.
Decoration: Initials and a few paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; on a1r a four-line initial is supplied in interlocked red and blue. Capital strokes.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 8. 6; see Books Purchased (1857), 5.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.28.BW

Entry number: A-207
Alliaco, Petrus de
Uniform title: Quaestiones in libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Quaestiones in libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]venam doctrina hec noua? Ista questio mouetur Marci primo capitulo [Mc 1,27]. Reuerendi patres, magistri et domini carissimi: sepe et multum hoc mecum cogitaui . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 349. See Stegmüller, Repertorium commentariorum, 649; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6399.
Item location: H1r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Recommendatio S. Scripturae.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]vper hanc petram edificabo ecclesiam meam” scriptum est Mathei 16to [Mt 16,18]. Magnus ecclesie doctor Augustinus in libro de ciuitate dei duas describit ciuitates duas signantes ecclesias inter se diuersas pariter et aduersas . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 349. See Stegmüller, Repertorium commentariorum, 651; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6400.
Item location: H4v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Quaestio in suis vesperiis.
Incipit: ‘[V]trum Petri ecclesia lege reguletur. Reuerendi patres et domini, ego reus et indignus peccator Petrus de pastore Petro et eius grege vel ecclesia tractaturus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 349. See Stegmüller, Repertorium commentariorum, 651; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6401.
Item location: I1v
[Four lines of verse.]
‘Vtrum Pe[tri] ecclesia &pipe; Rege gubernetur &pipe; Lege reguletur &pipe; Fide confirmetur &pipe; Jure dominetur.’
See Stegmüller, Repertorium commentariorum, 651; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6403.
Item location: I2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Quaestio eiusdem de resumpta.’
Incipit: ‘[V]trum Petri ecclesia fide confirmetur. Arguitur primo quod non quia Petrus non habuit regalem monarchiam totius ecclesie seu polide christiane . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 349.
Item location: L1r
[Table of contents.]
Incipit: ‘[R]ecommendatio doctrine euangelice in generali. Collatio super primo sententiarum . . .’

Place of imprint: [Brussels: Fratres Vitae Communis, between 9 June 1481 and 1484]. Format: Folio.
a–z [et] [con]8 est10 A–I8 K6 L4.
Type: 100 (98) B (Proctor 1B), second state; see BMC IX 170 and pl. VIB).
References: HC *838;Pr 9340;BSB–Ink P–324; Campbell 144; CIBN A–258; HPT II 398; ILC 220; Polain 141; Rhodes 61; Sheppard 7191.

Bound with:
2. Petrus de Alliaco, Tractatus et sermones. [Brussels: Fratres Vitae Communis, after 9 June 1481; not after 1483] (A–209(2)).
Imperfections: Wanting a1 and gathering L.
Binding: Eighteenth-century calf; gold-tooled spine.
Size: 277 × 200 × 59 mm.
Size of leaf: 266 × 188 mm.
Decoration: On q6v and on E1v a four-line initial is supplied in red with reserved white decoration.
On the verso of the front endleaf biographical information about the author, a list of contents, and bibliographical references to Jean de Launoy, Academia Parisiensis illustrata (Paris, 1682), ‘p. 467′ and Louis Ellies-Dupin, Bibliothèque des auteurs ecclesiastiques du dix-huitiéme siècle (Paris, 1711), ‘tom. 12′.
Provenance: Louvain, Brabant, Irish Franciscan Recollects; S. Antonius de Padua; inscription on a2r of item 1 in a late seventeenth-century hand, brown ink: ‘Bibliotheca Coll. S. Ant. De Padua F[rat]rum Min[orum] Hibern. Lovanij’. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 178(1).BW

Entry number: A-208
Alliaco, Petrus de
Uniform title: Sacramentale.

Item location: A2r
[Table of contents.]
Item location: a1r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sacramentale.
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam me sepius rogasti, Petre, postquam sacerdotii gradum et sacrum ordinem suscepisti . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 352
Note on authorship: Attributed to Guilelmus Baufet or alternatively to Guilelmus Parisiensis; see BMC IX 150, 166 with reference to F. Lajard, ‘Guillaume de Paris, dominicain’, HLF 27 (1877), 140-52 and B. Hauréau, ‘Guillaume Baufet, évêque de Paris’, HLF 32 (1898), 469-74, 607.

Place of imprint: Louvain: Aegidius van der Heerstraten, 14 Apr. 1487. Format: 4°.
A a–f8 g h6 i–l8.
References: HC 852;Goff, Supplement, A–483a;BMC IX 166;Pr 9307;Campbell 145; HPT II 439; ILC 221; Oates 3820; Sheppard 7158-9.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting A1-8.
Binding: Eighteenth-century half calf.
Size: 195 × 139 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 131 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining; on a1r a four-line initial is supplied in red with reserved white decoration.
Provenance: Purchased by Heber for £1. 1. 0, according to the price annotated in red ink in Heber’s sale catalogue. Richard Heber (1773-1833); stamp; see Catalogue, 1 (1834), lot 203, sold for £0. 10. 0. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; note on endleaf; sale (1837), lot 56. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 2. 6; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.29.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting A1-8.
Leaf l7r mutilated.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf.
Size: 196 × 143 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 190 × 132 mm.
A few early marginal notes, a pointing hand. On l7v three unread notes.
Provenance: Henry Robins (or perhaps Robinson, sixteenth century); inscription on l7r: ‘Constat Henr[ico] Robyns(?) &pipe; Testamine Johan[ ] Trecarell(?)’. University College, Oxford; book-plate and shelfmark ‘KK 41-20′; ‘List of Rare Books’, p. 2. Acquisition history: Deposited in 1941 by the Master and Fellows of University College, Oxford.
Bodleian shelfmark: Univ. Coll. e.2.BW

Entry number: A-209
Alliaco, Petrus de
Uniform title: Tractatus et sermones.

Item location: a1v
[Table of contents.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Speculum considerationis.
Incipit: ‘[T]ractatus sequens qui speculum considerationis intitulatur. tres partes secundum tres considerationes continet . . . [Q]uisquis es qui a mundi sollicitudine elongasti fugiens . . .’expl.: via dirigens, veritas erudiens, vita reficiens, vnus deus benedictus in secula seculorum Amen.
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: c4v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Compendium contemplationis.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam multi sapientes multa de sapientie contemplatione scripserunt . . . [S]ecundum Gregorium super Ezechielem due sunt vite in quibus nos omnipotens deus per sacrum eloquium erudit . . .’expl.: dedisti leticiam in corde meo. Quod nobis prestare dignetur ipsa dei sapientia, que est benedicta in secula seculorum. Amen.
For early editions see Tschackert 362. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6406.
Item location: e7v
‘[A]nnotatio doctorum aliquorum qui de contemplatione locuti sunt.’
Note on authorship: A list of nine Church Fathers who composed works on contemplation, a few anonymous works on the same topic, concluding with a mention of vernacular works and sermons, which are not enumerated.
Item location: e8r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: De quatuor gradibus scale spiritualis ex dictis beati Bernardi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]vatuor sunt spirituales gradus anime: lectio, meditatio, oratio et contemplatio. Hii gradus sicut nominibus et numero sunt diuisi . . .’expl.: et torrente voluptatis indeficientis repleamur. Amen.
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: f3r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Verbum abbreviatum super libro psalmorum.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[V]erbum abbreuiatum faciet dominus super terram” [Rm 9,29]. Hoc per apostolum ab Ysaia propheta transsumptum de Christo dictum est . . .’expl.: Omnis spiritus laudet dominum, quia spiritualiter deus laudandus est. Cui sit laus et gloria in secula seculorum amen.
For early editions see Tschackert 363. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6407.
Item location: i4r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Meditatio super “In te domine speravi” [Ps 70].
Incipit: ‘[T]erret me domine deus meus, terret me vita mea, terret et mors mea . . .’expl.: et finaliter post hanc mortalem et erumpnosam vitam feliciter tecum viuam. Quod . . . in secula seculorum. Amen.
For early editions see Tschackert 363. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6409.
Item location: i6v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Meditatio seu expositio super totum eundem psalmum [Ps 70], id est super reliquos versus ab eodem composita rogante domino Raymundo Petragoricense episcopo.’
Incipit: ‘[P]ostulauit caritas fraterna quod omnino negare non possum, videlicet vt psalmum “In te domine speraui” ad finem vsque prosequar . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 363. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6409,1.
Item location: ii3r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Meditatio super psalmo “Iudica me deus” [Ps 42].
Incipit: ‘[S]umme sacerdos tu benignissime Christe Jhesu, qui in ara crucis pro redemptione humani generis . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 363. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6409,2.
Note on authorship: Text dated Basel 10 June 1414.
Item location: k1r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Expositio super Cantica Canticorum.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[O]sculetur me osculo oris sui” [Ct 1,1]. Iste liber dicitur canticum amoris vel canticum cantici seu cantica canticorum . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 363. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6410.
Item location: m4v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Liber de septem gradibus scale continens meditationes deuotas super septem psalmos penitentiales.’
Incipit: ‘[V]era penitentia velut scala quedam est, qua homo peccator quasi secundum euangelium parabolam descendit . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 363. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6408.
Item location: o1v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de oratione dominica.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]ic ergo orabitis” Mathe[i] sexto [Mt 6,9]. Hic docet Christus breuem et debitum modum orandi . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 363. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6411,1.
Item location: p6r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Meditatio super Ave Maria.
Incipit: ‘[C]ogitanti michi o sanctissima virgo mater Maria, mater non cuiuscumque, sed dei . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 364. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6412.
Note on authorship: Text dated Basel, 12 July 1414.
Item location: q1r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus super tribus evangelii canticis. ‘Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[S]umme trinitatis auxilio humiliter implorato tripartitum deuote meditationis tractatum . . .’
See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6411.
Item location: q1v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de cantico beatae Mariae (“Magnificat anima mea dominum” [Lc 1,46]).
Incipit: ‘[I]gitur a Marie cantico tanquam a priori et ordine temporis et magnitudine dignitatis nostrum sumemus exordium. “[M]agnificat anima mea dominum”. Vbi pro intelligentia tanti misterii tamquam mistici sacramenti videndum nobis erit . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 364. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6411.
Item location: q5r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de cantico Zacharie (“Benedictus dominus deus Israhel” [Lc 1,68]).
Incipit: ‘[D]icturi de cantico Zacharie pro misteriorum intelligentia seriem hystorie premittemus et ab inicio euangelii Luce sumentes exordium. “[F]vit in diebus Herodis regis Iudee sacerdos quidam nomine Zacharias de vice abya” [Lc 1,5]. Sicut enim in libro Paralipomenum legitur, Dauid volens ampliare cultum domini vigintiquatuor instituit sacerdotes . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 364. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6411.
Item location: q8r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de cantico iusti Symeonis (“Nunc dimittis” [Lc 2,29]).
Incipit: ‘[A]ccedit vltimo canticum Symeonis, cuius deuota meditatio primo huius operis causa et occasio fuit. Nam quia senex iste mortique propinquus hoc canticum edidit, ideo senex ego . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 364. See Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 6411.
Item location: r3v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Epilogus de quadruplici exercicio spirituali.
Incipit: ‘[A]nima deuota cupiens ad diuinam contemplationem spiritualiter exerceri . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: s1r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de duodecim honoribus sancti Joseph.
Incipit: ‘[S]i colligimus in unum que sparsim de sancto Joseph . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 364.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de anima. ‘Prologus.’
Pluta, Die philosophische Psychologie des Peters von Ailly, 1.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: [Two tables on the subdivisions of the soul.]
Pluta, Die philosophische Psychologie des Peters von Ailly, 3-4.
Item location: A3r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Tractatus de anima.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uiditatem anime umbratice sompniantes philosophi de ea diuersa et aduersa senserunt . . .’
Pluta, Die philosophische Psychologie des Peters von Ailly, 5-107; on the textual importance of the incunable editions, p. xxxvi. For early editions see Tschackert 348; Lohr (1972), 333 no. 2.
Item location: E1r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de adventu domini.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[E]cce saluator tuus venit” scribitur Ysaie lxii ii&quo; ca[pitulo] [Is 62,11]. Sicut sacrarum seriem litterarum intuentibus luculenter apparet . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362. See Schneyer, Wegweiser (1965), 205.
Item location: E7r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Alius sermo de aduentu domini factus Constantie in consilio generali Anno domini M&quo;CCCC&quo;decimoseptimo.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[E]runt signa in sole, luna et stellis” [Lc 21,25]. Considerantibus nobis verba proposita triplex occurrit questio . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361. See Schneyer, Wegweiser (1965), 234.
Item location: F4r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de quadruplici adventu domini et specialiter de adventu ad iudicium.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]citote quoniam prope est regnum dei” Luce xxi&quo; [Lc 21,31] et in euangelio hodierno. Sicut ex sacrorum eloquiorum et sanctorum patrum traditione docemur . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361. See Schneyer, Wegweiser (1965), 457.
Item location: G3v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de nativitate domini.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[E]cce euangelizo vobis gaudium magnum” scriptum est Luc[e] 2&quo; capitulo [Lc 2,10] et in euangelio huius noctis natiuitatis dominice . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: G6r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Sermo de eadem festiuitate.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[V]eritas de terra orta est” scribitur psalmo lxxxiii&quo; [Ps 84,12]. Cui concordat quod in euangelio hodierne festiuitatis legitur . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: G8v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de circumcisione domini.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[V]ocatum est nomen eius Jhesus” scriptum est Luce secundo [Lc 2,21] et in euangelio presentis solempnitatis. Reuerendi magistri, ego incircumcisus labiis . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: H2v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo in dominica septuagesima.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[M]isit illos in vineam suam” Mathei xx&quo; [Mt 20,2] et in euangelio hodierno. Reuerendi patres et in Christo fratres carissimi, sicut hodierna sacri euangelii lectio . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361.
Item location: H7v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Sermo factus . . . in consilio generali Constan’ Anno domini Millesimo CCCC&quo; xvii&quo; In medio xl.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[L]etare Iherusalem”. Hoc breue verbum magni gaudii expressiuum hodie celebriter canitur . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361
Note on authorship: Text dated 1417.
Item location: I6v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo in die resurrectionis domini.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]i consurrexistis cum Christo que sursum sunt querite” Colosen[ses] iii&quo; [Col 3,1] et in epistola hodierna. Hodie fratres karissimi sacra illius diei solempnia celebramus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: I8v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo in die sancto pentecostes.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[A]pparuerunt eis dispertite lingue tanquam ignis” Actuum ii&quo; [Act 2,3] et in epistola presentis festiuitatis. Hodie fratres carissimi temporalem spiritus sancti missionem solempniter celebramus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: K2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Sermo . . . factus in concilio generali Anno domini 1417 eadem die.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]vm complerentur dies penthecostes erant omnes discipuli pariter in eodem loco” et reliqua que scribuntur in lectionem libri actuum apostolorum [Act 2,1] hodie recitata, quam in modum omelie nunc exponere proponimus. [H]odie, reuerendissimi patres ceterique fratres karissimi, hodie celeberrimam missionis spiritus sancti memoriam solemniter festiuamus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361.
Item location: K7r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de trinitate.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[C]ommunicatio sancti spiritus sit semper cum omnibus vobis” secunda ad Cor[inthos] xiii c [II Cor 13,13]. [M]agnus christianorum theologus celestis ille secretarius . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361.
Note on authorship: Text dated 1405.
Item location: L4v
Item author: Benedictus XIIi, Pont. Max.
Item title: Constitutio facta occasione predicti sermonis.
Incipit: ‘[B]enedictus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad perpetuam rei memoriam rerum omnium creatricem beatissimam trinitatem . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated Genoa, 1 July 1405 (ianue kl’ iulii Anno xi&quo; pontificatus).
Item location: L5v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de sancto Chrysogono (Grisogono).
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[B]eatus vir qui non abiit in concilio impiorum” [Ps 1,1] et reliqua. In huius breuis collationis exordio pro impetranda spiritus sancti gracia . . . de eius singulari auxilio debeat confidere.’
For early editions see Tschackert 361.
Note on authorship: The text breaks off before the end of the sermon, which is explained by a printer’s note in a smaller typeface: ‘Non videtur iste sermo de sancto grisogono esse finitus et in exemplari videntur alique nuge(?) delete vel abrase’ (L7v).
Item location: L8r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de sancto Loduico Karoli regis Sicilie filio episcopo Tholosano.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[E]uge serue bone et fidelis, quia in pauca fuisti fidelis, supra multa te constituam; intra in gaudium domini tui” M[a]t[hei] xxv&quo; [Mt 25,21]. Ad laudem sancti et beatissimi confessoris atque pontificis Ludouici . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Note on authorship: Text dated 1417.
Item location: M6r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item text: Sermo . . . de eodem sancto episcopo.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[F]ide reliquit Egyptum” scribitur ad Hebreos undecimo capitulo [Hbr 11,27] sicut hodie fuerat allegatum. [R]euerendi patres, magistri ac domini carissimi, dum ad sancti ac beatissimi regis nostri Ludouici, cuius hodie festa celebramus, laudis aliquid addere cupio . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361.
Item location: N2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de omnibus sanctis.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[I]psorum est regnum celorum” scribitur M[a]t[hei] quinto [Mt 5,10] et in euangelio presentis festiuitatis. Magna est, fratres carissimi, et inter precipuas solempnitates merito numeranda hodierna festiuitas . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: N4r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de eodem.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[C]antabant canticum nouum” scriptum est apo[ca]l[ipsis] quinto ca[pitul]o [Apc 5,9] et in epistola huius vigilie recitatum. [S]icut ex lectione libri Apocalipsis hodie, fratres carissimi, audire potuimus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 362.
Item location: N7r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo factus in synodo.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[O]bsecro vos vt digne ambuletis vocatione que vocacati(!) estis” ephe[sorum] 4° [Eph 4,1]. Verba hec apostolica, reuerendi patres et in Christo fratres carissimi, que ab ipso summo predicatore prolata et nunc a me indigno peccatore proposita sunt . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361.
Item location: O2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de eodem.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]olliciti seruare unitatem spiritus in vinculo pacis” scriptum est ephe[sorum] 4° capitulo [Eph 4,3] et in epistola dominice nunc currentis. [V]enerabiles patres et vos in Christo fratres carissimi, verba hec apostolica paulisper suspensiua sunt . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361.
Item location: O5v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Omelia facta in synodo super illo euangelio secundum Lucam “Designauit dominus et alios septuaginta duos” [Lc 10,1].
Incipit: ‘[L]ectionem sancti euangelii secundum Lucam quam modo cum legeretur audistis . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361. See Schneyer, Wegweiser (1965), 126.
Item location: P3v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de beato Dominico confessore.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[N]on potest ciuitas abscondi supra montem posita” scriptum est mathei v&quo; capitulo [Mt 5,14] et in presentis festiuitatis euangelio recitatum. Reuerendi patres ac prestantissimi domini, ego sensu puer et modicus, intellectu pauper et mendicus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 360.
Item location: P7r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Sermo de beato Francisco confessore.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[Q]uicunque hanc regulam secuti fuerunt, pax super illos” scriptum est ad Galathas sexto capitulo [Gal 6,16] et in epistola hodierna. Verba hec, reuerendi patres et in Christo fratres carissimi, verba sunt apostoli Pauli . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 361.
Note on authorship: Text dated Paris 1382.

Place of imprint: [Brussels: Fratres Vitae Communis, after 9 June 1481; not after 1483]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: As dated by HPT and Sheppard ([1481-3]); the Uppsala copy was bought in 1483; Polain dates [c.1484].
a–h8 i ii6 k–q8 r6 s A–C8 D10 E–P8 Q6.Bibliographical notes: Leaf A1 is unsigned; leaves A2-4 are signed Ai–iii respectively.
References: HC 850; C 388;Goff A–487;BMC IX 174;Pr 9342;Campbell 148; CIBN A–261; Hillard 83; HPT II 397; ILC 222; Oates 3863; Polain 144; Rhodes 65; Sheppard 7187-8.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Johannes de Turrecremata, Expositio super toto psalterio. Mainz: Peter Schoeffer, 11 Sept. 1474 (T–273(1)).
Leaves c4 and A1 are signed in manuscript in red.
Binding: Sixteenth/seventeenth-century English calf with arabesque centre-piece; in the middle of the central ornament the Bodleian stamp superimposed; two ties lost. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at head and tail of upper cover.
Size: 282 × 212 × 90 mm.
Size of leaf: 277 × 197 mm.
On a1r handwritten title in red. From m4v onwards occasional underlining in brown ink. The title on M6r is corrected by an early reader to ‘Sermo de sancto Ludouico rege Francie et confessore’. The date following the last text on Q5r is by an early hand erroneously corrected to 1482.
Decoration: On a2v an eight-line initial is supplied in blue with pen-work decoration in red and light green colouring; on e8r a five-line initial is supplied in blue with reserved white decoration; on A3r a seven-line initial is supplied in blue with reserved white decoration and red pen-work infill and extensions with stylized Maiblumen into inner margin, with light green colouring. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; capital strokes in red.
Provenance: England, 1508; inscription on M6r in an English hand: ‘Anno 1508 Anthonii abbatis’ [suggesting that it was bought on the feast of S. Antony of Padua (13 June) 1508]. Acquisition history: Acquired by 1605: see James, Catalogus (1605), 12.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: T 9. 3 Th.; S 5. 4. Th.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 2.6(2).

Second copy
Bound with A–207; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 266 × 188 mm.
Gatherings q–s, A–D only. Gatherings A–D bound before gathering q.
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf A1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 178(2).BW

Entry number: A-210
Alliaco, Petrus de
Uniform title: Vigintiloquium de concordia astronomicae veritatis cum theologia.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Vigintiloquium de concordia astronomicae veritatis cum theologia.
Incipit: ‘[P]rimum secundum philosophum omne verum omni vero consonat . . .’
Edited by Johannes Angelus.
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Note on authorship: Text dated Cologne 1414.
Item location: b6r
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Concordantia astronomicae veritatis et narrationis historicae.
Incipit: ‘[A]d tractatum nostrum de concordantia astronomie et theologie hunc secundum de concordia astronomice veritatis et narratione(!) hystorice superaddere decreuimus . . .’
Edited by Johannes Angelus.
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Note on authorship: Text dated Basel 10 May 1414.
Item location: e1v
Item author: Alliaco, Petrus de
Item title: Elucidarium astronomicae concordiae cum theologia et historica veritate.
Edited by Johannes Angeli.
Incipit: ‘[M]ibi(!) diligentius perscrutanti astronomorum dicta clarius innotuit veritas super aliquibus . . .’
For early editions see Tschackert 358.
Item location: g7v
[Colophon with note on the editor, Johannes Angelus.]

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 2 Jan. 1490. Format: 4°.
On a1v a woodcut depicting a theologian and astronomer in conversation; woodcut initials; woodcut diagrams on b5r, e3v, e4r, and f7v.
References: H *834;Goff A–471;BMC II 383;Pr 1884;BSB–Ink P–332; CIBN A–264; Sack, Freiburg, 2755; Schramm XXIII 25; Schreiber V 4923; Sheppard 1332-3.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the Bodleian Library; old index tabs.
Size: 250 × 165 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 211 × 149 mm.
Decoration: Paragraph marks and capitals stroked in red. Woodcuts coloured in red, blue, green, and yellow.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich: ‘Inc. Dupl. 3636′. Acquisition history: Probably purchased from the Fidelis Butsch catalogue (1858), no. 195, for £1. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1858), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.15.

Second copy
Bound with A–154(1); see there for details of binding, pastedowns, and provenance.
Size of leaf: 210 × 139 mm.
Imperfections: Wanting g8 bearing the printer’s device.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 463(4).BW

Entry number: A-211
Uniform title: Almanac for 1494, in German.

Incipit: ‘Als man zelt nach Christi unsers Herren geburt M cccc xciiij ist suntag puchstab . . .’

Place of imprint: [Nuremberg: Caspar Hochfeder, 1493?]. Format: Broadside.
References: GW 1491;C 2271; R 448;Goff A–518;BMC II 474;Pr 2289;BSB–Ink A–398; E 287; Schramm XVIII 22; Schreiber V 3229.

Imperfections: Size of sheet: 423 × 200 mm.
Provenance: Albert Ehrman (1890-1969); purchased from Heinrich Rosenthal (1879-1960), 28 July 1955, for £85. Acquisition history: Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman.
Bodleian shelfmark: Broxb. 95.25.AEC

Entry number: A-212
Almeida, Ferdinandus de
Uniform title: Oratio ad Alexandrum VI.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Almeida, Ferdinandus de
Item title: [Introductory letter to]
[dedicatee] John II, King of Portugal.
Incipit: ‘Magnum et mee omnino professioni inusitatum munus illudque ornatissumum . . .’
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Almeida, Ferdinandus de
Item title: Oratio ad Alexandrum VI.
Incipit: ‘Socratem sapientissimum illum hominem (si homo ille applandus(!) est qui universe philosophie parens omnium philosophorum deus atque mentis diuine interpres ac nuncius habitus) . . .’

Place of imprint: [Rome: Johann Besicken and Sigismundus Mayer, 1493?]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: BSB dates [after 19 July 1493], following Accurti I 121 no. 1553, this being the date of Almeida’s election as Bishop of Ceuta.
References: GW 1553;H *863;Goff A–523;Pr 3986;Accurti I 121 no. 1553; BSB–Ink A–431; CIBN A–272; Sheppard 3165.

Boxed with:
1. Leonellus Chieregatus, Oratio in funere Innocentii VIII. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 28 July 1492] (C–185(3));
2. Franciscus de Toleto, Oratio in funere Leonardi de Robore. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1483-93] (F–103);
3. Andreas Brentius, In Pentecosten oratio. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 18 May 1483] (B–523);
4. Johannes Lucidus Cataneus, Oratio ad Alexandrum VI. [Rome: Andreas Freitag, after 5 Nov. 1492] (C–117);
5. Johannes de Dalberg, Gratulatio Innocentio VIII dicta. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 6 July 1485] (D–002(2));
6. Leonellus Chieregatus, Sermo in publicatione confoederationis inter Innocentium VIII et Venetos. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 2 Feb. 1487] (C–180(1));
7. Bernardinus Carvajal, Oratio in die Circumcisionis habita. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 1 Jan. 1484]. This copy is now in the British Library by exchange; see BMC IV 83;
8. Bernardinus Carvajal, Oratio in die Circumcisionis habita, 1484. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1488-90] (C–095);
9. Philippus Chevrerius, Oratio ad Innocentium VIII. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 4 Feb. 1485] (C–178);
10. Ambrosius de Cora, Oratio de conceptione Virginis. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1481-7] (C–441(1));
11a. Ambrosius de Cora, Oratio de conceptione Virginis. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1481-7] (C–441(2)) [bound with 12a];
11b. Hermolaus Barbarus, Oratio ad Fridericum III et Maximilianum I. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, not before the end of Aug. 1486] (B–050(2));
12a. Alexander Cortesius, Oratio habita in Aede D. Petri in Epiphania [6 Jan. 1483]. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 25 Jan. 1483] (C–465) [bound with 11a];
12b. Johannes de Dalberg, Gratulatio Innocentio VIII dicta. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 6 July 1485] (D–001(1));
13. Leonellus Chieregatus, Propositio coram Carolo VIII facta. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 20 Jan. 1488] (C–182);
14. Leonellus Chieregatus, Oratio in funere Innocentii VIII. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 28 July 1492] (C–184);
15. Rodericus de Sancta Ella, Oratio in die Parasceue anno 1477. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, 1481-7] (F–017(1));
16. Thomas ex Capitaneis, de Colleonibus, Oratio in die Omnium Sanctorum habita, 1483. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 1 Nov. 1483] (C–058(2));
17. Nicolaus Maria de Este, Oratio pro Hercule Estensi, Ferrariae duce, ad Alexandrum VI. Rome: Andreas Freitag, [after?] 5 Jan. 1493 (E–032);
18. Sebastianus Baduarius, Oratio ad Alexandrum VI in praestanda Venetorum obedientia. [Rome: Andreas Freitag, after 17 Dec. 1492] (B–003);
19. Franciscus de Toleto, Oratio in funere Leonardi de Robore. [Rome]: Ulrich Han, [after 11 Nov. 1475] (F–102);
20. Antonius Galeazius Bentivolus, Oratio ad Alexandrum VI nomine Bononiensium habita. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, not before Sept. 1492] (B–151);
22. Hermolaus Barbarus, Oratio ad Fridericum III Imperatorem et Maximilianum I Regem Romanorum. [Venice: Antonius de Strata, end of Aug. 1486] (B–049);
23. Petrus Antonius Viterbiensis, Oratio ad ducem et senatum Venetum. Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus and Paganinus de Paganinis, 1486 (P–181);
24. Cassandra Fidelis, Oratio pro Bertucio Lamberto, etc. [Nuremberg: Peter Wagner, after 22 Nov. 1489] (F–055);
25. Hermolaus Barbarus, Oratio ad Fridericum III Imperatorem et Maximilianum I Regem Romanorum. [Nuremberg: Peter Wagner, after 2 Apr. 1490] (B–051);
26. Petrus Cara, Oratio ad Maximilianum Caesarem. Lyons: Nicolaus de Benedictis and Jacobinus Suigus de Suico, [after 13 Sept. 1496] (C–059).
Binding: Nineteenth-century paper wrappers for Kloß.
Size: 207 × 141 × 2 mm.
Size of leaf: 207 × 141 mm.
Manuscript pagination 37-44.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); sale (1835), lot 2768, one of the ‘Orationes variae’. Acquisition history: Purchased for £7. 17. 6; see Books Purchased (1835), 20.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.1(21).AEC

Entry number: A-213
Uniform title: Alphabetum divini amoris.

Item location: [a1r]
Incipit: ‘[A]d honorem omnipotentis dei aliquos modos et vias pro eleuatione mentis in deum propono conscribere . . .’
Item location: [a2r]
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Gerson, Johannes [pseudo-]
Item title: Alphabetum divini amoris.
Incipit: ‘[A] timore seruili procedit filialis plures . . .’
Note on authorship: Authorship ascribed to Johannes Gerson in the colophon of this edition and in BMC. Authorship formerly erroneously ascribed to Nikolaus Kempf; see Dennis Martin, ‘The Writings of Nikolaus Kempf of Strassburg, ca.1437-1468′, Die Kartäuser in Österreich, I, Analecta Cartusiana, 83 (Salzburg, 1980), 127-54, at 153.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1466-7]. Format: 4°.
[a b10 c8].
References: GW 1554;HC *7631;Goff A–524;BMC I 179;Pr 801;BSB–Ink A–432; CIBN A–273; Gerson, Oeuvres, I 73, no. 19; Oates 282-3; Sack, Freiburg, 126; Sheppard 594; Voulliéme, Köln, 459.

Bound with:
1. Matthaeus de Cracovia, De modo confitendi et de puritate conscientie. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470] (M–153);
2. Johannes Gerson, Opus tripartitum. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1467] (G–116);
3A. Johannes Gerson, De pollutione nocturna. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1467] (G–122);
3B. Johannes Gerson, De cognitione castitatis. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1467] (G–095);
4. Johannes Gerson, De remediis contra pusillanimitatem. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1468-70] (G–126);
5. Augustinus, De agone christiano. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470] (A–512(2));
6. Augustinus, De vita christiana. De singularitate clericorum. Cologne: Ulrich Zell, 1467 (A–607(2));
8. Augustinus, Homeliae. [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470] (A–551(1)).
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, for the Bodleian Library; green pastedowns and endleaves; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers.
Size: 219 × 150 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 212 × 144 mm.
On [a1r], l. 2: ‘ . . . deum’, like GW, but unlike BMC; on [c8v], l. 2 of colophon: ‘ . . . Jo&hapos;’, like BMC, unlike GW.
On [a1r] of item 1, manuscript table of contents in a contemporary hand, probably that of Gerardus K. On [a3v], [a7v], and [b7v] additions have been made in spaces in the text, in black ink in a contemporary hand. On [b4v] part of the text has been erased and corrections made in black ink. The name ‘Johannes Gerson’ in the colophon has been deleted and replaced in a sixteenth-century hand by ‘Jo. Gerson hic frequenter citatur’. The gatherings of items 2–3b are signed signed consecutively in early black ink; items 4-8 are signed in red ink, nos 5-8 consecutively.
Decoration: Throughout the volume one-, three-, four-, and six-line initials are supplied in red or blue; some with Cologne-style reserved white decoration. Paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Underlining and initial strokes in red. Rubric titles supplied in red.
Provenance: Gerardus K. of Deventer (fifteenth/sixteenth century), pastor in Kalkar: ‘Gerardus K. Dauentriensis Pastor in Calkar’: partially deleted inscription.acquired: Probably the copy purchased for £10. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1824), 2: ‘Augustinus (S.) De singularitate clericorum. Coloni&ae; ap. Udalr. Zell. 1467. acc. tractatus varii. Sine loco et anno, sed impressi per eundem typographum. 4to.’; information probably derived from colophon of item 6.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.31(7).AEC

Entry number: A-214
Uniform title: Alphabetum divini amoris.

Item location: [a1r]
Incipit: ‘[A]d honorem omnipotentis dei aliquos modos et vias pro eleuatione mentis in deum propono conscribere . . .’
Item location: [a1v]
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Gerson, Johannes [pseudo-]
Item title: Alphabetum divini amoris.
Incipit: ‘[A] timore seruili procedit filialis plures . . .’
See A–213.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Printer of Henricus Ariminensis, not after 1474]. Format: Folio.
[a b10].
References: GW 1555;H *7632;Goff A–525;BMC I 78;Pr 306;BSB–Ink A–433; CIBN A–274; Ohly, ‘Reyser’, 19; Sack, Freiburg, 127; Sheppard 245.

Binding: Nineteenth-century German(?) pasteboards covered with leaves from a manuscript sacramentary, dyed dark blue.
Size: 305 × 220 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 293 × 198 mm.
Manuscript foliation 351-70.
Decoration: Capital strokes in red. Underlining supplied in red and in black. One-, three-, four- and five-line initials, and occasional paragraph marks are supplied in red. Rubric title is supplied in red on [a1r].
Provenance: J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837);ACQUIRED purchased at his sale (1837), lot 205, for £0. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 16.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.49.AEC

Entry number: A-215
Uniform title: Alphabetum divini amoris.

Item location: aa1r
Incipit: ‘[A]d honorem omnipotentis dei aliquos modos et vias pro eleuatione mentis in deum propono conscribere . . .’
Item location: aa1v
Item location: aa1v
Item author: Gerson, Johannes [pseudo-]
Item title: Alphabetum divini amoris.
Incipit: ‘[A] timore seruili procedit filialis plures . . .’
See A–213.

Place of imprint: Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, [c.1477-83]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: As dated in HPT.
aa bb8.
References: GW 1556;HC 7634;Goff A–526;BMC IX 145;Pr 9246;Campbell 798; Gerson, Oeuvres, I 73, no. 24; HPT II 436; ILC 223; Oates 3728; Sheppard 7100.

First copy
Bound with:
1. Antonius de Butrio, Speculum de confessione. [Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, 1477-83] (B–621).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf bb8.
Binding: Seventeenth-century English blind-tooled sprinkled calf. On both covers a frame formed by fillets, within which a smaller frame with a cresting roll and a fleuron at each corner. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp on the upper cover. Items 1 and 2 were bound together before the volume received its present binding, as is indicated by the running headings which are in the same early hand, possibly that of Edward Medley. Thomas Symson’s ownership inscription in item 1 imitates the phrasing of that of Medley at the end of item 2. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 266 × 210 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 259 × 200 mm.
Underlining and some marginal notes in an early hand, possibly that of Edward Medley.
Decoration: Some one-line initials are supplied in black ink.
Provenance: Edward Medley (fl. c.1512-15); inscriptions on both bb7r and bb7v of item 2: on the recto: ‘Edwardo medley constat veniam deus sibi prestat precio 2s 6d‘; and on the verso: ‘Edwardi Medley consumptu liber fiat iste’; MS. Rawl. D. 893 fol. 169, one leaf of parchment, contains the inscription: ‘Attinet iste liber Domino ad Cognomine Medley &pipe; Dicitur Edwardus scire quicumque ferat. Et continentur in hoc volume Speculum de confessione. Ars moriendi. Speculum humane vite in duobus libris. Speculum conversionis peccatorum. Speculum ecclesie. Liber elevationis mentis ad Deum’, possibly a former endleaf for this volume. Thomas Symson (sixteenth century); on a1v of item 1, ‘Thome Symson restat veniam deus sibi praestat’. Robert Burton (1577-1640); see Kiessling, Robert Burton, nos 270 and 663; name on title-page of item 1.ACQUIRED Bequeathed in 1640.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: G 1. 13 Th.; G 5. 2 Th.; Auct. 1Q 3.16.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 4.12(2).

Second copy
Bound in a volume of miscellaneous fragments.
Imperfections: Leaf bb6 only.
Three pointing hands in the lower margin of the verso.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. N97.1(5).AEC

Entry number: A-216
Uniform title: Alphabetum divini amoris.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[A]d honorem omnipotentis dei aliquos modos et vias pro eleuatione mentis in deum propono conscribere . . .’
Item location: a3v
Item location: a3v
Item author: Gerson, Johannes [pseudo-]
Item title: Alphabetum divini amoris.
Incipit: ‘[A] timore seruili procedit filialis plures . . .’
See A–213.

Place of imprint: Alost: Thierry Martens, 6 Feb. 1487/8. Format: 8&quo;.
References: GW 1559;HC 7636;BMC IX 126;Pr 9196;Campbell 800; Gerson, Oeuvres, I 73, no. 20; HPT II 386; ILC 226; Oates 3675; Sheppard 7050.

Bound with:
1. Gerardus de Zutphania, De spiritualibus ascensionibus. [Strasbourg: Johann Prüss, c.1488-93] (G–080).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf f8.
Binding: Contemporary (Flemish?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with metal catch. On both covers an outer border of a single fillet, within which are two small lozenge-shaped stamps, both repeated, one of the lamb-and-flag, the other of a bird feeding its young (pelican in piety?). A frame is formed by two intersecting fillets, with a small rosette stamp at the intersections. The inner rectangle is divided by fillets into square compartments containing a small lozenge-shaped eagle stamp; small rosette stamps at the points of intersection.
Size: 148 × 105 × 37 mm.
Size of leaf: 142 × 97 mm.
Fragments of two twelfth-century parchment leaves, the front pastedown from a missal, incipit ‘[D]eus infirmitatis . . .’ from ‘Postcommunio’ for ‘Missa pro infirmis’; see P. Bruylauts, Les oraisons du missel romain (Louvain, 1952), II 234; incipit: ‘[O]mnipotens sempiterne deus [conseruator animarum] . . .’ from the collect added to ‘Missa pro infirmis’ in Paris, Arsenal, MS. 135 (The Sarum Missal, ed. J. Wickham Legg (Oxford, 1916), 410 n. 8, apparently with slight variations at the end in the pastedown). Back pastedown, incipit ‘([I]n illo tempore dixit ihesus discipulis suis), Amen amen dico uobis . . .’ [Io 16,20], part of the reading for matins for third Sunday after Easter, also the antiphon for vespers on the same day; Breviarium ad usum insignis ecclesiae Sarum, ed. Francis Procter and Christopher Wordsworth, I (Cambridge, 1882), cols dccccix and dccccxii–dccccxiii; incipit: ‘[Qui] consolatur nos in omni tribulatione nostra . . .’ [II Cor 1,4].
Contemporary manuscript note rejecting the authorship of Gerson on a1r: ‘In processu et stilo apparet titulum esse falsum. Non enim iste tractatus est magistri Gerson . . .’ Pen-trials on pastedown leaves.
Decoration: One six-line initial, three-line initials, and paragraph marks are supplied in red; initial strokes in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased in 1900 from Joseph Baer & Co., Monumenta, 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. f. N1.1487.1(2).AEC

Entry number: A-217
Uniform title: Alphabetum divini amoris.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a1v
Incipit: ‘[T]ractatus ille pretitulatur alphabetum amoris divini quem bonorum assertione virorum edidit auctor tractatus divinissimi de ymitatione cristi vocatus dominus Thomas prepositus et prelatus canonicorum regularium in Koczen . . .’
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[A]d honorem omnipotentis dei aliquos modos et vias pro eleuatione mentis in deum propono conscribere . . .’
Item location: a3v
Item location: a3v
Item author: Thomas à Kempis [pseudo-]
Item title: Alphabetum divini amoris.
Incipit: ‘[A] timore seruili procedit filialis plures . . .’
Authorship ascribed in this edition to Thomas à Kempis, but in some other editions to Johannes Gerson. Also formerly erroneously ascribed to Nikolaus Kempf; see A–213.

Place of imprint: Memmingen: Albrecht Kunne, 1489. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1560;CR 2666;Goff A–527;BMC II 605;Pr 2787;BSB–Ink A–434; CIBN A–277; Gerson, Oeuvres, I 73, no. 26b; Oates 1236; Sack, Freiburg, 128; Sheppard 2017.

Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards.
Size: 183 × 137 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 180 × 132 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
Decoration: Four-, five- and six-line initials supplied in red, with pen flourishing extending into the margins. Underlining and initial strokes in red, also paragraph marks stroked in red.
Provenance: Possibly either from Revd William Henry Fitzsimon Hinde (†1884) or, less probably, the library of Moxhull Hall originally formed by John Hackett (1592-1670), bishop of Lichfield; purchased at the Hinde-Moxhull Hall sale (1886), lot 968, for £0. 11. 0, but the provenance is uncertain as the sale also included other properties.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.61.AEC

Entry number: A-218
Uniform title: Alphabetum divini amoris.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Incipit: ‘[A]d honorem omnipotentis dei aliquos modos et vias pro eleuatione mentis in deum propono conscribere . . .’
Item location: a3r
Item location: a3r
Alphabetum divini amoris.
Incipit: ‘[A] timore seruili procedit filialis plures . . .’
Authorship ascribed in BMC to Johannes Gerson. Also formerly erroneously ascribed to Nikolaus Kempf; see A–213.

Place of imprint: [Basel: Johann Amerbach, not after 1491]. Format: 8&quo;.
References: GW 1561;HC *7633;Goff A–528;BMC III 753;Pr 7637;BSB–Ink A–435; Gerson, Oeuvres, I 73, no. 22; Sack, Freiburg, 129; Sheppard 2438.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf d8.
Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled pasteboards.
Size: 160 × 115 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 155 × 107 mm.
Decoration: Three-, four-, and five-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Some underlining in red.
Provenance: Joseph Niesert (1766-1841), 1818; not in 1843 sale catalogue.ACQUIRED Purchased from Gilhofer & Ranschburg, Catalogue 3 (1885), 47, for ‘ Fl. 3′; see Library Bills (1885), no. 210.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.46.AEC

Entry number: A-219
Uniform title: Alphabetum sacerdotum.

Item location: a1r
‘Instructio seu alphabetum sacerdotum.’
Incipit: ‘Primo confitens dicat, benedicite pater quia peccaui . . .’

Place of imprint: Paris: Guy Marchant for Jean Petit, 10 Sept. 1499. Format: 8&quo;.
a8 b4.
References: GW 1571;Pr 8024;Sheppard 6238.

Bound with:
1. Articuli fidei. Paris: Antoine Denidel, [c.1495-1500] (A–461);
2. Franciscus de Assisio, Regula. Testamentum. [Paris: Antoine Denidel, c.1498] (F–096);
3. Libellus de modo poenitendi et confitendi. Paris: Guy Marchant, 17 June 1499 (P–400);
4. Andreas de Escobar, Modus confitendi. [Paris: Guy Marchant, c.1499] (A–272);
6. Casus papales, episcopales, et abbatiales. [Paris: Nicolas Desprez, c.1498-1500] (C–113);
7. Werner Rolewinck, De venerabili sacramento et valore missarum. Paris: Guy Marchant, 1499 (R–103(1));
8. Odo, Episcopus Cameracensis, Expositio canonis missae. Paris: Guy Marchant, for Jean Petit, 1499 (O–005);
9. Johannes Heynlin, Resolutorium dubiorum circa celebrationem missarum occurrentium. [Paris: Pierre Poulhac] for Denis Roce, [c.1495] (H–073);
10. Isidorus Hispalensis, Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu Soliloquia. Petrus Blesensis, De beatitudine claustrali. Paris: Guy Marchant, 1494 (I–041(2));
11. Johannes Consobrinus, De justitia commutativa. Paris: Guy Marchant, 1494 (C–434).
Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century Italian parchment over pasteboards; the title ‘Articuli fidei’ gold-tooled at head of the spine; sprinkled red-edged leaves.
Size: 140 × 100 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 134 × 94 mm.
Manuscript foliation throughout the volume; on front endleaf, a late sixteenth-century manuscript table of contents.
Provenance: Marco of Padua (fifteenth/sixteenth century); inscription on a1r of item 1: ‘Ad usum fratris Marci patauini de(?) Minimorum minimi(?)’ and on the last leaf of item 11: ‘Io Frate Marco ho letto tuto questo libro. Finis’. Hugo, an Italian friar (sixteenth century); inscription on a1r of item 1: ‘Ad usum Hugonis do(?)’. William Herbert (1718-1795), 1772, ‘P 7032′, not found in Herbert sale catalogue. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 14(5).AEC

Entry number: A-220
Alphonsus X, Rex Castellae
Uniform title: Tabulae astronomicae.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Johannes de Saxonia
Item title: Canones in Tabulas Alphonsi.
Incipit: ‘[T]empus est mensura motus primi mobilis, ut vult Aristoteles .iiii. phisicorum. Cum igitur motum scire desideramus, necessaria est nobis temporum precognitio . . .’
Les Tables Alphonsines avec les canons de Jean de Saxe, ed. Emmanuel Poulle (Paris, 1984), 30-104.
Note on authorship: See Grażyna Rosińska, Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow: A Census of Manuscript Sources (XIVth/XVIth Centuries), Studia Copernicana, XXII, no. 2227; Thorndike III 253, 257; Thorndike–Kibre 1560-1.
Item location: b3v
Incipit: ‘[M]odum inueniendi partem proportionalem subiungere. Notandum quod omnis arcus quod inuenitur in tabulis mediantibus . . .’
Johannes de Saxonia, Cánones para las tablas de los movimientos de los cuerpos &ccedilla;elestiales del Iluxtrisimo Rey don Alonso de Castilla seguidas de su Additio, ed. José Martínez Gázquez (Murcia, 1989), 91-145.
Item location: c1r
Item author: Alphonsus X, Rex Castellae [pseudo-]
Item title: Tabulae astronomicae.
Incipit: ‘[T]abula differentiarum vnius regni ad aliud et nomina regum atque cuiuslibet &ecedilla;r&ecedilla; cognit&ecedilla; . . .’
Les Tables Alphonsines (1984), 107-84. See Rosińska, Scientific writings, 463, no. I,1.
Note on authorship: The authorship is disputed by Emmanuel Poulle, ‘Les Tables Alphonsines sont-elles d’Alphonse X?’, in De Astronomia Alphonsi regis. Proceedings of the Symposium on Alfonsine Astronomy held at Berkeley (August 1985) together with other papers on the same subject, ed. Mercè Comes, Roser Puig, and Julio Samsó (Barcelona, 1987), 51-70. On the early printed editions see Owen Gingerich, ‘The Alfonsine Tables in the Age of Printing’, in De Astronomia Alphonsi regis, 89-95.

Place of imprint: [Venice]: Erhard Ratdolt, 4 July 1483. Format: 4°.
a–l8 m6.
Woodcut initials and two diagrams.
References: GW 1257;H *868;Goff A–534;BMC V 287;Pr 4389;CIBN A–278; Essling 302; Oates 1754; Redgrave 34; Sander 277; Sheppard 3675-6.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half brown morocco for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 239 × 176 × 19 mm.
Size of leaf: 233 × 164 mm.
Occasional sixteenth/seventeenth-century marginal notes. On a1r an astronomical note in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand, incipit: ‘Arcus diurnus sic inuenitur: omni hora scias in quo gradu est sol . . .’
Provenance: Purchased on 2 May 1891 from Leo Samuel Olschki (1861-1940) for 75 Fr.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.9.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf a1.
Binding: Eighteenth-century quarter calf.
Size: 225 × 161 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 218 × 152 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: Robert Finch (1783-1830); printed label. Bequeathed to the University by Finch; apparently not in Finch catalogue. Acquisition history: Transferred from the Taylor Institution in 1921.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I4.1483.1.BW

Entry number: A-221
Alphonsus X, Rex Castellae
Uniform title: Tabulae Astronomicae.

