Bodleian Libraries will be running the following workshops during week 6. Of particular relevance to VHL readers is next Friday’s session on Sources for US History.
WISER: Finding Stuff – Books etc on SOLO [Wednesday 30 May 14.00 – 14.45] – An introduction to SOLO for finding books, journal titles and other materials in Oxford libraries. The session will cover effective search techniques, placing hold requests for items in the stacks, reservations and using the SOLO eshelf and saved searches. >Book your place online
WISER: Finding Stuff – Journal Articles [Wednesday 30 May 14.45 – 16.00] – This session will focus on finding journal articles for your research using a wide range of databases as well as developing effective search strategies. There will be plenty of time for participants to try out their own searches using databases for their subject. >Book your place online
WISER: Finding stuff – Conferences [Wednesday 30 May 16.00 – 17.00] – Conference papers can be difficult to find but they are valuable because they describe cutting-edge research. This session will enable you to find out about forthcoming conferences and also to locate the published papers of proceedings which have taken place. >Book your place online
WISER: Online Sources for Historians [Friday 1 June 14.00 – 15.15] – A general introduction to the vast range of electronic resources which are available for all historical periods for British and West European history including bibliographical databases, biographical and reference research aids, e-books and ejournals, web portals and collections of online primary source materials. >Book your place online
WISER: Sources for US History [Friday 1 June 15.30 – 17.00] – An introduction to key information sources for the study of colonial America & US history. Starting with finding tools to locate material, examples of source materials will then be shown including archival, microform, printed/online collections & useful web portals & audiovisual collections. >Book your place online
Bodleian Libraries workshops – Check for the full WISER programme and for details of other training opportunities offered by Bodleian Libraries. Why not follow us on Twitter at, visit the BodWiser blog at or join our mailling list by sending an empty email to
Not a member of Oxford University? – If you are not a current member of Oxford University but would like to attend a workshop please contact Please quote your Bodleian readers card barcode number.
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