Here’s a summary of the latest sites we’ve bookmarked on our delicious page:
- New York Heritage
- is a research portal for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and others who are interested in the Empire State’s history. is your gateway to hundreds of digital collections about New York State’s people, places, and institutions. brings together freely accessible digital collections from libraries, museums and archives from all over the state.
- Northern New York Historical Newspapers
- Northern New York Historical Newspapers are provided by the Northern New York Library Network to enhance access to the region’s local history. The online collection currently consists of more than 2,191,000 pages from fifty newspapers.
- Long Island Newspapers
- Digitised page images of nine local newspapers from Long Island.
- HRVH Historical Newspapers – Home
- The vision for HRVH Historical Newspapers is to provide access to digitized copies of historical newspapers from the Hudson River Valley region of New York State. The entire contents of the newspaper issues can be searched and browsed in HRVH Historical newspapers.
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle Online, 1841-1902
- The Brooklyn Daily Eagle was published from 1841 to 1955, then revived for a short time from 1960 to 1963. Because of the enormity of the collection, the digitization of the historic Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper from reels of microfilm has been broken down into more than one phase. Phase I, which can at present be found on this site, covers the period from October 26, 1841 to December 31, 1902, representing half of the Eagle’s years of publication. This period includes all of the years for which there is no index as well as the eleven years during which an index was published. Approximately 147,000 pages of newspaper in various digital formats are contained in this online repository. Access can be gained either by date of issue or by keyword searching.
- The New York State Digital Collections
- The Digital Collections provide a gateway to a variety of rich primary source materials held by the New York State Archives, State Library, and State Museum. Through the collection, you can access photographs, textual materials, artifacts, government documents, manuscripts, and other materials.
- Stevens Family Papers | Cornell University Library
- This is a collection of correspondence and other papers relating to Robert S. Stevens’ work as manager of the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Railway and the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, and to his investments in Kansas lands. This collection is dated from 1805 – 1899.
- Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Collection
- Numbering over 10,000 titles, May’s pamphlets and leaflets document the anti-slavery struggle at the local, regional, and national levels. Much of the May Anti-Slavery Collection was considered ephemeral or fugitive, and today many of these pamphlets are scarce. Sermons, position papers, offprints, local Anti-Slavery Society newsletters, poetry anthologies, freedmen’s testimonies, broadsides, and Anti-Slavery Fair keepsakes all document the social and political implications of the abolitionist movement.
- Cornell University Library Witchcraft Collection
- The Cornell University Library Witchcraft Collection is an online selecton of titles from the Cornell University Library’s extensive collection of materials on Witchcraft. The Witchcraft Collection is a rich source for students and scholars of the history of superstition and witchcraft persecution in Europe. It documents the earliest and the latest manifestations of the belief in witchcraft as well as its geographical boundaries, and elaborates this history with works on canon law, the Inquisition, torture, demonology, trial testimony, and narratives. Most importantly, the collection focuses on witchcraft not as folklore or anthropology, but as theology and as religious heresy.
- Cornell University Library Making of America Collection
- The Cornell University Library Making of America Collection is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. This site provides access to 267 monograph volumes and over 100,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. The project represents a major collaborative endeavor in preservation and electronic access to historical texts. The Making of America collection comprises the digitized pages of books and journals. This system allows you to view scanned images of the actual pages of the 19th century texts.
- The Friend of Man (Cornell University Library)
- Friend of Man is one of the most significant and little studied newspapers documenting early anti-slavery and other reform movements. The periodical is of special significance because with the exception of religion, scholars know little about the resources of social movements in rural areas such as Central New York, where Friend of Man was published.
- HathiTrust Digital Library
- The HathiTrust project aims to make available digitised resources from many libraries and research institutions, predominantly in the United States. Full-text is available for many resources.
- Online Resources – The State Historical Society of Missouri
- Digitised resources from the State Historical Society of Missouri. The collections include runs of two newspapers (Daily Missouri Republican, 1861-1865, and The Columbia Missourian, 1908-1922), selected volumes of the Messages and Proclamations of the Governors of the State of Missouri, as well as a wide range of resources relating to the Civil War in Missouri.
- Georgia Historic Newspapers
- Searchable issues of a variety of Georgia newspapers, largely from the 19th and early 20th centuries.