Item location: A2r
Item author: Augustinus [Käsebrod] Moravus Olomucensis
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Johannes Lucilius Santritter.
Item text: Exhortatoria in impressionem tabularum Astronomicarum Alfonsi Regis.’
Incipit: ‘Quum temporum nostrorum conditionem mecum ipse reputo, Johannes Lucili amice suauissime, eamque ex priscorum illorum imagine diligentius expendo atque pertracto . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated Padua, 16 June 1492.
Item location: A3r
Item author: Santritter, Johannes Lucilius
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Augustinus Moravus.
Incipit: ‘Exultarem non minori gaudio quam tu, Augustine suauissime, quod ea nos tempora incidimus . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated Venice, 31 Oct. 1492.
Item location: A4r
Item author: [Santritter, Johannes Lucilius]
Item text: Canones siue Propositiones in Tabulas Alphonsinas.’
Incipit: ‘Canon siue Propositio prima. [T]empus quodlibet et eram quamlibet ex tabulis ad hoc factis extrahere . . .’
Item location: D8v
[Note attributing some of the Canones to Johannes Lucilius Santritter.]
Item location: 1e1v
Item author: [Santritter, Johannes Lucilius?]
Item text: Tabula regionum, prouinciarum ac ciuitatum insigniorum Europe.’
Item location: 1e2r
Item author: [Santritter, Johannes Lucilius?]
Item text: Tabula climatum.’
Item location: 1e3r
Item author: [Santritter, Johannes Lucilius?]
Item text: Tabula quantitatis dierum.’
Item location: 1e4r
Item author: [Santritter, Johannes Lucilius?]
Item text: Tabula aequationis dierum.’
Item location: 1e5r
Item author: [Santritter, Johannes Lucilius?]
Item text: Tabulae conuersionis.’
Item location: 1e6r
Item author: [Santritter, Johannes Lucilius?]
Item title: [Observations on the preceding tables.]
Item location: a1r
Item author: Alphonsus X, Rex Castellae [pseudo-]
Item title: Tabulae astronomicae.
Edited by Johannes Lucilius Santritter.
Incipit: ‘Tabula temporum hoc est erarum differentie, siue differentiarum vnius regni ad aliud et nomina regum atque cuiuslibet ere cognite . . .’
Les Tables Alphonsines avec les canons de Jean de Saxe, ed. Emmanuel Poulle (Paris, 1984), 107-84 (here modified and expanded).
Note on authorship: See A–220.

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes Hamman, 31 Oct. 1492. Format: 4°.
A–D8 e6 a–h8 i k6.
Woodcut initials and 13 woodcuts.
References: GW 1258;H *869;Goff A–535;BMC V 424;Pr 5188;Oates 2034; Rhodes 66; Sack, Freiburg, 121; Sander 278; Sheppard 4139-41.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting k6.
Binding: Eighteenth-century Dutch(?) calf; on both covers a frame is formed by a gilt chain-type roll; on the spine a title-label and in five compartments a repeated tool of a crown with a sceptre and two palm leaves; marbled pastedowns. Similar chain tool on B–221(2), also a Meerman book.
Size: 198 × 147 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 193 × 143 mm.
Provenance: Hermannus [ ]; name on A2r: ‘Sum Hermanni [ ]’. Gerard Meerman (1722-1771); manuscript catalogue (MMW S 145 II, fol. 30r, no. 510). Johan Meerman (1753-1815); inscription on A2r; Acquisition history: purchased at his sale, vol. I, p. 328, lot 1192, for fl. 9; see Books Purchased . . . at the Sale of M. Meerman, p. 1, with auction number on label at the head of the spine.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.32.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 223 × 163 × 18 mm.
Size of leaf: 216 × 151 mm.
A few marginal notes, probably by Pächler.
Decoration: Woodcuts and occasionally woodcut initials coloured with red, green, and yellow; other initials coloured in red; initials are supplied in red with some pen flourishing (on B8v, C1v with grotesque faces); paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Tegernsee, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Quirinus. Johannes Pächler (†1535); on A1r: ‘S. Quirinus Rex et Martyr Patronusque’, followed by a table of contents: ‘Messahalah de Scientia motus orbis. Alchabitius cum commento Joannis Hispalen[sis]. Introductorium in Astronomiam Albumasaris octo continens libros. Flores Albumasaris’, and the note: ‘Tegriensis C&oe;nobii sum ego presens liber. emptus ab heredibus Venerabilis viri et domini. D. Joannis Pächleri Vicarii in Egern. Qui anno domini .1535. obiit. Cuius Anima deo viuat in &ecedilla;uum. Amen’, all in the same sixteenth-century hand. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 54861. Acquisition history: Purchased from the Fidelis Butsch catalogue (1858) no. 202 for £0. 18. 0; see Books Purchased (1858), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.16.

Third copy
Imperfections: Wanting k6.
Binding: Nineteenth/twentieth-century parchment.
Size: 191 × 155 × 18 mm.
Size of leaf: 186 × 141 mm.
A few early marginal notes.
Provenance: Franciscus Cameranus (possibly 1566-1645), inscription on A1r. Ravenna, Theatines, Spiritus Sanctus; inscription and stamp on A1r: ‘Bibliothec&ecedilla; Spiritus Sancti Rauenne’. Rome, Biblioteca Corsiniana ‘nova’; stamp. Baldassare Ludovisi Boncompagni (1821-1894); Biblioteca Boncompagni, I 1246. Paget Jackson Toynbee (1855-1932); book-plate; donated between 1912 and 1923.
Bodleian shelfmark: Toynbee 1050.BW

Entry number: A-222
Alphonsus de Spina
Uniform title: Fortalitium fidei.

Item location: [a1r]
Incipit: ‘Prohemium in quo laudes diuine annotantur et mittitur querela ante thronum maiestatis Dei . . .’
Item location: [b1r]
Item location: [b8r]
[Desecration of the host by Jews in Segovia in 1455.]
Incipit: ‘[V]ndecimum mirabile accidit in ciuitate Segebiense anno domini Mcccclv, regnante domino Johanne in tenera etate sub tutrice matre sua domina Katherina Castelle regina . . .’
Note on authorship: The date given here, 1455, must be incorrect: the king in question is undoubtedly John II of Castile (1405-1454, king 1406-54), whose mother was Catherine of Lancaster (1373-1418). The events recorded here must have taken place between 1406 and 1418.
Item location: [b8v]
[Appearance of the Devil in c.452, who promises to lead Jews to the promised land.]
Incipit: ‘Secundum mirabile accidit circa annum domini cccclii, imperante Theodosio Archadii filio qui fuit xlv Romanorum imperator et sedente in cathedra Petri Sixto papa tercio . . .’
Note on authorship: The date given here, c.452, must be incorrect, given that Theodosius II (401-50), son of Arcadius (†408), was Roman Emperor of the East from 408 to 450 and Sixtus III was Pope from 432 to 440.
Item location: [c1r]
Incipit: ‘[T]urris fortitudinis a facie inimici tu es domine deus meus . . .’
Item location: [c2r]
Item author: [Alphonsus de Spina]
Item title: Fortalitium fidei.
Incipit: ‘[V]t detur ordo in presenti libro quinque erunt parciales libri quasi quinque turres fortalicii fidei inexpugnabiles . . .’
See Mario Esposito, ‘Une secte d’hérétiques à Medina del Campo en 1459. D’après le Fortalicium Fidei d’Alphonse de Spina’, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, 32 (1936), 350-60, 351; part of book II is edited on 355-9; idem, ‘Notes sur le “Fortalitium Fidei” d’Alphonse de Spina’, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique, 43 (1945), 514-26. Other sections are edited in Enrico Cerulli, Nuove ricerche sul libro della scala e la conoscenza dell’Islam in occidente, Studi e testi, 271 (Vatican City, 1972), 98-114; see also J. L. Kahn, ‘Le Fortalicium Fidei d’Alfonso de Espina, imprimé par Mentelin en 1470′, Annuaire de la société des amis du Vieux-Strasbourg (1986), 25-61; Heinz Schreckenberg, Die christlichen Adversus-Judeos-Texte und ihr literatisches und historisches Umfeld (13.-20.Jh.) (Frankfurt am Main, 1994), 536-39.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, not after 1471]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Schorbach dates not after 1462, presumably following the Library of Congress copy, but the date 1462 in that copy is a falsification; see F. R. Goff, ‘A Falsified Date of Rubrication?’, Gb Jb (1965), 83-6.
[a b8 c–f10 g h8 i6 k–q10 r s8 t–z A B10 C8 D6].Bibliographical notes: Collation as GW and Sheppard.
References: GW 1574;HC *872;Goff A–539;BMC I 55;Pr 210;BSB–Ink A–450; CIBN A–280; Oates 78; Rhodes 67; Sack, Freiburg, 130; Schorbach, Mentelin, 4; Sheppard 150.

Imperfections: Wanting gathering [a], eight additional leaves of rubrics. Gathering [b], the ‘tabula’, is bound at the end.
Binding: Eighteenth-century calf, with tooled spine and marbled pastedowns.
Size: 402 × 304 × 55 mm.
Size of leaf: 398 × 282 mm.
Marginal notes in several hands.
Decoration: On [c2r] an initial ‘E’ has been supplied in red, with a ‘V’ added later in black ink as a correction. Eight-, six- and three-line initials, paragraph marks, running headings, and rubric titles are supplied in red. Initial strokes and underlining in red.
Provenance: Richard Franz Philipp Brunck (1729-1803); base of spine lettered ‘BRUNCK’; not found in his sale catalogue (1801). Francis Douce (1754-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 279.AEC

Entry number: A-223
Alphonsus de Spina
Uniform title: Fortalitium fidei.

Item location: [a1r]
Incipit: ‘[T]urris fortitudinis a facie inimici tu es domine deus meus . . .’
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: [Alphonsus de Spina]
Item title: Fortalitium fidei.
Incipit: ‘[V]t detur ordo in presenti libro quinque erunt parciales libri quasi quinque turres fortalicii fidei inexpugnabiles . . .’
See A–222.
Item location: [*1r]
Item location: [*8r]
[Desecration of the host by Jews in Segovia in 1455.]
Incipit: ‘[V]ndecimum mirabile accidit in ciuitate Segebiense anno domini Mcccclv, regnante domino Johanne in tenera etate sub tutrice matre sua domina Katherina Castelle regina . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–222.
Item location: [*8v]
[Appearance of the Devil in c.452, who promises to lead Jews to the promised land.]
Incipit: ‘Secundum mirabile accidit circa annum domini cccclii, imperante Theodosio Archadii filio qui fuit xlv Romanorum imperator et sedente in cathedra Petri Sixto papa tercio . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–222.

Place of imprint: [Basel: Bernhard Richel, not after 1475]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Walsh 1140 lists a copy at the Houghton Library, Harvard University, with a purchaser’s note dated 10 May 1475.
[a–v10 x–z et *8].Bibliographical notes: Collation as BMC, not GW.
Woodcut on [a2r].Bibliographical notes: On [e7-9] four slips have been pasted over section headings which were printed in error, as in BMC.
References: GW 1575;HC *871;Goff A–540;BMC III 735;Pr 7522;BSB–Ink A–451; CIBN A–281; Rhodes 68; Sack, Freiburg, 131; Schramm XXI 13, 26, and pl. 553; Schreiber V 5291; Sheppard 2364-5.

First copy
Binding: Eighteenth-century half calf; gold-tooled spine; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 390 × 297 × 55 mm.
Size of leaf: 385 × 274 mm.
Decoration: The woodcut is coloured in red, yellow, brown, blue-green, and green. Three-, four- and six-line initials and paragraph marks supplied in red. Manuscript running headings supplied in black ink. Highlighting of capitals in yellow.
The prohemium is preceded by the manuscript rubric ‘Prohemium in quo laudes diuine annotantur et mittitur querela ante thronum maiestatis Dei . . .’, with ‘Prologus’ in the upper margin.
Provenance: Erased inscription in lower margin of [a1r]. In upper margin of [a1r] in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand: ‘M[ona]st[erii] Vigoren[ ]'(?). Richard Franz Philipp Brunck (1729-1803); base of spine lettered ‘BRUNCK’; not found in sale catalogue (1801). Acquisition history: Purchased for £8. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1826), 15.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 2.13.

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Biblia latina [Mt-Apc]. [Nuremberg: Johann Sensenschmidt and Andreas Frisner], 1476 (B–255(2)).
In this copy the ‘Tabula’ is bound before the ‘Prohemium.’
Binding: Nineteenth-century plain calf for the Bodleian Library; green-edged leaves; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 392 × 300 × 85 mm.
Size of leaf: 379 × 277 mm.
Decoration: Woodcut coloured in red, yellow, blue, green, and grey. Four-line initial ‘T’ on [*1r], and one running title are supplied in black ink. In gatherings [K]–[M] initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: On [a1r] of item 1, and on endleaf of item 2: ‘Schenk’ in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century hand. Würzburg, Bavaria, Conventual Franciscans, Inventio crucis/Sancta crux; inscription on [a1r] of item 1, dated 1673; inscription on [K1r] of item 1: ‘Bibliotheca Fratrum Min. Conv. Herbipoli’; printed labels on [a2r] of item 1, and [K1r] of item 1: ‘Ad Bibliothecam FF. Min. Conv. Wirceburgi’. Acquisition history: Purchased at anonymous sale (London: Evans, 6 Feb. 1832), lot 268, for £6. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1832), 3 (item 1 being described as ‘sine loco 1476′).
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Y 3.8(2).AEC

Entry number: A-224
Alphonsus de Spina
Uniform title: Fortalitium fidei.

Item location: [a2r]
Item location: [a6v]
[Desecration of the host by Jews in Segovia in 1455].
Incipit: ‘[V]ndecimum mirabile accidit in ciuitate Segebiense anno domini Mcccclv, regnante domino Johanne in tenera etate sub tutrice matre sua domina Katherina Castelle regina . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–222.
Item location: [a6v]
[Appearance of the Devil in c.452, who promises to lead Jews to the promised land.]
Incipit: ‘Secundum mirabile accidit circa annum domini cccclii, imperante Theodosio Archadii filio qui fuit xlv Romanorum imperator et sedente in cathedra Petri Sixto papa tercio . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–222.
Item location: [b1r]
Incipit: ‘[T]urris fortitudinis a facie inimici tu es domine deus meus . . .’
Item location: [b2r]
Item author: [Alphonsus de Spina]
Item title: Fortalitium fidei.
Incipit: ‘Et detur ordo in presenti libro quinque erunt parciales libri quasi quinque turres fortalicii fidei inexpugnabiles . . .’
See A–222.

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 10 Oct. 1485. Format: Folio.
[a6 b8 c–z A B6 C8].Bibliographical notes: Collation as GW.
References: GW 1576;HC *873;Goff A–541;BMC II 427;Pr 2044;BSB–Ink A–452; CIBN A–282; Sack, Freiburg, 132; Sheppard 1496.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. Leaf [h5] is bound after [l6].
Printed folio numbers.
Binding: Eighteenth-century French red morocco by Richard Weir, for MacCarthy Reagh(?); on both covers gilt double fillets form a border; edges of boards and turn-ins tooled with gold slashes; on the spine two compartments contain title and imprint; in six compartments a tendril stamp in each corner, a lozenge formed by a small circular and star-shaped stamps within which is a floral stamp; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 396 × 290 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 394 × 263 mm.
Decoration: One ten-line initial and other two- and four-line initials, and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: Possibly Justin, comte MacCarthy Reagh (1744-1811); sale (1789), lot 896(?). Charles Marsh (fl. 1784); sale (Feb. 1816); purchased by Heber for £2. 10. 0; inscription: ‘Marsh’s sale at Christie’s Feb. 1816 £2. 10. 0′. Richard Heber (1773-1833); Catalogue, 6 (1835), lot 1749. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 6. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 10.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 1.11.AEC

Entry number: A-225
Alphonsus de Spina
Uniform title: Fortalitium fidei.

Item location: [*]1r
Item location: [*]2r
Item location: a1r
Incipit: ‘[T]urris fortitudinis a facie inimici tu es domine deus meus . . .’
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Alphonsus de Spina]
Item title: Fortalitium fidei.
Incipit: ‘[V]t detur ordo in presenti libro quinque erunt parciales libri quasi quinque turres fortalicii fidei inexpugnabiles . . .’
See A–222.

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 25 Feb. 1494. Format: 4°.
[*10] a–z [et] A–L8 M10.
References: GW 1578;HC *875;Goff A–543;BMC II 438;Pr 2088;BSB–Ink A–454; Oates 1030-1; Rhodes 69; Sack, Freiburg, 133; Sheppard 1524-5.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf M10. [*]1 backed.
Binding: Eighteenth-century mottled calf; gold-tooled spine.
Size: 215 × 175 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 207 × 153 mm.
Early marginal notes, some in red ink. On [*]1r: ‘Hereticorum bellum pax est Ecclesi&ae;, Omnis plantatio quam non plantauit, pater meus C&ae;lestis eradicabitur’ in a seventeenth-century(?) hand. Also notes in a sixteenth-century hand: an account of the Ottoman conquests and the expansion of the Ottoman empire under Sultans Selim I (c.1470-1520) and Suleyman I (1495-1566): ‘Zelimus undecimus anno 1512. Iste Ismaelem Persarum imperatorem aggreditur supra maria ultra Armeniam . . .’ A similar note is found in a copy of the same edition in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.
Decoration: A five-line initial ‘T’ on a1r is supplied in blue on a burnished gold ground with white scrolling, and a pink vine scroll extending into the margin. On [a2r] an initial ‘E’ has been incorrectly supplied in red, instead of ‘V’. Eight-, five- and three-line initials are supplied in red or blue. Underlining and paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: J.-G. Michiels (fl. 1775); book-plate; see Linnig 54-5. Francis Douce (1754-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 120.

Second copy
For this copy see Coates–Jensen 251-2, no. 16.
Imperfections: Wanting [*1, 2, 9, 10] and [q4].
Binding: Seventeenth-century English mottled calf. On both covers a frame formed by fillets, within which is a smaller frame with a border formed by a cresting roll, and a fleuron at each corner. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp on the upper cover.
Size: 228 × 174 × 57 mm.
Size of leaf: 219 × 157 mm.
Parchment pastedown leaf, consisting of two strips, joined in the middle, now forming endleaf.
On M10v three lines of verse, in a contemporary hand, ‘Nemo diu mansit in [culmine] sed cito transit. &pipe; Est brevis atque levis in mundo gloria queuis. &pipe; Qui fuit hic minimus statuetur in ordine primus’; see Walther, Proverbia, 16335, who ascribes the proverb to Vincent of Beauvais. Occasional early notes and pointing hands.
Decoration: Guide letters for initials provided, but initials not supplied.
Provenance: Thomas Scasby (fifteenth/sixteenth century). Given by him to Carthusian convent of Assumption of BVM, at Mount Grace, near Thirsk, North Yorkshire. Christopher Assheton (c.1492-1555). John Selden (1584-1654). Acquisition history: Presented in 1659; see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 6: ‘Fortalitium fidei. Norimb. 1494.’
Former Bodleian shelfmark: F 1. 10 Th. Seld.
Bodleian shelfmark: AA 61 Th. Seld.AEC

Entry number: A-226
Uniform title: Historia di Altobello e di Re Troiano suo fratello.

Item location: a2r
[Historia di Altobello e di Re Troiano suo fratello.]
Item text: Il libro delle battaglie de li baroni di Franza sotto il nome di lardito e gaiardo giouene Altobello.’
Incipit: ‘[E]terno padre summo creatore &pipe; O vera vostra infinita potentia &pipe; Dinanzi ali cieli chera to(!) valore . . .’
See Letteratura italiana, II (Torino: Einaudi, 1983), 600. On this edition, see Neil Harris, Bibliografia dell‘“Orlando Innamorato”, 2 vols (Modena, 1988-91), II 43 n. 75.

Place of imprint: Vicenza: Simon Bevilaqua, de Gabis, 20 Nov. 1491. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1586;H 883;Pr 7181; Sheppard 5950.

The title-leaf is hinged and repaired. Woodcut initial E on a2r (not as GW).
Binding: Nineteenth-century English gold-tooled faded blue morocco; bound by C. Lewis; on both covers double fillets form a frame; in the corners a floral tool; edges of the boards and turn-ins tooled with a foliate stamp; in five compartments on the spine the foliate stamp is repeated; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 206 × 156 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 152 mm.
A manuscript note in Italian, quoting the Catalogo della libreria Capponi (1747), notes a copy of GW 1582 then in the Vatican Library, which is not recorded in GW, and is not now recorded by William J. Sheehan, Bibliothecae apostolicae Vaticanae incunabula, 4 vols (Vatican City, 1997).
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £15. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.13b.BW

Entry number: A-227
Alvarotus, Jacobus
Uniform title: Super feudis.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Alvarotus, Jacobus
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] addressed to the Faculty of Law of the University of Padua.
Incipit: ‘[A]nimaduerti et sepe mecum cogitaui, spectabilis rector, reuerendi fratres dilectissimi et vniuersitas veneranda, vos non parum admirari quod ego presenti opere neque officio lecture opus nos fungi . . .’
Note on authorship: See Belloni 212-13; Schulte I 375 no. 200.
Item location: [a6r]
Item author: Alvarotus, Jacobus
Item title: Super feudis.
Incipit: ‘Ista diuersimodis habetur secundum glossam hic positam, quoniam quidam habent rubricam talem videlicet quibus modis feudum acquiratur et retineatur . . .’
Item location: [C1r]
Exordium seu prologus in repertorium feudale [with alphabetical subject index].
Incipit: ‘[E]xplicitis ammodo per dei gratiam, spectabilis rector et vniuersitas veneranda, que humeris meis circa presentis operis consummacionem principaliter incumbebat . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated Padua, 6 Oct. 1438.
Item location: [E9r]
Item author: Corbinellis, Matthaeus de
Item title: Oratio.
Incipit: ‘Et si, celeberrime ac vir doctissime, tua dudum virtus in hoc sacratissimo gignasio illuxerit, hoc presertim tempore magis atque magis illuxit . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated Padua, 15 Nov. 1439.
Item location: [E9r]
Item author: Mascarellus Vincentinus, Montorius
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] addressed to Jacobus Alvarotus.
Incipit: ‘Sepe apud athenienses, vir insignis, dum rerum potirentur publici honores hiis iuris decreti sunt, quorum opera clarorum virorum memoriam posset extendere . . .’
Item location: [E10r]
[Table of contents.]

Place of imprint: [Lyons]: Nicolaus Philippi and Marcus Reinhart, 28 Apr. 1478. Format: Folio.
[a10 b–g8 h6 i–z8 A6 B C8 D E10].
References: GW 1590;HC *888; C 400?;Goff A–547;BMC VIII 243;Pr 8523;BSB–Ink A–459; CIBN A–287; Hillard 93; Péligry 39; Sack, Freiburg, 135; Sheppard 6578,5.

Imperfections: Wanting [z4.5].
Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century reversed calf over wooden boards; two clasps, lost, one hinge remaining on the lower cover.
Size: 435 × 305 × 64 mm.
Size of leaf: 420 × 292 mm.
Early marginal notes, mainly in the first gathering.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); not found in sale (1835). J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; note on endleaf; sale (1837), lot 148. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 4. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.9.BW

Entry number: A-228
Uniform title: Opera.

Item location: Part I.
Item location: a1r
Item author: [Brant, Sebastian]
Item title: [In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii.]
‘Quid tibi sancta fides, pater o memorande, rependet &pipe; Quam tua collustrant scripta decora nimis?’; 5 elegiac distichs.
Lines 7-16 of the poem In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii printed among Brant’s Varia carmina, Basel: Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1 May [14]98 (GW 5068), H7r-H8r. Walther, Initia, 15930.
Item location: a1v
[Table of contents of parts one to three.]
Item text: Librorum sancti Ambrosii episcopi Basilee impressorum preuia annotatio.’
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Heynlin] de Lapide, Johannes
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Johannes de Amerbach.
Hans Rupprich, Humanismus und Renaissance in den deutschen Städten und an den Universitäten (Leipzig, 1935), 55-61. Partly edited in Amerbachkorrespondenz, I 31-3.
Item location: a3v
[Table of contents for the pars prima.]
Item location: a3v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De officiis [ministrorum], three books.
PL XVI 23-184. Ambrosius, De officiis ministrorum libri III, ed. Jo. Georgius Krabinger (Tübingen, 1857), 31-223. Book I only: Saint Ambroise, Les devoirs. Livre I, ed. Maurice Testard (Paris 1984), 95-222.
Note on authorship: With tables of contents preceding each book. See CPL 144.
Item location: A1r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Prosper Tiro Aquitanus]
Item title: De vocatione omnium gentium, two books.
PL XVII 1073-1132 (among the works of Ambrosius). PL LI 647-722 (among the works of Prosper Tiro Aquitanus).
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents.
Item location: 2a1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Hexaemeron, six books.
PL XIV 123-274. CSEL XXXII/1a, 3-261. With tables of contents preceding each book.
Note on authorship: See CPL 123; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1227.
Item location: 2g2v
Item author: Ambrosius [Pseudo]
Item title: De dignitate humanae conditionis.
PL XVII 1015-18 and PL XL, 1213-14.
Note on authorship: See CPPM 131.
Item location: 2g3v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De paradiso.
PL XIV 275-314. CSEL XXXII/1a, 265-336.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 124; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1228.
Item location: 2i2v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Cain et Abel, two books.
PL XIV 315-60. CSEL XXXII/1a, 339-409
Note on authorship: With tables of contents preceding each book. See CPL 125; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1229.
Item location: 2l1v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Noe et arca.
PL XIV 361-416. CSEL XXXII/1a, 413-97.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 126; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1230.
Item location: 3a1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Abraham patriarcha, two books.
PL XIV 419-500. CSEL XXXII/1b, 501-638.
Note on authorship: With tables of contents preceding each book. See CPL 127; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1231.
Item location: 3c7r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Isaac vel anima.
PL XIV 501-34. CSEL XXXII/1b, 641-700.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 128; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1232.
Item location: 3e1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De bono mortis.
PL XIV 539-68. CSEL XXXII/1b, 703-53.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 129.
Item location: 3f3r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De fuga saeculi.
PL XIV 569-96. CSEL XXXII/2, 163-207.
Note on authorship: See CPL 133.
Item location: 3g1v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Jacob et vita beata, two books.
PL XIV 597-638. CSEL XXXII/2, 3-70.
Note on authorship: With tables of contents preceding each book. See CPL 130; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1233.
Item location: 3i2v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Joseph patriarcha.
PL XIV 641-72. CSEL XXXII/2, 73-122.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 131; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1234.
Item location: 3k2v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De benedictionibus patriarcharum (De patriarchis).
PL XIV 673-94. CSEL XXXII/2, 125-60.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 132; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1235.
Item location: 3l2r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Nabuthe Iezraelita
PL XIV 731-56. CSEL XXXII/2, 469-516.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 138; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1237.
Item location: 3l8v
Item author: [Brant, Sebastian]
Item title: [In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii.]
‘Plurima habere cupit qui possidet omnia diues, &pipe; nempe inopes reddit copia magna viros. &pipe; Unde habeant, cura est paucis, sed oportet habere &pipe; per scelus atque nefas: pauper vbique iacet. &pipe; Hoc pater Ambrosius Nabuthe testatur in vmbra, &pipe; qui pro rure suo, rege volente, cadit.’; 3 elegiac distichs.
Lines 19-24 of the poem In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii printed among Brant’s Varia carmina, Basel: Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1 May [14]98 (GW 5068), H7r-H8r.
Item location: 3m1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Helia et ieiunio
PL XIV 697-728. CSEL XXXII/2, 411-65.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 137; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1236.
Item location: 3n2v
Item author: [Brant, Sebastian]
Item title: [In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii.]
‘Que bona sobrietas, quales gula seua reatus &pipe; Ebrietasque ferant, continet ille liber. &pipe; Abstinet Helias viuusque adit astra, Joannes &pipe; esurit et meruit tingere in amne deum. &pipe; Jeiunans Moyses legem capit. Idola adorat &pipe; ebria gens; epulo diues ad ima ruit.’; 3 elegiac distichs.
Lines 27-32 (with variants) of the poem In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii printed among Brant’s Varia carmina, Basel: Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1 May [14]98 (GW 5068), H7r-H8r.
Item location: 3n2v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Tobia.
PL XIV 759-94. CSEL XXXII/2, 519-73. Ambrosius, De Tobia, ed. Marta Giacchero, Pubblicazioni dell’Istituto di Filologia Classica e Medioevale, 19 (Genoa, 1965), 85-161.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 139; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1238.
Item location: 3o3r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De interpellatione Job et David
Item text: De interpellationibus.’
PL XIV 797-850. CSEL XXXII/2, 211-96
Note on authorship: Books I, III, and IV only. With tables of contents preceding each book. See CPL 134; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1239.
Item location: 3q1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De apologia David.
PL XIV 851-84. CSEL XXXII/2, 299-355.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 135; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1240.
Item location: 3r4r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Gregorius Iliberritanus
Item title: Sermo] de Salomone.
PL XVII 693-9. Gregorius Iliberritanus, Quae supersunt, ed. Vincentius Bulhart, CC LXIX (Turnhout, 1967), 253-9.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPPM 56.
Item location: 3s1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De mysteriis.
PL XVI 389-410. CSEL LXXIII 89-116. Ambrosius, Des sacrements. Des mystères. Explication du Symbole, 2nd augmented edn by Bernard Botte, Sources chrétiennes, 25 bis (Paris, 1961), 156-92.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 155.
Item location: 3s4v
Item author: Ambrosius [Pseudo?]
Item title: De sacramentis, six books.
PL XVI 417-62. CSEL LXXIII 15-85. Ambrosius, Des sacrements, ed Botte, 60-154. Ambrose, On the Sacraments, ed. Henry Chadwick, Studies in Eucharistic Faith and Practice, 5 (London, 1960).
Note on authorship: With tables of contents preceding each book. On authorship see Otto Faller, ‘Was sagen die Handschriften zur Echtheit der sechs Predigten “S. Ambrosii de Sacramentis”?’, Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie, 53 (1929), 43-65 and G. Lazzati, ‘L’autenticità del “De sacramentis” e la valutazione letteraria delle opere di S. Ambrogio’, Aevum, 29 (1955), 17-48. The authorship is disputed by F. R. M. Hitchcock, ‘Venerius, Bishop of Milan, Probable Author of the “De sacramentis”0.6 mm’, Hermathena, 70 (1947), 22-38; 71 (1948), 19-35 and K. Gamber, ‘Ist Niceta von Remesiana der Verfasser von “De sacramentis”?’, Ostkirchliche Studien, 7 (1958), 153-72; 9 (1960), 123-73. See CPL 154.
Item location: 3t4v
Item author: [Brant, Sebastian
Item title: In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii.]
‘Mysterium hic sacri fontisque et initia ponit &pipe; Quaeque illic fiant mystica cuncta docet. &pipe; Et quanto potius corpus venerabile, manna, &pipe; sanguis et a petrae flumine distet, habes. &pipe; Hostia panis erat, species manet et modo carnem &pipe; et verum domini corpus adesse scias’; 3 elegiac distichs.
Lines 33-8 of the poem In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii printed among Brant’s Varia carmina, Basel: Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1 May [14]98 (GW 5068), H7r-H8r.
Item location: 3t4v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-
Item title: Pastorale]. Also known as De dignitate sacerdotali vel Cura pastorali.
PL XVII 567-80; with a preceding table of contents. On authorship see F. G. Nuvolone, Gerberto, scienza, storia e mito, Archivum Bobiense, Studia, II (Bobbio, 1985), 379-564. See CPL 171a; CPPM 131.
Item location: 3t7r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Johannes Fiscanensis]
Item title: Oratio praeparativa ad missae celebrationem.
PL XVII 751-5.
Note on authorship: Ascribed to Johannes Fiscanensis by CIBN A–291.
Item location: 3t8r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Ambrosius Autpertus]
Item title: Oratio praeparativa ad missae celebrationem.
PL XVII 755-62.
Note on authorship: Ascribed to Ambrosius Autpertus by CIBN A–291.
Item location: Part II.
Item location: a1v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Expositio in Psalmum cxviii, [prologue].
PL XV 1197-9. CSEL LXII 3-5.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Expositio in Psalmum cxviii, 22 sermons.
PL XV 1199-1526. CSEL LXII 5-510.
Note on authorship: See CPL 141; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1242.
Item location: n1v
[Alphabetical table of notable dicta.]
Item location: 2a2r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Expositio in Evangelium secundum Lucam, [prologue].
PL XV 1527-32. CSEL XXXII/4, 3-9. CC XIV/4, I–VI and 1–6. Ambrosius, Sur S. Luc, ed. Gabriel Tissot, 2 vols, Sources chrétiennes, 45 (Paris, 1956, repr. 1971), and 52 (Paris, 1958).
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents.
Item location: 2a5r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Expositio in Evangelium secundum Lucam, ten books.
PL XV 1533-1850. CSEL XXXII/4, 10-528. CC XIV/4, 6-400.
Note on authorship: See CPL 143; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1243.
Item location: 3a2r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Ambrosiaster]
PL XVII 45-7. Ambrosiastri qui dicitur Commentarius in epistolas Paulinas, part 1, CSEL, LXXXI/1 (Vienna, 1966), 5-9 (recension g).
Item location: 3a2r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Ambrosiaster]
Item title: Expositio in tredecim epistolas Pauli apostoli.
PL XVII 47-508. Ambrosiastri qui dicitur Commentarius in epistolas Paulinas, part 1, CSEL, LXXXI/1 (Vienna, 1966), 8-496; part 2, CSEL, LXXXI/2 (Vienna, 1968); part 3, CSEL, LXXXI/3 (Vienna, 1969) (recension a).
Note on authorship: See CPL 184; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1249-61.
Item location: Part III.
Item location: a1r
[Table of contents of the pars tertia.]
Item location: a1v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Epistolae, ten books.
PL XVI 876-1286 (rearranged: see synopsis 867-74). CSEL LXXXII/1, 3-241; LXXXII/2, 3-192; LXXXII/3, 3-140.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 160.
Item location: 2a2r
Item author: Gratianus
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Ambrosius.
PL XVI 875-6. CSEL LXXIX 3-4.
Item location: 2a2r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Gratianus.
Item text: Prologus.’
PL XVI 527-30. CSEL LXXVIII 3-6.
Item location: 2a2r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De fide ad Gratianum, five books.
PL XVI 530-698. CSEL LXXVIII 6-307.
Note on authorship: With tables of contents preceding each book. See CPL 150.
Item location: 2f1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De spiritu sancto, three books.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Gratianus.
PL XVI 703-816. CSEL LXXIX 15-222.
Note on authorship: With tables of contents preceding each book. See CPL 151.
Item location: 2i1r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Gregorius Iliberritanus]
Item title: De fide contra Arrianos.
PL XVII 552-68. Gregorius Iliberritanus, Quae supersunt, ed. Vincentius Bulhart, CC LXIX (Turnhout, 1967), 224-47.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 551.
Item location: 2i5v
Item author: [Brant, Sebastian
Item title: In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii.]
‘Improbe quid fidei tunicam quasi sutilis haec sit &pipe; Arri sacrilego scindere dente iuuat? &pipe; Esse aliquid patrem quod non sit filius aeque, &pipe; quod neque consubstet de patre natus, ais. &pipe; Deque deo genitumque deum, de lumine lumen, &pipe; credere dissimulans dogmata falsa seris’; 3 elegiac distichs.
Lines 39-44 of the poem In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii printed among Brant’s Varia carmina, Basel: Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1 May [14]98 (GW 5068), H7r-H8r.
Item location: 2i5v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De incarnationis dominicae sacramento, [table of contents].
Item location: 2i6r
Item author: [Brant, Sebastian
Item title: In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii.]
‘Quid tutum a morsu poterit gens saeua canino &pipe; esse tuo? Si non filius ipse Dei?’; 4 elegiac distichs.
Lines 45-52 of the poem In laudem sanctissimi patris Ambrosii printed among Brant’s Varia carmina, Basel: Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 1 May [14]98 (GW 5068), H7r-H8r.
Item location: 2i6r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De incarnationis dominicae sacramento.
PL XVI 817-46. CSEL LXXIX 225-81
Note on authorship: See CPL 152.
Item location: 2I6r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-]
Item title: [Sermo] de mysterio paschae.
PL XVII 672-5
Note on authorship: See CPPM 45.
Item location: 2k1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De excessu fratris [Satyri], book I.
PL XVI 1289-1316. CSEL LXXIII 209-51.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 157.
Item location: 2l1v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De fide resurrectionis [De excessu fratris Satyri, book II].
PL XVI 1315-54. CSEL LXXIII 251-325.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 157.
Item location: 2m4r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De poenitentia, two books.
PL XVI 465-524. CSEL LXXIII 119-206. Ambrosius, La Pénitence, ed. Roger Gryson, Sources chrétiennes, 179 (Paris, 1971), 52-200.
Note on authorship: With tables of contents preceding each book. See CPL 156.
Item location: 2n8v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Caesarius Arelatensis
Item title: Adhortatio ad poenitentiam ex dictis s. Augustini.]
Item text: De penitentia agenda adhortatio.’
PL LXVII 1082-3. Caesarius Arelatensis Sermones, pars prima, ed. Germanus Morin, 2nd edn, CC CIII (Turnhout, 1953), 272-4.
Note on authorship: Ascribed to Ambrosius, Augustinus or Caesarius Arelatensis: see CCPM 154, 2168, 4392.
Item location: 3a2r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De virginibus, three books.
PL XVI 187-232. Ambrosius, De virginibus, ed. Otto Faller, Florilegium patristicum, 31 (Bonn, 1933). Ambrosius, De virginibus libri tres, ed. Egnatius Cazzaniga (Torino, 1948), 1-76.
Note on authorship: See CPL 145.
Item location: 3c3v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De viduis.
PL XVI 233-62.
Note on authorship: See CPL 146.
Item location: 3d1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Adhortationes ad virgines.
PL XVI 335-64.
Note on authorship: See CPL 149.
Item location: 3e1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De institutione virginis.
PL XVI 305-34.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. See CPL 148.
Item location: 3f1v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Pelagius?]
Item title: Ad virginem devotam.
PL XVII 579-84; supplement I (1958), 591; see CPL 747.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents.
Item location: 3f3r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-]
Item title: Ad virginem corruptam.
PL XVI 3672-37938; part of the ‘De lapsu virginis consecratae Susanne’.
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents.
Item location: 3f5r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-]
Item title: In corruptorem virginis obiurgatio.
PL XVI 37939-38042.
Item location: 3f5v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-]
Item title: Ad virginem corruptam exhortatio.
PL XVI 38143-383.
Item location: 4a1v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [Nonaginta] sermones.
PL XVII 603-734 (rearranged: see synopsis 591-603).
Note on authorship: With preceding table of contents. For spurious sermons see CPL 180 and CPPM 4.
Item location: 4g3v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-
Item title: Epistola] de passione beatae Agnetis virginis.
PL XVII 735-42. Florian Jubaru, Sainte Agnès, vierge et martyre de la Voie Nomentane (Paris, 1907), 358-63.
Note on authorship: See CPL 2159.
Item location: 4g5v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [Epistola] de inventione corporum sanctorum Gervasii et Prothasii.
PL XVI 1019-26. CSEL LXXXII/3, 126-40.
Item location: 4g6v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [Sermo] de inventione corporum sanctorum Gervasii et Prothasii.
PL XVI 102315-1026.
Item location: 4g7v
Item author: Ambrosius ?
Item title: [Sermo] de baptismo sancti Augustini.
Incipit: ‘[Q]vod his diebus contigit, fratres humanissimi, vidistis, quibus domini nostri Iesu Christi summam potestatem et clementiam intelligere potuimus . . .’expl.: Hanc Augustini conuersionem in futurum homines diuinis prosequentur honoribus. Amen.’
Item location: 4g8r
[Alphabetical table of notable dicta.]

Place of imprint: Basel: Johann Amerbach, 1492. Format: Folio.
Part I: a–d8.6 e f A–C6; 2a–d8.6 e4 f8 g h6 i8 k6 l m8; 3a–d8.6 e6 f8 g4 h6 i–o8.6 p q6 r4 s8 t10. Part II: a–m8.6 n6; 2a–m8.6; 3a b–r8.6 s8. Part III: a–k8.6 l–o6; 2a8 b6 c–h8 i I k6 l–n8; 3a–d8.6 e f6; 4a–f8.6 g10.Bibliographical notes: Leaf 2a1 is unsigned, signatures start on 2a2, which is signed a. Collation as GW, not as BMC.
On a1r of part I woodcut by the Meister des Haintz Narr depicting Ambrosius writing in his study: see Hieronymus, Buchillustration, no. 91.
References: GW 1599;HC *896; C 406;Goff A–551;BMC III 753;Pr 7592;BSB–Ink A–480; CIBN A–291; Hillard 95; Oates 2780-1; Rhodes 71; Sack, Freiburg, 138-9; Schramm XXI p. 27, 600; Schreiber V 3264; Sheppard 2439.

Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth century English calf; bound for the Bodleian Library. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of each upper cover; a single gilt fillet on the edges of the boards; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Bound in three volumes.
Size: 303 × 217 × 50 mm; 308 × 219 × 51 mm; 308 × 213 × 52 mm.
Size of leaf: 303 × 197 mm.
Sixteenth/seventeenth-century marginal notes in Latin and Greek; underlining in ink.
Decoration: Major initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue; other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: On f6r and t10r of part 1, a sixteenth-century note: ‘D. Valla. Parisz.’ Acquisition history: Acquired by 1605: see James, Catalogus (1605), 2.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: A 19. 1-3 Th.; Auct. 1Q Plut. 1-3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 3.11-13.BW

Entry number: A-229
Uniform title: Epistolae.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item text: Ordo epistolarum.’
Item location: a2r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Epistolae, ten books.
PL XVI 876-1286 (rearranged: see synopsis 867-74). CSEL LXXXII/1, 3-241; LXXXII/2, 3-192; LXXXII/3, 3-140.
Note on authorship: See CPL 160.
Item location: k7r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Prosper Tiro Aquitanus]
Item title: De vocatione omnium gentium, two books.
PL XVII 1073-1132 (among the works of Ambrosius). PL LI 647-722 (among the works of Prosper Tiro Aquitanus).
Item location: m5v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item text: Ordo sermonum.’
Item location: m6r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [Nonaginta] sermones.
PL XVII 603-734 (rearranged: see synopsis 591-603).
Note on authorship: For spurious sermons see CPL 180 and CPPM 4.
Item location: s1v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Johannes Fiscanensis]
Item title: [Oratio praeparativa ad missae celebrationem.]
Item text: Oratio dicenda a sacerdote ante inchoationem missae.’
PL XVII 751-5. For the authorship see A–228.
Item location: s2r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Ambrosius Autpertus]
Item title: [Oratio praeparativa ad missae celebrationem.]
Item text: Oratio dicenda ante inchoationem missae’.
PL XVII 755-62. For the authorship see A–228.
Item location: s4v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-?]
Item title: De sacramentis, six books.
PL XVI 417-62. CSEL LXXIII 15-85. See A–228.
Item location: t3r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De mysteriis.
PL XVI 389-410. CSEL LXXIII 89-116. Ambrosius, Des sacrements, ed. Botte, 156-92.
Note on authorship: See CPL 155.
Item location: t5r
Item author: Hieronymus
Item text: Ad Eustochium virginem.’
PL XXII 409.
Note on authorship: Apparently part of a letter which is, according to PL, addressed to Innocentius.
Item location: t5r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De virginibus, three books.
See A–228.
Note on authorship: See CPL 145.
Item location: x5r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De viduis.
PL XVI 233-62.
Note on authorship: See CPL 146.
Item location: y2r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Adhortationes ad virgines.
Item text: De cohortatione uirginum et de dedicatione templi a Iuliana structi.’
PL XVI 335-64.
Note on authorship: See CPL 149.
Item location: y7v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De institutione virginis
PL XVI 305-34.
Note on authorship: See CPL 148.
Item location: z5r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De [Helia et] ieiunio.
PL XIV 697-728. CSEL XXXII/2, 411-65. M. Buck (1929), Patristic Studies.
Note on authorship: See CPL 137; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1236.
Item location: &3v
Item author: Cribellus, Georgius
Item title: Epigramma.
‘Ambrosii libros omnes delere nequisti &pipe; feralis satan, hostis inique Dei’; 12 elegiac distichs.
Saxius 320.
Item location: &4r
[Note on the arrangement of the Epistolae and contents of the edition.]

Place of imprint: Milan: Leonardus Pachel, 18 Dec. 1490. Format: Folio.
a–z8 &4.
References: GW 1600;HC *898;Goff A–552;BMC VI 779;Pr 5989;BSB–Ink A–478; Sheppard 5021.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 328 × 229 × 33 mm.
Size of leaf: 318 × 206 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes and underlining in faded ink.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in ink in an eighteenth-century(?) hand.
Provenance: Carl von Cooth (1763-1817): ‘Ex Bibliotheca Caroli de Cooth, Canon. Reg. Frensweg. rectoris in Niesing’. Joseph Niesert (1766-1841);@acquired purchased at his sale (1843), lot 13708 for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf. 1.7.BW

Entry number: A-230
Uniform title: Epistolae.

Item location: [*1r]
[Table of contents.]
With a detailed table of contents of the Epistolae [after the colophon and registrum].
Item location: [*2r]
Item author: Dulcinius, Stephanus
Item title: [Letter of dedication]
[dedicatee] to Ludovicus Maria Sforza acknowledging the contribution of the editor,
Nicolaus Antiquarius.
Incipit: ‘[N]icolaus Antiquarius, magnanime princeps, iuuenis non minus bonarum litterarum cupidus quam medicinae artis professor solertissimus Jacobique antiquarii tui, ut eius laudes uno uerbo attingam, nepos et uerus domesticarum uirtutum emulatione heres superioribus diebus diui Ambrosii epistolas elegantes simul et sanctis praeceptis refertas impressoribus traditurus, mihi aliquot in locis corrigendas demandauit . . .’
Saxius 501-2.
Item location: a1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Epistola ad Vercelensem ecclesiam.
CSEL LXXXII/3, 235-95.
Normally book X, letter 5 (LXXXII)
Item location: b4r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Epistola de inventione Paschae.
CSEL LXXXII/3, 222-34.
Normally book X, letter 6 (LXXXIII)
Item location: b6v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [Epistolae, ten books.]
PL XVI 876-1286 (rearranged: see synopsis 867-74). CSEL LXXXII/1, 3-241; LXXXII/2, 3-192; LXXXII/3, 3-140.
Note on authorship: See CPL 160.
Item location: t1r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-];author [Prosper Tiro Aquitanus]
Item title: De vocatione omnium gentium, two books.
PL XVII 1073-1132 (among the works of Ambrosius). PL LI 647-722 (among the works of Prosper Tiro Aquitanus).
Item location: y4v
Item author: [Anonymus Mediolanensis]
Item title: De aedificatione Mediolani.
Incipit: ‘[N]auigationis ceptae cursus, quos ut credo sancto spiritu gubernante ac impellente adorior, eo dirigere cogor, ut primo de urbis, ad quam uela tendere proposui, situ, qualitate loci, causa uocabuli ac dignitatis quicquid ubi repperierim pro modulo meo elucubrare debeam . . . Conabor quamuis balbutiente lingua proferre, cantans domino cum psalmista et dicens: “Domine labia mea aperies, et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam” [Ps 50,17] atque utinam clementer subinferre dignetur et addere “Aperi os tuum” [Ez 2,8] et ego adimplebo illud.’
Note on authorship: An excerpt from Anonymi Mediolanensis libellus De situ civitatis Mediolani, de adventu Barnabe apostoli et de vitis pontificum Mediolanensium, ed. Alessandro and Giuseppe Colombo, Rerum italicarum scriptores, I/2 (Bologna, [1943]), 6-14. See Luigi Alberto Ferrai, ‘Il “De situ urbis mediolanensis” e la chiesa Ambrosiana nel secolo X’, Bollettino dell’Istituto Storico Italiano, 11 (1892), 99-160 and Mirella Ferrari, ‘0.6 mm“Recensiones” milanesi tardo-antiche, carolinge, basso-medioevali di opere di sant’Ambrogio’, Ambrosius episcopus. Atti del Congresso internazionale di studi ambrosiani nel XVI centenario della elevazione di sant’Ambrogio alla cattedra episcopale, ed. Giuseppe Lazzati, I (Milano, 1976), 35-102, at 48 n. 32.
Item location: y6r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Isaac vel anima.
PL XIV 501-34. CSEL XXXII/1b, 641-700
Note on authorship: See CPL 128; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1232.
Item location: &8v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De fuga saeculi.
PL XIV 569-96. CSEL XXXII/2, 163-207.
Note on authorship: See CPL 133.

