VHL readers may be interested in the following Special Seminar, to be held on Wednesday 22 February (16.00-17.30) at the Rothermere American Institute.
Inside the Workings of the American Historical Review
The American Historical Review (AHR) is often regarded as the leading history journal of the Anglophone world. Certainly it has the highest ‘impact factor’ among history journals, according to the Journal Citation Reports from Thomson Reuters, which measure how often articles are peer-cited. As the official publication of the American Historical Association, since 1895 it has been the journal of record for the history profession in the United States – the only journal that brings together scholarship from every major field of historical study. The most recent issue, for example, includes articles on piracy in the Indian Ocean, colonial governance in three frontiers of the British Empire, the understanding of ‘freedom’ in nineteenth-century Japan, and US imperialism, and an AHR Conversation on the circulation of information across time and space.
Former editors Konstantin Dierks and Sarah Knott (RAI Senior Visiting Research Fellows) will lead an informal discussion about the inner workings of the AHR, from the journal’s ambitions to its article review process to its book review practices. All are welcome.