New! Book the VHL group study spaces online

[UPDATE: room bookings can now be made at least 1 hour in advance, rather than the previous 2 hours – December 2023]

The Vere Harmsworth Library will be trialling a new online room booking system, alongside the Social Science Library and Radcliffe Science Library. 

Current University members will be able to book slots in any of the three VHL Group Study Rooms (including the Godfrey Hodgson Room). Users will be able to book up to 10 hours per week up to 10 weeks in advance. You must place your booking at least 2 hours before your booking starts. [UPDATE: this timeframe has been adjusted to 1 hour in advance – December 2023]

Screenshot of new online booking system homepage

Users of the Group Study Rooms on the 1st Floor of the Library will still need to come to the Enquiry Desk to exchange their University Card for the key to the room.

Visit our online page to check availability and place your booking here.

Please note that readers with a Bodleian Readers Card will not be able to place an online booking and should email if they are interested in booking a study room.

ANNOUNCEMENT: RAI roof works: Planned half day closure Wednesday 22nd February

[UPDATE: The planned works for this morning were completed on schedule, and the library re-opened at 1pm. We would like to thank our readers for their patience. 22/02/2023] 

The Vere Harmsworth Library will be CLOSED for the morning of Wednesday 22nd February 2023, and will re-open at 1pm the same day. 

As part of the completion of recent essential RAI roof works, the scaffolding currently in place around the RAI building entrance and main ramp needs to be removed. Estates have informed the Vere Harmsworth Librarian that the closure is required to ensure the safe removal of scaffolding material, and will block the main entrance into the RAI building.

Once removed, the entrance to the RAI building will be accessible via the ramp or the steps, as it had been prior to the scaffolding installation.

After careful consideration of the above information, and discussions with the Rothermere American Institute regarding alternative entrances, the Vere Harmsworth Librarian has agreed to close the library on the morning of Wednesday 22nd February 2023 to ensure that essential work can be completed as swiftly and safely as possible.

The library will re-open from 1pm, for our normal advertised term hours (1pm-10pm), subject to completion of the works. The Librarian will aim to update Readers on the progress of the works as soon as possible.

We will aim to provide information on any further works in the Library via this blog, the Twitter (@vhllib) and Facebook (@vereharmsworthlibrary) accounts, and by email.

We apologise for the short notice of this closure period, and for any disruption caused by this closure.

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email For further information about the RAI roof works, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at

Rothermere American Institute roof works update: change in expected end date

Vere Harmsworth Library readers will be aware of the current roof works taking place at the Rothermere American Institute (the building in which the library is located). The works began in July 2022, and have involved the installation of scaffolding around the building, and intermittent noise disruption for our readers.

Unfortunately, due to supply issues, the estimated end date for the works to be completed has now been moved to February 2023. Estates have stated that this timeframe is very much an estimate, and may be subject to change. The VHL will continue to be open for it’s previously advertised opening hours, until further notice. However, it is recommended that readers continue to monitor our blog, social media channels (@vhllib on Twitter and @vereharmsworthlibrary on Facebook) and our website for further updates on the expected roof works, and to help them in planning any potential visits to the library.

We would like to apologise to our readers for the delay, and thank them for their continued patience and understanding whilst the works are being completed. You can find out more background information about the works in our previous blogposts.

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email For further information about the RAI roof works, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at

ANNOUNCEMENT: RAI roof works: Planned half day closure this Wednesday

The Vere Harmsworth Library will be closed for the morning of Wednesday 7th September 2022, and will re-open at 1pm the same day. This closure is separate to the previously advertised full day closure on Saturday 10th September. 

As part of the ongoing essential RAI roof works, extra scaffolding needs to be installed above the main ramp, which leads to the main building entrance. Estates have informed the Vere Harmsworth Librarian that this will block the entrance into the RAI building.

Once in place, readers can resume using the ramp to access the building, under the installed scaffolding. Entry into the building will be signposted.