Place of imprint: Milan: Antonius Zarotus, 1 Feb. 1491. Format: Folio.
[*]2 a–q8 r4 s8 t6 u x8 y6 z4 &8 [con]6 [rum]4.
References: GW 1601;HC, Addenda, *899;Goff A–553;BMC VI 722;Pr 5829;BSB–Ink A–479; CIBN A–292; Ganda 173; Oates 2259; Sheppard 4876.

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century Italian parchment over pasteboards.
Size: 306 × 210 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 299 × 208 mm.
Early foliation.
Provenance: Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); book-plate and shelfmark no. 456: see Catalogue (1831); sale (1840), lot 112. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1841), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 3.29.BW

Entry number: A-231
Uniform title: Expositio in evangelium S. Lucae.

Item location: [a1v]
[Note on the contents.]
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Expositio in Evangelium secundum Lucam, [prologue].
See A–228.
Item location: [a3v]
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Expositio in Evangelium secundum Lucam, ten books.
See A–228.
Item location: [r10r]
Item location: [r10r]
incipit: ‘Laus entium enti eiusque dulcissime matri.’

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Anton Sorg, 1476. Format: Folio.
[a b10 c12 d–n10.8 o p10 q6+1 r10].
Woodcut initials.
References: GW 1602;H *900;Goff A–554;BMC II 344;Pr 1648;BSB–Ink A–474; CIBN A–293; Hillard 96; Rhodes 72; Sack, Freiburg, 140-1; Sheppard 1234.

First copy
Bound with:
2. Johannes de Peckham, De oculo morali. [Augsburg: Anton Sorg, not after Aug. 1476] (J–174).
Binding: Eighteenth-century French gold-tooled red morocco; on both covers fillets form a border, double fillets on edges of boards, slashes and dots on turn-ins; in five compartments of the spine a floral stamp surrounded by stars and tendrils within a frame formed by double fillets; edges gilt; marbled pastedowns; bound for comte MacCarthy Reagh by Richard Weir(?). The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 293 × 214 × 35 mm.
Size of leaf: 286 × 202 mm.
Decoration: Woodcut initials coloured in red; paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Étienne Charles de Loménie de Brienne (1727-1794); apparently the copy listed by Franc.-Xav. Laire, Index librorum ab inventa typographia ad annum 1500, part 1 (Sens, 1791), 381 no. 1, which is described as having an index of seven folios. On endleaf note by Justin, comte MacCarthy Reagh (1744-1811). Anonymous sale, possibly of Halbach (13 Jan. 1825), lot 197. Acquisition history: Purchased for £7. 17. 6; see Books Purchased (1825), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q inf. 2.15(1).BW

Second copy
Imperfections: 1 leaf only, accompanying the Type Facsimile Society publication for the year 1904. Incipit: ‘resurrectione non facile est . . .’; explicit: ‘Nam cum et pater eius’.
Size of fragment:c.267 × 177 mm.
Provenance: According to the editor of the Type Facsimile Society, the leaf is the gift of Dr Burger to the Society.ACQUIRED Purchased in 1904?
Bodleian shelfmark: Soc. 25834

Entry number: A-232
Uniform title: Hexaemeron.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Hexaemeron, six books.
PL XIV 123-274. CSEL XXXII/1a, 3-261.

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Johann Schüssler, c.5 May 1472. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: The colophon reads: ‘Circiter ydus maijas xj’.
[a b10 c10+1 d10 e8 f g10 h8].Bibliographical notes: Collation as GW, not as BMC.
References: GW 1603;H *903;Goff A–555;BMC II 329;Pr 1595;BSB–Ink A–475; CIBN A–294; Oates 894; Rhodes 73; Sheppard 1182.

Bound with:
1. Expositio canonis missae. [Augsburg: Günther Zainer, c.1470] (E–067);
2. Aureola ex floribus S. Hieronymi contexta. [Nuremberg: Johann Sensenschmidt, c.1470-2] (H–100(1));
3. Hieronymus, De viris illustribus. [Augsburg: Günther Zainer, before 1473] (H–103).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [h8].
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers. Parchment index tabs.
Size: 319 × 215 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 310 × 211 mm.
On [a1r] of item 1 excerpts from the Bible [Am 2,1; Am 3,6; Ioel 1,5] with commentary in a fifteenth-century hand. On the blank leaf [a12v] of item 1, the beginning of a bull by Martin V, Pont. Max., confirming the rule of the order of the Augustinian hermits proposed by Lupus de Oliveto, added by an early hand, continued on [h7r-v] of item 4; incipit: ‘[M]artinus episcopus seruus seruorum dei. Ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Et si procuratorum Cristi fidelium, quibus curam apostolatus officii gerimus statu . . .’; not found in Laurentius Empoli, Bullarium ordinis eremitarum S. Augustini (Rome, 1629), 249-59. In item 2 occasional early marginal annotations, including Biblical references, corrections, and ‘nota’ marks; in item 3 marginal notes in an early hand, extracting key words, occasionally in German, also supplying Greek words.
Decoration: Two- to four-line initials are supplied in red, in the same style in all items in the volume; some with acanthus leaf infill in red ink.
Provenance: Leonhard Panholz (fl. 1473); on [h7r] of item 4: ‘Comparatus per leonardum panholcz de operkof[e]n plebanum in obern vichpach dyoc[esis] Rat[isponensis] Anno 1474 [corrected to 1473]’, possibly Ober-Viehbach near Dingolfing: see Oesterley 716. Regensburg, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Emmeramus; on [a2r] of item 1 inscription ‘Monasterii S. Emmerami Ratisbon&ae;’ in an eighteenth-century(?) hand. Acquisition history: The four items were purchased as one volume from Payne and Foss, A Catalogue of Books in Foreign Languages . . . (London, 1824), no. 4310, for £3. 3. 0: see Library Bills and Books Purchased (1824), 1.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.19.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 3.19(4).BW

Entry number: A-233
Uniform title: Hexaemeron.

Item location: AA1v
Item author: Venia, Masellus
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Ambrosius de Cora.
Incipit: ‘[I]ngemisco, reverende pater, quotiens mihi clades Itala in mentem uenit et doleo quidem commune Italiae decus a barbaris fuisse uiolatum . . .’
Saxius 467.
Item location: AA5r
‘Italia perditorum librorum recuperatione gaudens suos olim depopulatores alloquitur.’
‘Quos permittebas, teuton, putrescere libros &pipe; putrescant: nobis copia maior adest’; 7 elegiac distichs.
Item location: AA5r
Item author: Venia, Masellus
Item text: Ad lectorem.’
‘Ambrosiam ueteres epulum dixere deorum &pipe; Caelicolis sacris fercula digna rati’; 5 elegiac distichs.
Item location: AA5r
[Table of contents.]
Item location: AA5v
Item author: Paulinus Nolanus [pseudo-;author Paulinus Mediolanensis]
Item title: Vita Ambrosii.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Augustinus.
PL XIV 27-46. Ambrosius, De officiis ministrorum libri III, ed. Jo. Georgius Krabinger (Tübingen, 1857), 1-28. Vita di S. Ambrogio, ed. Michele Pellegrino, Verba seniorum, ns 1 (Rome, 1961). Erroneously attributed to S. Paulinus Nolanus; on authorship see LThK VIII 208. See CPL 169. Attributed to Paulinus Mediolanensis by A. Paredi, ‘Paulinus of Milan’, Sacris erudiri, 15 (1963), 207; F. Valsecchi, Incunabuli dell’Ambrosiana (Milan, 1973), I, 75.
Item location: A1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: Hexaemeron, six books.
PL XIV 123-274. CSEL XXXII/1a, 3-261.
Item location: O1r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De paradiso.
PL XIV 275-314. CSEL XXXII/1a, 265-336.
Note on authorship: See CPL 124; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1228.
Item location: R1v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Augustinus pseudo-;author Nicetas Remesianensis]
Item title: Sermo de ortu Adae (De ligno dignoscentiae boni et mali, sermo secundus).
PL XXXIX 1739-41; PL supplement II 903-6. For the authorship see Sancti Augustini sermones post Maurinos reperti, ed. Germanus Morin, Miscellanea Agostiniana, 1 (Rome, 1930), 731; K. Gamber, Weitere Sermonen ad competentes, I (Regensburg, 1965), 25-32; CPPM 1232.
Item location: R3v
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-;author Augustinus pseudo-;author Nicetas Remesianensis]
Item title: Sermo de arbore interdicta (De ligno dignoscentiae boni et mali, sermo primus).
PL XXXIX 1735-9; PL supplement II 900-3.
Note on authorship: For authorship see Sancti Augustini sermones, ed. Morin, 747; Gamber, Weitere Sermonen ad competentes’, I, 25-32. See CPPM 114, 786, 1231.
Item location: R5v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De Cain et Abel, two books.
PL XIV 315-60; CSEL XXXII/1a, 339-409.
Note on authorship: See CPL 125; Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum, 1229.

Place of imprint: [Milan: Antonius Zarotus, not before 1475]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: As dated by Ganda; Accurti I 121-2 no. 1605 suggests a date between 28 Mar. 1476 and 25 May 1477.
AA8 BB10 A–C8 D6 E F8 G6 H I8 k6 L8 M6 N4 O–Q8 R6 S T8 V10.
References: GW 1605;HCR 902 = HC, Addenda, 904;Goff A–556;BMC VI 715;Pr 5812;BSB–Ink A–476; CIBN A–295; Ganda 42; Oates 2256; Sack, Freiburg, 142; Sheppard 4852-3.

First copy
Binding: Forel (parchment).
Size: 310 × 205 × 36 mm.
Size of leaf: 300 × 197 mm.
Greek words in the text supplied in red ink. Marginal notes in two sixteenth/seventeenth-century hands.
Decoration: On A1r a contemporary north Italian miniature depicting Ambrose as a bishop is supplied in dark blue, red, and green with some decoration in grey and gold; an initial is supplied in gold on a blue ground heightened with grey in the inner margin, foliate extensions and some gold dotting; see Pächt and Alexander II, 114 no. pr. 135. Gold monograms ‘IHS’ and ‘XPS’ in the upper and right margins respectively, the latter in a red circle with blue and red stars. Three- and four-line initials are supplied at the beginning of each text in gold on ground counterchanged in dark blue and red heightened with grey.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:John Mozley Stark (fl. 1851-1888); Catalogue 4 (1854), p. 1, for £2. 2. 6. Acquisition history: Purchased in Oct. 1854 for £2. 2. 0; see Library Bills (1851-5), 265; Books Purchased (1855), 2-3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sub fen. 2.11.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf V10.
Leaves A2v and A7r have changed places and are printed upside-down owing to an error in the printing of sheet A2.7. Manuscript facsimiles of both pages have been inserted by a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand.
Binding: Eighteenth-century half calf; in three compartments of the gold-tooled spine a stamp of cornucopiae and leaves; red title label; marbled pastedowns; perhaps bound for Boutourlin.
Size: 314 × 213 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 303 × 208 mm.
Occasional marginal notes in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand.
Provenance: Trevi, Umbria, Observant Canons Regular, S. Maria Lacrimarum; on AA1r: ‘Ad vsum D[omi]ni Illuminati . . . dedicatum Sancte Marie Lachrimarum de Treuio ordinis Can[oni]corum Regularium de obseruantia ibi commorantium 1524 [corrected to 1523] obit sp[ ] . . . largitor die 29 Sept[embris]’. Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); book-plate and shelfmark no. 648: see Catalogue (1831); sale (1839), lot 225. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q inf. 2.23.BW

Entry number: A-234
Uniform title: De officiis ministrorum.

Item location: [a1r]
De officiis ministrorum, [table of contents for the first book].
Item location: [a2v]
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De officiis ministrorum, three books.
PL XVI 23-184. Ambrosius, De officiis ministrorum libri III, ed. Jo. Georgius Krabinger (Tübingen, 1857), 31-223. Book I only: Saint Ambroise, Les devoirs. Livre I, ed. Maurice Testard (Paris, 1984), 95-222.
Note on authorship: See CPL 144.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470]. Format: 4°.
[a–n8 o p6].
References: GW 1606;HC *905;Goff A–558;BMC I 188;Pr 860;BSB–Ink A–471; CIBN A–297; Hillard 98; Oates 357; Rhodes 74; Sheppard 646; Voulliéme, Köln, 104.

Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled mottled calf; marbled pastedowns; similar binding on A–559(1) and A–576(1), both acquired at the Renouard sale in 1830.
Size: 208 × 140 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 131 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red, occasionally with reserved white decoration; capital strokes and underlining in red; cf. A–558.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Possibly Antoine Augustin Renouard (1765-1853); see binding note. Purchased from Thomas Thorpe (1791-1851), catalogue (1832), no. 81, for £1. 1. 0; Acquisition history: see Library Bills (1829-32), no. 345, and Books Purchased (1832), 1.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 5.19.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.1.BW

Entry number: A-235
Uniform title: De officiis ministrorum.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De officiis ministrorum, three books.
See A–234.

Place of imprint: [Rome: Johannes Philippus, de Lignamine, c.1471]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: On the date see BMC.
[a–g10 h6 i12].
References: GW 1607;HR 906;Goff A–559;BMC XII 3;Pr 3399;CIBN A–298; Sheppard 2707.

Binding: Eighteenth-century English calf, for the Bodleian Library, c.1790; gilt fillets form a border; gilt fillets on spine with wheel shaped stamp in compartments; marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 287 × 205 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 278 × 190 mm.
Decoration: On [a1r] Italian three-quarter white vine-branch borders on a blue, red, and green ground incorporating a six-line epigraphic initial painted in gold; foliate extensions with some gold dotting in the outer margin. In a wreath in the lower margin, a coat of arms: gules, a bend or, on a chief of the second an eagle displayed sable; flanked by the letters ‘IO[hannes] AN[tonius] [Ferrufinus]’. On [e2v] and [g6r] similar initials; see Pächt and Alexander II, 107 no. pr. 16.
Provenance: Johannes Antonius Ferrufinus (fl. 1470); see above. Francesco Raimundo Adami (1711-1792); stamp on [a1r]. Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735-1792): see sale (1789), part I lot 446; in annotated sale catalogue marked down to Payne for Fl. 21. Acquisition history: Purchased through Payne for £1. 16. 6; see Books Purchased (1790), 2.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 3.8.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 2.14.BW

Entry number: A-236
Uniform title: De officiis ministrorum.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De officiis ministrorum, three books.
See A–234.
Item location: [m10v]
‘Nectar et Ambrosiam coelestia munera quaeris, &pipe; hoc sanctum Ambrosi perspice, lector, opus. &pipe; Arida qui tali compleuerit ora sapore &pipe; non sitiet, nullam sentiet ille famem’; 2 elegiac distichs.
Item location: [n1r]
Item author: Paulinus Nolanus [pseudo-];author [Paulinus Mediolanensis]
Item title: Vita Ambrosii.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Augustinus.
See A–233.
Item location: [p1r]
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-]
Item title: [Epistola de passione beatae Agnetis virginis.]
Item text: Vita gloriose virginis Agnetis.’
See A–228.
Item location: [p7r]
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-]
Item title: [Epistola] de passione S. Vitalis et Agricolae.
PL XVII 747-9; see CPL 2244.
Item location: [q1r]
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-]
Item title: [Epistola] de passione sanctorum martyrum Gervasii et Prothasii.
PL XVII 743-7; see CPL 2195.
Item location: [q3r]
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [Sermo] de inventione corporum sanctorum Gervasii et Prothasii.
PL XVI 1019-26. CSEL LXXXII/3, 126-40.

Place of imprint: Milan: Christophorus Valdarfer, 7 Jan. 1474. Format: 4°.
[a–f8 g6 h10 i–l8 m10 n o8 p8 q6]. Collation not as in GW (` . . . p6 q8‘).
References: GW 1611;H *910;Goff A–560;BMC VI 725;Pr 5874;BSB–Ink A–472; CIBN A–300; Oates 2268; Rhodes 76; Sack, Freiburg, 143; Sheppard 4883-4.

First copy
Gatherings [a]–[m] bound after gatherings [n]–[q].
Binding: Nineteenth-century English crushed brown morocco with gilt fillets on edges of boards and turn-ins, by J. Clarke.
Size: 245 × 168 × 29 mm.
Size of leaf: 237 × 160 mm.
Early marginal notes.
Decoration: On [a1r] a Milanese five-line epigraphic initial is painted in gold with white vine-stem scrolling on a blue, red, and green ground; foliate extension into the inner margin with some gold dotting; German foliate decoration in the outer margin with gold dotting. In the lower margin a coat of arms: azure, a pike in bend argent, with motto: ‘Droit Quoy Quil Soit’; see Pächt and Alexander II, 114 no. pr. 132. On [n1r] a similar initial; another initial supplied in red.
Provenance: Brochereul de la Sicardaye; coat of arms: see M. P. Potier de Courcy, Nobiliaire de Bretagne (Saint-Pol-de-Léon, 1846), 55. Thomas Thorpe (1791-1851); Catalogue (1834), part 2, lot 45. Purchased for £2. 12. 6; see Books Purchased (1834), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.3.

Second copy
Gatherings [a]–[m] only.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 245 × 170 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 237 × 159 mm.
Marginal notes in a sixteenth-century hand.
Decoration: On [a1r] a Florentine five-line epigraphic initial is painted in gold, with white vine-stem scrolling on a blue, red, and green ground; foliate extension into the inner, upper, and lower margins with some gold dotting. Other initials are supplied in red or blue; all damaged by washing.
Provenance: Sir Mark Masterman Sykes (1771-1823); sale (1824), lot 132. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1824), 2.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 4.6.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.2.BW

Third copy
Not in Sheppard.
Bound with A–146(3); see there for details of binding and provenance.
Imperfections: Leaf [l2] only.
Size of fragment: 211 × 153 mm.
A ‘nota’ mark on the recto, showing where two poorly inked letters have been finished in manuscript, also two curling extensions into the margins in black ink, one on the recto, the other on the verso.
Bodleian shelfmark: Gibson 403*(9).aec

Entry number: A-237
Uniform title: Pastorale.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Ambrosius [pseudo-]
Item title: Pastorale. [Also known as De dignitate sacerdotali vel Cura pastorali.]
PL XVII 567-80.
Note on authorship: On authorship see A–228.
Item location: a4r
Item author: Gratianus
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Ambrosius.
PL XVI 875-6. CSEL LXXIX 3-4.
Item location: a4r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [Letter
[dedicatee] to Gratianus.]
PL XVI 527-30. CSEL LXXVIII 3-6.
Item location: a4v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De fide ad Gratianum, five books.
PL XVI 530-698. CSEL LXXVIII 6-307.
Note on authorship: See CPL 150.
Item location: g3v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De spiritu sancto, three books.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Gratianus.
PL XVI 703-816. CSEL LXXIX 15-222.
Note on authorship: See CPL 151.
Here counted as books VI to VIII of De fide ad Gratianum.
Item location: l3r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: [De incarnationis dominicae sacramento.]
PL XVI 817-46. CSEL LXXIX 225-81.
Here counted as book IX of De fide ad Gratianum.
Note on authorship: See CPL 152.
Item location: m3r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De excessu fratris Satyri, two books.
PL XVI 1289-1354. CSEL LXXIII 209-325.
Note on authorship: See CPL 157.
Item location: n1v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De fide resurrectionis (De excessu fratris Satyri, book II).
See A–228.
Item location: n5v
Item author: Ambrosius
Item text: De resurrectione corporis.’
Incipit: ‘[P]rima igitur resurrectionis fides vsus est mundi rerumque status omnium generationum series . . .’
Here counted as book III of De excessu fratris Satyri.
Item location: o5r
Item author: Ambrosius
Item title: De bono mortis.
PL XIV 539-68. CSEL XXXII/1b, 703-53.
Note on authorship: See CPL 129.
Item location: q1v
Item author: [Maximus Taurinensis]
Item title: De cruce domini.
PL LVII 339-42. Maximus Taurinensis, Sermones, ed. Almut Mutzenbecher, CC, XXIII (Turnhout, 1962), 144-7, no. XXXVII.
Note on authorship: Also ascribed to Augustinus; see CPPM 93, 2050.
Item location: q2r
Item author: [Maximus Taurinensis]
Item title: De cruce et resurrectione domini.
PL LVII 341-4 (beginning only). Maximus Taurinensis, Sermones, ed. Almut Mutzenbecher, CC, XXIII (Turnhout, 1962), no. xxxviii, 148-50.
Note on authorship: Also ascribed to Augustinus; see CPPM 94, 2051, 5699.
Item location: q3r
Item author: [Ambrosius]
Item title: [Expositio super Pater noster (from De sacramentis, book 5).]
PL XVI 450-4.
Item location: q3v
[List of emendations.]
Incipit: ‘Non mirabere, lector humanissime, si aliqua deprauata inuenies in primo libro et secundo de fide. Id enim defectu exemplaris fuit . . .’
Item location: q4v
[Table of contents.]

Place of imprint: Milan: Uldericus Scinzenzeler, for Andreas de Bossiis, 16 June 1492. Format: 4°.
a–n8 o p6 q4.
References: GW 1613;HC 915;Goff A–562;BMC VI 766;Pr 6023;CIBN A–303; Sheppard 4995.

Without the 2 elegiac distichs following the printer’s device on the last page.
Binding: Quarter olive morocco, russia sides; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 231 × 165 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 224 × 157 mm.
Provenance: ‘F. Gabriel da Abia’. ‘SA[L?]’, circular stamp, of Franciscan house(?). Acquired in 1868 for £0. 5. 0; see Invoice Book (1868-70, Library Records d. 432).
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.20.BW

Entry number: A-237A
Ambrosius de Woestine
Uniform title: Tractatus metricus iuris canonici.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: Ambrosius de Woestine
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘Quia nonnulli me increpuerunt sine culpa . . .’
Item location: a2v
Item author: Ambrosius de Woestine
Item text: Superscriptio siue tergalis titulus’ [addressed to]
[dedicatee] Johannes Marc.
Incipit: ‘Ad magistrum Johannem Marc virum prudentem in decretis licentiatum . . .’
Item location: a2v
[Commentary on ‘Superscriptio’.]
Incipit: ‘Ex ista superscriptio siue tergali titulo considerandum est . . .’
Item location: b3v
Item author: Ambrosius de Woestine
Item text: Epistola tractatulum precedens.’
Incipit: ‘Sinceram cordis eximo salutem non minus scolastica . . .’
Note on authorship: The letter is dated at St Martin, Tours, 22 Dec. 1498.
Item location: b5r
[Commentary on letter.]
Incipit: ‘Hic nota. Quod per epistolam amici denotatur presentia . . .’
Item location: c1r
Item author: Ambrosius de Woestine
Item title: Tractatus metricus iuris canonici.
Incipit: ‘A Ioue principium muse Iouis omnia . . .’
Item location: c1v
[Commentary on text.]
Incipit: ‘Hic auctor dicit quod principium muse superest a Ioue . . .’
Note on authorship: The text alternates with commentary.

Place of imprint: Paris:PRNTER Nicole de la Barre, for himself, Jean Nicolas, and Jean Richard,YND 10 Apr. 1500/1.FRMAT 8&quo;.
Types: 76 G, text, heading, title; 54 G, commentary.96 leaves.37 lines, plus headline (a2r).Type area: 99 (103) ×65 mm (a2r).
References: Not in Pr;CIBN W–36; Raffaele Fiorillo, Incunabuli delle Biblioteche di Puglia (Naples, 1942), p. 51 and pl. VIII [title-page with printer’s device]; Pellechet 603 = MS. 11841; Polain 4135; not in Sheppard.

Imperfections: Wanting l8 and gathering m.
Variant: without the device on a1r (device recorded by Pellechet and Polain, and illustrated by Fiorillo); on a2v, l. 20: ‘ . . . &longs;ct&macroni; . . .’, not as Pellechet.
Binding: Twentieth-century quarter brown cloth with pasteboards.
Size: 142 × 100 × 18 mm.
Size of leaf: 134 × 94 mm.
Several sheets of paper containing notes by Lawn.
Provenance: Frank Norman (fl. 1934-1937). Dr Brian Lawn (1905-2001); purchased from Norman in 1937 (Lawn catalogue, p. 2); book-plate; catalogue, pp. 2-3, 167.ACQUIRED Bequeathed in 2001.
Bodleian shelfmark: Lawn f.2.AEC

Entry number: A-238
Amerinus, Aegidius, Delphin
Uniform title: Memoria.

Item location: Printed side
Item author: Amerinus, Aegidius, Delphin
Item title: [Memoria.]
Incipit: ‘[E]gidius Delphin Amerinus arcium et sacre theologie professor totiusque ordinis minorum generalis minister ordinis beatissimi patris nostri Francisci . . .’
Note on authorship: A letter of privilege in favour of donors to the Franciscan order, granting spiritual benefits and burial rights.

Place of imprint: [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 11 Oct. 1500.] Single sheet.
Type: 146 G; see BMC IV 103 and pl. XI.24 lines.Type area 170 ×287 mm.Bibliographical notes: Probably not an incunable, although the type was in use by 1498, since Aegidius was not appointed general of the third order of the Franciscans until 11 Oct. 1500; see DBI XXXVI 540-2.

Printed on parchment.
Size of sheet: 308 × 340 mm.
Mark of a seal, now lost. Name of the recipient, Carlo Grati, also mentioning his family, added in ink, probably in the hand of Aegidius Amerinus: ‘domino Charolo de Gratis de Bononia uxori liberis ac nepotibus et toti familie’; also the date and the place at which the indulgence was granted, 25 July 1502 at Modena ‘anno vero ab impressione sacrorum stigmatum beatissimi patris nostri Francisci cclxxviii’, and Aegidius Amerinus’s signature, ‘Frater Egidius qui supra generalis concedit propria manu etiam de capellano’. ‘Confessionale in sixteenth-century Italian hand, brown ink, on the verso.
Decoration: A six-line epigraphic initial ‘E’ is supplied in gold, with yellow decoration, within a red frame and with vine-scrolling in red, green, pink-edged with white, and blue-edged with white, on a black background with white dots.
Provenance: Carlo Grati, of Bologna (†1519). Giuseppe Alberto Martini (1870-1944). Albert Ehrman (1890-1969); purchased from Martini in 1937 for £7. 0. 0. Acquisition history: Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman.
Bodleian shelfmark: Broxb. 95.29.AEC

Entry number: A-239
Ammianus Marcellinus
Uniform title: Res gestae libb. XIV–XXVI.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Sabinus, Angelus
Item title: [Preface] addressed to
[dedicatee] Ludovicus Donatus, bishop of Bergamo.
Botfield 153-5.
Item location: [a3r]
Item author: Ammianus Marcellinus
Item title: Res gestae libb. XIV–XXVI
Edited by Angelus Sabinus.
Ammianus Marcellinus, Res gestae, ed. W. Seyfarth, 2 vols (Leipzig, 1978); text ‘S’ in Seyfarth’s edition. On the textual transmission see L. D. Reynolds, ‘Ammianus Marcellinus’, Texts and Transmission, 6-8, and Rita Cappelletto, Recuperi Ammianei da Biondo Flavio (Rome, 1983).

Place of imprint: Rome: Georgius Sachsel and Bartholomaeus Golsch, 7 June 1474. Format: Folio.
[a–i10 k8 l–n10 o8].
References: GW 1617;HC 926;Goff A–564;BMC IV 54;Pr 3480;CIBN A–306; Oates 1408; Sheppard 2788.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1].
Binding: Eighteenth-century Dutch gold-tooled red morocco; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library inside the upper cover; see Foot, ‘Incunable Collector’, no. 17, fig. 3.
Size: 332 × 235 × 38 mm.
Size of leaf: 323 × 223 mm.
Marginal notes erased. ‘Nota’ marks in margins. Occasional additions and corrections inserted in text.
Decoration: Some guide-letters for initials added in ink, but coloured initials not supplied. Greek characters not supplied.
Provenance: Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735-1792): printed label of the Crevenna sale (1789), part III lot 6340; in the annotated catalogue marked down to Payne for Fl. 280. Acquisition history: Purchased through Payne for £24. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1790), 6, and Macray 274.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. L 2.8.AEC

Entry number: A-240
Ammonius Hermiae
Uniform title: Commentarii in quinque voces Porphyrii.

Item location: A2r
Item author: Ammonius Hermiae
Item text: pmnhma eV tV pnte fwnV’ [Commentarii in quinque voces Porphyrii].
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca IV, 3, ed. Adolph Busse (Berlin, 1891).

Place of imprint: Venice: [Zacharias Callierges] for Nicolaus Blastos, 23 May 1500. Format: Folio.
A–D8 E6.
References: GW 1618;HC *927;Goff A–565;BMC V 580;Pr 5646;Accurti I 123; BSB–Ink A–482; CIBN A–307; Essling 1217; Legrand, Bibl. hell., I 62; Oates 2218-19; Rhodes 77; Sander 325; Sheppard 4730-1.

First copy
Bound with:
2. Simplicius, Hypomnemata in Aristotelis categorias. Venice: Zacharias Callierges, for Nicolaus Blastus, 26 Oct. 1499 (S–216(1)).
Binding: Seventeenth-century calf; formerly chained, staple-marks on head and tail of the upper cover. Leather ties broken. The spine gold-tooled with flowing branch design of later date. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 318 × 232 × 54 mm.
Size of leaf: 311 × 228 mm.
Marginal notes erased.
Decoration: The heading and border on A2r printed in gold: see V. Carter, L. Hellinga, and T. Parker, ‘Printing with Gold in the Fifteenth Century’, British Library Journal, 9 (1983), 1-13.
Provenance: Probably the copy donated by Sir Henry Savile (1549-1622) in 1601; see Benefactors’ Register I 29: ‘Ammonius in Pr&ae;dicab. cum Simplicio in Pr&ae;dic. fo. Gr&ae;.’ Certainly acquired by 1605: see James, Catalogus (1605), 280; shelfmark: A 6.3 [Art].
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: A 4.10 Art; A 7.4 Art.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. K 3.4(1).

Second copy
Bound with:
2. Simplicius, Hypomnemata in Aristotelis categorias. Venice: Zacharias Callierges, for Nicolaus Blastus, 26 Oct. 1499 (S–216(2)).
Binding: Eighteenth-century French gold-tooled red morocco; marbled pastedowns and endpapers; see Barber, ‘Baroque to Neoclassicism’, no. 43: ‘Triple fillet panel with rosettes at intersections. Seven panel spine, each with lozenge and bird-tool. Nineteenth-century style curled marble endpapers’; ascribed to Derome in a slip from a bookseller’s catalogue.
Size: 347 × 233 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 333 × 217 mm.
Diagrams and marginal notes, in red and black ink, in an early Greek hand, possibly that of Nicolaus Leonicus Thomaeus.
Decoration: The heading, initial, and border on A2r printed in gold: see first copy. The initial and border are decorated in green, blue, red, and pink: see Pächt and Alexander II, 112 no. pr. 110.
Provenance: Nicolaus Leonicus Thomaeus (1456-1531); inscription: ‘Lewnkou to Qwmaou ka tn flwn’ on A1r. James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford (1847-1903); sale (19 June 1889), no. 105. John Gennadius (1844-1932); sale (28 Mar. 1895), lot 112 for £12. 5. 0. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 146. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. A 3.16(1).KJ

Entry number: A-241
Amsterdamis, Hervicus de
Uniform title: Oratio funebris in Fridericum XII Bavariae Ducem.

Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Wimpfeling, Jacobus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Ludwig and the other sons of Philipp, Count Palatine.
Jakob Wimpfeling, Briefwechsel, ed. Otto Herding and Dieter Mertens, I, Opera selecta, III/1 (Munich, 1990), 281-3.
Note on authorship: Text dated Sulz, 19 May 1498. On this edition see Joseph Knepper, Jakob Wimpfeling (1450-1528). Sein Leben und seine Werke (Freiburg in Breisgau, 1902), 95 note.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Hervicus de Amsterdamis
Item title: Oratio funebris in Fridericum XII Bavariae Ducem († 12 Dec. 1476).
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“Beati mortui qui in domino moriuntur” [Apc 14]. [F]lebili oratione atque lugubri questu hic opus esset, patres ac fratres carissimi . . .’
Note on authorship: Text dated Heidelberg, 28 Jan. 1477; the date of Friedrich’s death is erroneously given as 1477.
Item location: [a5r]
Item author: Wimpfeling, Jacobus
Item text: In Fridericum victoriosissimum epicedion.’
‘Vna salus patrie, dux et Mauorcius heros &pipe; et leo magnanimus, hic, Friderice, iaces’; 10 elegiac distichs.
Hugo Holstein, ‘Ungedruckte Gedichte oberrheinischer Humanisten’, Zeitschrift für vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte, 4 (1891), 359-82, 446-73, at 361.
Note on authorship: See Knepper 26.
Item location: [a5v]
Item author: [Wimpfeling, Jacobus(?)]
Item text: Epigramma in Fridericum.’
Incipit: ‘Friderico Magnanimo Bauarie duci, Patrie patri, Comitatus Rheni Palatini Augusto . . .’
Note on authorship: This is not actually written in verse.
Item location: [a5v]
Item author: [Wimpfeling, Jacobus(?)]
Item title: [Epitaph for Fridericus.]
Item text: Aliud epigramma.’
‘Friderico fuit virtus vite socia, gloria mortis comes.’
Item location: [a5v]
Item author: [Wimpfeling, Jacobus]
Item text: De sepultura Friderici.’
Incipit: ‘Sepultus est Fridericus in cenobio Fratrum minorum Heydelbergensi . . .’
Note on authorship: On Wimpfeling’s polemic against the Franciscans see Knepper 188 note 2. On the tomb see Renate Neumüllers-Klauser, Die Inschriften der Stadt und des Landkreises Heidelberg (Stuttgart, 1970), 69-70.
Item location: [a5v]
Item author: [Wimpfeling, Jacobus]
Item text: De comitate et mansuetudine Philippi moderni comitis Palatini.’
Incipit: ‘Fridericus dux assumpto Philippo nepote in hebdomada penosa sacram monachorum aedem accessit . . .’
Item location: [a6r]
Item author: [Hoest, Stephanus]
‘Simplicitas claustri nobis placet optime, quando &pipe; sub pulla veste candida corda latent. &pipe; At si corda etiam tetro sint tecta colore &pipe; Vaeh quantum monstrum, intus et extra nigrum’; 2 elegiac distichs.
[dedicatee] Addressed to a Franciscan monk.
Quoted by Wimpfeling at the end of the preceding text. Stephan Hoest, Reden und Briefe, ed. F. Baron, Humanistische Bibliothek, II/3 (Munich, 1971), 218-19.
Item location: [a6r]
Item author: Bolandus, Petrus
Item text: In Fridericum Dystichon . . . in quo numerus anni.’
‘Debita nature felix reddens, Friderice, &pipe; profesto(!) Odilie celum pro sede capesse.’
Gives the year 1476.
Item location: [a6r]
Item author: Wimpfeling, Jacobus
Item text: In Fridericum Distychon . . . in quo numerus anni.’
‘Transiit in celsas patrias magnus Fridericus, &pipe; profesto(!) Odilie cepit regnare Philippus.’
Gives the year 1476.
Item location: [a6r]

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger, [after 19 May 1498]. Format: 4°.
[a6].Bibliographical notes: Leaves [a2] to [a4] numbered 2 to 4.
Types: 145 G (Proctor 17); see BMC I 101 and pl. X; 89 R (Proctor 22); see BMC I 102 and pl. X; 64B R (Proctor 23); see BMC I 102 and pl. XI.Six leaves.30 lines, plus headline ([a2v]).Type area: 131 (142) ×86 mm ([a2v]).No watermarks visible.On [a1r] a woodcut depicting the coat of arms of the dukes of Bavaria.
References: H *931;Goff A–567;Pr 486;Sheppard 398.

Boxed with:
1. Hector Fliscus, Oratio ad Innocentium VIII. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 27 Apr. 1485] (F–065(1));
2. Marianus de Genazano, Oratio coram Innocentio VIII dominica tertia adventus habita. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 19 Dec. 1487] (G–062(1));
3. Hector Fliscus, Oratio ad Innocentium VIII. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 27 Apr. 1485] (F–066(2));
4. Robertus Guiba, Oratio ad Innocentium VIII in obedientia praestanda. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 10 June 1485] (G–270);
5. Bernardus Justinianus, Oratio habita apud Sixtum IV contra Turcos. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1481-7] (J–286);
6. Antonius Lollius, Oratio Circumcisionis dominicae coram Innocentio VIII habita. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 1 Jan. 1485] (L–140(2));
7. Antonius Lollius, Oratio Circumcisionis dominicae coram Innocentio VIII habita. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, 1488-90] (L–141);
8. Antonius Lollius, Oratio habita in funere Philberti cardinalis Matisconensis. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, not before 30 Sept. 1484] (L–142);
9. Ludovicus Imolensis, Oratio in die Stephani habita. [Rome: Georgius Teutonicus (Lauer?) and Sixtus Riessinger, c.1483] (L–198);
10. Bernardus Herulus, Oratio in funere Cardinalis Spoletani. [Rome: Johannes Bulle, after 2 Apr. 1479] (H–066);
(11. formerly: Petrus Terasse, Oratio de divina providentia. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 9 Mar. 1483] (Pr 3927); exchanged as a duplicate with the British Museum in 1915);
12. Antonius Galeazius Bentivolus, Oratio ad Alexandrum VI nomine Bononiensium habita (Ed: Ferdinandus de Salazar). [Rome: Eucharius Silber, not before Sept. 1492] (B–153(1));
13. Antonius Galeazius Bentivolus, Oratio ad Alexandrum VI nomine Bononiensium habita. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, not before Sept. 1492] (B–151);
14. Bartholomaeus Floridus, Oratio confoederationis initae inter Alexandrum VI et Venetorum, Mediolani et Bari duces. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 25 Apr. 1493] (B–090(1));
15. Hieronymus Gaona, Oratio ad comitem de Tendilla. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 13 Sept. 1486; not after 1487] (G–031);
16. Gentilis Becchius Urbinas, Oratio Florentinorum coram Alexandro VI habita. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 28 Nov. 1492] (G–064);
17. Petrus Gravina, Oratio de Christi ascensu. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 16 May 1493] (G–191);
18. Thomas Phaedrus Ingheramius, Panegyricus in memoriam S. Thomae Aquinatis. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 7 Mar. 1500] (I–005);
19. Benevenutus de Sancto Georgio, Oratio pro Bonifacio marchione Montisferrati habita. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, after 17 Feb. 1493] (S–057).
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for Kloß.
Size: 210 × 153 × 5 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 147 mm.
On [a1r] pedigree of the Counts Palatine Ruprecht III (†1410) to Ottheinrich (†1559) added in a sixteenth-century hand.
Decoration: Woodcut coat of arms coloured in red and brown. Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; capital strokes and underlining in red.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); sale (1835), lot 2768. Acquisition history: Purchased for £7. 17. 6; see Books Purchased (1835), 20 (Orationes variae).
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.2(20).BW

Entry number: A-242
Uniform title: Von dem Ursprung und Anfang des heiligen Bergs zu Andechs.

Item location: [a2r]
[Note on contents and sources of the text.]
Item location: [a2r]
[Von dem Ursprung und Anfang des heiligen Bergs zu Andechs.]
Incipit: ‘[E]s ist ze wissen z&ringu; dem ersten, das auff disem heiligen berg ge wesen ist vor zeiten ein vestÿ wol ge paut genant Andex . . .’
Recension IIb of the Chronik von Andechs: see Albert Brackmann, Die Entstehung der Andechser Wallfahrt, Abhandlungen der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, phil.-hist. Klasse, 5 (Berlin, 1929), 1-40, at 19 and 39; also MBK III/1, 4; B. Kraft, ‘Andechser Studien’, Oberbayerisches Archiv, 73 (1937), 53-6, 240; 74 (1940), 610. On this edition see Der Schatz vom heiligen Berg Andechs, exhibition catalogue, ed. Rainer Rückert (Munich, 1967), 81 no. 87; and VL I 334-5.

Place of imprint: [Augsburg: Johann Bämler, c.1473]. Format: 4° and Folio.
[a16].Bibliographical notes: The contents of [a1] are unknown, as no complete copy survives.
References: GW 1639;H *971;BMC II 335;Pr 1618;BSB–Ink C–285; Sheppard 1195.

Imperfections: Wanting [a1] and [a16].
Leaf [a15] damaged but repaired.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf.
Size: 276 × 199 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 267 × 189 mm.
Early manuscript notes in Latin and German.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 5.11.BW

Entry number: A-243
Andrea De’ Magnabotti da Barberino
Uniform title: Guerino il Meschino.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: [Andrea De’ Magnabotti Da Barberino]
Item title: Guerino il Meschino.
Incipit: ‘In questo libro vulgarmente setratta alchuna ystoria breue del re Karlo Imperatore . . . [N]aturalmente piace a ciaschuno auctori nouelli (et bene) che alchuni antiqui . . .’
For modern translations of the text see Guerino detto il Meschino, ed. Giuseppe Berta (Milan, 1841)Mason HH 10, Guerrino detto il Meschino (Florence, 1906),BL Guerino il Meschino, ed. Piero Bernardini (Milan, 1923),BL 12471.y.23 Guerrino detto il Meschino, trans. Ademaro Forlando (Florence, 1906).BL 12410.h.14
Item location: [z6v]
Item location: [&1r]
[Table of contents.]

Place of imprint: Venice: Gerardus de Lisa, de Flandria, 22 Nov. 1477. Format: Folio.
[a–r8 s–z8.6 &8].
References: GW 1645;HC 8141;BMC V 262;Pr 4453;Hillard 105; Sheppard 3591.

Variant on [&8r]: ‘LAVS DZO’.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English gold-tooled olive morocco with doublures and marbled pastedowns by J. Mackenzie; see Ramsden, London Bookbinders, 101-2; stamped with the crest of Hanrott: two-headed eagle displayed, with surrounding motto: ‘Perseverando.’
Size: 295 × 209 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 285 × 182 mm.
Provenance: Philip Augustus Hanrott (1776-1856); see sale, part 2 (5 Aug. 1833), lot 1069, although the copy there is described as wanting the two first and two last leaves of the table, which are now present. Acquisition history: Purchased for £31. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1847), 16.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.16.BW

Entry number: A-244
Andrea De’ Magnabotti da Barberino
Uniform title: Reali di Francia.

Item location: A2r
[Table of contents.]
Item location: a1r
Item author: [Andrea De’ Magnabotti Da Barberino]
Item title: Reali di Francia.
Andrea da Barberino, I Reali di Francia, ed. Giuseppe Vandelli and Giovanni Gambarin, Scrittori d’Italia, 193 (Bari, 1947).
Note on authorship: Notes on contents preceding each book.

Place of imprint: Venice: Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 27 Mar. 1499. Format: Folio.
A6 a–p6 q4.
Woodcut initials.
References: GW 1655;H 4519 = C 5035;Goff A–578;BMC V 472;Pr 5248;Sheppard 4322.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf q4.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf.
Size: 300 × 210 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 295 × 200 mm.
Provenance: George Frederick Nott (1767-1841); note on A2r and A6v: ‘Florence, 1828′. Acquisition history: Apparently purchased for £1. 11. 0 at Nott’s sale (1842), but not found in the sale catalogue; see Books Purchased (1842), 24, listed under Hystoria.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 1.42.BW

Entry number: A-245
Andreae, Antonius
Uniform title: Quaestiones in XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Quaestiones [super XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis, prologue].
Edited by Franciscus de Neritono.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[G]irum celi circuiui sola” Ecclesiastici xxiiii [Eccl 24,8]. Secundum doctrinam Aristotelis et eum communiter sequentium scientia methaphisice, que theologia philosophorum et sapientia nominatur . . .’
Note on authorship: See C. Bérubé, ‘Antoine André, témoin et interprète de Scot’, Antonianum, 54 (1979), 386-446; G. Pini, ‘Per una lettura scotista della Metafisica di Aristotele: l’Expositio in libros Metaphysicorum di Antonio Andrea’, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievali, 2/2 (1991), 529-86.
Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Quaestiones [super XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis].
Edited by Franciscus de Neritono.
Incipit: ‘[Q]via secundum doctrinam Aristotelis in primo Posteriorum noticia subiecti presupponitur toti scientie, nam de subiecto oportet presupponere, quia est et quid est, id circo ad expositionem libri Methaphisice manum extendens, confidens de domini bonitate, de subiecto methaphisice talem profero questionem: [U]trum ens simpliciter sumptum, quod est commune deo et creature, sit scientie methaphisice subiectum . . .’
Item location: [l6v]
[Colophon with note on editor.]

Place of imprint: [Venice: Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn and Nicolaus de Frankfordia, c.1473-7]. Format: Folio.
[a8 b10 c–i8 k l6].
References: GW 1656;H 973; R 380;Goff A–579;Pr 4169;Accurti I 124; CIBN A–317; Rhodes 79; Sack, Freiburg, 152; Sheppard 3337.

Imperfections: Wanting [b10], presumably blank.
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century marbled pasteboards, covered with paper imitating parchment.
Size: 303 × 224 × 24 mm.
Size of leaf: 293 × 209 mm.
Printing errors corrected by two early hands in gatherings [a]–[c], some early marginal notes, mainly by the same hands.
Provenance: Würzburg, Bavaria, Conventual Franciscans, Inventio crucis/Sancta crux; note of title and ownership on [a1r]: ‘Fr[atru]m Min[orum] Conuentual[ium] Herbip[olensis]’. Old number ‘536′. Sotheby’s sale (3 May 1832), lot 205. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 16. 0; see Library Bills (1828-32), no. 364; Books Purchased (1832), 1.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q extra 2.15.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 2.30.BW

Entry number: A-246
Andreae, Antonius
Uniform title: Quaestiones in XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis.

Item location: A1v
Note on authorship: Not the tabula by Kilianus Stetzing. Incipit: ‘Abstractio est duplex libro tertio, quaestione secunda, p. . . .. explicit: ideas ualere ad cognitionem non est necessarium, licet sit possibile, ibidem.’ See Lohr (1971), 307.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Quaestiones in XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis, [prologue].
Edited by Lucas de Subereto.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[G]irum celi circuiui sola” Ecclesiasti. xxiiii [Eccl 24,8]. Secundum doctrinam Aristotelis et eum communiter sequentium scientia methaphisice, que theologia philosophorum et sapientia nominatur . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–245.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Quaestiones in XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis.
Edited by Lucas de Subereto.
Incipit: ‘Qvia secundum doctrinam Aristotelis primo Posteriorum notitia subiecti presupponitur toti scientie, nam de subiecto oportet presupponere, quia est et quid est, idcirco ad expositionem libri Methaphisice manum extendens, confidens de domini bonitate, de subiecto methaphisice talem profero questionem: Utrum ens simpliciter sumptum, quod est commune deo et creature, sit scientie methaphisice subiectum . . .’
Item location: K6r
[Colophon with note on editor.]

Place of imprint: [Poitiers]: Jean Bouyer and Guillaume Bouchet, 7 Oct. 1495. Format: Folio.
A8 B–K6.
Woodcut historiated initials.
References: GW 1664;HCR 981;Goff A–585;BMC VIII 379;Pr 8748;CIBN A–321; Sheppard 6792.

