Rothermere American Institute roof works update: change in expected end date

Vere Harmsworth Library readers will be aware of the current roof works taking place at the Rothermere American Institute (the building in which the library is located). The works began in July 2022, and have involved the installation of scaffolding around the building, and intermittent noise disruption for our readers.

Unfortunately, due to supply issues, the estimated end date for the works to be completed has now been moved to February 2023. Estates have stated that this timeframe is very much an estimate, and may be subject to change. The VHL will continue to be open for it’s previously advertised opening hours, until further notice. However, it is recommended that readers continue to monitor our blog, social media channels (@vhllib on Twitter and @vereharmsworthlibrary on Facebook) and our website for further updates on the expected roof works, and to help them in planning any potential visits to the library.

We would like to apologise to our readers for the delay, and thank them for their continued patience and understanding whilst the works are being completed. You can find out more background information about the works in our previous blogposts.

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email For further information about the RAI roof works, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at

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