After careful consideration of the above information, and discussions with the Rothermere American Institute regarding alternative entrances, the Vere Harmsworth Librarian has agreed to close the library on the morning of Wednesday 7th September, 2022, to ensure that essential work can be completed as swiftly and safely as possible.

The library will re-open from 1pm, for our normal advertised vacation hours (1pm-7pm), subject to completion of the works. The Librarian will aim to update Readers on the progress of the works as soon as possible.

We will aim to provide information on any further works in the Library via this blog, the Twitter (@vhllib) and Facebook (@vereharmsworthlibrary) accounts, and by email.

We apologise for the short notice of this closure period, and for any disruption caused by this closure.

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email For further information about the RAI roof works, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at

Planned closure for RAI roof works: Saturday 10th September

The Vere Harmsworth Library will be closed on Saturday 10th September 2022 and will re-open the following Monday (12th September). 

As part of the ongoing essential RAI roof works, a temporary roof cover needs to be installed on the top of the building. This will involve the use of a crane, which will be located in the RAI car park area. Estates have informed the Vere Harmsworth Librarian that pedestrian access to the RAI building will not be allowed whilst the crane is on site, and access to the car park via the South Parks Road entrance will be blocked off.

Once in place, the temporary roof will allow the builders to complete their full plan of works, and access to the building can resume once the crane has been removed. The expected removal day for the crane will be either the Saturday 10th or Sunday 11th September, depending on completion of works.

After careful consideration of the above information, the Vere Harmsworth Librarian has agreed to close the library on Saturday 10th September, 2022, to ensure that essential work can be completed as swiftly and safely as possible.

The library will re-open from Monday 12th September, for our normal advertised vacation hours (9am-7pm), subject to completion of the works. The Librarian will aim to update Readers on the progress of the works as soon as possible.

We will aim to provide information on any further works in the Library via this blog, the Twitter (@vhllib) and Facebook (@vereharmsworthlibrary) accounts, and by email.

We apologise for any disruption or inconvenience caused to Readers at this time.

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email For further information about the RAI roof works, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at

Rothermere American Institute roof works update: Scaffolding

[UPDATE: Please see our most recent blogpost for an update on the expected end date for the works – updated 7th December 2022]

Scaffolding required for essential remedial work to the internal structure of the Rothermere American Institute (RAI) roof, is expected to be delivered on Wednesday 20th July, 2022. Scaffolding will then be erected on the south facing side of the building (facing Mansfield College and the Princess Margaret gardens), on Friday 22nd July. 

Access into the building will be maintained and signposted throughout the project and the VHL will remain open as advertised with normal library services in operation.

Readers will experience disruption with the installation of the scaffolding. Noise levels from this work will be short term, intermittent and frequent throughout. Scaffolding on the south side of the building will mostly affect the mezzanine area, and it is recommended that readers avoid sitting in this area.

Access into the building will be maintained and signposted throughout the project and the VHL will remain open as advertised with normal library services in operation.

Please note that the VHL will continue to provide earplugs at the VHL enquiry desk.

We apologise for any inconvenience and disruption caused to our readers. We will aim to provide up to date information on expected works as soon as possible, in order to help readers to plan their research. We will continually meet with the contractors and University Estates to pass on any reader feedback, and work together to help reduce disruption whenever possible.

You can find out more background information on the roof works in our initial blogpost. 