Bound with:
2. H. Hangestus, Moralia. Paris: 13 June 1519.
Binding: Contemporary French (Paris) blind-tooled calf over pasteboard, two clasps lost; rebacked. On both covers a double frame formed by two rolls; on the inner rectangle five rolls are impressed in vertical stripes. Three different rolls: bees alternating with flowers, flowers enclosed in the loops of a winding stem, and a Renaissance ornament. For a similar binding by Robert de Gourmont, bookseller in Paris, c.1505 see Goldschmidt I 173, no. 48; II pl. XX.
Size: 278 × 198 × 28 mm.
Size of leaf: 270 × 187 mm.
Numerous early marginal notes in gatherings A–F.
Provenance: Jacobus Bocellus (sixteenth/seventeenth century); inscription on A1r: ‘Frater iacobus bocellus’ in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand. Vienne, Franciscans; on A2r and in item 2, ‘de St Francoys de Vienne’. Acquisition history: Purchased in 1900 for 120 Francs from Anatole Claudin, no. 98284; page from his catalogue bound in at the end; see Library Bills 1900.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. F7.1495.1(1).BW

Entry number: A-247
Andreae, Antonius
Uniform title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis et in divisiones Boethii.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis. [Introduction.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[G]irum celi circuiui sola”. Eccle[siastici] 24 [Eccl 24,8]. Sicut scribitur primo metaphisice, propter admirari ceperunt homines philosophari . . .’
For the contents of this edition see Lohr (1967), 363-4 no. 1.
Item location: a3r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber praedicabilium Porphyrii, prologue).
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[O]mne debitum dimisi tibi, quoniam rogasti me” Math[ei] 18 [Mt 18,32]. Sicut patet ex textu littere, Porphyrius a Grisarorio discipulo rogatus hunc librum composuit . . .’
Item location: a4v
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber praedicabilium Porphyrii).
Edited by Johannes Maria Mapellus.
Incipit: ‘Cum sit necessarium etc. Liber iste in 2 diuiditur partes . . .’
Item location: c1v
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber praedicamentorum).
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]cripsit in tabulis verba .io. que locutus est ad vos” Deutero. 4 [Dt 4,13]. Secundum Boetium in commento liber iste est de vocibus significantibus .io. prima genera rerum . . .’
Item location: f2r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber sex principiorum).
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]umens reliquias dedit eis” Lu. 24 [Lc 24,43]. Liber iste agit et tractat de illis 6 predicamentis, de quibus Aristoteles in libro predicamentorum non nisi superficialiter tractauit . . .’
Item location: h7r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber perihermenias).
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[T]u ergo, Balthasar, interpretationem narra festinus” Dan. 4 [Dn 4,15]. Secundum Boetium in commento liber iste est de interpretatione, quod questio intendit, hoc patebit magis infra . . .’
Item location: m3v
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum super librum divisionum Boetii.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[Q]ui diuisit mare rubrum in diuisiones” Psal. 135 [Ps 135,13]. De Boecio auctore huius libri potest intelligi presens verbum, vbi describitur perfecta conditio huius libri diuisionum . . .’
Item location: n7v
‘Tabula totius operis.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Octavianus Scotus, 24 Dec. 1480. Format: Folio.
References: GW 1669;H 984 = 986;Goff A–590;BMC V 276;Pr 4565;CIBN A–323; Oates 1821; Rhodes 84; Sheppard 3631.

Imperfections: Leaf n7 is mutilated and repaired.
On f1v four lines of type from e6r are used as bearer type and inked by accident.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half blue morocco with the British Museum Royal Library stamp in gold and motto ‘Honi soit qui mal y pense.’
Size: 277 × 204 × 21 mm.
Size of leaf: 270 × 188 mm.
Early marginal notes in at least two different hands, predominantly in gatherings a–e.
Decoration: Paragraph marks and some initials are supplied in red; capital strokes and underlining in red. ‘Weynman’; rubricator’s signature on n8r.
Provenance: Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753). London, British Museum; black octagonal stamp indicating the Sloane collection; shelfmark ‘IB. 21164′. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian in Oct. 1913; see ‘List of Duplicate Incunabula’ (Library Records c. 1054), no. 15.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.27.BW

Entry number: A-248
Andreae, Antonius
Uniform title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis et in divisiones Boethii.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis. [Introduction.]
Edited by Johannes Maria Mapellus.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[G]irum celi circuiui sola”. Eccle. 24 [Eccl 24,8]. Sicut scribitur primo metaphysice, propter admirari ceperunt homines philosophari . . .’
For the contents of this edition see Lohr (1967), 363-4 no. 1.
Item location: a2v
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber praedicabilium Porphyrii, prologue).
Edited by Johannes Maria Mapellus.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[O]mne debitum dimisi tibi, quoniam rogasti me” Math. 18 [Mt 18,32]. Sicut patet ex textu littere, Porphyrius a Grisarorio discipulo rogatus hunc librum composuit . . .’
Item location: a4r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber praedicabilium Porphyrii).
Edited by Johannes Maria Mapellus.
Incipit: ‘Cum sit necessarium Grisarori(!) et ad eam que est apud Aristotelem predicamentorum doctrinam nosse . . . Liber iste in 2 diuiditur partes . . .’
Item location: c5v
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber praedicamentorum).
Edited by Johannes Maria Mapellus.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]cripsit in tabulis verba .io. que locutus est ad vos” Deutero. 4 [Dt 4,13]. Secundum Boetium in commento liber iste est de vocibus significantibus .io. prima genera rerum . . .’
Item location: h1r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber sex principiorum).
Edited by Johannes Maria Mapellus.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[S]umens reliquias dedit eis” Lu. 24 [Lc 24,43]. Liber iste agit et tractat de illis 6 predicamentis, de quibus Aristoteles in libro predicamentorum non nisi superficialiter tractauit . . .’
Item location: l2v
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum in artem veterem Aristotelis (Liber perihermenias).
Edited by Johannes Maria Mapellus.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[T]u ergo, Balthasar, interpretationem narra festinus” Dan. 4 [Dn 4,15]. Secundum Boetium in commento liber iste est de interpretatione, quod questio intendit, hoc patebit magis infra . . .’
Item location: p4v
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum super librum divisionum Boetii.
Edited by Johannes Maria Mapellus.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[Q]ui diuisit mare rubrum in diuisiones” Psal. 135 [Ps 135,13]. De Boetio auctore huius libri potest intelligi presens verbum, vbi describitur perfecta conditio huius libri diuisionum . . .’
Item location: r6r
‘Tabula questionum.’
Item location: r6r
[Colophon with note on editor.]

Place of imprint: Venice: [Bonetus Locatellus, for] Octavianus Scotus, [after 3 Nov.] 1492. Format: Folio.
Woodcut historiated initials.
References: GW 1671;H 987;Goff A–592;not in Pr;CIBN A–324; Rhodes 85; Sander 338; Sheppard 4196.

Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled Italian(?) half calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost, one catch preserved; rebacked in the sixteenth/seventeenth-century. Both covers are divided by fillets into four horizontal compartments; the inner rectangles are divided by triple fillets into triangular compartments. In the compartments a small rosette stamp, unidentifiable due to worming and rebacking.
Size: 332 × 220 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 317 × 215 mm.
Early marginal notes, predominantly in gatherings a–e.
Provenance: Albertus Marchisius (fl. 1548); on a1r: ‘Est ad vsum alberti marchisii 1548 die 20 Maij’. Ant[onius] Gabianus, sixteenth century(?); inscription on a2r: ‘Mr ant. gabianus’. On endleaf ‘102 N’ and ‘£1. 12. 6.’ Acquisition history: Date of acquisition unknown; the shelfmark indicates a date after c.1891.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. I4.1492.1.BW

Entry number: A-249
Andreae, Antonius
Uniform title: Scriptum aureum super Metaphysicam Aristotelis.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum aureum super Metaphysicam Aristotelis. [Introduction.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[G]irum celi circuiui sola”. Eccl’ 24° [Eccl 24,8]. Secundum doctrinam Aristotelis et eum communiter sequentium scientia metaphysice, que theologia philosophorum et sapientia nominatur . . .’
For the contents of this edition see Lohr (1967), 364-5 no. 2.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Andreae, Antonius
Item title: Scriptum aureum super Metaphysicam Aristotelis.
Incipit: ‘[O]mnes homines natura etc. Iuxta consuetudinem in hoc libro primo premittit proemium, 2&quo; subiungit tractatum . . .’

Place of imprint: Venice: Antonius de Strata, de Cremona, 21 Nov. 1482. Format: Folio.
a b8 c–g6 h8 i–m6 A–F8 G–K6 L4.
References: GW 1674;H *983;Goff A–594;BMC V 293;Pr 4583;BSB–Ink A–619; Oates 1828; Rhodes 88; Sack, Freiburg, 155; Sheppard 3702.

Binding: Contemporary English (probably Oxford) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two clasps lost, remains of two catches on lower board; rebacked. On both covers triple fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by triple fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. For the stamps see Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. xviii, nos 165, 172, 174, 176, 177, ascribed to the ‘Floral binder’, probably in Oxford.
Size: 293 × 210 × 39 mm.
Size of leaf: 290 × 202 mm.
The front and rear parchment pastedowns are consecutive folios from a thirteenth-century English manuscript of Bonifacius VIII, Liber Sextus; this identification may be inferred from the points at which the texts identified below break off and resume. The left-hand side of the face-up front pastedown is from Sext, De rescriptis, that is, title 3 of book 1: 1.3.12 (inc. ‘Tibi gratiam’), 1.3.13 (inc. ‘Si pro te’), 1.3.14 (inc. ‘Duobus super provisione’), 1.3.15 (inc. ‘Quia per ambitiosam’). The right-hand side contains Sext 1.6.17 (inc. ‘Fundamenta’) from the words ‘quod nemo aliud’ to ‘digne itaque’. The rear pastedown contains, on the left-hand side, Sext 1.3.11, section 1 (inc. ‘Statutum’, although this is cut out); the right-hand side contains a later part of Sext 1.6.17, from the words ‘Quod si secus factum fuerit’ to ‘etiam si praedictorum principum’. The only glossing to these texts contains Casus, which do not appear to be the same as those of Johannes Andreae’s apparatus to the Liber Sextus; the only gloss to have survived here in its entirety is that to ‘Quia per ambitiosam’, beginning ‘Casus. Dominus Papa Bonifacius VIII omnes indulgentias et privilegia a domino Bonifacio et suis predecessoribus concessas . . .’ Also regulations concerning the award of prebends at Béziers (Biterrensis).
Early marginal notes in two different hands, the first only in gathering a, the second throughout. Occasional marginal notes in other hands. A few pen-trials on a1r.
Provenance: On a1r erased note of ownership(?). John Page (fl. 1497-1511); on back pastedown: ‘mihi Joanni Page pertinet teste gylpurne’. Christopher (fl. 1498-1501), chaplain of New College, Oxford; on front and back pastedowns, drawings of a heart with name ‘Cristoferus’. On a1r the arms of New College drawn in pen-and-ink. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 11. 6; see Books Purchased (1842), 4.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 4.48.BW

Entry number: A-250
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Casus breves super Decretalibus et Clementinis.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Andreae, Johannes [pseudo-]
Item title: Casus breves super prologum in quinque libros Decretalium.
Incipit: ‘[G]regorivs. In hoc prohemio primo ponitur salutatio, secundo exordium, tertio narratio et quarto conclusio . . .’
Note on authorship: On the authorship of this and the following texts: see Schulte II 224-5.
Item location: m5r
Item location: n1r
Item author: Andreae, Johannes [pseudo-]
Item title: Casus breves super sexto libro Decretalium.
Incipit: ‘[B]onifacius. Ca[pitulo] primo Bonifacius doctores et scholares Bononie commorantes salutat et benedicit . . .’
Item location: r4v
Item author: Andreae, Johannes [pseudo-]
Item title: Regulae iuris sexti Decretalium.
Incipit: ‘[B]eneficium ecclesiasticum sine institutione canonica licite non potest obtineri . . .’
Item location: s2r
Item author: Andreae, Johannes [pseudo-]
Item title: Casus breves super Clementinis.
Incipit: ‘[J]ohannes episcopus seruus seruorum Dei etc. Hoc prohemium preter datam diuiditur in quattuor . . .’
Item location: t4v
‘Rubrice sexti libri Decretalium.’
Item location: t6r
‘Rubrice Clementinarum.’

Place of imprint: [Paris: Ulrich Gering, c.1480]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Hillard dates between 1478 and 1482.
a–h8 I8 k–s8 t6.
References: GW 1724;C 451 = 453;BMC VIII 26;Pr 7870;CIBN A–326; Hillard 113; Oates 2883; Rhodes 90; Sheppard 6144.

Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century(?) calf; on both covers double fillets form a border; a floral tool in each corner. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the upper cover.
Size: 193 × 135 × 36 mm.
Size of leaf: 189 × 126 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired by 1674: see Hyde, Catalogus (1674), I 28.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° B 27 Jur.BW

Entry number: A-251
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Quaestiones mercuriales super regulis iuris.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Quaestiones mercuriales super regulis iuris.
Edited by Hieronymus de Castellanis.
Incipit: ‘[N]on est nouum. Sic incipit glo[sa] super rubrica cuius glo[sa] prin[cipio] et fini resistens faciam plura noua . . .’
C. Mesini, ‘De clericorum doctoratu et professoratu in iure civili ex Iohanne Andreae’, Antonianum, 32 (1957), 109-46; on 131-46 a critical edition of the ‘Quaestio disputata per Ioannem Andreae sub annis MCCCXI die II aprilis’; see Schulte II 216-17.
Item location: [q9v]
Item author: Hieronymus de Castellanis
Item title: [Note on the text.]
Incipit: ‘Quanquam a prestantissimis preclarisque uiris litteris traditum fuisse . . .’

Place of imprint: [Rome: Printer of ‘Mercuriales Quaestiones’ (Theobaldus Schencbecher)], 1472. Format: Folio.
[a–e10 f g8 h–q10].
References: GW 1734;H *1055;Goff A–634;Pr 3449;BSB–Ink I–320; CIBN A–332; Sheppard 2757.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for Kloß.
Size: 414 × 290 × 42 mm.
Size of leaf: 406 × 278 mm.
Sixteenth/seventeenth-century(?) foliation and title on [a1v]. Occasional marginal notes in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand in gathering [l]. Catchwords at the end of each gathering and registrum on [q10v] in a sixteenth-century hand. A note by Hand on the front pastedown: ‘This book contains notes by Milancthon(!)’. This claim, and a similar one made in the Kloß sale catalogue cannot be substantiated: Kloß sale catalogue, introduction p. xix claims that ‘the diversity of styles of hand-writing’ is a characteristic feature of Melanchthon’s autographs.
Decoration: Epigraphic initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: On [q9v] erased note of ownership(?). Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); sale (1835), lot 213. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837); note on endleaf; Acquisition history: purchased at his sale, lot 150, for £0. 3. 6; see Books Purchased (1837), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.8.BW

Entry number: A-252
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Quaestiones mercuriales super regulis iuris.

Item location: a1r [a2r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Quaestiones mercuriales super regulis iuris.
Incipit: ‘[N]on est nouum. Sic incipit glo[sa] super r[ubri]ca cuius glo[sa] principio et fini resistens faciam plura noua . . .’
Note on authorship: See A–251.

Place of imprint: Venice: Adam de Rottweil, 4 July 1477. Format: Folio.
a–e10 f g8 h–q10.Bibliographical notes: Leaf a2 signed a, a3–a5 signed a2–a4.
References: GW 1737;HC *1058;Goff A–637;BMC V 249;Pr 4416;BSB–Ink I–323; Sheppard 3549.

Bound with:
2. Petrus Lombardus, Sententiarum libri IV. [Basel: Printer of the 1484 ‘Modus Legendi Abbreviaturas’], 13 Aug. 1484 (P–226).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf a1 and sheet c5.6.
Binding: Contemporary German (Cologne, Kyriß workshop no. 96) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, remains of two clasps; rebacked. On both covers multiple fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by diagonal fillets into four triangular compartments. In the compartments two different rosette stamps, a stem with two leaves, a stamped scroll with the inscription ‘Ihesus’ and an octagonal fleur-de-lis; for the stamps see Kyriß pl. 195, nos 2, 9, 3, and 4. Similar bindings in Munich, BSB, 4° Inc. c.a. 232 and Inc. typ. B.IX.4.M. Rozsondai
Size: 318 × 223 × 100 mm.
Size of leaf: 308 × 210 mm.
Parchment pastedowns containing manuscript legal ‘quaestiones’, and what is perhaps a thematic index to ‘sedes materiae’ in a lengthy canon law text.Magnus Ryan
Early marginal notes.
Decoration: On a1r an eight-line initial is supplied in interlocked red and blue with floral infill on a light green ground and with foliate extension into the inner margin in red and light green; similar initial on A1r of item 2. On a1r and on A1r of item 2 coat of arms: three labels in pale, respectively of five, four, and three points, gules. Three Cologne families bore these arms but with other tinctures: Overstolz (gold on red), Lyskirchen (blue on gold), Quattermart (black on gold): see A. Fahne, Geschichte der Kölnischen, Jülichschen und Bergischen Geschlechter in Stammtafeln, Wappen, Siegeln und Urkunden (Cologne and Bonn, 1848), 251, 317, 341. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue, occasionally with reserved white decoration; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Joseph Niesert (1766-1841); sale (1842), lot 14132. The copy appears in the Serna Santander sale catalogue (1959), no. 8, but probably did not form part of the collection of Charles-Antoine de La Serna Santander (1752-1823), as this volume belonged to Niesert from 1820 until 1842 and the preface to the 1959 sale catalogue states that part of the Serna collection had been preserved until then. Maggs Brothers Ltd; catalogue 890 (1964), no. 69. Acquisition history: Purchased from Maggs out of the Gordon Duff Fund in 1964; see ‘Printed Book Accessions’, BLR 8,2 (1968), 104.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. X1(1).BW

Entry number: A-253
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Summa de sponsalibus et matrimoniis.
Remark: Enlarged edition.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Summa de sponsalibus et matrimoniis super quarto libro Decretalium.
Incipit: ‘[C]risti nomen inuocans ad honorem ipsius et reuerendissimi patris mei, domini archidiaconi Bononiensis, qui diuinam potentiam imitatus . . . expl.: faciunt enim ad secundam partem rubrice et non ad propositum vnde quid dicant vide per te Jo. An.
Tancredi Summa de matrimonio, ed. A. Wunderlich (Göttingen, 1841).
Note on authorship: Exists in two recensions, one possibly a lectura of Johannes de Cesena or de Anguissola, the other a reworking of this by Johannes Andreae. See Schulte II 214-15; Stintzing, 186-93.

Place of imprint: [Basel: Martin Flach, c.1473-5]. Format: Folio.
References: GW 1751;HC *1068 = 1069;Goff A–640;BMC III 740;Pr 7542;BSB–Ink I–328; CIBN A–335; Sack, Freiburg, 170; Sheppard 2385.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a10].
Binding: Nineteenth-century red cloth for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 296 × 220 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 286 × 200 mm.
Biographical note on Johannes Andreae in a seventeenth/eighteenth-century hand.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: Andreas Wurm (fifteenth/sixteenth century); inscription on [a9r]: ‘Andreas Wurm Scolasticus Canonicus Bambergensis et plebanus in Colß’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; the note: ‘Dpl’ on [a1r] and 2005.n and nos 6176 (6175) in list of duplicates in folio. Acquisition history: Purchased from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 159, no. 109 for 10 Marks; see Library Bills, 26 April 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.14.BW

Entry number: A-254
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Summa de sponsalibus et matrimoniis.
Remark: Enlarged edition.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Summa super quarto libro Decretalium. [Also known as Summa de sponsalibus et matrimoniis.]
Incipit: ‘[C]risti nomen inuocans ad honorem ipsius et reuerendissimi in Christo patris mei, domini Bononiensis archidiaconi, qui diuinam imitatus potentiam . . .’expl.: faciunt enim ad secundam partem rubrice et non ad propositum.
Note on authorship: See A–253.

Place of imprint: Paris: Georg Mittelhus, 5 May 1489. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1753;H 1075; C 443;BMC VIII 125;Pr 8099;Hillard 110; Sheppard 6329.

Bound with:
1. Stephen Gardiner, Ad Martinum Bucerum De impudenti eiusdem pseudologia conquestio. Louvain: Rutger Rescius, 1544;
2. John White, Diacosio-Martyrion. London: Robert Caly, Dec. 1553 (STC 25388);
3. Expositio hymnorum. Paris: Pierre Levet, 9 Dec. 1488 (E–068);
4. Libellus de modo poenitendi et confitendi. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 18 Nov. 1494 (P–399);
5. Jacobus Lupius Rebello, De productionibus personarum in divinis. [Paris: Johannes Higman and Wolfgang Hopyl, c.1492-3] (R–019).
Binding: Seventeenth-century English red calf, rebacked; on both covers four blind and one gold fillet form a border; stamped with the crest of George Carey, 2nd Lord Hunsdon; remains of two metal catches; hinged from upper to lower board.
Size: 196 × 145 × 46 mm.
Size of leaf: 188 × 130 mm.
Some early underlining and numbering.
Provenance: The whole volume was given in 1600 by George Carey, 2nd Lord Hunsdon (1547-1603): see Benefactors’ Register I 9; James, Catalogus (1605), 159 (item 1); 71 (item 2); 156 (item 3); item 4 not found; 84 (item 5); item 6 not found; see Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ Register’, nos 22-5.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: W 4. 3 Th.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° W 7(6) Th. Seld.BW

Entry number: A-255
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Summa de sponsalibus et matrimoniis.
Remark: Enlarged edition.

Item location: A2r
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Summa super quarto libro Decretalium. [Also known as Summa de sponsalibus et matrimoniis.]
Incipit: ‘[C]risti nomen inuocans ad honorem ipsius et reuerendissimi patris Bononiensis archiepiscopi qui diuinam paginam imitatus . . .’expl.: faciunt enim ad secundam partem rubrice et non ad propositum vnde quid dicunt vide per te etc.
Note on authorship: See A–253.
Item location: B4r

Place of imprint: Leipzig: Jacobus Thanner, 1498. Format: 4°.
A6 B4.
References: GW 1755;C 448;Goff A–648;not in Pr;Sheppard 2165.

Bound with:
1. Antonius Guibertus Costanus, De dotibus et earum iure commentarii. Lyons: Charles Pesnot, 1556;
2. Gentian Hervet, Oratio ad concilium. Paris: Martin Le Jeune, 1556;
3. Franciscus Duarenus, Scaevola. Paris: Mathieu David, 1551;
4. Franciscus Duarenus, Heptaemeron. Lyons: Guillaume Rouillé, 1556;
5. Henricus Greve, de Göttingen, Opusculum de iniuriis et famosis libellis. Leipzig: Jacobus Thanner, 1 Sept. 1498 (G–249);
6. Johannes Faber de Werdea, De modo docendi alios. [Leipzig: Jacobus Thanner, c.1498-1500] (F–002);
7. Johannes de Breitenbach, Repetitio (capitulorum V): De statu monachorum et canonicorum regularium. [Leipzig: Gregorius Böttiger (Werman), after 22 Nov. 1496] (B–520).
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century half parchment; bound uniformly with other items in the Dissertationes collection.
Size: 211 × 157 × 38 mm.
Size of leaf: 207 × 144 mm.
Decoration: Initial is supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Items 5 to 8 were also bound together at an earlier stage: same style of rubrication and matching scars from index tabs. Acquisition history: Purchased among 43,400 items, for £332. 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1827), 7; items 1 and 3, but not item 7 listed in Catalogus dissertationum academicarum quibus nuper ante aucta est Bibliotheca Bodleiana MDCCCXXXII (Oxford, 1834).
Bodleian shelfmark: Diss. D 34(8).BW

Entry number: A-256
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis et affinitatis.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis, prologue.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris diversis olim diversum modum tenentibus, Johannes de Deo hispanus post illos diuersos lecture ipsius arboris nouum modum assumens . . .’
Note on authorship: See Schulte II 215-16; Stintzing, 151-85, on this edition 157-9: ‘Erste Klasse.’
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore consanguinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[D]emum ad arborem consanguinitatis specialiter descendemus. Et primo queritur, quid sit consanguinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a5r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore affinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[A]d arborem affinitatis et eivs materiam transeamus. Et primo videndum est quid sit affinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’

Place of imprint: [Augsburg: Günther Zainer, not after 1473]. Format: Folio.
On [a8r] a woodcut: see Schramm; woodcut initials.
References: GW 1677;HC 1020;Goff A–599;BMC II 319;Pr 1541;BSB–Ink I–282; CIBN A–337; Sack, Freiburg, 157; Schramm II p. 24; Schreiber V 3270; Sheppard 1144.

Imperfections: Wanting [a4] and [a8].
Outer margins damaged.
Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards by Eckert; remains of leather index tab on [a7].
Size: 295 × 212 × 4 mm.
Size of leaf: 289 × 203 mm.
Decoration: Woodcut initials picked out in red; a two-line initial ‘D’ is supplied in red on [a1v].
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased from Gilhofer & Ranschburg, Catalogue 3 (1885), no. 12, for ‘Fl. 4.50′; see Library Bills (1885), no. 210.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 4.21.BW

Entry number: A-257
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis, prologue.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris diuersis olim diuersum modum tenentibus, Johannes de Deo Hispanus post illos diuersos lecture ipsius arboris nouum modum assumens . . .’
Note on authorship: See Schulte II 215-16; Stintzing, 151-85, on this edition 159-61: ‘Zweite Klasse.’
Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore consanguinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[D]einde ad arborem consanguinitatis specialiter descendamus. Et primo queritur, quid sit consanguinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a5r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore affinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[A]d arborem affinitatis et eius materiam transeamus. Et primo videndum est quid sit affinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a8v]
Super arbore cognationis spiritualis.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris cognationis spiritualis iuxta modum et formam tradicionis egregii doctoris Jo[hannis] Andree in sua lectura . . .’

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, 1477. Format: Folio.
Three woodcuts: on [a4v]: ‘Arbor consanguineitatis’, on [a8r]: ‘Arbor affinitatis’ and on [a10v]: ‘Arbor cognacionis spiritualis.’
References: GW 1688;H *1030;Goff A–604;BMC II 449;Pr 2135;BSB–Ink I–289; CIBN A–341; Schramm XVIII p. 14; Schreiber V 3279; Sheppard 1568.

Bound with:
1. Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea sanctorum. Hagenau: Henricus Gran for Johannes Rynman de Oringau, 1516.
Leaf [a1] containing marginal notes, and the leaves containing the woodcuts, have been folded over rather than cropped, presumably when the book was rebound in the eighteenth century.
Binding: Eighteenth-century English blind-tooled calf.
Size: 283 × 203 × 43 mm.
Size of leaf: 278 × 215 mm.
On [a1r-v] sixteenth-century marginal notes with legal comments; the outer margins have been left uncut in order to preserve these notes. Occasional notes in the same hand throughout the text, possibly in the same hand as notes in item 1. Some marginal notes in red. On endleaves following item 2, index of saints for item 1.
Decoration: Woodcuts coloured in pale green, purple, and yellow, the same palette as the title-page of item 1. One initial is supplied in red; red capital strokes and occasional underlining.
Provenance: Johannes Peselius (sixteenth century?); name: ‘M. Joh. Peselius'(?) on title-page of item 1. Johannes Jacobus Tomannus (fl. 1640); name and date: ‘Joh. Jacobi Tomanni 1640′ on title-page of item 1. Richard Farmer (1735-1797); sale (1798), lot 1619 mentioning item 1 in the volume only; sold with lot 1620 for £0. 10. 6. Charles Combe (1743-1817); on recto of endleaf note by Douce ‘Given me by Mr. Combe 1798′. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 188(2).BW

Entry number: A-258
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis, prologue.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris diuersis olim diuersum modum tenentibus, Johannes de Deo Hispanus post illos diuersos lecture ipsius arboris nouum modum assumens . . .’
See A–257.
Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore consanguinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[D]einde ad arborem consanguinitatis specialiter descendamus. Et primo queritur, quid sit consanguinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a5r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore affinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[A]d arborem affinitatis et eius materiam transeamus. Et primo videndum est quid sit affinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a8v]
Super arbore cognationis spiritualis.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris cognationis spiritualis iuxta modum et formam traditionis egregii doctoris Jo[hannis] Andree in sua lectura . . .’

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, 1478. Format: Folio.
Three woodcuts: on [a4v]: ‘Arbor consanguineitatis’, on [a8r]: ‘Arbor affinitatis’ and on [a10v]: ‘Arbor cognacionis spiritualis.’
References: GW 1690;H *1032;Goff A–608;BMC II 450;Pr 2141;BSB–Ink I–293; Schramm XVIII p. 14; Schreiber V 3281; Sheppard 1574.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 310 × 213 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 303 × 203 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: On [a1r] a pencil note: ‘ Duplum’ and ‘no. 46′, possibly a duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; Acquisition history: acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 5.39.BW

Entry number: A-259
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis, prologue.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris diuersis olim diuersum modum tenentibus, Johannes de Deo hispanus post illos diuersos lecture ipsius arboris nouum modum assumens . . .’
See A–257.
Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore consanguinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[D]einde ad arborem consanguinitatis specialiter descendamus. Et primo queritur, quid sit consanguinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a5r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore affinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[A]d arborem affinitatis et eius materiam transeamus. Et primo videndum est quid sit affinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a8v]
Super arbore cognationis spiritualis.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris cognationis spiritualis iuxta modum et formam traditionis egregii doctoris Johannis Andree in sua lectura . . .’

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, 1483. Format: Folio.
Three woodcuts: on [a4v]: ‘Arbor consanguineitatis’, on [a8r]: ‘Arbor affinitatis’ and on [a10v]: ‘Arbor cognacionis spiritualis.’
References: GW 1697;H *1035;Goff A–612;Pr 2153;BSB–Ink I–296; Oates 1060; Schramm XVIII p. 14; Schreiber V 3284; Sheppard 1588.

Binding: Nineteenth-century black cloth. Paper wrappers bound in as endleaves.
Size: 302 × 218 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 291 × 208 mm.
On [a4v] is written ‘Quos genuerunt fratres natos, dicas puetrueles [recte patrueles]. &pipe; Dic patruos fratres patris amitasque sorores; &pipe; Sic patris est amita soror, ut matertera matris, &pipe; Sed consobrinos dic, quos peperunt sorores; &pipe; et frater auunculus est, soror matertera matris’. On [a10r]: ‘Que mihi uel cuius [mea] natum de fonte leuauit, &pipe; Hec mea commater fieri mea non valet vxor. &pipe; Si qua mee (vxoris [interlinear gloss]) natum non ex me fonte leuauit, &pipe; hanc post fata mee non inde vitabit habere. &pipe; Quem de fonte leuas tingendo siue tenendo &pipe; Seu confirmando sua uel peccata fatendo, &pipe; filius ille ti[bi] spiritualis erit’. On the same page, under the heading ‘Nullus desperet’: ‘Profugus aspiciat Petrum, Petroque latronem &pipe; Zacheum cupidus, imundus cernit Mariam, &pipe; crudelis Paulum, quem pungit gaza Matheum. &pipe; Hos Deus exemplum mundo concessit [habemus].’
Decoration: Woodcuts partly coloured in red. Initials (the last one with some pen flourishing) and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 4. 6; see Books Purchased (1861), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 4.13.BW

Entry number: A-260
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis, et al.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis, prologue.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris diuersis olim diuersum modum tenentibus, Johannes de Deo Hispanus post illos diuersos lecture ipsius arboris nouum modum assumens . . .’
See Schulte II 215-16; Stintzing, 151-85, on this edition 166-8: ‘Vierte Klasse.’
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore consanguinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[D]einde ad arborem consanguinitatis specialiter descendamus. Et primo queritur, quid sit consanguinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a5r]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: Super arbore affinitatis.
Incipit: ‘[A]d arborem affinitatis et eius materiam transeamus. Et primo videndum est quid sit affinitas et vnde dicatur . . .’
Item location: [a7r]
Super arbore cognationis spiritualis.
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris cognationis spiritualis iuxta modum et formam traditionis egregii doctoris Jo[hannis] An[dree] in sua lectura . . .’
Item location: [a9v]
‘Ad arborem cognationis legalis.’
Incipit: ‘[C]irca lecturam arboris cognationis legalis (de cuius materia, cum sit mere legalis, in corpore canonum modicum tractatur) ad simplicium aliqualem instructionem vestigia egregii doctoris Johannis Andree . . .’

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, c.1483]. Format: Folio.
[a8 b6].
Ten woodcuts: on [a1v]: ‘Arbor consanguineitatis’, on [a4v]: ‘Arbor affinitatis’, on [a6v]: ‘Arbor cognacionis spiritualis’, on [a8v] a diagram relating to spiritual cognation, on [b1r]: ‘Arbor legalis’ and on [b2v]-[b4v] five woodcuts depicting exempla et enigmata. Woodcut historiated initials.
References: GW 1707;H *1021;Goff A–625;Pr 383;BSB–Ink I–297; Oates 160; Sack, Freiburg, 160; Schorbach-Spirgatis 33; Schramm XIX p. 14; Schreiber V 3287; Sheppard 314.

Leaves [b3.4] are bound between [a4.5]. On [b1v], line 1 ‘Ad’ as H, not as Schorbach-Spirgatis.
Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled pasteboards.
Size: 295 × 208 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 290 × 204 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £1. 6. 0; see Books Purchased (1852), 4.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.34.BW

Entry number: A-261
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis [German]: Baum der Sippschaft.

Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Andreae, Johannes
Item title: [Super arbore consanguinitatis [German].]
Item text: Der Bom der gesipschafft.’
Incipit: ‘[D]en bom der gesipten früntschafft in teutsch kurtz z&ringu; beschreiben, wie in der hochgelert doctor Johannes Andree vormals im latin völliger beschriben hatt . . .’
See Stintzing, 151-85, on this edition 178-9 (“Sechste Klasse”); Helko Eis, Zur Rezeption der kanonischen Verwandtschaftsbäume Johannes Andreaes. Untersuchung und Texte (D.phil. thesis, Heidelberg, 1965).
Item location: [a4v]
‘Regeln der vnuerschafften erbschafft.’
Incipit: ‘Füro z&ringu;m kürtzsten ettwas vnderweÿsung z&ringu;t&ringu;n, wie auß der nähin vnd in ansehung der sipschafft ain erb erobert vnd z&ringu;getailt werden soll . . .’

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Johann Bämler, [14]74. Format: Folio.
On [a6r] a woodcut of ‘Arbor consangwinitatis wlgarisata cum autenticis successionis ab intestato’. Woodcut initial.
References: GW 1718;H *1053 = *11128 (fols 120b-125a);Goff A–596;BMC II 333;Pr 1610;BSB–Ink I–311; Schramm III p. 25; Schreiber V 3305; Sheppard 1197-8.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century brown pasteboards.
Size: 271 × 184 × 4 mm.
Size of leaf: 267 × 179 mm.
Decoration: Woodcut initial is picked out in red; paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and red dotting in ‘Arbor’ woodcut.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 1.48.

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Francesco Petrarca, Historia Griseldis. [Ulm: Johann Zainer, c.1473] (P–167).
Binding: Half parchment over pasteboards, the parchment spine covered by Douce in red paper.
Size: 291 × 209 × 7 mm.
Size of leaf: 290 × 202 mm.
Decoration: Woodcut initial is picked out in yellow; red dotting in ‘Arbor’ woodcut.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 204(2).BW

Entry number: A-262
Andreae, Johannes
Uniform title: Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et cognationis spiritualis, et al. [German]: Baum der Sippschaft.

Item location: [a2r]
‘Vslegung vber den boume der sypschafft.’
Incipit: ‘[D]es ersten ist vmb eins vnderscheids willen der dryer b&esube;ume vnd ire materien z&ringu; wissen . . .’
See Stintzing, 151-85, on this edition 179-80: ‘Sechste Klasse.’
Item location: [a5v]
‘Vßlegung vber den boum der mo&esubo;gschafft.’
Incipit: ‘[N]vn by dem boum der m&esubo;gschafft ist des ersten z&ringu; sagen was mogschafft sy . . .’
Item location: [a8r]
‘Vber den boum der geistlichen mogschafft.’
Incipit: ‘[N]vn by dem boume der geistlichen mogschafft ist des ersten z&ringu; wissen w[a]z geistliche mogschaft sy . . .’
Item location: [b1r]
[Note on the ‘Boum der geistlichen sypschafft’.]
Incipit: ‘Z&ringu; erclerung des boumes der geistlichen sypschafft oder geistlichen mogschaft soltu mercken . . .’

Place of imprint: [Heidelberg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, c.1494]. Format: Folio.
[a8 b4].
Ten woodcuts: on [a1v]: ‘Der Boum der sippschafft’, on [a5r]: ‘Der Boum der mogschafft’, on [a7v]: ‘Der böm der geuatterschafft’, on [b1r]: ‘Boum der geistlichen sypschafft’, on [b1v]-[b4r] six woodcuts depicting exempla. Woodcut historiated initials.
References: GW 1721; GW Nachträge, 24;Pr 3142A;BSB–Ink I–315; Schramm XIX 136-46; Schreiber V 3309; Sheppard 2197.

Binding: Twentieth-century pigskin.
Size: 280 × 205 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 276 × 194 mm.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased in May 1950 from Van Gendt.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. G37.1.BW

Entry number: A-263
Andreae, Nicolaus
Uniform title: De officio missae.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreae, Nicolaus
Item title: De officio missae.
Item text: Tractatus de missa seu offitio misse.’
Incipit: ‘[P]ostquam sacerdos seu episcopus paramentis indutus est, vadit ad altare scribitur iii regum vii quod Salomon fecit altare ereum . . .’
See Franz, Messe, 607.

Place of imprint: [Beromünster: Helias Heliae, c.1473]. Format: 4°.
[a12 b c8].
References: GW 1758;H *1084;Goff A–650;BMC III 800;Pr 7800;BSB–Ink N–66; CIBN A–348; Helene Mattmann, ‘Inkunabelverzeichnis des Stiftsbibliothek Beromünster’, Erster datierter schweitzer Druck: Gedenkschrift zur 500-Jahr Feier in Beromünster 1470-1970 (Beromünster, 1970), 21-47, 3; Sack, Freiburg, 171; Sheppard 2572.

Binding: Twentieth-century half morocco for the Bodleian Library; marbled paper wrappers bound as endleaves.
Size: 200 × 150 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 192 × 138 mm.
Provenance: Purchased for 110.45 Francs in 1900 from Anatole Claudin, no. 97865; page from his catalogue bound at the end; see Library Bills (1900).
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. GS1.1.BW

Entry number: A-264
Andreas Capellanus
Uniform title: De amore et de amoris remedio.

Item location: [a1v]
[Table of contents.]
Item location: [a3r]
Item author: Andreas Capellanus
Item title: De amore et de amoris remedio, prologue.
Andreas Capellanus, De Amore Libri Tres, ed. E. Trojel (Copenhagen, 1892; repr. Munich, 1972), 1-2; De amore, ed. G. Ruffini (Milan, 1980); On Love, ed. P. G. Walsh (London, 1982), 30.
Item location: [a3r]
Item author: Andreas Capellanus
Item title: De amore et de amoris remedio.
ed. E. Trojel, 3-361; ed. Walsh, 32-324.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: C. W., c.1473-4]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Paul Needham, ‘Four Strasburg Incunabula Incorrectly Assigned to Anton Koberger of Nuremberg’, British Library Journal, 6 (1980), 130-43, no. 14 tentatively identified the printer as Clas Wencker or Conrad Wolfach.
[a10+1 b–h8 i10].Bibliographical notes: Title printed in red.
References: GW 1759;H *992;Goff A–652;Pr 344;BSB–Ink A–485; CIBN A–349; Sheppard 277.

Binding: Nineteenth-century red morocco over bevelled boards; on the bevels a foliate roll; on the covers a frame of a single gilt fillet, followed by a blind groove, triple blind fillets, double gilt fillets, and a single blind fillet.
Size: 273 × 215 × 24 mm.
Size of leaf: 266 × 206 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £7. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1852), 4.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.28.BW

Entry number: A-265
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Andreas [de Escobar] Hispanus
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘Quoniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem confessionem dicere . . .’
See Andreas de Escobar, Tractatus polemico-theologicus De graecis errantibus, ed. E. Candal (Madrid, 1952), pp. l–liii.

Place of imprint: [Germany (Blaubeuren?): Printer of Lotharius (H 10209) (Conrad Mancz?), c.1474-5]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Amelung, Frühdruck I, p. xvii identifies the printer tentatively as Conrad Mancz.
[a8 b6].
References: GW 1773;H *998;Goff A–660;BMC III 708;Pr 3245;BSB–Ink A–494; CIBN A–352; Sheppard 2283-4.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards.
Size: 193 × 142 × 9 mm.
Size of leaf: 187 × 132 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
Decoration: Red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; stamp and nos 133 ED and 174. Acquisition history: Purchased for £5. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1857), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.70b.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half brown calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 210 × 142 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 204 × 133 mm.
Decoration: Red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance and Acquisition history: date of acquisition unknown.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.70c.BW

Entry number: A-266
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Andreas [de Escobar] Hispanus
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘Quoniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem confessionem dicere . . .’

Place of imprint: [Augsburg: Johann Wiener, c.1475]. Format: 4°.
[a8 b6].
References: GW 1774;H *1001;BMC II 357;Pr 1727;BSB–Ink A–497; Sheppard 1268.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half brown calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 211 × 140 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 204 × 128 mm.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 1953 in list of duplicates in quarto. Bibliothèque Quatremère part 2 (1859), lot 2305, but not with certainty from the collection of Quatremère de Quincy. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 40.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.70a.BW

Entry number: A-267
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi.

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Andreas [de Escobar] Hispanus
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem confessienem(!) dicere . . .’

Place of imprint: [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1496-8]. Format: 8&quo;.
[a8 b4].
Woodcut on [a1r]: see Sander.
References: GW 1797;H 1010 (I);Goff A–675;Pr 3765;BSB–Ink A–511; Sander 359; Sheppard 2982.

Bound with:
1. Status mundi ex gestis Romanorum. [Cologne: Martin von Werden, c.1505];
2. Coniuratio daemonum. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1492] (C–423);
4. Confessionale: Interrogationes et doctrinae. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1495] (C–420);
5. Birgitta, Orationes. [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1495] (B–346).
Imperfections: Wanting [a1].
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 136 × 100 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 132 × 93 mm.
Provenance andACQUIRED date of acquisition unknown; probably between 1847 and c.1892; there is a possible match in Catalogus (1843), II 812, but the other items in the volume are not found.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.71(3).BW

Entry number: (A-268)
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Andreas [de Escobar] Hispanus
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem confessionem dicere . . .’

Place of imprint: [Rome: Marcellus Silber, not before 1510]. Format: 8&quo;.Bibliographical notes: IGI VI assigns to [Marcellus Silber, not before 1510]. Goff and GW assign to [Eucharius Silber, c.1500].
a8 b4.
Woodcut on a1r: see Sander.
References: GW 1808;H *1009;Goff A–685;BSB–Ink A–517; Sander 372; Sheppard 3110.

Bound with:
1. Mirabilia Romae. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1500] (M–226);
2. Indulgentiae ecclesiarum urbis Romae. Rome: Johannes Besicken, 25 Sept. 1506;
4. Interrogationes et doctrinae. [N. pl.: n. pr., c.1510];
5. Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, after 1500?] (C–425);
6. Petrus [Georgii Tolomei] Teramanus, Translatio miraculosa beatae Mariae virginis de Loreto. [Rome: n. pr., c.1505];
7. Divisiones decem nationum totius Christianitatis. [N. pl.: n. pr., c.1510];
8. Tabulae Christianae religionis. [Rome: n. pr., c.1505];
9. Bernardus de Granollachs, Lunarium. Rome: Johannes Besicken, 16 Oct. 1506.
For almost the same group of works bound together see A–269.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf.
Size: 129 × 93 × 26 mm.
Size of leaf: 125 × 91 mm.
Provenance: Cropped early ownership inscription in red on [a1r] of item 1. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce R 257(3).BW

Entry number: (A-269)
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi.

Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Andreas [de Escobar] Hispanus
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘Qvoniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem confessionem dicere . . .’

Place of imprint: [Rome: Marcellus Silber, not before 1510]. Format: 8&quo;.Bibliographical notes: IGI VI assigns to [Marcellus Silber, not before 1510]; GW assigns to [Eucharius Silber, c.1500].
[a8] b4.
Woodcut on [a1r]: see Sander.
References: GW 1812;Goff A–687;Sander 376; Sheppard 3104.

Bound with:
1. Mirabilia Romae [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1500] (M–227);
2. Indulgentiae ecclesiarum urbis Romae. Rome: Eucharius Silber, 1509;
4. Confessionale: Interrogationes et doctrinae. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1500] (C–421);
5. Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1500] (C–424);
6. Birgitta, Orationes. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1500] (B–347);
7. Divisiones decem nationum totius Christianitatis [Rome, Eucharius Silber, c.1491-5] (D–114);
8. Petrus Georgii Tolomei, Translatio miraculosa beatae Mariae virginis de Loreto [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1500] (T–218);
9. Tabula Christianae religionis [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c.1500] (T–001);
10. Bernardus de Granollachs, Lunarium. [N. pl.: n. pr., 1508?].
For almost the same group of works bound together see A–268.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 141 × 105 × 22 mm.
Size of leaf: 136 × 111 mm.
Provenance: John Selden (1584-1654); see MS. Add. C. 40, p. 103; MS. Selden Supra 111, fol 23r: ‘Antichita della citta di Roma. 8&quo;’; MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 71: ‘Mirabilia Rom&ae; cum modo confitendi et conjurationis(!) spirituum’. Acquisition history: Presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: 8&quo; M 40(3) Th. Seld.BW

Entry number: A-270
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi.

Item location: a1v
Item author: [Andreas de Escobar Hispanus]
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem dicere confessionem . . .’

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1495]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1837;H *11453;Goff A–670;BSB–Ink A–508; Sheppard 1050; Voulliéme, Köln, 116.

Binding: Twentieth-century black cloth, for the Bodleian Library(?); blue wrappers bound in.
Size: 215 × 147 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 204 × 132 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes, some underlining.
Provenance: Falconer Madan (1851-1935). Acquisition history: Acquired in 1918; see BQR 2,18 (1918), 140.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. G3.1.BW

Entry number: A-271
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi.

Item location: a1r
Item author: N. Episcopus Megarensis;author [Andreas de Escobar Hispanus]
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem dicere confessionem . . .’

Place of imprint: Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, 24 Dec. 1497. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1845;H 1017 = 11010;Goff A–678;BMC IX 72;Pr 9089;Campbell 1237; HPT II 414; ILC 242; Oates 3570; Sheppard 6983.

Bound with A–130(1); see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 190 × 130 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.113(11).BW

Entry number: A-272
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi.

Item location: a1r
Item author: [Andreas de Escobar]
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem dicere confessionem . . .’

Place of imprint: [Paris: Guy Marchant, c.1497]. Format: 8&quo;.Bibliographical notes: As dated by Hillard; GW dates [c.1499].
References: GW 1846;C 4280;Pr 8025;Hillard 117; Sheppard 6239.

Bound with A–219; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 135 × 94 mm.
Early marginal notes; manuscript foliation.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 14(4).BW

Entry number: A-273
Andreas de Escobar
Uniform title: Modus confitendi (cum orationibus ante et post missam).

Item location: A2r
Item author: Andreas [de Escobar] Hispanus
Item title: Modus confitendi.
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam omni confitenti necessarium est hanc generalem confessionem dicere . . .’expl.: et participationi fidelium Christianorum restituere.
Note on authorship: Ends after the confession of sins against the Octo beatitudines.
Item location: A8r
Item author: [Andreas de Escobar Hispanus(?)
Item title: Formula of absolution.]
Incipit: ‘Finita confessione dicat sacerdos: “Misereator(!) tui etc.” . . .’
Item location: A8v
Item author: [Andreas de Escobar Hispanus(?)]
Item text: Alia breuis et succincta peccatoris ad Deum confessio.’
Incipit: ‘Deus inestimabilis et eterne misericordie, Deus pietatis immense . . .’
See A. Wilmart, Precum libelli quattuor aevi Karolini (Rome 1940), 21-4, 56 no. 1, and 73-5 no. 4.

Place of imprint: [Paris]: Étienne Jehannot, for Claude Jaumar, [c.1496-8]. Format: 8&quo;.
Woodcut of the Crucifixion on A1r, 74 ×55 mm; the same woodcut appears on C7v of H–167; for an illustration of it within printed floral borders, see Claudin II 242.
References: GW 1852;C 4283;Goff A–688;Pr 8345;Sheppard 6482.

Bound with:
1. Cyrillus, Speculum sapientiae. [Paris]: Georg Mittelhus, [c.1497] (C–510(2));
3. Confessionale: Interrogationes et doctrinae. [Paris: Guy Marchant, c.1494] (C–418);
4. Corona mystica Beatae Mariae Virginis. Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, 6 Oct. 1492 (C–464).
Imperfections: Wanting gatherings B–E.
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century half calf for Douce; on the gold-tooled spine a floral stamp in four compartments.
Size: 133 × 96 × 20 mm.
Size of leaf: 128 × 93 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes.
Provenance: Phillip Shepard (sixteenth century); on a1v of item 1: ‘Phillip Shepard his boke and soe god send him god loke a mene a mene’. Thomas Clenburg (fl. 1586); on a1r of item 4 the inscription: ‘Libellus iste . . . pertinet domino Thome Clenburg olim abbati Sorensi 1586′; a copy of this edition was sold at Thomas Rawlinson’s sale p. 9 (1727), lot 54. Francis Douce (1757-1834); stamp; there is no indication that these items belonged together before they were bound as now. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 4(2).BW

Entry number: A-274
Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Uniform title: Carmen panegyricum ad Carolum VIII.

