VHL Induction Tour for New Graduates

I will be offering an induction tour of the VHL for new US Studies graduates on Thursday 13th October at 10.30am.  Come along to get an introduction to the library and resources for studying US History & Politics!

More information on graduate skills training for new History graduates can be found on the History Faculty Library’s website at: http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/history/services/training/PGtraining

History Graduate Information Fair: Wednesday 27th October

The History Information Fair for graduates will be held next Wednesday afternoon (27th October, 2-4pm) in the North Writing School at Exam Schools.

This fair is conceived as a gateway to the University’s information resources. Medieval, modern, British, European, African, Commonwealth and US history will all be addressed. Library and other professionals will have stalls where they will demonstrate and talk to you about what they have to offer. The British Library will also be represented. There will be associated talks throughout the afternoon and information about further training you can attend.

It’s really worth coming along to get advice and pointers on library resources and how to manage your research. I’ll be manning the US History stall and the Keeping up-to-date stall and will be available to answer any questions you might have on either subject.

Things to note for the new term

Welcome back to all our returning readers, and welcome to any new ones!  A couple of things to note as term gets underway:

1. Opening hours: From today we are open Monday-Friday 9am-7pm. No weekend opening until Trinity Term I’m afraid.

2. New printing/photocopying system: Over the summer, the Bodleian Libraries introduced a new system for printing, photocopying and scanning.  Payment is now handled via an online system, which is then linked to your University card.
Read more about how the new system works
How-to guides

3. Tour for new graduates: I will be running a tour of the VHL for new graduates in US Studies on Tuesday 12th October at 3pm.

Information Fair for History graduates

Wednesday, week 3 (28th October), 14.00-16.00
Exam Schools, High St

All graduates are encouraged to drop in on this fair, which is conceived as a gateway to the University’s information resources. Oxford is fortunate in having rich library and archival holdings and electronic resources. Discover where they are!

Sources for medieval, early modern & modern, British, European, African, Indian, Commonwealth and US history will all be addressed, as will History of Science & Medicine and History of Art and Visual Resources.

Library experts and academic historians will have stalls where they will demonstrate and talk to you about information resources; Oxford colleges and some of their archivists will also be represented.

OUCS will talk about IT for historians. Learn about keeping up-to-date as well as the Oxford Research Archive (ORA).

There will also be information about further training courses.

Postgraduate training days at the British Library

The British Library is running a series of training days for postgraduates during the autumn, which might interest some of you.

From their newsletter:

The days include a general introduction to the Library’s collections and
services as well as curator workshops involving materials and reference sources
relevant to the specific subject of the training day. There are limited spaces
on each day and also limited travel bursaries available so book early to avoid
disappointment. To book a place on any of the training days or to find out more
information please email highereducation@bl.uk

Social Sciences: 13 October
History (Medieval to 18th C): 4 November
History (19th-21st C): 25 November