VHL Update: Library to reopen at 1 pm

Following the planned closure of the Vere Harmsworth Library this morning (Monday 9th December, 2019), I am pleased to announce that the Library will reopen at 1 pm, on schedule.

As part of the RSL Decant to VHL Project 2020-21, works were carried out by the ground floor entrance of the Vere Harmsworth Library.

The following changes have been made on the Ground Floor:

  • Part of the VHL Enquiry Desk has been removed off-site, and a temporary desk has been set up.
  • Some of our services have been moved to the first island of shelves, opposite the Enquiry Desk. This includes the Reserve shelf, the Reader Comments book and stationary supplies.
  • Comfy seating area has been moved to the Ground Floor.

The morning book delivery has been cancelled, but the afternoon delivery will be still be occurring. Deliveries expected for the morning should be made available for the afternoon. Readers can return any items expected on the 9th in the afternoon. If you have any concerns about your hold requests or loans, please contact us (details below.)

We will aim to provide information on any further works in the Library via this blog, the Twitter (@vhllib) and Facebook (@vereharmsworthlibrary) accounts, and by email.

We apologise for any disruption or inconvenience caused to Readers at this time.

Further information on the proposed book moves and a title list of relegated journals and reference titles can be found in the RSL Decant Consultation documents on the VHL website. 

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email vhl@bodleian.ox.ac.uk. For further information about the RSL Decant, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at bethan.davies@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

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