Item location: A2r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: Carmen panegyricum ad Carolum VIII [Elegiae III,2].
‘[E]cquis in imberbi maturos principe sensus?’
Andrelinus, ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, ed. Godelieve Tournoy-Thoen, Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, 44/100 (Brussels, 1982), 140-1 (= ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’).

Place of imprint: [Paris: Michel Tholoze,] for Denis Roce, [c.1500]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: With the device of Denis Roce; dated [c.1500] from the state of the device (IIIb) by Hillard, IGI, and Sheppard; [after 1500?] by GW and BSB–Ink.
References: GW 1863;H *1093; C 462;Goff A–691;BMC VIII 210;not in Pr;BSB–Ink A–520; CIBN A–366; Hillard 122; Sheppard 6522.

Bound with:
2. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, Deploratio de morte Petri Coardi. [Paris: n. pr., c.1505];
3. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De gestis legati. Paris: [Johannes Antonius Venetus, for] Gilles de Gourmont, [after 1500];
4. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De Neapolitana victoria. [Paris]: Félix Baligault, [between 18 May 1497 and 30 Oct. 1499] (A–278(2));
5. Jacobus Merlinus, Invectiva in Faustum Balbi calumniatorem. [Paris: Étienne Jehannot or Pierre Le Dru, c.1494-5] (M–197(2));
6. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, Aegloga moralissima. Paris: for Jean Petit, [after 1500] (GW col. 249);
7. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, Hecatodistichon. [Paris: Josse Bade, 1 Apr. 1513];
8. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De obitu Caroli VIII deploratio. Paris: [Jean Marchant,] for Jean Petit, 4 Oct. 1504;
9. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, Livia. Paris: Robert Gourmont, [for Olivier Senant, c.1505] (GW col. 256);
10. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, Elegiae. Paris: Denis Roce, [after 1500];
11. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, Bucolica. Paris: [Guy Marchant,] for Jean Petit, [after 1510] (GW col. 247);
12. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De Neapolitana victoria. Paris: Guy Marchant, for Jean Petit, 31 Aug. 1496 (A–279);
13. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De moralibus et intellectualibus virtutibus. [Paris]: Michel Tholoze, for Denis Roce, [before 20 July 1499] (A–281);
14. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De secunda victoria Neapolitana. Paris: Robert Gourmont, for Denis Roce, 11 Apr. 1507;
15. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, Epistolae proverbiales et morales. Paris: Nicolaus de Pratis, for Denis Roce, [after 1500] (GW col. 251).
Binding: Early sixteenth-century French (Paris) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, remains of two clasps; rebacked. On both covers a frame formed by two rolls; in the inner rectangle four vertical rolls. Two different rolls: a floral roll with grapes and bees and a roll of flowers enclosed in the loops of a winding stem. For a similar binding by Robert de Gourmont, bookseller in Paris, c.1505 see Goldschmidt I 173, no. 48; II pl. xx. See also A–246.
Size: 204 × 133 × 40 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 130 mm.
On endleaf ‘Tollere nulla potest longarum meta viarum &pipe; Antiquum vere pignus amicicie’, with unidentified initials. Probably in the same hand: ‘Svivre et servir’ on A1r of item 1.
Provenance: Catalogue of Damascene Morgand, May 1898, no. 32108.not found Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); Elenchus, no. 174. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. J 4.21(1).BW

Entry number: A-275
Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Uniform title: Elegiae.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Thomas Custodia.
Incipit: ‘[O]mnis mortales ea lege natos esse non ignoras, excellentissime Thoma, vt aliquando breuem hanc vitam tanquam vsuarium depositum reddituri sint . . .’
For the dedicatee see ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 51 n. 1.
Item location: a3v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: Elegiae.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Guilelmus de Rupefortis.
‘[P]rospera si faciles mutarunt sydera cursus.’
With argumenta preceding each elegy. See ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 149-58. For the dedicatee see ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 50 n. 6.
Item location: g1v
[First colophon.]
Item location: g2r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Carolus Borra.
Incipit: ‘[P]ostea quam diuinam illam poeticen dextro quidem omine auspicatus sum, nihil certe praestantius esse duxi quam incudendo poemate pro virili mea Publium Vergilium Maronem imitari . . .’
Note on authorship: On the dedicatee see ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 152 n. 1.
Item location: g2v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: Tumultuarium opusculum.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Carolus Borra.
‘[N]escia sit quamuis vasti mea cymba profundi.’
Note on authorship: See ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 152. On the dedicatee see ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 152 n. 1.
Item location: g7v
[List of errata.]
Item location: g8r
[Second colophon.]

Place of imprint: Paris: Guy Marchant, 3 Apr. 1494. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1864;H 1088;Goff A–691a;Pr 7989;Oates 2957; Sheppard 6208.

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century red morocco; on both covers double blind fillets form a border; on edges of boards a single fillet. On turn-ins two entwined wavy lines, gilt; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 207 × 139 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 201 × 132 mm.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or, occasionally, faded blue, some in interlocked red and blue, or red with pale brown pen flourishing. Device partly coloured in pale brown.
Provenance: On c2r: ‘Carmel. Baccartheul(?) liber’. Purchased by Heber for £0. 14. 0, according to the price annotated in red ink in Heber’s sale catalogue. Richard Heber (1773-1833); stamp; see Catalogue, 9 (1836), lot 162 (here listed with the De fuga Balbi), sold for £0. 5. 0. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 7. 6; see Books Purchased (1841), 14.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.16.BW

Entry number: A-276
Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Uniform title: De fuga Balbi.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Robertus Gaguinus.
Incipit: ‘[M]ultos fore arbitror, reuerende praesul, qui cum huius eglogae vel solum titulum legerint, quamprimum me et mordacem et inuidum esse garrient . . .’
Item location: a2v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: Carmen
[dedicatee] ad Robertum Gaguinum.
‘[S]i vacat, o praesul, cunctarum maxime rerum.’
Item location: a3r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: De fuga Balbi [Ecloga XI].
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Robertus Gaguinus.
‘Quid fugis o Gallas, paedico Balbe, fauillas?’
The Eclogues of Faustus Andrelinus and Ioannes Arnolletus, ed. Wilfred P. Mustard, Studies in the Renaissance Pastoral, 3 (Baltimore, Md., 1918), 53-7.
Note on authorship: See ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 183-5.
Item location: a6v
Item author: Gaguinus, Robertus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Publius Faustus Andrelinus.
Incipit: ‘Quod sit meum de tua in Hieronimum Balbum egloga iudicium, clarissime vates, exploras . . .’
Note on authorship: Dated Paris, 16 Sept. 1494.
Not in Gaguinus, Epistole et orationes, ed. Louis Thuasne, Bibliothèque littéraire de la Renaissance, I, 2-3 (Paris, 1903).

Place of imprint: [Paris]: Félix Baligault, [after 16 Sept. 1494]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 1868;HC 1095;Goff A–696;not in Pr;Hillard 124; Oates 3105; Sheppard 6425.

Bound with A–139; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 189 × 125 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce O 126(3).BW

Entry number: A-277
Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Uniform title: Livia.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: Livia.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Guilelmus de Rupefortis.
‘[H]orrida grandisonis alter canat arma cothurnis.’
‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 272-449.
Note on authorship: For the dedicatee see ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 50 n. 6.

Place of imprint: [Paris]: Félix Baligault, [not before 1495]. Format: 4°.
a–h8.6 i8.Bibliographical notes: Leaf i8v carries the blind impresssion of an astronomical illustration.
References: GW 1876;HC 1085;Goff A–699;BMC VIII 173;Pr 8276;CIBN A–372; Hillard 128; Sheppard 6438.

Bound with:
1. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De Neapolitana victoria. [Paris]: Félix Baligault, [between 18 May 1497 and 30 Oct. 1499] (A–278(1));
2. Robertus Gaguinus, Decertatio adversus Vincentium Bandellum de Castronovo de Mariae virginis conceptu. Paris: Félix Baligault, [c.1496] (G–010);
3. Dominicus Mancinus, Carmen de passione Christi. Paris: Félix Baligault, [c.1495-6] (M–048);
4. Baptista Mantuanus, In Robertum Severinatem panegyricum carmen. Paris: [Georg Wolf and Johann Philippi, for] E. J. and G. de Marnef and Jean Petit, 1497 (B–037);
5. Publius Faustus Andrelinus, De moralibus et intellectualibus virtutibus. [Paris: Johann Philippi de Cruzenach, for] Jean Petit, [c.1497-8] (A–280).
The last leaves of items 2, 3, and 6 all carry the blind impresssion of an astronomical illustration.
Binding: Seventeenth-century English limp parchment; 2 ties at fore-edges, now lost; yapp fore-edges; laced onto 4 supports; red-edged leaves; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 192 × 131 × 31 mm.
Size of leaf: 186 × 127 mm.
Provenance: On title of item 1, a sixteenth-century capital ‘R’, associated with books donated by Lord Hunsdon. The whole volume given in 1601 by George Carey (1547-1603), 2nd Lord Hunsdon; see Benefactors’ Register, I 9: ‘Faustus de Neapolitana victoria.4. Decertatio gaguini contra Vincent. 4. Mancinus de Passione Domini. 4. Mantuani Versus Encomiastici. 4. Faustus de Moralibus intellectualibusque virtutibus. 4. Liuia Eiusdem. 4.’; see James, Catalogus (1605), 321 which gives the same shelfmark for the volume as it has today: ‘Faustus de Neapol. victoria cum aliis in 4°. F1′; see Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ Register’, no. 26.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° F 1(6) Art.BW

Entry number: A-278
Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Uniform title: De Neapolitana victoria.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: ‘Carmen
[dedicatee] ad Johannem Stephanum Ferrerium designatum Vercellensem episcopum.’
‘Tollite sublimem Vercellae tollite cristam.’
Item location: a2r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: De Neapolitana victoria.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Johannes Stephanus Ferrerius.
‘[I]nclita iam dextro parta est victoria marte.’
See ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 208-10.
Item location: a5v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: De beata virgine crucifixum Christum gremio suo foventem elegia.
‘[H]eu, heu, quam summo genitrix astricta dolore.’
See ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 139-40.
Item location: a6v
Item author: Berthelotus, Stephanus
Item title: Epigramma.
‘Strenua cantauit diuinus prelia Faustus.’

Place of imprint: [Paris]: Félix Baligault, [between 18 May 1497 and 30 Oct. 1499]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Dated by Albert Labarre, ‘La marque de l’imprimeur parisien Félix Baligault comme élément de datation’, Gb Jb (1964), 305-11, at 309 no. 28.
References: GW 1882;C 461;Goff A–705;BMC VIII 178;Pr 8279;CIBN A–376; Hillard 131; Sheppard 6432-3.

First copy
Bound with A–277; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 186 × 127 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° F 1(1) Art.

Second copy
Bound with A–274; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 197 × 130 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. J 4.21(4).BW

Entry number: (A-279)
Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Uniform title: De Neapolitana Fornoviensique victoria.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: Ad lectorem.
‘Praelia magnanimi quondam victricia Carli’; 3 distichs.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: De Neapolitana Fornoviensique victoria.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Charles VIII, King of France.
‘[S]trenua cantabo generosi praelia Carli.’
See ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 205-8.
Item location: e8r
[List of errata.]

Place of imprint: Paris: Guy Marchant, for Jean Petit, [c.1503]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by CIBN, and Brigitte Moreau, Inventaire chronologique des éditions parisiennes du XVIe siècle d’après les manuscrits de Philippe Renouard, 4 vols (Paris, 1972-93), at I 91:2; dated ‘31 Aug. 1496′ in the colophon, but, for the historical reasons set out in BMC VIII p. xxv, note 2, and from the types and state of the device, this edition must be dated to the sixteenth century; Hillard dates [c.1501] on the evidence of the different states of the errata and the explicit.
a–d6 e8.
On a1v a woodcut coat of arms of the king of France(?) (three fleurs-de-lis crowned).
References: GW 1884;HC 1092;Goff, Supplement, A–705a;BMC VIII 439 and p. xxv note 2;Pr 8001;BSB–Ink A–523; CIBN I p. 85; Hillard 133; not in Sheppard.

Bound with A–274; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 197 × 133 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. J 4.21(12).BW

Entry number: A-280
Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Uniform title: De moralibus et intellectualibus virtutibus.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Petrus Coardus.
Incipit: ‘Cum his diebus proxime elapsis, eminentissime preses, saeuienti tum febre tum cancro mirum immodum discruciarer . . .’
Item location: a2r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: De moralibus et intellectualibus virtutibus panegyricum carmen.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Robertus Brissonetus and Petrus Coardus.
‘[N]on semper gracili modulandum est carmen auena.’
See ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 203-5. For the dedicatees see ‘Amores’ sive ‘Livia’, 143 and 203.
Item location: b8v
[List of errata.]

Place of imprint: [Paris: Johann Philippi de Cruzenach], for Jean Petit, [c.1497-8]. Format: 8&quo;.Bibliographical notes: Assigned by Polain 199 to [Georg Wolf] and by GW to [Guy Marchant].
a b8.
References: GW 1889;Goff A–702;BMC VIII 150;Pr 8401;CIBN A–374; Hillard 130; Sheppard 6377.

Bound with A–277; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 186 × 129 mm.
On b8v early manuscript note of further errata as printed in the edition of Paris: Michel Tholoze, for Denis Roce, [before 6 Dec. 1499] (A–281); b8v: ‘Post carmen Scylleas inter addas . . .’
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° F 1(5) Art.BW

Entry number: A-281
Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Uniform title: De moralibus et intellectualibus virtutibus.

Item location: a1v
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Petrus Coardus.
Incipit: ‘Cum his diebus proxime elapsis, eminentissime preses, saeuienti tum febre tum cacro(!) miru(!) immodum discruciarer . . .’
See A–280.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Andrelinus, Publius Faustus
Item title: De moralibus et intellectualibus virtutibus panegyricum carmen.
[dedicatee] Dedicated to Robertus Brissonetus and Petrus Coardus.
‘[N]on semper gracili modulandum est carmen auena.’
See A–280.
Item location: b8v
[List of errata.]

Place of imprint: [Paris]: Michel Tholoze, for Denis Roce, [before 6 Dec. 1499]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Dated from the state of the device; see BMC.
a b8.
Woodcut initial.
References: GW 1890;Goff A–703;BMC VIII 209;Pr 8405;CIBN A–375; Sheppard 6520.

Bound with A–274; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 197 × 132 mm.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. J 4.21(13).BW

Entry number: A-282
Angeli, Jacobus
Uniform title: Tractatus de cometis.

Item location: a1v
Item location: a2r
Item author: Angeli, Jacobus
Item title: Tractatus de cometis.
Incipit: ‘[M]vlti mirati fuerunt de apparitione comate stelle, que apparuit his diebus, et non sine causa . . .’
Thorndike IV 662-5 (partial edition of chapters 7 and 9).
Note on authorship: See Thorndike–Kibre 887; Thorndike IV 80-7.

Place of imprint: [Memmingen: Albrecht Kunne, c.1490]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Sack dates [c.1495].
a6 b4 c6.
References: GW 1891;HC *1099 = 5541;Goff A–709;BMC II 608;Pr 2807;BSB–Ink E–68; CIBN A–378; Sack, Freiburg, 181; Sheppard 2020.

Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 196 × 137 × 6 mm.
Size of leaf: 187 × 128 mm.
Early marginal notes and pointing hands; some underlining. On c6v: ‘Quis scit an adyciant hodierne crastina vite &pipe; Tempora dii superi &pipe; Puluis et vmbra sumus’ (Hor., Carm. 4. 7. 17-18, 16).
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1859), 9.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.67.BW

Entry number: A-283
Angeli, Johannes
Uniform title: Astrolabium.

Item location: [*1v]
Civitates octo climatum.
Incipit: ‘Ciuitates primi climatis. Arim. Tanabau . . .’
Item location: [*1v]
‘Figura characterum duodecim signorum celi.’
Item location: [*2r]
Item author: Ratdolt, Erhardus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Albrecht IV, Count Palatine, Duke of Bavaria.
Incipit: ‘Non me fugit, illustrissime princeps, clarissimos quarumlibet professionum viros haud mediocri apud veteres labore aut noua cudendo aut iam edita scriptis illustrando desudasse . . .’
Item location: [*2v]
[Note on the contents of the text.]
Incipit: ‘[E]tsi plurima astrologiae diuini numinis consciae accommoda astrolabii officio demonstrentur . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 529.
Item location: [*3r]
Item author: Angeli, Johannes
Item text: Opus astrolabii.’
Incipit: ‘[P]rima pars huius libri principalis tabulas pro quolibet climate duas in se continet. Prima enim tabula cuiuslibet signi et gradus ascendens qualibet hora atque minuto ostendit . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1094. BSB–Ink suggests Petrus de Abano as the author of a part of the Astrolabium: see also Das Heidelberger Schicksalsbuch. Das ‘Astrolabium planum’ deutsch aus CPG 832 der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, ed. B. D. Haage (Frankfurt am Main, 1981), 57-9.

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, [6 Oct.? or 27 Nov.?] 1488. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: The colophon reads ‘vigesimoseptimo kalendas Novembris.’
[*]4 a–e8 f–s4 t–y8 z12 A–C8 D12.Bibliographical notes: Collation as BMC, not GW.
443 woodcuts.
References: GW 1900;H *1100;Goff A–711;BMC II 382;Pr 1876;Jim Bennett and Domenico Bertolini Meli, Astronomy Books in the Whipple Museum 1478-1600 (Cambridge, 1994), 18-19, no. 4; BSB–Ink E–63; CIBN A–379; Hillard 135; Schramm XXIII p. 25; Schreiber V 3316; Sheppard 1318-19.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf D12.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 225 × 169 × 27 mm.
Size of leaf: 220 × 151 mm.
A few sixteenth-century marginal notes.
Provenance: Amadasio de’ Ghislieri (fl. 1487); on [*3v]: ‘Mei amadasii de ghisileriis decretorum doctoris’. In the Bodleian Library by 1620; see James, Catalogus (1620), 22.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.4.

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Johannes de Sacro Bosco, Sphaera mundi. Leipzig: Conrad Kachelofen, [1489] (J–179);
MS.: 6 folios with a treatise on the construction of a sundial, incipit: ‘Capitulum primum: De preparatione tabule. Pro compositione instrumenti per quod faciliter horam . . .’; see Ernst Zinner, Verzeichnis der astronomischen Handschriften des deutschen Kulturgebietes (Munich, 1925), nos 9798-9; Thorndike–Kibre 1130 with a reference to Vatican Library, MS. Pal. lat. 1439, fols 68v-75; watermark of a crown, close to Picard I, xii: 46;
2. Johannes Regiomontanus, Ephemerides. Venice: Petrus Liechtenstein, for Johannes Lucilius Santritter, 15 Oct. 1498 (R–039(3));
3. Firminus de Bellavalle, Opusculum repertorii prognosticon in mutationes aeris. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, [before 4 Nov.] 1485 (F–062(5)).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf D12.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English gold-tooled brown morocco; marbled pastedowns and gilt-edged leaves.
Size: 222 × 160 × 49 mm.
Size of leaf: 212 × 155 mm.
Provenance: Stephen Peter Rigaud (1774-1839). Purchased in 1839 by the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford; stamp. Acquisition history: Transferred in 1935.
Bodleian shelfmark: Rigaud e.358(4).BW

Entry number: A-284
Angeli, Johannes
Uniform title: Astrolabium.

Item location: [*2r]
Civitates octo climatum.
Incipit: ‘Ciuitates primi climatis: Arim, Tanabau . . .’
Item location: [*2r]
‘Figura characterum duodecim signorum celi.’
Item location: [*2v]
Item author: Angeli, Johannes
Item title: [Astrolabium].
Item text: Opus astrolabii plani.’
Incipit: ‘[P]rima pars huius libri principalis tabulas pro quolibet climate duas in se continet. Prima enim tabula cuiuslibet signi et gradus ascendens qualibet hora atque minuto ostendit . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 1094; the text continues after the note on the contents (below).
Item location: [*3r]
[Note on the contents of the text.]
Incipit: ‘[E]tsi plurima astrologie diuini numinis conscie accommoda astrolabii officio demonstrentur . . .’
See Thorndike–Kibre 529.

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes Emericus de Spira, for Lucantonio Giunta, 9 June 1494. Format: 4°.
[*]4 a–e8 f–s4 t–y8 z12 A–C8 D12.
420 woodcuts; woodcut initials.
References: GW 1901;HC *1101;Goff A–712;BMC V 539;Pr 5495;BSB–Ink E–64; CIBN A–380; Essling 433; Hillard 136; Sack, Freiburg, 182; Sander 384; Sheppard 4559-60.

First copy
Binding: Contemporary English (Cambridge) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, remains of one metal catch. On both covers triple fillets form a double frame; the inner rectangle is divided by double fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments. For the stamps see Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. xi, nos 48, 50, 63, 64, 73 (`Unicorn binder’); for the binder see Hobson, Cambridge Libraries, 40 no. xxx.
Size: 228 × 165 × 41 mm.
Size of leaf: 223 × 159 mm.
Provenance: Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692. Acquisition history: Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 460.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf D12.
Binding: Contemporary German (Tegernsee, Kyriß workshop no. 32) blind-tooled calf over modern wooden boards, the covers were reduced to a quarter binding when the volume was rebound; marks of two bosses. On both covers double fillets originally formed a double frame, of which only the part closest to the spine is preserved. In the frame two different stamps: a small scroll with the inscription ‘MARIA’ and a small five-petalled flower; for the latter see Kyriß pl. 69, no. 2. Similar bindings in Munich, BSB Clm 19852, 4° 525 and many others.
Size: 224 × 170 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 215 × 152 mm.
Decoration: Many woodcuts and initials are coloured in red, green, and yellow.
Provenance: Tegernsee, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Quirinus; on [*1r] dated note: ‘1499. Contenta huius libri. Attinet liber iste venerabili monasterio Tegernsee sancti Quirini martiris’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; shelfmark ‘Inc. c. a. 1061′ and no. 1901. Acquisition history: Date of acquisition unknown, although the shelfmark indicates a date of acquisition around 1840.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.83.BW

Entry number: A-285
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: &mcross;2r
Item author: Tornieli, Hieronymus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Angelus de Clavasio, [seeking his consent to print the Summa angelica.]
Incipit: ‘Pluribus retroactis temporibus, reuerende ac mi cordialissime pater, ad lecturam casuum conscientie promotus . . .’
Item location: &mcross;2v
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: [Response giving consent.]
Incipit: ‘Angelicam summam pro vtilitate confessorum et eorum qui cupiunt laudabiliter viuere . . .’
Item location: &mcross;3r
Incipit: ‘Incipit prologus in summa angelica de casibus conscientie per fratrem Angelum de Clauasio . . . Angelici spiritus et si diuine contemplationi semper intendant . . .’
Item location: &mcross;3r
‘Tabula declaratoria ordinis et contentorum.’
Incipit: ‘Et quia hec Angelica summa principaliter edita est pro simplicibus confessoribus non habentibus peritiam vniuersalem iuris, ideo hanc tabulam ei prepono que tria demonstrabit . . .’
Item location: &mcross;5r
‘Tabula . . . doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Incipit: ‘Secundo, presens tabula nomina doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris indicabit . . .’
Item location: &mcross;6r
List of types of references and abbreviations.
Incipit: ‘Tertio, hec tabula pro simplicibus declarat modum allegandi tam theologos quam iura canonica et ciuilia ac aliquas abbreuiationes . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
Extracts printed in Ernesto Bellone, ‘S. Bernardino come Auctoritas nelle opere del Beato Angelo da Chivasso (c.1410-1495)’, Atti del simposio internazionale Cateriniano-Bernardiniano, ed. Domenico Maffei and Paolo Nardi (Siena, 1982), 333-57. See Mario Bessone, Il beato Angelo Carletti da Chivasso (Cuneo, 1950), 179-83; L. Babbini, ‘Tre “Summae casuum” composte da tre francescani piemontesi della provincia di Genova’, Studi Francescani, 78 (1981), 159-69, at 165-69.
Item location: Z6r
Incipit: ‘Laus Iesu christo, virgini matri Marie, beato patri nostro sancto Francisco, sancto Seraphico Bonauenture doctori ceterisque dei electis. Explicit opus.’
Item location: Z6r
Item author: Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: [Verses addressed to
[dedicatee] the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.
Item location: Z6r
Item location: [*1r]
‘Rubrice iuris ciuilis et canonici.’

Place of imprint: Chivasso: Jacobinus Suigus, de Suico, 13 May 1486. Format: 4°.
&mcross;6 a–y8 z12 A–Z8 [*10].Bibliographical notes: Gathering [*] is numbered, but not signed.
References: GW 1923;HC 5382;Goff A–713;BMC VII 1111;Pr 7323;CIBN A–383; Oates 2725-6; Sheppard 6056.

Imperfections: Wanting the unsigned leaf &mcross;1. &mcross;2 signed &mcross;1 etc.
Binding: Contemporary (perhaps Swiss) blind-tooled dark brown calf over wooden boards, with metal clasp, and marbled pastedowns; rebacked. On both covers an intersecting frame formed by a pair of fillets with a square stamp of an eagle at each corner; the panel so formed is divided by diagonal fillets into lozenge compartments. The upper cover: at the head and tail of the frame are a floral stamp, and a stamp of a dog chasing a rabbit, and, on the outer side, the same stamps, with a stamp of a vase of flowers; the lozenge compartments contain a square bird stamp or a flower stamp. The lower cover: at the head of the frame are two stamps of the dog chasing the rabbit, a small rectangular pelican stamp, and at the tail a repeated stamp containing two birds; the lozenge compartments contain only the flower stamp.rubbing made; Swiss: M. Rozsondai (flower vase stamp)
Size: 230 × 158 × 75 mm.
Size of leaf: 220 × 146 mm.
Decoration: Running headings, paragraph marks, underlining, initial strokes, and a pointing hand are supplied in red ink on r2v and r3r only.
Provenance: Franz-Karl Bernhard Wallier (1711-1772); inscription on &mcross;2r. William Horatio Crawford (1815-1888); armorial book-plate; sale (1891), lot 771. Acquisition history: Purchased through Quaritch for £1. 1. 0; see Library Bills, 25 Mar. 1891.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.35.

Entry number: A-286
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: [*1r]
Item author: Tornieli, Hieronymus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Angelus de Clavasio, [seeking his consent to print the Summa angelica.]
Incipit: ‘Pluribus retroactis temporibus, reuerende ac mi cordialissime pater, ad lecturam casuum conscientie promotus . . .’
Item location: [*1v]
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: [Response giving consent.]
Incipit: ‘Angelicam summam pro vtilitate confessorum et eorum qui cupiunt laudabiliter viuere . . .’
Item location: [*2r]
Incipit: ‘Incipit prologus in summa angelica de casibus conscientie per fratrem Angelum de Clauasio . . . Angelici spiritus et si diuine contemplationi semper intendant . . .’
Item location: [*2r]
‘Tabula declaratoria ordinis et contentorum.’
Incipit: ‘Et quia hec Angelica summa principaliter edita est pro simplicibus confessoribus non habentibus peritiam vniuersalem iuris, ideo hanc tabulam ei prepono que tria demonstrabit . . .’
Item location: [*4r]
‘Tabula . . . doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Incipit: ‘Secundo, presens tabula nomina doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Item location: [*5r]
List of types of references and abbreviations.
Incipit: ‘Tertio, hec tabula pro simplicibus declarat modum allegandi tam theologos quam iura canonica et ciuilia ac aliquas abbreuiationes . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: K12v
Item author: [Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to
[dedicatee] the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.
Item location: K12v
Item location: [†1r]
Item text: Rubrice iuris ciuilis et canonici.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, 22 Oct. 1487. Format: 4°.
[*6] a–z [et] [con] [rum] A–R8 S [†10]Bibliographical notes: Gathering [†] is numbered, but not signed.
References: GW 1924 (Anm.);HC *5384;Goff A–714;BMC V 383;Pr 4913;BSB–Ink A–524; CIBN A–384; Oates 1928-9; Pellechet 3814; Polain 206; Rhodes 92; Sack, Freiburg, 184; not in Sheppard.

Variant setting of gatherings a and b, as Pellechet, Polain, and GW Anm., not as BMC.
Binding: Late fifteenth- or early sixteenth-century Italian (from Emilia or the Marches?) binding in Mudéjar style; dark brown goatskin over wooden boards with a very slight outward bevel. Blind-tooled. Two clasps, secured by three nails arranged in a triangle, hinge on the upper cover. Rectangular brass catches with three nicks on each side and four at the top, secured by four nails. Light brown edges. Double dark green and pale brown headbands, sewn diagonally. Sewn on four thongs. Head and tail of spine repaired (a line of small S–tools across the head and tail may be part of this repair). A line of larger S–tools inside two lines across the first and fifth compartment; the others have a horizontal decoration of lines and small quatrefoils. Pastedown and three endleaves at the front; pastedown and two endleaves at the end; a third cut out leaving stub; the pair of endleaves nearest the text at each end unopened at the head; no watermark visible. The pattern is of Mudéjar inspiration; see Henry Thomas, Early Spanish bookbindings (London, 1929), pls XLI, XLII and, for the central ‘cross’, pl. XXXI; but the technique is feeble by comparison with genuine Mudéjar work and the tools are all of common Italian types. The clasps hinge on the upper cover in the normal Italian manner. Broxb. 31.14 and related bindings are evidence of a Spanish craftsman or craftsmen at work in Emilia or the Marche c.1490. This volume may have been bound by an Italian imitating one of the Spaniard’s bindings.
Size: 246 × 171 × 71 mm.
Size of leaf: 234 × 170 mm.
Front endleaves contain a prayer in Latin, incipit: ‘Angula(!) deus in nomine tuo saluum me fac et virtute’; a religious poem of 17 lines in Italian, incipit: ‘Jo sono in vita deli cristiani fideli’; and seven diary entries in Italian from 1512, listing calamities.
Decoration: On a1r a six-line initial ‘A’ is supplied in red with purple pen-work vine-stem infill, expanding into inner margin as a foliate scroll ending in pen fleurons in inner and upper margins. Three- to seven-line initials are supplied in red or blue, with many initials covering small manuscript guide-letters in black ink. Paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: Bartholomeus (fl. 1510), son of Johannes, son of Petrus, of Santa Maria Villiana; inscription on the front endleaf: ‘Iste liber est mei bartolemei quondam johannis &pipe; olim petri scardatie(?) de sancta maria Villiana &pipe; comunis africi comitatus bon[oniensis] qui emtus fuit &pipe; in anno nativitatis M quinquagenteximo 10 die 25 aprilis.’ Albert Ehrman (1890-1969); purchased from Davis & Orioli, 22 Mar. 1950 for £60. Acquisition history: Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman.
Bodleian shelfmark: Broxb. 31.8.AEC

Entry number: A-287
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: [*1v]
Item author: Tornieli, Hieronymus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Angelus de Clavasio, [seeking his consent to print the Summa angelica.]
Incipit: ‘Pluribus retroactis temporibus, reuerende ac mi cordialissime pater, ad lecturam casuum conscientie promotus . . .’
Item location: [*2r]
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: [Response giving consent.]
Incipit: ‘Angelicam summam pro vtilitate confessorum et eorum qui cupiunt laudabiliter viuere . . .’
Item location: [*2v]
Incipit: ‘Incipit prologus in summa angelica de casibus conscientie per fratrem Angelum de Clauasio . . . Angelici spiritus et si diuine contemplationi semper intendant . . .’
Item location: [*2v]
‘Tabula declaratoria ordinis et contentorum.’
Incipit: ‘Et quia hec Angelica summa principaliter edita est pro simplicibus confessoribus non habentibus peritiam vniuersalem iuris, ideo hanc tabulam ei prepono que tria demonstrabit . . .’
Item location: [*5r]
‘Tabula . . . doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Incipit: ‘Secundo, presens tabula nomina doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Item location: [*6r]
List of types of references and abbreviations.
Incipit: ‘Tertio, hec tabula pro simplicibus declarat modum allegandi tam theologos quam iura canonica et ciuilia ac aliquas abbreuiationes . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: K12v
Incipit: ‘Laus Iesu christo, virgini matri Marie, beato patri nostro sancto Francisco, sancto Seraphico Bonauenture doctori ceterisque dei electis. Explicit opus.’
Item location: K12v
Item author: Nicolaus de Frankfordia [pseudo-;author Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.
Note on authorship: The poem of Jacobinus Suigus is here preceded by ‘Nicolaus de Franckfordia huius impressionis auctor ad lectorem’; and the last two distichs are reworded to bring them into line with the new printer.
Item location: K12v
Item location: [†1r]
‘Rubrice iuris ciuilis et canonici.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Nicolaus de Frankfordia, 30 Oct. 1487. Format: 4°.
[*6] a–z A–K [†12].Bibliographical notes: Gathering [†] is numbered, but not signed.
References: GW 1925;HC *5383;Goff A–715;BMC V 335;Pr 4804;BSB–Ink A–525; Rhodes 93; Sack, Freiburg, 185; Sheppard 3870.

Bound with:
2. Bartholomaeus de Chaimis, Confessionale. Venice: Reynaldus de Novimagio, 1486 (B–082).
Binding: Contemporary south German blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with metal catch. Intersecting double frame formed by a pair of fillets; within the outer a rose stamp and a lozenge-shaped stamp of a heart pierced by an arrow. In the inner rectangle, the same stamps and merrythoughts made up from headed-outline tools.M. Rozsondai; rubbing made
Size: 230 × 170 × 95 mm.
Size of leaf: 214 × 157 mm.
Notes in various hands. The introduction to the Kloß sale catalogue ascribes some of the notes to Philipp Melanchthon: this cannot be substantiated. Letter, dated 12 Aug. 1885, from J. S. Watson to Falconer Madan attached to endleaf.
Decoration: On a1r an eight-line initial ‘A’ is supplied in red and blue with purple pen-work, stylized acanthus-leaf infill, with pen flourishes in the inner margin. Three-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Initial strokes and underlining in red. Pointing hands in red and black ink.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); sale, 1835, no. 1104. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837); sale (1837), lot 257; Acquisition history: not contained in the invoice for books purchased by the Library at Hand’s sale, but listed in Library Bills 1827-8, no. 137, the list of ‘Books purchased by the Librarian’; purchased for £0. 17. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 9.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.27(1).AEC

Entry number: A-288
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: AAA7r
Item author: [Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.
Item location: AAA7r
Item location: AAA7v
‘Rubrice ciuilis et canonici.’

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 28 Aug. 1488. Format: Folio.
a8 b–z aa–zz [et et] [con con] [&ttilde; &ttilde;]6 AAA BBB8.
References: GW 1927;HC *5385;Goff A–717;BMC II 432;Pr 2064;BSB–Ink A–527; CIBN A–385; Oates 1014-15; Sack, Freiburg, 186; Sheppard 1510.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves a1 and BBB8.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf (c.1825) for the Bodleian Library; gold-tooled spine; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers.
Size: 315 × 220 × 52 mm.
Size of leaf: 307 × 197 mm.
Decoration: Two- to five-line initials are supplied in red, frequently over printed guide letters. Paragraph marks in headings, underlining, and initial strokes are supplied in red.
Provenance: Johannes Pluemel (fl. 1487-1506); see Dennis E. Rhodes, ‘The Library of Johann Plümel’, in Incunabula, ed. Davies, 231-41, at 240 no. 44. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 1. 0; see Books Purchased (1825), 7; inscription on endleaf: ‘Purchased at Hamburgh 1825.’
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 2.5.AEC

Entry number: A-289
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: [*2r]
Item author: Tornieli, Hieronymus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Angelus de Clavasio, [seeking his consent to print the Summa angelica.]
Incipit: ‘Pluribus retroactis temporibus, reuerende ac mi cordialissime pater, ad lecturam casuum conscientie promotus . . .’
Item location: [*2v]
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: [Response giving consent.]
Incipit: ‘Angelicam summam pro vtilitate confessorum et eorum qui cupiunt laudabiliter viuere . . .’
Item location: [*3r]
Incipit: ‘Incipit prologus in summa Angelica de casibus conscientie per fratrem Angelum de Clauasio . . . Angelici spiritus et si diuine contemplationi semper intendant . . .’
Item location: [*3r]
‘Tabula declaratoria ordinis et contentorum.’
Incipit: ‘Et quia hec Angelica summa principaliter edita est pro simplicibus confessoribus non habentibus peritiam vniuersalem iuris, ideo hanc tabulam ei prepono que tria demonstrabit . . .’
Item location: [*5r]
‘Tabula . . . doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Incipit: ‘Secundo, presens tabula nomina doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris indicabit . . .’
Item location: [*6r]
List of types of references and abbreviations.
Incipit: ‘Tertio, hec tabula pro simplicibus declarat modum allegandi tam theologos quam iura canonica et ciuilia ac aliquas abbreuiationes . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: X10r
Item author: [Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to
[dedicatee] the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.
Item location: X10r
Item location: [†1r]
‘Rubrice iuris ciuilis et canonici.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, 9 Oct. 1489. Format: 4°.
[*6] a–z [et] [con] [rum] A–V8 X [†10].Bibliographical notes: Gatherings [*] and [†] are numbered, but not signed.
References: GW 1928;CR 1662;Goff A–718;BMC V 384;Pr 4916;BSB–Ink A–528; Sheppard 4022.

Imperfections: Gathering [†] is bound after gathering [*]. Leaf f7 is signed f.
Binding: Contemporary German (Augsburg, Kyriß workshop no. 83) blind-tooled half calf over wooden boards. On both covers a frame formed by triple fillets, within which are two panels: in the outer one a small star stamp; the stamps in the inner one very badly damaged on the upper cover, but identifiable on the lower cover as Kyriß pl. 169, no. 1. On the spine, a stylized palm-leaf stamp.
Size: 223 × 165 × 80 mm.
Size of leaf: 214 × 155 mm.
Occasional marginal notes and underlining in black ink. On front endleaf, ‘Numisma aureum cui insculptum una quidem &pipe; facies Neronis ac circumscriptum NERO &pipe; CAESAR AVGVSTVS in altera parte &pipe; imperator sedens in curru triumphali et circum &pipe; scriptum IVPITER CVSTOS. &pipe; D. Sigis. Goss. habet &pipe; visum anno 1494 die 28 Octobris.’
Decoration: Two- to eight-line initials are supplied in red or blue. Section headings underlined and initial strokes are supplied in red.
Provenance: Konrad Peutinger (1465-1547); motto: ‘Virenti fortuna comis &pipe; K B’. ‘N.219′, in red pencil. Eighteenth-century German engraved book-plate: within an ornamental frame, issuing from a cloud on the sinister a vested arm holding a ring. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1854), 12.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.57.AEC

Entry number: A-290
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: [*1r]
Item location: [*2r]
Item author: Tornieli, Hieronymus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Angelus de Clavasio, [seeking his consent to print the Summa angelica.]
Incipit: ‘Pluribus retroactis temporibus, reuerende ac mi cordialissime pater, ad lecturam casuum conscientie promotus . . .’
Item location: [*2v]
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: [Response giving consent.]
Incipit: ‘Angelicam summam pro vtilitate confessorum et eorum qui cupiunt laudabiliter viuere . . .’
Item location: [*3r]
Incipit: ‘Incipit prologus in summa Angelica de casibus conscientie per fratrem Angelum de Clauasio . . . Angelici spiritus et si diuine contemplationi semper intendant . . .’
Item location: [*3r]
‘Tabula declaratoria ordinis et contentorum.
Incipit: ‘Et quia hec Angelica summa principaliter edita est pro simplicibus confessoribus non habentibus peritiam vniuersalem iuris, ideo hanc tabulam ei prepono que tria demonstrabit . . .’
Item location: [*5v]
‘Tabula . . . doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Incipit: ‘Secundo, presens tabula nomina doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris indicabit . . .’
Item location: [*6v]
List of types of references and abbreviations.
Incipit: ‘Tercio, hec tabula pro simplicibus declarat modum allegandi tam theologos quam iura canonica et ciuilia ac aliquas abbreuiationes . . .’
Item location: [*7v]
‘Rubrice iuris ciuilis et canonici.’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: GG7v
Item author: [Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: Martin Flach, 1 Dec. 1491. Format: Folio.
[* †8] a–f8.6 g–k6 l8 m–o6 p8 q–s6 t–y8.6 z A6 B–I8.6 K L6 M8 N–Q6 R8 S–U6 X8 Y6 Z8 AA8 BB CC6 DD–GG6.8.Bibliographical notes: Gatherings [*] and [†] are numbered, but not signed.
References: GW 1932;H *5391;Goff A–721;BMC I 151;Pr 692;BSB–Ink A–530; CIBN A–388; Rhodes 94; Sack, Freiburg, 189; Sheppard 514.

Binding: Contemporary German (perhaps Schwenke–Schunke–Rabenau 49, ‘Bremen, Dominikaner-Kloster’) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with metal clasps; rebacked. On both covers an intersecting double frame formed by a pair of fillets. The upper cover: within the outer frame a circular lamb-and-flag stamp; in the central rectangle merrythoughts, made up of a repeated individual headed-outline tool, and a repeated circular five-petalled rose stamp. The lower cover: within the frame circular stamps of the four evangelist symbols, and a circular lamb-and-flag stamp; panel divided by diagonal fillets into a lozenge and six triangular compartments, the former containing a circular lamb-and-flag stamp (possibly Schwenke–Schunke 154, no. 82a), the latter a half rosette stamp.rubbing made; M. Rozsondai
Size: 297 × 210 × 77 mm.
Size of leaf: 287 × 187 mm.
Underlining in black ink and occasional marginal notes.
Decoration: On [*2r] a twelve-line initial ‘P’ is supplied in red, with two crosses inside the lobe, and a third on the outer side of the stem, and extensions into the inner margin. On a1r a ten-line initial ‘A’ is supplied, decorated in green acanthus foliage, with infill of yellow foliage, all on a black background, and with extensions into the inner margin, ending in orange or blue leaves. Two- to six-line initials are supplied in red or blue, often over printed guide-letters. Paragraph marks and underlining are supplied in the prologue, tables, and rubrics. Capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Note of ownership(?) cut from the lower margin of [*2r]. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843); book-plate: see Lee, Royal Bookplates, 41 no. 24; not found in sale catalogue. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1848), 10.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.34.AEC

Entry number: A-291
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus [de Clavasio]
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: 2M8r
Item author: [Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to
[dedicatee] the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.

Place of imprint: Rouen: Jean Le Bourgeois, 30 Jan. 1495. Format: 4°.
[*8] &mcross;12 a–r8 [r]8 &longs;8 s–z8 [et]8 [con]8 A–X8 2A–M8.Bibliographical notes: Collation includes two forms of ‘r’ and ‘s’, and both ‘v’ and ‘u.’ Leaf d4 is signed ciiii, k2 is signed kiiii, and n2 is signed niiii.
References: GW 1937;Goff, Supplement, A–724a;BMC VIII 394;not in Pr;not in Sheppard.

Imperfections: Wanting gatherings [*] and &mcross; (title-leaf and prelims), gatherings f and E and leaves N5-8.
Binding: English seventeenth-century mottled calf; on both covers triple blind fillets form a border.
Size: 190 × 145 × 77 mm.
Size of leaf: 183 × 130 mm.
A few marginal notes, underlining, and pointing hands in black ink.
Provenance: ‘Thomas burre de Vinsent’ on a2r in a sixteenth-century(?) hand; perhaps Thomas Burr (†1561), rector of Little Massingham, Norfolk, 1558-61. On a1r ‘pretium iiijd’. Christopher Butcher; on 2M8v in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century(?) hand: ‘Christopherus Bucherus meus est [verus ?] &pipe; proprietarius teste george gippe &pipe; Buriensis et aliorum quorum sequens &pipe; tabella nomina [ ] indicabit’. Mostyn family, Gloddaeth (Gloddaith) Hall, near Llandudno, Gwynedd; book-plate; probably acquired either by Sir Thomas Mostyn, 2nd Bt (1651-92), or by Sir Thomas Mostyn, 4th Bt (1704-58), both noted as book collectors and bibliophiles; sale, The Mostyn Hall Library. Printed Books and Manuscripts: Part 1: A–D (London: Christie, Manson and Woods, 9 Oct. 1974), lot 74. Acquisition history: Purchased in 1984 for £350 from Thomas Thorp, catalogue 449, no. 8.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. F18.1495.1.AEC

Entry number: A-292
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: [*1r]
Item location: [*1v]
Item author: Tornieli, Hieronymus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Angelus de Clavasio, [seeking his consent to print the Summa angelica.]
Incipit: ‘Pluribus retroactis temporibus, reuerende ac mi cordialissime pater, ad lecturam casuum conscientie promotus . . .’
Item location: [*2v]
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: [Response giving consent.]
Incipit: ‘Angelicam summam pro vtilitate confessorum et eorum qui cupiunt laudabiliter viuere . . .’
Item location: [*2v]
Incipit: ‘Incipit prologus in summa Angelica de casibus conscientie per fratrem Angelum de Clauasio . . . Angelici spiritus et si diuine contemplationi semper intendant . . .’
Item location: [*3r]
‘Tabula declaratoria ordinis et contentorum.’
Incipit: ‘Et quia hec Angelica summa principaliter edita est pro simplicibus confessoribus non habentibus peritiam vniuersalem iuris, ideo hanc tabulam ei prepono que tria demonstrabit . . .’
Item location: [*6v]
‘Tabula . . . doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Incipit: ‘Secundo, presens tabula nomina doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris indicabit . . .’
Item location: [*7r]
List of types of references and abbreviations.
Incipit: ‘Tertio, hec tabula pro simplicibus declarat modum allegandi tam theologos quam iura canonica et ciuilia ac aliquas abbreuiationes . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: X8r
Item author: [Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to
[dedicatee] the reader.
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.
Item location: [†1r]
‘Rubrice ciuilis et canonici.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, 2 May 1495. Format: 8&quo;.
[*] a8 b–z A–U12 X8 [†12].Bibliographical notes: Gathering [†] is numbered, but not signed.
References: GW 1939;H *5398;Goff A–726;Pr 4926;BSB–Ink A–534; Sheppard 4028.

Imperfections: Gathering [†] bound after gathering [*]. Leaf U5 is signed U.
Binding: Quarter parchment. Index tabs.
Size: 184 × 122 × 59 mm.
Size of leaf: 176 × 112 mm.
Running headings, underlining, and marginal notes added in black ink.
Decoration: Two- and three-line initials are supplied in red in the sections beginning with the letters ‘D’, ‘E’, and ‘I’, and occasionally elsewhere; two- and three-line initials are supplied in black ink in table of rubrics only.
Provenance: Limay, near Mantes-la-Jolie, le-de-France, Celestines; on X7r:`Iste liber est celestinorum de Medunta. Sic signatus 86′, in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century hand; on [*1r]: ‘Data est nobis per fratrem calipel de Medunta’, also in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century hand. Francis Douce (1754-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 39.AEC

Entry number: A-293
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: [*1r]
Item location: [*1v]
Item author: Tornieli, Hieronymus
Item title: [Letter addressed to]
[dedicatee] Angelus de Clavasio, [seeking his consent to print the Summa angelica.]
Incipit: ‘Pluribus retroactis temporibus, reuerende ac mi cordialissime pater, ad lecturam casuum conscientie promotus . . .’
Item location: [*2r]
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: [Response giving consent.]
Incipit: ‘Angelicam summam pro vtilitate confessorum et eorum qui cupiunt laudabiliter viuere . . .’
Item location: [*2r]
Incipit: ‘Incipit prologus in summa Angelica de casibus conscientie per fratrem Angelum de Clauasio . . . Angelici spiritus et si diuine contemplationi semper intendant . . .’
Item location: [*2r]
‘Tabula declaratoria ordinis et contentorum.’
Incipit: ‘Et quia hec Angelica summa principaliter edita est pro simplicibus confessoribus non habentibus peritiam vniuersalem iuris, ideo hanc tabulam ei prepono que tria demonstrabit . . .’
Item location: [*3v]
‘Tabula . . . doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Incipit: ‘Secundo, presens tabula nomina doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris indicabit . . .’
Item location: [*4v]
List of types of references and abbreviations.
Incipit: ‘Tercio, hec tabula pro simplicibus declarat modum allegandi tam theologos quam iura canonica et ciuilia ac aliquas abbreuiationes . . .’
Item location: [*5r]
‘Rubrice ciuilis et canonici.’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: I7v
Incipit: ‘Laus Iesu christo, virgini matri Marie, beato patri nostro sancto Francisco, sancto Seraphico Bonauenture doctori ceterisque dei electis. Explicit opus.’
Item location: I7v
Item location: I7v
Item author: [Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to
[dedicatee] the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 23 Aug. 1498. Format: Folio.
[*] [†6] a–z A–I8.
References: GW 1944;H *5400;Goff A–728;Pr 2121;BSB–Ink A–536; Rhodes 97; Sheppard 1553.

