The History Faculty Library is currently running trials of three women’s history collections, two of which contain material relating to the United States. Access is available via OxLIP+ until 10 February.
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Women: Transnational Networks (until 10 Feb 2018)
Concentrates on issues at the intersection of gender and class — from the late eighteenth century to the era of suffrage in the early twentieth century — through a transnational perspective. This collection deepens the already-comprehensive coverage of European movements included in Nineteenth Century Collections Online by adding sources from the United States and other regions. The focus of this collection is on major nineteenth-century trends, topics, and events as they relate to gender, including social reform, high and low culture, transnational networks, immigration, daily life, religion, and more. > More.
A list of titles in this resource is available.
Women’s Studies Archive: Issues and Identities (until 10 Feb 2018)
Traces the path of women’s issues from past to present, pulling primary sources from manuscripts, newspapers, periodicals. It captures the foundation of women’s movements, struggles and triumphs, focus on the social, political, and professional achievements of women throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century. Topics covered: History of Feminist Theory and Activism; domestic culture; lay and ordained church women; women in industry; women’s sexuality and gender expression; women’s education; women’s movement; women’s health and mental health; women and law; women and the control of their bodies; and women’s roles and interactions within society. > More.
A list of titles in this resource is available.
The third resource is Archives Direct: Women in the National Archives (until 1 Feb 2018) – more information is available on the HFL blog.
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