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email For further information about the works, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at

Rothermere American Institute roof works, commencing July 4th 2022

[UPDATE: The estimated end date for the roof works has been delayed, and is now estimated to be completed by February 2023 (subject to change). Read our most recent blog post for more information – updated 7th December 2022]

[UPDATE: The erection of the scaffolding has been delayed, and is now expected to be installed from the week commencing 18th July 2022. We apologise for any inconvenience – updated 11th July 2022] 

University Estates needs to undertake essential remedial work to the internal structure of the Rothermere American Institute (RAI) roof. It is estimated the work will take up to 22 weeks to complete: from w/c 4th July 2022 up to and including w/c 28th November 2022 (week 8 of Michaelmas Term) [Note: the estimated end date for the roof works has now been updated – see UPDATE at the top of the page.] The majority of the work is scheduled during the summer months to reduce the impact on as many readers as possible and we will work closely with University Estates to mitigate the level of disruption to library users. Access into the building will be maintained and signposted throughout the project and the VHL will remain open as advertised with normal library services in operation.

Noise levels should not be too disruptive in the w/c 4th July when the construction area will be set up and secured. Part of the preparations will involve moving the bicycle racks to the grassy area behind the Archaeology building, where they can still be used by VHL readers.

It is expected that scaffolding will be erected around the RAI building from Monday 18th July 2022. Noise levels from this work will be short term, intermittent and frequent throughout. [NOTE: the date of expected scaffold installation has been updated – see UPDATE at the top of the page] 

Please note that the VHL will continue to provide earplugs at the VHL enquiry desk.

We apologise for any inconvenience and disruption caused to our readers. We will aim to provide up to date information on expected works as soon as possible, in order to help readers to plan their research. We will continually meet with the contractors and University Estates to pass on any reader feedback, and work together to help reduce disruption whenever possible.

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email For further information about the works, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at


Building works outside the Rothermere American Institute, 21st June 2022

[UPDATE: The excavation works have been completed. We would like to thank readers for their patience and understanding. 17/06/2022]

Essential excavation works will be occurring outside the perimeter of the Rothermere American Institute building, on Tuesday, 21st June, 8am-5pm. There will be minimal and intermittent disruptive noise from the works.

University employed contractors will be required to perform excavation works around the RAI building. The VHL and RAI were informed that this work will be occurring on Tuesday 21st June, starting at 8am, and expecting to finish at 5pm. The works will involve intermittent drilling, and there will be some noise disruption, which will be kept to a minimum level throughout.

The works will not affect access into the RAI building, and the VHL will remain open as advertised.

It is recommended that readers avoid sitting near the windows, particularly on the north side of the library. Readers are also welcome to ask for earplugs, which are provided for free at the enquiry desk.

We apologise for the short notice, and for any inconvenience or disruption caused to readers.

If you have any further questions about working in the Vere Harmsworth Library, please ask at the Information Desk, or email For further information about the works, email Bethan Davies, VHL Librarian at

Wednesday 13th November: Library open with limited services continues

Following the leak and shut-down of electrics in the RAI and VHL on Sunday and Monday, I am pleased to announce that we have partial power restored to the Library.

Electricians have been able to restore power to the ground floor of the Library. This includes the Reader PCs, PCAS Machines and the service desk.

Work will be continuing on the electrical works for the 1st and 2nd Floors, which is hoped to be completed in the early morning (7:30-10am).

We hope for full power to be restored on Wednesday morning, but will make a further announcement tomorrow.

The Library will be open between 9am and 5pm. If lighting is restored to the higher levels, the Library may remain open until 7pm, dependent on the decision of the Librarian.

  • If the lighting remains off, then none of collections on the open shelves on the 1st and 2nd Floor will be accessible due to lack of lighting. A staff fetching service from open shelf collections will operate during this time.

You can follow us on Twitter for any further updates and if you need to speak to a member of library staff, please contact the Bodleian’s Main Enquiry Desk on 01865 (2)77162.

Many apologies for the continued disruption.

Announcement: VHL Library Closed

The Vere Harmsworth Library is closed from today (Sunday 10th November, 2019) and all day Monday (11th November 2019.)
This is due to a leak which requires the electronics of the RAI Building (and therefore the VHL Library) to be shut down.
Updates on the situation will be provided via:
Queries regarding library access can be passed to the Bodleian’s Main Enquiry Desk on 01865 (2)77162.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.