Bound with:
2. Petrus de Palude, Sermones quadragesimales thesauri novi. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1496 (P–209).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf I8.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf (c.1825); gold-tooled spine; bound for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers.
Size: 322 × 227 × 57 mm.
Size of leaf: 315 × 207 mm.
Deleted manuscript note on [*1r], on the story of Judith.
Decoration: On a1r a twelve-line initial ‘A’ is supplied in blue, with reserved white infill decoration, edged in blue or red, on a green ground. The initial is edged in red and with red pen flourishing. Elsewhere three- and four-line initials and capital strokes are supplied in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1825), 7; inscription on [*1r]: ‘Purchased at Hamburgh 1825.’
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 2.3(1).AEC

Entry number: A-294
Angelus de Clavasio
Uniform title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae.

Item location: [*3r]
Incipit: ‘Angelici spiritus et si diuine contemplationi semper intendant . . .’
Item location: [*3r]
‘Tabula declaratoria ordinis et contentorum.’
Incipit: ‘Et quia hec Angelica summa principaliter edita est pro simplicibus confessoribus non habentibus peritiam vniuersalem iuris, ideo hanc tabulam ei prepono que tria demonstrabit . . .’
Item location: [*6r]
‘Tabula . . . doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris . . .’
Incipit: ‘Secundo, presens tabula nomina doctorum sacre theologie et vtriusque iuris indicabit . . .’
Item location: [*7r]
List of types of references and abbreviations.
Incipit: ‘Tertio, hec tabula pro simplicibus declarat modum allegandi tam theologos quam iura canonica et ciuilia ac aliquas abbreuiationes . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Angelus de Clavasio
Item title: Summa angelica de casibus conscientie.
Incipit: ‘[A]bbas debet esse presbyter . . .’
See A–285.
Item location: C10r
Item author: [Jacobinus Suigus
Item title: Verses addressed to
[dedicatee] the reader.]
‘Humano Angelicas quicumque audire loquelas &pipe; Ore cupis presens perlege lector opus’; 6 elegiac distichs.
Item location: 2a1r
‘Rubice(!) iuris ciuilis et canonici.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Paganinus de Paganinis, 7 June 1499. Format: 8&quo;.
[*8] a–z [et] [con] [rum] A B16 C 2a10.
References: GW 1945;HC *5401;Goff A–729;BMC V 460;Pr 5177;BSB–Ink A–537; Sack, Freiburg, 194; Sander 403; Sheppard 4273.

Imperfections: Wanting [*1-2]. Gathering 2a bound after gathering [*]. The inner sheets of g and l are misbound: g1-4, 7-8, 5-6, 11-12, 9-10, 13-16 and l1-4, 7-8, 5-6, 11-12, 9-10, 13-16. Leaf [et]6 signed [et]9, C2 signed C3.
Binding: Contemporary Netherlandish calf over wooden boards. Panel stamp of the Annunciation with surrounding legend: ‘Ave gracia plena. dominus tecum. ecce ancilla domini. Wilhelmus Voghels’; see Oldham, Shrewsbury School Bindings, 69. Marks of five bosses on each cover. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library inside both covers.
Size: 163 × 112 × 62 mm.
Size of leaf: 157 × 100 mm.
Occasional marginal notes.
Decoration: Three three-line initials and initial strokes are supplied in red on q15v and q16r only.
Provenance: Robert Lasege(?) (seventeenth/eighteenth century). Acquisition history: Purchased from William Lowndes for £0. 5. 0: see Library Bills (1815), 77; Books Purchased (1815), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.5.AEC

Entry number: A-295
Uniform title: Computus cum commento.

Item location: A2r
Item author: Anianus
Item title: Computus, [prologue].
Anianus, Le Comput manuel, ed. David Eugene Smith, Documents scientifiques du XVe siècle, 4 (Paris, 1928), 36 (facsimile of A2r). See Thorndike–Kibre 840.
Item location: A3r
Item author: Anianus
Item title: Computus.
Le Comput manuel, ed. Smith, 38 (facsimile of A3r), 37-48 (edition of the text), 82 no. 2 (this edition). See Thorndike–Kibre 243.
Item location: A3r
Incipit: ‘Quoniam in magno compoto tradite sunt multe regule et diuerse . . .’
Item location: F7r
[Versus quibus plura ad compotum necessaria cognoscuntur.]
‘Que vix antiqui potuerunt scribere libris &pipe; Decurrendo polum constanti mente rotundum &pipe; Aeriasque domos tentando et sidera cuncta &pipe; Queque fluunt ex his et quomodo sol moueatur &pipe; Intus habes collecta breui compendio et arte’; 11 sections of 5 hexameters each.
Item location: F8r
Item location: G1r
Item author: [Johannes de Sacrobosco?]
Item title: Algorismus vulgaris. [Also known as De arte numerandi.]
J. O. Halliwell, Rara mathematica (London, 1839), 1-26; see Thorndike–Kibre 991: the incipit, derived from Boethius, is used by Johannes de Sacrobosco and by Gualterus Britte, Theoremata planetarum; for the former see BL MS. Harley 4350, fols 15v-25v; for the latter see John Bale, Index Britanniae Scriptorum: John Bale’s Index of British and Other Writers, ed. Reginald Lane Poole with the help of Mary Bateson, reissued with introduction by Caroline Brett and James P. Carley (Oxford, 1902; reissued Woodbridge, 1990), 100; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 865.
Item location: H3v
‘Perutilis ac subtilis algorismi practica.’
Incipit: ‘Pro expeditionne(!) regularum algorismi excogitatus est quidam modus facilis et leuis per denarios proiectiles . . .’
Item location: H5r

Place of imprint: Strasbourg: Johann Prüss, 14 Nov. 1488. Format: 4°.
A8 B C6 D–F8 G H6.
References: GW 1951;H *1109;Goff A–732;BMC I 121;Pr 537;BSB–Ink A–539; Oates 209; Sack, Freiburg, 196; Sheppard 416; Smith, Arithmetica, 31-3.

Bound with:
2. Carolus Maneken, Formulae epistolarum. [Strasbourg: Martin Schott], 8 Jan. 1490 (M–060);
3. Johannes de Garlandia, Cornutus cum commento. Hagenau: Heinrich Gran, 1489 (G–039(1)).
Imperfections: Wanting F4.
A paper strip is pasted over the last two lines on F3v.
Binding: Contemporary German half pigskin over wooden boards, remains of a metal clasp with the word ‘Maria.’
Size: 207 × 145 × 45 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 130 mm.
On A1r notes on contents in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand added to the title of the first item. Copious early marginal notes in German hands, mainly consisting of calculations, lists for memorizing saints’ feasts for each month, mnemonic verse, excerpts from Isidore and Duranti; some interlinear glosses. On F8v medical recipes; on H6r: ‘Receptum doctoris Johannis Stacke [or Stricker?] contra dentium asperitates’, partly in German; on H6v note on the death of ‘Hainricus Müller ac frater meus dilectissimus’ on 22 Sept. 1493. On H6v and [*1r] of item 2, further recipes; on [*1r] of item 2, draft of a letter written on behalf of Emperor Friedrich III (1415-1493) and dated 1493 and another letter from Jodocus [Bentelin], Abbot of Weingarten (1455-77), to Johannes Zeller, describing an event in the monastery, followed by a quotation ascribed to Cicero, De officiis, but really Juvenal 8.140-1: ‘Omne enim vitium tanto perspectius in se crimen habet quanto qui peccat maior habetur’; on Bentelin see Karl Löffler, Die Handschriften des Klosters Weingarten (Leipzig, 1912), 10. Two leaves of manuscripts notes cut out between items 2 and 3.
Provenance: Buxheim, Bavaria, Carthusians, BVM; on A1r: ‘Cartusi&ae; in Buxheim’ and stamp. Graf von Ostein, 1803. Sold in 1883 by Graf Hugo von Waldbott-Bassenheim (1820-1895); Buxheim sale, lot 3313.ACQUIRED Bought by Falconer Madan for the Bodleian for 10 Marks; see Library Bills, 19 Feb. 1884; see also Honemann, ‘Buxheim Collection’, Bod1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.50(1).BW

Entry number: A-296
Uniform title: Computus cum commento.

Item location: a2r
Item author: [Anianus]
Item title: Computus, [prologue].
Le Comput manuel, ed. Smith. See Thorndike–Kibre 840.
Item location: a3r
Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam in magno compoto tradite sunt multe regule et diuerse . . .’
Item location: a5r
Item author: Anianus
Item title: Computus.
Le Comput manuel, ed. Smith. See Thorndike–Kibre 243.
Item location: a5r
Incipit: ‘Quattuor in partes etc. In ista parte actor prosequitur de suo intento . . .’
Item location: e5v
[Versus quibus plura ad compotum necessaria cognoscuntur.]
‘Que vix antiqui potuerunt scribere libris &pipe; Decurrendo polum constanti mente rotundum &pipe; Aereasque domos tentando et sydera cuncta &pipe; Queque fluunt ex his et quomodo sol moueatur &pipe; Intus habes collecta breui compendio et arte’; 11 sections of 5 hexameters each.
Item location: e6v
[Two tables with explanatory note.]

Place of imprint: Lyons: Jean Du Pré, 24 Jan. 1490/1. Format: 4°.
On a5v, a6r, a8r, b2v, b3r, c5v, and c6r woodcuts of hands; on c2v and d1r schematic woodcuts; on e6v and e7r woodcut tables.
References: GW 1958;C 1730;Pr 8586;Pellechet 772; Sheppard 6646.

Imperfections: Wanting a1 and b1.
Leaf a2r: ‘ . . . Computus . . .[ ]Vx orta &macrone;’; a5r: ‘nobis fa &pipe; cit . . . de suo in= &pipe; tento . . .’; not as GW. However, the GW transcription appears to have been based on Pellechet, and is incorrect (correspondence between A. Coates and H. Nickel, 5 Oct., 9 Oct. and 20 Oct. 2000).
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century pasteboards.
Size: 195 × 133 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 191 × 127 mm.
On e8v computistic drawing.
Decoration: Initial is supplied in red.
Provenance: Unidentified sale; note of acquisition by Heber on endleaf ‘Sale by L[eigh] S[otheby] July 1806′; purchased by Heber for £0. 9. 0, according to the price annotated in red ink in Heber’s sale catalogue. Richard Heber (1773-1833); see Catalogue, 5 (1835), lot 2525, sold for £0. 0. 6. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 3. 0 according to Books Purchased (1835), 8.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.60.BW

Entry number: A-297
Anna, S
Uniform title: Legenda S. Annae.

Item location: [a1v]
‘Anna suos prosperat cultores iuuat et consolatur. Annam quisquis amat felicia tempora habebit &pipe; Et modo succedant fata secunda sibi’; headline and 6 elegiac distichs.
Item location: [a1v]
‘Oratio ad sanctam Annam.’
‘Aue domina sanctissima, Anna deo dignissima, &pipe; que clara inter aurea celorum splendes sidera. &pipe; Tu prece tua inclita nostra ablue crimina &pipe; et pro nobis posce gaudia tecum in celesti gloria’; 4 lines of verse.
Followed by prose: Incipit: ‘Ora pro nobis beata Anna, vt mundemur ab omnibus malis in hac vita. Oremus: Deus, qui beatam Annam diu sterilem prole voluisti gloriosa et humano genere salutifera fecundari, da quis vt omnes, qui in terra matrem et filiam venerantur, vtriusque presencia in hora mortis gaudere mereantur per Christum dominum nostrum.’
Item location: [a2r]
Legenda S. Annae, praefatio.
Incipit: ‘[A]nna matrona beatissima, regalis plantula ex stirpe Dauitica, Christi Jesu inclita domina seu venerabilis auia materque Dei genitricis Marie illibate precipua reuerencia dignissima christicolis vniuersis indefessa laude venit recolenda . . .’
See BHL 488 and also E. Schaumkell, Der Kultus der heiligen Anna am Ausgange des Mittelalters. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des religiösen Lebens am Vorabend der Reformation (Freiburg im Breisgau and Leipzig, 1893), 82 no. 5. According to the praefatio, written by a Franciscan monk.
Item location: [a4r]
Legenda S. Annae.
Incipit: ‘[I]n Judea ciuitate Bethleem (vt scribit sanctus Cyrillus episcopus Hierosolimitanus in consilio Ephesino se presente catholice celebrato quemadmodum etiam ex diuersis in vnum cronicis colligitur) erat virgo quedam genere nobilis de domo Dauid etate iuuenis, animo senilis, sed virtute quidem morum longe prestantior, Emerencia nomine . . .’
See BHL 488.
Item location: f6v
[Note on an indulgence of 40 days, conceded by Hermannus von Hessen, Archbishop of Cologne (1480-1508), Johannes von Horn, Bishop of Liège (1484-1505) and David de Burgundia, Bishop of Utrecht (1457-94), to those praying in front of the image of the Virgin Mary.]
Item location: f6v
Item author: Bernardus [Claravallensis]
Item title: [Sermo.]
Bernardus Claravallensis, Opera, V (Rome, 1968), 248; part of Sermo quartus in assumptione.
Item location: g1r
‘Institucio fraternitatis rosarii Marie virginis.’
Incipit: ‘Anno domini M.cccc.lxxv. laudabilis fraternitas rosarii in alma vniuersitate Coloniensi per doctores sacre theologie predicatorum ordinis . . .’
Item location: g2r
‘Confirmacio fraternitatis rosarii Marie.’
Incipit: ‘Anno domini M.cccc.lxxvi. Alexander episcopus Forliuiensis legatus a latere pretactam fraternitatem approbauit . . .’
Lists papal approbations for the fraternity in the years after 1476, followed by some short prayers.
Item location: g5r
‘Adoptacio moralis rosarii Marie virginis.’
Incipit: ‘[R]osarii nomen presens oratio sortitur primo propter florigeram rosam virginem Mariam suauissimam, que rosa appellatur . . .’
Item location: g7r
Item location: g7v
Item author: [Brant, Sebastian(?)]
Item text: Epigramma ad religiosum patrem fratrem Dominicum.’
‘Accipe, Dominice, roseum crinale Marie &pipe; Quod pater expande dulcis in ore libeus(!)’; 9 distichs.

Place of imprint: Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, 7 Nov. [14]96. Format: 8&quo;.
[a] b–g8.
On [a1r] a woodcut depicting St Anne, with Virgin and Child; on f6r a woodcut depicting the Virgin and Child in a rosary and a kneeling monk; on g8r a woodcut depicting the Virgin and Child surrounded by God the Father, the Holy Spirit and kneeling figures.
References: GW 2005;HC 1111 = 12452 (II);Pr 9240;BSB–Ink L–81; Boekdrukkunst (1973), 72; Campbell 1096; HPT II 437; ILC 252; Oates 3722; Sheppard 7098.

Leaf [a1] cropped.
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf.
Size: 143 × 105 × 11 mm.
Size of leaf: 136 × 96 mm.
On [a1r]: ‘In cinerem reuerter’ and date 1561. On g8r a note in Cologne dialect, probably a prayer to the Virgin Mary.
Decoration: On [a1v] and [a2r] an initial and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes and underlining.
Provenance: Johannes Roelands (sixteenth century); inscription on g8r: ‘Pertinet Johanni Roelands’, in a sixteenth-century Dutch hand. On [a1r]: ‘Hic liber est Anchelini A[ ] nulli socio comparandus’. Jean Fran&ccedilla;ois van de Velde (1743-1823); name on [a1r]. Benjamin Heywood Bright (1788-1843); sale (1845), lot 136. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 7. 0; see Books Purchased (1845), 2.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.35.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 3.7.BW

Entry number: A-298
Anna, S
Uniform title: Historia S. Annae. Miracula S. Annae.

Item location: a2r
Item author: [Dorlandus, Petrus]
Item text: Prologus in primum librum de origine sancte Anne.’
Incipit: ‘[D]e paupertate mea te pulsante, te inquietante, mi pater Dominice (etsi non ideo quia amicus es, sed quia importunus es) de cubili surrexi et prestiti vtcumque quod ipse petisti . . .’
The text is attributed to Martinus Sclegers in BHL 489, but to Petrus Dorlandus in BHL Supplement (1986), 489 and by L. Willems, ‘Pieter Doorlant en zijne twee levens van Sint Anna’, Tijdschrift voor boek- en bibliotheekwezen, 8 (1910), 1-16. On Petrus Dorlandus and this edition see Albert Ampe, ‘Petrus Dorlandus O.Carth. en Dominicus van Gelre O.P.’, in Hellinga Festschrift/ Feestbundel/ Mélanges (Amsterdam, 1980), 29-42, at 30-3.
Item location: a2v
Item author: [Dorlandus, Petrus]
Item text: Suam auctor agnoscens insufficientiam Anne presidium implorat. Hic Anne matris auxilium inuocatur.’
Incipit: ‘[T]e nunc, Anna beatissima, humiliter inuoco, vt me tuas sacras laudes dicere cupient(!) tua gratia irrigare digneris . . .’
Item location: a2v
Item author: [Dorlandus, Petrus
Item title: Historia S. Annae.]
Incipit: ‘[I]n annalibus veterum conspectum repperi quod anno quadringentesimo vicesimo octauo, dum Nestorius heresiarcha episcopus Constantinopolitanus sua nephandissima doctrina orientis regna pollueret . . .’
See BHL Supplement (1986), 489.
Item location: d1r
Item author: [Dorlandus, Petrus]
Item text: Prologus in librum miraculorum Anne beatissime.’
Incipit: ‘Quisquis ille es qui aut criminum molibus pregrauaris aut scelerum enormitate terreris . . .’
The text is attributed to Martinus Sclegers in BHL 489, but to Petrus Dorlandus by the Supplementum ad loc.
Item location: d1v
Item author: [Dorlandus, Petrus]
Item text: Miracula et prodigia Anne matris.’
Incipit: ‘[A]nno domini millesimo sexagesimo secundo fuit in regione Vngarie iuuenis quidam ditissimus vicesimum annum agens . . .’
Attributed to Petrus Dorlandus; see BHL 505.
Item location: f4v
‘Missa de beatissima Anna.’
Incipit: ‘[S]alue saucta(!) parens genitrix veneranda Marie . . .’
Not in AH.
Item location: f5v
‘Missa de quinque vulneribus domini nostri Jhesu Christi.’
Incipit: ‘[H]umiliauit semetipsum dominus noster Jhesus Christus vsque ad mortem . . .’
Item location: f6r
Item author: [Dorlandus, Petrus
Item title: Letter to]
[dedicatee] Martinus Sclegers in Deyst.
Incipit: ‘[S]alutem in Cristo plurimam. Cum mecum ipse alta mente cogitarem, Mature(!) dulcissime, que tu michi hesterno sermone de Anne diue matris hystoria obicere temptasti . . .’
See BHL Supplement (1911), 489a, Supplement (1986), 489a.
Item location: g1v
Item author: [Brant, Sebastian(?)]
Item text: Epigramma ad fratrem.’
‘[A]ccipe, Dominice, roseum criuale(!) Marie &pipe; Quod pater expande dulcis in ore libens’; 9 distichs.
Attributed to Sebastian Brant by Ampe 29-42.

Place of imprint: [Antwerp: Govaert Bac, not before 1493]. Format: 4°.
a b6 c8 d–f6 g4.
On a1r a woodcut depicting the Holy Trinity, the Virgin and St Anne, within an architectural frame; on g3v a woodcut depicting the Mass of St Gregory.
References: HC 1118; C 5322;BMC IX 202;Pr 9445;Campbell 1507; Hillard 1819; HPT II 391; ILC 244; Sheppard 7248.

Imperfections: Wanting a1 and g2, 3, 4.
Leaf a4 bound before a3.
Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century quarter red sheep.
Size: 187 × 125 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 182 × 120 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes. On a4r an early note on the Holy Places, probably excerpts from a description of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Decoration: Initials are supplied in red.
Provenance: Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce A 477.BW

Entry number: A-299
Annius, Johannes
Uniform title: Auctores vetustissimi (comm. Johannes Annius).

Item location: a2r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Ad Christianissimos Hispaniarum reges Ferdinandum et consortem eius Elisabetham epistola.’
[dedicatee] Letter to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Castile, Aragon, and León.
Incipit: ‘Quibus efferendi sunt laudibus reges ac principes quibus mundus iuste disponitur . . .’
On Annius and his forgery of this work see Roberto Weiss, ‘An Unknown Epigraphic Tract by Annius of Viterbo’, in Italian Studies Presented to E. R. Vincent, ed. C. P. Brand, K. Foster and U. Limentani (Cambridge, 1962), 101-20; E. N. Tigerstedt, ‘Ioannes Annius and Graecia mendax’, in Classical, Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies in Honor of Berthold Louis Ullman, ed. Charles Henderson, Jr, II (Rome, 1964), 293-310; C. R. Ligota, ‘Annius of Viterbo and Historical Method’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 50 (1987), 44-56; Walter E. Stephens, ‘The Etruscans and Ancient Theology in Annius of Viterbo’, in Umanesimo a Roma nel Quattrocento, Atti del convegno su ‘Umanesimo a Roma nel Quattrocento’, New York 1-4 dicembre 1981, ed. Paolo Brezzi and Maristella de Panizza Lorch (Rome, 1984); Roland Crahay, ‘Réflexions sur le faux historique: le cas d’Annius de Viterbo’, Bulletin de la classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques de l`Académie Royale de Belgique, 5th ser., 69 (1983), 241-67. Annius’s forgeries were recognised as such, by some, soon after their appearance; see Weiss, ‘Unknown Epigraphic Tract’, 105 n. 4.
Item location: a3r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘Theologi officium est, rerum ueritatem precipue que ad res diuinas spectat . . .’
Item location: a3r
[List of contents.]
Item location: b4v
[Papal privilege of Alexander VI.]
Item location: A1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Myrsilum.’
Incipit: ‘[T]radunt Greci Myrsilum fuisse patria Lesbium, professione historicum, qui de bello Pelasgico in Thuscia et Latio contra Siculos scripserit . . . A fine huius exponere incipiam. Ruine Troiane fuerunt anno trecentesimo minus tribus . . .’
See Wifstrand Schiebe, ‘De Anni Viterbiensis Antiquitatum libris anno 1498&quo; editis’, Vox Latina, 28 (1992), 2-13.
Item location: A1r
Item author: Myrsilus Lesbius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes
Item title: De origine Italiae et Turrenorum.]
Incipit: ‘Italiam coluere Greci, Arcades, Veneti, Lygures, Ardeates, Rutuli, Siculi . . .’
Item location: B1v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super fragmenta Catonis.’
Incipit: ‘[M]arcus Cato Porcius, Sempronius et alii uiri illustres Romani scripserunt de origine gentium et urbium Italie . . . Ergo Grecorum iactantia simul et ignominiosa origo Italiae per insaniam a Grecis falso obiecta . . .’
See Edoardo Fumagalli, ‘Un falso tardo-quattrocentesco: lo pseudo-Catone di Annio da Viterbo’, in Vestigia. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Billanovich, ed. R. Avesani and others, 2 vols, Storia e Letteratura, 162-3 (Rome, 1984), I 337-63.
Item location: B2r
Item author: Cato, Marcus Porcius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes
Item title: De origine gentium et urbium Italicarum fragmenta.]
Incipit: ‘Greci tam impudenti iactantia iam effunduntur . . .’
Item location: E3v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super epithetum Archiloci de temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘[A]rchilocus Grecus chronographus, floruit Olympico certamine uictor, floruit cum Simonide et Aristoxene Olympiade xxix . . . Vt diximus, quia ante Nynum tempora ignorauerunt Greci . . .’
Item location: E4r
Item author: Archilocus Graecus [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘Maseas(!) Phenix Damascenus libro nonagesimo septimo historiarum asserit ante Nynum ferme ducentis quinquaginta annis fuisse inundationem terrarum . . .’
Item location: E6r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Methastenem.’
Incipit: ‘[M]etasthenes Persa fuit gente, ut titulus indicat . . . Dat regulas temporum Metasthenes, ut ex eis sciemus(!) iudicare . . .’
Item location: E6r
Item author: Metasthenes Persa [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes
Item title: De iudicio temporum et annalium Persarum.]
Incipit: ‘Qui de temporibus scribere parant, necesse est illos non solo auditu et opinione chronographiam scribere . . .’
Item location: F1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Vertunnianam Propertii. Prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sepe meminit Berosus cognominum ac proprii nominis Noe . . .’
Item location: F1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Vertunnianam Propertii.’
Incipit: ‘[A]perienda sunt cognomina et cause cognominum Iani qui et Noe . . . Quasi dicat ne mireris Properti tot formas in hoc simulacro impressas . . .’
Item location: F2r
Item author: Propertius, [Sextus
Item title: Elegiae.]
Prop. 4. 2.
Item location: G1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Pro comentariis Phylonis questionale prohemium.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]veritur de genealogia Saluatoris sit certa et manifesta . . .’
Item location: G2r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Phylonis breuiarium de temporibus. Prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘[E]xponemvs antea librum primum Phylonis, deinde secundum . . .’
Item location: G3r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Phylonis breuiarium de temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘Hec est igitur prima pars Philonis quam ipse in quinque partes diuidit . . .’
Item location: G3r
Item author: Philo [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Breuiarium de temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘[A]b Adam usque ad diluuium fluxerunt anni mille sexcenti quinquaginta sex . . .’
Item location: H8v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Xenophontem de equiuocis.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]vis fuerit iste Xenophon nondum compertum habeo . . . Lactantius primo diuinarum institutionum libro . . .’
Item location: H8v
Item author: Xenophon [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De equiuocis.’
Incipit: ‘[S]aturni dicuntur familiarum nobilium regum qui urbes condiderunt senissimi . . .’
Item location: K1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Sempronium de diuisione et chorographia Italie. Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[C]aius Sempronius uir inter Romanos illustris cuius meminit Dionisius Halicarnasseus . . .’
Item location: K1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Comentaria super Sempronium de diuisione et chorographia Italie.’
Incipit: ‘Huic libro titulus scriptus his uerbis premittitur . . .’
Item location: K1r
Item author: Sempronius, Gaius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De diuisione et chorographia Italie.’
Incipit: ‘[V]niuersa Italia a iugis Alpium oritur et in Leucopetram, fretumque Siculum terminatur . . .’
Item location: L4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Fabium Pictorem de aureo seculo et de origine urbis Rome ac uocabulorum eius.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]uintus Fabius Pictor illustris familia Fabia et bonarum disciplinarum gloria, ut qui etiam a nobilissimis auctoribus in testimonium aduocetur . . . Quia ex his ferme pendent omnium antiquitates et origines . . .’
Item location: L4r
Item author: Fabius Pictor, Quintus [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De aureo seculo et de origine urbis Rome ac uocabulorum eius.’
Incipit: ‘[I]talie imperium penes duos populos principes extitit . . .’
Item location: N3v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super duo fragmenta Itinerarii Antonini Pii.’
Incipit: ‘[A]ntoninus Pius Cesar Augustus, etiam pietatis laudem confirmauit . . . Plinius in iii Naturalis Histori&ae; capitulo vi asserit se in partitione Italiae nolle sequi Augusti ordinem . . .’
Item location: N3v
Item author: Antoninus Pius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Itinerarium.’
Incipit: ‘[D]iuus Augustus quamuis totum orbem recte diuiserit ubi ait, orbis totus diuiditur in partes tris . . .’
Item location: N8r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Super Berosum prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘[B]erosus fuit patria Babillonicus et dignitate Caldeus . . .’
Item location: N8r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Super . . . Berosum prohemium.’
Incipit: ‘[B]erosus in primo libro tradit quid antecessit primum diluuium . . .’
Item location: O1v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria . . . super primum librum Berosi . . .’
Incipit: ‘[I]n hoc primo libro Berosus, ut supra exposuimus, agit de his que precesserunt inundationem terrarum . . . Facit Berosus auditores attentos dociles et beniuolos . . .’
Item location: O1v
Item author: Berosus Babylonicus [pseudo-author Annius, Johannes
Item title: Ad emendandos antiquitatum errores.]
Incipit: ‘[A]nte aquarum cladem famosam qua uniuersus periit orbis . . .’
On pseudo-Berosus and the Giants: see W. E. Stephens, ‘0.6 mm“De historia gigantum”: Theological Anthropology before Rabelais’, Traditio, 40 (1984), 43-89, at 70-89.
Item location: Y5v
Item author: [Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Prefatio super supplementa Manethonis ad Berosum.’
Incipit: ‘[M]anethon sacerdos Egyptius historicus ut Eusebius dicit de temporibus . . .’
Item location: Y5v
Item author: [Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Comentaria.’
Incipit: ‘Post Caldeos historicos sequuntur Egyptii scriptores . . .’
Item location: Y5v
Item author: Manetho [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Supplementa Manethonis ad Berosum.’
Incipit: ‘[B]erosus inter Caldeos historicos probatior, deflorauit breuissimis annotationibus omnia Caldaica . . .’
Item location: Z8v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Etrusca chronographia. Prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘[M]iror cur Latini suam chronographiam propriam a Iano principe et habitata prisca Italia sub aureo seculo . . .’
Item location: &1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Etrusca simul et Italica emendatissima chronographia.’
Incipit: ‘[O]mnis historia integra est et certissima reddit . . .’
Item location: &4r
[First colophon.]
Item location: c1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Institutio de equiuocis prima.’
Incipit: ‘[A]ristoteles ubique docet aequiuoca nomina primum esse distinguenda . . .’
Item location: c4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Secunda institutio de definitione nominum Turrene, Volturrene, Etrurie et de forma ueteri eiusdem urbis.’
Incipit: ‘[U]bi iam origo quasi equiuoca Turrene, Volturne et Etrurie patuit . . .’
Item location: c4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Tertia institutio ubi sit tetrapolis Etruria.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]verentibus ubi sit tetrapolis Etruria . . .’
Item location: c7v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Quarta institutio de excisis memoriis.’
Incipit: ‘[S]ex tabule memoratu digne excise marmoribus extant de antiquitate et rebus Etrurie . . .’
Item location: e3r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item title: [Commentaria super Desiderium.]
Incipit: ‘Diuiditur hoc transumptum ex decreto decitum(!) . . . Primum beneficium est restitutio lacus . . .’
Item location: e3v
Item author: Desiderius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Decretum Desiderii regis Italiae.’
Weiss, ‘Unknown Epigraphic Tract’, 101-20.
Item location: f4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Ad consobrinum suum fratrem Thomam Annium . . . epistola responsiua’. ‘xl questiones.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]ueris innumera, dulcissime frater, de limitibus, gentibus et populis atque nominibus uetustissimis Thuscie . . .’
Item location: k1r
Item author: [Annius, Johannes(?)]
Item text: De primis temporibus et quatuor ac viginti regibus primis hispanie et eius antiquitate.’
Incipit: ‘Qui de temporibus emendatius scribunt, aiunt Deucalionem natum anno secundo Spheri Assyrie regis . . .’
Item location: k6r
[Second colophon.]

Place of imprint: Rome: Eucharius Silber, 10 July 1498, 3 Aug. 1498. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Copies known with and without Papal privilege printed on b4v.
a8 b4 A–D6 E8 FG6 H I8 K L6 M N8 O–Y6 Z8 &4 c8 d–k6.
Woodcut of Rome on M1v.
References: GW 2015;HC *1130;Goff A–748;BMC IV 118;Pr 3888;BSB–Ink A–541; CIBN A–399; Sander 407; Sheppard 3075.

Imperfections: Wanting the papal privilege on b4v.
Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled calf; marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 313 × 223 × 45 mm.
Size of leaf: 305 × 209 mm.
Marginal annotations, and some underlining in red. On k6v five distichs in brown ink, having the following incipits: ‘Si capuer . . . currit ventrem sibi . . . urpro . . . volabit’ (one distich); ‘Parcite celestes nec sit mihi culpa fateri’ (two distichs); ‘Nestoreos quisquis vitam producere in annos’ (two distichs). On the verso of the front endleaf, a shelfmark, ‘C.II.V.6′.
Provenance: Cardinal Benedetto Lomellini (1517-1579); oval armorial stamp, lettered, on a2r. Bishop Bergonci; oval armorial stamp of a bishop, showing a tower with two turrets, a bird on each; for a similar device see Gelli 46 and pl. XIV no. 73, and Bragaglia 468. A pencil note on the endpaper suggests that it was once the property of Pius VI (Pope 1775-99), and that it was sold at the Meerman sale. Gerard Meerman (1722-1771); manuscript catalogue (MMW S 145 V, fol. 77r); acquired after 1756 (ex informatione Jos van Heel). Johan Meerman (1753-1815); sale, vol. III/2, p. 155, lot 861, purchased by Payne for fl. 33. Acquisition history: Purchased by the Bodleian Library for £1. 1. 0 from Thomas Thorpe, Catalogue 1832, no. 100; see Library Bills (1829-32), no. 345 and Books Purchased (1832), 1.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q inf. 2.29.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sub fen. 2.28.AEC

Entry number: A-299
Annius, Johannes
Uniform title: Auctores vetustissimi (comm. Johannes Annius).

Item location: a2r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Ad Christianissimos Hispaniarum reges Ferdinandum et consortem eius Elisabetham epistola.’
[dedicatee] Letter to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Castile, Aragon, and León.
Incipit: ‘Quibus efferendi sunt laudibus reges ac principes quibus mundus iuste disponitur . . .’
On Annius and his forgery of this work see Roberto Weiss, ‘An Unknown Epigraphic Tract by Annius of Viterbo’, in Italian Studies Presented to E. R. Vincent, ed. C. P. Brand, K. Foster and U. Limentani (Cambridge, 1962), 101-20; E. N. Tigerstedt, ‘Ioannes Annius and Graecia mendax’, in Classical, Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies in Honor of Berthold Louis Ullman, ed. Charles Henderson, Jr, II (Rome, 1964), 293-310; C. R. Ligota, ‘Annius of Viterbo and Historical Method’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 50 (1987), 44-56; Walter E. Stephens, ‘The Etruscans and Ancient Theology in Annius of Viterbo’, in Umanesimo a Roma nel Quattrocento, Atti del convegno su ‘Umanesimo a Roma nel Quattrocento’, New York 1-4 dicembre 1981, ed. Paolo Brezzi and Maristella de Panizza Lorch (Rome, 1984); Roland Crahay, ‘Réflexions sur le faux historique: le cas d’Annius de Viterbo’, Bulletin de la classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques de l`Académie Royale de Belgique, 5th ser., 69 (1983), 241-67. Annius’s forgeries were recognised as such, by some, soon after their appearance; see Weiss, ‘Unknown Epigraphic Tract’, 105 n. 4.
Item location: a3r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘Theologi officium est, rerum ueritatem precipue que ad res diuinas spectat . . .’
Item location: a3r
[List of contents.]
Item location: b4v
[Papal privilege of Alexander VI.]
Item location: A1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Myrsilum.’
Incipit: ‘[T]radunt Greci Myrsilum fuisse patria Lesbium, professione historicum, qui de bello Pelasgico in Thuscia et Latio contra Siculos scripserit . . . A fine huius exponere incipiam. Ruine Troiane fuerunt anno trecentesimo minus tribus . . .’
See Wifstrand Schiebe, ‘De Anni Viterbiensis Antiquitatum libris anno 1498&quo; editis’, Vox Latina, 28 (1992), 2-13.
Item location: A1r
Item author: Myrsilus Lesbius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes
Item title: De origine Italiae et Turrenorum.]
Incipit: ‘Italiam coluere Greci, Arcades, Veneti, Lygures, Ardeates, Rutuli, Siculi . . .’
Item location: B1v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super fragmenta Catonis.’
Incipit: ‘[M]arcus Cato Porcius, Sempronius et alii uiri illustres Romani scripserunt de origine gentium et urbium Italie . . . Ergo Grecorum iactantia simul et ignominiosa origo Italiae per insaniam a Grecis falso obiecta . . .’
See Edoardo Fumagalli, ‘Un falso tardo-quattrocentesco: lo pseudo-Catone di Annio da Viterbo’, in Vestigia. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Billanovich, ed. R. Avesani and others, 2 vols, Storia e Letteratura, 162-3 (Rome, 1984), I 337-63.
Item location: B2r
Item author: Cato, Marcus Porcius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes
Item title: De origine gentium et urbium Italicarum fragmenta.]
Incipit: ‘Greci tam impudenti iactantia iam effunduntur . . .’
Item location: E3v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super epithetum Archiloci de temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘[A]rchilocus Grecus chronographus, floruit Olympico certamine uictor, floruit cum Simonide et Aristoxene Olympiade xxix . . . Vt diximus, quia ante Nynum tempora ignorauerunt Greci . . .’
Item location: E4r
Item author: Archilocus Graecus [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘Maseas(!) Phenix Damascenus libro nonagesimo septimo historiarum asserit ante Nynum ferme ducentis quinquaginta annis fuisse inundationem terrarum . . .’
Item location: E6r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Methastenem.’
Incipit: ‘[M]etasthenes Persa fuit gente, ut titulus indicat . . . Dat regulas temporum Metasthenes, ut ex eis sciemus(!) iudicare . . .’
Item location: E6r
Item author: Metasthenes Persa [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes
Item title: De iudicio temporum et annalium Persarum.]
Incipit: ‘Qui de temporibus scribere parant, necesse est illos non solo auditu et opinione chronographiam scribere . . .’
Item location: F1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Vertunnianam Propertii. Prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sepe meminit Berosus cognominum ac proprii nominis Noe . . .’
Item location: F1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Vertunnianam Propertii.’
Incipit: ‘[A]perienda sunt cognomina et cause cognominum Iani qui et Noe . . . Quasi dicat ne mireris Properti tot formas in hoc simulacro impressas . . .’
Item location: F2r
Item author: Propertius, [Sextus
Item title: Elegiae.]
Prop. 4. 2.
Item location: G1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Pro comentariis Phylonis questionale prohemium.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]veritur de genealogia Saluatoris sit certa et manifesta . . .’
Item location: G2r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Phylonis breuiarium de temporibus. Prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘[E]xponemvs antea librum primum Phylonis, deinde secundum . . .’
Item location: G3r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Phylonis breuiarium de temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘Hec est igitur prima pars Philonis quam ipse in quinque partes diuidit . . .’
Item location: G3r
Item author: Philo [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Breuiarium de temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘[A]b Adam usque ad diluuium fluxerunt anni mille sexcenti quinquaginta sex . . .’
Item location: H8v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Xenophontem de equiuocis.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]vis fuerit iste Xenophon nondum compertum habeo . . . Lactantius primo diuinarum institutionum libro . . .’
Item location: H8v
Item author: Xenophon [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De equiuocis.’
Incipit: ‘[S]aturni dicuntur familiarum nobilium regum qui urbes condiderunt senissimi . . .’
Item location: K1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Sempronium de diuisione et chorographia Italie. Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[C]aius Sempronius uir inter Romanos illustris cuius meminit Dionisius Halicarnasseus . . .’
Item location: K1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Comentaria super Sempronium de diuisione et chorographia Italie.’
Incipit: ‘Huic libro titulus scriptus his uerbis premittitur . . .’
Item location: K1r
Item author: Sempronius, Gaius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De diuisione et chorographia Italie.’
Incipit: ‘[V]niuersa Italia a iugis Alpium oritur et in Leucopetram, fretumque Siculum terminatur . . .’
Item location: L4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super Fabium Pictorem de aureo seculo et de origine urbis Rome ac uocabulorum eius.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]uintus Fabius Pictor illustris familia Fabia et bonarum disciplinarum gloria, ut qui etiam a nobilissimis auctoribus in testimonium aduocetur . . . Quia ex his ferme pendent omnium antiquitates et origines . . .’
Item location: L4r
Item author: Fabius Pictor, Quintus [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De aureo seculo et de origine urbis Rome ac uocabulorum eius.’
Incipit: ‘[I]talie imperium penes duos populos principes extitit . . .’
Item location: N3v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria super duo fragmenta Itinerarii Antonini Pii.’
Incipit: ‘[A]ntoninus Pius Cesar Augustus, etiam pietatis laudem confirmauit . . . Plinius in iii Naturalis Histori&ae; capitulo vi asserit se in partitione Italiae nolle sequi Augusti ordinem . . .’
Item location: N3v
Item author: Antoninus Pius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Itinerarium.’
Incipit: ‘[D]iuus Augustus quamuis totum orbem recte diuiserit ubi ait, orbis totus diuiditur in partes tris . . .’
Item location: N8r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Super Berosum prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘[B]erosus fuit patria Babillonicus et dignitate Caldeus . . .’
Item location: N8r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Super . . . Berosum prohemium.’
Incipit: ‘[B]erosus in primo libro tradit quid antecessit primum diluuium . . .’
Item location: O1v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Comentaria . . . super primum librum Berosi . . .’
Incipit: ‘[I]n hoc primo libro Berosus, ut supra exposuimus, agit de his que precesserunt inundationem terrarum . . . Facit Berosus auditores attentos dociles et beniuolos . . .’
Item location: O1v
Item author: Berosus Babylonicus [pseudo-author Annius, Johannes
Item title: Ad emendandos antiquitatum errores.]
Incipit: ‘[A]nte aquarum cladem famosam qua uniuersus periit orbis . . .’
On pseudo-Berosus and the Giants: see W. E. Stephens, ‘0.6 mm“De historia gigantum”: Theological Anthropology before Rabelais’, Traditio, 40 (1984), 43-89, at 70-89.
Item location: Y5v
Item author: [Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Prefatio super supplementa Manethonis ad Berosum.’
Incipit: ‘[M]anethon sacerdos Egyptius historicus ut Eusebius dicit de temporibus . . .’
Item location: Y5v
Item author: [Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Comentaria.’
Incipit: ‘Post Caldeos historicos sequuntur Egyptii scriptores . . .’
Item location: Y5v
Item author: Manetho [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Supplementa Manethonis ad Berosum.’
Incipit: ‘[B]erosus inter Caldeos historicos probatior, deflorauit breuissimis annotationibus omnia Caldaica . . .’
Item location: Z8v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Etrusca chronographia. Prefatio.’
Incipit: ‘[M]iror cur Latini suam chronographiam propriam a Iano principe et habitata prisca Italia sub aureo seculo . . .’
Item location: &1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Etrusca simul et Italica emendatissima chronographia.’
Incipit: ‘[O]mnis historia integra est et certissima reddit . . .’
Item location: &4r
[First colophon.]
Item location: c1r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Institutio de equiuocis prima.’
Incipit: ‘[A]ristoteles ubique docet aequiuoca nomina primum esse distinguenda . . .’
Item location: c4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Secunda institutio de definitione nominum Turrene, Volturrene, Etrurie et de forma ueteri eiusdem urbis.’
Incipit: ‘[U]bi iam origo quasi equiuoca Turrene, Volturne et Etrurie patuit . . .’
Item location: c4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Tertia institutio ubi sit tetrapolis Etruria.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]verentibus ubi sit tetrapolis Etruria . . .’
Item location: c7v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Quarta institutio de excisis memoriis.’
Incipit: ‘[S]ex tabule memoratu digne excise marmoribus extant de antiquitate et rebus Etrurie . . .’
Item location: e3r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item title: [Commentaria super Desiderium.]
Incipit: ‘Diuiditur hoc transumptum ex decreto decitum(!) . . . Primum beneficium est restitutio lacus . . .’
Item location: e3v
Item author: Desiderius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Decretum Desiderii regis Italiae.’
Weiss, ‘Unknown Epigraphic Tract’, 101-20.
Item location: f4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Ad consobrinum suum fratrem Thomam Annium . . . epistola responsiua’. ‘xl questiones.’
Incipit: ‘[Q]ueris innumera, dulcissime frater, de limitibus, gentibus et populis atque nominibus uetustissimis Thuscie . . .’
Item location: k1r
Item author: [Annius, Johannes(?)]
Item text: De primis temporibus et quatuor ac viginti regibus primis hispanie et eius antiquitate.’
Incipit: ‘Qui de temporibus emendatius scribunt, aiunt Deucalionem natum anno secundo Spheri Assyrie regis . . .’
Item location: k6r
[Second colophon.]

Place of imprint: Rome: Eucharius Silber, 10 July 1498, 3 Aug. 1498. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Copies known with and without Papal privilege printed on b4v.
a8 b4 A–D6 E8 FG6 H I8 K L6 M N8 O–Y6 Z8 &4 c8 d–k6.
Woodcut of Rome on M1v.
References: GW 2015;HC *1130;Goff A–748;BMC IV 118;Pr 3888;BSB–Ink A–541; CIBN A–399; Sander 407; Sheppard 3075.

Imperfections: Wanting the papal privilege on b4v.
Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled calf; marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 313 × 223 × 45 mm.
Size of leaf: 305 × 209 mm.
Marginal annotations, and some underlining in red. On k6v five distichs in brown ink, having the following incipits: ‘Si capuer . . . currit ventrem sibi . . . urpro . . . volabit’ (one distich); ‘Parcite celestes nec sit mihi culpa fateri’ (two distichs); ‘Nestoreos quisquis vitam producere in annos’ (two distichs). On the verso of the front endleaf, a shelfmark, ‘C.II.V.6′.
Provenance: Cardinal Benedetto Lomellini (1517-1579); oval armorial stamp, lettered, on a2r. Bishop Bergonci; oval armorial stamp of a bishop, showing a tower with two turrets, a bird on each; for a similar device see Gelli 46 and pl. XIV no. 73, and Bragaglia 468. A pencil note on the endpaper suggests that it was once the property of Pius VI (Pope 1775-99), and that it was sold at the Meerman sale. Gerard Meerman (1722-1771); manuscript catalogue (MMW S 145 V, fol. 77r); acquired after 1756 (ex informatione Jos van Heel). Johan Meerman (1753-1815); sale, vol. III/2, p. 155, lot 861, purchased by Payne for fl. 33. Acquisition history: Purchased by the Bodleian Library for £1. 1. 0 from Thomas Thorpe, Catalogue 1832, no. 100; see Library Bills (1829-32), no. 345 and Books Purchased (1832), 1.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q inf. 2.29.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q sub fen. 2.28.AEC

Entry number: A-300
Annius, Johannes
Uniform title: Auctores vetustissimi.

Item location: a1r
‘Auctores vetustissimi nuper in lucem editi.’
Item title: [Table of contents.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: Myrsilus Lesbius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De origine Italiae et Turrenorum liber.’
Incipit: ‘Italiam coluere Graeci, Arcades, Veneti, Lygures, Ardeates, Rutuli, Siculi . . .’
See A–299.
Item location: a3v
Item author: Cato, Marcus Porcius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De origine gentium et vrbium Italicarum fragmenta.’
Incipit: ‘Graeci tam impudenti iactantia iam effunduntur . . .’
See A–299.
Item location: c1r
Item author: Archilocus Graecus [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De temporibus liber.’
Incipit: ‘Maseas(!) Phenix Damascenus libro nonagesimo septimo historiarum asserit ante Nynum ferme ducentis quinquaginta annis fuisse inundationem terrarum . . .’
Item location: c2r
Item author: Metasthenes Persa [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De iudicio temporum et annalium Persarum.’
Incipit: ‘Qui de temporibus scribere parant, necesse est illos non solo auditu et opinione chronographiam scribere . . .’
Item location: c3v
Item author: Philo [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Breuiarium de temporibus.’
Incipit: ‘Ab Adam usque ad diluuium fluxerunt anni mille sexcenti quinquaginta sex . . .’
Item location: d2v
Item author: Xenophon [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De aequiuocis.’
Incipit: ‘[S]aturni dicuntur familiarum nobilium regum qui urbes condiderunt senissimi . . .’
Item location: d4r
Item author: Sempronius, Gaius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De diuisione Italiae et origine urbis Romae.’
Incipit: ‘Vniuersa Italia a iugis Alpium oritur et in Leucopetram, fretumque Siculum terminatur . . .’
Item location: e3r
Item author: Fabius Pictor, Quintus [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: De aureo saeculo et de origine urbis Romae.’
Incipit: ‘Italiae imperium penes duos populos principes extitit . . .’
Item location: f2r
Item author: Antoninus Pius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Itinerarium.’
Incipit: ‘Diuus Augustus quamuis totum orbem recte diuiserit ubi ait, orbis totus diuiditur in partes tris . . .’
Item location: f2v
Item author: Berosus Babylonicus [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Ad emendandos antiquitatum errores.’
Incipit: ‘Ante aquarum cladem famosam qua uniuersus periit orbis . . .’
See A–299.
Item location: i2r
Item author: Manetho [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Manethonis Historici, qui post Berosum scripsit, liber.’
Incipit: ‘Berosus inter Chaldaeos historicos probatior, deflorauit breuissimis annotationibus omnia Chaldaica . . .’
Item location: i4r
Item author: Desiderius [pseudo-;author Annius, Johannes]
Item text: Decretum Desiderii regis Italiae.’
See A–299.

Place of imprint: [Venice]: Bernardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, [not before Aug.] 1498. Format: 4°.
References: GW 2016;HC 12527 = CR 724;Goff A–749;BMC V 548;Pr 5527;Oates 2149; Rhodes 100; Sheppard 4589-90.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers.
Size: 200 × 145 × 11 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 135 mm.
Occasional marginal annotations in a sixteenth-century hand.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased by the Bodleian Library for £0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1819), 1.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. L 4.18.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century English (London) gold-tooled blue morocco by W. Pratt (fl. 1824-1835). Engravings are pasted inside both covers.
Size: 216 × 160 × 9 mm.
Size of leaf: 211 × 149 mm.
Decoration: A six-line initial ‘D’ is supplied in red on e4v; paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: John Bellingham Inglis (1780-1870). Charles Inglis (nineteenth century); engraved book-plate and coat of arms. Ingram Bywater (1840-1914); perhaps purchased at the Inglis sale (11 June 1900), lot 47; book-plate of crest, with initials ‘I. B.’ Elenchus, no. 518. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. K 5.10.AEC

Entry number: A-301
Annius, Johannes
Uniform title: De futuris Christianorum triumphis in Saracenos, seu glossa super Apocalypsin.

Item location: a1r
Item location: a3v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Epistola ad papam Sixtum quartum et reges ac senatus cristianos . . .’
Incipit: ‘[B]eatissimo pape Sixto quarto et cristianissimis regibus Francie, Yspanie, Sicilie citra farum, Ungarie . . .’
Item location: a3v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Prohemium.’
Incipit: ‘[B]eatus qui legit et qui audit verba prophecie huius . . .’
Item location: a5r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item title: De futuris Christianorum triumphis in Saracenos, seu glossa super Apocalypsin.
Incipit: ‘[M]agister Raymundus Martini, ordinis predicatorum, et magister Nicolaus de Lira, ordinis minorum, ac complures alii qui litteralem expositionem sequuntur . . .’
See Cesare Vasoli, ‘Profezia e astrologia in un testo di Annio da Viterbo’, in Studi sul medioevo cristiano offerti a Raffaello Morghen, II, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, Studi Storici, 88-92 (Rome, 1974), 1027-60.

Place of imprint: [Gouda: Gerard Leeu, between 1481 and 5 Sept. 1482]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated by HPT; Polain dates to [31 Mar. 1480], which appears in the author’s colophon.
References: GW 2019;C 479;Goff A–752;BMC IX 34;Pr 8926;Campbell 1277; HPT II 493; ILC 253; Oates 3398; Polain 223; Sheppard 6899-900.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 210 × 147 × 15 mm.
Size of leaf: 206 × 140 mm.
Two leaves of manuscript text, in a late fifteenth/early sixteenth-century hand, entitled ‘Ex epistola cardinalis Bartholomei Frisonis ord. Carthusiensis de monasterio Ruremunden[si] data anno domini etc 86&quo;’, and with incipit, ‘Glosam quandam super Apocalipsin. Septem vltima capitula a magistro Johanne de Viterbio edita vidi et perlegi . . .’ Ruremund is Roermond an der Maas, Limburg. The author of the letter would appear to be Bartholomeus de Maastricht (†1446), Professor of Theology, Heidelberg 1408, Rector 1412, entered Roermond Charterhouse 1434, Prior 1441/2 (not listed in Eubel); see Gruys I 46, H. J. J. Scholtens, ‘De kartuizer Bartholomeus van Maastricht’, Ons Geestelijk Erf, 15 (1941), 98-104 and Ton Meijknecht, Bartholomeus van Maastricht (†1446) monnik en conciliarist (Assen, 1982).
Decoration: Two- and three-line initials, and one six-line initial, and paragraph marks are supplied in red, sometimes over printed guide-letters; underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Utrecht, Brothers of the Common Life, S. Hieronimus; inscription on i8v: ‘Liber domus gloriosi iheronis in traiecto’. Acquisition history: Probably the copy purchased for £0. 16. 0 via Parker, at Abraham (Adolf) Asher’s sale, 30 Oct. 1860, lot 2353; see Library Bills (1860), no. 224, and Books Purchased (1861), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q inf. 1.8.

Second copy
For this copy see Coates–Jensen 249-50, no. 11.
Bound with:
1. Gualtherus Burlaeus [pseudo-], De vita et moribus philosophorum. Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, [1477-83] (B–613).
Imperfections: Wanting i7-8.
Binding: Contemporary English(?) sheep over wooden boards.
Size: 215 × 147 × 47 mm.
Size of leaf: 208 × 141 mm.
At the front two parchment endleaves, the first a former pastedown, now raised; from a thirteenth/fourteenth-century manuscript of the Decretals, book VI. At the back two blank parchment leaves, the second being the pastedown.
Prayer, unread, on a1v; one contemporary annotation on d2v.
Provenance: John Maxsey († before 1540). Thorney Abbey, Cambridgeshire, Benedictines, SS. Maria et Botulphus; inscriptions on a1v of item 1: ‘Frater Johannes Maxsey’; ‘Monachus de Thorney’. John Orton (sixteenth century ?); inscription on a1v and a2r of item 1. William Powell; inscription on a1r of item 1. Nathaniel Crynes (1686-1745). Presented by Crynes, probably to Tanner; inscription on a1r of item 1: ‘Ex dono Nath. Crynes’; this inscription is not found in those of Crynes’s books which the Bodleian Library selected for itself. Thomas Tanner (1674-1735); signature on a2r of item 1: ‘Thom. Tanner’. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1735 by Tanner.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Crynes 919; Crynes 951; possibly extracted from the Tanner books before cataloguing and added to the Crynes collection. M. J. Sommerlad, ‘The Historical and Antiquarian Interests of Thomas Tanner, 1674-1735′, unpublished D. Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1962, 361 note 3 considers that this book was owned first by Tanner, then acquired by Crynes, from whom it was bequeathed to the Bodleian.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.19(2).AEC

Entry number: A-302
Annius, Johannes
Uniform title: De futuris Christianorum triumphis in Saracenos, seu glossa super Apocalypsin.

Item location: a1v
Item location: a3v
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Ad beatissimum papam Sixtum et reges ac senatum Christianos de futuris Christianorum triumphis in Saracenos epistola . . .’
Incipit: ‘[B]eatissimo pape Sixto quarto et cristianissimis regibus Francie, Yspanie, Sicilie citra farum, Ungarie . . .’
Item location: a4r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item text: Prohemium.’
Incipit: ‘[B]eatus qui legit et qui audit verba prophecie huius . . .’
Item location: a5r
Item author: Annius, Johannes
Item title: De futuris Christianorum triumphis in Saracenos, seu glossa super Apocalypsin.
Incipit: ‘[M]agister Raymundus Martini, ordinis predicatorum, et magister Nicolaus de Lira, ordinis minorum, ac complures alii qui litteralem expositionem sequuntur . . .’
See A–301.

Place of imprint: Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, [1481-3]. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: As dated in HPT; Polain and Campbell date to [1481].
a b8 c10 d–g8.
References: GW 2021;H 1124; C 480;Goff A–754;BMC IX 140;Pr 9261;Campbell 1276; HPT II 493; ILC 254; Oates 3740-1; Polain 222; Sheppard 7086-7.

First copy
Bound with:
2. Georgius de Hungaria, De ritu et moribus Turcorum. [Urach: Conrad Fyner, 1480-1?] (G–069);
3. Mahomet II [Laudivius Zacchia], Epistola magni Turci. [Cologne: Johann Guldenschaff, c.1480] (M–020(2)).
Binding: English seventeenth-century calf, rebacked; on both covers, double blind fillets form a border.
Size: 211 × 150 × 40 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 136 mm.
In item 1 notes in at least three early hands, one extracting key words, another extracting key passages often preceded by ‘nota’, the third more spindly hand using nota marks; also notes in Ashmole’s hand; item 2 has a few notes in the second hand, and frequent notes in the third, sometimes correcting the text; the third item has ownership inscription possibly in the second hand and a note on the last leaf in the third hand. Titles of all three items inscribed along the upper and lower edges. On a3v of item 1, the words ‘papam’ and ‘pape’ have been partially erased.
Decoration: Two- and three-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red.
Provenance: Simon Stalworth (†1511); on [c6v] of item 3: ‘Simon Stalworth Subdecanus cathedralis ecclesie Beate Marie virginis’. [ ] Mortlake (sixteenth century); on [c6v] of item 3: ‘Mr Mortlake’. Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692. Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860.
Bodleian shelfmark: Ashm. 529(1).

Second copy
Bound with:
1. Victor von Carben, Propugnaculum fidei christiane. [Cologne: n. pr.], 1514;
2. Guillaume Postel, De natiuitate mediatoris vltima. [Basel: n. pr.], 1547;
4. Victor von Carben, Opus aureum ac nouum. Cologne: Henricus de Nussia, 1509.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 223 × 147 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 136 mm.
Provenance: John Selden (1584-1654); with his motto on item 1; this item not found in Selden catalogues; the titles of the first three items written across the fore-edge and along the lower edge; therefore probably bound together like this before they came to the Library. Acquisition history: Probably presented in 1659.
Bodleian shelfmark: 4° C 39(3) Th. Seld.AEC

Entry number: A-303
Uniform title: Opera.

Item location: [*2r]
Item location: [*2v]
Item author: Danhauser, Petrus
Item title: [Letter to]
[dedicatee] Johannes Löffelholz.
Incipit: ‘Beatus Anselmus ordinis sancti Benedicti professus, ornatissime vir, theologus per quem fuit ameni ingenii doctrina quoque ista vtiliore ac delectabili . . .’
Item location: [*3r]
Item author: Löffelholz, Johannes
Item title: [Letter]
[dedicatee] to Petrus Danhauser.
Incipit: ‘Beati Anselmi, cuius te ingenio ac eloquentia adductum opera queque scripserit te in vnum colligere ais, humanissime Petre . . .’
Item location: [*3v]
Item author: [Löffelholz, Johannes
Item title: Poem]
[dedicatee] to Petrus Danhauser.
‘Tu nihil inuidiam veritus, nihil inde labores &pipe; Nil hos que nasum rhinocerontis habent’; 3 elegiac distichs.
Item location: [*3v]
‘Vita beati Anselmi.’
Incipit: ‘Prouinciam vite beati Anselmi gestaque simul memoratu digna hoc in loco capescere phas esset, nisi humanissimus vir Johannes Loffelholtz suis in litteris superioribus quam ubere de illis satisfecisset . . .’
Item location: [*4r]
‘Inuocatio matris virginis simul et filii in oratione ad sanctam Mariam.’
PL CLVIII 948-50. Anselm, Opera omnia, ed. F. S. Schmitt, 6 vols (Edinburgh 1946-61), III 13-14.
Item location: [*4r]
‘Ex gestis Anselmi colliguntur forma et mores beate Marie.’
Incipit: ‘Maria Dei genitrix didicit hebraycas litteras adhuc patre eius Joachim viuente . . .’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Cur deus homo, two books.
PL CLVIII 359-432. Anselm, Libri duo Cur Deus homo, ed. F. S. Schmitt, Florilegium Patristicum, 18 (Bonn, 1929). Anselm, Opera omnia, II 42-133. Anselm, Pourquoi Dieu s’est fait homme, ed. René Roques, Sources chrétiennes, 91 (Paris, 1963), 198-460. With tables of contents preceding each book.
Item location: c5r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De incarnatione verbi contra hebreos.
PL CLVIII 259-84. Anselm, Epistola de incarnatione verbi, ed. F. S. Schmitt, Florilegium Patristicum, 28 (Bonn, 1931). Anselm, Opera omnia, II 39-41 and 3-35. With table of contents after the prologue.
Item location: d4r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De conceptu virginali et peccato originali.
Item text: Capitula.’
Item location: d4v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De conceptu virginali et peccato originali.
PL CLVIII 431-64. Anselm, Opera omnia, II 139-73.
Item location: e4r
‘Declaratio cuiusdam de eodem libro.’
PL CLVIII 463-8.
Item location: e5v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Proslogion.
PL CLVIII 223-48. Anselm, Fides quaerens intellectum. Id est Proslogion, liber Gaunilonis pro insipiente atque liber apologeticus contra Gaunilonem, ed. Alexandre Koyré (Paris, 1930), 2-54. Anselm, Opera omnia, I 93-122. Anselm, Liber Proslogion, ed. F. S. Schmitt, Florilegium Patristicum, 29 (Bonn, 1931), 6-25. Anselm, Proslogion, ed. M. J. Charlesworth (Oxford, 1965), 102-54. With table of contents after the prologue.
Item location: f5r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Monologion.
PL CLVIII 142-224. Anselm, Liber Monologion, ed. F. S. Schmitt, Florilegium Patristicum, 20 (Bonn, 1929). Anselm, Opera omnia, I 7-87. With table of contents after the prologue.
Item location: h8r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De processione spiritus sancti contra Grecos.
PL CLVIII 285-326. Anselm, Opera omnia, II 177-219.
Item location: k2v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Dialogus de casu diaboli.
Item text: Capitula.’
Item location: k3r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Dialogus de casu diaboli.
PL CLVIII 325-60. Anselm, Opera omnia, I 233-76.
Item location: l5r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Gaunilo]
Item title: Pro insipiente.
Anselm, Proslogion, ed. Koyré, 56-68. Anselm, Opera omnia, I 125-9. Anselm, Proslogion, ed. Schmitt, 28-32. Anselm, Proslogion, ed. Charlesworth, 156-66.
Item location: l6r
Item author: [Anselmus]
Item title: Contra insipientem.
PL CLVIII 247-60. Anselm, Proslogion, ed. Koyré, 70-96. Anselm, Opera omnia, I 130-9. Anselm, Proslogion, ed. Schmitt, 33-40. Anselm, Proslogion, ed. Charlesworth, 168-90.
Item location: l8v
Item author: Anselmus
Item text: De miseria hominis.’
PL CLVIII 722-5. Anselm, Opera omnia, III 76-9.
Item location: m1v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De diversitate sacramentorum.
PL CLVIII 551-4. Anselm, Opera omnia, II 239-42.
Item location: m2r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De fermentato et azimo.
PL CLVIII 541-8. Anselm, Opera omnia, II 223-32.
Item location: m3v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: Expositiones membrorum et actuum Dei et vestimentorum.
Item text: Liber in expositionem membrorum, vestimentorum et actuum Dei.’
Incipit: ‘[V]bicumque sacra scriptura supersim(!) diuinos(!) libros(!) in Deo motus anime seu humana membra describit . . .’
Item location: m6r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De voluntate Dei.
PL CLVIII 581-4. Also attributed to Hieronymus, Augustinus, Bonaventura, and Eucherius.
Item location: m7r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De concordia praescientiae et praedestinationis et gratiae Dei cum libero arbitrio.
PL CLVIII 507-42. Anselm, Opera omnia, II 245-88.
Item location: n8v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De libero arbitrio.
Item text: Capitula.’
Item location: o1r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De libero arbitrio.
PL CLVIII 489-506. Anselm, Opera omnia, I 207-26.
Item location: o6r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De veritate.
PL CLVIII 467-86. Anselm, Opera omnia, I 173-99.
Item location: p3v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: Liber de similitudinibus, cap. 1-185.
PL CLIX 605-99. The unexpanded version under the title De humanis moribus, ed. R. W. Southern and F. S. Schmitt, Memorials of Saint Anselm, Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, 1 (Oxford, 1969), 39-104. On authorship see PL CLIX 605 and Memorials, 6-13.
Item location: s4v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De mensuratione crucis.
PL CLIX 289-302. On authorship see PL CLIX 289.
Item location: s8v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Augustinus pseudo-; Jean de Fécamp]
Item title: Meditationes magnae, cap. 1-9.
A paraphrase of PL XL 901-9 (ascribed to Augustine). On the composition of the Meditationes see PL supplement II 1365 and Wilmart, Auteurs spirituels, 127, n. 2, and 128, n. 1, who ascribes the text to Jean de Fécamp; E. Lamirande ‘The Picture of the Heavenly Jerusalem . . .’, Revue des études augustiniennes, 25 (1979), 158-60. On Fécamp see J. Leclercq and J. P. Bonnes, Un maître de la vie spirituelle au XI siècle: Jean de Fécamp (Paris, 1946).
Item location: t4r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Meditatio de redemptione generis humani.
PL CLVIII 762-9. Anselm, Opera omnia, III 84-91.
Item location: t6r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De passione Domini.
PL CLIX 271-90. On authorship see PL CLIX 271.
Item location: v3r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Ekbertus de Schönau]
Item text: Speculum euangelici sermonis quo Dominus noster Jesus Christus potest tamquam presens speculari . . . alias stimulus amoris . . . nuncupatus.’
PL CLVIII 748-61. On authorship see PL CXCV 113.
Item location: v6v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Hervaeus Burdigalensis?;author Radulphus Cantuariensis?]
Item title: Homelia “Intravit Jesus in quoddam castellum” [Lc 10,38].
PL CLVIII 644-9. On authorship see Schneyer, Repertorium, II no. 9. CIBN A–404 ascribes to Radulphus Cantuariensis; Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 1242.
Item location: x2r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Epistolae.
Epistola II,12: PL CLVIII 1160-3. PL CLVIII 551-4. Epistolae 101, 112, 417 (= De diversitate sacramentorum), 121, 168, 258, 231, 37, 65, 160, 161, 188, 281, 185: Anselm, Opera omnia, III 232-4, 244-6; II 239-42; III 260-1; IV 43-6, 170-1, 136-8; III 144-8, 181-5; IV 29-31, 31-4, 73-4, 196-8, 203-4.
Item location: y4r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Honorius Augustodunensis]
Item title: De imagine mundi, lib. 1-2.
PL CLXXII 121-65 (beginning of lib. 3). Valerie I. J. Flint, ‘Honorius Augustodunensis, Imago mundi’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen ge, 49 (1982), 7-123.

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Caspar Hochfeder,publisher [for Petrus Danhauser], 27 Mar. 1491. Format: Folio.
[*4] a–d8 e6 f–s8 t–z [et]6.
References: GW 2032;HC *1134;Goff A–759;BMC II 473;Pr 2285;BSB–Ink A–554; CIBN A–404; Sack, Freiburg, 202-3; Emil van der Vekene, Kaspar Hochfeder (Baden-Baden, 1974), 2; Sheppard 1656-7.

First copy
Binding: Seventeenth-century English blind-tooled mottled calf. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the upper cover; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 265 × 189 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 258 × 170 mm.
Early foliation, occasional early marginal notes. On [*1r]: ‘Vixi satis si Christe sat vixi tibi’ in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century hand signed J. B.
Decoration: Red capital strokes.
Provenance: Thomas Harper (†1508); on [*1r]: ‘Ex dono thome harper sacre theologie professoris’. ‘J. B.’ on [*1r], possibly to be identified with Joseph Barnes (c.1549-1618). On [et5v]: ‘liber . . .’ in faded red ink. Acquisition history: Probably one of the 38 volumes presented by Merton College in 1600; in the Bodleian Library by 1605; see James, Catalogus (1605), 3.
Former Bodleian shelfmarks: A 3. 2 Th.; J 7. 9 Th.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 4.6.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [et6].
Leaf [*3] bound before [*2].
Binding: Nineteenth-century calf (c.1825) for the Bodleian Library, the spine gold-tooled; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers.
Size: 265 × 195 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 258 × 180 mm.
Occasional early marginal notes. On [*1r] a Latin note on the origin of nobility.
Decoration: On a1r a 16-line initial is supplied in pale magenta with highlighting and pen-work infill on a red and pale blue ground within a pale green frame; other initials with some pen-flourishing and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance: ‘Purchased at Hamburgh 1825′ for £1. 1. 0; see Books Purchased (1825), 2.
Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 4.10.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.5.BW

Entry number: A-304
Uniform title: Opera.

Item location: A1v
[Table of contents.]
Item location: A2r
‘Principalium sententiarum iuxta alphabeticum ordinem opusculorum beati Anselmi Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Annotatio.’
Item location: a1r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Cur deus homo, two books.
See A–303.
Item location: c5r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De incarnatione verbi contra hebreos.
Item text: Liber siue epistola ad Urbanum papam de fide quem de incarnatione verbi contra iudaeos inuenimus praenotatum.’
See A–303.
Item location: d4r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De conceptu virginali et peccato originali.
Item text: Capitula.’
Item location: d4r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De conceptu virginali et peccato originali.
See A–303.
Item location: e4r
‘Declaratio cuiusdam super eodem libro.’
See A–303.
Item location: e5v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: [Letter addressed to
[dedicatee] Lanfrancus], Archbishop of Canterbury.
Item text: Beati Anselmi abbatis Beccensis ad archiepiscopum Cantuariensem illi se commendantis eique scripta quedam a se ad examinandum praebentis epistola.’
Anselm, Opera omnia, I 5-6.
Item location: e6r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Monologion.
See A–303.
Item location: h1r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Proslogion.
See A–303.
Item location: h6v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De processione spiritus sancti contra Grecos.
See A–303.
Item location: k1r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Dialogus de casu diaboli, capitula.
Item location: k1v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Dialogus de casu diaboli.
See A–303.
Item location: l3v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Gaunilo]
Item title: Pro insipiente.
See A–303.
Item location: l4v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Contra insipientem.
See A–303.
Item location: l7r
Item author: Anselmus
Item text: De miseria hominis.’
See A–303.
Item location: l8r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De diversitate sacramentorum.
See A–303.
Item location: l8v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De fermentato et azimo.
See A–303.
Item location: m2r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: Expositiones membrorum et actuum Dei et vestimentorum.
Item text: Liber de vestimentis, membris et actibus Deo attributis.’
Incipit: ‘[V]bicunque sacra scriptura sparsim diuersis libris in Deo motus animi seu humana membra describit . . .’
Item location: m4v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De voluntate Dei.
See A–303.
Item location: m5v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De concordia praescientiae et praedestinationis et gratiae Dei cum libero arbitrio.
See A–303.
Item location: n7r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De libero arbitrio, capitula.
Item location: n7v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De libero arbitrio.
See A–303.
Item location: o4v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De veritate.
See A–303.
Item location: p2v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: Liber de similitudinibus, capitula.
Item location: p4r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: Liber de similitudinibus, cap. 1-192.
PL CLIX 605-702.
Item location: s6v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De mensuratione crucis.
See A–303.
Item location: t3r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Augustinus pseudo-; Jean de Fécamp]
Item title: Meditationes magnae.
See A–303.
Item location: t6v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Meditatio de redemptione generis humani, capitula.
Item location: t7r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Meditatio de redemptione generis humani.
See A–303.
Item location: v1r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De passione Domini.
See A–303.
Item location: v4v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Ekbertus de Schönau]
Item text: Speculum euangelici sermonis quo Dominus noster Jesus Christus potest tamquam presens speculari alias stimulus amoris est nuncupatus’, capitula.
Item location: v5r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Ekbertus de Schönau]
Item text: Speculum euangelici sermonis alias stimulus amoris.’
See A–303.
Item location: x1r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Hervaeus Burdigalensis?;author Radulphus Cantuariensis?]
Item title: Homelia “Intravit Jesus in quoddam castellum” [Lc 10,38].
See A–303.
Item location: x2v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: De excellentia virginis Mariae, capitula.
Item location: x2v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: De excellentia virginis Mariae.
PL CLIX 557-80. On authorship see PL CLIX.
Item location: y2v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Epistolae.
Epistola II,12: PL CLVIII 1160-3. PL CLVIII 551-4. Epistolae 101, 112, 121, 168, 258, 231, 37, 65, 160, 161, 188, 281, 185: Anselm, Opera omnia, III 232-4, 244-6; III 260-1; IV 43-6, 170-1, 136-8; III 144-8, 181-5; IV 29-31, 31-4, 73-4, 196-8, 203-4.
Item location: z2r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Honorius Augustodunensis]
Item title: De imagine mundi.
See A–303.
Item location: [et7v]
‘Inuocatio matris virginis Mariae simul et filii eius.’
See A–303.
Item location: [et8r]
‘Ex gestis Anselmi colliguntur forma et mores beatae Mariae et eius vnici filii Jesu.’
Incipit: ‘Maria Dei genitrix didicit hebraicas litteras adhuc patre eius Joachim viuente . . .’

Place of imprint: [Basel: Johann Amerbach, not after 1497]. Format: 4°.
A B a–z [et]8.
References: GW 2033;HC *1136;Goff A–761;BMC III 759;Pr 7648;BSB–Ink A–556; CIBN A–405; Oates 2805; Rhodes 102; Sack, Freiburg, 205; Sheppard 2456.

Binding: Seventeenth-century German (Prüll near Regensburg) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, remains of two clasps. On both covers triple fillets form a frame; the inner rectangle is divided by triple fillets into two concentric squares. In the frames two different floral rolls; as centre-pieces two oval stamps, the one on the upper cover depicting St Bruno with surrounding inscription ‘S. Bruno fundator s. ordinis Carthusiensis’, the one on the back cover depicting S. Vitus with surrounding inscription ‘S. Vitus patron. Carthusi&ae; in Priell prope Ratis.’ The same stamps are found on Munich, BSB 2&quo; Inc. c.a. 1349, 2270b, and 3092u. On the spine and inside the upper cover the Prüll shelfmark ‘V 3.’
Size: 204 × 145 × 47 mm.
Size of leaf: 194 × 130 mm.
Some early marginal notes and copious underlining.
Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Prüll, Carthusians, S. Vitus; on A1r: ‘Pertinet Carthusiensibus in Prü[ll] prope Ratisponam’, on [et8v]: ‘priori(!) domus Ratispona’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 2122 in list of duplicates in quarto. Acquisition history: Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.11.BW

Entry number: A-305
Uniform title: Opera.

Item location: Aa1v
[Table of contents.]
Item location: Aa2r
‘Principalium sententiarum iuxta alphabeticum ordinem opusculorum beati Anselmi Achiepiscopi(!) Cantuariensis Annotatio.’
Item location: Bb8v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Cur deus homo, two books.
See A–303.
Item location: d5v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De incarnatione verbi contra hebreos.
Item text: Liber de fide quam(!) alias de incarnatione verbi per se reperimus prenotatum.’
See A–303.
Item location: e5v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De conceptu virginali et peccato originali, capitula.
Item location: e6r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De conceptu virginali et peccato originali.
See A–303.
Item location: f6v
‘Declaratio cuiusdam de eodem libro.’
See A–303.
Item location: g2r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Proslogion.
See A–303.
Item location: g6v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Monologion.
See A–303.
Item location: k4r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De processione spiritus sancti contra Grecos.
See A–303.
Item location: m1r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Dialogus de casu diaboli, capitula.
Item location: m1v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Dialogus de casu diaboli.
See A–303.
Item location: n4r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Gaunilo]
Item title: Pro insipiente.
See A–303.
Item location: n5r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Contra insipientem.
See A–303.
Item location: o1r
Item author: Anselmus
Item text: De miseria hominis.’
See A–303.
Item location: o2r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De diversitate sacramentorum.
See A–303.
Item location: o2v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De fermentato et azimo.
See A–303.
Item location: o4r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: Expositiones membrorum et actuum Dei et vestimentorum.
Item text: Liber de vestimentis et membris et actibus Deo attributis.’
Incipit: ‘[V]bicunque sacra scriptura sparsim diuersis libris in Deo motus animi seu humana membra describit . . .’
Item location: o6r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De voluntate Dei.
See A–303.
Item location: p1r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De concordia praescientiae et praedestinationis et gratiae Dei cum libero arbitrio.
See A–303.
Item location: q3v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De libero arbitrio, capitula.
Item location: q3v
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De libero arbitrio.
See A–303.
Item location: r2r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: De veritate.
See A–303.
Item location: s2r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: Liber de similitudinibus, capitula.
Item location: s3v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: Liber de similitudinibus, cap. 1-192.
See A–304.
Item location: y3r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De mensuratione crucis.
See A–303.
Item location: y6v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Augustinus pseudo-; Jean de Fécamp]
Item title: Meditationes magnae.
See A–303.
Item location: z4r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Meditatio de redemptione generis humani, capitula.
Item location: z4r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Meditatio de redemptione generis humani.
See A–303.
Item location: z6r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-]
Item title: De passione Domini.
See A–303.
Item location: [et3r]
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Ekbertus de Schönau]
Item text: Speculum euangelici sermonis quo Dominus noster Jesus Christus potest tamquam presens speculari alias stimulus amoris est nuncupatus’, capitula.
Item location: [et3v]
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Ekbertus de Schönau]
Item text: Speculum euangelici sermonis alias stimulus amoris.’
See A–303.
Item location: A1r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Hervaeus Burdigalensis(?);author Radulphus Cantuariensis(?)]
Item title: Homelia “Intravit Jesus in quoddam castellum” [Lc 10,38].
See A–303.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: De excellentia virginis Mariae, capitula.
Item location: A2r
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Eadmerus Cantuariensis]
Item title: De excellentia virginis Mariae.
See A–304.
Item location: B2r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Epistolae.
See A–303.
Item location: C2v
Item author: Anselmus [pseudo-;author Honorius Augustodunensis]
Item title: De imagine mundi.
Item text: Imago mundi vel mappa.’
See A–303.
Item location: D7v
‘Inuocatio matris virginis Marie simul et filii eius.’
See A–304.
Item location: D8r
‘Ex gestis Anselmi colliguntur forma et mores beate Marie et eius vnici filii Jesu.’
Incipit: ‘Maria Dei genitrix didicit hebraicas litteras adhuc patre eius Joachim viuente . . .’

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner), after 1496?]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Assigned to Husner by Voulliéme (ZfB (1915), 311). BMC and Polain 229 assign to an unidentified press, ‘The Printer of Hemmerlin.’
Aa Bb8 b–r6 s8 t–z [et] A–C6 D8.
References: GW 2034;H *1135;Goff A–760;BMC I 172;Pr 779;BSB–Ink A–555; CIBN A–406; Rhodes 101; Sack, Freiburg, 204; Sheppard 570-1.

Gathering q is misbound between gatherings [et] and A.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English gold-tooled morocco; marbled pastedowns; bound by Myers & Co.
Size: 288 × 207 × 38 mm.
Size of leaf: 278 × 192 mm.
On Aa1r: ‘Cum punit deus pro peccato, non puniat pro nihilo’ in a fifteenth/sixteenth-century hand. Occasional early marginal notes. On Aa1r note in the hand of Sebastian Evans: ‘Super istud Sancti Anselmi in libro de miseria hominis ‘Terret me vita mea cum metu et tremore salutem vestram operamini’ Pauli apostoli ep: ad Phil: incipit prosa. Salve pugil, salve pater &pipe; te, Anselme, sancta mater &pipe; militans ecclesia &pipe; luctatorem laudat Christi &pipe; sauciatum, plage tristi &pipe; tyranni malicia. &pipe; Instans tibi, chare Deo, &pipe; sectabatur Rufus leo &pipe; venatori donec reo &pipe; cor confodit spiculum. &pipe; Archipresul et legatus, &pipe; regni primas, tu delatus, &pipe; inops, exsul, spoliatus &pipe; durabas periculum. &pipe; Quare, pater, hec perpessus &pipe; Quasi culpam sis confessus &pipe; te trementem vivere? &pipe; Nonne propter hoc quod ita &pipe; te terrebat tua vita &pipe; mortem nosti spernere? &pipe; Num credebas culpam fore, &pipe; quod salutem sancto more &pipe; metu quidem et tremore &pipe; operatus fueris? &pipe; En, quod crucem sic tulisti, &pipe; tu iampridem audiisti &pipe; crucifixi verba Christi: &pipe; Veni, coronaberis. Explicit prosa quam feci et hic manu scripsi ego Sebastianus anno virginei partus M.M. annis CV. subtractis mense novembri quo etiam tempore literas per librum unciales minio distinxi.’ Occasional marginal notes by Evans.
Decoration: Decorated in the late nineteenth century by Sebastian Evans: initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance: Rheims, Antonines; inscription on Aa1r: ‘Ex libris domus Sancti Antonii Remensis’. On endleaves sixteenth century cancelled notes: ‘Brodeau me (iure) possidet’ and ‘Lallemant’. Sebastian Evans (1830-1909); on nineteenth-century endleaf ‘Ex libris Sebastiani Evans utriusque iuris doctoris. mdccclxxviii’; book-plate. James Patrick Ronaldson Lyell (1871-1949); book-plate. Acquired in 1950.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. d. G7.2.BW

Entry number: A-306
Uniform title: Cur deus homo.

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Cur deus homo, two books.
See A–303.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Georg Husner, not after 1474]. Format: Folio.
References: GW 2035;H *1137;Goff A–762;BMC I 83;Pr 349;BSB–Ink A–552; CIBN A–407; Hillard 147; Sack, Freiburg, 206; Sheppard 285.

Bound with:
2. Johannes Gerson, Collectorium super Magnificat. [Strasbourg: Printer of the 1472 Aquinas ‘Summa’], 1473 (G–112(2)).
Binding: Contemporary German (Schwenke–Schunke–Rabenau 116-17, ‘Heiningen’) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, two corner-pieces and two clasps; five bosses lost; rebacked. Book-label on the upper cover. On the upper cover triple fillets form a double frame. Within the frames a lozenge-shaped stamp with a pierced heart (Schwenke–Schunke 134, no. 28), a round star stamp (Schwenke–Schunke 300, no. 48), a round fleur-de-lis stamp, and a foliate staff; double fillets form an inner rectangle with a lozenge-shaped stamp of a four-petalled flower (see Schwenke–Schunke 73, no. 84). On the lower cover triple fillets form a double frame; in the frame a lozenge-shaped fleur-de-lis stamp (Schwenke–Schunke 178, no. 303) and a round lamb-and-cross stamp (Schwenke–Schunke 154, no. 67); the inner rectangle is divided by diagonal triple fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments with five-petalled flower stamp (Schwenke–Schunke 111, no. 25).M. Rozsondai
Size: 303 × 217 × 65 mm.
Size of leaf: 295 × 212 mm.
Pastedowns from a German thirteenth-century parchment noted missal, now raised.
On [a1r]: ‘Quinternus vnus pro xd.’
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; red capital strokes.
Provenance: Duplicate, probably from the Royal Library, Munich. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 3.41(1).BW

Entry number: A-307
Uniform title: Cur deus homo.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Anselmus
Item title: Cur deus homo, two books.
See A–303.
Note on authorship: With table of contents after the prologue.

Place of imprint: [Passau: Johann Petri, c.1485-6]. Format: 4°.
a8 b–e6.
References: GW 2036;H *1138;Goff A–763;BMC II 616;Pr 2830;BSB–Ink A–553; Sheppard 2057-8.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; marbled pastedowns; bound for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 218 × 156 × 14 mm.
Size of leaf: 212 × 145 mm.
On a1r an early note warning against the omission of sins in confession.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; red capital strokes.
Provenance: Either this or the second copy was purchased for £0. 2. 6; see Books Purchased (1846), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.15.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 207 × 149 × 8 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 137 mm.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich. Acquisition history: Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.62.BW

Entry number: A-308
Anthologia Graeca Planudea

Item location: A1v
[Title with table of contents.]
Item location: A2r
Anthologia Graeca Planudea.
’nqologa diafrwn pigrammtwn’,
edited by Janus Lascaris.
On Lascaris’s editorial work, on the manuscripts used and the order of the poems see A. Turyn ‘Demetrius Triclinius and the Planudean Anthology’, pethrV taireaV Buzantinn spoudn, 39-40 (1972-3), 403-50, 435-43; also Anthologie grecque, deuxième partie. Anthologie de Planude, ed. and trans. Robert Aubeton (Paris, 1980), 22-9.
Item location: [*1r]
Item author: Lascaris, Janus
Item title: [Verse.]
CalkotpoiV selsin Mousn gV drake drwn &pipe; gugwn DanaV tn pot&revnot; deixe tpon; 9 elegiac distichs.
Giano Laskaris, Epigrammi greci, ed. Anna Meschini (Padua, 1976), 113-16, and no. 12.
Item location: [*1v]
Item author: Lascaris, Janus
Item title: [Letter] to Piero de’ Medici.
Legrand, Bibl. hell. I 31-8.

Place of imprint: Florence: Laurentius (Francisci) de Alopa, Venetus, 11 Aug. 1494. Format: 4°.
A–W AA–KK8 [*]8.
References: GW 2048;HC *1145;Goff A765;BMC VI 666;Pr 6406;BSB–Ink A–557; CIBN A–410; Legrand, Bibl. hell. I 29-38; Oates 2437-8; Rhodes 104; Sheppard 5193-4.

First copy
For this copy see Printing Greek, no. 16.
Binding: Eighteenth-century Dutch gold-tooled red morocco, by the first Stadholder’s bindery, The Hague; see M. M. Foot, The Henry Davis Gift: A Collection of Bookbindings (London, 1978), I 252-3 and n. 101.
Size: 230 × 170 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 222 × 156 mm.
Provenance: John Wyndham Bruce (1809-68); armorial book-plate; see Howe, Book Plates, 4152. Armand Durand (1807-94); sale (Paris, 1895). Ingram Bywater; Elenchus, no. 203. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1914.
Bodleian shelfmark: Byw. A 2.13

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting gathering [*], containing the poem, the dedication to Piero de’ Medici, and the colophon; possibly suppressed (see BMC).
Copious early notes in Greek.
Binding: Nineteenth-century English red morocco over wooden boards; blind-tooled on both covers; on the edges of the boards gilt slashes of dots; floral roll on turn-ins.
Size: 253 × 184 × 50 mm.
Size of leaf: 237 × 163 mm.
Provenance: Edward Bernard (1638-1697); probably Wanley’s list, p. 10, no. 349. Acquisition history: Among the books purchased in 1697 from Bernard’s widow for £2. 0. 0; see Anthony Wood, Athenae Oxonienses: An Exact History of All the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the University, 5 vols (Oxford, 1813-20), IV, col. 709.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. K 4.2.KJ

Entry number: A-309
Uniform title: Quaestio determinata contra triplicem errorem de Antichristi revelatione.

Item location: a1v
[Note on the discussion of the questio in Erfurt in 1486.]
Item text: [S]equens questio determinata est in quodlibeto studii Erffordensis Anno .1486. post Bartholomei ad petitionem multorum tam religiosorum quam secularium contra triplicem errorem.’
Incipit: ‘Prima contra eos qui presumunt calculare et determinare diem nouissimum . . .’
Item location: a2r
Item author: [Johannes Zenser de Paltz]
Item title: [Quaestio determinata contra triplicem errorem de Antichristi revelatione.]
Item text: Quemadmodum ante secundum Christi aduentum, qui in fine seculorum expectatur, antichristus homo iniquissimus est reuelandus. Utrum ita finale post iudicium ipse cum suis complicibus in inferno eternaliter sit cruciandus.’
Incipit: ‘Arguitur pro partibus questionis vtrisque. Pro parte negatiua suppositi sic . . .’
For a summary of the contents see Marcus Ferdigg, ‘De vita, operibus et doctrina Joannis de Paltz O.E.S.A. (†1511)’, Analecta Augustiniana, 30 (1967), 210-321, at 267-8. On authorship see Ferdigg 265-7 and VL IV 698-706, at 700 no. 3.

Place of imprint: Memmingen: [Albrecht Kunne, after 24 Aug. 1486]. Format: 4°.
a10 b6 c–f8.6.
References: HC *1155;Goff A–772;BMC II 604;Pr 2784;BSB–Ink I–498; CIBN Q–2; Oates 1235; Sheppard 2013-14.

First copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half blue morocco for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 201 × 145 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 189 × 132 mm.
Old foliation in red from 201 to 244.
Decoration: On a1v an initial is supplied in red with some pen flourishing in light brown; red capital strokes and underlining on a1v, a2r, and f6r.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 3227 in list of duplicates in quarto. Acquisition history: Purchased from Caspar Haugg, Catalogue 82 no. 21, for 5 Marks; see Library Bills, 9 Apr. 1886.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 7.14.

Second copy
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 192 × 138 × 10 mm.
Size of leaf: 187 × 130 mm.
On a1r an early note, probably ‘questio de Antichristo.’
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; no. 4398 in list of duplicates in quarto. Although the shelfmark would indicate a date of acquisition c.1850, this is possibly the copy bought from Caspar Haugg, Catalogue 78, no. 76, for 8 Marks; see Library Bills (1885), no. 381.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.29.BW

Entry number: A-310
Antichristus [German]
Uniform title: Von dem Enndkrist.

Item location: [a2r]
[Von dem Enndkrist.]
Incipit: ‘[H]ye hebt sich an von dem Enndkrist genomen vnd geczogen vß vil büchern. wie vnd von wem er geborn soll werden . . .’
On the text and its sources see VL I 400-1, Nigel F. Palmer, Apokalypse – Ars moriendi – Biblia pauperum – Antichrist – Fabel vom kranken Löwen – Kalendarium und Planetenbuch – Historia David. Die lateinisch-deutschen Blockbücher des Berlin-Breslauer Sammelbandes, Monumenta xylographica et typographica, 2 (Munich, 1992), 28-30 and Karin Boveland, Christoph Peter Burger and Ruth Steffen, Der Antichrist und Die Fünfzehn Zeichen vor dem Jüngsten Gericht. Kommentarband (Hamburg, 1979).
Item location: [c1v]
[Quindecim signa ante iudicium (German). Die fünfczehen Zeichen vor dem jungsten Tag.]
Incipit: ‘[W]ie vnd in welcher wiß vnd form die fünfczehen zeichen kumen vor dem jungsten tag wil ich hienoch sagen. Durch grosser grundloser barmherczikeit vnd überflüssiger lieb willen die der almechtig got z&ringu; allen menschen hat . . .’
G. Nölle, ‘Die Legende von den Fünfzehn Zeichen vor dem Jüngsten Gerichte’, Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, 6 (1879), 413-76, at 467-9. A translation based on the Latin version in the Legenda Aurea by Jacobus de Voragine; see VL II 1013-20, at 1019.
Item location: [c6v]
[On the last judgment.]
Incipit: ‘[A]ls vil bücher sagen vnd sunderlich das b&ringu;ch Compendium theoloie(!) in dem sibenden teil wie hymel vnd erd brürnnen(!) werd . . .’
Item location: [c7r]
Incipit: ‘[O] dü gerchter(!) vnd strenger vnd aller sterckster richter ihesus cristus gottes s&ringu;n, du bist kunfftig z&ringu; richten lebendig vnd toten . . .’

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg?: Printer of the ‘Antichristus’, c.1482]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: On the ascription see Geldner I 67.
[a8 b6 c8].
62 woodcuts.
References: GW 2050;Goff A–767;Pr 3252;Sack, Freiburg, 207; Schreiber V 3333; Sheppard 558. Facsimiles: Der Enndkrist der Stadt-Bibliothek zu Frankfurt am Main, ed. Ernst Kelchner (Frankfurt am Main, 1891); Der Antichrist. Faksimile der ersten typographischen Ausgabe (Hamburg, 1979).

Imperfections: Leaf [b6] mutilated (the couple in the door on the right-hand side cut out).
On [c7v], line 19 reads ‘syben psalmen dick in letynn.’ (not as GW).
Binding: Nineteenth-century plain brown calf.
Size: 279 × 208 × 12 mm.
Size of leaf: 273 × 198 mm.
Decoration: Woodcut initial and border on [a2r] coloured in green, red, and yellow. Woodcut on [a2v] coloured in the same palette. Lower woodcut on [a3r] partly deleted.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £16. 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1836), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 4.37.BW

Entry number: A-311
Uniform title: Antiphonarium Augustense.

Item location: [a3r]
[Order from Friedrich II, Count of Hohenzollern, Bishop of Augsburg (1486-1505), to Erhard Ratdolt, to print antiphonarium.]
Incipit: ‘Quoniam frequens quorundam curatorum querela circumstrepit . . .’
Item location: [a3v]
‘Tabula super antiffanario . . .’
Item location: [a4r]
[Antiphon to Virgin Mary.]
Incipit, printed below four-line staves and plainchant: ‘Salue regina misericordie(!). Vita dulcedo et spes nostra salue . . .’
See Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 18150.
Item location: [a5r]
‘Antiffanarium per circulum anni, Dominica prima in aduentu domini ad vesperas Responsorium.’
Edited by Sixtus Haug.
Incipit: ‘Ecce dies venient(!), dicit dominus, et suscitabo Dauid germen iustum et regnabit rex . . .’ [Ier 23,5] Printed below four-line staves and plainchant:
See Corpus antiphonalium officii, II, ed. Renatus-Johannes Hesbert, Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Documenta, Series Major Fontes VII (Rome, 1965), 53 no. 152a, ‘Ad Cantica’; Antiphonale Pataviense (Wien 1519), ed. Karlheinz Schlager, Das erbe deutscher Musik, 88 (Kassel, 1985). See also Musik in der Reichstadt Augsburg, ed. Ludwig Wegele (Augsburg, 1965), 16.
Item location: [m4v]
Item location: [m5v]
[Concluding verse.]
‘Erhardi Ratdolt felicia conspice signa &pipe; Testata artificem qua valet ipse manum’; 1 elegiac distich.
See Adolf Layer, ‘Augsburger Musikdrucker der frühen Renaissancezeit’, Gb Jb (1965), 124-9.

Place of imprint: Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 23 Feb. 1495. Format: Folio.
[a8+2 b–l8 m6].Bibliographical notes: Collation as BMC. GW collates [a2 b–m8 n6].
References: GW 2062;H *1156;Goff A–773;BMC II 388;Pr 1904;Bohatta Lit. Bib., 23; BSB–Ink A–561; Latin Liturgical Manuscripts and Printed Books: Guide to an Exhibition Held [at the Bodleian Library] during 1952 (Oxford, 1952), no. 55; Meyer-Baer 9; Raphael Molitor, Deutsche Choral-Wiegendrucke (Regensburg, 1904; repr. Hildesheim, Zurich, New York, 1982), 60; Schottenloher pls 26-7, 30-1; Schramm XXIII 26 and pl. 10; Schreiber V 3337; Sheppard 1347.

Imperfections: Wanting [a1-2], including woodcut, also [m4], a printed sheet of blank staves (ex informatione Prof. M. K. Duggan), and the blank leaf [m6].
Gathering [a] ‘made up’. Sewing visible between fourth and fifth leaves; last two leaves do not appear to be part of the gathering.
Binding: Contemporary German (Augsburg) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards. On both covers fillets form concentric frames, four on the upper cover, three on lower. On the upper cover two frames with rolls, the outer a cresting roll, the inner animals, trees, men, and fencing. Within the outer and innermost frames is a small badly-worn stamp, possibly a star. On the lower cover, within the middle frame is the roll of animals, trees, and fencing. In the inner rectangle on both covers is a strapwork stamp.M. Rozsondai. Sheppard gives taf. 165 roll 3 Index tabs.
Size: 366 × 250 × 38 mm.
Size of leaf: 356 × 240 mm.
Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ mark inside the upper cover. John Wickham Legg (1843-1921). Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1921; see Craster 295.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. c. G5.1495.1.AEC

Entry number: A-312
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: De censuris et De sponsalibus et matrimonio.

Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: De excommunicationibus suspensionibus interdictis irregularitatibus et penis’ [also known as De censuris].
Incipit: ‘[E]xcommunicatio dicitur exclusio a communione . . .’
See Kaeppeli I 89 no. 253; Orlandi 303-4 no. (E) 1.
Item location: l1r
Item location: l3r
Item author: Paulus II, Pont. Max.
Item title: [Introduction to the bull.]
Incipit: ‘[S]anctissimus et in christo pater, et dominus noster, dominus Paulus . . . Qui pridem super plenariis remissionibus que semel in vita et in articulo mortis concedunt formam . . .’
Item location: l3v
Item author: Paulus II, Pont. Max.
Item title: [Bulla 11 May 1465] ‘Cum in omnibus iudiciis.’
MBR V 183-4.
Item location: l4r
Item author: Pius II, Pont. Max.
Item title: [Constitutio, 17 Nov. 1461] ‘Cum ex sacrorum ordinum collatione.’
MBR V 165-6.
Item location: l4r
‘Ex processu annuali in curia.’
Incipit: ‘[N]os ipsam hanc absolutionem nobis tantum et successoribus nostris . . .’
Item location: l4r
‘Item ex ipso processu.’
[I]tem excommunicamus et anathematizamus omnes violatores ecclesiastice libertatis . . . [I]tem excommunicamus et anathematizamus omnes illos, qui in terris suis . . .’
Item location: l4r
Item author: Paulus II, Pont. Max. [pseudo-;author Eugenius IV, Pont. Max.]
Item text: Bulla contra symoniacos’ [23 Nov. 1464] ‘Cum detestabile scelus.’
Partially printed in MBR V 16-17, which dates to 18 May 1434.
Item location: l5r
Item author: Paulus II, Pont. Max.
Item text: Bulla de casibus reseruatis’ [3 Mar. 1469] ‘Etsi dominici gregis.’
Summa constitutionum summorum Pontificum, ed. Petrus Matthaeus (Lyons, 1588), 136-7.
Item location: l6r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: De sponsalibus et matrimonio.
Incipit: ‘[B]eatus es, et bene tibi erit . . . [Ps 127,2.] Dic sacrosanctum concilium uniuersalis ecclesie . . .’

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 23 Sept. 1474. Format: 4°.
a b10 c–k8 l6 m–q8 r6.
References: GW 2070;HC *1268;Goff A–776;BMC V 225, XII 16;Pr 4294;BSB–Ink A–608; CIBN A–460; Sheppard 3464.

Imperfections: Wanting k2 and k7, and l6–r6, the ‘De sponsalibus et matrimonio.’
Binding: Eighteenth-century half red morocco over marbled boards; marbled endleaves.
Size: 198 × 145 × 23 mm.
Size of leaf: 194 × 132 mm.
Notes in a contemporary hand on a1v and b8v.
Decoration: A seven-line initial ‘E’ on a2r is supplied in blue, with red pen-work infill and with pen-flourishing in red extending into the margin, and finishing with a rose. Two- and three-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Title in black ink in a contemporary hand on lower edge.
Provenance: Seraphinus de Glussiano; inscription on a1r: ‘Ad usum fratris Seraphini de glussiano.’ Munich, Franciscan Observants, S. Anthonius de Padua; circular stamp, with Franciscan device of the crossed arms and cross, and initials ‘SAM’ for ‘Sancti Antonii Monacensis’ on a2r. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 86.

Entry number: A-313
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Chronicon. Partes I–III.

Item location: [a2r]
‘Summarium primi voluminis.’
Incipit: ‘Primus titulus, de prima et secunda mundi etate . . .’
Item location: [c1r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘[L]oquar propositiones ab initio. Quanta audiuimus et cognouimus ea et patres nostri annunciauerunt nobis . . .’
Chroniques de S. Antonin, ed. Raoul Mor&ccedilla;ay (Paris, 1913), 165-70.William Hood, Fra Angelico at San Marco (New Haven, 1993) notes that Peter Howard is preparing a Ph.D. thesis for Monash University, Australia, on the theology of the Summa historiale, of which, according to Hood, the Chronicon is the third part
Item location: [c2r]
[Table of contents of part 1.]
Item location: [c3r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prima pars hystorialis’ [also known as Chronicon. Pars I].
Incipit: ‘Capitulum primum de Adam et Eua in statu innocentie . . . [H]omo, cum in honore esset, non intellexit . . .’
See Chroniques, ed. Mor&ccedilla;ay; see also Kaeppeli I 82 no. 240; Orlandi 306 (A) 1.
Item location: [P1r]
‘Registrum prime partis.’
Item location: [a2r]
‘Summarium secundi voluminis.’
Incipit: ‘Titulus nonus de Constantino magno imperatore . . .’
Item location: [c2r]
‘Tabula titulorum et capitulorum.’
Item location: [c3r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Secunda pars hystorialis’ [also known as Chronicon. Pars II].
Incipit: ‘[C]onstantinus igitur defuncto eius patre Constantio imperare cepit . . .’
Item location: [V1r]
‘Registrum secunde partis.’
Item location: [a2r]
‘Summarium tercii voluminis.’
Incipit: ‘[T]ercium istud volumen partis hystorialis continet materiam de quibusdam doctoribus et libris eorum et sententiis notabilioribus . . .’
Item location: [c2r]
‘Tabula titulorum et capitulorum.’
Item location: [c3r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Tercia pars historialis’ [also known as Chronicon. Pars III].
Incipit: ‘[H]ugo de sancto Victore canonicus regularis claruit circa annos domini mille centum . . .’
Item location: [X10r]
[Note ascribing the incomplete state of the work to the death of Antoninus.]
Incipit: ‘Finit feliciter tercia pars historialis domini Antonini Archiepiscopi Florentini usque ad tempora sua morte preuentus non plura absoluit.’
Item location: [X10r]
[Note on the death of Antoninus.]
Incipit: ‘Obiit autem idem Antoninus vir consiliorum clarissimus sacre scripture interpres . . .’
Item location: [X10r]
[Epitaph of Antoninus.]
Item text: Epigramma domini Antonini sepulture eius affixum.’
‘Hic est ille tuus pastor Florentia pro quo &pipe; Non cessas mesto spargere rore genas’; 2 elegiac distichs.
BMC II 416.
Item location: [X10r]
Item location: [Y1r]
‘Registrum tercie partis.’

Place of imprint: Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 31 July 1484. Format: Folio.
Part I: [a b6 c–f8 g–z A–P6]; part II: [a b6 c8 d–z A–V6]; part III: [a b6 c8 d–z A–V6 X10 Y6].
References: GW 2072;HC *1159;Goff A–778;BMC II 426-7;Pr 2040;BSB–Ink A–563; CIBN A–450; Oates 1003; Rhodes 105; Sack, Freiburg, 211; Sheppard 1492.

Sheets [m1.6] and [m2.5] of part 1 in reverse order.
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library. Index tabs in part 3.
Size: Part 1: 420 × 295 × 60 mm; part 2: 425 × 300 × 66 mm; part 3: 425 × 300 × 70 mm.
Size of leaf: 408 × 273 mm.
Occasional early marginal annotations.
Decoration: Part 1: Three- to seven-line initials are supplied in red or blue, some with extensions into the margins. On [c1r] a fourteen-line initial ‘L’ is supplied in blue; on [c3r] a nineteen-line initial ‘H’ is supplied in red, with extensions into the margin and gutter. Paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; underlining and capital strokes in red. Contemporary inscription on [a1r]: ‘Prima pars cronice Domini Anthonini’. Part 2: Two- to six-line initials are supplied in red or blue, some with extensions into the margins, some red initials decorated in blue. On [c3r] a 21-line initial ‘C’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue, within a red and blue frame, serrated towards the right; paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; underlining and capital strokes in red or blue. Contemporary inscription on [a1r]: ‘Secunda pars cronice Domini Anthonini’. Part 3: Two- to six-line initials are supplied in red or blue; some with extensions into the margins, some red initials decorated in blue, some blue initials in red; paragraph marks are supplied in red; underlining and capital strokes in red. Contemporary inscription on [a1r]: ‘Tertia pars cronice Domini Anthonini’. Twenty-one line initial on [c3r] left blank.
Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard Kloß (1787-1854); sale (1835), lot 227. J. T. Hand (fl. 1834-1837), 1835; note on endleaf of part 2 without date, and part 3 with date; sale (1837), lot 151. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf. 2.4-6.

Entry number: A-314
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale [Italian]: Curam illius habe. Explicit: ‘Regnum celorum’.

Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prolagho.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[Q]uia tu scientiam repulisti et ego te repellam, ne sacerdotio fungaris mihi” [Os 4,6]. Dice iddio per lo propheta suo al sacerdote . . .’
See Bloomfield 4737.
Item location: [b1r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Curam illius habe [Confessionale in Italian. Also known as Medicina dell’anima].
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[C]uram illius habe”, Luce decimo [Lc 10,35]. Queste parole dixe il buono Sammaritano allo stabulario . . .’
See Bloomfield 1291; Kaeppeli I 98 no. 258, Orlandi 326 no. 4, and Raoul Mor&ccedilla;ay, S. Antonin archevêque de Florence 1389-1459 (Tours, 1914), ch. 1.
Item location: [s7v]
[Forms of absolution from excommunication in Latin and Italian.]
Incipit: ‘Auctoritate domini nostri Yhesu Christi et apostolorum eius Petri et Pauli et sancte Romane ecclesie ac domini nostri summi pontificis Domini Sixti pape iiii . . . Quello che diriza il guiditio del rectore dell’anime dopo il lume della gratia . . .’

Place of imprint: Florence: Francesco di Dino, 10 July 1481. Format: 4°.
[a4 b–s8].
References: GW 2078;HCR 1213;Goff A–784;BMC VI 633;Pr 6134;CIBN A–413; Oates 2337; Sheppard 5088; La stampa a Firenze 1471-1550. Omaggio a Roberto Ridolfi, ed. Dennis E. Rhodes (Florence, 1984), no. 5.

Imperfections: Wanting [b4]. Leaf [a] mounted; leaf [s8] repaired.
Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter russia.
Size: 223 × 133 × 27 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 125 mm.
Decoration: Two-, three- and five-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue.
Provenance: Alessandro, Count Mortara (†1855). Acquisition history: Purchased from Count Mortara; see Alessandro Mortara, Biblioteca Italica (1852), 6.
Bodleian shelfmark: Mortara 550.

Entry number: A-315
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale [Italian]: Curam illius habe. Explicit: ‘Regnum celorum.’

Item location: a1r
[Title and woodcut.]
Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prolago’.
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“Quia tu scientiam repulisti et ego te repellam ne sacerdotio fungaris mihi” [Os 4,6]. Dice iddio pro lo propheta suo al sacerdote ignorante . . .’
See A–314.
Item location: a4r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Curam illius habe. [Confessionale in Italian. Also known as Medicina dell’anima].
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“Curam illius habe”, Luce .x. [Lc 10,35]. Queste parole dixe il buono Sammaritano allo stabulario . . .’
See A–314; also Orlandi 326 no. 5.
Item location: l3v
‘Forma absolutionis ab excommunicatione’ [Latin and Italian].
Incipit: ‘Auctoritate domini nostri Iesu Christi et apostolorum eius Petri et Pauli et sancte Romane ecclesie ac domini nostri summi pontificis domini nostri N. pape iiii . . . Quello che diriza il guidicio del rectore dell’anime dopo il lume della gratia . . .’

Place of imprint: Florence: Lorenzo Morgiani and Johannes Petri, 23 May 1493. Format: 4°.
a–i8 k6 l4.
Two woodcuts: on a1r Augustine writing; on l4v Augustine confessing a penitent; see BMC VI 682.
References: GW 2079;HC 1214;Goff A–785;BMC VI 682;Pr 6355;CIBN A–414; Sander 427; Sheppard 5243.

Bound with:
2. [Thomas à Kempis], Imitazione di Gesù Cristo. Florence: Antonio de Bartolommeo Miscomini, 1494 (T–115);
3. Monte dell’orazione. Florence: Francesco Bonaccorsi, for Piero Pacini, 1496 (M–313).
Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) parchment, with sprinkled red-edged leaves.
Size: 210 × 146 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 201 × 137 mm.
In all items many early marginal annotations in Italian and Latin and pointing hands, in brown and red ink, in an Italian hand. In the same hand early manuscript foliation: 1-185. On the verso of the front endleaf a list of contents in Italian, eighteenth/nineteenth-century, brown ink.
Decoration: Woodcuts are coloured in red, brown, and green.
Provenance: Charles William Dyson Perrins (1864-1958); book-plates; see Catalogue Dyson Perrins, no. 68; sale (1946), lot 18; cost of purchase refunded later by C. W. Dyson Perrins; see BLR 2,26 (1947), 183 and Friends of the Bodleian, Report of the Second Annual General Meeting, 24 June 1947, 4.
Bodleian shelfmark: Don. e.239(1).

Entry number: A-316
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Articulo mortis tuae.’

Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [a4r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio” [Ps 63,7], ait psalmista. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See Bloomfield 1501.
Item location: [a4v]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: De instructione seu directione simplicium confessorum.’ ‘Summa confessionum seu interrogatorium pro simplicibus confessoribus.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]uantum igitur ad primum, vt habeas auctoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See Bloomfield 1501; Kaeppeli I 92-6 no. 256; Orlandi 314 no. (A) 2-3. On the two versions of the Confessionale: Defecerunt, see Hieronymus Wilms, ‘Das Confessionale “Defecerunt” des hl. Antonin’, Divus Thomas, 24 (1946), 99-108.
Item location: [s3v]
Item author: Johannes Chrysostomus(?)
Item title: Sermo de penitentia.
Incipit: ‘[P]rouida mente et profundo cogitatu cognosci debent duo rerum distincta negocia . . .’
See Bloomfield 4301 who ascribes to ‘Johannes Chrysostomus(?).’

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470]. Format: 4°.
[a b–s8].
References: GW 2081 (a), 2082 (b);C 490 (a), HC *1162, C 491 (b);Goff A–787 (a), A–788 (b);BMC I 182 (a), I 183 (b);Pr 822 (a), 819 = 821 (b);BSB–Ink A–566 (a); CIBN A–416 (a), A–417 (b); Oates 303-5 (a), 301 (b); Sheppard 613 (a, b); Voulliéme, Köln, 122 (a), 123 = 124 (b).

A copy made up of fragments of two editions: gathering [a] comes from GW 2081, and gatherings [b–s] from GW 2082.
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [s8].
Binding: Nineteenth-century French gold-tooled brown morocco; marbled pastedown; gilt-edged leaves; parchment endleaves; bound by R. G. Simier; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 220 × 157 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 142 mm.
Marginal note marks.
Decoration: One- to four-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance: ACQUIREDAcquired by 1835; Catalogus (1843), I 94; the shelfmark would suggest c.1831; probably Antoine Augustin Renouard (1765-1853); sale (1830), lot 162; purchased at the Renouard sale for £2. 2. 0: see Library Bills (1829-32), nos 190-1, and Books Purchased (1830), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.17.

Entry number: A-317
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Articulo mortis tuae.’

Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [a4r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutineo(!)” [Ps 63,7], ayt psalmista. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: [a4v]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: De instructione seu directione simplicium confessorum.’ ‘Summa confessionum seu interrogatorium pro simplicibus confessoribus.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vantum igitur ad primum, vt habeas auctoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See A–316; also Orlandi 315 no. (A) 6.
Item location: [s3v]
Item author: Johannes Chrysostomus(?)
Item title: Sermo de penitentia.
Incipit: ‘[P]rouida mente et profundo cogitatu cognosci debent duo rerum distincta negocia . . .’
See A–316.

Place of imprint: [Cologne: Printer of the ‘Historia S. Albani’ (Johann Guldenschaff or Conrad Winters, de Homborch?), c.1472]. Format: 4°.
References: GW 2085;C 489;BMC I 215;Pr 1007;BSB–Ink A–567; Bradshaw 6; Oates 508; Rhodes 106; Sheppard 768; Voulliéme, Köln, 128.

Bound with A–081; see there for details of binding and provenance.
Size of leaf: 206 × 140 mm.
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [s8].
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. N 5.5(6).

Entry number: A-318
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Acquisitionem vitae aeternae.’

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio” [Ps 63,7], ait psalmista. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: [a1v]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Libellus de audientia confessionum.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]ending appears to be rather abbreviated
Incipit: ‘[Q]uantum igitur ad primum, ut habeas auctoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See A–316; also Orlandi 315 no. (A) 7.

Place of imprint: [Venice: Adam de Ambergau], 1472. Format: 4°.Bibliographical notes: Pr, GW, IGI and Orlandi assign to [Milan: Antonius Zarotus]; GW and IGI give the format as folio.
[a–g10 h12 i–l10 m8].
References: GW 2086;HC, Addenda *1172;Goff A–792;BMC VII 1134;Pr 5770;BSB–Ink A–568; CIBN A–438; IGI 620; Sheppard 3322.

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century Italian half red morocco, for Boutourlin(?); a greek-key tool on the spine; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 248 × 177 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 239 × 164 mm.
Occasional contemporary marginal notes.
Decoration: Three- and six-line initials are supplied in blue. One three-line initial ‘I’ on [a4v], and three paragraph marks on [c4v5r], are all supplied in brown (faded red?) ink.
Provenance: Georgius Antonius Vespucius (c.1434-1514). Given by him to Florence, Dominicans, S. Marco in June 1499; inscription on [a1r]: ‘Liber conventus Sancti Marci de Florentia ordinis predicatorum h[abitus] a fratre Georgio Antonio Vespucio filio nat[ivo] 1499 Junio’ (for the inscription cf. A. C. de la Mare, The Handwriting of Italian Humanists, vol. 1, fasc. 1 (Oxford, 1973), 126, no. 16); this incunable does not appear in the list of Ullman and Stadter 39, nor has it been found in the catalogue printed by Ullman and Stadter, 125-267. Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); not found in 1805 catalogue; shelfmark no. 41; see Catalogue (1831), p. 6; sale (1840), II no. 160. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1841), 15.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.51.

Entry number: A-319
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Causam efficientem usurarum.’

Item location: [a3r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio” [Ps 63,7], ait psalmista. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: [a3v]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: De institutione seu directione simplitium confessorum.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Edited by Celestinus of S. Eusebius, Rome, as stated in the colophon.
Incipit: ‘[Q]uantum igitur ad primum, ut habeas auctoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See A–316; also Orlandi 315 no. (A) 8.
Item location: [n6r]
[Forms of absolution from excommunication.]
Incipit: ‘Forma absolutionis ab excommunicatione minori hec est . . .’
Item location: [o10r]
Item author: [Celestinus]
Item title: [Colophon, with a note on the editor.]
‘Nescio quo plausu, ni quod superbiant ausu &pipe; Multi doctorum conscripta sepe bonorum’; 14 hexameters.
BMC IV 37.

Place of imprint: Rome: Georgius Lauer, Feb. 1472. Format: 4°.
[a12 b–g10 h–k8 l–o8.10].
References: GW 2087;H *1174;Goff A–789;BMC IV 37;Pr 3410;BSB–Ink A–569; CIBN A–439; Sheppard 2730.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [a1].
Leaf [o10r]: ‘Sub quarto Sixto . . .’; in some copies ‘quinto.’
Binding: Eighteenth-century Italian gold-tooled red morocco. On both covers borders of fern-tips, a single fillet, and dentelle; garland on turn-ins; slashes and dots on edges of boards; marbled pastedowns; probably bound for Boutourlin; title in black ink on fore-edge.
Size: 245 × 173 × 37 mm.
Size of leaf: 233 × 160 mm.
Early marginal notes.
Decoration: Some initials are supplied in black ink.
Provenance: Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); armorial book-plate; shelfmark no. 40; see Catalogue (1831), p. 5; sale (1839), lot 275. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.48.

Entry number: A-320
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Articulo mortis tuae.’

Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [a4r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio” [Ps 63,7], ait psalmista. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: [a4v]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: De instructione seu directione simplicium confessorum.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vantum igitur ad primum, ut habeas auctoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See A–316; also Orlandi 315 no. (A) 9.
Item location: [n8v]
Item location: [n8v]
[Valedictory verses.]
‘Quem genuit quondam germana Antuuerpia potens &pipe; Mathiae Antonius uirtute insignis et arte’; 8 hexameters.
BMC VII 947.

Place of imprint: Mondovì: Antonius Mathiae and Baltasar Corderius, 24 Oct. 1472. Format: 4°.
[a–m10 n8].
References: GW 2088;HCR 1173;Goff A–791;BMC VII 947;Pr 6875;CIBN A–418; Sheppard 5686.

Imperfections: Wanting [f2-3].
Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century calf; gold-tooled spine.
Size: 200 × 160 × 40 mm.
Size of leaf: 193 × 141 mm.
Marginal annotations and pointing hands. Manuscript catchwords and guide-letters for initials.
Decoration: Two- to four-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance: ‘B T.1.8 79 AB’, in a nineteenth-century hand, inside the upper cover. Acquisition history: Purchased for £1. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1849), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.58.

Entry number: A-321
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Articulo mortis tuae.’

Item location: [a1r]
Item location: [a4r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio” [Ps 63,7], ait psalmista. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: [a4v]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: De instructione seu directione simplicium confessorum.’ ‘Summa confessionum seu interrogatorium pro simplicibus confessoribus.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vantum igitur ad primum, ut habeas autoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See A–316; also Orlandi 316 no. (A) 18.
Item location: [s3v]
Item author: Johannes Chrysostomus(?)
Item title: Sermo de penitentia.
Incipit: ‘[P]rouida mente et profundo cogitatu cognosci debent duo rerum distincta negocia . . .’
See A–316.

Place of imprint: [Mainz]: Peter Schoeffer, [not after 1475]. Format: 4°.
[a–s8].Bibliographical notes: Collation as GW, not as BMC.
References: GW 2094;H *1163;Goff A–801;BMC I 32;Pr 108;BSB–Ink A–571; CIBN A–420; Lehmann-Haupt no. 191; Sheppard 66-7.

First copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [s8].
Binding: Sixteenth-century German half pigskin over wooden boards; remains of metal clasp and catch; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers.
Size: 212 × 147 × 48 mm.
Size of leaf: 202 × 138 mm.
Marginal note on [q1r].
Decoration: Inscription giving date of rubrication on [s3r] and [s7v]: ‘1475 C.F.’ One- to four-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Augsburg, Bavaria, Canons Regular, Priory, Sancta Crux; shelfmark ‘G.III.10′ on spine, in gold on a blue label.ACQUIRED Purchased for £2. 12. 6; see Books Purchased (1826), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 1.6.

Second copy
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf [s8].
Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library; marbled pastedowns.
Size: 210 × 150 × 30 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 136 mm.
Nota marks, pointing hands, and early marginal annotations.
Decoration: Running headings, one- to four-line initials, paragraph marks, and early foliation are all supplied in red; underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Purchased for £0. 5. 6; see Books Purchased (1850), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.51.

Entry number: A-322
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Articulo mortis tuae.’

Item location: a1r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, ait psalmista [Ps 63,7]. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: a1r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Summa confessionum seu interrogatorium pro simplicibus confessoribus.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vantum ad primum, ut habeas auctoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See A–316; also Orlandi 317 no. (A) 33.
Item location: l7r
Item author: Johannes Chrysostomus(?)
Item title: Sermo de penitentia.
Incipit: ‘[P]rouida mente et profundo cogitatu cognosci debent duo rerum distincta negocia . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: m1v
Item location: m1v
Item author: Henricus de Hassia [Langenstein]
Item title: Regulae ad cognoscendum differentiam inter peccatum mortale et veniale.
Incipit: ‘[A]d cognoscendum differentiam inter peccatum mortale et veniale ponuntur regule sequentes . . .’
See Hohmann 402 no. 4.
Item location: m4v

Place of imprint: Memmingen: Albrecht Kunne, 1483. Format: 4°.
a10 b–l8 m6.
References: GW 2097;HC *1190;Goff A–811;BMC II 602;Pr 2773;BSB–Ink A–572; CIBN A–421; Oates 1231; Sack, Freiburg, 217; Sheppard 2007.

Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf a1.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; rebacked in 1985.
Size: 212 × 147 × 22 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 133 mm.
Marginal annotations.
Provenance: Würzburg, Bavaria, Conventual Franciscans, Inventio crucis/Sancta crux; a deleted inscription: ‘Ad Bibliothecam Fratrum Minorum S. Francisci Herbipol&ae;’. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate and signature. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 127.

Entry number: A-323
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Articulo mortis tuae.’

Item location: [*1v]
Item location: a1r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, ait psalmista [Ps 63,7]. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: a1v
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: De instructione seu directione curam animarum regentium.’ ‘Summa confessionum seu interrogatorium pro simplicibus confessoribus.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘Qvantum igitur ad primum, vt habeas auctoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See A–316; also Orlandi 317 no. (A) 34.
Item location: p6r
Item author: Johannes Chrysostomus(?)
Item title: Sermo de penitentia.
Incipit: ‘[P]rouida mente et profundo cogitatu cognosci debent duo rerum distincta negocia . . .’
See A–316.

Place of imprint: [Strasbourg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, c.1484]. Format: 4°.
[*4] a–o8 p10.
References: GW 2098;HC *1166;Goff A–812;BMC I 90;Pr 390;BSB–Ink A–573; Oates 164; Sack, Freiburg, 218; Sheppard 316.

Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled half pigskin over wooden boards, with remains of clasp. Double fillets form a rectangle with a badly worn lozenge-shaped stamp (possibly an arrow and heart stamp) and, on the upper cover only, a rectangular stamp, now too worn for identification.
Size: 212 × 142 × 42 mm.
Size of leaf: 200 × 138 mm.
Note marks and underlining in red crayon.
Decoration: Two- and three-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; printed initials coloured in red; underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Frater Matthias (fifteenth/sixteenth century); inscription:`de libris fratris mattie’, on a1r in a contemporary hand. Deleted inscription on [*1r]. Heinrich Christian Schumacher (1780-1850); ‘H. C. Schumacher 1814 Mannheim den 22 Febr.’ on [*1r]. ‘79′ on lozenge-shaped label on spine. John Mozley Stark (fl. 1851-1888); Catalogue 30 (1859), no. 41, for £0. 5. 0; label inside the upper cover. Acquisition history: Purchased with the price given incorrectly as £0. 10. 6, rather than £0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 10; the larger figure must actually have been paid for A–341.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. Q inf. 1.9.

Entry number: A-324
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Articulo mortis tuae.’

Item location: a2r
Item location: a3r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Prologus.’
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, ait psalmista [Ps 63,7]. Scrutantes aliorum peccata sunt confessores . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: a3r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: De instructione seu directione simplicium confessorum.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[Q]vantum igitur ad primum, ut habeas auctoritatem audiendi confessiones . . .’
See A–316; also Orlandi 317 no. (A) 39.
Item location: h8r
Item author: Johannes Chrysostomus(?)
Item title: Sermo de penitentia.
Incipit: ‘[P]rouida mente et profundo cogitatu cognosci debent duo rerum distincta negocia . . .’
See A–316.
Item location: i2r
‘Tabula de casibus.’
Item location: A1r
Item author: [Guilelmus Parisiensis]
Item title: Dialogus de septem sacramentis.
Item text: Tractatus de septem sacramentis ecclesie sumptus ex scriptis sancti Thome de Aquino ac Petri de Tharenthasia qui per modum questionum discipuli ac magistri responsionum de cuiuslibet sacramenti efficacia ordinate loquitur et succincte. In quo Petrus sub cuiusdam discipuli nomine querit et per Gregorium eidem ut a magistri uicem gerente respondetur. Et primo de sacramento baptismi’.
Incipit: ‘[P]etrus. Quero a) Ex quibus constituitur baptismi sacramentum? Gregorius. Ex uerbis et rebus . . .dicta sunt de matrimonio et impedimentis sufficiat’
Note on authorship: Many variants from the same text found in Pr 468.
See Kaeppeli II 130-31, no. 1618.
Item location: [*2v]
‘Tabula super dyalogum de septem sacramentis ecclesie’.cfd

Place of imprint: [Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, between 1483 and 1485]. Format: Folio.Bibliographical notes: Dated from HPT.
a–h8 i6 A–E8 [*4].
References: GW 2099;HC 1168; 1170;Goff A–816; T–331;BMC IX 150;Pr 9243; 9252;Campbell 162; 1491; CIBN A–422; HPT II 437; ILC 258, 2094; Oates 3725 (I); Sheppard 7125.

Bound with:
2. Thomas de Chabham, Liber penitentialis. [Louvain: Johannes de Westfalia, between 1483 and 1485] (T–198).
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf a1.
Binding: Contemporary Netherlandish calf over wooden boards, backed with red morocco. Wanting two bosses on each cover. On each cover, a frame formed by pairs of fillets. The panels so formed are divided by fillets into triangular compartments. Parchment index tabs.
Size: 300 × 225 × 63 mm.
Size of leaf: 290 × 205 mm.
Parchment pastedowns, the upper one raised, the lower one still partially attached, with manuscript notes on the verso.
Note marks and occasional annotations, including the numbering of points of interest, on b1r-v and b4r–b8r. On i6v an authorship note on this edition in a contemporary hand, brown ink: ‘Nota quod titulus sequentis operis falsus [crossed out and above: ‘incorrectus’] est quia pro Gregorio deberet poni Gilo [above: ‘Guido’]. Nam a Gilone Cameracensi episcopo editus est hic tractatus siue dyalogus et aliter incipit opus hic habetur quia principium hic deficit quod(?) est tale etenim(?) \me sepius/ rogasti Petre etc.’ In the heading on A1r after ‘Tractatus’ both ‘Gilonis Cameracensis episcopi’ and above ‘Guidonis’ have been added in the same hand. The last gathering, unsigned, is given a manuscript signature ‘F’ in the same early hand. Note about the printer on a1v in French, in an eighteenth-century(?) hand.
Decoration: Two- to five-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; four six-line initials are supplied in blue. On A1r a five-line initial ‘P’ is supplied in blue with reserved white decoration. Underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance: ‘F 2′. ‘£1. 4. 0′. Samuel Parr (1747-1825); printed label; probably sale (20 May 1828), lot 834. Francis Douce (1757-1834); armorial book-plate. Acquisition history: Bequeathed in 1834.
Bodleian shelfmark: Douce 240.

Entry number: A-325
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Exprimentia consensum.’

Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, psalmista 63 [Ps 63,7]. Scrutinium quidem est confessio in quo et penitens scrutatur conscientiam suam . . .’
See Bloomfield 1502.
Item location: [a1r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Summula confessionis.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[N]otandum primo est, quod non sacerdos . . .’According to Bloomfield, this is the longer form of the ‘Defecerunt’; see 1502.
See Bloomfield 1502; also Orlandi 315 no. (A) 12.incipits in Kaeppeli no. 247 do not match
Item location: [i7r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Titulus de restitutionibus.
Incipit: ‘[D]e prima manu feneratoria potest intelligi illud quod habetur Apocalypsis, 17, ‘`Vidi mulierem sedentem super bestiam coccineam” [Apc 17,3] . . .’
See Bloomfield 1424.
Item location: [n2v]
‘Tabula materierum’.
Item location: [n6r]
Item author: [Bartholomaeus Cremonensis]
Item title: [Valedictory verse to the reader.]
‘Quem legis impressus dum stabit in aere caracter &pipe; Dum non longa dies uel fera fata prement’; 3 distichs.
BMC V 208.

Place of imprint: [Venice]: Bartholomaeus Cremonensis, [not after July] 1473. Format: Folio.
[a b10 c12 d–m10 n6].
References: GW 2103;H *1176 = 1175;Goff A–797;BMC V 208;Pr 4224;BSB–Ink A–575; CIBN A–424; Rhodes 107; Sheppard 3393.

Binding: Eighteenth-century Italian gold-tooled red morocco; marbled pastedowns; on both covers, a border of fern-tips and an undulating roll; probably bound for Boutourlin.
Size: 235 × 173 × 32 mm.
Size of leaf: 225 × 164 mm.
Decoration: Two-, three-, and four-line initials are supplied in red, two four- and one six-line initials in blue. Many initials with pen-flourishing in red ink, extending into the margins. Paragraph marks are supplied in red or black ink. Capital strokes in red or yellow.
Provenance: Erased ownership inscription on [n6v]. Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763-1829); book-plate and shelfmark no. 67; see Catalogue (1831); sale (1839), lot 276. Acquisition history: Purchased for £0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), 2.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.47.

Entry number: A-326
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Exprimentia consensum.’

Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, psalmista 63 [Ps 63,7]. Scrutinium quidem est confessio in quo et penitens scrutatur conscientiam suam . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: [a2r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Summula confessionis.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[N]otandum primo est quod non sacerdos . . .’
See A–325; also Orlandi 316 no. (A) 15.incipits in Kaeppeli no. 247 do not match
Item location: [h3r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Titulus de restitutionibus.
Incipit: ‘[D]e prima manu feneratoria potest intelligi illud quod habetur Apocalypsis, 17, ‘0.6 mm“Uidi mulierem sedentem super bestiam coccineam” [Apc 17,3] . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: [l4r]
‘Tabula materierum’.

Place of imprint: Venice: Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 1474. Format: 4°.
[a–e10 f8 g–i10 k6 l8].
References: GW 2104;H *1177;Goff A–798;BMC V 225;Pr 4289;BSB–Ink A–576; CIBN A–425; Sheppard 3459.

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian Library.
Size: 217 × 158 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 203 × 148 mm.
Occasional early annotations and ‘nota’ marks.
Decoration: Three seven- or eight-line initials are supplied in blue and decorated in red with infill and pen-flourished extensions into the margins. Other, three- to six-line, initials, and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Franciscans, S. Maria Assumpta. Wolfgang Scheytter (fl. before 1513); inscription on [a1r]: ‘Ad cellam patris guardiani vel predicatoris Conventus Ingoldstadien[sis] post usum Wolffgangi Scheytter deputetur’. Caspar Summer (fl. 1513-1517). Kelheim, Bavaria, Franciscans, S. Maria; gift to Kelheim, from Summer; inscription on [a1r]: ‘Iste liber donatus est a patre Casparo Summer gardiano Ingolstadiensi conventui Kelhemmensi pro cella predicatoris’; ‘SMK’ stamp on [a2r]: ‘Sancte Marie Kelheimensis’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘No 11152′ on [a1v]. Acquisition history: Purchased via Thomas Rodd for Fl. 9, i.e. for £0. 18. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 3.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.51.

Entry number: A-327
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Exprimentia consensum.’

Item location: [a2r]
‘Tabula materiarum.’
Item location: [b1r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, psalmista 63 [Ps 63,7]. Scrutinium quidem est confessio in quo et penitens scrutatur conscientiam suam . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: [b1r]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Summula confessionis.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[N]otandum primo est quod non sacerdos . . .’
See A–325; also Orlandi 316 no. (A) 21.
Item location: [l7v]
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Titulus de restitutionibus.
Incipit: ‘[D]e prima manu feneratoria potest intelligi illud quod habetur Apocalypsis, 17, ‘0.6 mm“Uidi mulierem sedentem super bestiam coccineam” [Apc 17,3] . . .’
See A–325.

Place of imprint: [Rome: In Domo Francisci de Cinquinis, c.1477]. Format: 4°.
[a4 b–f8 g h6 i–n8 o p6].
References: GW 2107;C 501;Goff A–804;BMC IV 77;Pr 3608;Oates 1440-1; Sheppard 2863.

Binding: Eighteenth-century quarter green sheep.
Size: 210 × 148 × 25 mm.
Size of leaf: 204 × 140 mm.
Decoration: Three- to six-line initials are supplied in gold and decorated, in red or yellow, with foliate infill and pen-flourished extensions into the margins. One two-line initial (on [c8v]) and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Capital strokes, and pen-flourishing to one printed initial, in red.
Provenance:  Acquisition history:Inscription on [b1] cut away. Date of acquisition unknown, but shelfmark would suggest c.1885; possibly the edition bought from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 159, no. 117, for 22 Marks; see Library Bills, 26 Apr. 1884; see also A–328.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.62.

Entry number: A-328
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Exprimentia consensum.’

Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, psalmista 63 [Ps 63,7]. Scrutinium quidem est confessio vel inquisitio in quo et penitens scrutatur conscientiam suam . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Summula confessionis.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[N]otandum primo est quod non sacerdos . . .’
See A–325; also Orlandi 317 no. (A) 32.
Item location: i5v
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Titulus de restitutionibus.
Incipit: ‘[D]e prima manu feneratoria potest intelligi illud quod habetur Apocalypsis, 17, ‘0.6 mm“Uidi mulierem sedentem super bestiam coccineam” [Apc 17,3] . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: n1r
‘Tabula materiarum.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Antonius de Strata, de Cremona, 20 Aug. 1483. Format: 4°.
a10 b–m8 n4.
References: GW 2116;HC 1189 = 1194;Goff A–810;BMC V 293;Pr 4584;Sheppard 3703.

Binding: Nineteenth-century pasteboards.
Size: 227 × 160 × 22 mm.
Size of leaf: 207 × 152 mm.
Pen-trials on a1r. Occasional early marginal notes.
Provenance: ‘Lionardo dalla Volta’ on a1r. Date of acquisition unknown, but shelfmark would suggest c.1884; possibly the edition bought from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 159, no. 117, for 22 Marks; see Library Bills, 26 Apr. 1884; see also A–327.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.66.

Entry number: A-329
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Exprimentia consensum.’

Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, psalmista 63 [Ps 63,7]. Scrutinium quidem est confessio vel inquisitio in quo et penitens scrutatur conscientiam suam . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Summa confessionis.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[N]otandum primo est quod non sacerdos . . .’
See A–325; also Orlandi 317 no. (A) 37.
Item location: i5v
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Titulus de restitutionibus.
Incipit: ‘[D]e prima manu feneratoria potest intelligi illud quod habetur Apocalypsis, xvii, ‘0.6 mm“Uidi mulierem sedentem super bestiam coccineam” [Apc 17,3] . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: n1r
‘Tabula materiarum.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Peregrinus de Pasqualibus, Bononiensis, and Dionysius Bertochus, 25 Oct. 1484. Format: 4°.
a10 b–m8 n4.
References: GW 2119;HC, Addenda *1192; C 506;Goff A–815;BMC XII 27;Pr 4846;BSB–Ink A–582; Sheppard 4040.

Sheets m3.6 and m4.5 bound in reverse order.
Binding: Contemporary German (Weissenau) blind-tooled half pigskin over modern boards (Feb. 1933). On both covers double fillets form a double frame; within the outer a floral stamp. In the inner rectangle is a foliate staff stamp. Same stamps on A–377(1) (Auct. P inf. 1.3 and 1.4.)rubbing made
Size: 220 × 154 × 37 mm.
Size of leaf: 210 × 132 mm.
Old photocopy, pasted into front of volume, of old board, with inscriptions, perhaps containing German place names; board now preserved in box Auct. 1Q 7.76*. Marginal correction on c2r.
Decoration: Two- to eight-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Some initials with pen-flourished extensions into the margins. Underlining and capital strokes in red.
Provenance: Weissenau, Württemberg, diocese of Konstanz, Premonstratensians, SS. Petrus et Paulus. Bonaventura Brem (1755-1818). Acquisition history: Purchased from Joseph Baer & Co., Lagercatalog 143, no. 487, for 6 Marks; see Library Bills, 7 May 1884.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 7.76.

Entry number: A-330
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Exprimentia consensum.’

Item location: a1r
[Xylographic title-page.]
‘Confessionale anthonini.’
Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, psalmista lxiii [Ps 63,7]. Scrutinium quidem est confessio vel inquisitio in quo et penitens scrutatur conscientiam suam . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Summa confessionis.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[N]otandum primo est quod non sacerdos . . .’
See A–325; also Orlandi 317 no. (A) 45.
Item location: n3v
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Titulus de restitutionibus.
Incipit: ‘[D]e prima manu feneratoria potest intelligi illud quod habetur Apocalypsis, xvii, ‘0.6 mm“Uidi mulierem sedentem super bestiam coccineam” [Apc 17,3] . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: [*1r]
‘Tabula materiarum.’

Place of imprint: [Speier: Johann and Conrad Hist, c.1487]. Format: 4°.
a b8 c d6 e8 f g6 h8 i k6 l m8 n6 o–q8 r6 [*]6.
References: GW 2124;H *1167;Goff A–820;Pr 2417;BSB–Ink A–584; Engel–Stalla col. 1660; Sack, Freiburg, 219; Sheppard 1750.

Bound with:
1. Nicolaus de Hanapis, Biblia pauperum. [Strasbourg: Johann Prüss], 1490 (N–048);
2. Werner Rolewinck, Formula vivendi canonicorum. [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1488-9] (R–131);
3. Stella clericorum. [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, c.1489] (S–318);
4. Manuale parochialium sacerdotum. [Reutlingen: Johann Otmar, c.1492] (M–075);
5. Nicolaus de Blony, De sacramentis. Strasbourg: [Martin Flach], 1488 (N–032).
Sheet l4.5 detached.
Binding: Contemporary (after c.1492) German blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with metal clasps, catches, and corner-pieces. Stamps are very badly worn on both covers. On both covers fillets form three concentric frames: on the upper cover, within the outer frame, at head and tail a cresting roll, within the second a repated foliate staff stamp, and, in the inner rectangle, a foliate stamp; on the lower cover, within the second frame a foliate stamp and, in the inner rectangle, a floral and a foliate stamp.poor rubbing made; M. Rozsondai: Magdeburg, but incorrect rubbing comparison
Size: 203 × 152 × 70 mm.
Size of leaf: 196 × 140 mm.
Parchment pastedowns on each board, both being partially raised. On the pasted down sides of both pastedowns, a document issued in Cracow in [14]77 and written in Low German, containing regulations for masses to be read after the death of Peter Bock’s death, left-hand side:
‘Ik her hen[ ]gk s[ ] perner tho krakow . . . &pipe; vnde we schepen dar sulves we bekennen . . . &pipe; dacht syner selen salygheyt vñd syner elyken . . . &pipe; vñd marien der hymelkonyghinnen in vnser kerken . . . &pipe; vor de leuendyghen selen der junyghen mynschen . . . &pipe; dey be schowelyk luent den werdyghen be scheyden . . . &pipe; de ym leuende synt de gode louen vñd benedyghen . . . &pipe; ores leuendes yn allen oren werken to eynen hyllyg . . . &pipe; husfrowe leuet. Denne na orer ewygher . . . &pipe; vñd myd selemyssen in orer rechther . . . &pipe; vñd tho der myssen van eynem ferndel(?) . . . &pipe; vñd allen cristen selen. Vörder schal m[ ] &pipe; ghes de selemyssen vnde denken peter bockes(?) . . . &pipe; susteren vñd broderen kynderen . . . by nemen . . . &pipe; kerken vñd vnser broderschop . . . der myssen . . . &pipe; vñd allen krysten selen. Vnde wes meer godes . . .. &pipe; myd oren hyllyghen almysen schal men vör by . . . &pipe; ock an vnse . . . [ ]ycht der broderschop vñd . . . &pipe; margreta syne elyke husfrowe vnser kerken . . . &pipe; vnser kerken to blyuende vnde sulke . . . &pipe; hyr voer schal men gheuen den permer alle jar . . . &pipe; ge wyspel meles myd xxx alden schok g[ ] . . . &pipe; dechtnysse stede vñd vast ewych mydde holden . . . &pipe; kömelynghe de mölle by oren wesen helpen . . . &pipe; Des the örkünde vör segelt myd vnser achtparn . . . &pipe; perner vñd gerke schulten vnde hens k[ ] . . . &pipe; tyed mydde brukende synt Ghe schreuen vñd . . .’
right-hand side:
‘ . . . vorstenden Sunte B[ ] vñses h[ ] . . . &pipe; . . . vñd werlyken alze wo peter bock het . . . &pipe; . . . twygher lyue eyne dechtnysse vnde to . . . &pipe; . . . populi Am donnerdaghe mytfasten . . . ys d[ ] &pipe; . . . wyset heyl vnde seligheyt vñd geue . . . &pipe; . . . syner elyken husfrowen vñd allen synen leren . . . &pipe; . . . mynschen tho ves.e vñd te gnade tho bet . . . &pipe; . . . ghe alze peter bock vñd margreta syne . . . &pipe; . . . dechtnysse jarlykes tho be ghen myd . . . &pipe; . . . schal mere denne tho bernen eyn lyt to de . . . &pipe; . . . [ ]nelen vor eynen wyghen gr[ ] allen dussen . . . &pipe; . . . Am sonauende des auendes vñd der . . . &pipe; . . . [ ]odes sele vñd all orer beyder vrunde se . . . &pipe; . . . So schal men ansteken(?) vñd bernen vnse iiij h[ ] &pipe; . . . yssen vor eynen n[ ]hen gr[ ] allen vnssen leuen . . . &pipe; . . . de vnse kerken [ ]ken vñd be dac[ ] &pipe; . . . deweke vñd yn allen bygrafften vñd . . . &pipe; . . . Hyr vor heth ghe gheuen peter böck . . . &pipe; . . . in der wyntmoken vor krakow Ewy . . . &pipe; . . . kerken tho krakow alle jar flytlyken to h[ ] &pipe; . . . kes vt gheuen op mydfasden . . . weret ok d[ ] &pipe; . . . enden wysse [ ]sche jarlykes Dar sulk[ ] &pipe; . . . wyken vor op graten vörstende edder vn[ ] &pipe; . . . freden vñd schepen boke ghe schreuen . . . &pipe; . . . dyssen vnse open breff Des ik her herugk s[ ] &pipe; . . . de bröder der schepen vns hyr tho up[ ] &pipe; . . . der vasten Anno lxxvii yn peder bockes h[ ]’.
Occasional marginal corrections. Contemporary notes on recto of the raised front pastedown: ‘Ieiunia aduentus RogacionumRogationes = the three days or week before Ascension day = between 30.4. and 3.6. et sextesixth hour [similiter?] per totum annum sunt &pipe; de consilio et non de precepto’, followed by a note referring to the word ‘sexte’: ‘Hora ii [scilicet] i cxlvii’; ‘Gregorius Innocentius Vincentius Tancredus Rofredus &pipe; Bernhardus Johannes hollandini Laurentius hii sunt doctores &pipe; decretorum. Ecclesia est heres clericorum et in rebus eorum &pipe; succedere debet’. On the back endleaf, a note on forms of absolution.
Decoration: A six-line initial ‘D’ on a2r is supplied in blue with red pen-work and extensions into the margin. Other two- to six-line initials are supplied in red or blue. Underlining and paragraph marks are supplied in red.get photograph of item 1
Provenance: Johann Iseken (fl. 1504-1513); ‘Liber Jo Yseken beneficiati in Ecclesia Sancte Catherine de ciui[tate] Magd[eburgensi]’. Joseph Niesert (1766-1841); inscription on a1r of item 1; sale (1843), lot 14371. Acquisition history: Purchased for £2. 18. 6; see Books Purchased (1843), 8.
Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.27(6).

Entry number: A-331
Antoninus Florentinus
Uniform title: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Explicit: ‘Exprimentia consensum.’

Item location: a1r
Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: [Prologue.]
Incipit: ‘0.6 mm“[D]efecerunt scrutantes scrutinio”, psalmista 63 [Ps 63,7]. Scrutinium quidem est confessio vel inquisitio in quo et penitens scrutatur conscientiam suam . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: a2r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item text: Summa confessionis.’
Item title: [Also known as Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio.]
Incipit: ‘[N]otandum primo est quod non sacerdos . . .’
See A–325; also Orlandi 318 no. (A) 54.
Item location: i4r
Item author: Antoninus Florentinus
Item title: Titulus de restitutionibus.
Incipit: ‘[D]e prima manu feneratoria potest intelligi illud quod habetur Apocalypsis, 17, ‘0.6 mm“Uidi mulierem sedentem super bestiam coccineam” [Apc 17,3] . . .’
See A–325.
Item location: m7r
‘Tabula materiarum.’

Place of imprint: Venice: Maximus de Butricis, 23 Jan. 1492. Format: 4°.
a10 b–l8 m10.
References: GW 2133;Goff A–826;BMC V 502;Pr 5359A;Sheppard 4420.

Imperfections: Wanting sheet c2.7.
The text on c1v and c8r has changed places by an error of imposition.
Binding: Nineteenth-century half parchment.
Size: 215 × 152 × 16 mm.
Size of leaf: 197 × 143 mm.
Decoration: One ten-line initial (on a2r), some three-line initials, and paragraph marks are supplied in red; some capital strokes in red. This rubrication is found only in gathering ‘a’ and on b1-2. Thereafter some initials are supplied in black ink.
Provenance: Lucca, Carthusian Convent, Sanctus Spiritus; inscription on a2r. Acquisition history: Purchased in 1930, from R. Atkinson; see BQR 6,68 (1930), 217.
Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. I4.1492.2.

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